The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 05, 1899, Image 9

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We lia
hus broturht forth
never experienced such a rash tor Overcoats as the past few days
... 11 hi i
We have sold more Overcoats tOiMI w.ts sowi up to v niisrinas
. .. .1 I A
lot we
IIHB ' M Ug III IUI I'lli M c unixnwu iitoiv; u'vi , 1
last year, ami still it Been) to make little impression on the immense
in Mtick :i few more than live hundred to select from, that's tlm reaa
as the styles grow nobbier and the assortment larger.
Overcoats for Men.
Gray mixed Overcoats with silk velvet collar,
made in the Ix-st possible manner; ja good
dress coal in sizes from 35 to46,only
$3.48 !
lie or
Black a I
wool Kersey Coats, made
7 coats, only
Reefers for Children
Very warm Chinchilla Reefers which could easily
lie sold for $2, n r price is only
$1.48 I
All wool dress suits for men in live different pot
terns. Also blue and black at the
remarkable price of
...Miss Anna Leplcy, of Troxel
villc, was the guest of' Lewis Hel
frich's last week.
...Frank Sellers of Milroy ftpMt
Christmas at this place.
. ..Miss Anns KJinepeter and James
Hawk ofLewistown were entertain
ed by the former's parents.
1 "II. . I r i . ...
. i v iicmc r I ami (in i'tf i.ii
Pres., A. a Shear)-; Vice Pre, H.
A. Bowersox; M. of F., A. A. Binga
men; JR. 8eey, Dr. J. W. Sampeell;
F. 8ecy, L. C. Biuganuin; Treas.,
Allen Boyer; Conductor, F. R. Boy
r; Inspector, John Shrader; Guard,
F.J. Hartman; Delegate, Dr. J. W.
Sampsell; Alternate, W. H. Hart
...The neoide who heirntinnia mmA
sleighs are taking advantage of the
...Dr. Wdjt of Leicester will i.
here in the near future.
..Frank Gov sang very actf
at our musical convention.
. . . Myron Moyer attracted attend
at our convention by comiealsi j
...Wm F. Mover rfril25
visited the parental home ,.r i.
Woi. Moyer. ' lrf.
...The Christmas cantata Wils
inspiring and grand (arf
the church was crowdl ..:.i
Miss Cirri.. !..... 1 Lailllll anil mttmmtt, IfV "ltef-
--...v. i iH-i'ii o fuiiiiiic listeners.
...Miss Carrie Middles wrh whn I '"ding some time with her sister. ...Rev. Dnicl.nm;iU.
is employed in Sunbury, was sjiend- Mr8, Tr"tmn, near Newport. Christmas purse of money J! a
lag the holidays at home, j ---Miss Katie Seesholtz is spend- i mont had a wedding at thei,,,'"
. .. Mi.-s Bearie Meofitley spent last a few weeks in Sunhury. i ge fhursday morningaiMi a inrn
...neiiaHia Bilger and Misses Ly-i ouuiruay.
dia Wagner ami Jennie Custer "of - The Musical C
WIW li nil o r
Monday for Philadelphia where l,e ! 8now w, h fell on SaturJn
will attend school
week at Lewistown
...Chas. Lloyd and family mov
ed to Lewistownoii Monday.
...Alfred Baolimau of Michigan is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Jonathan
...Samuel Warner is ill with an
attack i.t the "grip."
. . .Chas. Goss of Trazelville was a
recent isitor in town.
...Aaron Helfrieh. wholuti
the snnimcr in Illinois, is at home
...Jere. Km
0 w . m mwmv v 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 ui . vh. v..i j J 1 1 1
Pawling Station .siH'iit Christmas two daily sessions ami f,lr
i i .i . . . . . ....
with lriends in this phiee.
...Daniel Sassainun and wife spent
Christmas with her brother-in-law,
Mr. Young at Kratervillo.
...Miss Carrie Foye came home
to Bpeod the winter with her father.
...Peter Ikiilev and w ifesnent Snn-
- i
iay in ocitnairrove
lM ,,t ' KrumlMne's.
Conve-ition hl)(
ami tour
entertainments. The perform,',, 5
hv Profs. Movr .....l wr... ,..'m
with Annie Grimm, pianist. relX
choice uiuic.
! creek were the guests of his father
I on Sunday,
j ...Mr. Gemu Beck of Perry Co.
J is visiting friends in t,js vicinity.
...The exercises held in the two
churches were very interesting. The
Luth, entertainment was held on
Suuday evening, and was attended
by otieof the largest audiences that
was. ever assembled sn that church.
.Murray Long of Gettysburg is
...ft B. Mover, wifrand dalt.,r
yisited at Philadelphia, RieglS
Backs Co., and other Eastern M ,;,,,!,:
with Klnierir'VV Tl - r . ,."!", :,t
;hos, ita dehoitK.of H. L. Lark, 2
'" H .George Moatr of Lebanon KknS u and
, . ... . ,, spent a few davslast week SK'KffH
witeof Middle-fJC" , imam spei.t the holiday season at ihet.
I Wetz's.
.The little foil
... me iimc ioiks gave a hirthdav! Our Snnd-iv i
party for Mamie Trt on Saturday J
rental home.
H.t.k,. Tfc. S " nr top 1
r a .... 'iiiiiMiini, l lie
BUeniOOn very pleasantly.
friends a!
K .
. mm''
' . KS in w
m e-Xi fJ r ir
r mi ...
.".j. er. H c re ins
d l5
rmr o
AND rang:
1'0 i
...J .J
...Win. P. Shelly and
( Jrousc of Middleburir were
in town mi Tuesday.
..Hiram Siegfried of Seltnsgrove
t was an Adainsburg visitor last week.
...Miss liolia Searer of'Puinterville
who had lieen spending several weeks
in our lni!Lr, has returned home.
...Miss Carrie Voungnmn f the
: ivovsville Orphans' Home spent the
' week with her mother.
...Dr. A. M. Smith left on Mon
j day for i (arris mrg.
...Jicw iear Hissed olf very ntiiely.
...fhe Lutherans arc observing
(he week of prayer thi wk.
Mi. I I :. t
.. , 1 1 n 1 1 1 II , HIM- ;illl 'III HI
nov City were guests oflfc v.
i6itutuerintiti 8 ov er Suuduv.
...u ui, ivtlier left on .Mo:
New i'orlin where he will
forraeri of the Infant Department"
Miss Annie Grimn Superintendent
-reiui training. She exer
Miss Annie Swengle is vlsitilltr j riM 0oroP,ete (ntrol of her depart-
III l . In Sn,.l Af i.
- nW, 1N(,r
and .Mover, announced that they h
tomded to organize u home depart,
ment '
-.Brian Teats ofHutamer8 Wkaif
assisted the orohestm at our musical
cotivention. He awl Prof. Wm. II
Grimm handled the "fiddle and rh.
her uncle near I Irris)uirr -ii imui.,,1
c i" "
...We had no Xnans entertain ment
us old this year in our church so our people
, had the privilege of attendinff others
...Tin-persons who came home to
Spend the holidays were as follows:
Anderson Ernest ami fiunilyof Cam
mei. Pa.! TomShamnrv ol Prnnlrlin
toil'' 1 vcrv annnaa..1l r.!.i
Co.;Harry Howell of r.vcon,ing(,,'w:,,Z 'T' " , ""' 1 "
.: ... ' leal lilODorlKiiw 1 ,.. v
i i j uihad no aig-
I ilHllO
lay for
n i k in
ith it
it must give satisfaction Be
fore a Cent is paid. Call
and see the
& - ' v
mr I Ii I f i-j.-Ii if A ItiMinu u us
a recent visitor at this place.
...Mi. Win, Scchrist, who spent
several months at her home in Cen
t reviile, has returned home.
...To-day (Monday) issaid hy sonic
.! our older people to lie the mildest
-nice 1872. The thernKimeter re
gisUrud 26 degrees below uero.
, ...Miss Berthu Keller of Selins
grove spent Monday in town.
...Mrs. Sarah Klose has thcdiopsv.
...Mrs. E. '. Auraitd of Middle
burg was entertained by Mrs. Edw.
...rrank Spaide made a business
trip to New Berlin on Monday.
Warren Ernsl of Berwick. Pa.: Mei-
vin Harnei, Win. Brmierand Prof.
C A. Derrof Central Pa. Coll. ire:
Rose Shamorv and SallieDcrshaiii of
...Ira Harner, formerly of this
place but now of Bloomsburg, Pa.,
lias taken unto himself a life partner
in the person of Mi-s MucieKahler
of Bloomsburg. They visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. !. 1. Harner
of.tliis place last week.
i i.ii. i.. ..
uaipmnn ami K. t. iiowersos
attended the musioa
l m i
nurg on c naay evenwg.
...frank Gift of Benedetto, Pa., i'
home to visit iii. iiarcuts.
coiTlimt oinii.L. r i.'"
-mvo, f?. r. Drown, an
other contrast in size, came up to
41. 1 I ii. J
me niaru ov niowwtf ;....
lis trombone in avarv amort ,.,.
ner, giving a hcantiful variety te
the music.
...( '. C. i kihsou i:
since Ceo. Heiser
tow n.
.Now we write 1M !t.
.Monday morning the thermom
Ever Seen in Snyder County
i a
...New Year startinl in will
w hite coat.
...II. Ii. Riegel and wife of Mid
dleburg visited P. C. Hartman's on
Middleburgh. Pa. l . l a . Stine was Lewishurg
I one day last week.
uxxi o uecrces uelow aero.
. tew arc Siting thetrioe liouses
this week.
...At Ulsli's sale on Friday Alvin
Ulsh bought the bouse and lot for
...Last week Mrs. Harriet Matter
was visiting in our vicinity.
. . . 'has. I erbstcr and Calvin Six J;
are going round cross-cutting stow
wood for our gixxl iM-ople.
...Buried at the Manbeck church
Gordon Leaker ri Globe Mills
wna visitor in our place recently
...The Christmas entertain meats
held in the Luthm
Iv.aiccrt at Free- ChUfClios at this place were a grand
iiing. suceess and were attended by a large
, number of people, . ..Elmer Bowes
has recovered from a severe sp.ll of
: kness which overtook him very
suddenly on Christinas eve. '-
are glad to sec him in our midst
again. . .The following officers were
elected in the.M. E. Sunday school
lor the ensuing year : E. F. Bowes,
Snpt.; Sherman Bbrdner, Sea.; Mrs.
Sadie Renn, Treas.; L. H. Gaugler,
Librarian; and Cyrus Shipe, rgan
, Est. . . .Sherman Bordncr returned
home from a visit to E. E. Bowes.
our new milk r
moved ":it of
Christmas passed off vory uieely
at this place J. B, Sheilenberg-
er had a light attack of rheumatism
last week. ..Oven Branch and wife
of .Juniata (.. are visiting his par
ents at tl IS place. ,3. A. Filson and
wife Burnham visited her mother
over Christmas lohn Stevenson
week iK'tore a;t Mrs. .lohn (iross' 1 -i i u i . ...
.. ' and wile ot Harrisbure are visiting
ot I rossiTove. t. P .. .P
j Rev. Price is holding protracted
Ion Saturday ...Foster Krdlev of I meeting in the U. E. churoh,
Heitnsgrove was m town between! ...Miss Amanda Marshall ofSben-
Is about u near perfection as 50 years
of Lamp-Making can attain to. It
burns kerosene, and gives a powerful,
clear.white light, and will neither blow
r.or jar out. When out driving with
it the darkneas easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be had. ask your
dealer for (he " Dietz."
We issue a special Catalogue of this
Lamp, and, if you ever prowl around
After night-fall, ft will interest you.
Ha mailed free. ,
60 LaightSt, yew York.
BetafcUaiH ia 1S40.
Clyde Bolig of Winfield spent
Saturday before Christmas with .lohn
Fields and family Geo. Gordon
was home on Christmas Miss
Anna Covert of Selinsgrowe was the
guest of Miss Ida Fields last week
lames How and family and S.
A. Appand wifeof Seluisgrovespent
Christina, with J. F. Walter's
J.J. Pawling of Freebnrg was in
town last Wednesday I. J.
1 Mitchell and wife are spending a
! few weeks in Philadelphia Frank
! Thomas had a shooting match on
I Monday, Deo. 26. Thaw was quite
a crowd present A. A. Hcintzel-
man is working in Lewistown at
present Revival meeting is in
1 progress in the church at this place
at nresent A. C. Smith, Izora
Smith, Mrs. W. A. Gordon and I have just received a lotofFartoy
children and N . C. Gutelitis and aud Common Mirrors which came
family attended a turkey roast at just a little too late, which will'' be
' lliouipson HUbish s at oeiinsgrove somcneap. 1. c WALTER,
.. f. T..:.. it.: .
. , , . , , -mi Minn, i.tire. euvisi ai mis
, . .Un ounaay eveninir at the borne i iv. .ii .
. ., ., .place Dr. Skive Baa been kept
of the brides father, Parry Zaiberi. .1 1 u .u .
1 ui 1- ' .. . I rather Imey attenduiff to the wants
ami .miss .mum ivnepji Were UDIleU I
in the Holy Ixinds of matrnuonv.
Rev. llilhish oHieiated. On Mon
day they starttsl 00 a trip to (Jttioa
Reuben Smith and wifeof Ban-
of the sick now tor several weeks...
A. J, Krep aud wife are vtsitiug in
Miillin Co. at this writing Mr.
Stevenson of Harrisburg lettered J.
B. Shellenberger's store house. He
is an artist for sure Mondav
ttmnson Saturday.... Snuth Kiehl amloal, is spending several weeks nerville accompanied bv Solomon 'S " 1 "T, lAl
of Lewishurg ,s visiting friends here with iViends here. Eberhart of Mamdlus, Mich., were i
at present . . rs. John Smith and , ,.Ammon the guef of Chas. Maurer on Fri-
own, vmivj) ji iwuvfi) ait viBiung 1 Berlin
relatives in town at present. . . .Izora
Walter is visiting lriends at Selins-
grove Mrs. Jackson Miller and
Miss Schlaglc of Paxinos were vis
iting the former's relatives on Sun
day. . . . A. C. Smith andE. F. Wal
ter drove to Paxtonville last Friday
Ira Mitchell of Philadelphia is
here in town at present Quite a
number of our marksmen attended
the shooting match at Fremont on
Monday Mrs. Geo. Stuck pre
sented to her husband a fine baby
boy as a New Year present.
were in town on Sun
day evening.
...Our Sunday school held very in
teresting Christinas entertainments.
...Robt. Wirth and family of Se
linsgrove spent several days with
friends here during the week.
...Mrs. Prof. T. H. Spigclmire of
MifHiu Co. is visiting her parents,
Isaiah Walter's.
...Miss Kate Long of Crossgrove
was the guest of Miss Elva Hartr
man during the holidays.
...The L. & R. Sunday school pres
ented their superintendent, M. S.
Sanders, with a fine rocking chair
last Sunday as a token of respect.
. . ,W. a 549 P. O. S. of A. elect
ed the following officers for the en
suing term : P. P., E. B. Hartman;
day. nr. ruoernart informs us tint
about three weeks ago Mrs. John S.
Kline was buried at Flourfield, Mich. 1
Mrs. Kline was a visitor of Geo. 1. 1
and John W. Kline ot near Tro.el-
ville. ,
...The following visited on Chiis
mas : E. B. Steininger aud .family
of Georgetown with Harrison Snook;
Erie Ulsh and family and
Charles Ulsh and wife with Wil
son Ulsh; Roland us Hartman and
family and Win. Maurer ot Mil
inont with Chas. Maurer; John Hcr
bster and family of Huntingdon Co.
with his numerous friends; Oscar
Shultz and wife and Miss Maud
Shultz and" Mrs. Sam. Shilling of
this place with friends at Troxel ville;
John Zeiber and wife of Bannerville
with Harvey Heambach
Joseph Van Horn of Richfield
spent Christmas w ith his parents, J.
R. Van Horn... Mrs. F. E. Specht
and son Sehaffer were to Harrisburg
recently... Simon Specht and family
spent New Year with hie son Wil
liam at Lewistown Prof. Wm.
R. Kearns spent Sunday with his
brother John at Adainsburg... The
Union Sunday school of Beavertown
rendered a cantata in the opera
house on Saturday evening. It was
well rendered and showed a great
moral H. H. Faust is on the
sick list Charles Boob chanced
off a '96 Crawford bicycle on Satur
day. The lubky man was Chriton
Zeabe L, E. Specht left for the
iwest. .