The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 08, 1898, Image 4

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Breeiy Items Picked up Here
and There about the Coun
ty and Noted tor Tour
Enlightenment .
Dr. E. S. Gaugler and his bride,
Ateoiutaty Pur
The Middleburgh Post.
Published everv Thursday.
Geo W Waqonseller.
Uditor and Proprietor
Subscription $1.50 per year,
whlti must, be paid in advance when sent out
side the county.)
mi transient. advertlrm.ints not otherwise
etmtractert tor will I ohnwd Bt the rate of If
eenls ncr llm-inonrsrli'i menMirr) tor firm Inwr
Mon and 10 cent per line lor every subsequent
Hi Hon inn.
trDmOi tuniett puMUKrd frt i obituary pom,
Mniui of rwct. tfff. , iaw ivnu sun
Thnrsday, Dec. 8, 1898.
The Companion for the Rest of 1898
The principal attractions offered
by lne l oum Lumixtnum lor tne
remaining weeks of 18(18 provide
a foretaste of the good things to fol
low in the new volume for lS'JSV
To the firt issue in XovemLer Frank
R. Stockton will contributes humor
ous sketch, entitled "isonie ot My
Dogs, and in the issue for the week
of Novemlier lOih will appear Rud-
yard Kipling s thrilling story of the
heroism ot soldiers in the ranks,
"The Burning of the Sarah Sands."
In the seven issues to follow there
will be contributions by Ird Duf
ferin,, William I). Howells, J. K.
Charuberlin, the American war cor
respondent, Mary E. Wilkins, Hon.
Thomas B. Reed, the Marquis of
Ixrne, Mmc. Lillian Nordiea and I.
Zangwill. Those who stiltscrihc now
for the 1S98 volume will receive
every Novcmler and Decemlier is
sue of lhe Companion from the time
of subscription to the end of the
year free, the ConiKinion Calendar
for 1S99 free, and then the entire
52 issues of 7i! Cumpaminn to Jan
uary 1, 1900. An illustrated an
nouncement of the 1S99 volume and
ample copies will be sent free to
any tine addressing
Tub Youth's Companion,
211 Columbus Are., Boston, Mass.
Trial List, Dec. Term, 1898.
Jacob G. Snyder vs. Sunbury and
Lewistown R. 11.; Hannah Bom vs.
Joseph Knouse, executor ; Susanna
Bolender vs. Daniel Bolender ; Marv
K. Snyder vs. Rev. J. W. Glover,
et al.; Ix;wis Arnold vs. John W.
Teats ; W.L. Helfenstcin vs. Frank
Keichenbach and Levi C. Reichen-bach.
Mftny People faaaol Urlnk
Coffee at night. It. spoils their sleep.
You can drink Gram 0 when you
please and sleep like a top. For
OraiD-O does Dot stimulate ; it nour
Utiles, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks
and tastes like the best coffee. For
nervous persons, young people and
children Grain O is the perfect drinkt
Made from pure grains. Qet a pack
age from your grocer to day. Try it
in place oicoflee. l.iand 25 cents.
When Due.
of Ohio, is visiting friends and rela
tivea in Union township, his native
Thomaa Meyer, of Lock Haven,
is visiting Lieut D. S. Miller and
wife, at Kantz. He will be royally
1. E. Hackenburg ofAdamsburg
moved to Mifflinbiirg) leased the
creamery at that place and opened it
for business on Monday.
At the residence of O. K. Meek,
Seliusirrove. Thanksgiving day,
nnrtv of about fortv-five iolly little
tots were right royally entertaiued
by Miss Florence and Master Forest
Mrs. Mena Spigclmyer, widow of
Levi Spigeimyer, late ot
Iiegt. T. V., and Co.U., HZdltegt.
I. I., tif McC ure. was last week
made the happy recipient of u wid
ow's pension; certificate lieing issued
in three mouths from time ot ap
The Irlbune of last work savs :
Wednesday morning at nlsiut tour
o'clock, a fire was discovered in the
store loom in B. O. Kesslci's build
ing at Hummers Wharf, kept by
John Foye. The alarm was prompt
ly given and the neighbors hastened
to the scene and a kittle royal was
begun to save the building. Atone
time it looked as though the build
ing would le consumed, but encour
aged by some of the cooler heads the
fire was confined to the store room
where after a hard flight the flames
were extinguished ami the building
saved. lhe stock in the store room
is a total wreck.
Members Reooatly Elected Governer
Warmly Congratulated.
Washington. Dec. 8. When tha sen
ate convened yesterday to begin tha
closing session of the Fifty-fifth con
gress the chamber presented a notable
and beautiful appearance. By 11
o'clock the public and private gal
leries were filled almost to their ca
pacity with distinguished assemblages,
Including many ladles In brilliant at
tire. On the floor of the senate the
display of flowers was unusually beau
tiful, even for the opening day of a
aesslon of congress. The odor of the
flowers filled the chamber.
The reading of tha president's mes
sage, which occupied two hours and
eighteen minutes, was received wltr
very careful attention for an hour, but
after that the senators drifted to th-
cloak rooms or to the committee rooms.
where they could peruse the message
at their leisure In the printed copies
which ad been furnished them.
The opening session of the house wa
also a spectacular occasion, animated
end brilliant. There were more than
the usual number of distinguished per
sonages in the thronged galleries. One
of the most strlnklng Incidents was the
cordial meeting between the floor lead
ers of the respective sides, Messrs.
Dingley and Bailey. The speaker
named Mr. Bailey as the minority
member of the committee to wait upon
the president, an honor always be
stowed upon the recoitnlied leader of
the minority. Mr. W. A. Stone, of
Pennsylvania. Mr. McMlllln, of Tennes
see, and Mr. Bayers, of Texas, who have
been elected governors of their respec
tive states since congress adjourned,
were overwhelmed with congratula
tions. The floral tributes were unu
sually numerous.
f ladies'
Commercial tapers falling due on
Dec. 24th, 22th, 2Gtb and 27th, on
account of Christmas falling on Sim
dny becomes due and payable on
December 27th, and not on Decem
ber 24 th, as has leen erroneously
reported. Notes becoming due on
January 1st, 2d and 3d are payable
on the latter date.
Fains in the chest wLen a person
has a cold iudicates a tendency tow
ard pneumooin. A piece of flannel
dampened with Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and bound on to the chest
over the seat of pain will prompt I
relieve the pain and prevent tht
threatened attack of pneumonia.
This same treatment will cure u
lame back in a few hours. Sold by
all Druggists,
Public Sales.
Undoes of sales will be Inserted free under this
heading when ttie bills are printed at this office.
When the bills are not printed at tills office so
eenta will be charged, persons eipectlag to
have sie snouia select a ante ana nave il uuwri
ed in Uiis column.
TUESDAY, Mar. 14. Two mile east of Troxel
vl lie on the Cooper farm, Oeo. I. Kline wUI
wll 4 hones, 1 mules, cows aad tanning
Ship Aflame on the Ocean.
New York, Dec. 6. The German
steamer Dalecarlla, from Rio Janeiro,
which arrived yesterday, brought news
of bad weather and of sighting a burn
ing ship at sea. Last Friday nleht the
Dalecarlla was In lattltude 17 degrees ' Stocks, aecurlUes. etc.
A Big Consequent of winter COATS and CAPES
lor Ladies and Children will be offered to the Deonlo v
They are garments that have been made for this present
season's selling and combines all of the most stylish ef
fects known in this season's garments. The sale takps
And Contiue over Wednesday and Thursdsy.
in Snyder County, in well made stylish Coats and other
Garments, will be offered at this time.
I invite all of my friends to come and examine these
garments and see what extraordinary values thev will
be able to secure. Remember the sale lasts onlv thrn
dayo. Dec. 13th, 14th and 16th. y tbree
There Will be Ladies' Coats as Low as
Next to Court House,
Middleburgh, Pa.
pport of the condition of the First National
Uunicnf MMilli-burirh. atMlddleburub. In the
Htalf of Pennsylvania, at the close ot business
Pec 1, lwe :
t nnn and rtlRonuntfl 1144.461.68
Overdrafts, secured and unnecured....
t . H. KoiiQii lo secure circuiauun, ...... i o.uuu. w
V. 8. Bonds on hsnd
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds. 4.0UO.W
County uonas,
46 minutes and longitude 70.S2 and tht
glare of fire was seen. The Dalecar
lla, altering her course, at 9.10 o'clock
came alongside of a ship ablaze from
the stern to the foremast, while a large
yellow funneled German steamship
was standing In near the flaming,
pitching wreck. Nobody could be seen
on the decks of the burning vessel, nor
were there any boats struggling amid
the waves, so It la probable that the
crew were rescued by the steamship
which was waiting to note the end.
The steamer by the burning ship was
either the Werra or the Fulda, of the
North German Lloyd line.
Cleveland's Accused Judgea.
Cleveland. Dec. 6. Judge F. E. Del
lenbaugh, against whom charges were
made by the Bar association on Sat
urday In connection with the disbar
ment proceedings against State Sen
ator Burke, was on the bench yester
day, as usual, In his court. Before open
ing court Judge Dellenbaugh, In dis
cussing the charges, stated that he
could prove his Innocence before any
tribunal, and that he would demand an
Investigation. It is understood that
charges against Judge Blandln will be
filed with the Bar association shortly
for slandering Judges Ong and Dissette.
Es-Treaaurer Chlldera Sentenced.
Muskogee, O. T., Dec. 6. In the Uni
ted States court at Wagoner Judge
Springer passed sentence upon three
persons convicted of complicity In the
floating of over $1)7,000 of fraudulent
warrants In the Creek nation. Ellis
Chllders, ex-treasurer of the nation,
was sentenced to two years' Imprison
ment In the penitentiary and fined 910,
000, to be paid Into the Creek treasury.
Burrell Cox and James Eagan, two of
Chllders accomplices, were sentenced
to five years' Imprisonment in tha pent
w.. r.kirwT-tmiiu.' furniture, and fixtures
Ot her real estate ana montages own
lue from National Banks (botKeserve
Agents) I0.OO0.9T
Due from Bute Banks and bankers .... TS9.8I
Due from approved reserve agents,.... M.711.43
Checks and other cash IK'iwt M8.41
Notes of other National Bonks 145.0U
Fractional paper currency.ulcklus, and
cents 64 1. 94
Lawful Mohst Kisihvs in Bank
HpecleH.' 14,08.0O
Ijmil.tiuder notes 11.BM.nil 8tt,168.00
ItedemptloD tund with U. a. Treasurer
IS per cent, ot circulation) 675.00
Capital stock paid In.
Surplus Kund
Undivided profits, less expenses and
tjiieM nuld.
National Bank notea outstanding
Due to other National banks.
Dividends unpaid
Due to State Banks and Bankers
Individual depoblts subject,
to check 19,4SV04
Demand certificates of de- SUSO-JO
Notes and Bills redlscounted,
. nu.uoo.0u
, ts.aoo.uo
Nov. 20, by Rev. Robert Oiroyie,
ftlmer E. Koush of Chapman und
Cerinda Miller of Shcuaudoa,,
Nov. 19, by Rev.Clias. D. Zwei
er, Philip C. Varncr of Swulcs,
Juniata Co., to Ida M. Wagner of
Nov. 27, by Rev. W. E. Brill
hart, D. F. Uplingler to Cora M.
Howell, both of Mt. Pleasant Mills.
Dec. 6, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk
O. C, Jacob Knouse of Penn twp.
to Lovina Fox of Sunbury.
Nov. 28, by Rev. W. A. Hans,
W. T. Freed to Lizzie We!ler, both
of Washington twp.
Carpets I Carpets I ! Carpets ! ! I
The whole lower floor of my store is taken up with Carpets, Ruga,
Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hassocks
Rug Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, fcc., &c., '
We can show you the largest and best selection, of the above goods
ever shown in Lcwistown.
Brusscll Carpet as low as 50o. and up
All Wool Carjiet " " 50c. "
Half Wool Carpet" "35c.
The following accounts will be presented :tor
connrmatlon on Monday, Dec. IT, ltm.
The account of A. Q. ('suhfiar. Assignee for
the beneilt of Creditors of II, W. tjlsli, of Spring
township. Snyder Co,, Pa.
Obo. M. Sbinokx, rrothODOtary.
Mlddleturg, l'a., Nov, li. ihvs.
TOTAL 29.e0ll7
I, J. N. TUOMPSON, Jr., Cashlerot the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the aliove
statement Is Uue to the best of my knowledge
and belief. J. N. THOMPSON, Jr., Cashier,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Dili
day ol Dec IHM. J Q WE18EB( Nolary jMto.
Cobsxct Attests
It is expected to have the new
capitol building at Harrisburg com
pleted about the mid J le of December,
if nothing unforeseen occurs to retard
the work.
Corrected weekly by our merchants.
Butter , ... 18
Ekkb 20
Onions 00
Tallow........ H 4
Ghiokensperlb 7
Turkeys 00
Bide w 7
Shoulder o
New Wheat
Old Corn
New Oats
Rag Carpet as low as 20c. and up
Cotton Carpet " " 22c. " "
Velvet Carpet 75c.
-OLina and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Select From
Compare quality and prices, you will find that our Btore is the
plaw to buy at. The goods are' first-class, prices are the low
est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods.
Respectfully, ;W. fi. FELIX, Lewistown, IVinJ.
Bran per 100 lbs.
Flour per bbL.
Ho inorphlne w opium In Dr. Miles' Pais
too CtEJi Ail FalB. "One cent a lose.
REOISTEK'8 NOTICES.-Notlce Is hereby irlv."
" en that the following named persons have
filed their Administrators', uursdlan, and Ki
ecutors' accounts Inths K-flMr'somoeof Sny
der count v, and the same will be presented for
confirmation and allowance at the Court House
In Middleburgu, Monday, December 19th, km.
First and final account of Vloletta Mltman.
Executrix of I lie Estate of Sarah A. MlUnan. late
of Psnn township, deceased.
The supplementary account of A. A. Romtir,
Administrator of the Estate of Levi J. ltomlj,
late or Went Beaver township, Snyder Co.. Pa.,
deceased. '
Account of Carolina Schnee, Administratrix of
William Schnee, late of Perry township, suyder
vvr, a ss. swwwvnU
First and final account of M. K. and O. E.
HaJiilnirer. Administrators of the Kitiita nl Jnhn
S. IIamlnr, late of Franklin township, Snyder
The first and final account of Newton 8. Bach-
man, nxecuioroi ins rotate or Israel Bachman,
late of the Borough of Middleburgb, fa., dee'd.
The flrstar.d partial account of RebeecaMels
or. David 8. Melser and Reuben 8. Melser. Kxe
cutors ot the Estate of Joseph Melser. late of
vuapuiaa wwnsuip, Dnjaer lo., pa., deceased.
J. B. Wiixis, Beglsier.
Court Prnclamatlan.
TTTHERKA8 ths Hon. Harold U. MoOlan
PrMldsnt JudKS ol the Judlolal District.
eomotd of ths oounUss ol Snyder. nJ
Union and anj t Ti' (q,.
berllng, bqs., Aisuelats JudRM In and forSnj
in county, have lautd thslr pteoept. beanng dtV.,0,0ct- A:i., hi. tnn
iinM!?T lb ' olan Orphans' Court,
court ol Common Pleai, court of Oyer and Ter
miner and General Uourt ol Quarter Hsuloni ol
tbaPsaos, at MlddlsburKh, Tor the county ol
Snyder, on theud Monday, (bslnK tbs lath
day ol Deo. lavs.), and toooaUnus oaa weeS.
Notlcs It thsrslors hereby flven to ths Coros
sr, JuiUoes of the Peace and UoaiUbles In ami
for ths eonnty ol Snyder, to appear In than
nropsr person with their roll, rsoords, InquUI
J m'Uom d othsr remembranoN
to dothoie thlngi which of tlielr olfloee and In
their behalt parlaln to be done aad wltnewei
and persons proaMutlng In behalf of tbs Com
monweallhajcalnit any person or persone are r
quired to be then and there attending and Si
partlnir without leave at thslr peril" JuttloM
ar requsitod to be punctual In their attendant
at the appointed time aereeably to otlee.
Olven under my haniTanri sea) at tha shariiPi
efflce la Mlddfsbnwh, .tbVrth day of Nov
A. Uone thousand Ufa. hundred aad nlntu