The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 08, 1898, Image 3

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'Dili J
-ali. I
IBs. I
CCUIlTfllllS. 1
Lan was 'Rsscued when in a Perilous Plight.
A a mm .1 I I aft V
The Novel wemoa
. t. 'nbl.MllMiM Strati,
'ma of Mr E- M
"L shirt -aaatoartr, ka. .ooom-
V S...h.ilT t rvi to amy
i T o prsiaswortsj uadartak-
" ."V lms ta.1 Drsnd f aud
r II1CM r-- . ' , 1 .
w tor hr nsraliw zona.
futnrr vi . . i . . i
v.m. Mi4 ehrful, hopeful and
r .of ill affsoU from tr noru
wtr Ml-orwd aavs don "uch
. ton vers fo ! ooomptnled hor
U . for MT.r.1 ssoBth. This wus
."' . .l1 salvia- from anatioia.
Ed of ollaal. Unefiiiug
'.JuTalivilviaBS ar nmmmud and
r IkJi. .kill, bat H was of n avail.
.liiion beeam aad her face
-7a fhort-lik paraM. ttb
.wiv for wait f blood, m what
.h. did ksv. ":
. .... An sum iiiran
MIT? -"I-;: ..J th.
j, did rot til w '
1 J.-1...W. aid dMtfa eoasied Bifh.
ofl. i kBvht alto wu mine
r of
,r. Pink Pills It Pale Pwle.
bT tha Dr. WUlUiDj' Medicine
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days I .
ttj ..'...J no. rm.A Pnhlip. Their ci-
Re are not wiling out, but we do this to Increase our mien above any pre.
mii tear. We ftlve a few ot the prices us follows : .
Vood Chamber 8uUs..v... .$14.00!Cotton Top Mattre J
rdWood Chamber 8ult8 18.00 ! Woven Wire MattreHH i n
tlque Oak Bults, 8 Pieces 19.00 j Hed Springs J,
S Psrlor Bults 80.00! Prop Tables, per ft 7
X chRlrBperset 8.50!l'latfonu Rockers .. 2 50
Initock. everything In the farnltitre line, lii""fl'"tM,''row,llXw nm1!
iVS.boa?ds, Cupboards, Centre Tables. Fancy W?"-
titlier Pillows, LounKes, Couches, UouKiJtrays, ,,"?'
Kttirs-fine, mediStn and cheap furniture, to suit a I cla es
tT!. 1..Ms4 oil rhnnrrh C.nnl ttr V Riul He OUf MOCK tWlOrP, K1
,Brorder, and thus save 15 to 20 percent, on every dollar.
knnn nivAn in TTnfirtakinff & huibaliviinp.
i rr a mrr-CTTJUS' A HT
xvamaniuait oo
A Insurance.,
Insurance Agency,
Blmor wV. Snydor, Agent,
Successor to tbe late William H. Snyder.
1 1 n
Th. 1'Br.P.Tr.fillBncfl of Reliable Insurance is repreBeuteil m trie iot ow-
-Mild r. t C r. 1 n ! f 'Amnnmau fmm
Better the World over. .,.,, tMrtn.
I NAM K. LOt7ATIOI, . . ... , ' . , ,.n
IUffl-Royal, Liverpool, Enp, (including fore.Kn .rw. , f '""'r""'
Hartford, ol Uartlord, uonn., toiuebi aiuiuh-u w.,
PLo3nix, Hartford, Conn. ViorS M
Continental, New York, HA'mH l i
ftrmttn American. New York.
OTDEN T-Employers' Wi
Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jug.
ified by a strict rejrard to mutunl safety. AU jutjt claims ProPy "
itiflfactorily adjusted. Information in ' rehttton to a H of In8ur"
nM r,rnmr.rlr f .,rnih.l ELMER W. SNY DElt, Agt., r
TelephoDe No. 182. Office on Corner
The Cheapest and Bet?i Fuei Jio Market.
With it you can run a vapor stove for one
half cent per hour. Give us a call and be
Schoch & Stahlneckor,
Middleburgh, Pa
fflf cm Kititcc Bt which kuh rvTum
. - . , .
loinMiM ihornutuml Kucow (ur lh put Sra im 'U a mthfol. wracsu,
bmna SallMllltis ut Ml lite, lit will ! Tour WMll lHUU, S
'2i wnexw "
5 cif iw m if nn mot
i uienLe sw hi. uu mi
I 10 wnliina ctr
T ' KvUv" this r a a trt k-lu. Alt iuioiim wiiuj unu.
t&lRMtftoASTnOtOGER, look Box W3, Philadelphia,
K Am si a-w MWIlr MoaUUii ihrauSt. Ul eMM pntettoH u MM
S.'J"!" .'! Waiaawaa OrM. nilsoa cut u
Jfa. P11U Msib fei htsHUi. WriUHl4tr.
ywliaasMM patort yotr Usui
k :
useo 10 aave tier. ,
fvmpany, SrhfOMtady, N. T., ai they
taiuetl iu a eoudQwi form all the elrioenu
ntceaiarr to gire new lifu aou richuea to
the blood and rritore thatlered ueryea.
Tby hail Uaruou of vaui imiiurto Iirr
wbicb bad bea cured. The pills, tbey ml-1,
were iiiexDenkiTe. only tiMtiue fiO eentl a bok
vr six loixwt for tiJiU, aud could be bad at
any driipjpst'a.
Miw Noble was reluctant to try tlirm, for
it eeiuvd os if all powible reuieuits la.U Ixru
trim! and tbe expeuie bad bn coukidrruUo,
without L'tiujt benefited. Her friviids were
to rntbukioiitio reuardiiifr tbe r i.l (jnnl'ties
of the pills, tbst slie flually dei-iiivU to try a
box, aud purchased oue truui K. 14. U. tievtt's
dru storo.
A ueoioen improTemcni was noticeaiiia
after tbe pills bad bu takes and she pur
obased some more. The obauge in her con
dition was so (Teat thst utter taking four
boxes or tbe reuicoy, sue eotisiuerea ocrnrit
well, und stopped tskiiig the tucdioiue. Hut
her severe 'sickness coTild net be cured so
snoa and slit was obliyrd to coiumenre tnkniR
the pills sgais. After using a few mure
Vioxs all trants of bar fearful dlktssc had
disappeared. To-day, she is tbe picture of
health, her complexion bwiuw that of an
Ideally healthy young lady, uud the is a
actus as in her younger davs.
Hur father was so niurn imprrsncd with
tbe marvelous improvement wrought ill Die
health of bis daughter through tbe merits of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, tbst be too is ning
them aud is rapidly regaining bis fulling
isevaral have heard of Miss Noble's ensr
and experience with these wonderful pillt
and aro usiag tbesn with saUafautarj results.
. XX A BTMAN . I .imiteQ.
x-ii-i-" -,
whioh to make a Hetecttou. xsone
- " Corpora 3 .750.000.00
Water & Pine Sts, SeJ.nscrovo. 1
can muir amo AccuKAmr u memo.
E- .... . I . .k. Iu. kAM MMtil. Hfk u.
. OmwU. wut lwlauos. SuImm smm, Ms,
Til bf i-?? ih. zzriLtrS".
thu ka oa tot ihr aaatUwM u jour 4
not ai ti wna ua win
tour hha. and MOM II to M ftll tTU V TrMir. ft
uermms In Hits ! to niaiwire our bum
neu (u llietrowu axil nearby eouniies. II U
nialiily nr)li work eomlui-led at home. Salary
slralclil a year anil expeniwe lo(tiiii.
hoimlttlu, no more, no Icm salary. Monthl) $7.
Heforences. Kuvlose slf-aJJrssel tampvtl
envelope, slerberl K, (Hess. lrel., ll'"- M
Uhleatio. f-lMOt.
rrsalahU Crea tares, Btare DalF
Tkaa tfca Cakrsu Whleh Are rat
lr reare r Plaheraaaa.
i .- - r ,pv
Not only do various reptile aird
other queer creature abound In tbe
forest and awatcps ot the Philip
pines, but the aurronndiag water t
these interesting Ulanda teem with
veritable sea serpents. These strange
creatures, which pasa their entire ex
istence In the water, posses deadly
fangs. They are a great menace to
the fishermen, who are constantly ex
posed to their attack.
Technically speaking, ecience has
named the group they constitute the
Ilydrophiilae. Tbey differ from the
terrestrial snakes only in the pos
session of aflat, pnddli'-like tail. These
reptiles inhabit the tropical st'us of
the old world, and occasionally attain
a length of eight feet. Dr. Kudolph
Weber, profeisorof dm wing in l'riuce
ton university, observed large num
bers of these creatures while on a
steamer bound for Sumatra. Dr. Web
er wua In charge of a sole a title ex
pedition, and naturally took especial
notice of them. He sny that when
the vessel was some 50 miles off the
coast mvriads of sea snake could be
seen swimming about as far as the
eye could reach. They kept upon the
surface, and several distiuct species
were recognized among them. Dur
ing calm weather these reptiles may
be seen sunning themselves upon the
surface of the sea, remaining mo
tionless except for a slight undula
tion caused by the movement of the
water. When alarmed, the agile rep
tiles dive like arrows, leaving a train
of bubbles behind them. Some spe
cies are extremely brilliant in colora
tion, being bright yellow, banded with
black, while others are tinted with
delicate abatfcs of green.
The food of fcea snakes consists en
tlrely of fishes. Frequently fishes
armed with loug sharp spines fall vie
tlms to their appetites. Among these
are the apoous and silurolds, Thich
are furnished with opines three and
five Inches long. But these do not
embarrass the voracious reptiles in the
least. The victim is first killed by the
snake's poison, after which It is swal
lowed bead first. The spines, naturally
pointing toward the tali of the victim,
and being reluxed in death, are com
pressed against the body of the fUh
a deglutition proceeds. While in
search of their prey, sea stukes some
timet venture a short distance up
the mouth of large rivoxs. Dr. Web
er records an instance where he
w fishing iu one of tha river on
the east ooast of Sumatra. He wis
using a drag net, and had cornered
a number of medium-lzed fWi. As
the net waa being brought in, two
large sea, snake suddenly mad their
appearance luaide. They showed oo
ign of uneasiness at capture, but
were hurriedly gobbling down the. cor
nered fishes. Nor did they ceas op
eration untrl the last fish bad disap
peared, when the formidable creatures
made their escape.
Being air breothers, the sea atwike
lead a similar existence to the whale.
Kclentlsta have expressed much in
terest a to how long they can re
main under water. I'rof. IX 1. Witilald
of the American tnuneam of natural
hbitorv, while dragging for coral, saw
a largo sea snake lying motionless
among one coral growth sum
eiffht feet below the surfaee. rt
shcrwed no signs of fear, and remained
In the same position for half an hour
The venom of these reptiles is even
more deadly than that of tbe eobra
The fangs are very abort, and conse
quently do not penetrate o deep a
the fangs of most serpen-t, bnt only a
scratch from thetn is necessary to pro
duce serious result?. Owing to their
great ahynesw accidents nre very rare
When cornered ther np and Mto
vicionsly, retaining their hold rmcm
victim. As the eyes are adapted only
for use In water, they strike blind
ly when brought Into the air, although
Ifving for day when remo-red from
their native element.
When about to lay their eggw, t1ife
sernerrt approach the shore. The
eggs are laid above high water mark
and left to hatch by tbe heat nf the
ran. Many creature prey upon tti
yonng reptiles. Among their'enemle
are sharks and other large fishes, whll
the adults. In spite of their death
dealing fangs, fall victims to sea eagles
and large gttlls. After the great ty
phoon, which ore common in the
Philippine and their vicinity, many of
these creatures may be found along
the beach, where they have been cart
up during tie storm and killed by th
violent pounding of the waves. 5. T.
Alarm nock That Vell.
An Ingenious Frenchman has Invent
ed a sleep-disturber which is warranted
to thoroughly rouse the heaviest sleep
er. Ilia scheme utilizes clockwork an"
the phonograph. Instead of the clang
ing bell that rings, stops uud ting
again, and finally becomes useless be
cause one gets uccustomed to It, the
Frenchman's scheme contemplate call
ing a man in the morning with all the
force necessary to awaken him aud
keep him awake by means of a power
ful phonograph. Some ot the new
speaking clocks have been exhibited in
l'aris. One is timed to shout at six
o'clock in the morning: "Get up; it's
ix o'clock. Don't go to sleep again."
This can be repeuted until the sleeper
la awakened, gets up and turn off the
machinery. Other call are more em
phatic; in fact there is no limit to what
can be said by the new clocka, for all
that is required is for one to talk any
desired tueasage Into the phonograph
cylinder and set the mechanism. o that
she vecml pyrotechnic may be exploded
I a givtn time. Chicago Chrenlele.
Jon They accused her ot Howls
up a man-of-war?
Boa She scolded her soldier hus
band. Up to Date.
The Ihbi Bxlsrt Met f MrailfT
f le Wh Cmm D th
Meat G4.
Th sight of war cured the writer of j
one notion that the military profct-I
sion may tend to make those who fol-'
low 1( brutal and cruel, says tbeBoston
Transcript. On tbe contrary, it seems 1
to make them more generous and ;
kind. It Is not to be supposed that it .
is war that makes them so; it is prob- i
able that the removal of the profes- .
tionai soldier from the field of com-,
petition for existence among inde-
pendent workers and "business men j
leaves him tittle chance to fall into
that hungry and fox-like intinctive ;
hostility to one's fellows that is de-1
vcloped by the social struggle ofr ex- j
Istence. All soldiers, whether officers ;
or privates, seem to be engaged, on i
the other hand, in a kind of competi- ;
tion of generosity. It is a great point j
with them a kind of invariable rule !
of conduct to be rady to share what
tbey have with others. This rule of j
generosity does not, of course, save
them from doing cruel things occa
sionally. They have not ordinarily a
very delicate sensibility to one an
other's pain. They do not seem to
waste much pity on one another's
physical sufferings. They bear their
own without complaint, and sel
dom Bsk favors when they are suffer
ing. But when it comes to "grub" or
shelter they will give a comrade, or
even a stranger, better than they have
themselves, if they possibly can. And
the work of an officer, even in the most
active and terrible campaigning,
eem to be easily consistent with the
finest manliness and most delicate
sympathy. And yet we should not
encourage war In the expectation of
cultivating fine sentiments any more
than we should invite yellow fever epi
demic simply because a yellow fever
epidemic develops fine cases of heroic
Danger to lleaJth and t.lfe I.nrks In
Many of the SvCallrd Head
ache Bemedies.
In his quarterly report on the health
of the borough of Chorley, Lancashire,
Dr. J. A. Harris, the medical officer
for the district, calls attention to the
indiscriminate sul and purchase of
the various so-called headache pow
der, lie states, says the British Med
ical Journal, that under his direction
th county police obtained six or
seven samples from the different shops
in the town and bad them submitted
1 analysis. In every case the quan
tity of she active ingredient wasfound
to be la excess of the maximum dose
of the drug allowed in the British pliar
maaopoola. These remedies belong
I th class of analgesic, tha mem
ber of the group in common use for
the purpose boing acetanalide or
aaetin or para-acrt-phenetldin. Their
props tie were fully considered in
tbe suction of pharmaoology and
tberapautioa at th meeting at F.din-
burgh, where Prof. Stockman (GIas
gow) opened a discussion on tbe
"Therapeutic Value of Ileont Syn
thetic AtMlgesics; Their Benefits and
Attendant Kisks." There was a gen
eral expreneion of opinion that these
drag required to be handled with the
greatest possible care, and that a
slight error of judgment with regard
to do n re might be followed by dis
astrous resnlts. All these sutwtanres.
depress tbe heart's action, and in toxic
dose diminish the force of the respira
tory act. The danger is not obviated
by selling a poisonous drng under a
fanciful name.
I'ndlna Sulfide tptdenilc.
Medical men are uniting la the oplt
Ion thai suicide may easily beoonie epi
demic, especially at times cf excite
ment or when leather conditions are
depressing. Plagues of suicide such as
Moreau described after th French
revolntion, are rare, ef onrse, but
when one or two cae of self-destruction
are recorded Iu a community it
often is the ease that a comber of
others follow. This Is especially true
in continental Enrope. In ancient
times one of the Greek title. Miletus,
ws th scene of an epldemie of sui
cide among young women, until the
magistrate proclaimed that the body
of the text victim would be exposed
nr. is In the marketplace. This harsh
decree, so contrary to th Instincts
of our modern civilization, proiopt'y
put an end to the appalling eraze.
Moaato Reg-iila t loo t Dress.
Bishop Alfred Willis, of llouotulu,
recently disapproved cf womeu wear
ing tha cassock and eotta in vested
choirs, beeanse, accordlcg to the book
of Deuteronomy. God declares that
"The women shall not wear thst which
pcrtaineth onto a men;" whtreupon
a Hawaiian papar reminded him tha;
In the same book it Is commanded that
"Thou shatt not wear a mingled tut?,
wool and linen, together. Thouahalt
make three fringes upon the four bor
ders of thy vesture." If the Mosaic
law Is to regulate the dress of choir
girls it want to know why it shall not
be held to regulate the dress of every
body in general, in which case ths
good bishop would have to make him
self conspicuous by wearing a fringe
on hi bat, waistcoat and trousers.
Ilia; East Indian Tin factory.
The largest tin factory iu the world
is situated on 6u!o Broni, an iaUud on
the Bay of Singapore. It turn out
monthly 1.S00 tons ot tin, more than
the produot of Corwall and more
than that of Australia. The ore come
from Selangor aud Perak in Malacca.
Issssss Bld with Osur.
An tnsset kuown as the water boat-1
man has s regular pair ot osrs, hi
lrg being used as such, lis swims on
hi baok. at In that position ther is
let rltBe to his progrss.
Terrlbl Msrtaltty Rert Anssaff
Spanish Trnsi Statlnae
Is Cahsw
Startling facts about disease and
death among the bpanUb. troops In
Cuba are published by tbe Spanish pa
per Correo de Kspuna, in a long report
from Dr. De Lurro Cereio, chief phy
sician of the Havana military hospitals
und superintendent of tbe Spanish
sanitary corps iu Cuba.
The doctor says that from February, i
1805, to Jnnunry, this yenr, the home I
government sent to Cuba for use In the ;
militury hospitals 40,00 pounds or
vario'is quinine preparations, &JU
pounds of opium. 3t'..(KHi pounds of car
bolic, L'.SOO pounds of Kiililininte (which
represents l.niii.ium imrtH ot inc or- j
ilinnry solution of sublitmite). 4.740
i.j.tiin'u ..f i.wlinit t-iiniiftu f.f rlnl- I
... , ...
luirli nod S.IKH) pounds of ricins oil.
Furthermore there were sent lO.otXl
meters of sticking plaster, 513.0CO
meters of lmiuhigcs ami 00,070 pounds
of lint.
Altogether Ppnln sunt to Cnln l.OliO
tons of medicine, etc., in three j i mi m.
Ask your druggist what that menus.
And then remember the stories of
Spanish hospital ships thut left the
islam! of Culm week lifter week witii
thous.uid.H of dying soldiers lieforo our
tiuvy established the present blockade
According to the Spanisb doctor
Spain innintuined only 13 hoKpituN in
f'uba before the out break of the revolt.
Tlie largest of these, were pstablisheit
in Havana, Santiugo. Santa CUint mid
Puerto Principe.
"Afterwe begun to lunil great masses
of troops iu Cuba we tried to increase,
our hospital facilities." says the doe
tor, "but our efforts in that respect
never kept pare with the demands
made upon us. Prom March to Decem
ber, 'U5, 20 new hospitals were estab
lished. In the following year we es
tablished 27 more. In 1SU7 the number
was increased by ten. To put it more
clenrly, when I landed iu Culm, in
March. lS'JS, the Spanish army there
had 2..HKI hospital beds; now there are
4ii.fiS5 beds at the disposal of our sick
and wounded soldiers."
The doctor says Unit from March.
lS'Ji. until June, 1S07, half a million of
soldiers were treated in the different
hospitals. The following stateumnt,
namely, that of this half a million 17.
.'UO victims of the buttUfield died,
sounds "fUtby." It is a well-Unowu fact
that only one-half of the deaths among
the Spanish soldiery in the colouiaa
are reported. The names of the other
half ure kept ou the pur roll in order
that the pay may full iuto the hands of
tbe unfortunates' superiors. For the
same reason one fuels inclined to
doubt the doctor's statement respect
ing the total number of deaths that oc
curred in the hospitals and ou the bat
tlefields during the period named.
Cereio pluoes the number ot deaths at
22.S0O, which seems to bo about one-half
of th actual numbec aouording to re
liable Spanish newspaper report.
"Thirty-live thou&und two hundred
sad fifty HpanUii soldiers were treated
for climatic diseases during the period
nnmed," says the doctor, ami con
tinues: "Of these 1 1.347 died from yel
low fever. The rest suffered from
marsh fever, dysentery and typhus."
That the rIhvc figures do not repre
sent the entire Spanish losu in battle.
nnn rrom ine enec or me r .mat, is
mural i rrim n rtiniara in anoiuor ptftn
of Cereso's report, in which he stutes .
that a great many sick soldiers were
placed in other than military hospi- l
tals, while a good many were taken in !
by patriotic Spaniards or were lodged
ou deserted plantations. !
The following Item of tin? Spanish :
doctor's report should be well heeded
by our own authroities:
"Spain," he ays, "wj tll-prep.ired
for th enorinorts drain of medical ap
purtenances demanded of her at the
beginning of the war. We therefore
had to pay enormous price for the
hospital material needed; but still
rnir wer the lese rf Iif ecslol
by the delay. The orgsnlz.itiori of
flying hnspltnl corps also tnot much
time. These organizations are 4 much
needed as sanitary hospitals in Cnba."
The doctor says ?paln had S3 phy
sicians in Cnba before th beginnisg
of the revolt. Phe new has (JO phy
sicians and lfO apotheeaHe thore.
She lost SO physiclaa and ix apothe
caries In last year' yellow fvtr se
son. N. T. Press.
9ereea floors,
'ereca doors, sneh ar aaed to
keep out fie and other iats. are
made almost wholly by machinery.
They can be bought In various sLse in
stores, like any other mrhandise.
and they are sold so cheap that tbey
are now more commonly osod than
ever. Like many other article ased
ia summer, screen doors are mad la
winter, in factories that may b oseti
pied lo miminr In th production sf
snow shovel. 8reea dsor sr
shipped from th fkH to large
wholes! buyer la er load lots. Th
wholesale trade in them berln ia
April and ends about th 1st ot July,
the retail distribution continuing
later. Screen door are old every
where In this country aad tbey ar
also exported. N. Y. Sun.
Well Renaonea.
Tescher What are microbe?
Pupil Tbey are animals that one
never see.
Teacher Very good. Jfow give n
as e.taaiple.
Pupil Tbe elephant.
Teacher What! tbe !ephat?
How's that?
Pupil I never taw one. Judy.
V seat Ion Ttnto.
Aad ow com back U vscatl ssr.
Wbea to take a food rest ntaa 1 flr4;
Ar4 h rosts bar tn tn says' tins
tbst tor es wbol ysar h'a 4s4 trsf
havbla North Amorttaa.
.Istt In Spcer'a r.airdv
'- T MSAIC. M.J.
Catharine lb Oswrt Crist for
t lr Hnrcnndy Win.
tnst vast bey want, a wnrald'rhliiiis,ra-hr
Blood'makiag Wine.
Spccrc Port & Durguntly
Tile Finor.t Wine in the world from
his r6 Acrtsof Vincvards. ulicre
j te uj rjc, jn jr,,n) ini):irting
. jto tK.( r.,p0 nd therajJe
ti the V.' e:iuses the dark.df t-p
rich color, and
propci tv f this liftf-jji villi. Wine.
The Ir on in it. This is the Wine
that h ats the world in its valua
ble mt-.' qualities, for family
use and evening parties ; it is
cspeci.iilv benclieial f r iorr.alcs,
invalids ;T.d r.jjcd persons.
Tin- I'ort Wine is nine ycirsold'
and the I'ttrinndy, a rich dry wine
eijjht years old.
The Caret iqnals the fire;t French
Dru-rsists ar.-.l Grocers Sell it.
Look ! Look ! I
Lrirknt youpH-lf wt-ppyfti htiy
rluthist? at uiy ntore, I ket-peou-starjtlv
in the bent and linest
litie of Hats and Gents' I'lothme..
I Furtiisliiuc Goods, Uuderwear ami
(. Cu t(J
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V p.Tm ti4 in tin-, tat- to n-.nti ur biwi
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niiiinly dltir u-iirk t-inuliicivil at lioine. "nlnty
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ti'inallit". ln niori rio ). 4i:irv l,Ml!lllv
Miiih1 i hvvIii) . I,i ri.i rt K II. I n
TH btbs) en i rc nKDi cttn
were recurr- S to 1
perfect cur ne-j;
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tern for general sen-ice you ninaw
H 'hy not "see it " on thost Lrms t
i Oar lllsstrsK CMalufM a MslUJ Fn. (
R. E. dTETZ CO. i
6o Uisht St., New York. '
I (STMtltlt II IMS. 1
OVygood lanlenu r Uamptd " VISIT.
ISil. At. If UK,
rtr'iiil.l,,s i
V I E TWICE a r fjtff
li.lJii TT"-a . B-.iiifWuTakJil.! j
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