The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 05, 1899, Image 2

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    ' ill
Snyder Co Hit. Society
und Propriotor.
Viu 3fi. NO. L
sresting Items.
r r U- X-.. -
bid m tSTiet raragr.'f' ;
Mrs. Mary A. Bolender is listed
Ouc Readers.
,'QHTriimc rwmw
nr M Fromlnml.
Ilk-aver and wife visited re-
; Gordon over the holidays.
with the sick.
Miss Sue Ik-aver is visiting friend
i in Mill lnliiiiL'.
Miss Ik'rtie Erhart of Lewistown
is visiting friends in town.
ww 1 f i. I
I Isaac Koener oi reunsgrovc was ;
a Middlcburg visitor on Monday.
Ijadies' and Children's eoats nl-
1 must flrttMkti iiu-iiv :it. WMB.' Selins-
. It 1 4 tin nl'Sllll. - ...
meooia huu luutitj move 1
. . i i 1 , i c
nt their nouony vwjbmuh
elected the
janitor ol the court house at a salary
i I I ' lji ' :
i v . j. omiiiHiirer wuo
b Totapaon spent i liriat- Qj gso
lh Ins parents at Mexico,
Dr. J. K. Allison Ol NOtth-
Ind visited her parents here
ir W. Aurand has gone to
I ! .. ..I...
In in searcn oi ;i i.i
ir business.
Miss Rosa Bohoch is visiting her
friend, Mrs. H. M. Rowe, at MIL
Mis- da Beaver of Northumber
land spent New Year under the pa
rental roof.
W'e are offering all our ladies' aad
nViilrltvu'y (Vnta :il hnlf nniw. S.
)r.J. Y. Shindel fellon the Wkis Selin-.-ov... 2t,
of the z4tli nit, ami twos
Friends of "Tha Post".
Evangulist Williams.
what one: dollar will do
As a Special Holiday Inducement to sjecitre new sul
scribers we will airept new snlisei iptioiis and upon the pay
ment of only ONE DOLLAR down, we will send the POST
from that date to January 1, 1900, or until April 1, 189!.
for 25 Cents. Old suhscriliers can talce advantage ol this
remarkable oiler by nying up arrearages nt the regular rate
of $1.50 per annum. This is a most liberal oiler and it
must be aeeepted at once to lie of the must value. Send
in your name and vour dollar, to
Middlehnrgh, Penna.
"T T" T- ! t T1 t" "t ! W "-T"
Frank Hepner the Lucky Man j
P. Keiser,
nronriotor of I
at the wrist.
Avers hr.d the nustortiiiie
hist week, and sustained
liiiuf injuries.
IrQ, V. Burnn and tamily
College visited her parents
Mice last ween.
'ora (1(mm1 ol Seluu
friends at this
rt of this week.
K. Haas
Hotel on Saturday,
angler has fiiuished his
j Shainohin Business! nl
i'.tin in this place.
iiristtuas exercises in the
i."'.'k'.S oi the town w ere
and sucoesstully oonsplct-
-electioii oi Ladies' and
coats at Wei-', Selins
.li are now selling at half
Kcliceca Wagenseher and
Anion S. VVageiisellfr, wile
ion visited the editor of the
land wife over ( 'hri.-tina.-.
proprietor of the
irave n
to the memlwrs of John
le's, C. C, Beebold's and his
If. Kdwin Charles and family
esoie Smith spent last week
lie professor's parents at I'ori
rtnu. RennevilU' Smith, the
clerk at Wittemnver's,
ft them home on Sundav.
F. C. BdwofBoz and wife,
Kolender and daughter. Mar-
HQ the editor of the POHT
ie oi tins place uttended the
Ic lianiriiet at NMinsyrove on
0 n
Ji ult
Monday morning we had the
father ever ktnwn in Mid
Thermometers in town re-
16 and 18 degrees below
m thetlats and Franklin
I the maximinm of '28 de-
ptte Lodge No. 194 Free
epted Masons, Dec. 20, elec;t
bllowine officers for 1899:
Prof. J. I. Woodruff; 8. W.,
K. Fisher; J. W.. Geo. VV.
eller;8ec., H. E. Miller, Jr.;
3. Weis.
oth, easy shave, ireuteei hair
bther tonsorial work, is ai
med at Boles' Barber Shop.
fivers building, opposite
See. Go to Soles to buy
rs or exchange for old ones.
oneu and guaranteed to give
Hummel, who is farmine
ietrich, north of Middle-
' town on Monday. He
I pair of woolen mittens,
teiiow left in his barn
7 night Mr. Hummel
e gloves as a pair he
" wear not long ago.
have the same by
Mrs. .1. ( '. Hassinger has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. V. P.
Custer, in Pemi township the past
few day".
John W. livnninger had a Christ
mas dinner on Saturday, Dec. 24th
at which the entire family was pres
ent except Mrs. Weill'.
Ladie- in need oi eoats will do
well by calling at our -tore. e
ne now offering them at half price
S. Wkib, Seliusgrove. 2t.
We wish to remind those interest
ed that we pav no attention to re
iiuests to have the Pobt diseoutbju
e I until all arrears are paid.
V. II. llipka moved into the I r.
Miller rehldejicu on French Flats
to-dny (Thursday). Mr. !'ij!;a will
follow hi trade, inill-wrightiiig.
Prof. William Noetliug of the
Bloomsburg State Normal School
and his son, ( 'has. I!;, were Middle
burg visitors, on Monday, Dee. 'Jii.
Rev. K. i'. Ijcouard of Lincoln,
Nebr., is visiting his uncle, Dr. J.
W. Orwig. He is soliciting stock
( rc
lor u larirc coli?i uni to
in Chicago.
Tlx unty auditors are at work
this week examining the accounts of
the commissioners and the treasurer.
The jury commissioners are filling
the jury wheel.
Editor Wm. F. Fcese and family
spent their holiday vacation with E.
K.. Freyman and wife. He reports
the Millerstow n Journal in a flour
ishing condition.
Mis. Josephat Walter was taken
to the Medioo-Chirugical Hospital
at Phils. An examination revealed
oanoerous tumors. She will lie
brought home shortly.
The Lutheran Sunday school oi
this place elected the following nam
ed officers for the ensuing year: Su
perintendent, Prof! Edwin Charles ;
Assistant Superintendent, A. S. Bea
ver ; Secretary, 11. II. Hassinger ;
Asst. Beo., Brace Crouse ; Librarians,
Lilian Stetler and Mrs. George W.
Wagenseller : Organist, Mrs. Ceo.
Hassinger ; Assistjint, Mabel Grinini ;
Musical Director, M. L Potter ; Su
perintendent of'Primary Department,
Mrs. M. L Potter ; Assistant, Lulu
Among those who visistcd our
town during the week were W. F.
Feese and wife of Millerstown; J.
L. Bowersox of Harrishurg; L. C.
Bowersox and family of Shamokin;
William Ship of Shamokin; Frank
Herman of Kratzerville; Thomas
Hostermau and wife of Selinsgrove;
John Wagner of Mifflinburg; Harry
Seebold and sister, Eva, ofSunbury;
G. W. Burns and family of State
College; Mrs.C. C. Seebold ofSun
bury; Meade Bowersox of Beaver
town; W. Frank Specht of Herndon;
Bryant Bower of Lewisburg; F. F.
Hare of Lewisburg; Clyde Bolig ol
killed hi
This beats them all thus tin- reported,
There were 27M guesses in as to their
weighl at 10 cents a guess making a
total of ?'J7.''0 for the one who
wculd guess the nearest, and Frank
Hepner of this town guessed it with
in 1 pound, his guess was 97!'. The
guesses run from 927 up to over
1100 pounds. HerwionSUw.
Maps tor Ready Reference.
Miss Daisy E. Gift, ttu aecom
i plished voliug ladv of Paxtonville,
ie accommodating
Herndon House,
two large porker- on , .....i :r;llll v.,.!,.,. tii t ;. Milk
icy dressed 9S pounds, wm. unitelln the bonds of holy
heaviest weighing .".SC.. , . ... t -i i i v :il the home of the liri.le's
parents, Mr. utul Mrs. . 1. (iift,
at 1 o'clock jnn Monday afternoon.
The ( lucago,
Ibiilway !o. tins
ilwauhee V St.
jusl issued in con
venient form for household, library
and school reference an atlas of sev
en colored maps of the world, the
United States und our new Mses
sioiis in the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans, together with an amount of
valuable information connected there-
K'ev. '''osier U. (Jitt of Scrantan
assisted ly. Rpv. John Yoder of
ie'.tyslmrg very fittingly pronounc
ed the Messing as officiating minis
ters. A lew of the' relatives and most
intimate friends Witnessed the scene
after whioo they 'partook of a royal
feast of HMrcshiucnts.
The (.. nil in nnr have gfiiie on
their wedding trip to New York
and Philadelphia.
We extend our congratulations to
the voting couple, hoping they may
have it long and hnppy life together.
- on
with nil up to date. This
w ill he senl tree to uny uddn
receipt of six(() cents in postage.
Appi v to t ico. II. Ili a II on I, l ten- j
eral Passenger Agent, old Colonj
Building, Chicago, or to John li.
I'oit, District Passenger Agent, Wil
liamsport, Pn. l-fl-2t.
The Masonic Banquet.
Tin' fiafayette Lodge N'o. 19 I free
and accepted Ma-oiis held their an
nual banquet at the Keystone Hotel,
Selinsgrove, Tuesday evening, Dec
I Amnion Jordan. Adam twp,
Sadie M. Bonnie,
it!. Roller) Forrv, Kanlxi
I Ellen Slindel, Mt. Plcusanl Mills.
I W. H. Sclirnwder, i'. Trevert n,
I Minnie L. I lotiscr,
rChns. Kwing, Beaver Springs,
Ada . Baki r, Bannerville.
I ( '. . Trou n, Washington twp.
27, 1898. Ei
ity-four persons gat
ie royal banquet so elc-
down ti
gantly prepared by Mrs. J.P. Duck,
tile caterer of the hotel. The follow
ing was (he menu :
M KM'.
Blue Points,
olives. Celery.
Plain Filling. Oyster Filling.
Cranberry Sauce.
Sweet Potatoes. Saratoga Chips.
French Peas. String Beans.
Banana Fritters. WineSance.
Chicken Salad.
Fruits. Assorted Cakes. Nuts.
Neapolitan Ice Cream.
Bochefbrt Cheese. Crackers.
Demi Tasse.
A. W. Potter presided as toast
master and the following toasts were
responded to : "Lafayette Lodge No.
194," Prof. J. L Woodruff; "Our
Guests The liadies," Harvey IT.
Schoch ; "The Lights of Freema
sonrv," Prof. G. E. Fisher ; "St.
John's Night," J. C. Beck.
The banquet was elegantly pre
pared, excellently served and fully
appreciated. The Keystone Hotel,
under Mr. Buck's management, needs
no higher endorsement than the uni
versal approbation of the banquet
We publish this week the Kol I of
Honor representing those who have
paid their subscription since our last
issue. We thank each and every
one for the generous response.
ant Mil!-.
1 hindorc,
Met 'lure.
I Ellen ( '. Mengle,
I F. E. Loycr. Mt. Pica
I Sarah E. I leintzelninn,
f I. W. Longaroe,
j Cora M. Brown,
I J. S. Iteiehenbach,
f Arthur D. Shirev.
I Lizzie J. Middleswarth, "
I Amnion iicinard, Chapman,
i I Carries. Herrold, Hoffer.
; fF.W. Zeiher, West Beaver twp.
( Nora Kncpp, Spring twp.
I ( Edward Shellenbcrger, Richfield)
! ( Agnes Page, W. Perry twp.
! ill. W. Anrand, Middlecreek t.
; 1 Mary J. Crouse, "
' ( Win. Ettinger,
i ( Ellen Kiose,
f Paul Hammcl,
I Bills Agnes Inch,
( Grant W. Yoder,
( Daisy E. Gift,
Franklin twp.
(ilolie Mills,
Committee Meeting.
The Itcpuhlican Standing Com
mittee of Snyder County will meet
in the Court Bouse at Middlcburg,
Saturday, January 7, 1899, at 10
o'clock A. M. Important business
will lc transacted, ami a full attend
ance is desired.
Hknry Brown, Chairman.
P. F. IliEOLii, Secretary.
Election Notice.
The annual election for Directors
of the Beavertown Mutual Fire In
surance Company will be held at
their home office at Beavertown, Pa.
between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock
P. M., Saturday, January 28, 1899.
A. H. Bowersox, See'y.
Beavertown, Jan. 2, 1899.
Roll or Hoson.Tbe foliowUM 1 The Powr m h.a pi m. m l.
persons faavn paid their subset iption i . ZJ ' w" l"
to the Post to the doteH opposite! 11 e Pew
their names. Should any mistakes K'ev W. 11. Williams of Hridge-
occur in thes credits or on your pa- ,., ( ,1,,,.;,,,, ,i S
'gav series oi" lectures in the liieli.
per pleiiSH not if v us
Christian Knouse,
11. M. Freed,
S. V. naokenburgi
P. S. Burrell,
A. H. Fish,
J, E. Steiuinger,
Ira A. I ackenburg,
L. C. Bowersox,
Hev. J. Shanihaeh,
H. H. HerlMter,
lit. E. Moyer,
A. B. Mark lev,
M. K. breese,
J, J. Schroder,
A. S. Walter,
Jphu II. Mover,
J. M. Baker,'
Siumn Arbogust,
dacoii It. Weavi r.
Aimer K. Waller.
II. D. SchnuPe,
Dr. H. M. Nipple,
G, W. Uiig,
Dr. M. ttotlirook,
Edward Beaver,
X. E. Stuck,
J. G.Stahl,
X. T. Dundore,
F, P. Walter.
J. K. Hughes,
W. D. Jarrett,
J. i: A. Moesehlin,
Samuel Buliek,
Jwpfcit SValtcr,
Amos Musscr,
J. U.Smith,
A. Z. Schoch,
James ( ). Snook,
P. Keiser,
A. H. I! iwcrsox,
Percivtil Auuiiller,
('. Viigeuseller,
I). X.App,
Daniel Yerger,
K. K . S ri mini,
K. G. Duiin & 'o..
II. J, Sw'tirtzlandcr,
C. S. Sprigglc,
.lerome Aigler,
Benncville Smith,
Wm. Mover.
Duuiel Knouse,
John Leplcy,
W. A. Fisher,
John Smith,
Geo. Wagner.
Willi- Shamliach,
John ic i r hart,
A. B. Si a u Her,
H. P. iioot,
W. H. Gordon,
John Longer,
W. M. Gift,
U.S. Shaeffer,
Joseph Swarm,
W. A. Mark ley,
Frank Heimiiach,
S. B. Walter,
Fannie Bowersox,
John D. Bogar,
J. L. Weiser,
A. s. Sheller,
Elmer ( Ireiner,
Daniel Maneval,
J. M. Kreider,
M. L. 1 Eassinger,
Philip Hoot,
( A. Kerr,
David Kerr,
( 'has. .1. Hummel,
Boot, Bothermel,
Mrs. W. L. Wehr,
A. II. Bowersox,
J. Ib Shaffer,
Geo. B. M. Arnold,
Mrs. B. E. Arnold,
Dr. H. S. Brauohr,
G. W. Boardnian,
.Nathan Hackenburg,
J. F. Good,
lan. 1, IIWW field I . It.
Jar-. 1, 1900 known as il
April 10, Midland is un
May I, '.!' ev
Jan. 1, 1900 '
dan. , '99
.Ian. I, 1900
Jan. 1, 1900
Mar. I, 1900 j
Feb. I, '99 1
Jan. I. 1900
Feb. I, 99
Feb. I, MM) I
Jan. 1, 1900
Feb. 1, '99 '
i i i j I.-, I
.in iv i, no i
Jan. I, 1900
Jan. 1, 1900
Jan. L, 1900
Feb. 1. '99
Jan. I, 1900
Feb. 1 '991
Jan. I, 19001
Jan. 1. 1900
Jan. I, 1900 toi
Apr. I, '99
htireli. He is U'tter
I 'rummer ECvangeljsl
lest speakers
01 tllQ
icard in liiehfild
lulilllir dc-erves VMMi eriilil
securing men of such loftv at-
InillUlcnls I,, uaai
Ai llllil ill i. in
ren. i, iuw griftfe efforts.
Jan. I, 1900
Mar. 1. '99 UNION TU P.
Apr. I , '99
A i (in k t . a .
apr. i, mn ..,.), . A ticker is getting
Jan. 1, 1900 ffine repaired.
us en-
Jan. I, 1900
Dec i, M)9
Mar. 15, '97
Jan. I, 1900
Feb. I, '99
Mar. I. '99
I. 1900
I. 1 900
I, 99
I 1 900
Jan. !
Jan. I
Jan. I,
Jan. I,
Jan. 1
Sunhury -pent New
among relatives hen
' i lace mip
and wi
iiilv o
lie :i la '
in 1. ii.
cd to Kuntz
II L oftheclc
i store.
.i n
'. M li I
; .none
to V
of Dei
of Fn
.. .
iiimii icaei
ai'i.' S.'li
'' i i
I'lihach, one ol our
ichers, was married
on the evening
lev. Driickctimillcr
1 1 r
i , .' i j i Irown.
1. '99 Ion, ic! I
1900 ( "hristmih
popular iitictionecr I. W.
has taken unto himself a
the pi rson nl Miss ora
I he ceremonies were per-
llov. I tii 1 1 It
hurl on
I, '99
I, MM)
Jan. In, 1900 ull( Was
Nov. I, '99
Jan. I, 1900
Jan. I, 1900
Mar. I, '99
Jan. I, 1900
Jan. 1. 1900
Mar. I, ''.".i
May I. '97
Jan. I 1900
Nov. 1, '99
Feb. I, '99
Mar. I, '99
Mar. 1, '99
Jan. I, "99
Oct. I, '99
Jan. I, 1900
Feb. 15, '99
Apr. I, 'Oil
Jan. I, 1900
July, I, '99
Dee, 1, '97
Jan. 1. 1900
Jan. I, 1900
Apr. 1, '99
Apr. 1, '99
July I, '99
Jan. 1, 1900
Jan. I, 1900
Apr. I, 1900
Mar. I, '99
Jan. I, 1900
Jan. 1, 1900
Mar. 1,'99
Sept. 1, '95
Mar. 1, '99
Jan. 1, 19(H)
...Willie Shotzlierger, -on of Jacob
( i. ami Alice ShotzlKTger, died at
his home near Verdi I In on fw "sih
interred at Keiser's ceme
tery on Saturday, 1 lee. 31. llev.
I Iruckcmniller officiated. Aged ."
year-, -J tils and 2 I dttV'B.
Eli Kiegle, the champion butcher
of Chapman township, killed 107
hogs and 27 beeves in 33 days.
A mong the lot J. C. Kreitzer had
the largest, three of tiicm balanced
the beam of 1048 pounds. Who can
beat it?
,..G, W . Voder made a business
trip to Suribury on Thursday.
...Misses Dora und Anna Meiser
spent their New Year at Salem.
...Miss Dora Meiser was visiting
in Middlcburg several days last week.
...J. S. Meiser purchased a line
organ on Friday from F. S. Reigle.
...Miss Anna Kern of Selinsgrove
spent several days under the parental
...Mi-s MaryWendl ofLewistown
was visiting her sister, Mrs. Cord.
Lesher, on Friday.
...Miss Maliel Kaiich is spending
several days in Selinsgrove, theguest
of Miss Anna Yutzy.
...11. F. Walter and wife, Gordon
Lesher and wife took in the cantata
in your burg on ( 'hristuias eve.
...Misses Erma MoQee, Verdie
Fields, Ida Fields and lady friend,
were seen on our street on Sunday
...Lloyd Bowersox and Gco.Moatz,
two ofMiddlehurg's promising voting
gentlemen, were seen on our streets
on Sunday.
...Mrs. Fred Hall and Mrs. Oliver
Gembealing, of Williamsport, were
pending several weeks under the
parental roof of (J. W.Itauch's.
...The Misses Doraand Anna Meis
er attended the Christmas entertain
ment at Salem on Satuaday evening
and reitort that an excellent program
i was rendered.
Ot- arm; No. i whit, gom io ttoa aet Una of tba court rMohlnc .a agreemtfat on