' .3 1 : .. . J: ' "v'v . ' ' '' ' '' limy liiltV. I Mill Mi 11:1)'. air. in mil; i d'i..l .tll'Al n'.;r m.L'1 .hi.!" I iv U will pi . 1, and IS jl'."' iiiIht iibtitW' liter ';! SUM ami A. Af liicp v fveu" ite. a icioiw I e t'lij'f1 tin- f ppircu:' less iisact. lei'l llM1ll'1, IV, S 'elc" tsrriiup veiling 10 cent ,.rt. I5t w raU. Cnnh La W. WAOSW8ELLER. jivot ---- MIDDLEBURQH, SN YD ER CO., PA.. THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1898. VOL35. NO. 50. Interesting Items. W Told m Brief Paragraphs for Our Headers. r Leaa Pronlaent. How about that letter? V number of ice houses have nl- Lily been filled. There will be no paper issued um this office next week. piil you get u letter? If ho, kimlly give it your attention. Mister Joe Lombard Potter was i Selingrove visitor lust week. Liveryman W. C. Snyder is the 111.. ......ill.... IttO.i irir-1 Indies' Macintoshes in all sizes Liiiialitien at Weis', Sdinsgrove. 3t Joseph L. Marks was a visitor at i Lewistown on JUoimay oi lasi U. To ull of our readers we w ish a JItirry Christmas and a Happy New 'car. Overcoats and Clothing in great iriety at Oppenhoinier s, Sclins. pove. 2t. large variety ot all-wool Blankets lowest prices, at Weis', Selins- ot vicinii; ot Mil ilav li' uvu. C. W. Cravbill is dosing out his nek of merchandise to go out ot iifiness. The election notice of the First lioiml Bank of this place appears this issue. If von intend to have sale in the imr. don't fonrct to exiuninc our IV -- --- r-i !,t fimrilitl 1 'p1'"" Miss K. 15. Weid man of Adams- nr had a reduction coat sale in jilace last week. Irwin Howersox of this place lias icoiid attack of eczema, winch i ;v aggravated. V. Howl Junes of 1 ,ewistown sold limise and lot in Franklin to ins Dieiuer for Sl!i25. i'lu public sehiM)ls of this place I ilosu mi 1 rulay for a ten-uay alion over the holidays. Tlie third series of the IJev. Cas- s niani;ij;e record appears on the le pages. Don t miss it. W Heeil Jones and Charles F. him of Iiewistown were Mid- airg visitors on Saturday. Irs. Uhoda McWilliams and son il of MeVeytown are visiting liilpu anil grandina aniandts. fyou want a first ckss Piano, nor Sewing machine, call on k S. Itiegle, Middleburg, Pa. II. Maurer, New IJerlin, is nl- t otlermir piieciul barirains. hee 'ieeial aunouueemrnt in this is- tf jhas. II. Walter, the eonfeetiouer oyster dealer, and daughter, If at Jraret, wereat Sunburv onSatur- p papers, deeds, etc. stolen from ite ui the Post Oflice were found ' a stone pile near Sliamokin Uuy your holiday goods at Wcis', 'Bdinsgrove. 3t Miss Lottie Crouseis visiting re I itives at Sunburv. Barber Simontou is making his home at the Washington House. C. H. Knepp of Crossgrove was a Middleburg visitor on Tuesday. Start in the New Year right. Head und accept our special ofler. Barber Sinionton and Charles Walter were in Mifllinburg on Tuesday. Mrs. Dr. J. Y. Shinkel has re turned from an extensive trip tol Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Wm. F. Feescand son Karl are visiting her parents, Kph. Frey- nr.ui and wile. Faiim Waxtkd: State cash and time price. AnsoxII.KI'ssku,, l)-l.r)-:jni. Akron, Ohio. If you want a first class Piano, Organ or Sewing machine, call on Frank S. Itiegle, Middleburg, Pa. Dr. C. (1. Smith of Adumshtirg is taking care of Dr. Herman's practice while the latter is in Phila. The Owl Club will have a dance at Selinsgrove on Friday evening, Dec. SO, for the lx-nelit of the Se linsgrove hand. 'Squire James Middleswarth was among our callers Tuesday and squared up his subscription to the opening of the next century. Fora nice Christmas present, get a fancy shirt, n pair of kid gloves or some la'autiful neckwear at II. Op piiiheimcr's, Selinsgrove. -t. Don't you have a friend or rela tive in the West or outside of the county? One dollar for the Post would make a very acceptable present. V l - - nL- L. kL. L. jjg 1 sL. kI 1 SPECIAUOFFER. WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL DO. 31 As a Special Holiday Inducement to secure new sub acribers we will accept new subscriptions and upon the pay ment of only ONE DOLLAR down, we will send the POST from that date to January 1, 1900, or until April 1, 189!) for 25 Cents. Old suhscrilcrs rail take ud vantage of this remarkable offer by paying up arrearages nt the regular rate of 81.50 per annum. This is a most lilx-nd oiler and it must 1h! accepted at once to be of the most value. Send in your name and your dollar, to UKOIKJK W. WAHENSELLEK, .Middlebnrgh, Pcnna. T- "T. .f 1 f r r v r r Friends of "Th Post". Roll op Honor. T1i following persouslmve paid their subscription to the Post to the dates opposite their iiaiuen. Should any mistakes occur iu these credits or ou your pa per please notify us : semblyl Frecln: whvH ite w'tb i r clwi ) fttU-i nt vrrf plmresS. Walter will have sale l" "pr'mg. J. F. Henningcr will ' Miccessor on the Wittenmyer rhei't N. Howe, a rising young n! agent of Millersburg, and 'in were guests of Aznriah 'r last week. . fWlehurg will entertain the I wgimeut next year. Snyder jytaall the officers of this rcg- e assoeialiou. 1U Arlxigast ot Sliamokin Iwieof the industrious farmers roe township, was a county tor on Mondiiy. Fancy Kockers that will make beautiful and handsome Christinas presents as low as 1 .50 and as high as 10 at II. K. Walter's furniture store, Middleburg, Pa. tf. The Y. P. S. O.K. of the Luth- ran church w ill hold a pound social at the church on Saturday evening, Dee. 31 lS'.IS. A pound of some thing is requested as a contribution to the needy of the town. Hon. (J. Alfred Schoch and wife last Friday returned from an exten sive Western trip extending almost three months. Ihcy visited friends in Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and other suites. They hud a delightful trip. The November number of the New Criuthih contains articles of in terest to all members of the family. In "Multitudes ami Manliness," by William T. ! His, a clarion note for Kllis inspire young men is struck. M knows how to intiTsM and vouug men. II. I). Walter of this place has a full and complete line of building ind cabinet hardware on hand. Prices reasonable. Call to see the stock. tf. FrankS. Itiegle, the musical in strument denier, and Carbon Seebo'd, proprietor of the Washington Hoiii-e, were Selinsgrove visitors Saturday jrning. Harry C. (Jutelhis has bit n called to Harrishurg where he is temporarv billing clerk in the Adams Express office during the holiday rush of business. Here is something for Christmas F. II. Maurer of New Berlin sells mixed cundics from 5 to 14c; choc olate drops, l ie.; handkerchiefs, 5c. to oOc; towels, ue. tosl.oO. t. Among the students home from college to spend their holiday vaca tion, we note: A. It. (iilbert, Franklin and Marshall, Lancaster; Charles Marks, Dickinson, Carlisle; George and Luther Moatz ami Win. Shindcl, Susquehanna University. Are you going to have sale iu the spring. If so, select your date and send it to us. We w ill insert a no tice of it iu our sale register free of charge, if bills are printed at this office. Examine sale register in this issue as a few dates are already sent in. ' j By reference to the ltoll of Honor published in this issue, you will ol serve that u great .many of the sul scribers to the Post have taken ad vantage of your special offer. Don't you think it would pay you to do the same thing ? Fifty cents saved is fifty cents earned. No Papku Next Week. Iu accordance with the custom of the newspapers of Snyder County and in order to give our employees a well-earned vacation, we will not issue a paper next wi!ek. The of fice, however, will be oien for busi ness. Orders for job work and sub scriptions will be received. A smooth, e;iy shave, genieei hair cut, or i tiicr ton-iii;il work. i al ways obtained at Soles' PijrbcrSh in itti ii:n wr's building, opposite Tost ohice. !( to Nilcs to lutv new razor- or ( Nciinng'.' for old ones. Iiazorshoiu d and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A V. Si.i. The Lutheran Sunday school will render a ( "lirNtiiias Cantata in the Court House on Saturday evening. The lu'lbrined Sunday School will have their Christmas exercises on Sunday morning at ten o'clock. A cordial invitation U extended to all to attend these exercises. Remember the Date. Prof. Coles Predicts a Grand Free Ex hibition on Tuesday, Dec. 27, Ou Tuesday evening, the 27th day bf this month, there will occur in the heavens the most remarkable panorama that the inhabitatitsof the world will ever have witnessed. As the sun goes down behind the hills'of the golden West, the moon will rise in its full licautv in the East and soon thert after old earth will begin to draw a dark veil over the fright chining face of the moon and oil, nature will he shrouded in darkness. N scene in fairy legend will ap proacji ' in beauty ! 1 1 will attract morp'iitcniion and serions thought among the hundreds of millions of human beings all over the earth than any other similar occurrence that has perhaps ever before liapjiciied to history. j And the nio-t remarkable part of this wonderful luavi iilv panorama is the fact that 't will be scn by all the people of the earth, ou both con tinents; and that i: is the anniversary evening of .lolm the ilaptist, ofbil lieal records, the tivrunncr of Christ ; and the third evening alter Christinas, which is believed by many to lie the ainn ver-arv of Christ's birth. This wonderful di-play "I the power and w isdom of our Creator will, we believe, be the inea"s of making a complete change in the present theories of .-cieiiee and as tronomy ; and prove to be the first heavenly panorama or iniator per forniiiiiee of the millennium. A niong our cash callers last week ... V m -V A', l,'s,!Jul,1,, J: ,Smi,I1:' Safe Cracked Monday Morn . 11. Lambert, Lincoln icIht, 1. ' . F. ltiegel, Wm. Move-, Thomas ! 1Dg- Herbster. Oscar Fisher..!. L. Yarn-' er, Ceo. J. Schoch, Win. B. Gem- ! Tbe Safe ln the Pennsylvania Station at k-rling, Samuel J. Brouse, Mrs. Es-1 Lewisburg Blown Open, ther Harding, II. (J. Hornbcrger, Monday morning shortly before Wm. Dreese, PercivalOarman, Ella j three o'clock burglars fined an en B. Wcidinan and Harry Bowcrsox. . trance to the ladies' waiting room at W. D. Osmun, E. P. Rollback, W. F. Walter, B. II. Custer, W. B. Wiuey, George H. Steininger, A. II. Clsli, A buer Aigler, Chal k's E. Haines, J. B. Enterline, Milton Derr, S. S. Walter, Isaac Smith, C. E. Hendricks, Samuel Knouse, David Schoch, Mrs. J. C. Specht, Jas. C. .Schatler, M. P. Arnold, Isaiah Walter, J. B. ShellenlKTger, I loch and Ohlt, P. S. Hitter, Win. A. ArUtgast, J. W. Keister, II. E. Stiinelv, . F. Hciinbneh, Itufus Kan.sey, F. II. Shaffer. E. A. Baumgardiier, Thomas Itatlifen, Juhn C. Stuck, P. E. Hackenburg, Elmer Sh'imlmch, ( Jerome Garman, ora Long, Jonathan Stc'leii, Jere ( 'rouse, las. W. I'lrieh, ( ieo. N . I'.I'dlcV, Sarah ( '. I )nhoii, I'etef ISaileh, Keuo Walter, Au-tin lift, D. A. Port .line. Poster 1 liege!, II. II. Auran.l, J. S. Bowetl, Johr: Benniiiger, Catherine Bower, Phares Shamhaeii, Sarah M. Wray, H. A. Bibighaus, J. C. I laekciihiirg, Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 June 1, '9 July 20, '99 Jan. 1, 1900 J.iti. 1, 1901) - Samuel Wittenmyer, Jr., of this place is a member of the Glee Club of ('ornell University, fillinga posi tion of second bass. The club has the following places scheduled fi.r entertainments : Dee. 10, 1 898, Wil lard, X. Y.; Dee. 20, Buffalo, X. Y.; Dec. 27, Franklin, Pa.; Dec. 28, Cleveland, Ohio; Dee. 29, Detroit, Mich.; Dec 30, Chicago, Ills.; Feb. 7, 1899, Ithaca, N. Y. We are pleased to note that our young friend is meeting with so much popularity among his college brethren. Middleburg has liecn selected as the place for holding the next reun ion of the 13 Id Regiment Pennsyl vania Volunteers. At the meeting at Lewisburg on Tuesday there were nearly one hundred members present. J. P. Smith, who attended the re union and was elected President of the organization, wasalmost asphyx iated ut the Baker House. Alter turning the gas of! when lie went to bed he accidentally turned it on a gain. Ho was rescued just as he was losing consciousness. ' ' the Pennsylvania railroad station at licwisburg, and pried open the door J leading to . the ticket office. The sate was oracked. 1 lie thieves put in such u charge that the outer door of the safe was blown through the door leading the waiting room and into the brick wall, doing it consi derable damage. The inside door did not open so that the scoundrels had their work for nothing. Tin re is no due to them. '.'. 'H'.i 'it1, i Life vs. Insurance. Noil many weeks ago a child be longing to a family in the southern portion of the east side of towu was Imdly burned, and a neighbor hap pening into the house shortly after wards remarked: "Shall I get a a doctor:"' llie mother's renlv was: "OILoawdy! no; there's too much insurance on the child." The little one evidently died and its mother received death bene fits. ' This is true in every detail cn f rr f April 1, '99 Sept. 22, '99 Dec. 1, '98 Nov. 1,'9S Aug. 1, '99 April 1, '98 Oct. 1, '98 June 1, '99 Mar. 21, '98 0.-t. 1, '99 Feb. l, '9i) April 1, '97 Sept. 1, '99 Jan. 1, '99 Nov. 1, ".18 Oct. 1, '98 July 1, '911 July "l, 1901 Oct. 1, ".Hi Feb. 1-1, '99 May 1,'ltS Dee. 1, 'US May 1, '98 Nov. I."., ".IS Oct. 1, ".lit Oct. 1, ".til Jan. 1, 1900 Sept. 1, '!S July 1, ".19 Oct.'2li, ".'.l Oct. 1. '99 Feb. 1, '99 July 1, '98 April 1, '99 Oct. 1, '99 Oct. 1, '9!) Oct. 1, ".is Mar. I, 'US Jan. I, ".HI July 1, ",l'.i March' 1."., ".: Mav 10, ".Hi Jan. 1, ".'. Jan. 1, ".'7 Nov. 1, Jan. 1, Nov. !.-. Jan. 1, l'.Mll) April 1 !. ".Hi Nov. 12, ".Hi Aug. I, ".is Jan. 1, 'H7 Feb. 1, ".HI Nov. is, ';i0 Dec. 2s, ".t7 May I, ".n; Jaa. 1, 1 in ii i Jan. 1, ".:! Pei-. 1, ".HI )ct. 1, 1H S pt. 1, ".HI Jan. 1,".H Jar. I, ".Hi May 1, ".Hi Jail. 1, ".HI April 1, ".HI May 1, ".Hi Jan. 1, '98 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Dec. 1,'98 Jan. 1, 1900 Nov. 1, "99 Jau. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Mav 1, '98 April 1, '90 Jan. 1, 1900 Jau. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Aug. 1,'99 Jan. 14, '99 Jan. 1, 1900 Samuel J. Brouse, Jan. 1, 19(H) Mrs. Esther Harding, Jan. 1, 1900 II. G. HornUrger, Oct. 20, '99 m. Dreese, Pcrcival Garman, Delilah Troxel, Special Evacgelistic Service. !1. V-'dliainsof Iloxbury, been secured to conduct rpeei.i! evangelistic meet- l!ev. W. Mass., ha- u series of ings in the Kuhiiehl United Brethren church, commencing on Tuesday evening, Pec. 27th, and to f "out in lie for one week. The following are the subjec ts lor each nut ting. Tuesday, Pee. 27th, 7 P. M. "The Last Invitation." Wednesday, Pec. 28th, 2 P. M. "The Ten Yirgins." Wednesday, Pec. 2Sth, 7 P. M. ,;The Young Mm, and His Com pany." Thursday, Dec. 29th, 7 P. M. 'The ProdigalS.n." Friday, Pec. DOth, 7 P.M. '-Conscience.'' Saturday, Pec. 'Mm, 2 P. M. "Kindeigaiten Sermon to Children." Saturday, Pee. :51st, 7 P. M. "The Last Pomp with the Tiger." Sunday, Jan. 1st, 10 A. M. at Preeburg. '-Putting on Christ." Sunday, .Jan. 1st., 2 P. M. at KU nezer. "No KiKini for Christ." Sunday, Jan. 1st. 7 P. M.at llich lield. "Breaking Home Ties." J londay, Jan. 2n4 j PJLi'Faui. well." " No one should tail to hear Itev. Willitinw, better known as the "Priiuimei- Evangelist," The pub lic in general i- invited. O. l. Kmmic, Pash.r. A ?!e;t, to Delinquents. ( i. F. DunkelU-rger, Charles P.utlingioii, Allen Foreman, P. It. Lenig, W. P. Laker, N. S. Pi.ichuiaii, Preston En 1 lev, II. U. ltiegel.' L. E. Paw ling. Henry Pica vi r, Jas. P. Smith, Ella Y.Stethr. P. Middleswarth. Enoch Baker, .Yap n Hiimme', A. C. Wiuey, C. ( ). ( iaugler, Isaac Beaver, Dr. 11.0. P.runntr, Win. Trexler, Thomas Arlmgast, Ilcrliert Bow, Jonas K. Fetter, J. L. Yarner, H. S. Mertz, A. A. Ulsh, Lincoln Zcilci-, John S. Smith, W. 11. LamU-rt, F. D. Ilicgel, P. V. Biegel, in. Mover, Titos. Herbster, ( )sear Fisher, Geo. J. Schoch, W. B. Gemberling, Harry Bowcrsox, W. It. Jones, L. M. Moatz, C. H. Steininger, Willet Arbogost, E. C. Musst'lmn, Jan. 1,'98 June 1, '99 June 28, '99 Jan. 1, 1900 Oct. 1,'9S Jan. 1, 1900 Feb. 1, 1900 Jar.. 1, 1900 Oct. 1, '99 Ti i e iitm- ,.! ' i llialvl s t!e f'lll.iui lill(U( Ut sll!i-eri!ii voiir jii a.i' 1 i b'j n die editor is hungry an to I H I -t . We've t I'll-!, i i i--i:iiji;n paper ; nail to his de : --I'i-ii down in up tli" "lu-t ; ipiT tioiit veil tii-.- sev eral nit nt ! i ; 1 1 1 did i; with a -ncle, so ju.-t return the iij.!;t.ii-i-t and trust to ii- aw hilc. ur wit'.- she needs some -ti icki ng. a in 1 i.al v needs a dress ;.) iiiimie tn-eds some briti-ho and sniloes Uate and Ph-ss ; I lud is on the hog train, and Peggy sick with grief and, goodg. .-Ii Almighty, can't you bring a man relief.' Shell out the nickels and digup thedimes; turn Yin loovaud whi-tleand we'll have better times ; there'll be fewer patches on the biisoiii ot our pants, mid we'll make a better paper it we get half a chance. Poii't give us that old story, long gone to seed, 'Inuit taking more papers than the family want to read, but help feed the printer and he'll help your town to grow, and you'll escape the sulphur in the regions down below" Musical Assembly. Fourth Annual Musical Assembly in the Opera House, Freeburg, Pa., Wetlnesday evening, Pec. ''Sth, 1 SlkS and closing Saturday, New Year' eve. Address of Welcome by Mr. Charles Miller, of Biicknell. Two sessions each day for rehearsals and instruction. Concerts, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday evenings. Season ticket and books 10 cents. Single admission to concert, l,"c. Hotel entertainment at low rates. Come! participate with voice or instrument of vour choice. Cordially, St. William Moykk. James Middleswarth, Jan. 1,1900 C. II. Kuepu, Feb. 1, '99 A. kreeger, Dec. 1, '98 Wantkh. A good female cook, single. Also a young lady for gen eral house work. Good wages and a pleasant home for right party. Good reference required. Address University Inn, State College, Pa. or call on Miss Jennie Tobiaa who will be in Middleburg, Pa., from Dec. 24, 1898, to 1890v V wu Brmi No. ms t over to Ui next tarmlh - .court reaching an agreement on- ml; T T '" 'I'" tmi-oa lur vuin ) ar. Bl.lll't: '.'V for retrial.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers