The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 26, 1899, Image 1
yder Co. HW. Society, agO. W. WAOSNSSLLXB, Editor and Proprietor. MIDDLEBFRGH, SNYDER CO.. PA, THURSDAY, JAN. 2G. 1899. VOL. 36. NO. 4. Interesting Items. Told in Brief Paragraphs for Our Readers NfMNMl Pointer In l.n-iil tnd Um rl w 'ml People Mnrr ftr Lena Prominent. George Beaver is the father d a new boy F. T. Ranch and wife returned to their home in Williamsport, David Stetninger of Looliiel was it Middlenurg on Thursday of Inst week. I,. 8. Bender of Marengo, lima County, Iowa, ia visiting in this Kotion. The inaugural address ofGovern or Stone is given in full on the in side pages. W illiam Zimmerman of Mifflin burg on Sunday visited (i. C.Gute-. liusand tamily. Dh 1. R. Bothrock of New Ber lin was a Middleburg visitor on Thursday of last week. John L. Wciscr, of Susquehanna township, is the mercantileappraiser this year in Juniata County. 'Squire Geo. F. BrosiusunilP. A. SchneeofMt Pleasant Mills were at tin1 court house on Saturday. Gabriel Beaver ia getting rather extravagant. He can become grand' daddy twice in the same month. Miss LiUfc Amig, of near Free burg, is visiting friends in Swine ford. Brad lord Evans of Juniata Coun ty lias been Snyder county seat visitor this week. Don't fail to attend the Business Men's Jubilee on Monday and Tues day evenings of next week. There are no inanv siok neonle in . ... . ' 1 I this vicinity that it puzzles Dr. Her-1 man to attend all of them. Til.. TdflfllMM IK'Jll I ll-l 1 1 t It I convenes in the Court House Friday and Saturday, Jan. 27 and 28. j John Holder, wife and children, 'of Lewisburg, were the guests oil Joseph Bowes and wife during the! week. i John Bolender and W illiam Zim i merman held guccessful Spelling B's ul Wenninger's and Erdley's school ! houses last week. i - X L j- -A,- U Jv SPECIAL OFFER. WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL DO 1 As a Special Holiday Inducement to secure new sub scribers we will accept new subscriptions and upon the pay ment of only ONE DOLLAR down, we will send the TOST from that date to January 1, 1000, or until April 1. 1899 for 25 Cents. Old subscribers can take advantage of this remarkable oiler by paying up Arrearages at the regular rate of $1.50 per annum. This is a most liberal oiler and it must be accepted at mice to lie of the most value. S'tid in vour name and votir dollar, to GEOKGE W. (WAGENS.ELLEB, MTndleburgh, Penna. r r (. r r r r Local Institute Proceedings. Rov. Shinclel's Marriages. County Treasurer liioglo and 0m M. Clelan attended the inau guration at narrisburg last week. Wesley Kleckner and Charley lord nl' Mifflinburg were Middle bun; visitors ft) Friday ol last week. A. A. Houser and wife of Akron, O., (lias. Smith and wife and James Keller ami wife oi Adainsburg on Sunday wen- the guests of Edwin Charles and Bonneville Smith. n the pension list of Jan. 7, we observe the name ol W in. Tresslor, I then made bv Dr Penn's Creek, (dead) restoration and tint the institute increase $t to ?n. in later issues we turn Too late-ftor Week. Institute was called to order by T. A. Stetler. The election of offi cers then inn:; place. T. A. Stetler was elected president and W. S. hluhn, secretary. The exercises were continued by singing, followed by an! igafc toiss.s address by our worthy County Sunt. I The readers ul the Post will find on the inside Mlges this week the first series of marriages taken from the Record of J. P. Shindel, Jr., who served the people of this section of mie as a i.uiiieran mi:.i I nun F. C. How ersox. iniitiiiu was II. H. Bordner tender its thanks lowcrsoM tor the irood done observe increases to Lot Burns, Se- the institute by his able address hnsgrove from $6 to 810; Hiram which was seconded by every one Good, $8 to $10 and Soworrow F. present. The evening session olosed Sehaffer, Porl Trevertou, from $8 to y ringing, am 1 " SATURDAY MORN NO. Win. K. Stab! necker, the obliging j Institute opened by singing. .The (Jerk at the Washinsftoti House of first suhieet. "Utnefenhvaslt should us place, on .Moiioav oi tois wecu rented the hotel property at Adaius- possession oi ueorge my" is a genial oblig ing lei low am I will be aide to tract to liis hostelry a large nun of people. On Satun Sunburv S of this ourg now in Smith. "I W. F. Datrle Of or thumberland i- the Hither ofanother bouncing boy, a grandson of Gabriel Beaver and wife. fxiok on the inside pages for Dr. SliinJcl's marriage record. Dr. Shindel in his time married loll couples, oli ves! oli ves!! any one mak ing sale can do well by calling on JamesBowersox, auctioneer, Middle burg, Pa, l-l!l-(it. The latest advices from Centre nullity say that Irwin Bowersox, who is at State College, is improv ing in health. Miss Kate Bowersox of Pock Borings, Centre County, has been Visiting relatives at this place dur ing the past week. 8. P. Burns, the busy traveling salesman of SeIinsgrove,wasin Mid- dleburgh on Thursday of last week interviewing the trade. The cost ol holding the elections in Snyder county during 1898 ex clusive of the cost of making the re gistration was 12f2.69. Fred, Bower, the active attorney f both Lewisburg and this place, was in town last week. He was again re-elected a director of the !mnk here. M. Millner, the wide-awake laer ohant of Kantz, was in town last Week. Wc congratulate Meyer on liis re-election as a director of the Middleburg hank. Mrs. J. B. Reichley of Peon's Creek spent last week visiting her many friends in this place. She anxious to be informed on the news of the day so she decided to liave the Post during 1899 audpaid for it in advance. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, a Wittenmyer's building, opposite Post office. Go to Soles to buy new razors or exchange for old ones. Hazors honed and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A. E. Soles. av the ofniciuls ! .cwistown I!: made an totii of insiMX' moiii i iai I at this Mice an loll, too!; it the Central Hotel, W. 1 the oronrietor. Thennrtv con istcd followei 14 ol S. P. Hutchinson, the new super-; intendent; C. F. Kissinger, P. II Rivers. Li. )'.. aters. I nomas, h-er ami J. A. Knight, W. W. Riden, all of Lea istown. be taught to-day" opened by . A. Mover, followed by Mr. Smyser, Prof. Bowersox, W.S. Kului, Dr. 11. II. Bordner, T. A. Stetler, :,t- Prof. ( i. W. Wallmrn and Brian .ht j Teats. The morning session was closed by singing "America." SATURDAY AFTKRNOON. The afternoon Bessiull na- opened by singing. The subject, "Every man the Architect oi his own for tune" was cpeiicii by Jacob Shaefier, Iv Prol (i. W. Walborn, T. A. Stetler, Dr. II. H. Bordner, Prof. li. Ii. Sch rover, Sumner Sin v- Earry OalvinGutelius. Harry C. Gtltelius was liorn Nov. 16, 1877 and died in Middleburg, Snyder County, Penna., Sunday, Jan. 22, 1899 at four o'clock in the morning of meningitis, having attained the ageof21 years, 2 months and 7 days. He is the son of George Calvin and A inclia Mclinda ( Heaver) Gutelius of this place. He is sur vived by father, mother, a sister Nora, married to Charles H. Walter, a confectioner of this place and two brothers William and Ambrose, re sidingal home. TliU was indnd a sudden ending o! young and useful life, full of hop I promise. I Ic was on the streets attending to his usual duties of carrying the mail ucd express on Monday ol last week, v n Mod day night he io-., sick with the grippe; ii wii-. lolloucd bv vomiting and turned into meningitis. After Winlncsilny he wasdelirius, and con scious only at brief interval-. After Thursday he lost nearly nil power oi speech and on Stindav morniiig liis soul ushered ii- linai flight to eteriiity, the lle.stiuv thai awaits all ! inankind. COURT HOUSE CHIPS "rl Klrl lor Krronl. George Dreess, Sr. to George Dreese, Jr., two tracts in Beaver twp. containing Ho acres and I0n perches for $."(( H. Charles K. Bickel and wife to Wm. H. Bickel, 78 acres in Middle creek twp. forfl. Charles Iiyd and wife to Henry Maurer, 8 tracts of land in Snrinir twp., for $475. Hon. (i. Alfred S hock and wife and Susannah Schoch t. Violetta IJoWersox, I I acres and S perebe, ; iii Franklin tw p., for 8750. Hai rlMur I.I M .. j I Cloyd F. Bingaman, Salem, I Eietta Fetter, Krataerville. I Willet Cover, Freeburg. I fue l.ongnciv. Verdi I la. 1 P. J. Herbster, Bcavertown, l Icrtrude E. Wetzel, I Daniel (J. Bcmier, Washington tp. I Sailie I. Wagner, l Wallace Teats, Hutumel's Wharf, , Eillie Ktitura Kessler, Salem! be funeral will take best io odd thei lariri volume of the i I road They linner Jinith, It was thought marriages to th 1 Stiyder Coiintv Marriages imw in course of preparation by the pub lisher of this impcr. Ii may occur that others also muy Ik added as this volume promises in he the mos1 vnl uable of modern coutrihuliotis tothe local history ol Penns Ivauia. place Irom its railier s resilience on I hursdav j morning al ten u clock, I he sit I iimn will Im preached by Itev. 1 . E, McLain, assisted by liev. Kohler. I tU I . . i-.i i i liic ruuu parent - ol lie UCCCUSCd Were George and Catherine Sophia (Alspach) Gutelius of Miftiinburg and bis great grandfather was Fred sriek Gntolius who came to Mi.'iin bnrg in 1802. He wasa surveyor and worked with Fredcricrk Evans, a resident oi this place in ii- early history. The gruit-greiit-gnindfiith- er of the deceased was a native of Germany, having come to this coun try in 17 10. He i- buried in Mun j lieiiu. linnciister ( 'utility. 1 n ( ler , many he was Mi dical I irei tor on the French Eunieror's -tall. School Children Under pulsory Act. Com- i he follow ma (aide sho bcr i i children in inch I ol the county coming undertl pulsory Attendance Act, ai the cost o making n ii-; oi tl ach district : Sophomore Class Banquet. : Births and Deaths in S'jyd-.T County. S. Kul ins iiiging, Tbi j Ml Hon. Jere Crouse brouirht from Selinsgrove the other day ul bundle ol newspapers printed by soldier boys in Manila. They were sent hereby A. S. Kcnipher, a sol-1 dierof the 10th Kegt. The type is all set ami the paper edited ant 1" subject, "Should literaturc lie taught in the public school" was opened bv Prof. Wall orn, followed by Prof. Schroyer, Jacob Shaeffer, lr. H. H. Bordner, T. A. Stetler, Peter Young. Afternoon session was (dosed by singing. SATURDAY EVENING. Institute opened bv sinciuir. The Held the! isliliigtoii d last wei uie- inmni i House The Sophomoi laii'ia l r II haiuiucl at t!ie ii Friday evening The party consisted ol Prof. Ceo, E. Fisher and wife, Misses Anna Bar lie, Elbe Brciineicr, Lucy Houtz, Sarah Gorlncr, Irene Kistncr, Lillie Ulricb, Messrs. E. Wingard, G. I. Strail, ( ha-. Lambert, J. H. Ncu hauser, A. M. Allison, L. (i. Statif- ( 16 10 rintedby Buldierhoys. tis inter- subject "Not how can we, but How fer, It. Z. Burns, Murray Herman, esting to read these papers anil to i Do we intqgwj our pupils along the know how the bovs arc making use of their spare time in that far off country. Three beers a day, leaving out Sundays, moans $45 a year, Three tegars a day, means 81 8 per year. Fifteen cents per week for tobacco, $8 per year. The habit of treating means 810 per year. Total, 8SI mt year, the lowest calculation. This sura would keep wife and chil dren comfortably clad and furnish many nice things for the home and table. In ten years it would buy a pretty home. The Republican primary election on Saturday for borough officers re sulted as fellows: Town Council, Josephat Walter, 57; D. T. Khoads, Go; J. W.Orwig, 59; Daniel Bolend er, 58; School Directors, Osfbon Seelx)ld,G9; G. C. Gutelius, 33; W. W. Wittentivyer, 48; Borough Aud itor, Calvin Stetler, 67; Constable, Henry R. Bickhart, 42; Henry K. Kiegel, 45; High Constable, James Bowersox, 37; William A. Swartz, 49; Judge of Election, H. W. Foulk, 52; H. H. Hassinger, 54; J. E. Stahlnecker, 56; Overseer of the Poor, (full term of two years), C. E. Steininger, 82;Overseerof the Poor, (unexpired term of one year), Joe Bowersox, 6; G. W. "Wagensel ler, 22; James Erdley, 6. lines of niuMUity and their moral ob ligations to each other" was opened by Prof. Schroyer, followed bv Prof. Walborn, Messrs. I less, Shaeffer and Young. The subjeet "Should the Legislature enact a lawmaking the minimum school term eight months" was opened by Mr. Stetler, followed by Profs. Walborn, Schroyer and Young. Session eloseil by singing. The teachers of Monroe township tender their heartfelt thanks to our worthy County Supt. P. C. Bowcr- 1 i en II. F. Schecse lieimer ami o. ara i tram ley ( 'ha-. Boyer, t leo. Bruce II. ( 'rouse. The following responded to toasts: Prol. Fisher, Messrs. Burns, Gram ley, Herman, Strail, Allison. Lam bert, Xeuhauser, Scheese and Miss Bar be. The class was chaperoned by Prof, and Mrs. Ceo. E. Fisher. m Some Large Fish. Thcfollowiiigsttitetneiit shows the I number of births ami death- in the I ! I! ., ..... . . . viii Kills ilisu icisoi .-ii viler OUIIIV for the year 1 898. UmtrlrtM. mt UnnlliN. No.oruirllM Adams, Beaver, Beaver West, ( Vntre, ( Ihnpmnn, Franklin. Jackson, Middleburg I Middlecrcek, Monn ic, I 'enn, Perry, Perry West, Spring, Selinsgrove, I Inion, Washinetun. Totals, Pupils, Adams, 24J Beaver, :;o Beaver West, -j-"i Centre. 308 'hupmnn, 361) j Fniuklin, 107 Jackson, 2011 Middleburg Burn., 1 p) Middlecrcek, 240 Monroe, :;.; 1 Pcmi, 357 Perry, :;: Perry West, '! Spring, 347 Selinsgrove, ;;':! Union, :;7; Washington, U() Eva mla le lud . 2 I Total- ::u7 ws the district IC ( 'om- id also hem in 'ost. s.oo 9.1K) 10.00 8.00 lo.oti 10.00 6.00 lO.Ot) 20.00 12.00 12.00 li.t )0 S.t H 1 HI. mi lO.dn 24.00 24 12 lit 21 28 17 23 35 oi 10 ia 32 26 32 How a Town Is Populated I On Monday Beneville Smith re- I ceived a consignment of fish caught and successful. W. S. Krii.N, Secretary, .'ox, 1 rot. U. . Walborn, frot. b.. by his brother Joseph in Lake Mich L. Schroyer and Sumner Smyser for j,,. The fish consisted of a' large their assistance in helping to make variety the largest being a pickerel the institute interesting, instructive which measured over four feet in length and weighed 17 pounds. Mr. : Smith resides at Montague, Mich., land when people along the lakes de- sire to fish they use a small cab or I house placed on sleigh runners, pull the cab out over the :cc to the place they desire to fish, cut a bolt in the ice and then it is only a matter of baiting your hook, dropping it into the lake and pullingout the fish. Business Men's Jubilee The largest entertainment ever held in Middleburg will he held in the Court House, Monday and Tues day evenings, Jan. 30 and SI, 1890. More than eighty planes of business represented. More than 100 persons taking part. Don't tail to attend the greatest event of the season. Ad mission 25c; children, 10c. Cur tain rises at 7 o'clock. Fa km for Sai.k. About 80 acres of land two miles west of Cen treville is offered at private sale. A house, small barn and good fruit on the premises, 20 acres cleared, l balance in good incoming timber. Just think of it ! You can get the I Inquire of Chas. Fry, New Berlin, posT till Jan. 1, 1900 for $1.00. 1 Pa. l-26-3t. No. of Deaths, 4-r, ) Apparent Increase of Population '2(1 Dining the year 1 S. T there were 435 births and 158 deaths or an apparent increase of population of -77 persons. List year the appar ent increase was 201 persons. Our county loses a great many persons by removal that the figures above would not represent the exact, in crease of population. Wanted a Correction. A certain paper, in an obituary of a man who had died in the commu nity, said, "A long procession fol lowed the remains to their last roast ing place." Of course the family rushed to the "print shop" to have the "error" corrected. The editor explained that he could not do it until the seven years back subscrip tion the deceased owed had been paid. Every tow 11 has 11 liar or two . a -mart Aleck; some pretty girls; more loafers than it needs; a woman or two who tattles; or an old logy that the town would . better of! with out; men who stand on the street corner- aml make n mark- about women; a man who laughs an idiotic laugh every time be sees anything; scores of men with the caboose of their pants worn smooch as glass; men who can tell you how the war question should settled and how to run other peoples business, but who have made a dismal failure of their own. Our Ancient Brethren. We re-print below an appeal pu! lished in the Pennsylvania Packet published at Philadelphia July 8, 1770. Even at that time Editors learned the art of begging: Phila., July 8, 1770. The uncommon expense attendinir the publication ol this newspaper at this day obliges the printer toinforut those gentlemen indebted I r fh paper longer than twelve ino'tfl , that without pay, it cannot ie- c - tinned to them for more than four weeks from this date. Hubscribera at a distance can send their money by letter (post paid) or any other pecdv way that ma v suit them best. and subscriliers in and near Balti more will please settle their account with Mr. James Hayes, of that place, who is fully authorized to receive the same. Joiix Di'nlai. A. Drices tor thin venr