The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 22, 1898, Image 4

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    Reyal Bakes tbe food pare,
Absolutely Pur
bovm saio owf eo.,
The Middleburgh Post,
Published every Thursday.
Geo W Waqcnseller,
tditor and Proprietor
Subscription 1.50 per year.
rn.'h must I PI1 1" advance when sent out
W tlie enmity.)
mi transient advert lrnvnt not "'''"'
nis per line (nonparlel measure) tor
Moil una 10 cents per Hue lor every mitmeqnent
M-Dm'A notica pubtiihM fr,e , ntury port,
tribulft f retptet. .. tAweoenW hnt.
Breeiy Items Picked up Here
r.nd There about the Coun
ty and Noted tor Tour
J V. Rover sold a lot in Fremont
on Monday to Dr. Maraud llothrock
for $150.
The Krcamer Union Sunday
School will hold their Christmas
entertainment on Sunday evening,
Dec. 24.
The St. John's Union Sunday
school will render a Christmas Can
tata on Saturday evening, Dec. 24,
at Fremont
C. A. Forry will retire from the
hotel at McKees Half Falls in the
spring. 1 le will I cut-ceded !y W.
II. Kcrstcttor.
Merchant Millncr, at Kantz, sent
to the eastern markets during the
week of Thanksgiving, ICO turkeys
anil 300 chickens.
Dr. F. J. Wagenseller of Selins
grove has become superintendent of
the Petin Telephone line. He will
certainly le an improvement over
his predecessor.
Mrs. Amelia Gundruni of Adams-
burg is anxiously awaiting
Thursday, Pec 22, 1898.
On Monday Sherifl Hitter handed
to us the inscription from a head
stone located on Samuel Wittenmy
er's farm east of this place in Frank
lin township. A hundred years ago
it was the custom to bury a man up
on his own plantation. The inscrip
tion is in German, but in English
characters as follows:
"Hier lluhet, Nicolas Mertz ge
bohren den S August 1748. Ges
torbenden21 Horning, 1801 and is
nl u-iird.'ti .r2 vahr 0 monath and
The marker is a sand stone about
3 feet high, 20 inches wide and 3
inches thick. Nicolas Mertz, the
deceased, is the great-grandfather of
John, Aaron and David Stahlnecker
of this pce. In a tax list of 1797
of the citizens of Penn township,
which then included nearly all of
gnyder County, we find the name
of Nicholas Mertz, charged $2.4(5
auinty tax. In a road tax list, 179',
we find him charged with $1.51.
Samuel Wittcnmyer of this place
rernenik'rs of older people saying
that Mr. Mertz was a very stout
man and required a cofliin so large
that the door facings had to be re
moved in order to remove the corpse
from the house.
What Io the Children Brink?
Don't pive them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new took drink called
GKAIN-O? It is delicute and nour
ibineai)d takeb the place of coffee.
Tbe more Grain-0 you cive the chil
dren the more health you distribute
through their system. Grain-0 is
made of pure grains, and when prop
erly prepared tastes like the choice
grades of coffee but costs about as
much. All grocers sell it. 15c. and
P. S. liurrell, the genial and pop
ular proprietor of the University
Inn at State College, wxs a pleasant
caller at this ollicc on Thursday.
He was accompanied to Hellefonte
by Harvey K. iiyerly of Sunbury,
who lor six years wa rain tn-in. m
the Central Hotel there, but who
spent the la-t months in Porto Ilico,
being a member of the 1st Regiment,
and serving as hook keeper for the
Engineer Corps He was also ac
companied by Mrs. C. li. Ennis, a
niece, from Washington, I). C, who
had len a truest of his for the last
six weeks, and who left for her home
on Thursday afternoon, in the
company was Miss Jennie Tobias of
Middleburg, the head housekeejsr
of the Inn. Her services are very
much appreciated, as they give first
class satila-tioii. .She is accom
plished, handsome and agreeable,
posNessing all those qualifications
w hich render her services invaluable
in a position of this kind. KeyxtoM
from her son Charles, who went to
Klondyke regions last spring and
promised to write by Novemlier, no
letter having yet been received.
Daniel J. Hassinger, of Ucaver
town, has purchased the Joseph
Hassinger (dee'd) real estate for $",
000, and It. H. Gross, of Keavcr
town, has purchased the Z. B. Gross
(dec'd)farm for $0,500.
Dr. James Sampsell of Centre
ville has liecn recommended for np
H)intnient as an examing surgeon on
the Middleburg pensioir loard, to
succeed Dr. A. M. Smith, who takes
a seat in the legislature on the 3d
of January.
The shoe factory at Selinsgrovc
on last pay-day, paid out to its
hands something over seven hundred
dollars. Many years have pissed
since the like of this occurred in Se
linsgrove. The pay to employes
for the . present month will likely
exceed that of last.
Examine the Post's sale register.
Already persons intending to have
sale, have annou need their dates.
Those intending to have sale should
select a date and send it in to the
Post. No charge will be made for
inserting notice when you get the
bills at this office.
The Lutheran and Reformed choirs
of Freeburg, assisted by Prof. Bill
hardt, A. W. Potter, Esq., John
Potter, Chauncy Keelv and an or
chestra will render a Christmas can
tata, "The Prince of Peace" in the
Lutheran and Reformed church on
Sunday evening, Dec. 25. Every
lxtdy is invited to attend.
Joseph Ettingerand Henry Ran
quct, both ofSnvder county, recently
stole wheat from the premises cf
John Rishop oi Limestone township,
Union county. He had them arrest
ed and taken In-fore 'Squire J4 F.
Yeisley, who committed them for
trial. llanquet was jailed and Et
linger was released, his father going
on his liotid tor trial.
Mrs. Rol linger of Salem, mother
of Jacob. Samuel and Millard Rol-
.. i. i . i i -i .i.
linger, is siiglitiy under me weauier.
She is 85 years of age, reads with
out the aid of spectacles, has a clear
memory and is possessed of most re
markable physical vitality, going
around the house with the celerity
and ease of a young woman. We
hope she may soon recover her
wonted health.
Court Proceedings.
BoporWd by Jea O. Otouse. 10,
Court convened Monday, U3C. it,
at 11 o'clock A. M. Hon.H-
t. MeClure. P. J.. HonZ. T.
Gemberlingand Hon. Alfred Specht, I
Associate iuuges, jixoiu.ufe.
Henry Tobias, Levinus Keeler,!
Henry Gemberling and D. B. Has-j
singer were appointed tipstaves.
Jeremiah Bowen was appointed
overseer of the poor of Monroe
township to fill the vacancy caused
by the death ot .Noah IX-ower.
Iu the case of tfie Commonwealth
vs. David T. Shaffer, the defendant
was convicted of assault and battery
and was sentenced to pay a fine ofj
$20.00 and costs of prosecution. .
In the case of the Commonwealth
vs. Abraham I Bishop, the defend
ant was convicted of fornication and
bastardy and was sentenced to pay a
fine of $5 and costs of prosecution
and pay the prosecutrix the usual
amount1) in cases of this kind.
In the case of the Commonwealth
vs. Charles Bickhart and Samuel
Zi mnierman the defendants were ac
quitted otthe charge of malicious
Charles Wetzel, John D. Bogar
and William M. Buyer were np
jxiinted to review public road in
Perry and Chapman townships.
G. A. Botdorf, George F. Miller
and Robert Smith were appointed to
view publio road in Franklin town
ship. Viewers reported in favor of a
bridge in West Beaver township and
said report was approved by the
grand jury.
Reports of viewers in Monroe,
Centre and Union townships were
confirmed nisi and the first two or
dered to lie opened 33 feet wide and
the last one 25 feet wide.
More Damaging Evidence Against
the Alleged Poisoner!
johs p. LuranrG ih contempt.
The Husband of One of the Victim
Refused to Answer Questions Re
garding Ills Masons With Other
Women and Is Placed Under Arrest.
San Francisco, Dec. 20. In the Botkln
ease yesterday Miss Llxile Lovernash,
a reporter, explained that she waa de
tailed to Interview Mrs. Botkln at
Healdsburg, where the accused waa In
seclusion at the Ume of the murder.
Miss Lovernash told the story of Mrs.
Botkln's acquaintance with Mrs. Dun
Bins; as Mrs. Botkln had told It to her.
When told that she was suspected the
accused became hysterical and ex
claimed: "Why should I be suspect
ed? It would have been better to have
killed the man and spared the mother
to her child."
Witness said the prisoner spoke of
some letters In connection with the
case, and asked witness If handwriting
experts would be able to Identify the
writing of a person laboring- under
treat excitement Mrs. Botkln also
spoke of a number of letters sent to
Mrs. Dunning, and said they were sent
by a woman in Ban Francisco.
On another occasion, while Miss Lov
ernash was with Mrs. Botkln In 8tock
ton, Mrs. Botkln's son, Beverly, enter
ed the house In a state of Intoxication
and made remarks concerning; his
mother's relations with Dunning. Mrs.
Botkln turned to Miss Lovernash ap
Deallnsrty. saying: "What shall I do?
My son has the Insolence to damn me.
John P. Dunning, husband of one of
the victims of the tragedy, testified as
to his relations with Mrs. Botkln, and
described with some degree of detail
the affairs up to the time he left this
elty for Cuba, where he waa to do
newspaper work. He said that he had
received many letters from Mrs. Botkln,
but had destroyed them as fast as they
On his return from Salt Lake City In
August, 187. Mrs. Botkln said she had
obtained a divorce from her husband,
and for a long time he believed this to
be true. He had told Mrs. Botkln on
one occasion that his wife was passion
ately fond of candy. He Identified the
anonymous letters, the address on the
box of candy and the enclosed note as
being in tho handwriting of Mrs. Bot
kln. On cross examination Attorney
Knight asked Dunning if he had been
intimate with other women. On reply
ing In the affirmative he was asked to
name them. This he refused to do.
Knight Insisted on a reply, and Judge
Cook Instructed Dunning to answer. He
again refused, whereupon the Judge
committed him for contempt. He was
then arrested.
Havana's 1'ollce Force.
Havana, Dec 20. General Greene has
approved ex-Chief McCullagh'a plan to
organise a police force of 1,000 men, on
the model of -the New Tork city sys
tem, formerly under McCullagh's super
intendence. Clubs nd revolvers hav
been ordered from New York, and yes
terday the selection of men was begun.
There are 1,800 applicants.
Looks like GIii8tJ
Iij Our Store . v,. . .
cu,,eiyou We are always nl. J
ed to fl von imi ...... i . ' iHK
,. v.. ,ii NCieCt. nr.
selling .
Ladies' Gold Filled Watches
OT KA omosi . -
t Vi .ow, hii.I tflii.00. Solid 14k o
wjumj vjuiu rilled Watches,
at $U.OO and 1.V00. Solid u
Sterling silver Brqsh and Comb Sets
in cas. at 5(l; H. MrmUc,, 8150 (Ll
ni cT-, i'". uinore a f
Cameras and Supplies,
III ttiecl
I. tll'WHp
The Je wcler ami Optician
Telephone 182, sunbury,'
The illustrations are of the best and the reading mattenlw
uvcuauu ouimummg. Express, San Antonio, Tex.
Nw A. hm' ot lavcrtown is
f-till prospecting for coal north of
that plaw. He is tatisfied beyond
a doubt that a rich vein of coal is on
his land. liides his kdief is fur
ther verified from the fact that James
Freed and Frank Ik-aver made oath
U-fore JtD-ticc Wetzel that while
thev were w orking in the shaft they
found coal in the strata, and that
the Kitne has never Ijeen placed there
by the hands of any person.
Assessor Class has placed the du-
i rung
Ill the case of Sarah Jane Bower
by her next friend, etc., vi. John F.
Bower, a divorce was granted.
The account of A. G. Bashoar,
assignee of II. W. Ulsii, was con
firmed nisi.
In the case of Samuel M. App vs.
Gcrtrude.1. App,.an alias stibpoena
in divorce was awarded.
1. 8. Bitter, Sheriff, acknowledge
rd deeds to C. H Steininger and 11
C. Fiss.
orphans' court.
Orders of sale were granted in es
tates of llenrv Grubb. dec d.. and
Benjamin Kramer, dee'd.
m J
llcturns to orders ot sale were
confirmed nisi in the estate of Julian
Swartz, dee'd., Thomas Swartz, dee'd,
.John H. Bachman, dee'd., and Eva
Sanipsell, dec d.
Tracts Nos. 1, 2 and 3, of the re
al estate of Z. P. Gross, dee'd., were
awarded to K. B. Gross for the
sums of SG,o00, 827.50 aud $40.00
Tracts rsos. 1, I and o, it Hie
real estate of Joseph Hassinger,
dee'd., were awarded to D. J. Has
singer for the sums of $4,625, $151
and $224 respectively, and tract No.
4 was awarded to Lvdia Middles
wartli at the Bum of $675.25.
John B. UnderkufTer was appoint
ed guardian of Annie Hornlerger,
a minor child of Priscilla Horiibcrg
er, dee'd.
Christian Knouse was appointed
guardian of Charles Bordncr, a min
or child of Milton Bordncr, dee'd.
The auditor report was confirmed mow tj
in estates of Josenh Hassinger. dee'd. .maB-Anicrican iiory, i
The widows' appraisements ami i anna hoiieson biiown writes a romantic
, , . .. . i 'story. "The Howie ol Pan." It action Is mainly
the executors, administrators and oo an bonier, towards ilieclnwnt'lKi
guardians accounts were all confirm-. ''ITfayettk, ,ui,ior ot
mI ndvertiHed 1 1 lie coMedi-ralu gfiorni m n.ti nnipi', mukea
1 M " h,r delmt with a Hllrrluif S jiitliwo tulc, "Tlie
Philip Keisk-r was apis)intel;MHtoryotMr.CHift.
.. , ,. . it; II 1SAHKI. willThl.KY revmwsinn rrencn wars
guardian Ot Wertie A. and OUSan 11. 0 loniaito, and cumin InTyomiK litro Into Hie
V, , ! . ,, v.m Italian campalirne of Wll-lf. "For file Kroncb
Portzline, minor children ot r-va.jlllMl,,,HWfK,;BWHh , knoHie,iKe of thone
Portzline, de!'d.,and minor grand- Vabiiy": P
chihlren of William Hollenhach.l mhh. clahindv pf.sdi.eton t.amah.
, , j wiiusn hIioii Vlrirlnlan aiorli-H In thlN MiiKazlne
(lee ll. have won diwerveil adinlrallon. In "The Sport ot
, . . .. I circumstances," uiovMi her charactr tieiweeo
ed to Mont
Correspondents and DenartrnRnte.
LondoV: x.r lsssjissn Cubs' Puer, Ri
h-Art Pro.r"ul?'e clude8 a series of twelve 'Gbmt Pictcr
j. iodd, jay uambidge,
Thirty-Second Annual Announcement.
1PPINVOTTS Kiilwnys distinctly .opuliir
ciiuiiicii roi ii8 nicraniro. i r. ih hoi
hdhpit a srhoiil book, nor n r i.-mr'u 1.
Mil? no ll'usirHtlons it lMm-h all the
niton 10 UBi-liii ami I'liU'Hiilnliitf icaiUnc
iiiiuiKr Animiiiiii: mi nni. i uri luin
her and ivch ur- U-t-- .mi,pi, .. ,u u-iir. It
tbcrelore apH'ala wniT; ' v I , Uf liu leafilnir
niinirMTof peiMiiiRwlioobiivl l "rn- "lo be
com limed In our next.'
I. will continue to pursue Iih vi-M-known
eours", rctnlnlntr the feiturc which i..ailrltes.
pcclHlly attractive, a Ouliiplete Nuvt-1 in cacll
Aa heretofore, more reirnril will te paid lo the
ftiihstHiico and xtyle ol contrlbuilmiH tluin to the
signal iireH, hmcI I Iih work of ii'-w wrliim, when
markcil liylnlrlDhlo merit ami practical availa
bility, will be presented aHcb'-erluliy lis that of
auiuors v. nose rtpuiauon w as long ogo maue.
We cannot annuuncethe entire .ni,'rumnie for
the year, i.ecaime Llpplucott's Is alwayii open,
nut only to new comrlbutorM. tun u occaHlon to
tiie Hpcedy uhh ol their compositions ; whereas,
a detailed prospectus means that a Magazine
iHconiiult.ted to (he s'orles announced far ahead.
Irrespective of Ihu rci-cpt Ion of what may be
superior mntter. For Inciitnce, Mm. Hurlim Unr
rlsnn'H novel. In our Niivemlier Issue, waa uot
lucmilcd In our aiiuouiit'i'iui'iit forlMW.
IM will be a woman's year In flcllon. Novels
will be offered from severnl pens hllherlo un
known to the yeneral public ; imd ona well
known author, entering on a field somewhat,
different Irom that In which she has previously
worked, prelum In "Oreeo I lies," to be anon
ymous. Tbe following Is a partial lift of the novels
ami other matter which may be expected durlim
1(M :
this MnpHzlne and else.
Princess Nadlne,"1 a Hu-
the scene of wiucn is in
Keuterdahl and'l rederic" Remington
A new serial utorv h Pa
axAku p.. J r. ' , r arM -roiuntwr ruru, auiaoroi iho Hn
?..: ...c
Superb Christmas Issue :
'. wTb" i88?,6 ha" contributions in Art from
. Wenzell, Keuterdahl, Verheclr, Hambridge,
; Howard, loLn,, and iu Litersturefrom
. Crockett, sarah Grand, Oosse, Walter CamD '
; et, al.. ana
: R Christmas Extravaganza,
I Written and compiled by Howurd Pvle
' 25 cents. ifow Reujy
Keep abreast of the time There is no event otimpon
not covered tg illustration and text Record, Wilkesbai
Carpets ! Carpets 1 1 Carpets
All Kinds.
All Qualiticj
All Prices.
The whole lower floor of ;ny store is taken up with Curiiets,
Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, IlassJ
Rug rrmgc, rloor, btair and lame Uil Cloths, Ac, Ac.,
We can show you the largest and Ixwt selection of the nlwve u
ever shown in Lewistown.
Brussell Carict as low as r0c. and up
All Wool Carpet " " TiOc.
Half Wool Carpt" " 35c.
v. Dec. lf',COUrtaUJOlini-il-ori(la. New York and Kuiflaiid, and narrates
i t in luoo larteiicbtfully unconvenlloiiul, Interuatlonal love
day, Dec. Vi, loyS. affairs.
Pains in tbe eL?st wen a person
has a cold indicates a tend
rrl nncutnorjia. A nifrce '
daiupeiied with Cbaiuberutl
over tbe at of psin will promptly the election !:ousc. tui oi inai
reliere tbe pain and prevent tbe Jur,,.r there will be el-ted 13 at
MirMteoed ittack of Uv Kebr.iary election ti nerve the
lam back in a few bourn. Bold by variousoilices ot the township, viz,
3encT tow-1 plicate nistry list of the voters
of flannel j Watiljiriirtoii township, contain
lamina rain (,.., . ....,'..n ,t. . i..,.f
lialm and bound on to tbe cbest r '"7' V
ail Drus:ifit8.
Dec 20, by Geo. M. Bliindel,
Cfcrk O. O, Henry IL Kaley and
4unie IL Ewiog,boUi f McCIure.
1 Judge of LlectiouH, 2 I nsptjetors,
1 Constable, 2 Oyerswers of the Poor,
2 .School Directors, 2 riuixirvistirs,
1 Auditor, 1 Township Clerk. Good
men should Uiirgedflx'tMndwktea
for these efuccs.
Barnom'i Vliow Aa-aln a Wills.
New Tork. Dec. 20. Phlneas T. Bar
num's widow, his second wife, has
taken a third husband. Her second
was Demetrl Calllas Bey, a Greek. He
died Sept 22, 18!, while his wife was
MA URICK THOMPSON, well known ssanns-
auy.Mt. i rllli', novellhl, and poet, tell", In "Ho
Mtlyndt's Iivera," a tain of love and wheels,
moving cutefty In the middle Went.
National, International, Political. niMortral
and HloKraplilnil Hub)ecis will oe nandled tiy
Veils L. Oawald. Oeorue f:. Waiah. Cliarles Mor.
rln, AuaUn aiurbuwer. I). O. KI1kI sod others,
will la- aiM.UHaea nv nr. (,. u. aiiihiii, ir. ti, n,
llag Cariiet as low as 2uc,
Cotton Cornet " " 22c.
Vtilvet Carpet " " 75c.
-01iina and Japan Matting 100 Kolls to Select Fr
S33I3 TmnsE OOOXS!
Compare quality antl prices, yon will find that our store is u
place to buy at. llio goods are nrst-ciass, nncesarc ino n
est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods.
Kespcctfully, Y. ft. FELIX. Lewistown,
In this country on a visit. Now, ac- liuaiiore, Julio K.Uenimu, Aiuenu. Kvans sua
fording to the cards received by her ""'v;
trlends In this country, she was mar
ried to Iiaron Alexandre Orenclana, a
French nobleman, In Paris on Dec. I.
ratal Kiploaton In Havana Harbor.
Havana. Dec, 20. While the Ameri
can steamship Fanlta, of tbe W. P.
Slyde It Co. line, waa passing near the
wreck of the United States battleship
Maine on Sunday tbe main steam pipes
and some of Us connection! exploded.
Alexander Oeer, the engineer, waa kill
ed outright and Assistant Engineer To
ion Wllsy, Machinist PeUr Walsh and
Fireman William Green wera Injured.
fiimlhlii-d by Dr. A. U Mi-nedlet, William T.
liriied, Kdmuiid Niiitli PHI iciullyH. Willi oluy,
Kran US. .k-Klvr and others.
SHOUT HTOItlKS In ref variety will come
troin JiMepli A. Altalieler. llenrv;ililimh, 11.11.
Keiiliott, (ieraldlne Homier, limiKen llonner,
1'liwidiire OallHKlier, It'ira Heed OiuhIhIh, Owen
Hall. Will N. Ilnrlien William It. Million, Jaa,
It, Perry, C. T. Itnvere and many otliurs.
A yearly sulamrlptlon to a Rood tnairsztnebas
bevoiiie a moot popular and ai.'ptallH girr. If
any una dealrluif to Hiitmerltm fur tills purpoan
will notlly ua. we will aend tlie recipient an aU
tractive card wlilcb we buve prepared with that
Objeut In view.
IMPPiwrorrw naoakihib,
Pbllsdelplila, Pa.
First National Sank ElocUon Notlo
The annual meeftnR nf the stockholder of the
trirui N.iinnni Hunk nl MldilleliurKli fi ir I lin elec
tion of snven dlreelorn fur Hih eimulnir year will
lie held on Tueaaay, me I7in oay in jumini,
IHU. between the lioura of in a. iu. snd IV in.
J. N. THOMPSON, Ja., Cashier.
Mldilleburir, r., Pec, lliiU, isus.
mbsissatluaUwimn fiiiinlnA Tnhlnlsl. All
Mi nanwiii"i" i
driiKirtats refund luuniiy It alalia lo euro, KM.
TIIl(lnUIUB UBS 1 n, ff uu vvu muiiii.
HOKSR H Attl niNOS like our irrandmntlisrs
mora whan irlrla. Hand made nre.ll and
eurlnus. One ring srd a pair of India true
shield for l cfliit. send aixa of ring, bush
MAUUL, UlUU, Mb Varuou, aiouiie vo., Ata, tin
fS v n" iT''T'jij
' - .FT . W 1