The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 09, 1899, Image 3

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golt Tbla Mnrh-Drndrd WiltarTu!
Can Ba Robbed of Borne of Ita
Worst Tarrora.
Similar School Lcaaoa la tbe Interna
Hanoi srrlra forFebraarjr lit,
INOU-Joha 617-2T.
(Specially Arranged from 1'elou bet's Notas.
GOLDEN TEXT. -This la Indeed the
Chrtal, tho Saviour of the world. John
THE SECTION Include the whole chap
ter, the miracle nt Iti t! u, and the tils-
couraes s rowing out of It.
Jesus was accustomed to go up to
Jerusalem to tlie feast of the Passover.
It is probable that the feust referred to
in Vi 1 was the Passover, ami that
Butchering hogt haa many disagree- Jesus, in common with many of His
,ble feature, hut some of these, par- countrymen, went up from lialilee to
licularly the lifting of the hogs before Jerusalem to celebrate it. On th- Snb-
,ull after dressing, cn be robbed of bath, tiietl walking around the city,
unpj of their objections by having a He came to the pool of Hethosda. where
fonveuient arrangement for scalding, ere a large number of sick people un- j
Kraptaf cleuniug und hanging. One der the porticos by the pool, waiting
irrangeuient for lightening labor in for a peculiar movement of the water,
tall way 19 sJiowu in the accompanying which occasionally bubbled up In a
Illustration. The farm sled can be used mysterious way for a brief time, and
II the scraping platform (b). The then subsided. It was here thai Jesn
raiding vat (a) may be any large bar- ,,n the Sabbath wrought a cure for an
rej which will hold water. Securely Invalid of 38 year, pointing him and all
block aud brace it ao that it will not (he sick who heard thereof to a beltei
be ilisplnced in putting the hog in and source of healing, a real fountain of
taking It out. In the Iron kettle (c) the health for body and for soul. Iiethesda
water Is heated. The hog is killed and itself would leud to the Messiah. The
drawn along the side of the scraping fact that Jesus had wrought this mir-
platform opjosite the iron keltle In- nele on the Subbath. and had bidden
ttead of lifting the carcass onto the the man carry his bed on that holy day.
platform by hand, lnaike use of the aroused the opposition of the l'hari
jiivotal lever attached to the post (tf).' sees.
Jesus Works, as Mis trainer Works
Vs. 17, 13. "My father worketh hither
to:" or until now. For six days, the
Lord was making Heaven and earth,
these days being Divine days of long
I (juration, ami enaingwua me creation
i of man. Hut God had not been inac
tive. He has continued the necessary
operations of nature, and has been
working for the redemption of man.
both of which are Sabbath labors. He
works thus until now. "And I work:"
Jesus was doing by His works of
mercy exactly what (loo has been do
ing the whole of His Sabbath rest.
18, "Therefore the Jews sought the
more:' They have HOW a second rea
son for their persecution. "To kill
Him:" Nothing less than tills would
do for them. They could have no peace
fo long; as such a man lived. Nothing
less could keep Him from teaching
thinga opposed lo their traditions. "Be
cause lit- not only had broken llie Salv
btatb:' Not so much the law in any
particular case as annulling the law
ami duty of SabbnJh observance. "But
said also:" Claiming equality with
Cod. w hich was opposed to the Jewish
Interpretation of the Divine unity, but
not. against real unity,
Jesus the Roveulcr f tin- Father.
V. 20. "Shewoth lltm nil things:" We
have dim visions of (lod's plana ns we
look through the windows of Ills proph-
ets. Lilt we arc no: goo,; enougn, nor
I wise enough, nor j ... sued of Djinrls
large enough to understand all of God's
ways wilh man. any more (ban a blind
man can comprehend ail that the eye
! can see, or a savage in his native wilds
I can be made to know tho wonders if
civilization, of literature, ati ai d si l
ence. But to Jesus God can reveal h1)
! these things. MAfid He will (hew lllm
greater works (ban iheset" Such as
! tin- healing of the impotent man at
lictheada. and IBs oil,- r n Irncli bj even
What MM Wonld Wrt.
"And when we aie Buu rieu7 r:iU the
beautiful young girl lo whom the ugt-d
mililonnire hud just propond. "w ill you
give me everything 1 want?"
"Everything, my charmer," replied
the old man in an ecst::sy of delight at
this Intimation that ahe would surren
der; "everything that you can isle"
"if I could believe y u." .-lie said,
doubtfully. "1 would no; bssitatea min
ute. "
"Why should yon dot !t me?" he
"Oh. because of the cl urncterot the
I. QUOSt I would tnnkr," she answered.
"You mean well, hut I'm afraid you
might back out. You see, I he tirst thing
1 should ask after marri ge would be
for n divorce und aUnooi y." Chicago
List St Uraad Jurori draws f,,r lha iv.nrt ni
oyefij and Terminer asd (MDeral I'll delivery j
niiuiMiir' in ij.nnri s.-svimm ,,r n ,,i
dajrdee oonnt held at K b Term, commencing
Two (laliler..
Mrs. Newma Oh, I wls!i you coulil
see Mrs. Winkler's baby, it's perfectly
lovely! Such u delicute, sweet little
creature as it is! It's a perfect little
cherub, with the loveliest eyes, the
sweetest little mouth, the CUnningeat
little nose, and eyes of heavenly blue.
It looks as if 1t just dropped from Heu
cn and every tiny feature had been
fashioned by the angels.
Mr. Newma Is it as niceasourbaby?
Mrs. Newma Meroyl no, not half.
N. Y. Weekly.
Place a chain about the hind legs of I
the hog, hook the short end of the lever 1
into this chain and the hog is lifted
cosily. The post (d) la equally distant
from the platform (b) and posts (g. b
and f).
Afler the hogs linvc been scalded and
nil the hair removed put them in the
gamlprrls- and wilh the lever lift them
from the scraping platform am! swing
tbetn around so they can be hung upon
the cross bars in posts (g. band f). A
lot of heavy lifting is thus avoided. The
rross bars can lie made so that they will
turn around on n pivot in the direc
tion of the arrows. This i accom
plished by boring a IV, -inch hole !n (be
top of the poat. Die forcross bm four
by four cnii properly narrowed al lb
outer ends. Cross these on top of the I
DOItS, bore a 1 1 ?.-inch hole in 1 he middle '
of the Intersection and secure them in
place by means of nn iron pin which
fits into the (t.-inch hole in (he cross
pieces and the post. Fasten the cross
ann? logeUier, nod a Bret-class, cheap
pivotal arrangement for hanging bog -is
the result. With this device and th
iever there is absolutely no necessity
for benvy lifting. If one does nol care
:o cp to the trouble of arranging t! e
cro-t nrirs so that (hey will turn (hey
can be securely fastened to the ten of
the po-;. or. better s'.Ilt, mortim s made
iit-n r t':e top and "lie cross pieces fitted
irtn (hem: Orei ireJndd Farmer.
No .-ti tl.-iunu.
"Did I understand you to say that
dress you admired so much to-day was
a dream?" Inquired Mr. limokehart.
"Yes." answered his wife, hopefully.
"Well." he proceeded very kindly,
"you keep your mind on it when you
g-o to sleep to-night, and maybe you
will dream one of your own.'' Wash
ington Slar.
Two of a Klad,
Husband (at the breakfast table)
Oh. for some of the biscuits my mother
used to make!
Wife (sweetly) I'm sorry yon
haven't got tbem, dear. Tliey would
be just, about stale enough by tlii
time to go well with that remark.
Chicago Daily News.
She I, :til lllm out.
Williamson 1 bear that Jagtrmn was
m drunk last night that several of
you fellows bad to take him home on
a shutter. Dill his wife think lie was
Henderson She must have. She was
certainly laving him nut when we left.
Hatletn Life,
Lesson of Experience,
Mr. Bpriggina (gently) My dear, a
Washington nan. wnsahot at by a hur-p-lar.
and his lf wo saved by n button
which the bullet struck,
Mrs. Spriggli s Well, what of It?
Mr. Sprlgglns (meekly) -- Nothing,
Otly th button must have been on.
X. Y. Wei kly.
.. FalufjD Ovevsient.
"Weren't you i!. rilled. Clementine,
whin Lady Macbeth came out wllli
that I'orrlbla spot of blood on hei
"Yes; wnn't i: nwftil? I couldn't
help wishing she Ian! worn rubber
(ill IHDdl
KaSjH. iieetiru'lnn.
Aitinarr, wintain li rn-i
It, .icy, Jsckaou,
anil, .lull., II.,
II . k'lMiri, llavlil,
IMIjf, Can, Cirpnter,
il " , r. Joiui If., s.iti,')i" ,
Burs, Isaac, Jti . lea r.rino i
; Mlir. I III, . IJ 'tub i,nii,,
(luUSlH.''O , IV cnvr,
laiss, A. in. mi K. t iriner,
li -hti AllxU, '
n .1- , , 'i.u , .ii.i
!i( n r, II ii .. - ,-
iierrou, p,viit u
.1 .W Jaffa ,
KeltHi ft- r, A . Ill
w IUhui J. cm
K' ilf, A: .! i-w, I.;
h n; , Mk ' ."' . r
Muyer. WtiH io a , (
OSlt. .liilni A . V -hi r,
K'lyecsiin-, loan W
Wagner, Uaro', txt
Walter, .1 ihu, Blai kinlt!i,
PITtT M !:
HA It "l III .turn -
i liiunioi' fi -., ait
PU 'v t: I, t) i- :i I
.1 .11 U( livt ri ,,; S '
t'ebrttar Term, nom-nen
Niuue. OoOUjSlil
ArbOrai, ii. ft i k, :'
Aursutl, ueorge R
Benler, IMlilel, Bswyer
UllitfilUIAQ r'fed, i ill! I ui 11
Bowerso., Jeny, Parmer,
Coleman, Willliuu II., JuUli
Dlebl, n ii linn. i. b a er,
Garaian, Uusl i a
! Sardt, IcTrO, I'linnt- ,
Dili fit. it, (XiUitcarmaker,
i, oss, John u , Ltboier,
Orsyblll, Bpbraini 0, Uentlems
Ueadrluks, Jobs s.. Laborer,
ti Irluks, ,i"ini it . Parmer,
l in r.. lobn ii., Ltbon-r,
tlsnki nbunr, Milton, Tliruslier,
Hoot, it inry p., k.u mer,
Msaslnger, It. K . "
lliiiipi James, Uaborer,
I iiLrtiini, cii.iile, Paruier,
Killer, Darld, Laborei ,
Kuppler. John, Parmi i ,
Kessler, B. 0 , tetk,
Knepp, n i rj . Phi iner,
Knupp, v llllalu, III icam
Kramer, Jacol , Pwrmei ,
L 'tiley, James, "
Leaker, John n , studeni .
Ludwisr, Jorepb a.. Pumur,
Martin, William,
Maloaey, John.Uemtemai .
Haneval, George l.. Lubuie;
.ai tier. .1,8., Uv rym ui,
Rlegle.tlobn Hn Mason,
nine, Oeorge r. Morebanr,
Kmv, t in rea .. I. M 1. 1,
Miett ly.Jobn, s udent,
, B a(rler, j. m., Utttorer,
Baook, Willi in, a., k.i mer,
Bofenee, abwlom, Ag at,
9 ij.iet, H inry IV Partner,
I BaMMUtiau, O.inlel, J 't
; staW, i: i) j. . in (.,
si too. yratik II., Ptfttnnsler,
-tioun, A'i:,-t!i it., Parmer,
I s-r up. qharli i ,
I VToMlruft John r Teaeber,
! If wii ii if, Jjames. Laborer,
ralen K
t'enire j
Wssbuigtool B
Bellnsgrove 4
r tin V
Biiriog j
ikktlecreek I Y
m . r i ire ; V
u i: aver n
CbaptKiili 1
Vasli'i Hon
W :. nve'rl A
Se.i!i-r.- tj
WeM Best i
i. BfllusRiove A
Spring, V
Wo1 ioe B
rnsrii I - tti" (I nn I of
i if-u .ii. r 8ealnnn i in I
l'l I, n.-t.ll ,
h' i es
i uurj'
r , ISM.
ieni-1 .
A I . 'us
it Pen
a- iver
w isUleition
a lam
Bprtn y
MM llobi ;
W.e illllC
ricl t hy.I1a.ppy G iris
often, Ftoiti no apparent
Ciusc, become l&nguul and
despondent in the early- days
of their womanhuod They
dTeg ilotig always tiTed.
never hongry, bTeathleii
and with a palpitating
hear After slight exertiie
o that merely to vvalk
up s'iirs ii exhausting,
iom-'iin-ics a shon. dry- cough
leadi to the fe&T that they
are "going into coniumption"
They are an.nmu;. doc
tors tell them, vihich means
that vhey have too little
blood Are you like that? Have -you too little blood?
Move ansmic people have been made strong. hungTy.
eneroetic men and viomen bv the use of Dr Williams'
PinK Pills foT Pale People than by any othtT means They
are the best tonic in the world.
Miis Lain Btevens, of Gssport Niagara Co., n. y., had Imtti n very
hCslthj Kill until about a vrar iiko, when she grew weak and pule. She
lout hrr appetite, was ns tirnl in the mumiiiK ns on rrtirinK. mill lost flesh
until she became bo emaciated that her frieads hardly knew her. The doc
tors declared the dUeaaa inasmla, and gave her up lo die. a physician
whu w.ia visiting in ii. is;, I. it prevailed upun her to try Dr. Williams' pink
Pills for Pule People, Shedldso, and wss benefited stoace. she is now
well sad itrong the vety picture of health. Buffalt (,v. I'.) Cturitr.
Ttie Jenuine are sold only in p&ikoget.. the wr&riptT
alwAyi, bet-rtnet the full name. Fot b.le by s drorj
dists or sent , postpaid, by the Dr Williamb Medicine
Company, Schenectady . N V., on receipt or price, fifty
tents per bo BooK of cures free on request.
hi i
C niie
Mil, ' tm m -'
: i,i,ii'', k I
Putin '
Jiiekxnii R
Mi n',e
IV, r,
We-I BtlttVVI j
lie r
Mi idle, rt , k
nr, partner
as BBata-
ls. c;i 5; "i1 THK unit:
Tl.o ate: I ,Vn rmtn Li 0
Good wotershoultl be free from color,
:.: t.i or aou tuvt
:i!"'',;1 a latlicr
I'Of wi.i-r.:-,; Windows put Q f.-w drops
of nmroWi iu on n pl-.-ee ,f p:i- er, nni ii
wll readil.v take oT every i pot or fii it
mai l: on (he flats.
A X '-.v 'Knjittoil pentleman tilaima
that sMuglee laid In whltevrasb
last twice tts Kftj; an if (Uey hkd not
bei p : : alt i! vvi! Ii the lime.
in ri mier large pieces oi wo .-. ;
ble, bury them in sawdust, and pour
lici!i:,;r Water Uppri tht wm. A lonf.
narrow 1k is best for this purpose.
IVben the face of ft hammer becomes i
Dneren, so (bat it is difficult to drive a
aail true with it. put the face to n ;;: inil
tope awhile and tbe defect will heover-.
in remedj n wet cellar already built.
ink u channel nearly a fool i!i,; en
tirely around, close to fle wall, and lay
a course of drain tiles in (be bottpin,
trhlch will cut nit nil water veins, und
thus render the cellar quite dry.
Sometimes it is necceasarjr to paper
over sheds of tin. In that event aud
"Id angar or molasses in large propor-j
tiun to tbe paste. It will be found ren
irally effectual. Western Plowman.
renti r n
ill ad. t.i chanjjj i
.eon, of n new !
thi y could I," hi
would not belle
ralghl lead to f,
r i,
ratseth up the
Fa ' i
with the Path
bave (his p w
slio'.v you
everyone "
with a rec
BTveis t
pn in of 1 1 re s u 1 1 1 ti
I'M IMM'll'
H , ...-!. . ' ', T. .. V j I ha
B0rVttlA f ,,,a
HE delights of ;'i cwnin ; spent around r, well-lighted read-
. .i.t . ... i. -ir ! ... i - - j ... i. i. ii i.
. ' ,s ' ' 'c uui i . ioti. mi illustrated magazine
i j with its wealth of illustrations, its stories of adventure and
love, its descriptions of travel which carry yoti to the remotest
ends of the earth, and its instructive article i for young and old these
are the first requisites for your own enjoyment and tL' entertainment
an 1 proper education of your children,
'To secure for you the best and most interesting f he great llltts.
(rated magazines at the lowei pi iible ice has Iven tin aimi '
editor of this journ.:!. 1
I . ' : i ,
: . ;
en '.
" i
. "
. v.
every one may obtain
. It shall erven to
h tretl :" attenfls to
i th d, "My von!, and
bellevcth on Him thai sent Me: Ac
cepts lllm from his heart as His Father,
and Teacher CCd Lord, inul comniit!.
blmw if unto lira to obey ftim and re
ceivethe messengi : De baa sent "Hath
everlasting life:" It la already impart
ed to bid, the new life the Heavenly
life that never ends, has begun in bis
soul, that life which nothing can de
stroy, which endures beyond tbe
grave, and grows fuller and richer u:
the ages roll on.
.feses Our .Judge. Like the Father.
Vs. l'j. Z7. 22. "For the Father yudgeth
no man:" Jadgeth no nun directly,
lie has transferred this duty to the Son
27. "Hath given Uim authority to
The word for an-
ihoritv includes both authority and
power. He is to be the judpe day by
day and at the great Day of Judgment
at the end of the world. "Heeause Be Is
the (ora) Son of man:" P.einga Son of
man. a representative man. one who
has a feeling for our Infirmities, and
who was "in all point! tempted like as
shall i e report ed. I
me? Meggendorfci
irt d cheroui,
h Vour Inaolejjue
nt dare yon ii: nit
's Blaetter.
SI, in ,- Doaklalat fur Ilnrnn.
In bankinff m acainst the walls of
basement barns, and especially in build- j execute judgment
11' up a passageway to tho entrance,
then Is 1 ways strong temptation to
use stones piled in loosely as a basis,
Ahere stnnr are over plentiful on the
:jrnv Vet this usually proves n mis
fake. Hats will invariably elTect s
lodgementamongsuch stones, and they
will in I im , ,,rl. t Ii r, nifrli into t hp hfl rn
T " ...... ... . c t ,
it.. -,i .... i in i. .t: i v.p lire. M-i Miiiiuui mil . ', , i . " , "
uatecoent, lies ides, ruins will w.isli tin-.
among the stones, and it will require
eonatanl attention everj- year to Keep
fl'e passage way so that loaded wagons
ean be driven over it.
Past-tValklna; I'e.rni Doraas.
There is a large t'ifferenee in the
Imount of work done in a year by a
'ast walking horse and cue that is slow.
If a team trawls -0 miles a day. and an
fifhrr team goes 23 miles in t lie same
I Una, it nrakt s R tlilTcrcnce of 1.500 miles
be our judge, and we can reCOgnilM that
fitness and see how kindly as Well as
jusitly lie will judge us.
Gtrapea feoas Oaaaaa,
A good conscience is the best ormcr
against calumny.
No treasure was ever stolen frrtn th
Efeoveniy trust deposit.
(iod never loses anything.
Krror is truth twisted by the devil.
Cant carries no conviction.
fur nrrri working days in a year. When I Conscience without Chr:. is a sun
plowing or cultivating a large field a' dial without the run.
team will travel from 15 to 2! miles a I Vo" cannot be crooked with men and
'lay- ami the difference of a mile or two : atraighl wilh Clod
is an important item d'tring the busy Blessing comes from doing what we
"aoi:. There is room for a fa?t-walk- don't wain to do for Christ's salte.
ing breed of horres. Ham's Hern.
Evidence nf tlia Troth,
Hicks Bowem bai been telling me
some of his war experiences,
Wicks Aud I suppose you believe a!!
his yarns.
Hicks Oh, yes; (bey were ao uninter
esting I'm sure they must be true.
Boston Transcript.
Coaslns im,i GoIbat,
Mrs. Crimaonbeak There's been a
steady Stream of nu n going into that
aloon nearly all day long.
Mr. Crimaonbeak -I don't suppose it
was ii very steady string coming out,
Yonkera state: man,
An Infallible Method.
Professor (lecturing on precious met
als) What i the eaaleat way of deter
mining Whether an object consists of
gold or silver?
Student Try to pawn it! Flie'ende
Mr. Rlwell Isn't it strange, but true,
nevertheless, that tbe biggest fools al
ways marry the prettiest girls?
Mrs. Klwcll- l'l,. now, gt) on, you flat
terer. Londt in Judy.
Ilcstaurant Guest Everything you
have brought rue is stone cold.
Polite Waiter Here is the mustard
and pepper, ir. Illustrated American.
Ttji- Bffeeta of War.
Johnny (underneath) I've got er
nufi'! Let me up will yerf
Eddie (on top) If yerTI gimme ycr
Jckknife an' ten marbles fer an in
demnity, I'll declare peace Puck.
a vermeil sa- ,
I ill huiii's" nTiocs is ii ;)'.' BmUI
I voj age afoot, For tho pleas
ure it. jive., tbero'a no fail
like our mill;. Crowds ar
enjoying it, and securing the
1 j-relticst, COOlest'and best lit-
, ting Sumuaer shot s now man
afactureti, at pri'-cs whicli
buyeis l! iid ir a pleagnrt- to
pay. Fot houHc or siieet
wear, pleasure or every-day
practioal parpoaes, walking,
riding, or driving, we suiiv
tho ideal shoes demanded !;.
fashion and the dictates ot
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims yo'ir hands,
by all means surrender yom
feet to llipse shoes.
Cr, H. GlflN, W
K. m Potticgcf,
eteiNARY sUrcecN.
Al! pi-oesslonnl ImslncsH eatrusled to niy c ire
will rieelve prompi caref il attention.
': existing ' . '
Co mi -""Mil v hose enterprise is always in the lead in advancing the.
world's civilization.
vVe !,;
connection with this journal and Th Cosmopolil n.
r.-i n ir v inlf.i i h ; i i ' ii!ik(-i
viih your home paper, pioba lyl 10
in connection
Hung in a household lor every houseUOi I, m I
keeping of accounts. The only thorough system oi S
in Bookkeeping U the "Ellis." ii i.- not only ;i . . pi
but with ii, neatly put up in a box, go sales-book, cash-! ex
ledger, bill-heads, statements, bank-book, bills payable ..i
cetvable, checks, remitting dook and every conceivaoii ippiianc
beginning and carrying on the business ol the farm, i. Dp,
manufactory or the store. Wore people fail in businei b cause i
io not k'ep their accounts straight than fioin any other cat .
Farmers and mechanics, husbands and wives, students ; pr
iional men, young and old, rich and poor, all need some hi owled
tills re-
accounting, by the "bins b'.suin tins is easily ..
.lume study.
The cheapest price at which this L sold at retail 1
rem Michigan unpaid), but Th i ( losmoj i litan In
thousands of sets so that it may offer them ii taken
wilh this paper and The Cosmopolitan
HI! Three Togetl
One other opportunity we offer ; u".
with metropolitan life, 1 irough lh( m
Thrice-a-VVeek World of New :
is a marvvllous fund of knowled
day. Each issue contain ': to
over eight thousand column
days this would have co t y
by-itself. Now you can l.ave i
home paper and The O smopoiii
j mrviijii
r5 (express
ised n;;inv
I 'enrineTm u4 Seuraloia curoil by nr.
'i.M' lAIN l'lbU. "On.! cunt a dose."
ariairtA trtnlninqfncllv cnrril hv
49riat:HilL Dr. MlkV Nerve dustcro.
If .;'
n p
it J
for this vear