THE GREATEST MARK- r DOWN SALE KNOW PRICES KNOCKED TO SMITHEREENS. We now begin the nuwt wonderful price catting sale of fine Clothing known to Sunbury, All our nobby Men's Saits and Overcoats, and all Children's Snits and Overcoats will be re-priced from a third and in many m cases one-half of thoir former price. ID COST WILL POSITIVEL I IDT BE LOOKED T during Ibis sale, and we will make every effort to make this the greatest bargrin even of the season, The goods must be Hold, why not do it qviek ? About 200 Men's Overcoats Are Priced within Reach of all. $4 00 Overcoats now 2.98 $7.00 Overcoats now 5.90 $8 98 Overcoats now 5.98 $10 Overcoats now 6.85 $20 Overcoats now 13 90 400 or More Men's Suits Are Reniarked in Plain Figures. $4.00 Suits now 2.98 $6.50 Snits now 4.98 $8.00 Suits now 5.90 $10.00 Suits now 7.85 Children's Suits and Reefers At Remarkable Prices. $1.00 Suits now 68c $2.00 Suits now 1.39 $1.48 Reefers now 98c $5.00 Reefers now 2.98 Boy's Overcoats and Soil Wonderfully Priced. $1.00 Suits now 68 $2.00 Suits now 1.3 $4.50 Reefers now 2 $5.00 Reefers now 2 BROSIOUS BROTHERS, Market Square, 8UNBURY, PA CORRESPONDENCE. WEST BBA.VEH. The election passed ofl quietly on Saturday. Every one was well pit useo", especially those who eame ,;iti victorious The grip has caught idmostevery one in this end ! i he is lunty. The greater uumher are si ly improving James Peter is' moved his saw mill to Lowell ... " will sts.ii lie ready to aawull kinds of lumber, tor ikiU river d legates Henry Kuliley is taking tnit timber Ibr n new house j which ho i j. to pm up i" i1"' J inrini! ...!) " Mhldleswarth, the laudlunl at MeClure, purehaaxl the interest of Wui. Herbster at MeClure and cxiiecla to go in the store busi ncss in the spring. is reported that Henry Herbstt r expects to put upu roller mill at MoClure in the spring. . .Jumes Steely made a busi ness trip i" Lewistown last week t" have hi teeth extracted witl tpntn. He claims it was a success .A. I). Shirey bought nt the confec tiouerj store ol C. A. Wagner al MeClure ami expects to t,r" into business in the spring on n large Honle by looking over the roll of honor in last week's Post it is easily seeu ill immunity is taking advantage of the liberal "r made by the editor, one dollar for a paper that contains all the latest news tlic Post Fred Gundrum filled his ice house last week with ico 11 inches thick Hon. Alexander Knepp liiis now the position as as--,it:mt mail carrier fromBannerville to Met. 'Inn-. MT. PLEASANT MILLS. JohnM.Steffen sp'tit several days in Banbury andHummel's Wharf, visiting friends.. .H. C. Haas and wile ami W. W. Womer attended the inauguration ol W. A. Stone at Harrisburgon Tuesday W. A. Harding spent Sunday at Hoffer... John Shaener and family and .John W. Teati and family of near Grub's ohuroh were the guests of Mrs. Suy- .der on Sunday II. J. Hciscrand wife of Shadle were the guests ol J. L Verger's on Sunday The Democrats ami Republicans orPerry township will hold their nominations on Saturday next, the 28th inst. The fremont Orchestra iurnished musie tor the institute at liicbfield u Saturday evening lvin Sny der will move on a limn near Se linsgrove tliis spring Ivev. Ktx'k it Shamokin delivered n lecture in the U. B. church ut this plact Wednesday evening. Subject, "Bet ter than Gold." It :is pretty well attended. . . .". A. Schnee, who is employed at Bcranton, Hpent a lew (lavs at llulue l:it week. I I lllli illl I I I " I 11.11 I 111 I'll II IT1 TTIIi Ml 111(1 I I I II Ml I , I iiiite a numberof candidates have alreadv announced themselves lot the various township offices. I he primaries for both parties will ! held on Saturday, thu28thinst The bVei it orchestra Iurnished music for the Saturday evening ses .iuii of the joint institute held at Uichfield, Jan. 20th uud 21st.. . . John F. Hoyer delivcredau inteit st ing lecture to state horticulture so ciety wl.ieh convened at Harrisburg lust Week Vl'nelt Sellllee intends in build ;i maguificciit dwelling next summer. John l? Setetler of Mid- dlehurg is to be the architect The lecture entitled "Better than (iuld" by llev. Rock f Shumokiu, delivered ill the I '. B. chlirdl W8S greatly appreciated by all whoheard it. The doctor is an able lecturer and knows how to handle his subject. what Ho the children Drink? Don't rive them tea or coffee, Have you tried the new fook drink culled OBAIN-OT It is delicate and uour ishiiuraod lakes tbes place of coffee, The more (iiuin-O you civo ihe chil dren the more health you distribute through their system. Grain-O is made of pure craiiiH, and when prop erly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee but costs u'onut i as much. All grocers sell it. 15c. and 2.r)C SKLINSGROVE. day for burial ( 'la ranee Hum mel and wife ol Omaha who have been visiting friends here the last three months, left for their home on Friday la-i Posl 1 18 cleared f89 at the chicken and waille sup per (in Saturday evening, 14th Miss Edna Leiser of Watsoutonwn ... ... i i it li a is iieing entertained at .v. u . i in ter's .Mis Kila Hendricks is visiting at Geo. C. Wagenseller's... The EmkIv of Samuel Holmes, (son of W. ( . Holmes, who did suddenly it Builulo) m brought tothlsplaco r burial on Tuesday of this week Harrv Weis gave u Imnqtiet to his class (Junior ol the University) mi Wcdnesdny evening. MIDDLECREEK Much warm weather causes a i deal i la grippe in our section. I:. lilt i I Jury Last. Public Sales reat UNION TU P. Sylvester Swart z South Gossof Mitilin Co. was here uoKuiir Tor some one to saw staves 1 for him. . .Solomon Steiniuger spent last week at Fremont uud other places repairing pianos und o tans... Naihan Maubeck has secured a job on the Sunbury & Lewistown divis ion t the I'. R, R, us Brakesman... ("has. Herbster sold his horse to Kilmer Smith of Lewistown. We predict it won't In so long ere he has another Mrs. I'eter Riegle is making preparations to luiild a new barn the coming spring Goss & Kliug'cr's stave mill laid idle several days last week on ac- nit of all tlic boya having the grin ...Mr. Dunn mid wife nf Adaais.- Bend, hid., is at present visiting bu re yiMtorsnt Win. Goss' over amonp, friends... Miss Lizzie Shrey a1.,.j 1 i ,... i ' business trip to Middleburg last Sat urday ludging by some late acts, it would seem as if some of our smart ( '.' ) people believe in a revis ed vert ion of an old adage 'Inconsi stency thou art a jewel'.. "...Josiah Long of Centre Co. and Win. Bickle ofMusser's VTal ley were the guests ot Robert Knepp the beginning of the week. . . .('has. A. Ulsh accom panied by Mrs. MollieSmith left on Monday fur Mi HI in Co. where they will spend a few lays. The Sophomore and Freshmen classes of the I 'Diversity banqueted on Friday evening last, the former at the Washington House of your place, the latter bv special ear at Hotel Haag, Milton. They bad banners on each side of the ear "U. S. Freshmen" and in rear "Class of 1902." Both parties report having had a good time Rev. S. E. ( )eh- senford, D. I)., was elected to the chair (at Allentown College) made vacant by the death of Dr. Richards. It is reported he will accept Amos Gemberlingj a brother of Mrs. Jno. LaudenalasM ta visiting bis sister and other friends in this place. He says it has Ikiii nine years since he left here. His business is bridge building Hannah Dietrich, who has been ut the Danville Hospital for some time, died lat week. Her remains were brought here on Satur- i spending the week with friends at Northumberland ( I CO, Foltz and wife spent Sunday at Stroilbtown ...Mrs. . W. Longacre i- visiting friends at Shamokin Dam this week Protracted meeting is in pro gress at Winner's I nited Evangelical church Mrs. Ann Lenig reeeiv- 1.1 I 1 3 1 ea a stroite oi apopiexy on onnoay evening 'Squire Seehristis nurs ing an aching tooth A. '. Strawser of Herudon will move a crossthe river and will farm for D. S. Sholly, Es After warmer weather sets in .John Krebs intends to have bis barn raised. He says he needs needs more room on the ground Hoor On account of the numerous candidates tor township offices, travel in the public road is very slow at present and many block ades are reported. It is a blessing that there are no snow drifts just now to help impede travel. Success to everybody. UKAVKKTOWM. i.hi of Grand lurora drawn for the Court ol !Ou r mid Terminer and (Iwnenil .1 ill deliver and court ol (juarier sessimwol I lie Peace of Snyder ooontf held a Feb. Term, oonuneaclng Hondayi Ken. ISM, GRAND JURORS. name. OoeuMMoa. ! Attlllger, Wintam It.. !.-riiier. IMIIev. JaoksoB, I Doitry, .it.iin nr., i Bu kbirt, UavMi " I B ii :, Carl, c irpvnter, iiij.r. John U.i surreyor, I Buras, Isaac, Just toe otine Peace, j Fisher, iloliu OeoUeman, Oauglor. Oaario.s Teacher, Govs, Atnmon v., rarmer, it uailnger, Alien. Ueiidricka, Oharlei, Wagonaiaker Uerhuer, Howard, Farmer. Utrrotd, David ., .larrett, JaeOh, Ki rtdetter, a. :i., Blackainltb, Kocbi William j., Parmer, Krutzer, Andrew, ltx)rer, Menfte, Michael ., rarmur, Uoyer, William A.,ToacUer, oklt. John .v.. Parmer, Rbynieatlne, John w, Painter, Wagner. Harry, Farmer, Walter, John, Blacksmith, lM(2isoe, I'nlcu Centra Monroe w aahlngton wilntgrove Penn Beitoagrove Bprlng Mlddtecreok Oenlre West Bearer Chapman Washington Perry w,'M ii av r PrankUo Perry HetUwarove Weal Beaver SsUnagrove Spring Monroe Mrs. Aigler, Mrs. Krecdand Mrs. Kern were to Sunbury last week... Charles (jrillH.'rt and wife of near Shamokin were the guests of Mrs. William Herbster Lawrence Mhldleswarth, who was working at 1'oe Mills, is home on account of injuries sustained by a log rolling a- gainst his leg Alfred Specht, the Associate Judge, was at Middle burg on .Saturday The Evange lical church began their protracted meeting on Monday Prof. Mi!- mer li. K earns purchased a harp lost week. We hope the professor may become an expert on that instrument vas he is on others. , PAXTONVILLE Edwiu 11. Gift, a young man of Hampshire, Ills., visited friends at this plaoe during the last two weeks. He left tor Sunbury, Shamokin and Carlisle last Saturday to sir bis many friends. On bis way home he will go by way of Washington, I). ('., and take in the sigiits at our nation's cipitol... Solomon Knoiise and wife of Juniata Co. visited the latter! sister, Mrs. Sarah Mitchell, west of town Arthur Dbbson ot Sunbury visited bis mother, Mrs. Sarah Dobson, over Sunday Miss Kate Howersox of Centre Co. visited relatives here on Monday and Tuesday of this week Revival services are in progress in the Unit ed Evangelical church . . . The meet ings thus far have been spirited, and our pastor, Rev. Hertz, has been preaching with power Rev. W. E. Detweiler of Williamsport was in town on Monday. He gave us an excellent talk in the church in the evening... Ralph E. Gift made a trip to Harrisburg and Philadelphia last week. 1.11 if Petit Jurors iimwn tor the UOurt nr Common Pleas, court ot Quarter Sessions ol the Peace. Court oi 0)er and rermtnor and General Jail Delivery ol Snyder coumy, pa., iieiu as Pebruary Term, oominvnolng rabruary 7, 1899, Name. Occupation. BMMtonOS. Arbogast, K, Prank, Fanner. Perry Aurandi George S., " Mtddiooriek Benfer, Dtnlel, Sawyer, Adams BlDgaman, Fred. GenUnnuD, Osntn Boweraox, Jerry, F irmer. Adnms Culeman, William 11., Justice ol Pesos, Heavev Dtehl, Msthan, t.iborer, Wsahlngton Osrman, Goat c " perry Gerhard! , Jem, Farmer, Adams lillliert, II. 0,i Ctgarmakor, Waslilngton Goss, John 1) , Laborer, Spring Grayblll, Kpbralm 0. Uei.tlcman, Middleburg Hendricks, .lolui s., Laborer, Washington Hendricks, .luliri II., Farmer, Hare, John I)., Laborer. Fruuktln Uackenburg. Miltou, Thrasher. Centre Hoot, Henry 1., Fanner. Union HasKlnser, M. K , " Franklin 1 1 mi pi JameR. Laborer, Sellnsrovc Inirram. Charles, Fanner, Adams Keller, David. Laborer. Sellnsgrove Keppler. John, Farmer, Went Perry Kesslcr. n. o., clerk, Sellnstfrove Knepp. Jerry, Farmer, West Beaver Knepp, William, Blacksmith. " Kramer, Jacob, Farmer, Franklin Lenley, James. " spring Lesher, John 1) , Student, Monroe Ludwlg, Joseph A.,Furmer, Selliistrrove Martin, William, " Jackson Malouey, JohD.Gentlemao, Sellnsgrove Maneval, George D., Laborer, Franklin Miller, J, s Lirerymun, Sellnsi;rove Itlegle. John R, Mason, Union Bine, George S Merchant, chapman Row, Charles A Laborer, Mlddleereuk stetely, John, Student, penn spangler, J. S Laborer, Jackson Snook, William A.. Farmer, Monroe schnee, Absalom, Agent, Perry Snyder, Henry W., Farmer, West Beaver 8assaman, Daniel, Junior, Farmer, Monroe Htabl, Benjamin 0 " UnloO Stlne, Frank II., i'ostmaster, Centre stroup, August H., Farmer, Chapman Stroup, Charles M., Middlecreek Woodrng, John I., Teacher, selinsgrove Young, James, Laborer, Monroe CUBE A ( Ol.njIX OME DAY Take Laxative Bromo quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it lalls to cure. tc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. nttm Notices ol sales wUl be insi rtedtnotui beadtnn when th bids are prini dm mi n neu mo uiiib are not pnnteu at iiii ecnts win be chnrtred. Pernom Injvi; sale should select, adut- an.; I:n,d e,i in i uis ooromBi RATVRDAV, Jsn, M, M Blohfleld, JasJ am ousan vioe) will hell me a turns, siOiOt Joseph g. wim v. MONDAY, Jan. 80, 1 to-half mile south WHUII HIIH, BUUUI1 WHO a II' 8 ill no x i ur implements asd housi -in ui FRIDAY, PebSrd Al the cun :. a uuraii, M.i.riii Hitter hiu m ii i, m ol R. and A, Gunjhurji : BATviuisr, reo, ii, one mile wi i i,r l ui . me eirs oi George Bnrisl i ' i ii, ui i.,ii i.eiis, 8 ot Wlhcll sr I. in.. WEDNESDAY, Kelt. UL At Kreamsr tin u alter - m mill hoaseboiu mi I rui :iii.. reo, i. Ttiree-fnnrla or I ii nin oi Hione Huh, n o. Km will cow, i con ai.a persousi property, FRIDAY, Pel). IT, At tln Oinrl Hi n rtleburg. Sheriff Bitter ni s.i in lo ol Santh and Will. am i ; e, THCB8DAY. P( b. S3, one mile west ol banr, on the Witiermeyer farm. S in -i-ii iiimm s ..con-'. 7 h.-nl wins ti", isahoata and farming Implement SATURDAY, Peh.8S, One-fonrth mile aiaaieunrg, Tneoaore Krdle. nriiisel e-.. - muies, i cows, o lieiul i o 'i lanniii.' implements, THURSDAY, Marat , At Port Ann. la twp., oetween oentrevllle and Tr Imillel Ktllllis will sell 4 borMa l e calf ami larmlng Implements, FRIDAY, March 8, Half way bet we! iiieonry and New Berlin, Mrs. fri i.cnzei v. in sell liursei. cows, fanuta pieuieius aim noiisenold kikkIs. WEDNESDAY, March 8. one nil!" sniiiu Orove, George Aiirand win stock and farming implements. SATVBDAY.lCarOB 11. Two mites norrl Meiservllle, Cllllstlitn KhOOM Will uoriw-s live In ii s. two COWS, olll:'- anu larmiiig implements. s. ii iiim , March II. At Dundore. In iwp.. . i. Dundore will wi! ii .. onWKO head young cattle, 2 sows, i I snonaapq tunning Implemeots. TUESDAY, Mnr. 14. Two mile east of vine mi uio uoopsr fnriii, Geo. , Kill rai f bw MB, BUMS, 8. cows una id III. I'l'' OH' IMS. mi ubuat, Mar. ii Thrasraties north 1 uieoiiri,. i.evi rimrig wli: sell 4 liorsm oh Hrawg tuipietiienls. MAR REKD. Jan. 22, at Belirjsatvfc by B. K. Odifstnford, Civil,. F. Ill niaii ot Snlfiii und rVtta Few Kratervillf. Jan. 22, by Kcv. W. A. Wulla os Testa ot BoqibmI'i and LilHe Katura Kesslcr of Jan. 22. bv Jev. W. A. Willet Bojer of Fveeborg tJ Loogacre ot erdilla. Jan. 1!. bv Rv. X . Albert Bowsna at fiWnirltn sliij to Mollic J. Wajrucr of I lllg iSUIlltSD. Jan. 7. bvliin-. It M Knhkl E. Zerby ot Ialmatia to Jeflfli jverstetter ot JJundore. Jan. o, at Salem, bv Rpx. Suable, Maggie Kumbaugh isaac i . natier, both of Krcai Jan. 22, by Kev. H. G. Daniel G. Benner nnrl 8 Wagner, both of Union Co.,