P." 'V.K'MI! mm v 4 tf . 4 .5 Snyder Co. Hi. Society mnd Propnotor. MIDDLKBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA.. THURSDAY, JAN. 5. 1899. V(ju 3ti. NO. L resting Items. m r rt l I -. U m Brief raragtvf...!. iui Que Readers. Mrs. Mary A. Bolender is listed with the sick. Miss Sue Beaver is visiting friends in Mitllinhurg. Miss Bertie Erhart of Lewistown roinirr 1" lorni m 1 js visiting friends in town. ('rrrntHK IVople Won- j LP Fromlnriil. 1SJU1C JVOCIItT 01 .-Clinsgrove WUB , ... a Middlcburg visitor on Monday. J ner ana wire visum n- Gordon over the holidays. ; B 1 iniu. s coaw ai-, .. . aHMKivou iwi ;ii n sib. ocuw obih . irmva -i. 1 t their holiday vacation in ..... I V. I j. csicilllllgci was ciecieu me ! limit. ii .it" tln 1'iiiirt 1 1. ,11 si 'if salarv ,n ,t i -i...;. v ir loiupsun !!"- v"" ' i,.fSS0 1 his parents at Mexico, ;liss ivosu ncuocii is iMiiug oei x. , friend, Mrs. H. M. Howe, at Mil J.R. Allison of North- lePaburir. (I visited her parents hero I .111.-- I'KI lll'it.l'l III .llilimillMiri- land spent New Year under the pa rent a 1 roof. i I 4 3 i 3 -3 J - SPECIAL OFFER. ft WHAT ONE) DOLLAR WILL DO K- holidays. W. Aurand has gone to in search of o place to busines.-. Dr.J. Y. Should fell on the I . .1 1.1. I I. ....I... (ii me i. tui un, ;:' "3 :it the wrist. Avers hr.d the misfortune last week, and sustained ifuf injuries. (i. W. Bums ami family College visited her parents lace last week. 'ora Good oi Selinsgrove hi mends at Wis place ,rt of this week. V pander has funis!. cd his P':ie Shmuokin Business Cl- again in this place. iiristiuas exercises in the Murolies ol the town were Kd sue WSStullv e ll!nlet- 1 If 9 coats ai eis , ii are now selling lection pi Ladies' ami Selins ai hail it. Rebecca Wngensclicr and Ekmon S. Wairenseller, w 1 visited the editor oi the wife over ( Ihristmas. Haas proprietor of the lutei nn Saturday, mivc n ) the nieiubers of .loin. , C C. Seebolil's and his iy. Edwin Charles ami family lie Smith snent hist week nirntessor's parents at Pun in. iJenneviHe omitb. the clerk at Wittoiiinyer's, tlieni home on Sunday. V. C Bowefsoz and wife, Mttder and daughter. Mar I the editor of the Pow I of this place uttended the Magnet at Belinsgrove on I tilt. onday inoruing we hud the leather ever kinwn in Mid- Thermometers in town re- 16 and IS degrees below in the Plate and Franklin I the niaxiiniiira of 28 de- ow zero. He Ixxlge No. 194 Free Md Masons. Dec. 26. elect- lowing officers for 189!) : To J. L Woodruff; S. W., E. Fuher: J. W.. Geo. W. Her;8ec.. H. E. Miller. .Ir Weis. oth, easy shave, geuteei hair ner tonsonal work, is al- unl at Soles' BarlierShop. nniyers Duildine. ouuosite foe. Go to Spies to buy ft or exchange for old oues. wed and guaranteed to give n. A. K Sol vit Hummel, who is farming Hetrich, north of Middle- ' town on Monday. He 1 pwr ot woolen mittens, tellow lea in his barn V night. Mr. Hummel the gloves as a pair he w wear not long ago. nave the same by Mr. Hummel We are offeriug all our ladies' and Children's Cents at half price. S. Weis, Belinsgrove. -t. Mrs..). ( '. Hassinger has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. V- P. Custer, in Penii township the pasf few day. John W. lienninger had a Christ mas dinner on Saturday, Dec, 24th al which the entire family was pres etit except Mrs. V ihr. 1 .adits in need ol coats will do well by calling at our store We aie now offering them at halt price. S. VV Eis, Sehuwrrove. As a Special Holiday Inducement to Retire new suh soribera we will accept new suhsci ipttons and uKtn the pay ment of only ONE IX M.I. AM down, we will send the POST from that date to January 1, 1 !'(), or Mil April 1, 189!) for "J" Cents. Old suhsei'iliers can take advantage of this remarkable offer by paying up iirrearujep nt the regular rate of !?l.."0 kt iinnuiii. This is a most liberal oiler and it must be accepted at once to be of the must value. Send in your name and voiir dollar, to GKOUGK W. WAOKNSKLLKU, Middwburgh, Penna. if Ir f -T- T" p "1 Frank Hepner the Lucky Man j We WISH to remind those interest - ed that we iiav no attention to re quests to have the POST disconthiU c I until all arrears are paid. w Milk to II. Kipka moved into the Dr. f resideiiee on French Plats fThursdavl. Mr. lliukn will P. Keiser, the accommodating proprietor of the Herndon House, killed his two large porker- on Tuesday, They dressed 980 pounds, the heaviest one weighing 580. This !vat tliemall thus tin- reported. There were 276 guesues in as to their weight at 10 cents n guess making a total ol S'JT.iui for the one who wt.uld guess the nearest, and Prank I lepner ol tin- town guessed ii with in I pound, his guess was 970. The guesses run from '.''J7 up to over 1 100 pounds. UemdonStar. Maps for Ready Relerenoe. TODER-GIFT. :ow Ins tra mil r -wrighting, Prof. William Noetling ol the Rloomsburg State Normal Scl 1 and bis son, ( lias. U., w. re MidiUc burg visitors, on Monday, Dec. 26. liev. E. i'. I lOonard of I jincoln, Nebr., is visiting bis uncle, lr. J. VV. Orwig. He is soliciting stock for u large coli.?eum to he erected in Chicago. The county auditors are at work this week examining the accounts ol the commissioners and the treasurer. The jury commissioners arc filling the jury wheel. Editor Win. F. Feese and family spent their holiday vacation with E. K. Frayman and wife. He reports the Millerstown Journal in a nour ishing condition. Mrs. .Joscphat Walter was taken to the Medico-Chi rugioal Hospital at Phila. An examination revealed OanoeroUS tumors. She will be brought home shortly. The Lutheran Sunday school of this place elected the following nam ed officers for the ensuing year: Su perintendent, Prof. Edwin Charles ; Assistant Superintendent, A. S. Bea ver ; Secretary, II. II. Hassinger ; Asst. Bee.) Bruoe Crouse ; Librarians, Lilian Stetler and Mrs. George W. Wagensellcr ; Organist, Mrs. Geo. Hassinger ; Assistant, Mabel Grimm ; Musical Director, M. L Potter ; Su perintendent of Primary Department, Mrs. M. I. Potter ; Assistant, Lulu Smith. Among those who visisted our town during the week were W. F. Feese and wife of Millerstown; J. L. Bowersox ot Harrisburg; Ii. C. Bowersox and family of Sbamokin; William Ship of Sbamokin; Frank Herman of Kratzerville; Thomas Hostermau and wife of Selinsgrove; John Wagner of Mifflinburg; Harry Scebold and sister, Eva, ofSunbury; G. W. Burns and family of State Colkge; Mrs.C. C. 8eebold ofSun bury; Meade Bowersox of Beaver town; W. Frank Specht of Herndon; Bryant Bower of Lewisburg; F. F. Hare of Lewisburg; Clyde Bolig o! IWinfleld. The Cliicago, Milwaukee v t. Railway Co. has just issued in con venient form for household, library and school reference tin atlas of sev en colored maps of the world, flic United States and our new misscs sions i;i the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, together with an amount of valuable in format ion connected there with ail nn to date. This ntlns will be sent tree to any address on receipt of six (0) cents in postage. Apply to Goo. II. Heailord, Gen eral Passenger Agent, id Colonj Huilding, hicago, or to John U. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Wil liamsport. Pa. l-5-2t. The Masonic Banquet. The Lafayette Lodge No. 10 1 tree and accepted Masons held their an nual banquet at the Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, Tuesday evening, Dec. 27, 1898. Eighty-four persons sal dow n to the royal banquet so ele gantly prepared by Mrs. J. P. Buck, the caterer of the hotel. The follow ing was the menu : M K.N 1. Blue Points. Olives. Celery. Turkey. Plain Pilling. Oyster Filling. Cranberry Sauce. Sweet Potatoes. Saratoga Chips. French Peas. String Beans. Banana Fritters. Wine Sauce. Chicken Salad. Fruits. Assorted Cakes. NutP Neapolitan Ice Cream. Hochcfort Choose. Crackers, Demi Tasse. TOASTS. A. W. Potter presided as toast master and the following toasts were isspondedto; "Lafayette Lodge No. 104," Prof. J. L Woodruff; "Our Guests The liadies," Harvey H. Schoch ; "The Lights of Freenia sonrv," Prof. G. E. Fisher ; "St. John's Night," J. C. Beck. The banquet was elegantly pre pared, excellently served and fully appreciated. The Keystone Hotel, under Mr. Buck's management, needs no higher endorsement than the uni versal approbation of the banquet guests. We publish this week the Roll of Honor representing those who have paid their subscription since our last issue. We thank each and every one for the generous response. Miss Daisy E. Gift, nn accom- t-i i i i r . mi i piisncu youug iniiv oi raxionvii ic, j and (irant W. Yoder of Globe Mills ; were united in the bonds of holy iiiatrimouyat the houio of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. (iift, I at I o'clock in Monday afternoon. IJcv. Foster U. Gift of Scranton I assisted by Itev. John Yoder of ii '.tysburg vers- fittingly prononne i iil the blessing as officiating minis ters, A lew of the relatives and most intimate friends Witnessed die scene after which they partook of a royal feast of -cl'reshniciits. I I tS t ..-.'.nt in one hav c gone on their wedding trip to New York and Philadelphia. We extend our congratulations to i the youug couple, hoping thev mas ' have a long and happy life together. Mnwlnfftt i.i ri'i.M.'s. i ( Amnion Jordan, Adam twp. j Sadie M. Bonnie, I I ( !. liolierl Forrv, Kant.i I Ellen Shadel, Mt. Plcasanl Mills. I W. II. Sehrawdi r, P. Trevi it- n, I Minnie L. I looser, (Clin-. Ewillg, Heaver Springs, I Ada A . Bak i-. Banncrvillc, I ( '. W. Trim p, Washington twp. I Ellen c. Mengle, Perry. P. E. Boycr, Mt. Plcasaul Mills, I Sarah E. I leintzelnian, Pallas. ( I. 'v'. Longaree, Verdi I la. j Cora M. Brown, " f.i.S. Iteiehenbach, Dttndore, I Sallie Soholl, " (Arthur D. Shiny, McClurc, ( Lizzie J. Middleswarth, " ( Amnion Ucinard, ( 'lianmnn, CarrieS. Herrold. I offer. ; fF. W. Zeiber, West Beaver twp. Nora Kuepp, Spring twp, ( Edward Shellenberger, Richfield, I Agnes rage, W. Jrerry twp. fH. W.Aorand, Middlecreek t. I .Mary J. Crouse, " ' ( Win. Ettioger, i (Ellen Klose, j f Paul Hummel, El lie Agnes Inch, f Grant W. Yoder, (Daisy E.Oifl, Friends of "The Post". Evangolist Williams. Roll or Honoh. The following I The Pow jr in t'.o Puloit thst Mov th. persouslmve paid their subse.iption i . ' 'P X 0ViS ,he to the Post o the duteN opposite " e Pew their names. Should uny uustakssl Kev. W. II. Williams of Hridirc occur in these credits or on your pa-' ,, ('.,.,,, i, . ,t 4 . per please notify us 1 "' khu P" st Wivk ?"' ;l wies oi tuns in tlicKich- lan. I, 1900 field C. 1', ,.nm.u h fake' ian. i, iuuu known as the Dm April 10, 99 and is unu oftl way i, vv ever heard in liichfild, Ian. I, I IKK) Troxelville, u Franklin twp. Middlebuig. Globe Mills, Paxtoiiville. Committee Meeting. The ltepublican Standing Com mittee of Snyder County will meet in the Court. House at Middlchurg, Saturday, January 7, 1S'J!, at 10 o'clock A. M. Important business will lie transacted, and a full attend ance is desired. Hkxky Brown, Chairman. P. F. IliEOLE, Secretary. Election Notice. The annual election for Directors of the Beavertown Mutual Fire In surance Company will be held at their home office at Beavertown, Pa. between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock P. M., Saturday, January 28, 1800. A. H. Bowersox, Sec'y. Beavertown, Jan. 2, 1899. Pereiv ;. c. D. X. Daniel Christian Knotisc, II. M. Freed, S. F, I lackeuburg, P. s. Burrell, a. H. rish, J, E Steiuinger, Ira A. I ackenburg, L. c. Bowersox, Itev. J, Shnmbach, 11. H. HerlMtef, L, E. Mover, A. P. Mark lev, M. K. Dreese, J. .!. S'hrader, A. S. Walter, John II. Mover, .1. M. Maker,' Simon Arbogast, Uacob B, W eaver, Abner E Walter, II. I). Sehnurc, Dr. H. M. Nipple, (i. W. Long, Dr. M. Itothrook, Edward Beuver, N. E. Stuck, J. G. Stabl, X. T. Dundore, F, P. Waller, J. K. Hughes, W. I). Jarrett, J. iV: A. Mocschlui, Samuel Blllick, .Twpl.'if Walter, Anns Musser, J. O.Smith, A. Z. Seidell, Jaini h ( ). Snook, P. Keiser, A. H. Bowersox. I Auuiiller, 0 i igeusel ler, Vpp, 1 ercer. E. K. l 'i'i innu, U.G, Duiin & t '., II. .1 . Sm ai t .hinder, C. S. Spriggle, Jeroinu Aigler, Penile vi lie Smith, Win. Mover. )miiel Ivuoiise, John Leplev, W. A. Fisher, John Smith, Geo. Wagner. Willis Shambach, John ( le irhart, A. Ii. Stauffer, II. P. (loot, W. II. ( rordon, John Longer, W. M.dift, U.S. Shaeffer, Joseph Swarm, . W. A. Mark ley. Frank Heim'oach, S. B. Walter, Fannie Bowersox, John D. Bogar, J. L. Wciser, A. S. Shcller, Elmer Ireiner, Diini'd Mancval, J. M. Kreider, M. L. I lasslnger, Philip Hoot, C. A. Kerr, David Kerr, Chas. ,1. Hummel, Kobt. Bothermel, Mrs. W. L. Wehr, A. II. Bowersox, J. H. Shaffer, Geo. B. M. Arnold, Mrs. B. K. Arnold, Dr. H. S. Braueht, G. W. Boardmaii, Nathan Hackenbiirg, J. F. Good, miner f.vangelist Hie aolcst sneakers Jan. I, '99 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. I, 1900 1 Mar. 1, 1900 Feb. 1, '90 I .Ian. I, 1900 Feb. I, "DO! Feb. l.'H'.i Jan. I, 1900! Feb. 1, 99 July 1, '08 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. ,, 1900 Jan. I, 1000 Feb. I, 'II!) Jan. I, 1000 Feb. 1 '99 Jan. I, 19001 Jan. 1. I W00 BeV. Itoilliir dnaopvua imwl muiAU Fan. L 1000 tor seen ri iiv innu nf w..,.i7 un., -P- ivmj l- uonments to assist Ii n his evan- galitic I'fibrts. Ap, Feb. 1, ".(! , I '.Kill Jan. 1, 1900 Mar. 1, '99 Apr. l,'9 Apr. I. ".III! Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Doc. j, '99 Mar. 15, '07 Jan. I. 1900 UNION TWP. getting his lid tiddly o, Year viltiii" .lau. Mar. Jan. Apr. Mar . 'ii I, '.in 1900 1900 1900 I. '99 ...J. s. Aucker i jiiw repaired. ...Hrtttiwuv Kelly 3imluiry spent New unoug relatives hen ( i .nee lilnv hi : ,i ill heone of tlx llllg's stol e. . i M c . 1 1 in I, i IIKll ll 011- I. "II lie If), b; I I'll. .Mar. Jan. 1 Jan. I Feb. .Mar. Ian. I." . . . I . Tiiesdn in ! . ii ...J. i pilblll to Mi f'De 1 j)) oi frei 15, '99 .. I ur popi , 1900 Lougai re bus '1000 wife in the I , ''.'7 Brown, Tin I. '00 formed by l. 1900 'hristnms. i ii ii 1 1 i . ., i ... w 1 1 1 if ; Ii '00 u. ,! I, 00 ll Kimtz lerks lUae;i, olio n mir 'her-, was married Seholl nn the evening ' Itev. i Iriickciiiuiller lar auctioneer t. W. taken unto himself a person ol Miss Corn ceremonies were per v. W. E. Brillhart on I mi in I, '09 I '.Kid ".! '.Kill '.Mill '.i. I 'ill lov Jan. Jan. I, I Mar. I, Jan. I, I Jan. 1. 1 Mar. I, Mav I, Jan. I 1900 Nov. 1, '99 Feb. I, '09 Mar. I, '99 Mar. 1, '99 Jan. I, '99 Oct. 1, ''.Ml Jan. I, MM ll) Feb. 16, "Jil Apr. 1, 'ill) Jan. I, 1900 July, 1, '90 Dec 1, '07 Jan. 1. 1900 Jan. I, 1900 Apr. I, '00 Apr. 1, '99 July 1, '99 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. I, l'.lOO Apr. 1, 1900 Mar. 1, '99 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Mar. 1,'99 Sept. 1, '95 Mar. 1, '09 Jan. 1, 19(H) Eli Biegle, the champion butcher of Chapman township, killed 107 hogs and 27 beeves in 33 days. Among the lot J. C. Kreitzer had the largest, three of them balanced the beam of 1G48 pounds. Who can beat it? .aitzl ergcr, s.m of Jacob ami .l Sliotzlierirer. died af his home near Verdillaon I fee. 'JSth and wns interred at Keiseps ceme tery mi Saturday, I ee. 31. Itev. Drucketnnillcr officiated. Aged 5 year-, . months ami 2 1 days. GLOBE MILLS. ...l. . i oder made a business trip to Suribiiry on Thursday, ...Misses Dora and Anna Meiser spent their New ifear al Salem. ...Miss Dora Meiser was visiting in Middleburg several days lost week. ...J. S. Meiser purchased aline organ on Friday from F. S. Rcigle. ...Miss Anna Kern of Selinsgrove spent several day.-under the parental roof. ...Mis Mary Wendt of Lcwistown was visiting her sister, Mrs. Cord. Leshcr, on Friday. ...Miss Mabel Baucll is spending several days in .Selinsgrove, tnegoest of Miss Anna Yutzy. ...15. V, Walter and wife, Gordon Leshcr and wife took in the cantata in your burg on Christmas eve. ...Misses Erma MoGee, Verdie Fields, Ida Fields and lady friend, were seen on our street on Sunday afternoon. . . . Lloyd Bowersox and ( ico. Moatz, two of'Middleburg's promising young gentlemen, were seen on our streets on Sunday. ...Mrs. Fred Hull and Mrs. Oliver Gembealing, of Wilfiamsport, were pending several weeks under the parental roof of G. W. Bunch's. ...The Misses Dorn and Anna Meis er attended the Christmas entertain ment at Salem on Satuaday evening and report that an excellent program , was rendered. WHllH H mm- iUHnemSMiK I OVr to thi nexE term nt tha nn.i mi.i,!.. "trial. vTZZ?, on i . U.O J .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers