The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 02, 1899, Image 8

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About 2G3 r33 OvBrsoats
Are Priced within Reach of all.
$4 00 Overcoats now 2.98
00 Overcoats now 5.90
? 3 03 Overcoats now 5.98
$10 Overcoats now 6 85
$20 Overcoats now 13 90
Market Square,
SI i
Tlij Paaoo Oorrespondance Placed
Eo&re the Lawnrihers.
Oar SnliHoqncnt Dcmnna For Control
. ;' Whole Island Was Made by
1 iHslotl ,
itor ri
n. Jan. 31,
nt tn the i
n file in 1 I
The president
nate the corn
if depart
; irlng upon the peace treaty,
i r 1 it was read in the executive sea-
i orreapondence was lent in
r o to the resolution Introduced
itor Hoar, and Includes most o(
1 iters .itnl cablegrams from the
comi iRslonera tn the president and
from the president t the commission
ers ,n the tvav "f Instruction! in re
turn. The documents are numerous,
as tb 'ere telefrrams, letters and re
pott!" l.ii almost "'very day the com
inlcstoners were in Paris, one of the
flret rrams from the president In
itruc .i horn to demand the cession of
l a m Island only of the Philippines,
and mill them that full sovereignty
nh.'iiui come with it.
'ill- principal Interest nmont: the
senai rs attached to the president's In-
strui ii..ns in insist upon the cession of
(ho Island of Luzon, and after that In
the decision to take the entire sroup
of tsl in Is. This latter development ap
peara from the correspondence to be a
growth, and thp suggestion was made
by the commissioners to the president
as Ui.' result of occurences at Hans
aft'"- 'lie arrival there of the commis
sioners, in his dispatch concerning
Luzon he said there wius but one al
ternative The United States musi
either take the island and assume
sovereignty or return It to Spain, and
of the two courses he preferred the
Spain was from the first unwilling ti
ed" cny, of the Philippines, and she
made (Special objection to lettinR go of
Luton alone. The commissioners, with
Hie exception of Senator dray, urped
tliat to take Luzon and leave the other
islands of the archipelago In the hands
of the Spaniards would be to Invite in-
numerable complications) with other
nations, and especially with Spain.
.Much stress was laid upon the proba
bility of future trouble with Spain.
:';i Luzon under American adminw
i rat ion there would soon he such a
iaB( mninvoment, they wrote, that the
other Islanders would soon prow more
and more rebellious, and with Spain's
nppl BBlve methods of government we
would rcon asain llnd that we had an
ok.T nntaa at another door. Further-
none, i here would he constant nlihus-
terlng, and we should find ourselves
spending millions to preserve a state of
....nirnlHv lust as we did in the case
if Cul a prior to our declaration of war
.mint of that isiand. tn'nsrSU
r testimony on this point
.Hied and was made the reason laar
niu ii of the argument In favor of fcefc-
inir the entire srrOUO,
The president does not appear to fcSFb
:.r.v time aiven explicit ins:
etnsnmmatp the bargain by
th- Philippines, but rather.
n full .YnUnntlnn. to
l''Jlli'B ' . .
the matter to the dlacretloa ti HK SSC
jnlssion .rs. ..
We now begin the most vomlerful price cutting sale of line Clothing known to
Men's Suite and Overcoats, end alt Ouildren's Suits and Overcoats will be re-pric3d
cases one-half of their former price.
during this sale, and we will make evci effort to make
goods must he sold, why not do i' qviek?
44i cr
fT u. ,.'.i,.T ' r&trr- -
The entire controversy was practl
cally over th" Philippines and the ques
tlon i f assuming responsibility for the
payment of the Bpanish bonds for
which 'lie Cuban n venues were pledg
ed. 'I'lc Spaniards from the first In
slBted upon an indemnity for the Phil
ippines, and the correspondence shows
thai after the proposition to pay $20,
i '.i 1 v it made i!..- negotiations pro
ceed il i uch more smoothly and wi re
si. i ti brought to a close.
The American commissioners appear
to have in en of one mind as to the wis
dom of taking over all the Philippines
with the exception of Benator Gray,
v. in., notwithstanding he signed the
treaty, held out to the last against the
p. '11, y i.f acquiring these Islands. In
niu' notable dispatch be pleaded seal
nusly against the policy as unpatriotic,
un-American and Inconsistent with
probity and good statesmanship.
Alter a brief debate the senate re
fused to print the correspondence.
Mr. Porter to Disburse the 811,000,
OOOOomes Disgruntled.
Havana, Jan, SI. President McKin
ley is understood to have empowered
)ohort I'. Porter to arrange for the I
disbursement of $3.000. out) among tha
Cuban soldiers. Mr. Porter will prob
ably go with Senor (lonzales I)e cjue
sada to Remedies to meet General
Maximo Gomel to persuade the Cuban
commander-in-chief to disband his
forces and to lend Us Influence to the
United States military administration.
Dr. Castillo, who returned from
Remedies yesterday after a two days'
visit with General Gomes, says the lat
ter is much hurt by what he regards ns
American neglect of his authority and
rights, and is determined not to advise
his soldier! to go home penniless.
jomez purposes coming Into the neigh
borhood soon, and will review the Cu
ban troops at Marianao. though the
dale has not yet been tixed.
There is some doubt whether he and
the other military chiefs will accept
the 13,000,000, no matter what other
favorable conditions mav be offered.
To Repine Our Manila volunteer.
Washington, Dec. 13. The war de
partment has neun in earnest ine re-
ief of the volunt. er troops now sfation
(1 at Manila by regulars. Yesterday
afternoon Secretary Alger signed an
order designating for this purise six
regiments of t'nited States Infantry
out of eight herd in reserve for service
in sub-tropical countries. They will go
forward to Manila as soon as trans
udation can be provided. The vol
unteers in Manila will be retired in the
order in which they reached that cltjr.
(iencrnl ISIvern Arrlre.
New York, Dec. 13. Among the pas-
sengers on tne irrencn uner ua i nam
panne, which arrived from Havre yes
terday, was (Jeneral Klus Hlvera, of
the ruban army, who has been a pris
oner In Spain for nearly a year. Gen
eral Hlvera was greeted by his wife,
General Tomas Kstrada Palma and a
few other well known Cubans. Since
his liberation from life Imprisonment
General Hlvera has partly recovered hU
l business autraMed UMpSjf
will receive l.rouipt Ktten'b 11.
More M?n's Suits
Are Remarked in Plain Figures.
$4.00 Suits now 2.93
6.50 Snits now 4.98
S3 00 Suits now 5.90
$10.00 Suits now 7.85
the KnnLnY rvjroflr raud.
j. i?. nridce, ofUouton, Bfad "Oowlsur
DemonHtrntlou or the Tricks."
Boston, .fan. "1. J. It. Hndge, of this
city, whose natce appeared in connec
tion with that ' f 'l arles S. Hill in an
alleged expos of the Keely motor se
cret, and who r is accused in a state
ment Issued by 'i'. P. Klnrald, who was
supposi .1 tn bd the sole possessor of the
late Inventor's re, ret, of breach of
faith, yesterday made a reply to Mr.
Klnrnld, in which be stated that the
knowledge of the fraud was Impa'-'e.i
to him without solicitation or nxiaest,
and that lie made no promise Of secrecy
und was under no obligation to keep
silent. Mr. Bridge says:
"in addition to the evidences of fraud
which I Baw in Mr. Keely'a laboratory
In Philadelphia I also h ive seen clnee
Mr. Keely'a death the most Important
of the experiments performed by Mr.
Klnrald himself. Mr. Klnrald told both
Mr. Hill and myself that the plain evi
dences of fraud covered every experi
ment done by Mr. Keely, and as we
had had ocular demonstrations of the
tricks we could not doubt the state
ment. "I have been besieced by people who
wanted to buy Keely motor stock and
by others who wished to unload their
stork, until I finally decided that I was
coming dangerously near condoning a
fraud, and I urged Mr. Hill to let -he
whole story go. and he consented."
We Vftll "Whip Filipinos to D011NI"
t Maintain (Mir Authority.
Washington, Jan. 31. An effort on
the part of Mr. Allison to obtain con
sideration in the senate yesterday fbr
the Indian appropriation bill precipi
tated a running debate, which occupied
all the time until the senate at 2 o'clock
went Into executive session on the
peace treaty. Mr. Jones, of Arkansas,
leading the opponents of the treaty,
opened the debate by Insisting that
time skould be taken for the discussion
of pending resolutions having a col
lateral bearing upon the treaty Before
the treaty itself was disposed of, and
Mr. Hacon's resolutions finally were
laid before the senate. Mr. Carter, of
Montana, in an impassioned speech, de
clared that the adoption of the resolu
tions would be a pledge to tltose who
were defying the authority of this
country in the Philippine, and that
when the treaty had beset fSjsMsSl ti.
government would inquire
islands were In rabaHssti
authority, and If cecissary as
tcin our authority VS
t death.
Prince- Victor In furls.
London, Dec. 20. The Paris
spondent of The Dailn- Chronlcfe says:
I'rince Victor Napoleon's recent so
journ In Paris was of more serious Im-
1 port than was at first surmised. His
j presence was known, but the govern
ment did not arrest him because M.
Dupuy, the premier, believed that the
( arrest would be the signal for a coup
d'etat, and he knew that he could not
rely upon either the police or the
troops commanded by General Zurlln
den. GlMirt Demands the Secret Dosuter.
London. Dec. 20. The French court
if cassation, according to a special dis
patch from Paris, has demanded the
secret Dreyfus dossier, undertaking not
I to publish Its contents. I
this the greatest bargrin
Children's Suits and Reefers
At Remarkable Prices.
$1.00 Suits now 68c
$2.00 Suits now 1.39
$1.48 Reefers now 98c
$5.00 Reefers now 2.98
U'e offer One Hundred Dollars.
Reward for any ease of Catarrh ih t
kliliot lib filled by Hull'- Calm ill
1 . J . t HENEI A CO. Proprietors,
Tolwlo, .
Ve, Itio imdersisined, buvn kuown
F. -f. C bene.) for tli- lank 15 vnars,
id bttHwtt him petrfwtlv LontM'sjWe
it ali luiHtiK sh ; 1' ins trtiooH, and lin-
1 Ctallv ' lo t' ! tr 1. of auy " f olia
tion, made by their frni.
.V Kst A utPAX, vViiolesHla Drn----s.
Tolido, t).: WmmxQ, lvi mh
ami Mvavi;;, Whole DrugiriBts, Tole
do, .
Ball's Catarrh ''ure in taken ia
lerually, aettDsj direetly upon tH
blood aud Mucous Btwfaces if tbc
system, TestiiaoniaU fiPt-.
Price 7" cents per boWle. Sold by
all druifKriHts.
Hail's Family Pills are tlo best.
New: is scarce just rw Mr
La ik Kreeger lefl lev &Iichig.'iii t.
spend gone weeks with her parents
Jos. tZ. Bohsrf tussl wife and
Mrs. Lumbenl took in the Business
Men's Caraiivid in yunr town op
Holiday, ftfetss v arrit
trickier nf'New York siientHatur
day in town. She leAl ajjain for
her homo Iiv. E. II. D. Ik . 1
Hugerstown will deliver an interest-
110 lecture entitled ' Pointol'View"
11 tin. co'l(.o.p hall on Thnr ' y
evening. ..J. II. IHsh w-js in Pbilac
,'. , 1 dllVS litt week .. .'I lie Vrtol -
an grocery salesman, Gapt. John
v . . luterviewiug our merchants
.ast W I I I,
1 herr Isa iahh ,i Feoile
Thn h' o injared bvtheusa of eotlV1
Jlecently there has b ou placed in all
grocery stores a new preparation
ealleii GKA1N O, tuado of pure
grains, that takes the place of coffee.
1 he most delicate Htoiusuh receives
it without distress, una but tew can
tell it from coffee, It docs not cost
ver i as ranch. Children mav drink
it wita great benefit. 15c. and 25c.
per paokage. Try it. Ask for Grain -O.
Court Proc amatinn,
nrttfeRISAa ths Hon. tisrald M. MeCfan
' rri'tdei't .tmliic I tka .Indicial IVxamr,
ooMiiesed "I the oouatlef 01 si ydtr, ,ui
t'nloii nrt AUreO Sneclil and Z. T. OetB-
befUngi Bios, Asaielste Jhnlges Is and torsny
.lercoiotv. havelsised ihpir preosiit. beaiiai
dat Mta Mlhday 01 9ee. A. II., 1m.-, tome
iltrocteil far the IioMIuk elan riliup' (.'onri. x
" court oi uonmioii riess, eonrt ofOyef ami Ter
, ,e, ami I lenarni lonrt oi uatner Betnons ol
hi peses, t Ml .lo-l nrif Ii. lor the ee'in'.' ol
Snyder, nn the 4th ntomhiy, (helag the 37tk
.111 ui Fet . 1 s V.i ) , nd to uouihiue on ivuuk
Notleeli. IBStehire hereby tven to the Coron
er, .lustlcas ol ISePeses ml UoliMablen In and
Inrthe county ol Snjrdtr. to Hupnurln their
nroner perunn wlih their 'oilii. reeardi", Irqulsl
tloni, examinations and other remeinbrascea
todothoaethlnga which or thatr offloe- a ad In
tiiair behali psrtaln to he done and witnesses
and persons proMtiutlng In behalf of the Cob
monwealth avainstany peroaor parsons are re
quired to be than and thara attending and da
parting wltbost leave at their oerli. .lustloea
are requested to ba punolunl In theli attandanra
at the appointed time agree bl j tn notice.
(llreu under m. hand senlal the Sheriff V
ofllee tn Kid ara' be HU day ol Jan.
A. I)., one thousand "ht hundvad and ninety
blue. V. S. BITTER, Bherlt.
Sunbury. All our nobby
from a third and in many
eveuj of the reason, The
Many People UaiSBOl lrlnk
I Coffee nt night. It spoils their sleep.
You can drink Grniu O when you
please mi l sleep like a top. Pot
Grain t does not stimulate ; it nour
isheei, sheers and feeds, Yet it looks
ami tastes like the In si toffee. For
nervous persons, young people and
nhildn nOtain thepei feet flrlukt
Made from pure Brains, (.let a pack
age from yoursjroci r to dev. Try it
in place of coffee. IfiandSrS cents.
.hut. 205 in J tick son tpwnsftip,
Mrs. Aineliu Bilgcr, tiged 77 years,
7 months anil '7 tiny.-.
Jan. 26 near KnoiiMtowJijMfsfy,
wile ol Newton H el wig, aged 28
years, 1 niontli and L2 day Fun
eral was held 00 the 29th inst., t
Daniel's Evangelical cliurcfh Licv.
t). G.offichUefL
iiA,KP,sur mi: ant.
The greatest lanscr from La Grip
pe is of its nesuitiug in pneumonia.
II reasonable cur is used, however,
tinil Ubamberlaip's Oougb Itetnedy
taken, all dauber will be avoioVd.
Among the teus of tkotiHaudH who
Imve used this rctnedy tor la grippe
we have yet to learn of a single ease
LavitiK resulted in pneumonia vIiich
shows coneltisiveily that this leniedy
js a certain preventive of that daug
erous ili-easc. it will cure In errppe
in less time tbnnanyothcr iireatnient.
It is pleasant ami safe to take. For
side by all druggists.
hrreb Klvn that letters Vstarnei.lar.v np
011 the estate u! Amelia BIlKer, line ol
JSOkSOn township., snydor county. I'enna.,
deceased, havo been Issued In due foriR of law
10 the nn terklgnea, to wbnm nil indvined to
taidssttts stioaM ninke Imonsdiste seyssenc
and those bavlnR eValnm ns!iiftt It sbould pre-
eent tbesi amy authenucati'ii for sortlsmsst,
Jacob (illbert. W l. Bl I JKB.
Attorney. U.xeciitor.
TV bf given that the Inlhavlnir Widows' ai
pndseiiiBiitsimdertliefSniliW, have bSSfl flieil
with the t'lerk ot the or inks' Court r.I Snyder
count) for coalHsHtlon rebrnsi? 2T, inns.
The api ralsemeiit of AduWilde iSSapssM, wld
nt Hear C. B&&VM)!. lAt Of OOQSSI township,
Snyder Co.. f'.. deeeased, elected to lie taken
underfill tstoo exemption ivw.
AsarslSSBatBt ot Annie M. I.uelr, widow or be
Vtt Mick late of BprtBC ts-p. Sijder Tn., Pa,,
deceased, eteeted lo be linen unoer the tim ex
cmdllon law.
Appralsenient of KllaVth (i)S. widow of A-
msssttt, kktso) rtsnkliatvp .snyot-r On., i.,
deceased, elected to be taken under the M00 ex
vaiptlou law.
ApnrakiefneBi oi Hans all lioileabaob, widow
ef wDtaitn HotteabSOb, mte of Puny twp., Mny.
der Co., Fs ag OSS sod. eltctd to be taken undev
lbs liti i iViiii lion law,
Appraisement or lucliiiel Kern, widow oroe.
Kern, late of Mldd'dmrah. Snyd-T Vo.. Pa., de
ceased. el"cted to be tat-n under the $.100, ex
emption law.
MlddleburBh, Po,,Jaii S, 1Mb
The followln necnintK will to presented for
conQrinuilon o I Moaduy. Feb. it, 1-99 :
First ai d final account of Jcremlab Bearer,
Ex.cutor ofOsalel Boaver. deceased, who was
OOnuattlM of Caroline Blmtlcr. lilDattc.
u. M suiNOBL. Clerk.
Mlddtehiirijb, Pa., Jan. 38 tm.
i rsi: a i oi.iibim owe dat
Take Laxative Bromo Onlnlne Tablets. All
dcugiftsts refund money lilt falls to cure. c.
The genuine has L, B. Q. on each lab'. I
Boy's Overcoats and Suit;
Wonderfully Priced.
Suits now 68p
Suits now 1 an
Reefers now 2i
Reefers now 2.I
Public Sales.
, if sales wUI be Ins rtedfi J
heudtni wbeu the bills ireprfi . . ...J
1 . . . "'raeu. p.-i.oi,- ,
Vi , 1 l l ' 1 Mil
ri.ii,rni.iii:..v ranwj: i,, ,. ,n jfu
araiv ,.,........
ouenii ictier WJIJs,
01 u. ii,, 1 a. UQitsburctu
SATDROAY, Peb. it. ne nMe , toi M
. .in,- eim of ueonfo UiTI
b u rm (,r aoreti, i ot
WKDNBSDAY, Feb. 13, At Kn 1
Wiutsr iruiseil beuseliold itirnti urv.
THDRSilAY, I'Vb. 1.;. Tluw lourlli ol
1. 'on .11 ii!,,;,,. MiiIPjr o. d i wiu
io-. 1 colt Mid penunsl property.
WBPNSKIUY, Feb in j-ackaon rora
Biiaer, executor ol Mr-, Amelia
ger, wHiaeii 1 mnre.giCOWs, tanu t .mi
.... uu ,inu IIOUHi'llOlU jjOulln.
viin.'HiMY. .Feb, 88, one mile wesi 01 MIM
uuim, wiwe wineroieyer farm. s .s
. ,.. -. ,,.,,,. SCOWS, 7 1IHiHI VI.UII,'
tic, l.,!i und rarnuiis impii'tn. nts
BATu,53K,T!j?e't1B' OtM-fOBItb lull.- DOrtJ
rT!! wors aniiej wiiim-ii jLd
. ' l'. i Cows, licil'l M).;i, ,'.,111.'
IsrmuB impiefflentt.
TIll KSIhKV.M ircli , Al i-, t .Inn. In AdJ
i V,i' Oantrevnie ami th-muii
. iV r M!,l'il 4 sorase, 1 oowi
. ..u ,.LiiiiiK lupienienia.
FUIDAV. March.'), Half way ketweiS v
d eliurir i&nd u. m - "
. " "... - " win. r n-iirrai
MUM will sell lionms. cows, tUttMll 1
Tt;Ksn.T, March T. Oio mile wost or Hod
Win. H. KcrstStter will sell 1 Horse, spanl
. ssassMSWISj III (Iimn-fll
WK', AY' Man-lv 8. one mil.' north
nwMi -.rovt'. VFori( Aumii'l will sell
sloe and
HATITKIXAY Murch li. Two miles norih-westl
Mt'isri'villi- nhw4mn t.- i. .J
. - "I vioMUMiii VIMil' ll M'M I 1
iiii iiltlUUlf Ilt.
sATttltOA V. March 11 At Dludore. in UiilJ
n. i iiunnoru Wilt Hell I' '
cows sneaa jrooagoatUe, I sons, i board
s impiemeuts.
WttglT, Mar. U.nwo miles east. f TroJ
.. . . 1 v "oper num. OKO, 1 K : i
seii mines. 5 cows ui .armli
THf lMTlAY Mar. I ThreemlleH iwrth Ol Mi
' s. iuani wn: mi 4'Hon
ani (brniltg lmpk!"entH.
SAM kiav. Murch is. If, me Rnan f MM
Danurs , josstaus Wain win sell ihursnj
gssrs.f i nrner. tarmuia imssant
bfksasNM 1,'oot'a
- re i imi in.- fuHosrlUtf iii.ince sersiina kai
it so rnstr sdniinsamn Rnrsotini rot 11
ecui. s' Hi VIM yi.'iv,., 's ttri
oer OOMnri . and " snir. wot he nr. -
oonarnisHon una bikss i r,'e r, ny preiri iioiu
in Minnie inip.'ii. Mm liny, '.-i brxnr 7ili, ikjo.
Iflrfrt. mid IliiU ftcvoinyifir n. ii si irict i .
toi ol the Insi Mill o lot leslnmelil ii .1 o
SnO'del. late ol the KuiUCi'li i.l Serins,'!,,'., . I'.J
AOWUSI or r. 0. Kmrsr. Executor of thi
will and lesiament ol Wllilsni Slraim, law 1
naniiiiiKioa ills UKlliy, ra., ll.-is'iisci!.
Final acco jnt otMfMTC. Wetzel AdmaSm
torot the estate of Henry Ef, Wetzel, deoeaastl
Final account Bf B. n. (i-nss ASmlaamM
of theestataot Henry ttrohs, late of Sprlant!1!
uo r.ineil,
Final acroftnt ot B. B. Gross, Executor ol 111
I as I will una nstiunciil of ' irlsii,.n linn,-. 1
of Heaver township, deceased.
TMHlSCaBjd Ha d nccnnnt ol Oennv E. BC
Mirer lll.ll Mti'l.sel II llunlnm. t.-. I . ,r- I
tuo last will and testunaent of terl u-ssmH
deed., nn lmliiu- the accounts of same pattH
Adndiilsi rut ors or the estate ol Lvdla ilasaliil
er, neceasta.
Ftrst and final aeenimr. of j a Velaer Adn4
lstrator of :be estate of Mary Beafer. dvceawdJ
First and final account of J A Urn i i Mt in'l
lstrator of Nathan Arbogast, late ot "Perry irl
X ,1. , UnTMBVU,
First and 0nal account ot Hemv I. awar'z. Ad
Klntstrator of Julian Swarli, late of AdVl
vownsaip, oeceaien.
First and flaal aatonat of Jacob miser, Ad
muimrraior ot me escaie or Rebecca c:ra iner,
The seoend and Bnal aocount of D. J. and
uassianr. aommwrators ot Joseph iia
isie oi spring twp., geyser county, ae