f;- s' . .V : ' . . - 1 ,-' lift MDKBl.pi! V !iiiv. uovor exiKM ionco.l such a rush ior Overcoats am the past few days h:n liMtHit forth Wo luvosohl more Overcoats than was sold up to Christmas last v iOui-I till it seem , to make little impression on the immense lot we have in st1 rl i fev inn re than five hundred to select from, that's tlm reason. MORE OVERCOATS EACH SEASON ... , i 1 st vies jiro.v nobbier and 1 he assortment larger. SKLL Overcoats for Men. silk velvrt collar, e manner, ii iruou (Jr.iv mixed Overcoats vn . . i t i is; nil- in tin' iM'sr itosMiu divss co-it i.i sizes i'rom o." to -l'), only t 33.48 Ill.se ..v Klack :ill like 5i wool Kersey 7 Ci:it, on y t.Joats made Reefers for Children Very warm Chinchilla Heelers which could easily be sold for $2. Our price is only $1.48 I All wool dress suits fo men in five diUl-rent pat terns. Also blue and black ut the remarkable price of $4.98. BROSIOUS $4.98. BROS, V T BURY, PA. i. i-r,: J... til 1.3 it . t. . .. C i tW i .; life Ik Anon., ii. Miinilm 'tllTII. L .fetal f 'fi8s$KHi!s&. 4 V '0 : v a g W mmwk CORRESPONDENCE. SELtKSOSOTK. ...The stores have assumed a holi day appearance. ...Tra C. ScliocJ: speut several daye in Philadelphia. ...The Masons have decided to hold their bnnqiH't ut the Keystone Hotel this year. ...William S. and Domer Uhich, studenta at Mt Airy, Philadelphia, are home for their holiday vacation. ...The hand on Monday evening ac companied Geo. Long, Esq. to his tether's home, to give him a surprise. ...Mrs. Meredith, tieeltohrbach, of Ilarrisbiii jr, spnt pevernl days very pleasantly with her mother oil Pleas ant Street. ...At the re-union of the 131st Regiment held ut Lcwishurg last week, Middlehurg was selected as the next place of meeting. ..'.William Uolsworth Ixiulit the (fiMxIs from the store of J. J. Fov if Ilummels Wharf, damaged by the fire, ami is selling it out ut auction. ...Master Frank and Miss Helen Noetling, of R-avtr Valley, are Kiiending several weeks with their rundjmrcnts, Prof, und Mrs. Xoet- hng. ...Word has Imtii receivwl from SunhiirvthatMrs.il. S. Iiovrfr is quite ill from a s'roke of :iHiplc.y. Mr. aiid Mrs. IJoyer were former residents here. ...Joseph IJeislle, of P.uclianai, Mich, u former resident of this place, but who has not Urn here for twen ty years, is visiting liis sister, Mrs. (Jeorge VonXeida. ...The folk iwiug lH-rsons ttKk in the teachers' tour to Washington, It. U.: .Misses Nettie Hendricks, Al ice and Delia Pawling, Messrs. C. (J. Hendricks, fiewis and Daniel CJeinlK-rling, (Jco. and John Schoch. KlIKAMiiit. ... i hoiiKis I'inilis w;;s hoinc on a visit last week. ...J. V. Walterand wife spent Sun- uay wun irmiHls ut fcalcni. was in THE GREAT HUSTLE AT OUR PLACE OE BUSINESS WAS CAUSED 3Y THE LA2GS NUMBER OF HEAT ERS AIID RANGES iSOLD AND THE PLACING OF HIE II FURNACES. Every Stove that is sold carries with it our POSI TIVE GUARANTEE that it must give satisfaction Be fore a Cent Is paid. Call and see the ...'Squire X. (J. (Jutolitis Selinsgrove one day lust week. ...Frank Mitchell is engaged in the mercantile business at I'axton- ville at present. ...Miss Ida Fields gave a tally p-rty to u lew chosen friends last Friday evening. ...Miss Ida Fields, who is staving in Selinsgrove, was home- vi.-iling her parents over Sunday. ...A. l. Kivamer and iiunily at tended the funeral ot Mrs. (Jellinger jol licwisburg last cdnesday. ! ...W illiam Aiira'nd is ennliiwil tu the house on account of sickness. We hope to see himuUiut soon. ...Aniiuon (Jt.'.rliart and wife and the hitter's mother, Mrs. Levi Krd ley, intended thelal'er's sister's fu neral ut Lewisliurg last Wednesday. ...Frank Thomas left for Shamo kin last Monday night on account of il l 1 1 n l i.i i incfieainoi ins iiroiiier. who was kilhnl by mi e.ilosioii in the coal mines. MIDULECltEJSK. 51 Tlie Larpst Stock of Sta?es riUEXBUKll. Miss Annie M. Grimm returned home from Huntingdon, wnere she was pianist at a musical convention held by Potteiger. " The Lutheran' and lleformed Sunday school will have suitable Christmas exercises in the church Saturday eveuiug the 24th inst. ...The Lutheran and Reformed choirs of our church will render a cantata in the church on Christinas evening. A silver collection will be taken to defray the expenses for music, &c. ...Rev. Druckenmiller attended the funeral of Rev. Dr. Richards at Al lentown last Wednesday. Dr. Rich ards was a very iopular Professor in Muhlenhurg College at Allen town. His loss will lx deeply felt. ...Our obliging postmaster, Jerry I vnaries, lias on ex In tut ion a pair ot deer skin boots. They were brought by John Heck who returned from the K lowly ke regions. The leather has the hair on. They are quite a curiosity. ...Dr. D. G. Smith left us and mov ed to Elizabeth, Joe Davis County, Ills. The Dr. came here in 1893 from the Jeffersoni Medical College, Philadelphia. By close application to the duties ot his profession hesooii acquired a lucrative practice. He is a member ot the Snyder County Medical Society and recognized a niong the inemlicrs of the medical fraternity us a rising young man in the line of his profession. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are willing workers in the church and Sunday school and highly resected socially by the citi zens of our town and vicinity. We regret their departure from us and they have our best wishes for their future prosperity in their new home SHAMOKIN DAM. ...The )cople are storing away ice for the summer ut this writing. ...Abner Drecse is sawing ice for a change. He says the work makes him feel rejuvenating. ...John Snyder, wife and family returned home from a visit to his parents near Liverpool. ...Shcrill P. S. liitter und family were visitors in this place during last Niturday swhI Sunday. . . . Prof. Ciias. Rose came home from Lewisburg and is at present encamp ing in the Hottonstein hollow. ...The river is frozen over und the people are constantly crossing and re-crossing it in quest of holiday goods. ...The M. F. clnireli will hold their Christmas exercises on Christ mas eve and the Lut heran on Christ mas even i rg. ...Ix-wis Ihrbcrt was seared the other night in (J. M. (Jross' cellar. The light was extinguished ami he imagined he saw a ghost. ...Sherman llordncrwas trying to cut a swell last Saturday night, lie always seems to know when a new girl arrives in our place. ...The lecture room in the M. K. church has been entirely remodeled presents a fine appearance. Ail USEFUL I CHRISTY,! O GIpj SLEDS, SKATES, PURSE. POCKET BOOKS, PoS KNIVES, HORSE BJJ ETS, CLOTHES WRLXGKr CLOTHES ASIIElSj RIAGE ROBES, SClSSO AND SHEARS, Ta? Aril) TEA SPOOV LargeBt assortment of nil ki, Hardware and Houw, Fua Goods alwsys .t the Iow"t CaU and examine goods ana . Geo. W.Hacke oMarast at., 8UNBUR' UNION TWP, ...Mrs. Geo. Krehsof Phila,)! is visiting among relatives hJ ...o. J. btroub ninde a bn trip to Humniel's Wharf on ! day. T . . l in ...ifliviii vteaveristheonlvd in our section wlo is not tli husking corn. ...George Long, Jr. Wlf , clean through his foot with : one day last week. ...Anmn W A ....I cr . ,, . 4SIJni-r mjljy lowu, was mingling among f, friends here last week. ...James N. Uhich got his into a fodder crusher and it w ribly mangled. One finwr 1 uc umpiiiated last t ridav save the hand. in iH COURT HOUSE CHlrf I Ratorril lor Itrrom .T.l... V 1 i i . uuver una wite td iuaninu uotliroek, lot in FrJ mr X, E. Hurtninn and wife to let Arlnigast, one acre and !)2 p in Monroe twp. for $19(5.tiiJ. Mnrrlao Mrfoweii. f Abel A. Shirk, Xv Mary E. Mittcrling, II r . I nenry Kaley, MA Jennie M. Ewig, iry .rHln-01 Try iru.0 Ask your Grocer you a pnckaffH of Grain-O, tlJ "m inai tuKes tLo n! l-OHW. cUUUlt!ll 1IJU.V dl " uo"t '"Jury us well us the ?" tr.V if. likn it. ORA bus tbt rich seal lirowt.Vf VM Javo, tut it is mad from pmei and the luoct delicate hio:UUi yeiven u, without distrem fourth t bf. pii,.e co)v;e am J.jc. per pjekae. Sold grocers. Ever Seen in Snyder County SCHOCH & ST AHLNECKER, Opposite County Jail. Middleburgh, Pa. THE DIETZ DRIVING LAMP U about as near perfection as SO years ol Lamp-Making can attain to. It burns kerosene, and gives a powerful, clear, white light, and will neither blow nor jar out. When out driving with it the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest horse. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had. ask your dealer (or the "Dietz." We issue a special Catalogue ot this Lamp, and, if you aver prowl around alter night-fall. It will Interest you. Tia mailed free. R.3.DIET3C0., 6o Ilght8t, New York. BatabUahed la iSao At this time of the year, when fooking around for Xmas presents, people are often ut a loss to know what to buy. This may be overcome at once by visiting Weis' Store, Se linsgrove, where you may turn au ex- tensive line of fancy articles, both useful n nd ornamental at prices to suit all. 3L lViviiil.tr loth was the thirty sixth anniversary of the liuttle of Fredericksburg, Va. This day Tuesday last the survivors of the 131st Kegt. Ya. Vol., held their an nual million in Lewisburg. They took a prominent jmrt . in the liattle named. AVe understand the veter ans hud a very enjoyable reunion. Xext year they will meetat Middle hurg, Sept. 17. The officers elect ed for the ensuing year are a9 .fol lows: President, J as. P. Smith; 1st Vice President, M. L. "Wagenscller; 2d Vice President, E. Minium; Secy, lJenjnmin Baehman."' The seems to lie no doubt tha Snyder County will eventually figure in the coal industry of Pennsylvania. The genuine material was found at Bcavertown. You can have the Post from now until Jan. 1, 1900, ior only one dol lar cash-in-advunce. If you are iu arrears, juy up your subscription to date und one dollar extra, und we will do the rest 2t. M. T. Heintzehnan Camp No. 150 Sons of Veterans of Port Tre verlon will hold their 11th annual banquet at Hotel liotherme), Dec. 23, at 10 p. in. Each member shall be accompanied by his wife, or lady triend. The above Camp was or ganized Dec. 23, 1887 by the editor of the Pout and us each year draws to its close they fittingly commemo rate its organization in this festive manner at Hotel Rothermel. ' .( . ...Mis Carrie Snook left on Mon day lor Cleveland, Ohio. ...II. I. Swart z madeu business trip I to licwistown on .Mommy. ...Clias. Wcader of Wagner was visiting his brother, William, last r riuay. ...T. E. Kcitz of Fremont, was visiting in this section several days last week. ...Last Thursday George Heiser of I'axtonville moved on the old 1 las singer farm. ...Tillman Wcader, Alvin Ulsh und William Price filled their ice houses with very fine ice last week. ...Christmas entertainments will be held in the St. John's church on Saturday afternoon and at the St. Paul's on Sunday afternoon. ...The Post never relinquishes its spirit of activity and usefulness. It is bound to lead. You can get this sprightly weekly from our county seat from now to Jan. 1, 1900 for only One Dollar cash-in-advancc. ...The properties of Joseph Ilas singer, deceased, were disposed of as follows: . Daniel Hassingcr bought the old homestead, Robert Middles warth and Simon Yeager the old farm situated along the Troxelville road. ' Get ease and comfort by securing a Fancy Lounge or Couch, beautiful ones at.H. E. Walter's, Middlcburg, P. ': ' tl and the indebtedness haslx-eii naid which indeed shows credit to such an en terprising community. CENTItEVILLK. DtKU. IV. 19, Caroline SIimiHIt ..." Ol. , - . i .Him onaiier, horn M.mil Ift-o, died Dec. 1(1, lS'.iS. 73 years, !) months ami 4 Iuril atGrubbs. Dec. 20, at Selinsgrove Mr S. lioyerdied Monday nig! tcrinent at Selinsgrove." ...Postinastir Stine was a Middlc burg visitor on Friday. ...Frank Cole of Montoursville I visited friends here last week. I Public Sales Noticed of Baldwin be t,f.npl livene Vvi.Mn ih.in' u",n,"f prlnifdai Mi Whrn tln bllli are nut printed Ml i hts Imvfl ,,ie should select adut and Have It v una VUIUIIIIJ, TUKSDAY, M.ir. H.Twomil.M eat" n Z ii. L" '""cmperrarm, Qio. I Klfl lnV;nlmU,M 8C0W'' TIirKSDAY. Feb. o-iff rntlo e,t of o'l'ite wiiieriiieinrfiirtn s 8 "III MI X llnrxi-s Inmry II, I tie, 15 slioats and farmtnir lmpit.-u.onM THrHsnAY, Vnr 1. Thre mlleminrtli miu inriiniii; luipiemeutN. IN THE storing ...Our citizens are busy away ice for next summer's use, ...Doe says plastering will not be come any cheaper than heretofore. ...Rev. Schoch held services in the Lutheran church Sunday morning. ...Our teachers' held their 3rd institute at Berge's school last Fri day evening. ...Miss Kate Keichley and wife of rew Iscrlin are spending vacation with parents. BEAVKRTOWfl. ...Mrs. William Keller speut last week among friends at Yeagertown. ...Thomas Specht and son of Mid dlehurg were visitors between trains on Monday. ...G. E. Hcimbach is having a shooting match for a gold watch and a silver watch. ...Sauford Carpenter, a student of thejSusquehannur University at Se linsgrove. spent a fewdays last week with his parents, A. M. Carpenter and wife. ' Large line of holiday novelties at Weis', Selinsgrove. , 3t North American m YO WILL ALWAYS KIND The Right Topics, Ey the Flight Men At the Right It is essential to every Am reader who wishes to keep ua the timf 8. Tu New'York Sin of it: "The Nobth Amebicas I constantly offers to the public gramme of wi iters and topici excite the reader and gratify I tellectual appetite, Iu this n there is no other magazine tin proaches the Nouth Amebic! view." It is neither a partisan nor tarian publication, but ALL 8IDE8 OF ALL QUEST. in hitsh intelligent rnarlnri if terestedaro promptly disouaf its pages, and facts and anru are presented with all the abili logical force or the most ed in the world. Subjects that concern the in of American Women receiw stant and special attention. NOW 18 THE TIHB TO SUBSCBIt THE HOETH AMERICAN EEYlEw, t I, r ' V 1 ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers