The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 19, 1899, Image 4

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    Koyal MkN I be tejod pmn.
Absolutely Pur
ROVAL tVUUNQ Pi - f m CO. , MCw VOftK.
. ymuents proiesniig l"
Thf MiHHIphllPtjh Post log Ol the Utah man and we ho,ie
ine MIOaieDUPgn r05X.jt,1lv will deluged with letters
Published everv Thursday. from the people whom they rcpre-
' " rm . A nmriixi tlw
Geo. W. Waqenseller,
I .J D. n n.i nln M
BabBoription &1.5U per year,
wlil.-li m'i.t i"-paid In advance KM sent out
tide the county.)
jirt'.ni a n v F n T I si NO.
ut transient idvertletmonta not otherwise
aontraoted tor will be charged at the rate of is;- , . .l ,mnn ... ,n.n to
,-,-nt per nn.Mno.,pHriri meaaurei tor first inner- turn of every kind among voim i ,
HrPrath Hf(aM jmhluhrd frer j Miliary pomg
riintn of rtiyrtt. rfc Hirer Mall a ln-
flmrsday, Jan. 17, 189!).
Kro n tlte l.utln' )eservr.
With Christmas and New Year's
greeting to the O&serror, its stall
und its friends, we turn our thought
to it threatening national peril. Com-1
ini' events cast theirsbadows In-fore;
.inil in the anti-polygamous agitation
in the press and in religious circles
we have an evidence of healthy pub
lic sentiment. In our Republic, not
the rulers, hut the people are the
nower: and no law enacted in 000
flic! with the sentiment ol the people
can be enforced, nor can it stand.
That is true Imtli of Church and in
Stale, and therein lies the safety of
both Church and State. Hingsand
cliques ami factions and parties may
get control of conventions and syn
ods; of states and of the nation it
self; but the liio and remedy are
with the peopje, and the liest friends
of truth and righteousness in state
and nation are the agitator.-. From
Elijah to John, from .John to Paul,
from Paul to Luther, and from Lu
ther to the present, God ha raised
up laiilitiil witnesses, and will raise
them iii men who int not their
lives dear, il they mav serve truth
and the (iod of truth.
The integrity and honor ol the
Republic are in danger, and there is
of aeitation: that the nubile
stirred, TheMor-
conscience mav
tnons ot
Ct Hi" res
Utah have elected to the
which into power
on the 1th of March next, a polyga
mist, vtlio has three wives. The
miestion that Congress is to decide
when it convenes, is, Shall this po
lygamist Mormon lie seated? Con-
gress itself is to decide upon its own
constituency, and cannot refuse to
Mat any mini duly elected by any
ii irtV. he iie .lew 01
( ipntile. who 1
to the constitution
. . i Q. .
swcais allesianci
and laws ot the United States. Even
a Mormou w ho has hut one wife or
:e. ii t,i ,,..t !... ,.v.,l,L it
, -i
en Dili a man v i . na iiioie man
one wife is Biibject to criminal in
dictment all over the Union, except
in Utah. When the territory of
Utah was admitted to statehood,
many of the best people of the land
feared that the new state would vio
late law and pledge and restore po
Ivgamous marriage. And now al
ready the mistake ot admission into;
the family of states of this polyga-j
nious constituency is manifest. Rut
the election to Congress of a man
with three wives shows that there is
public conscience upon moral ques
tions which needsonly to be aroused
that the remedy may lie applied.
Not only religious organizations and
the religious press are heard, but
the press which we write secular is
hading in the war against seating
the elected polygamist in the next!
( '.digress. The truth is that public
gCUUment Upon moral questions 1980
educated and stimulated that upon
most moral reforms we may largely
rely upon the great daily and weekly
napen of the country. It is for the
must part in control of men who
want to do right, ami is supjiorted
largely by the great army of readers
who stand tor truth and purity and
sobriety and law. That the press,
secular or religious, has not vet at
tained the ideal state, is not strange;
for even the Church is still a church
militant, and the truest friends of
tlie kingdom of Christ arc the men
and women who are so far self-for-
get ful as to stand for what they be
lieve to be right, no matter what it
may cost. The press of to-dav, as
compared with the press of a htm- ;
dred or even fifty years ago, has im
proved wonderfully, not only in en-j
terprise, but in moral and religious
lone. All honor to the American ,
newspaper !
Whether it is true or not, as is
stated, that President McKinley him
self is pronounced against this tlese-
oration of tbe Amencaa doom ami
insult to American womanhood, I do
not know; but that his influence will
. 1 1 A .1
De BOUareiy againsi,
mav im- unite sure. 1 It
lie is a man of
patriotism, of faith and courage. It
is said that members ol Ooogretstre
bang flooded with letters mini eon-
sem. i ne women
, , .I
most intelligent women in the WOTIQ,
I ami the most influential, too are
being aroused, and will mantnem-
selves heard. It is proper nn-every
woman who prizes womanhood ";
purity, as also lor every organiza-
maKe tnemseives nearu oy iw.w"
,,l I in iii-vt f'.inirn-ss the men elect-
ed last November and ol all par
ties; for the will of their oonstitu-
entsisthclaw hy , ongre.
willbe governed in decidingthe vital
the law lv which ( ongress
" I represent," siiida bright young
the New ork , ami
have iiccn wired to intervii w ten or
i a dozen representative Washington
nastnrs unon the Question of seating
tin - nolvminmns renresentative eleot-
je, t( Congress in Utah." Wegive
several answers to the interviewer.
A Methodist said :
"Utah has broken faith with the.
I'm,, I, K,,m WAV I'fllllll 1111(1 fthoillll
be found to keep this man from tak
ing bis seat.
A Presbyterian said :
" If Roberts is living with three
wives, he is a polygamist. As such
be is a law breaker. In inj opinion
a law breaker should not, be allowed
to become a law maker."
An Episcopalian said :
"There are certain ruling ideas of
civilized life that belong to all civil
ized human beings. Among an per
sons dominated by tbeae ideas the
consensus of opinion is that polyga
my is a curse. The family is the unit
ofcivilizpd life, and anything that
tends to break it up is pernicious. If
there is any legal wav by which Rob
erts can be kept from taking his seat
in Congress, I should say most
strongly ttiat he should be prevent-
A Lutheran said :
"The election to Conpress of a
polygamous Mormon m Utah is an
insult to the Christian Rentiinent of
the country, hiid he should not be
Yours Truly, R.
Washington, D. C, Dec.
mmm uumm-
23 ''IS
tm irlppi Sucr.'H!rully frrntrd.
"I have just recovered from the
second attack of la grippo this
vear," says Mr. Jan. A. Jones, pub
lisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas,
" In the latter case I used Chatnber-
lain'a Cough Remedy, and i think,
with considerable success, only be
ing in bed a little over two days a
truinst ten dnvs for the former at-
tuck The second attack I am satis-
ed would have been equally as bad
as the first but for the use of this
remedy as I had to go to hed in
about six hours after 'struck' with
while in the first case I was able
to attend to business about
days before getting down. For
sale by all druggists.
Death s Harvest.
Philip Zieber died at West Mil
ton on Sunday, Jan. 8th at the age
of 85 vears, '. months and 10 days.
He leaves om
son, John Zieber, atjHo,Uedy was used It counteracts
Globe Mills. A daughter of tin
deceased married Samuel Bolig of
Centreville and liel some years ago.
Deceased was buried at Globe Mills
mi i i
on i nursaay 01 uui wees.
A child of F. W. Thomas, land
lord of the Kreainer Hotel, died and
was buried last wetik. The child
had la-en ill for some time and after
a fierce struggle for life, it
had to yield.
One ot the saddest deaths that
have occiirnd in this community for
' .
some tune occurred last Wednesday
at 1:15 o'clock. A child of Milton
Dcrr, just north of town, was play
in); with a pine knot while the moth-
er was out milking. The clothing
caught lire and the child was so favor hy letting us Know. Bucfi
badly burned that death resulted copies in good condition will com-
soon a fler. The skin just fell fromjuiand a fair price. tf.
the little one's bones. The funeral ;
took place Friday at Zion's church
t 1). . . .tV. . I.... K .l V!
Vt'V . IJtlvt?! (JUIUlUUIlLt . l ryi 4,
years, 6 months and 14 days.
Washington ,
Grip Titcsite Ciiyii ite Iron Grasp-
iovprnmentJMacbinery Almost at a
Standstill Enormous Percent
age of Employes Stricken
With LaOrippe Capital
at the Mercy of the
The Grip epidemic is raginp in
the Copitol City, ami fully one
thinl tli. inivirnmeilt emulovees
- f
an, r sumTing trom the drend
disease. Violent headache, lever
and chills, sneezing and running at
j fc u ,H.r with t)u
; M,MJn(.kinfr a,.h(.s an,l ,uli,18 aml a
general exhaustion are the ruleratii-
h h (, tion The boat way
!tofi ,ttlc (;ri'p j, to strengthen
, nema and bulW up the resist-
I . aw .1
I in mmM an an to throw on tne
lit" ri un
ijt. s ami nothing
m. i y M Dr- Miles'
hfj-j It has restored health to
A . , s,lffmrs Bfier
e-erv other remedy had failed.
M'l .1... r:..;.. 1..H ma I n
' . , ,
, ,rokl,n ((m. arreek. both mental and
. .
Mv nerves were com
i J ,
pletely unstrung, my appetite railed,
could not sleep and Ix-camc so tie-
ont that I despaired 01 ever
, ,
Kh JefipgtbottJ of
to improve
Dr. Miles'
Nervioe and when I had taken sev
en Isittles I was completely cured.
Have Ih-cii strong and well ever
since and weigh more than I ever
did before."
Samuel F. Pilson, Btaunton, Va.
Al! druggists are authorised to
sell Dr. Miles' Nervine on a guar
antee that first Ixittle benefits or
money refunded. Re sure and get
Dr. Miles' Nervine. ISooklet on
heart and nerves sent free. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Jan. 12, by Rev. Win. Acker,
Samuel D. Ivauflman ot Freeburg to
Lizzie M. Weaver of Thorn psontown
Jan. 12, by Rev. Jacob Iiawver,
Israel Mover and Amanda Roush,
both of Deavertowo,
Jan. 4, by Rev. Wra, II. Dover,
Paul Hummel of Franklin twp. to
Ellie Agnes Inch of Middleburg.
Dec. RS, 1898, by Rev. H. H.
Spahn, Abel A. Shi-k and Mary E.
Mitter!iug,bothot Richfield.
Jan. 17, by Rev. D. E. McLain,
Win. F. Rilgerot Centre twp., this
county, to Cora V. Engle of Union
twp., Union ( !o.
Jan. 10, at Kreainer, Charles,
son ot'F. W. Thomas and wife, aged
1 years, 5 months and .1 days.
Jan. 1", at Creamer, Oscar
Thomas, aged one year and several
! months.
Jan. 1"), in Middleburg, Harriet,
wife of Josephat Walter, aged f4
years, 1 1 months and 25 days.
Jan. 12, .at Richfield, John A.
EJornberger, aged 20 years, 6 months
and ti day. Funeral was held on
the 15th inst., at Daniel's chureh.
Revs- Fernatennaker and (). (J.
Romig officiated.
low lo Prfvnt Pnanoolt.
You are nerbapB aware that pneu-
imonia always results from a cold or
from an at tack of la grippe. During
the epidemic of la grippe a few
vpurs when so mnnv ruses resulted
in nnpiimonift il wbh ohservpd that
in pneumonia, 11 was oDserveu inai
the attack was never followed by
,li8ease when Chamberlain's Cough
anv tendency of a cold or la crrinne
to result in that dangerous disease.
It in the best remedy in the world
for bad colds and la crippe. Every
bottle guaranteed. For sale by all
old;copies wanted.
In order to complete our files we
wain tlie loiiowing namcu issues ol
I l'oT:
. .iii a
July 8, Sept 1G, 1869; Oct. 6,
1 13, 1870; Jan. 26, 1871 ; Apr. 17,
j 1873 ; Nov. 4. Dec. 23, 1875; Marl
7, 1878; Mav 15, 187J; Feb. 17,
Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883;
March 27, June 12, and October
Qn 1 BSA . f 1 7 1 fUUC . Ton 9
' Zf? ' iKSO
?V A 28 i)e- A 1886;
jDec 29, 1887
Any of our readers having copies
' of the above isHues will confer a
. .. . ... ,
The inaugural addreaaof CoL W.
A Hfniu, il' , I I nnnoqi, in nert U'lub'a
ji,uiviil , ii u,la.i,i ... iilvr
Opposite County Jail. Middleburgh. Pa.
Lamplight Companion
Between now and Spring time
there will Ih- many opportunities of
an evening to read up on the differ
ent portions of the Great Northwest
To this end the Chicago, Mil
waukee A: St. Paul Kil way Co. has
printed for fret! distribution to
Eastern farmers a number of illus
trated inatriietive pamphlets regard
ding the various states traversed by
its lines.
In seudin'g your address to W.
K. Powell, (ienernl Immigration
Agent, Old Colony Building, Chic
ago, III., please say il your prefer
ence is tr information about Wis
consin, Iowa. Minnesota, Northern
Michigan or North Dakota.
No charge for pamphlets or fr
replying to all impiirics about tin .
section of the Great West. 1-1! 3t
cAimon RoTicK.
tfottec Ih bcreby Kiv'" tlmt wc hmvn iur
clinn'ii Troni Win. r. Howell, the followingl
llftlni'il artlrlrn wllM'-i lll unlil Unwell plltvh)UI
mI at 4'otMtHhlfl Sal": rwo homes. pr", wu-1
tfliu, 4 wit- of irrnr, hnuvy Und loir Wiigon. j
WO linve left Hi, albove t nip-ly in f't- hlilids
.if II M KiMiilir .m,l III I l, l ,IH !: . MUllolH 1
nut to mcdill with tlit Nllllr,
Middleburg, P., Jon. 14, IdW.
lucnllie 'I
A t.. utartN you m
cir. (roo. Point Co , i'i nik ink
Notice in Partition-
in tin- ettata '-t wiUlan Bollenuueh. late oi
Perry Township, Snyder CO., Pa., decetnetl,
To Honooti Hollesbneb,rldow ol William Hoi.
lanbaob.dec'd. or ubaptnati twp.. BnyderOo.,
Pa.: Mary spicher (nee Uollenhaeli) tntenuar
rlcriw'.th .InUn L. SplcfciT ol Liverpool, ivrr
Co., I'll.: Levlnu llcrkt-rl (lu-o llullenhai !i) itid-r.
married arttJ WlUlam Heekerl of Chapman
(wp.,8oyderOo.. Pa., and Samuel Hollnnbach ol
Perry iwp, Snyder Oo P. i William Portillne,
buabaod of ftn Portilloe (nee Uollouiaob) now
deoaaaodi Catharine Hhalferj nee portline) in
lermarrted with Jnmea SQanef, Henry K- Pbrtz.
line, Martha siroiib (nee Portxltne) lutirmar
rlertwllh Wrle.y BtrOOD, Uartta Potlxllnfl ami
suHsan portstuo, minors above tbe hkp t 14
vears who have lor their irtiurillnn Philip Keller
all of Perry twp , Snyder Co.. Pa., and William
11. rorlzlltiolTreverton.Nortird Od Pa.
Yo i are liere'y uotllled tbal hy virtues of a
writ ot iDfjojaiUon issued oui of um OrpbaM'
Oonrt Of Border OO, audio tne directed, an In-
IqOOai win tie neiu on Truer suuaieiii perry twp
tunt-rii, Da lu,,t,.n,iH .nH Hnoplli,! f,.l
snvdvr Co., Pa . branded und deterttwd fol
1". viz : Oo the North by lands ot helm of
WlltUun PorUltM. tteCd, on Uie Boat by autdiol
o. W. forutine, on tbe South by Uadp of tome,
jere'. moreTi'.'
s. vi-1 r 1 1 ll'fiiniiurlriiiiiii'cx,
at hi oviiirlc A. M.. tn tiiuki' rjartlUon or muni
tion of Uva real ctuti- ut aald deccaaad, wuen
anil wbare too may attraa If vou Milnk nrovr.
Jan. I. UW. I'.s. lUTTE B. Sheriff,
Orphans' Court Sale of
Tlie DOdSrfflrDetl AdmlnlstrMlornf the pstale, lata ofOaotre twp Soyder
Co., I'a.l dt-t-easfil. unrti-r and liy a porlain ordi-r
Issued out of I lie Orphans- court of srrtder Co.
for the pavment of IM deM of said (leeeiised, will
expose to public sale on tlio pn'mlsvs, lu said
township, on
FRIDAY, JANUARY 27th, 1899,
the following described valuable rel estate lo
wit :
TltACTNO. 1. Belnirneertiiln licuse and lot,
altuate In the village otOHntrevllle, Snyder Co.,
Pa., bounded on theNorthby an Alley, on ihn
Kuril by lot of John Zoiik, on the South by Main
Street and on the West by a Public Street, con
taining ONE-HALF (!,) ACHE, wlib the appur
tenances, on trBMS are erected a two atory
DVVKI. I. INO HOI SK, STABLE and oilier ouu
buildings. Well of wttu-r near the door and
cBl"e fruit treea.
TRACT NO. 2. Being a cer'alu messuage,
tenement and tract of land stluute In Cen're
twp., Snyder Co., Pa., bounded North by lands
of lli-:rv Snook, on tbe East by lands of Unvld
Boyer, on the South by lants of Ilavld Ocker
an. I . I. .. hn,M ... t?l I ... K.. , I. Un.1,1. ,lun,l nH
; Public Koad, and on the West, by lirlab. Welrlck.
containing SIXTY (60) ACRES, more or less,
with the appui tenarces. on which are erected a
large t ao atory LOU Hol'SR, BANK 11 A It N
and otb r outbulldlngi. Nearly all the land is
clear and In a fair stale ot cultivation.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said
3 aTjLlmPA"l
1 ..4 iu.m. nl .Ill lu maria bnnwn hu
uum 11 ,u. o,, ,1, n,,,...,, ..j
&very Stove that is sold
carries with it our PQSI
it must give satisfaction Be
fore a Cent is paid. Call
and see the
Ever Seen
Carpets I Carpets 1 1 Carpets ! 1 1
whole lower floor of .ny store is taken up with Carpeto, Kugfl
Spiares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hassoc-ks,
' Fringe, Fknir, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, Ac., Ac,
Hug Fringe
We can show you the largest and
ever shown in Ijewistown.
Brussell Carpet as low as 50c. and
All n r-.
All II IH II UM-pci " " iKIC.
Halt W(ki1 Garpef " " 3..
Olilna and .Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Select, Fronts
SEE T lima ID GOOD !
Compare quality ami prices, you will find that our store is the
place to buy at. The goods are first -class, prices are the low
itt, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show gootla.
W. fi.
Bj mil,
BJeaMoutorB ooaottba aaaat abopping madlumo that oouid poaatbly be not Into a dUtrlrt.
4bu- satalogu I at department ator bolhtd down." Atlanta Conatl tutl on.
"TbacatUlogue la oartalnly a merchandlae ancyclopaadla." Cbloago Bpwortb Herald.
" law abould b paaeed compel II ng the ua of ibla oaUlogu In all public ach oola" -Tba Hon. 0. A. Sontbtoao.
Waeealdae.utkeaaaae.ralwllaritrala. IBSBU Cimil OlClaad yeaiwUI mSJ Ik -. kMk by ntara aaaV
Aosreu, SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO. (Inc. , CHICACO, ILL., U. S. A.
BheritVs Sale of
By virtue-of t-prtaln writs of VrndttlOBl BxpO
nas Isaufil out of UMMadrt of OMIinoB PffOJ ot
?Dydtsr C1 , Pa , anil to RHJ ftrrCtOd I wlllt-xpose
lopn6UeMI6M tin-court llousp In M.drlli-buru;
at 1 D'CtookP, M., the following described real
eaute lo wit i
All that certain llouso ind Ii' silunted In
MMdleliurg. Pa,, bounileil on the North by lands
ol MWBKl Walter, on the East by lands of Ue5.
M. Moatz. on the South by lot of neorge Smith
ami on the West by sugar Street, containing'
At HE. limn-or less, on wblrh Is erected a new
DWEI.I.INO llorsE and other outbuildings.
seled taken Into execution and lo be sold ns
the properly ol Rosa QtUUbergff und Albert
P. S.niTTEH, Sherlfr.
SherlfT'a Offlre, Jan. S, lsi9.
HOIt-E KAIK IIINOS like our iminrtmothrm
wore when girls. Hand made prelt.y mid
curious, one ring ard a pair of ladies dresa
shields for II cents. Send size of ring. MlSH
MABEL ii!I.I..n. Veruon.iMoblle Co., Ala. I'm
lea lewaajiw
1 smai i ( .. aa
r,A'LE way
, -nrtlBBwjrjal l.W 1
I s-"tW twice r&ir
, :.y Li 1 nt'-i
iest StocMSta
in Snyder County
ah qualities.
AH Prices.
liest selection of the above goods
' rj-r
liiig CariK-r as low as 20c. and up
Cotton Carpet " " 22c. "
Velvet Carpet 7,r)c. "
FELIX. Lew-istiiw it.
and lowtt Qrloed ntolocn rr blbhcMl. NAM IS Til
Utt ul Uw, Wuioh, J.w.lrj, Bnat, lUHwan, Btent,
hnll.n, Hum OU4IM, linln,
H, iwuri, unjui, nuM, Ulliiliwiili, rinl.klUM.
Indim. ri.hl. TukU. BIcelM. numnMl ImA. Tf IH
om, awiwt, rti.T.i, obwUi. jfoJoawoafi mmh. ' Teiio
J u it h 1 1 your Monkotpcr ol horn naitpt, f orTrrthlnir b bay
d1 win pt.nt hi m rrumoorcbanrlDK you on anything you buy:
tiplalntJuMbo toordor, how much to MoM. MM or iu
baontnytbJnctoyourtowD. TNI III MM (SITS II KUIIT II.
th poitof lon. l.aonta.
OUR PRFF flrrCB Cut thli ad..rtl-rr,- l ort
rtunpt to halp pay the M aaata paHaft and tba Big Book will br "
to yu rata , .ll yaMaaM, and If you don't aay It la wor:h I"
tuna, the IS eanta yoo Mnd. aa a kay to the lowa.t rricm
ot Trytblng, aay ao, and w. .Ill haatadlataly ratarm ,.. 11 aaata.
"It fa a munamaat of buitDeaa lnfomuitlon.-' Mlnneapoup
(Minn.) Tii bun.
"A wonderful place of work "-Waahlngton National Tribune.
Tho cataloguo la a wonder "-klancbeeter N. II ) Union
"Man, Roebuck at Co. la one ef tba lamat houaaa of lie kind la
rl,l,ie !, ' I' .-..
ters of Administration in thees
tjtn of Wm. liollenuacli, late of Perry town
arnp, Snyder Co., Pa., dee'd.. having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons knowinc
ttyniselves Indebted to aald estate arereiiuesten
41 inalto Immediate pavment, while lhoe havlni!
daitima will present them duly authentlcaied t
too undersigned.
were requiredto
perfect our new.
Lantern which we j
now offer as somt
iiiinr extraordi-
nary in the Lantern line. It has the I
Railroad Lantern's rugged ronstiiu- .
tion ioinrd to the tubular system, and
the result is n shltndid lieht-fivinT,
wear and abuse rrsistrr. We Will, ,
if desired, mail our special Circular
of the " resla" Lantern ; or, wwi
receipt of $r.oo, aie will Wend you .
( freirht orreaid ) the very best Lan-
. tern for general service you ever saw.
Why not "see it" on those terms 1
0m UlaattraM CataaafM k tUtkei Pra.
doLaUarhtSt- New York.
a tiraauBMa m lata. i
. 0S?gotd Lanterns art ttamptd DIET?.