The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 08, 1898, Image 2

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Cruel Knife!
It it absolutely ntele tt xpeart
Wirgical operation to cars can oar, 01
any otner Dlaoa diieaae. TheamieUy
X)f tuch treatment ia illottrated in ta
Jaming numbf of deaths wkth re
ralt from it. The diseaM ia in the
bloud, and hence can not to eut eut.
Nine times out of ten thm lurfeon'i
kajfo only hastens death.
Mj ton had k Bout mallfraaat Ouor, far
anion, tha doctors salal an operattoa WM tat
only hup. Thcnprr-
auua w a MTera
on, u it waa nrcra
turjr lo rut down to
that jtibonr and
vcraiw II. lit-fiire a
frral while the Can
cer h'tuniPil. ami baa.
can to smw rabidly.
Wa m htm miany
iftnrUlua without re
It! nn,l K..n.
opnn Urn slvlot of a
(rirmi, iLcldeil to i'j
-7 . r. nwi'l t i
Sin-clllal. and wit! ifrc -,,
that Krconil laittlo lie W.'Mc
lcin ti Improve. AflVr twenty bnttlM ha
D'rt Uiiien. the Cunivr il)vaiiirard untlnily
uirl lie HMoaml. Tin- eu.e win a wriuouanl
or, f.-r he la now HiT.-ntiwii rnirsiild.and tiM
never luul a sl'ii of the diMuful liao j ra
" J. N. Mrnuncu,
179 Snodpta. St., Ukiiaa, Texas.
law ' i
Absolutely tk cr.;y hoye for Ciuicai
i Swift's r"patcitie,
as it ii the? lanly n:nHjy which gout
to the very Uittom af tho blood and
ftnre out era-ry trad' of thu disease.
S. S. S. is piuriiiiU'i'il purely vatgotable.
and contains ao pottuli, liiurajury, or
other miiittrul.
Hooks on Cancer wail ! tnitilad free
to any nildrnaas ly tho fcvrift tjpuciflc
Co., Atlii'itn, tia.
Brealag Mm I
Wfce lam are n acted ta arraaa tap
ttVa rlfBts or the prtrflegva- arf tha
asawa, tha pvvpaat farny hi ra ftrs
aa women aamerbiaf la tha way of
lafat prtrilefe from wblah they have
fMf been barred by tba sol flak law
making men. - An. exception, perhaps,
the only ont. ra In a new law m Mary
rand, whleh m ta take eifeet on Jan
vary 1 next. Tola law firea the hue
band the en me marital right a la hti
wife's property aa the wife baa under
existing law In her buaband's prop
erty. Eaeh will hare dower rights.
The change gives to the baaband wore
of property rlghu than he enjoyed
under the now obsolete common-law
right of "courtesy. The latter ii a
contingency upon the birth of a child,
ays the New York Post, and gate the
husband a life interest ia all the land
ed property of his wife. The husbiuid's
new rights fasten on the wife's prop
erty tha mnnint a knln. I. I I
matrimony or acquires it thereafter
by Inheritance, gift, or purchase, un
less su-ps have been taken to keep him
out of it. Should he not waive them,
or by joining her In a deed of her prop
erty convey It to a purchaser, bis
claim to each piece or parcel to the
extent of one-third continues until
after her death, when he becomes a
life tenant of his one-tbird. The new
right will attnoli even though the par
ties ure separated, but not absolute
ly divorced. In brief, the statute aims
to give both hunoand and wife, widow
and widower, respectively, the same
or an equal khare In each other's prop
erty under like gonditlons at death,
and equal rights la property in all restarts.
Economic Zoology In Pennty 1-vania.
To nitft jhojiI1 the term "Enm
oinio Yah logy" means but little uiul
tlie inijKiilamv of work in llii fitli
jwt in nut iiiulc!totid. To dt line
theteim Zi Hilary is the fiwlr of
auimaN, tluir htriu tnrc, lit.- liabiti,
etvaiui Ktiiaiiiii- Zo"!o;y is tlie
aj -lia-ntitan a f ilicxe i:icts !u mutt, to
aid him in (irottrtinj; l'iins-il and
his ervt from tlu-ir injuries, or, in
the (iiw of domativ aninials, to us-si.-t
htm in (jiving them jirojier a-nre, I
unl iotii:liug tlicin from injury.
The estimutfd value aif farm prtc
dua-ts in IVnnsylvMiiia in 1SS;
ihiuIv ten years v.ns over
$120,000,001), and of market garden
and fruits, $l,fiOO,(00. ' The value
of the fruit ero, npjmrt'iitly,
never leen astimalail, lui it is at
- . aa l 1
'the value of the work and have lib-1.
erally supported it. MaNehiMettai
U-jran to employ aa exja-rt iu the
auoje. ot I SJl, aud Ium nrofiied
I .a i . . . .
reuijy uy Her foresight. Kew York
apeinien a oute iiutoiiiatlogist (re
etrititinir the work toiiinects) in 1K53.
and the Hon. A. B. Dlekfnson has
given il us his opinion that the four
teen New York Entomologists of Dr.
Fiteh, thetiotineiimlieiit, huvesuved
ai.nually totheSute over $50,000,
ut un animal expense of less than
84,000. Missoiiriu tvtubliMieal stieh
a poMtiain in 1SS7, and the seven r
ports issueal by Dr. Itilev ure oan
stantly qtii.ted as iuvaluable Uilh lo
the farmer and to the wientist. Il
linois, Minnesotn, Ohio, and iu faet
nearly every .Stale in the Union n.v
rtengnizes theimpii tjiu'eofthework
and is giving aid to its further de
velopment. v
The work is yearly Ixroming more
One aolortfl family has certainly
done its full duty by the government.
Au old colored man mimed Virgil liltie
was at the war department in Wnsh-
3 I-,
r. .m
:i :4
1 1 .
'Si rhnrv.V: Lovist.iwu Division
In eflVet Nov. 2D. 1S;)S.
" "twaro iii. station. kAtTWA uu ! '"fe'10" the other day, reports a Wush
to i ":8l0" PSfhango, to inquire about two
i.ift .ons, one in the Tenth cavalry mid the
oilier in the Twenty-fourth infantry.
who were both wounded before Pan
3 a.' tiago. and wa greatly rejoiced to
m l,ear that they had fully recovered nnii
:im I were wit their reirimeiits. He eamn
p m
11. ;i.
' 1 .0 .
I .M
in 11
i) '
111 is
l'l M-
A. I.
I.IM I.I II .1.
'ilaln Si mot
Lfti9tua n
i MMUro.I
WK nor
'.luiVt AI f lie
' Il1l6lltr-Klj
'i raamvr
xilioiir 'Vc
Solininrmro .1 .
a in
T 4
; m
H 114
least worth 5.",(M)0,(l()() aneh venr. inijiortant, us eva rv season inswts!
Thus we liaveiigri. iilturnl priMiin ts ioe lieeoming more abtindaiit and
vuliiiil at not far from SloO.OOO.OlM) jjurious. One hundred, or even fiftv
pnslueed e:nh year iu Pennsylvania, years ago, the amount of destruction
ami everv kuul ot nraKluet is nttacU-; '"cv a-ansci
ed and injureil in varying amount
by different animals.
It is impossible to give li-rures
showing the value of the live stock
oi tnisL oiniiioiiweailii at the pres-
a nt tune, as la-cent a'stini.ita s arc not
available. Hut the bursas. catth,
sliei p, swiiia- and poultry of the
Stj:e are valued at over "$S(),000,
()()(, and miieh loss in these lines is
met with each vaar as the result of
the attacks of other animals.
Mov much is lo,-f by the ."Hacks
of injurious animals, chii'lly insects,
is dillii'iilt to ala'terminc. S'varal
attempts have, however, lieen made
to e.-timate the loss, and it is ba'liev
eal to be at h ast one-tenth of the
amount actually pniduead. If this
I to a-oriirt ami t Imse who have inot
i ir,
- n
14 II I
It II !
4 M I
a 11
4 1' i
4 :i i
A: ;
4 l'l j
5 (I. I
r. , - 1 a "tut iiie
r ti'i !' w -h S'lnliiirv .t 2 t it in, i r- ,,
, .oi ... i tlie brothers.
Hw'-i i,t .Si-LiiS'Tovc r t."t n in
rn.i-i- li'itv L'-vvistowii Jiiiictinn :
i. mi, in i . i in. i io p m. ! m. 7 ot li 5s i ii
l,ir Ai;. i. , i, I'ii alMiru jii i iiu'V. o-l.
f-r .iniiin f iii.i ft'alti:uiin it as a in 1
1 t I :i l'l! it 111 l'liil'i.l.'l.M'i in. I N'V
Yoik r. :r. i in. l oi 1 ;a l Man.l lllim Kir
H:irr: ., :sn m ,i n.l ja m
was suiii'l as eoinnarei
with to-tlay. fSinar that time many
of the most injurious forms of I u-i-ojK'
and other emiiiti ies, unhiinleivd
by ininiigrat.on laws, have invaihil
'.'ii iv.i.nli v anal aleveloiteil an in-
i .) i x.i
u .ieaiaiesiriieiivehess lleiv. tit tiers,
native to ibis country, have exteinleal
tlu-ir range, with disastrous results,
the Colorado I'otato Initio beinjt a
con-pieiioiis example. Our varv
nathoals of Agriculture have a-liang-ed
iu a manner whiab favors the
rapid ina-i-cMse and siread o( injuri
ous forms; tlie alestruetioii of our
song birds has n-umved one great
chock lo the rapid inerease of in
sects ; and otha-r factors are also
One illustration of the valiia' of
work in this line inav l-e invcn :
studied the subject lwlieve it to U 1 lu ''l1' Is " iMiropean m-
! below, rather than above the facts l s,'l't "'''great da-trin-tivi'tn'ss but is
j I'ennsvlvania each vcar I.'tsa's in thi-i "''I'1 ",,,,-c hat in chccl in its na-
way over $1:5,000,000. To this , " w' l;""iM,.v various eomlitions not
must also be added the loss fr,,m l'"' ii tlds i-a.untry. U was ac
crop, gatlu'ivd, it is true, but f ,i','"!ly introdiiecd info Massaa-hi:-poor
(pialilv, due to injuries bv j st',,s :!'"":t ,s"" !l,,t "olhing was
animals. l'l is well known that a ! lu':,n! of !l sS!l- l"i'ii!g this
ort obafitln'erow.l," i,am. f (S f.)1(. nm ,,( . ,(, 1 m.o it spread ovcran area of more
Tley tda aa4 conplaia mt
S anything is particular. Tfcty
eat caojgh, but keep thiaaad
fpale. l,uey appear fairly wall,
but hav no strcnetli. Yaw
can not My; they are really
tick, and ao yau call theaa
deh'catc. . '
- u j i .a.
l iiuiiMBiicugicioiuicnif
x Our answer ia the tame that
g the beit physicians have bees
S Ci'ving for a quarter of a cen
S tury. Give them
I scon's EosisioD i
" of CoJLT.ii'fr Oil tiiitti Uvha-
S phosphites. It has most re-
markable nourishine power.
J It gives calor to the blood. It5
i! brings strength to the mus- 5
cles. It adds power to the 2
5 nerves. It means robust
K health and vigor. Even deli- j
cate infanta raoirllv a tin in 5
h flesh if given a small amount
i,' three or four ti
four times each day. $
ii ac ia4 Si.oa : til dcitliat. i
U SCOTT A BOW at, Chiaiiiit. N.w Vara. W
Ma miller,
nmiffleiits ill J,
1 have oue a.f the aW J
-ra iu ye Slate hi ..
turn out nooil work.
PB-Coiua. Hlial aee inv , ,
Thankful fo, ,,Hs, t 'i
'ectfulIVk h ,("
KllallUrOftl lllllll ImbS aaat l'am 4'laaa.K
bus J, Imr Milrii-U Ithorr rmrt wr nt
iL- "OUJ
TWO Of th nxM. ,
music arraiitfH.l f.,,. . rPitJ
liavejuHt bee.. iHsue,l U iuS
OurHweHHiU,.,' u , , ." '
Heroes ajf H. TI si' ii. '. " "4
iBoneof the
i'i,, u..:n. .. .i """itlikl
. "IlHtfll. U IIIIIH ,.,K
"n.i.i?.,lv'i,!l?il.''l'r I'ii i'lj
B URUIB III .M,,l,. ,
Two-Step" ,h H til.H V'
pieee and will liv i, M"J:
enir of the creHtw ,.. , ,l c
the world's hist orv. Ki i ... "'
tboHofiieeeH nual Po'unil..
aillll lint lll I'lilut viilirt linlnnl loll. COI tuini tll IN till ItOU t . . ! I t" ! HPUt on l-.w...; or '" Ml" t ItJ
r in
from I'atKjiiier Court House, Va. "Tin
pruiul of ilrin bo.vs," mill the CIJ man.
"I dun hail one son die in ile ahmy."
The ohl man haiil he hail 33 nephews iu
theooIoroJ rc'ularond volunteer regi
ments of the urmy. lie has ten brol li
ars, urn these nephews arc t-ons of
Clear as Mud.
paul t! old iiiun, "but 1 used t-o enjoy
a tuv-, invfrlf."
worm will sell toreitnsideniblv more 111:111 -) s":"'c miles. It hasb.rn
! Lliou ii In I. ..(I ,.n I'.-.. I..,,,.' 1
' . 'II i v i llit. 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I I
witrinv one-
;ihi3 i Enc P, X Division.
Til ,,: i-;.. I'll.!), KAU.WAY
!l l
I l'l
' 'i-i'v .l;i Iv pv.'i.i :
. I. I I '. 'i1:.l. lull i
; " f ! t' L; 1- .ill I I '.I 'l:in.l ;,U' n 11
I- 'k' il.iv -li T I. it ' :llf! 1 If V--
; nil- k.iii,- v r.iu ii..liit.:ii.i
. -i-" ii..) I lii ,r.i
' I . I ll!l.ll
.- .- I.rt.' i ii.i -' i-i i..l i:;i
' I. -ii. 11 r.fii an i -j jt in
-i J i . I I .,. mi I ir K .
"i. . "'i . in. ." I". . :.i (.,- Sli:
:u I ir .:ku '. ir ir
JI:e ennrinous. oormuul for the new j iu this wav, mile!) loss is ini'lllTed.
regime stamps aroused ,he fuspieion j The ollW-t'id ticks and other ln.r.l-
ii t 1 lie treasury I'rpart im-nl that the ' : i i i
.,-i .., ,, ; ' , . 1 I"'- am si.ti'K of Lap s m low s, and
a'a.I ws I ho result of f peculation. I , - . 1 ,
Mi a.,rrS were taken at to1'," '"V' 1 ' !",!"' !,S
thwart this nttemni in.-.,. ni,.,. I1"" In! a'Veli Mlu-ii tlie MiKinai
empt loronu.rtheMip-l1"-.-"1"1' ,,v'"
v iy in.-ir:.: i; tin- oulput ami by !'!',('.e. no lad
: ca.i.- to ooinparatively unall pl'iiilllcer.s is ;ri
o : i:- i'- ID rob the govern- ' l', l,,s.(. ,v
in i a i-rriiiiii r!::.-s of pa-r- ' s . ,,,
''. in j ii i i inrii i I .,-, 'I
v. ,; i- Mrp t;rn it ilecideil lo
rirhili' in;crupu!(itis fperula-
own t ;pi iiM. biisiiii-ss
i liV
i 'i'i
die their value
atly deere.-ised.
tin- attni-ks o!' in-
i.'.!i'T :'i ii.-ia's d.t not
' i i ' . r is -' ricit-lv i 1 1 1 1 1 1' I
. ! af't ;iii t wi'j--'rir..lli I -;,
I''i-eiit kind ol i!ii!iis, iui-ludin;
ueiirly all our native tuiet irees,
Irtilf tree--, field a-rejis, t'li'-'deii vc'c-lalt'i-i
;.:;.! ilowers, a:.-..! :.i-i,- the
!e:t-.,, ''.'i::' li.c il;i::ts. eauil! (he
CiltiiY a!e.-tnietiiill I'C the aTojis ol'
every l ii::. ( is v-;-- m .-:'.a-;i ! io
nil i ! tile jiiii-i
IllO-l M'l lOll . IK l
Willa-li lint i:U
1 I v,
I i -
i rri I
. in
iv l i:i t:iii,
ii :l i Inl 1;.!.
it ii'i-n-.r.- : I : (
i i .-1
i -j
: 1 1 .;,
i.. ri i i .i- .'ii 1 i.i.-.j.lii.i
' N - it: .1 .1 a H i. ii'iiTi- .
. : I ' :.S p in.
.- - : ' i. l- I l . i : .t . ! . lj I:
. ' - : l : u ...
I r.i . i ! 'i i .e.u,- i ;t.:.iiM
I -ii ' ii y .irrivii,.. ,t I' i lli'n V." i
i. " ; .1 i ni w.i. in-ki. .a ; a:, ii in N
'". 111. Wfl-k Ill H U3 'lt.l .
.llii ,. , ' ,ri-' - ;. 'iilu,l,l:ii
. .1 p in, II i t ai re I ! s
,t!ieir mills infested with tlu-.e ie-tf
1 1
-.1 4 .
Hi. "I. 1 r ill .11 J l i I' in
1 .. i ;n. n.-.u .i.ii, arnnnir M l'lii!.i.i.!.n
ri rc
..HP l.a-en mi irtn! to v.-v. -'teles ol Vailiaoif W't'ti . til'lUII.
I loss out of a:! Pi-O'nr' inn in alter ie-ivil't' t!.e !i:inil-i ol i ! if- ni-ov.--
I i't-.n. rrn, rut's irai.'i. The losses ra n- er, is ..fti ll attacked bv weevils and
't U taendca! n. w. but linl.- ,,;!.,- in-.-.-ts aini when millers find
i i.' i. re n.oti'i: prove valuable in a .1,
f l ilt ure leiris.'ation.
HI riinsciillollrc, liMla-ll expense IS
The railway Fvstmi in the I'nilrd i "bell liece-sarv iM'fiil'i' the mills a-ail
li s en ii!ovs ui' loa-nrrrtiti-s "C. . In-i !i..-iri-il nl'tlii.m I V1..1 -it.i-
j ears ami -.i.xi mail anil mi.' iirolilHl t lie alilll.-r is not
I 'an; ii ire car.
is Hatei
l VCf ! I'llW !!.
( -ill I si lis, reei".
esjM'iidinir !:!.
e slim
s, ami i
omul r
is Ireetv
ol' ti'.ii'.i'V in
Tlie nrlirlnal of rl- iilmve. wrllieii wlUi u M'ii,
wlien (lii iplii-ii.(l whs seen lo lie only mi atnler u lin -H i iii.r. II ii-aits: -! lu-lu-eil ilml
'Irnfi on N-w York liu-if-jit rnr wlilrh p. hhoh-ihI
nit- tit oiiri i in- of jmir luteal. Iinpnueil tvim-wriii-i-.""
lie Is r'i"'li.nlmr n iniii-liiiii' rn on-t'vi sunn you
"ii.v. IIIIW ACIorr VOItt.SKI.K? Vim
mny mil wi pe in p-miiv nn Ii" iim m. unit vour
Mili'l-' liny mil In-lli, i;t!.... i.iii .1 n (.i.-wri'iien
roiti'iiiihiiMiii n ii.m a i.inv.ii! '.ippnirunoe
wliieli a ivii wiliien iihm ims m,i .
That's Why
VOI sluiiiM use 11 l vpe-wi -Iter, Tlinl It iloes
lin-hiliir work lis Un- so-.'iillt'il Sliiuitiiril.,
inni lilii. s. i-.isis ii.,! 8j.i: 1, , S uivnx' siuls-lui-lliui
m .".,' (i iisi is Is W hy
Si-nil (or at-:iialo,'iin uiul .sinnple of n work.
:i.1H-;lail I-nrlorn si CllKAio. 11.1..
neut on reaiia-iif aif 2.r. r..,,t
Address Popfi.An Mrsi, .,
Iudiiinanoli,., ,,,( 1
111 Sfi
T . 1 ...
is Usui, Mr nasteriiir ,
It is a newdlscvcry
Uuaianfeed to last l,,,,,,
than any other plaster. '
is preferred to Adaiinuit,
For tiirticul;trs en 1 1 on oi-:il,L
Aarbie Works.
ik. im:. 1'tv.iiJ
Attorueys-at. Jjuve
Uffl.-a-sl.i Hunk HnIIUIlik. KjlilllCllijj
MlDUhKHlHO ,pj
All LiiMCesa antluMeJ to,iseJ
"... i,,-i,c I'roinin iiltaiiii,,,,.
mate, wMm ai: .'I'icm; t ! i e.'-tenni-ia'.e this in
sec 1, anal :'.p;te::i- In In- Mie-.-avaliitj; i:.
dating so. v-77"t.C)!H) has nlna-iv
been eu'i!ilcd in tlie vor!, but il
this had I'.ol been done, and the in
sect le!l l:!ii'!,ee!;iil, lo i-n Itijily iil.d
spread, ihe result lit the entire l"n-
iien .-Mans woiiiii nave l.een most
serious The (Jvr.v .!nth wairlihas
. ah prori-Msloiinl lilisliiessei,lriisii.ili,inlt(l,
will rre. Ive prrmpl and earrli.l nil, :,!!,,,,.'
;to QU?. SUBSCRIBERS-!. totm
r-ioC'.nii'te rv Lot
V' : , 1.. .
liw'ii 1 cs I. .1 J 5.
OIJ 5'or.cs Cii;iri..i) nnj ii!.. pa. roil
Frsra"; .11 I oi n; tl: I auw:!
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ' nr ' 1 '' ahy -(-'0.0!
t Ii -V l'l Vi' v Cliieuj.'!) Iiiivn latuiesti'il i.s to
.). j. .1 h.Jvb( t., 1 mmiiri'lliat. tliey leiv sevene ilimi(
('rosseiMVC. I'a. ,u,,(! s,( t:.."f "t coin .slver
' ; tiiiieu mr .ueinoiial pii,.s
over 1 i iitn t w.i 1- i u,...., 1 .1,. 1 . -i .... .
M lALU&t&i ZMM&utii ;ofs!X" t"cses,(,(.us toavny sub
li sKWrn,w-'v i iiwMiMjjj, , sri 'W'l' to tlie rosr, who wi)l xn,
I'riroi.-.' I 1 1 II II) i. 1 I .1 1 I . i I
- ittuiiij, (son. j nnii fitiiif (ss -ri
been a'oinhieta'd under tin- direct it hi
niLT.-f is not ova r
Tliffe tlifures ipiin I , t. : 1 1..... . ......
11...1 ' 1. in. i inn iiinnii n 1111111 1 . . . , , ,
till tlie nu-ilicr of fn i"bt cars ! 1 , .).. r , ,,, , .. . . ,111 trained scientists, ami it is now
cl.liirl, is 1.2.10.CW. TlieMs-! T- - H.i(.V(, t!l.t .I.J, t10 liir, st ....
lni with itu t ' I " 1 1 1 i 1 n jh lin n Muifiniii.Tf
irm, villi lis L":Lrantic rniiinnirnt- i- . . . . -
rractically tkc i.'rowtJi of a single gen- i ui J!u' .,,!,,',''"1 r"M's ,nS(,,',s
. o.-.uni"irr in 'ty m n. Si', t-ratioti. With the addition ' Wlllell lllllle tlll'ir L'ottil.-. r.T
I'.r Il..mi.l.uri:. I'lnlmlrlflna , " 1 . , r . .
other ajuarter or half u century nos- Imusckcciicr lias alisi'overe.l that
, ,. , mvI.v JT ''".'.'it v' i:-. trity ou;;ht to r-tand and gaze at its ; some fol-'nit tell woolen earinellt has
I. 1. I-'i ilea I .MHuatfer , , . I, , "
stupendous j.roiiortions. l!ut it will ' Ik-cii so riddled bv clothes moths as
probably be gradually educated out of j to render it wortfila-ss, or that hel
all its capacities of wonder, as we have I ,1,ri ,.,. ,1 ...-..,. ..,. .. :.
- ' '" l" "
j u red by riullalo k'tcle
An Ingenious Illinois scleutift has
announced a diheovery that bids fair
to make great inroads in the poultry
busine? and at the Mine time add lus
ter to the alreaaly lirilliaat halo that
t-urrounds the cow. lie is about to a proress whereby eggs -ay - ' be, it it is Hot watched for hy those
... . uu,, n,..K.ana already there - "V""V" " - j WM, ,t ,! ,w t), ,t,stl.(,v it;
. , '..uu 111 Ka'..areous ; J lie alStVf IS till IStOtllslllllo CS- lHu.tH ,.,Hv niHionorl'iiil w,.i.
-cle. It is currermy reported that ; tilmte to OI1(; wIi0 ,1M ncvvr LkJ Z kTShi,2
the lavant is not content to rett 011 :. , ,1 t . 1 1 11 t"LS iiniii r U(.ialte coilditioiis do
his !urelf. but is already in hot pur-i ' , , H"',"'t' lmn,l' Jinut dania-e, as was the .'use this
wit of an idea to make duck eggs out 1 , ' "'V,':.I,,'S-,,,k'- rl,. "V" lor i " ' Ulair (utility, wlmre the in-
of the milk of the sea cow. i "m nouever is piaiu. j
. ' villi in which this loss lias ik-vit
j! A correspondent at Santiago says it i i-urrtsl him n.-ver U-n Liiown n.wl
..' .9
1. . t. ifi
..1' : . 1.:.. 1 .1 1 1 1
01 us iMim me watrui lias ever si
will be slli'cissfiil.
.Nitnetliuio; suniliii 111:1 v occur at
any time in lYnnxylvnuiu.
Jose S-ale, a va ry serious past, trot
well established in this State before
there was an Economic Zoolnmst air
it niio-ht liae been kept out and
......,.V, .. .1.11 1 rtl
ri-l lii 1 .1 "!"'t'--i"'! an UHliail Ml Mil. II C
1 hesc ure but a lew ot the inanviif i . ,, .
.1:1 . 1. 1 i Hanenuin ( altbiiw riii-r is asniiree
r-fi,.-? 111 nit 11 111,111 in ill l.iriM'tl ll 11.11
l i it i i j- ot niui'li loss to c:iIiIkij;(. irrowers in
annuals and sulhrs much loss troin ,. . , ,
.i-i . iii the Ninth, , uii is now in ; arvland.
theiraleviistiitions, and itis probtibly v , ' .....
.. n :.. .1 r '.i ..i" -cw dersey and Ohio. If it is not
already in IVnnsvI vania in soon will
well within the facts to sav that the
State of I'a iiiisvlvaniir loses in tl
, !:v'.v:'i'iii.ja)i,
rare n frptttiirn fnt , t, j
ith nra,'1ir v, .....I .1 ,tt. lOSS Oil DIIV tTO!3
.tvu IHk iaU iUr;,j n.c - a
her.:"1 -
"I'AkHS A9Tlir.0'T KRfTATI05
i nirttirc
i easy to understand the natives bv l . 1 . 1 i i-
, . . " benei' we have no standard of an in-
M.u.iuni iu Luimismiyjj, 1 Jiej , i . ,11
. . ......
ris from
booh." It has been remarked of th- : JU lcr cent. Ut li) per cent., Jiatw-
I.atin language that, they must Jack :l'v'f al"l th; outcry is prit. The
the breadth and variety of English be- I average loss is anticipatcil, or nt
cautc t-jey arc spoken with constant I least we arc resigned, to it; at the
gesticulation. Hut temperament may I exceptional loss, W rebel.
huve something to do with it. v l . i i
j lo prevent tins loss, or as much
I'aith ia American inventhenets is : it Jtoseible, M the work of the
Jvcoiioijii' AaMiIogist. lie must Im;
familiar with the lives of the itijuri-
jOtiH animals, their ways, when, how,
WalSacs & Ci. Ksw York City.
widely distributed throughout tha
world. A commissioner of the New
ZealanJ government has arrivsd in
X" V i. . i . ,
tur. ,o mouce Americans to I. .1..
I comnete for a rarir.e of IIO OOil " . " "'""' "'
for ihe best process, mechanical or
aata-lM VII Ij'U.T -
I I oats akS t'.Tfi wat Cat I I
chtmlcal, of treating tbt natire fiber
of ."few Zealand hemp, which works
up into u fabrio as oft assilk.
I '
There is a kill before the South Csro
Jica legislature which requires drlrara
J .( ,T?WcIf i Jo go to the rlgUU
and w hat uiethoaJs to pursue to pre
vent, or, an far as possible, to repair
their damage. In the majority of
cases this can Ik' easily alone, nnd ut
a slight csost, as eomjiared with the
amount of saving which result-.
(Xlier fctateg have long recognized
sal ts known as walking sticks stri
ped the trees of their leaves, over an
area of more than a square mile.
Tin se and other Huhjwts of investi
gation are always iipK-aring to di--iiiand
the attention of the Keonninia:
Zoologist, in addition to theattention
lie needs ta give to the usual injuri
ous aninials always present.
To study the injurious animals;
to know ho-' to wmtro! them ; to
guard the Htate from invasion by an
imals fro'ii outside ; to aid the peo
ple in every possible way in saving
millioiiKof dollars they now loseeach
year These are the duties of the
State Feonomie Zixilogist.
Ttka bsmllvft llromo qulntnn Talilatts, All
tlrUfKisurerunil mnriey II arm's lo cure. KM,
1'liu fiiuiiio lis L. U. Q. on tablet.
11-4 sin
rS'i1' kV"?. 1 u,SOW P"iriemi? i, V' V" 'fipt of I lie spoons
rL;i will Imd th.-m the most (iius
t-onutiul specimens a'.f'li
.n.ii.M. ' .-j i n j i.-i ir.-ii. . i ut uiimi liotol oil In.niiia Miver
...Vi T ' rB,a" ' J'-" y" Istb taken na-r-Mlrm.
Muc.tlil'!iUi,.SiI,m0UlliSol.pT1 "
rimplcrt, i'oppa-r tilrtal Si.i.m. L'lr. r7.
lehaw.ifwoiilt..eV.miVwT i 1 .'" 1 t" SIIW, am
nny pmoftliobP.iy.lliilr.'r t:,V-l,r..vf. fo lln?
ont, I. In tins ISi.OOIJ I Ol ","3
we cua rantt o to euro. Wo nolieit tho ir ict olnti
uale canes nml cliiilliuiirn l, -i.i ...'
J1"" wo rannut cairo. 1'lili dlwann h ,. i..
nnillcd thPKkill of t hs tnsHt nuiiienl iiiivli.
rlnna. Gir,00(0(tO e,ili,a beliln" our u'l'ond,"
Honr.1 (rorimty. Absolute priMirn nent m-uled on
r-PIilic-niriri. Aildn'sj COOK lll'MI. iv iii
tOJ Maeouio a'ciniiio, CiHajAa;a, ii.i.
f-d 1 1 T,ilT' I't'tinii. rein
K(tfiv; full Ins memory i
vr anil tlrsln aif Tlinl
Z U reilliy liiUlw-reila
STiiaJZf aif early ycura.
lo Nt SuflVr aUoKrrt Tbe
Jiifnuiid amhittnnt of life van
ho ri'ldrt'U to you. Tho vvrj
It ure nbMilntflv nin-'l Uj
filvo iiroinpt rcIlM toliihoiunia
nt mi'ninry and tiicwaMo
iruuiof vitni powt'rB.iinMir
if inUificroiliiiiori'oesMai
.nrly wan. Imimrt vluor
unit ii-oLtiiH-y lueverr function
Prtipun the flT&tem. liivo bloom to thu
ciui'k aihI luMre to tho fw f yi' of youtm
tjroio. Jtv :m doi TtnciTfi a ivii
O t-xoii nt tta.&O m coni-gv 1 f
tr'rt ntiroor monry rufiiiiil-wcikaM
cnrriiMl In tpu oorkMi. Sold tllJiy evorywlicreor
tiutllrd In iilftln wrni4ron rcuhtor prlc
cy ill h. ikiu isc i to., caxioii mug., cuicutfo.u'
For sale in IMiddlohiirIi, tf ,y
MkMiVbiiTg Drug Co., inlIt. PIouh
ant Mills hy Henry Hunlin.aiid in
lYnn'H Owl; hy J. W. Sampcll.
vliul eiHTtfy;
liuultf uuuruii
Vd. ran le
of Mc.
" ' - -.V V. .VNK-
nil UtlRAr ;),(, ,y
cksxo-i-i x-at3aiw:xsij y
;ir-. ;. .,, li ui,va reiil'ia In aitalnvs. It
il'illr .iil, .y. t ling wlieutllailiii.r. in
' '' tii 'it will nmiin llimr nianhmiil ami ...
nit III ii;.i,yo. sit. 1 v.iutl.liil vinr Ity n.l.
KI V 111. it iiui.llyiiiKl.nrciyr.t'.io mi ,i. rr..ii.
'i VIUHiv. InuKiuiHev. NikIiII)- liLiiN,,,,
I. it I fiaw. I limn nitry, Wtolliia 1JIm-iim.ii i
ail u.eia ot Mir utiiiM cr in..M1iil IimIi,,.mi,ii.
wliu hlinllw.a. for IiiHiiiim or iiianlA !
.-.ur, , wtriniK tl inaaiKiii olallM-ias I.
I?"".! """nt" sittt UlaMHl baillUnr. 1.1I
li. Lu k ll,, pUh ulnw , fc j
toriiia that lira fif y.Milli. la wsn) on lumuii
Slid tuinumplinn. lmix oa tivln Itl'VI t o. t .
oilitr. It eta ha Urla.l In I ...L... .. .. ..
T.i- JZ.rlk''" " ". wUha pol
( wrttua ataaranlaM to sum er rtifua.t
tLassonaiy. OtmultrlivM. AiMtms
sQTIL HEDICIKE CQ..271 aTtrmrk In rtnrinn in
.......4 1. h'l .IA . m '
i.i in .7.1.1111, renin ;ceii:n, as jm
inent in full, williin 30 (,ivs; i ni
pleiisat!, latum thriu iiiiiimlnitili
hiii-li spoon is. of u iliiiVia iit .luiir
after dinner eofleo size slxtwiu
soliliaM-s in camp in Culm, :,rr
Uistle imd our U. S. Hal ll, i-hip:
Jliey are impel islmblo muiiii nlnt
of the Itttf uur, Hlial a-Vt.iy M;bsirili
er fhoiilal na'a-pt this iinint, ra-mml
able i.flVr, nuil .-ltt nin n m t lu lditi i
U too lute. i hut's in I'l'ssiiy i
In kiiv you're a snlisei ilia r m il
Post, (t Lis is iiupm tunt ) imd tin
.vou aecept. Mfiniirital Ispoen Otl'e
Aaldra.sR (JUAKEU VALlKY Ml'(
CO., -7 V. Ilunisou ,St., 'lii(no
t.Mamfr la
1 .
art"? -"I X'v-
1 k!. r-y v