:y, SflINDEL'5 MARRIAGES. i'. Shindel, Jr., 1SJ5-18S8. Dec. 4, John Sheurer to Catherine Aurand, both of Beaver. Dec. 4, Daniel Hollenbach to Louisa Benfer, both of Union. . Deo. 30, Philip 8ealier to Hannah Mowrer, both of Union twp. 1839. EXPLANATORY NOTE. . .., . . rl u " Dli(.n tvn.i, in oUl Union Co. , . i .1 I Tiiii. ii ti.vvii.Jim House warth, both of Selinsgrove. i. ii.ul n-trls lit .l:leksnll 10'"" ' o l ,. 1 0.1. OU T I'.... , ,1 Im.lit'i ('ii MdiiriK' townsuips, oirrtier o. j 1 -". - '. . . 4l to Esther Hummel oi Keavertown. Messier s was w imuro ut ICmtrvilli and in- March 17. William Durst to Re- ion1"""" - - , ;,, i ueurhonring lowusniiM. ir hu, ww ouuvw. ,vi.r township ineliuled all of what j March 26, Jacob Herman to Nan- 0 Hi'ivcr, west Heaver, AO-I cy Brum, both 01 MeswerS. ami Spring townships, until ' Maivh 97. JiU.0l, John Smith to 0 when We4 Heaver was cut ofl. 1 Catherine Kerstettcr,lK)tb of Heave-. April 14, Qrsorgfe Mertz to Ra ; chad Keller, Ixith of Heaver. April 21, Moses Secht to lta- 1 chad Bingaman, lntb of Beaver. May 7, Valentine Spiglemoyer to RgokOac Hile was the name tin. church and mostly answers rwhat is now West Beaver. Mu-crV Valley church at what ,, known as Troxelville 1 .... A.l....t.v..-.wl.i.. J nswTriin town.;! I M epp, both of Mifflin Co. h nartof Centre. ""' "" l.'l; .,l,.i- l ,1 li ,,1'Se MI-iTiiv (. Uiddlecraek must be distinguish- y - -trots PoitOffice now in Spring July 12, John Breininger to Jit- . 0 I ..1 1 .1 1IIL.LV.L UlJM Down to 1855 Snyder Han Mnitli, hot n 01 dikrum mugc. Sept. 8, Martin Vogle to Leah Kern, both of Beaver. Sept 2fl, John Wctzd to Lydia ; Aigler, txitli of Heaver. S'pt. '2 Edward Kinney to Leah Grim, both of Beaver. (Vt. 16, Edward Margeriti to , Magdalena Hear, both of Black Oak 1,1111-111 Lgnty w:is part of Union ounty. 1835. jt.,r. , Henry (lottsl in II to Sarah fgger t Augusta. March 19, John Whitaker t M Tucker, Ixith l Augusta, April 12, Gasper J. Reed to Alice Barrett, both ot onamoKin. Ridge bret t.,.; lit Henrv Shirk to Marv 1 11 t k Dot. 2fl. Daniel Dlrich t Mrs. Illlll-I.l. I "II II 1 cvMituaiu. J I V l.VI UiU tif SUIinnmiiMi 18, Simon Follmer to Mar-1 1 Kohler, both of Milton. Nov. IU, Keuoen lvocn to oiwan , ' Gogs, both of Beaver. Feb. 25, J. William Kohler to I Thnma. Moyer to Wi tt 1 .1. ( ....(.. llo, lllllll III lir.iM i. Lurv Goss, Iwth ot Augusta. ' ... 1 n 1 1 cj I )po ; i niOS Allfier lo -VI ell 1 aiir. 13, Samuel Gobin to !mis;ih ! :' . ., Wei, UtliotSunlmry. Apr. 16, Barnard Cielainger to loiO. liobethWilhelm, both of Augusta. I Jan. 'J:;, Charles Kleokner to Im ''.I 'Tin nti-w I'iirt 1 I'll tit Marv Gift, both ot' lentre. lisabetli Mantz, both ot Sunbury. Jau. 30, Isaac Boyer to Caroline May 10, Daniel Swinehart to Ju- Boyer, both oi Ureeburg. .1 rT!l e I.'.. I. o II if QufinaAirl I., imn. H imciiiitii 01 auKiisiai 1 j ... ...... Oct. 9, Daniel Berger to Rachel Ha Kloss, both of Centre. rid, both of Union County. Feb. 11, David Knnuss to Sarah Nov. 6, Valentine Laudenslager Mawrer, both of Union twp. k Eliatbeth Berger, both of Union Feb. 1(1, Frederick Bilger toA tanty. ' niclia Beniughof, both of Union twp. is:7. Feb. 23, George Hummel to Ann George Zimmerman to , Ktngert, doui 01 venire. March 1, Benjamin opiegienioyer to I to Elizabeth Young) both ofBeaver. March 12, David Schoch to .Ma rin Paulding. March 29, Enoch Aurand to A- Dec. 17, Reuben BoweiMx to Sarah Reish,. both of Centre twp. - 1841. Jan. 14, John Seechrist to Ann Fisher, Iwth ot Chapman twp. Hegardles of Age. The kiday are fvtpouvible for more iokaeM, ufferlog and dth ttuut rav other orgna of the body. L majority of tbe ill uffllct in peo ple louay is iraccaDie 10 Kidney trou ble. It prevails all eUaet ofnoeiety. Jan. 19, Jeremiah Mosser to Mary ' i0 all cliiute. reuanllesii of ure. Dennis of Hartley two. oreoodltlon. t no iwui 1 v u f iv. i The y"Ptoiu of kidney trouble Jan. 2b, Daniel hverhart of De-are uniuietakable, Knch a rlienuia Oat OT two. to Cbristena Robinson of ' liu. neurlK". Bleeplesnfn. pain or IV .. dill ache iu the back, h deeir to uri- iiwwfwi wi uate oReu dHy or iiijrbt, profuM or Jan. '28, Philip Bover of Penni scanty supply . V' 1 Vt; 1 11 . 1 Uric acid or brick dust deposit in to Amelia Kessler of Muullecreck. llrjne HN fi)(t f eloweil (mqW Jan. 31, Abtahum ICisenhower, 'unsioK poisoned and awrw Hlled 1 n .1 i -1 ! blood. eOMMtitUmtlM llerf iwds bail- widower, to Catherine Hover, widow, v Hnd ti,e CrtNtt) ,WHti,)(; of thekid- both of Centre twp. ueya) are found in tlie urine, which if! 01 it -.i i 1 m; 1 iielectel will result in HriKht'i Dis- Jan. 31, Henry Smith, Jr. ot Mid- ,.rtlWi tllt! II10t ,lHllrolls (oriI1 dleburg to Dine Aigler of Heaver, kidney trouble. mm .. 1 1 ! 1 All these eyUiptMata and conditions : Feb. !, Frederiok Bingaman of L,. promptly reuiovad under the la- Beever to Mrs, Mrry Bwineford of floeuee of Dr. Eiiiuer'a Bwamp lto:. M;dll,.Knr,r ,f lmM H orhl wide reputation for ito maaieourg. wonderful em es of the most distress-1 Feb. 14, Isaac 1 1 nth to Lydia lag eases. Fahl, both Of Heaver. , one need be long without It hs it 1 IP so easy to ret ut ituy lru' store at Feb. 28, Benjamiu Ettler, wiii- Hfty cents or one dollar. You can 1 ower, to Catherine Meelitlv, widow, Z iJST ai-f. V "W0,uV'r-, ' ' f 111 11 scoverv. Swiliiiii Root 11 ml iMtth of Beaver. hook telling: all about it, both sent to March 28 Henry Knepp to Bar- r&,. lZ? bara Stuck, both oi Heaver. Binfrhamion, S. T. and kindly men-. April 26, Jacob Glueck to Mary thVpoct011 kh'" Ann Welder, lsith of Black Oak ' I ltilje. May 18, Moses Wieder to Lydia Steininger of Black Oak Ridge. June 3, Janes Rauch to ( 'aniline Hart man of Hartley twp. . 1 i 1 i m r i 1 J CofYeofi'oii Made from all the Burv- Aug, I, John Oberlin to Kebecco Schwenk both of Mkidleburg. '"V Oromida in Snyder Comty Aug. 8, Daniel Reisoh to Eliza- for ""' RdiUebuYgh Pot beth Schwartz, both ol Centreville. adamh townhhip. Aug. :', Levi Sohmidl to Eve Brunner, Peter, d Sept is, 1861, Kerstetter ol Black Oak Itidge. aged 7 m 21 d. Au. 15, George Roth to Sophia Bingaman, John W., b Mar 4, 1862 Baker, both of Black Oak Ridge, dNov 14, 1875, aged 22 y Allg. 15, Daniel Alter to Salome 8 m 10 J- Mattern, both ol Heaver. Bingerman, J. (i. Thezrow, s of S. v,.,r m Emm I Sel.oi h in flu. li- Sarah, b July 31, 1878; TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS I felt better from the very first one I took. I had taken them for a beat a month, and was feeling ho much betfcr that I bad forotUm about the bad feel iiiKs I used io hT8. The doctors called my trouble dyepepma. I had it for about iven rears, and hnd never in aH my life been able to eat rich food or a wmty hearty meal. I often wondered why I should have bo much dyspepsia. I woali have what I call watcrbrash sometime foor or five times a day when ai water that Hemed hot would run out of my mouth and the pain was something tern hie for a minute, or else I would liave paios at times in mv stomach that would fairly double me up or pains in my shoulders and legs and idl over me bo that 1 w ould wish I wiw dead. I would sena for the doctor, and when he came in he would say: "Well what is the matter now?" The brat way to describe how I felt was just to say that everything was the matter with me and I felt had everywhere. I think overylxxly who m troubled with their stomach ought to just try Ripana TaDUles and they will wxm know how valuable they are Mr an is hfty one years. ' S "f,.1"'' 'i""11 ICl l-A'N SwIII nol bvMftt Srnd flTrrmiOi to lUnu Chsabvl O N,-w rk.fur IOmiiipIkivI 1 bMlinnuli. RrTAHS. It f,.r 6 mSCm tlmSutmtS Ol til AnnMa ! iut .llllnu i.. vll .tawlanl nxdlcitw u s mommmm JrHt. TW WiFraDl Arum. m mu in' tin. I i-r all iliuirtf in ul iruluutf llfn. On ueni.MtuUat N4n Um wurd k l'I' i 1-h oa Um mok4S. 4-POUND CATALOGUE FREE ! 1 1 " I II I .1 14 .A Rirnii l astioid, until oi .vue-iisia Feb. 17. Oeonre Oherdoi i . i . i i .i i i nrttv oonaerB, do 11 oi auitusw. Feb. '-'ti, Jonathan Frcy to Mary a .i t a trii-injrcr, iiotn ot .tui'iisra. April 18, Henry Keller to Hee- mena Felker, both of Beaver, r Lanxicus, both ol Shamokiu. , April 26, Jacoh Hitter to Sarah il '2;;, Jacob Weiilensaul to 1 roaster, both .;) Leaver. April utherine Kiehl, widow, both t ubiin May 1 1, Uharlea Wcaverto Eliza ttlenian, both of Sunbury. nine it, Dioomneia oimpeon to anii .iiiictt, botn i ounoury. July 2, Daniel Gibson to Harriet iWciiver. both of Sunburv. Bent. 2, John Renn to Margaret rey, both of Augusta- Oct. 8, Abraham ReiiuerttoCath May 21, John Harttnan to Mary Keif'er, both of Selinsgrove. May 20, Jacob Slear ol Union to Mary Hummel ol Penn. June 23, Michael Higgle t Ann Eliza Bingaman. June Michael Eichmun to Apolonia Mengee. July ", Israel Bachmunto Harriet Mouscworth, both ol Sdiiisjrrove. July 24, Samuel Siuitli to Eliza- Irine Klass, Indn of8hamokin. Ilx'th Bollender, both oi Centre. Oct. 15. Joseph Gusa to Harriet July 30, Adam Guth to Mary lllileman. Sloar, Isith of I'nioii. Oct. 17, Henry Conrad to Elanor I Aug. 9, David Brios to Mary Leytle, Iwth of Augusta. j Hinges, both of Middleoreek twp. Dec. 24, Thomas Dawson to Su- Aug. !, Paul Benier to Leah anah Dreher, iKith oi Augusta. ; Bingaman, loth of Heaver. 1838. Aug. !, Jacob Bolig to Christina Jan. 18, James Lloyd to Elizabeth Bar, lMith ol Union county. Feb. 18, Jacob Heiser to Hetty Dover, both of Union county. April 12, Jonathan Hulier to irali Keiser, .dauirhter of Henrv Y"), both of Augusta. May 1, Jacob Geiger of Potts- Ove to Rachel (iuiim of Sunbury. May 8. Daniel BcrKstresser to IRelxvca Haker, both of Selinsgrove. May 18, Emanuel Swinefort of Breil, both of Middleoreek twp. Ail. 11, Daniel Leitsel to Sarah Schneider of llessler's. Aug. 23, Joseph Felker to Louisa Fiese, both of Heaver. Aug. 80, (ieorge Mosser to Sarah Schwartz, Isitli of Moscr's Valley. Sept. (5, Jacob Fetter to Molly Herman lxith of llessler's Sept. 13, Joel Aigler to Eliza Smith, Inrth of Middleburg. Oct. 3, John Snyder of Middle Don's Valley, Centre Co., to Mar- burg and Maria Sampsell of Cen- M Hamilton of Union County. treville. May 22, Samuel T. Brown of Oct. 6, Charles Kaley to Eliza- Wilton to Elizabeth Young of Sun- ftj. Aiil 21. Isaac Moll to Catherine Persi njjrf both of Shamokin. t Oct 16, Iwis Benfort to Chris- Dobbs, both of Black Oak Kidge. beth Ulsli, botli ofBeaver. (Jet. 27, John A. Smith to Cath erine Bol lender, both of'Middleburg. Nov. 10, Isaac Alter to Henrietta "a lieaver. botli ot liessler s Krat- nlle). Nov 2, Jacob L. Metzger to lies- Iiong, Iwth of Dry Valley. Nov. 15, John Wiltz of West ralo toCatherine llomig of liea- Nov. 20, John Dreis to Ham:ah 'gner, both of Beaver. iv. 20, John Troxell to Lydia singer, both of Centre. Nov. 1"), Aaron llupley Sayder to Maria Bhambach, both of Middle burg. Nov. 26, Jacob Bicklc to IiOtiisa Ortz, Iwth ot Washington twp. Dec. 13, John Beaver to Susannah Derk of Hessler's. Dec. 17, Jacob Kratzer to Ila chael Klingler of Hessler's. Dec. 22, Jacob Miller ot Hartley twp. to Catherine Bitter of Penn. d April -J'.t, 1880, aged 1 y 8 m 28 d. Bingman, Anna '., dan oi Jacob and Catherine, b Jan 4, 1865; .1 Deo 22, 1883, aged 18 y 111 in 18 d. Bingman, Catherine, wof Jacob, b Sept 21, 1828, l Aug I. 1887, aginl 58 v 1" in 13 d. Bingman, Jacob, h June S 1826. Bingman, Muttie I''.., dan of Samuel and Hannnh, l July 16, 1882, j aged I y d. Bowcrsox, Jonathau, l April 15,1 1842; d April 10, 1881, aged 88 j 1 1 m 25 d. BingmaX Peter, BOel 21, 1 7 ''."); d Jan 1 , 1 877. aged 81 y - m Bingaman, Frederic, bJan 1", 1755; d M 30, 18 15, uged IK) v '. in II d. Bingaman, Maria Christian, b May :;, 1 7 S; .1 r', 1818; ugetl 50 1 I in ') d. Dec. 26, John Gingrich to Eliza Benfer, Annie, wof Jonas, d Ma Eisenhuuer of Middleburg. 31, 1807, aged i2y 11 in nil. Brininger, Samuel, !o. I 4Uth Pa. inf. Jan. 2, Daniel Baker 'to Susauna Boney, Oscar, hi 872, d May 6, 1873. Bitter of Black Oak Ktdge. Biucerman. G. B. McClellan, sot aaunah Kline, both of Middleoreek twp. Sept. 0, John Lenig of Perry 'o. to Man Ann Lose of Union Co. Sept. 19, Peter Long to Surah Long, both of ( 'cntrc twp. Oct. 17, Amig Nci lint to Barbara I .a i H I is. Oct. 2.", Peter Brunner to Sarah Mosser of Moscr's Valley. ( M. 31, Jacob 1 liebli r to Amelia Bowersox, both of Centre twp. Nov. 0, ieorge Hendricks to Phoebe Kantz, Isith ol Middleoreek. Nov. John Kratzer to Polly Benfer of 1 lessler's. Nov. 16, Michael Weyaudt to Polly Dries, both of Centre twp. Nov. 18, John Bertsch to Phrena Beson, both of Perry county. Dec 5, Amos Berger to Matilda Herbster, Itoth ol Beaver. Dec. (i, George Deckert to Susan nah Eberhart of Black ( luk Itidge. 1841 mm THIS III CATAIMUJ CONTAINS 1 120 PAQCS 1" ' iuchea in nit cunuiuiuverlw.UOutiuutaVttuiii, itf.uuu Ulutrmtlouti,th Ut , t m t completeanJlltweetpiii'Hl catalogue ever rub lis Ikm I . NAMES THE LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICAOO PRICES ON EVERTTHINO lodudlng rverythlDK In Vrcriee, Urugt, Dry bymti, Ntllaea, ilolBlag, t 'leaks. Dress, Butta M , Helchtt, Jr-rlry, Books, Ranlviar, rltotee, AfHreltaral l apleawata, Kumiiurs, Uervnae, Hedsllea, Humrlea, Hvwlag atktaea, Creaatrr, Orftat. I'liaot, letltal UatreatBU, Furaahlngtie4s 4iua, Hfinbrn, Pish lag T ark I-. BlryrltBt Itotoirrmphlt lluodi etc. Telia Juit what your HtorekMperat hunit must ay fur everything he huya ami will prtrtDt hlin f nun oven'tianring yu nn nnylhliiK you bV ; oi plains) nut how to order, how muh the rrla;ht, r-tiranr aiall will he.manythhuftoT.mrtown. THE HQ BOOR COSTS US NEARLY SI, tht P'tayv al ne is ;w cants. OIIR CRFF nrrPP t""1 thl" sxlvertlsement -"it rnCKVrrCW, ,, DfJtoUiwiUl l&eentti "tamps to hHp pay the Surest poiitce mid the I i.- I took will he sent tny-u Ut K K bj mall ps.t.jij am) if y,,ti dmi t nav It Is worth P illBtf the I A cents vii aend. ns it Wry q the lowtlt WholeaftlS I" i'1 of everything, aay sn.atitl w will Imtitftltl j rnurn ynur li c-iiii. WHAT THE PRESS BAYS ABOUT THIS CATALOCUES "It ! a nioiiuuiuut of busiiii'tts Information." lUUMBpOiafl (Ulnti.iTrilniiie "A wonderful piece of work "- Wnshlntrton HottOQAl Tribune. Thecatnlogue Is a wonder." Manchester i N. II ) 1'nlon. "Sears, Koel)uck A i'o. Is one of the largest houses of lis kind la rhlcauro." -Chlrsurn Inter t aMaUL The bltf catalogue forms one of the tlueat ehopplng mediums that oouhl possibly be sent Into a district. Boyce e Monthly. 4'hlcairn. -'Their catalogue la a vast department store boiled down." Atlanta Constitution. "Thecsttaloipie Is certainly a BM rrhandlse eneyolopwdia." CUBaVfO r.pwortli Herald. "A law ahould he passed OOBlpBlUBI the use of thl catalogue In all public schools." The Hon. O. A. HotithtoQB. Ws esald aeels tasasaaas sf ilaiUar eilraels. BIND II UMs AT ONCB aa4 ysa will rscslie Ua 4-lb. booh by rviarm sisll. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc. , CHICAGO, ILL., U.S. A. . '; -i'-.yps'V ikttumflm tie., taoe ybll i H .) Ua 9 9 cu?uiy taiieht OY MAIti or pufsuaititj our syswni ol teMblng gives actual daily en pei lean in ev-rv I mncli ol bttslaess includiCS Ii.iiaup. Morcuunillsing, Oonmlssioni Insuranes Trnnsporiu tius. etc. PrcnitatorT tJpportniPnt for backward studonta Wj trtiio tot Hrscticsi work anu slvrinrs secure Bituatious for woatuy pr;iI.Mt 'h i f m.r Uiimi i ss nijU sher!liai:il Cnursrs SluilclitS oate: uavd.v Novoeallnns ExprtlWS modernto runt ihrnw awnv time nril ir.nneT hv got or lo li mporary w hools when n will cost yen less li Attend I he BUST We nlwayn ba' u tiamtier ul Hiuoents ie bovs loft Incompetent tencbera In disgust Sucbpvupluofuu let I us ibul six moniba beti is caual to a ttur in unv otber scbool. J""S . .,.. r t u " r to ony one far (Irst Infarmatianof .ivicant position '"i'iN a Km i V A f U for a Bookkeeper. Stenographer, Teacher, Clerk or t'elre.r.iph opiT.-.tur tiioh we succi sstully 1111 liusmess hOUBi s supplied Wlla i assistants without charge Refer tn prominent patrons in every nnrt nf tbe wori i. In si thine lo attending tie MOST CELEBRATED III si XESs SCHOOL In Amer i i ear INSTRUCTION liv .MAIL li you nro nne'iiiilev il and wllllna to Hind' lliMtlilfnl lt:i ' "ie fr competent i Til vl Is i.. lake ,.ar INSTRUCTION IIV MAIL II vea un send ten two-cent tampn i..r live easy lessonx in snortnano. iieuiiuiui it ie tp . Address wusftoa thU pnpen Clement C.Gaines. President, PouGMKr.tPsic u.w Yo.,a. Jan. 2, Williimi Vail to I Latino 5. 1 SO Fred :i n 1 Iv, l .lnl Lose, Imtli ot Centreville. aired 2 y I m Jan, 4, Henry (iuss to liebceou Bogar, George l.. li July 24, 1877; Qoss of Black Oak Kidge. ,) jan .-s int.n, :ie,,', 5ni TJ tl. Jan. 20, Simon Witte yertoSo- Bingman, Hanno, dJan 25, 1 833, pliia Smith, bothoi Beaver. :ljroil l y 10 m 15 d. Jan. :i, John Kline of West Buf- Bingman, Christian, l Jan ', 17.st: faloto Elizabeth Valentine ofBea- d May 1, 1874, aged 67 y 4 ver. m i ,. Feb. l,GTOrge C. MoyerofFree- BingmaD, inlknt s ofJ. F. and 8. burg to Elizabeth Fisher of Isle of , qul, j Bingman, Henry II., s of Jacob and w , rPi ci . . .i Catherine, bJuly 18, 1858: tl I'cli. .S, I liomas Miiptoii to( atli- ' ' . oi' i en Mar 24, l.s.!l, ajji'd S 111 6(1. erine sennack oi Beaver. - Feb. 15. Jacob Weaver oi Centre Biogmao, Susannah, w of J. F., I county to Amelia Botdorf of Free-1 'P1 1 7 1 823 ( )l t "Js 1 869 Feb. 16, Joseph Saber to Lydia Bingman, infant lun ofJ. F.andSu Musser, Ixith of Centre twp. sail d Dec 2;, 18o4, aged 2!d. Feb. 22, (leo. Auniiller of New Bingman, Yost Henry, d Nov 13, lkrlin to Sarah Hartman of Centre. 1832, aged 50 v 26 d. Feb. 24, Michael Oberlin to Leah' Bingman, Catherine, icliet ol Y. 11., Valentine, both of West Buffalo. b April !, 1786; d May 2, Feh. 27, Samuel Kline to Han-i L857, Sgsd 71 y 23 d. nah Hufbagle, Inith of lieaver. ! Bingmaa, Christina, w of Henry, l March 22, Henry Moyer toSarahj Sept 14, 17S7; d Feb I, l'siJ, Piatt, hoth of Beaver. aged G8 y 4 in 17 d. March 24, David Coy of Perry i fiiugman, Sarah J., dan of Jacob twp. to Mary Ann BwioefoH of and Catherine, b().tt 22, 1854; Centre twp. d Sept 24, 1801, aged 0 v 11 m m 2 d. Beware ofOintments for Catarrh that j Bingman, Leah, dan of J F. and Contain Mercury, Jane, b July :J0, 1862; d Sept as mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of I 19, 186.5, aged 1 y 1 111 19 d. smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces, j Bincriliail. Vm.. Co. I 49tll Pa. Inf. Such article should never be used except, on ; b ' ' Srescrlptlons from reputable physlclani, as the lijnirlllll Rpilun dJulvl! 1866 images ihiy will do la ten fold to the good you , DnWUBU JfUWJU u 1 "u can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh ' aired 29 V 5 m 9 d cure, manufactured by F. J. Chmey A Co., To- b ledo, )., contains no mercury and Is takenln- I :.,...,,.,,, Jo..il h .Tihk K 1821! ternally, actlnn directly upon the blood and mu-1 iiingmail, W3COD, D dune O, eous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's n TT , ,r , irk Citarrhcurebesureyougetthegenulir. It?s IJowersoX, Hannah ti., (1 Uct taken Internally, and maie In Toledo, O. by F. ! . Q?a i i m j J. Cheney Co. Testamoulalsrree. lo7o, agetl i y I DU4 O, Sold hy druggists, price 75 cents per bottle. Haas Fan..iy puis are tbe best. Bingman, Torstea, s of C. I1 . and Mary R, d April 1, 1885, 8PINAL Dr!fi?KSt&a ! H 2 y 2 m 2 d. THE NEW YOBK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. THE GREAT It FOR FARMERS lmw tiunu it AND VILUBFRS. And Your fin orlle Home l'ii;rr. mm BOTH ONS YEAR FOR $1.75 Tie N, T, m Mn&H-S urt oiefit of Ih ftHBl L6WH f nidpreheiitij 1 ...i:..ui .l,.4 ....... .i. ,,1,L, mlitnriulM mt restini' short Blorn . srietitilic and raeehtiieal information, niastinted raMhton urneics, I morons pictures, and is iustnetive and entertaiinng to very member rf every family. given you alllhelooalnews, political ami social, keeps yon ui clone touch with your neighbors and frinnas, on ti.n ., , - ' ...... .... ... tl,,, I.., ..I nwiAui fur m mid in the village, inioriuo iuu m iu m- for farm products, the condition of crops and prospects for the yeui, and is a bright, newsy, welcome and iodispeosable weekly vimtor at your home ami Or f side, Send all subscriptions to THE POST, Middleburgh, Pa. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD. h REMARKABLE SCIENTIFIC AND WONDERFUL SCIENCE. "SOLAR BIOLOGY.'' I ne ON LI TRUE KtEHCE Bt WHICH 10UK fUTURi CAM TRULT AND AOCURATELt BE FORETOLD. UKAI, Um wnM numd Ecplui AMMoftr, so ui Hra among net u- in m miuiui, kwih, itnoul ipi.rtDM, dl- I MUtanusI Uunsfbom Eirapt tor tlx put tn im, wiu fivt tmihhii, vxmu. punt horMooM WIMtn H ,u UM. n wiu (i jw ptnomu inrDo. ooiiuoa, ilmuHr. sMlitr, Imm, inWIi luftk f Un, panlblt Meldnu, dTlM i BICMEI Tl IE 61 18TT9IL pUoet boMeopi di n.Uon BMitiAK. AllMltf. bill IT. BSsisiSSI on lor uUln, urru, BSSSSSj (Usui, pmlMlns, buUMi nutun, M. , Yon earn inform jonrMlf thoroafhly o t otlir qnttuuna oc jomr I I mart nn. SINGLE ANSWER HAY LEAD YOU TO SAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. B 10 ouw tmt in uet uM of Mrth u4 I will UUMdlaMlr rttnra ml cnlklal Minn nUint diwlovul prr l to M nil on. or tku tfltr u n tar) trial, til ISSSStSSSSfSsM SSsSf StsOasjsM WMAMtmm JLSTUOLOQER. Look Box 403, Phllmdolfihl; P. ll inlilj mill itlllHlimll iurminmiu,",- ua mmm mmm . .VTT. . wji for rrtrtaL prices for this year. mAfmmmm, ::. . . l