T1 1 MOMDERFUL i ' AXD SUIT SELLING AT I0SISBIS Wo h:iv nover experienced such a rush ior Overeoat a the past few days bag brought i'orlli Wo have sold nioro Overcoats than was sold up to Christmas last ycarU'l still it seem to make little impression on the immense lot; wo have in stock a few mure than live hundred to select from, that's thw reason. WK SELL MORE OVERCOATS EACH SEASON as tho stvlcs grow nobbier and the assortment larger. Overcoats for iHen. irav mixed Overcoats wiili silk velvet foliar, made in tin' best pssihlc manner; ,a good dress coat in sizes from :" to 40, only 33.48 ! HI ue or 1'ilaek all like i wool Kersey coat, on-y Coats, made 4.98. BROSiOU 5 U is B Reefers for Children Very warm Chinchilla Keefers wliieh could easily lie sold for Our price is only 1.48 I All wool dress suits for men in five dim-rent pat terns. Also (due and black at tlie remarkable price of 84.98. S BROS, RY, PA. 4 ffc?3 -vr 1x1771 7 3 ..it J EST UK A Vli. L. C Wagner has lieeu on the sick list for tlx; past week or so... The if houses are being prepared for precious urticle that will soou be here James Treaster is home Jrom Siglerville where he has lieeu engaged 011 a stave mill for the past month. .. .Jacob Kncpp and brothers shot 140 rabbits this season ... .A. J. Jenkins put up a large house on the property of Mrs. Moy er. .. .No doubt the roll of honwr for the Post will be large this week as it is court week, and West Beaver is well represented. . . .Some of our folks arc making prcmrations for spending the holidays in some other eountiei .... IVtersand Gilbert have len busy for the past week in our neighborhood, sawing wood for those who had the luek of getting a sup ply on hard Isaac Matter lost a eow by being wounded with a hay knue he fell sticking 111 the straw stack S. H. Phillips is still ex erting to eiiteh the rabbit that has been at his home all winter U-fore t.ie season runs out. We hoiie you may, Hani. On the fifteenth day they become stale. .. .Some of the can- lidatcs for township offices have Im- gun passing around the cigars. Keep it up, boys; you are all O. K. . . . .J.J. Steely lias now covered 000 inili-s nnd 4 laps in going to and from his school. At the end of his term he will have trave'ed 1400 miles and 2 laps. This does not include any extra walking which he often has to do. . . .Every citizen ot West J leaver should avail himself of the Post's great oiler, The Post from now till Jan. 1,1000, for only one dollar, .Make Jtav while sun shines. A dollar sent to editor will do the work. HL'MMKI.s"VllAUF. the the T HUSTLE AT 0TO ha VMlii ft SfS3 IJ0ID AH3 5 J. II mil m is v I It Boating is closed for the seaon as they are lakin-r the water out of the canal Win. Noll, who has been on the sick list, is convalescing. . . . Albert Poltzhadthe misfortune of losing oi:e of his horses which he brought along from Kansas last spring Andrew Turtt and C'has. Sii'tier .-Dellt a f;'W d:ivs liesir (tlnlwi t I , I Mills, limiting for rabbits. Their g:iii!i w.is one rabbit. .. Misses Mav ami Martha Slioeli visited their si-;, r, Mrs. Troiiti.ian, ihm- ,'ew- ;rir!, recent ly Wallace Teats sie!it la.t week with liis iirotliiT-in- I law, Mr. Holtzshiic, in Sliamokin ... .Misses'Minnie am! Katie Trutt VlYfl 1 la'teiid.-d the teiicla-rs' im-iitute at U li JMiiMlcburg last week Miss iti' iiuljlJl ','r,' u'"' l;ls '"'ell sjielid- ! iugsoine time i;i Siiainokin, is aain iVerv btove onax is s narries v.nth it om POSI TIVE GUARANTEE that : must give satisfaction Bc fore a Cent 3s paid. Call the I in our vicinity. . . . Haniel See.-holtz QIQ'ainl wife have commenced In.iisc- t ' i i f ... i . i Keeping in ieu iiettncu s House... John poye disposed of his goods was partly destroyed bylircivcentlv. lie intends to make bis future homo in Suubury. . . .T. P. Hummel ul (endiil protracted meeting at Siia mokiii lam on Saturday eveninir. rOBT TREVEBTON. W. H. Schrawder of Frecburg was home last week Mrs. 8. Shaffer is in Shamokin Jan. N. Houser attended teaehen.' institute last week Mrs. Ira Bender of Snamokin visited her parents last week Mrs. S. P. Steffen has a severe attack of catarrh fever; Chester Nipple took the first iee water bath of the season .....P. G. Shambaeh says he had a good time in Middleburg last week Mrs. Jereand Martha Snyder wereSelins grove visitors Saturday llev. IJnllhart is conducting a series of revival meetings in the Olive church ......Miss Blanche Ilufl of Bryans- ville is visiting at the home of llev. Brilllmrt Minnie Houser is in Freeburg The Bachelors of Port Treverton held au extra meeting in their club mmi last Monday evening for the purKse of tendering a letter of condolence to their late brother, C. 1). Bogar, who will, on the 22nd inst., take the first degree of the myrterious order of Mistaken Souls who dream ot bliss Mrs. Ed. Klock was to Sunbury during the week Owing to a much needed but ill timed vacation of the organ ist, there will lie no entertainment in the Olive church Christmas night. Mr. A ucker made strenuous efforts to secure an organist pro teni, but iai led. 1 here are a few organists in this vicinity, not particularly engaged for Christmas, but they all refused Mr. A ticker's offer, saying his music i. . ! Ii .1 was too lecnnicai ior tiiem to mas ter. This may make Mr. Aueker and his birds fee! proud, but it will lie a sad disappointment to the ad mirers of tins church s entertain ...... i . If t ii mems uarry iMiiliner made a flying trip to Otto last Saturday. . . . Snipe Xcitz spent the fore part of the week in Pfoutzs Valley Contractor Xoll made a good job of Presslcr's wrecked barn W. M. Buyer, M. P. Arnold and J. C. Sehallcr attended a (J. A. it. inspec tion in Selinsgrove Saturday night ......Mrs. Beistcl, Mrs. Keif, Adam Keif and wife were SeJinsgrove visit ors, Monday Did you notice the liberal oiler the Post is making to the people of Snyder county? Now, Jim, had you been a reader of the Post you would not have made the em harassing mistake you did make Sunday evening. You will find the Post an entertaining informant. UK of t! vear, when 1 wwk busing 3 wiUi the shoe iactorv. i Noetlingand daughter ML i turned home on MondaVSi w jiuuoiMourg )( spent mree weeks with tin Mrs. J. 1 1. Ulsh i we ..... ulsn wasaUi burg several days,-caIIwl tlie llluess of Isaac Ulsh, Tl J. II., who ib impruvine u I. C. Schoch and Mrs. It j Tr er returned from their triill'S delphia wheretheyreprci; hJ county ,n the meeting I)atl J the American Revolution J Schoc-h being regent of tl,is ru and Airs, behroyer delegate 1 Z. Schoch of Bloomsburir wC'l - uuiiiiurc anj ivreeger were out in tlin hunting returned home KttunlJl o. v,. Keii8eiierolblmmki0; was m town between tn.ii(l0v U-V '""I lauor I'liiilim daughters attended tin. w. i i u , " K SI ft. &'yvu ui jiooinsi)urir on jjl ua; evening ouasi week. . , Buyer of Port Treverton Ll P.wt 11 1....I. W I . f ' ' Willi's :iv . ing. He wasaecompahi,,!'. , C. Sehallcr and 'Squire Arnold.. fliiss Uonna Albert, who lus visitinir nt ITiikp!!. .... t n .. ,..U,,,n,Uj, ;,,, vine lor the last two niontL turned home last Saturday extHMitors of the estate of i llunimel bad a side of real t-.hu oaiuruay last. i. U-.S-IukIU the orchard near J1uiiiiii,4 and Perc. JCeiser, the lot i the P. K. K. umJ Mrs. (jjrt property on Pleasant Stnvt residence was not sold as it dij nnng a satistactory bid. . . i.1l lias purehaseil a fine Mock nt g for the holidays... A Sninbysr districts convention of the IwJ Sunday sc1km)1s was held in ih, Lutheran church on Monday o) week. Very interesting tnjiW discussed las. II. lVdim, veteran band leader, wlinwajfc !. .. I I . i r 1 1 1 ing u nana in 4iiuiiemi ior a, weeks, returned home mi evening. . . .Some ol our dm imeiideii tlie teacners in.-titiitf 'iM.i.nL-.i.... nv. iv. - iitii.-vwo iiiieiior.i j'nv). i rciiort a larger atleudaiicctliiicti of the directors of the loimtv We understand that l'urlrt i. Kufz will move into tin: imhh iM-eupied by C. O. Mover, ,ki Tailor llclfcKingcr will n where Lutz now is. . . .Saiir. all the rage. The ice is h this sport, being very sun mil,. and see THs Largest Stock of Stoves i Seen in Snyder County SCHOCH & iTAHLNECKER, . ; ; , : ?, . Middleburgh. Pa. CAMES s w Po.ro? Ganic I I 'IT Notice. INTERESTING AND AMUSING. This game Archarena is Far Superior to all other Parlor Games. So simple a child can play it Bo attractive that the older one never refuse to indulge in it. For information suid price Bee GEO. W. WAGENSELLER, 11 C-4t. At Poit Printing .Office.'.", 1 - The undersigual iromniissioners appointed by the Court in the mutter of re-county lines between Union and Snyder counties will meet for Mi I the purpose of locating' and making M said line at the west end ot the Xor- thumlierland bridge onTuesday, De cember '20th, A. I)., 18JJ8, at 10:30 o'clock 1. M. John Swaetzki,, Wii. MoVKK, II. S. IJOYKR, K. i. Kikiii., A. 11. Evans. Ttarr U a iui f Foplm Who ar injured by the use of coffeo Ilecently there has been placed in all grocery stores a new preparation called CHAIN O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee, The most delicate stomach receives it without distress, ana but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over i as much. Children may drink itwitn jrreat benefit. 15c and 26o per package. Try it Ask for Graia-O" t KNTliKVJLLE. ('. K. Sanijisell was to Middleburg on Monday. . . .Miss Kllie Hornber gerof Aline is visiting W. A. Mobil's family W. F. Scchrist and Ivl. Dreese of Adamsburg were visitors in town on Sunday. . . . Deputy Col lector W. F. Howell was in town on business on Monday evening. . . . A. L. Spangler of Middleburg visit ed his mother on Sunday. . . .Dr. J. W. Sampsell was to Philadelphia to attend the Hiennial Hanquet of bis elass in Jcllerson College Doe, took ajaunt into Union county on Saturday evening. We presume it will not cost very much to plaster a house before long F. J. Hart- nian has taken the agency to sell trees for N. C. Ueaehy & Co. of Rochester, X. Y......Chas. Scchrist, who has liecn working near llusli ville, X. Y. during the jiast year, is at liome visiting his parents. Charlie is a sensible young man and hath taken unto himself a helpmate since his arrival here, in the jterson of Miss Elsie l'aige of Mazeppa. Here is our hand, Charles Dame Hu mor lias been correct and the wed wing has come off. Foster J., oldest son of J. C. llowersox one of our ablest farmers and teachers', and Mis Kate, eldest daughter of It. 11. Erd ley, one of the most rcseetcd citizens of our town. The' ceremony was 'performed on Tuesday evening by Itey., S. Kohlcr of N;ew liurlin. The WtriwtW put ties are' well, known and are of indusripusliabitBoe know our will wishes vill "'not' go nwiaei'''':''''''- At this time lookintr around for Xnias 'ireseiit- peojde are often :;t a loss to know what to lii'y. This may he overcome j nt once by visiting Weis' Store, Si- linsgrove, where you may find un cx- tensive line of fancy articles, both! useful and ornamental at prices toj suit all. ?,U ADAMSBUKU. Our people will soon be employed in filling icehouses. . . .The hunters are sorry that they cannot hunt rab bits alter Dec. lo'th ...The Luth eran church will hold its Christmas entertainment on Christmas evening . . . .S. E. lloinig and wife sjH-nt Sunday in Troxelvillc. .Mrs. Hanks Dreese moved to Ijock Haven on Tuesday. Lewis HcHrii-h moved into the house" vacated by Mrs. Dreese The Pennsylvania 11. 11. Co. will raise the depot at this place Miss Ella Weidnian is spending three days at Middleburg, where she is conducting a coat sale Frederick Holtzapple, while butchering, accidentally cut ofT his thumb J. F. Mock, representing the Thomas, liobert, Stevenson Stove Co., was here interviewing our stove dealers Isaac Ulsh, who had been very ill, is improving. . . .Iicnevillc Smith, of Middleburg, was un Ad amsburg visitor on Sunday Quite a number of jieople attended insti tute last week Hiram Siegfiried of Selinsgrovc was in town over Sunday. . . .Miss Mary Dreese seiit last week in l'ainterville Mrs. Alice Arbogast, of Middlocreek, vis ited in town, recently. . . .Just think of it. You can get the Poht from now until Jan. 1, 1900 for only $1. It is the liest and most reliable jwi per in Snyder county. Get in out the wet. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' IkrberShoj), in Wittenmyer's ..building, opjxNUte Post olHce. v Go to Soles to buy new 'razors or exchange for old ones. Razors honed and guaranteed to give BatlsfactloV' ' " A. ESoleb; -r i was rcpurtcii as hiii!.' thick on Saturday. Ni this writing, it is i incin - The University will c'i tioii.lay vacation on Wnli: evening, the 14th. Tile m.k looking forward to it u iiii p! ; able expectations Why H the Post? One dollar wiilp.; it I ron i now until .bin. 1. ! (Jet the most news ior i lit money . li.UUA.Mhii. Mrs. Rosa (Jroover ami ljcwisliurir were at tins p.i week tiuite a niimlH-r citizens attended the iiNitw week. . . .X'ewtoii Walter lit Hank was in town on JIhi.i!;i Ing A. C. Smith nnd : spent oiinuay wun o. .. . i Monroe township. . . . mrpl the hotel last Thursday t viii" well attended and (pute. . . . .Five rather suspii-iiiiw fellows vere in this vicinitl Monday. They were enjuyl camp fire down at the i'l whole day. They apjureii:', some imjMirtant business wliw had intended to transai-t.... Hilbish and dautrhter of SH were in this place one day M Some i J our lieoiilt' a;1 ix)urt this week. Musical Assembly I Fourth Annual Mn.-i"il in the Opera House, Tavlin edncsilay evening, 1 M'. -x and closing Saturday, V" eve. Address of WelwM' Charles Miller, of lSn kiilij sessions each day for rohcai instruction. Concerts, Tliur4 day and Saturday cvenmj, ticket and books 40 will admission to concert, 1 entertainment at low ruU Come! participle wi'M instrument of your clni CbnlBf 3t. ,., . ,WlLUAjj Large variety of all- at lowcsf prices,' 'at grove,' v" J fheK., Fast P MUX Mdlebi Jon, ( iri o' I li IV c liK', ll-ll Tl alii th If ing i1 : Mi I Ir fn'o: WW lllll lues rn.,. I'lllin hi in le , a PV.l -ing ljir in. iiof I'illDil (yon ano JnkS '.II. hoik -H.t'ii oyst itu in )linre '"'prii rlx-rt llllt! u 881 1 Regi, 'mis J 0HS wieol