The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 08, 1898, Image 1
:1 it.. 0 !H Mtl), 1 1 5 1 H H it, J PH.. 1 1 MIDDLEBURGH, feNYDER CO., PA.. THURSDAY, DEC. 8. 1898. VOL. 35. NO. 48. ,1 V- .. - J. .-' s ... . . . r wis , II . III ;.'l JJ T! 1 J Interesting Items. L Told m Brief Paragraph! for F - i-i i n ... viill holiday eoods at Weis, PUT""" - - o llinsgrove. n. A. Kern iBcnlarging Uie stable I h premise. ! The movement l freight con- Inues very heavy. Larire line of holiday novelties at Veis, Selinsgrove. Thpovster season is brightening lD these cold days. 1 .1 .... .-!.. Pun't fail to attend me enienuwi- bents in tne uwu ' Allen H. Moyer has accepted the - at, Vwlr f'itv I'liriir gencv lor a c - rm. Rev. J. H. Hertz wwu's H emi,e .i S..-1 .." tWlln rt KKflUSCOl Hie nrnvui vi laby. Urge variety ot all-wool Blankets (lowest prices, at weis, oeiins- Tove. Jt f!rit Reductions in Ladies' walk- l.l. ..Jonllnnnt T, Dlllllti'l- lDg nam u' dui.u.o - lierger's. Farm Wanted: State cash and . i . if i). ....... i time price, ivw( h.jvuwmj., 9-l5-3m. Akron, Ohio. Tim rMMiW term of court will to l . Ijcgin next Monday. See trial list elsewhere. Mrs. W8 Martin, of Danville, is visiting her father, David Kerstotter, in Swineford. We nre ready to publish long sausage lies provided the usual sam ple accompanies the lie. Charles Buflingtoii of this place ami James Crossgrovc of Ccntreville are painting at lieedsvule. Get ease and comfort bv scc-uring a Fancy Ijonngo or Couch, beautiful ones at' II. E. Walter's, M'uldlebnrg, I'd. tf. F. II. Maurer, New Berlin, isnl ways ollcring special bargains. See Ills 8HH'ial announcement in this is sue! tf The Teachers' Institute is in scs. io in the Court House this week Middleburg is now an educational centre. Misses Carrie and Mabel Witten- mver, who had been visiting at New KensiiiL'ton. returned home last Friday. A total eclipse ot the moon Tues day evening, Deeemlwr 27, lrom 5:57 until 7:2G, or ope hour and 2l minutes. Misses Sallie Kinney and Lura Spccht, ot lieavertown, visited Airs. Thomas Sccht in Swineford, on J. S. Howell of Cam mel was in town several days during the past week. He will make his home at Lewisburg. C. F. Kissinirer. tbo train dis- pnteher of the Iwistown division, was a Middleburg visitor on Satur day morning. Mr. Middlcswarth of Bonvertown who has Invn employe! at Camincl, attended the 110180 solo at this place lust Thursday. Henry Beaver, who has Urn pending the summer in the lumber A-gions near Camme', HjM'iit n week with his family. Misses Kato and I'Mith Heiscr l Sliainokinnud Miss Pilht Newman of Shumokin Dam wero visitoiK in town durinj tho wivk, II. 3. MerU and llonntui Ileiin inger, who Imd 1hii imlnting tho Uswistown railroad brldjjo, rvtunuHl home tat week, Clayton Wetzel and Mw.Klingler of Vicksburg visited their parents, David Wetzel's in Swineford. Attorney H. II. Grimm and lte gister J. H. Willis made a business trip to Selinsgrove between trains on Monday morning. Cashier Thompson, Jay G. Wei ser, E. E. Pawling and W. W. Wittenmyer attended the horse sale in New York last week. , Ner Fees of Beavertown was in town Monday. He is thoroughly gaui tmt helms found a rich sup- ply ot coal on his hand. I intend closing out inv entire line of children's tam oshanters. under wear, hosiery and mittens. Come early. L. Duskelbekoer. H. OniH-nheimer of Selinsgrove jays cash ior all kinds ot lurs, suen n8 fbxes, musk rats, etc. The high est prieesare alwaysoflercd. 1 2-l-3t. Endroderies 2 cents per yard and unwards. Satin riblnms No. f, 3 cents; No. 12, o cents, all sailors. L. DUNKEMiKilUEK. Congressman Hcmenway of In diana is another one of the proini Hunt men who Itelieve that silver has been killed as a national political issue. II. E. Walter of this place has a full and complete line of building and cabinet hardware on hand Prices reasonable. Call to see the stock. tf. If your friend comes to borrow your mourning bonnet, do not hesi tate in telling her that L. Dunkel- lerger loans bonnets for the small sum of 2o cents. Fancy Rockers that will make 'beautiful and handsome Christmas presents as low as 1. 50 and as high as $10 at II. E. Walter's furniture store, Middleburg, Pa. tf. A marriage license was granted last week in Sunbtiry to Samuel Brouse of this county and Emma Undjcrhauer of Shamokin twp., Northumberland county. The horse sale of Haas and Knorr was not as much of a success as miirht have been anticipated. The sale was stopped because of the low prices ottered ior horses. Dr. Sliiller, the herb doctor, was a Middleburg visitor over Sundav. While making a visit to Gcrmanv the oast vcur. he was reported dead. lie is still very much alive. Dr. Smith, member of the Ix-gis tore troni Nivilor eountv, was in Sunbury on Tuesday. The doctor is for the "old man" for the United States Senate and don't cere who knows it. Sunbury Jh'inoirat. O. M. Bover, one of the eountv commissioners of Lucas County, ()., was visiting W. W. Wittenmyer this week. Mr. Boyer was liorn a mile cast of Middleburg and had not Urn here since he was fiveyears old. The members of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Lutheran church held a "UctrosptrtiveSH-ial" in the rooms over Attorney Crouse's law otlioe on Fndav evening. A very pleasant time was spvut. Refreshments were served by the Social Committee. i ncwlv disovcred and very suc- ecssfut cure for sore throat is to gargle it with Urr. This announce ment may create an epidemic of neck trouble, but for thebenelitofgenuine sullcivrs the cure must lie made pul lie. UeinemU r you must not sw al low it, A HouUdalo girl, who is very fond ot kittens, etc., captured as she mipiHiKcd, "n very lovely eat" last Sablmth evening, but which turned out te U black ono with white HtiiH down it Uiek. The girl is not yet In presentable, eonditioti Kir ciumiiy, Imt kJiu'm awfully turnal gliwt mtx, SPECIAL WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL DO. As a Special Holiday Inducement to secure new sub scribers we will accept new subscriptions and ujxm the pay ment of only ONE DNLLAR down, wc will send the 10ST from that date to January 1, 1900, or until April 1, 1899 for 25 Cents. Old subserilers can take advantage of this remarkable offer by puying up arrearage at the regular rate of $l.f0 jht annum. This is a mont lils-nd oiler and it must lie accepted at once to I of the most value. Send in your name and vour dollar, to GEORGE W. WAGENSELLER, Middlebnrgb, Pcnna. " ""T 'f ' John Moyer killed two jxirkers last Thursday weighing 517ando27 pouiuls respectively. On the inside pages of this week's Post, we U'gin the iiublieatiuii of the marriage record of Rev. A. B. Casper from 18:19 to 1SS2. Don't fail to examine it. ion will had the grandfathers and grandmothers of your Kcipiaintaiiees in the list. (tco. I. Kline of Adams township made a business call at this oflice on Tliursday. He will have public sale in March and has placed a notice of hissale in our salt register. Others intending to have sale in the spring will do well to follow his example. A smooth, eay shave, genteci hair cut, or other tonorial work, is al ways obtained at Soli's' Burlier Shop, in Witteumyer's building, opposite Post oHiec. Go to Soles to buy new razors or exchange for old ones. Razor-honed and satisfaction. guaranteed to give A. E. The Teachers' Iiotitute ojh'IkmIoii Monday in the court bouse. Prof. F. C. Pmwersox was elected Presi dent ex-oflicio; II. S. llnndx r-er, 'ice President; R. F. Smith, Svrc tarv; Sumner Siny-er, A't Si.; Ira Kline, Treas. The lull pro ci'jtlinurs will lie :rivcn next week. At this time of the year, when looking around for Xmas presents, jxvplc are often at a loss to know w hat to buy. This may lie overcome at once bv visiting Weis' Store, Se linsgrove, where you may find an ex- tensive line of fancy articles, Imtli useful and ornamental at prices to suit all. All easv way to toughen giass lamp chimneys is worth knowing, and an exchange says it may ic .1...... 11. il ttwt fllilllllCV Sj I till)!U'lil wmh, .uiu .... . . that they will last niueh K nger than otherwise. Place them in a dish ! cold water on the back of the stove. As the water liecomes wanner, move I them forward until it comes to Uil. ! Allow it to Util aUnit ten minutes, i Then move it Uiek until the water ; Uwmes iold. Christmas is coming! C. 1 Cor- kins is here with a full andcomplete I? i! -i ...... .i... .i.:.... ..- line oi jcwcirjjusi me iuuij; ivi em vi in prestiu. I Christmas presi'iit tor your friend, at j .pplicsition bb;ks ,tWv !v Phiplu r Uivvlv oi Sw-ry prUxunhcanl ot in Middlcburgh. , t;lil, ,t j,. ;tK f4ll..,l ':''' wm'.u' Watcjus, ehnks and jewelrv ol 1 all ' lu,(,1(1 .j, lJu. t;rtwn. iav bv ' XX ,:'rvi ,nl'!' t It kitnls skillfully rewmxl at the low- . i,,vluH.r ti: c!,ts uuv tL " ot c.u-. li.v huU- ww est rates. Onlcrs taken for all kinds J inaitX lw,ulvr Sl u nrv'nwn f,vo Wni vA 'l h-ur':v' ofsilverwnrv, such us knives, forks, S cntitUnl to rmive thvui. ih!ew " as "P -Vv spiKins, etc. All work must k Kit- v isj.luxj onIv thvkiiul y A1x ,vi" uk''" v( -'c ibv "rv" islactory or numcy itiuuhl, ( -cation of ch rgyV.wu wUo uwvW on ! rt 1 V' Mrs Jvx5':' ".v h C. K. Coukjnss l,l ,L ir.U!l ,v t . .....SUMne oi H.iswvr ;-w. Mivldleburg. D.- We nekiiowlelgv tho mvtpt of j the following aiutouuwuieut : "Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Ruhrer siuuoiuhv tho marriage of their d.nightcr. Irfium Viola, to Dr. Richard Svhrist G angler, Wednesday, Nov. lt, 189S, liorniivntowii, Ohtiv" Dr. (bulgier is a naliv of rni tow n ship, this txiunty, wins tbr taking a course in Hoim wvut to Ohio, wlnw bo estaldishod Utorativo prnotico in hi jwohissi'.m tovv takes unto himself helpuwvt in the lady ftbovfl tuunovl OFFER. The Libelous "They Say." The one term, ''they say," is re sponsible for nine-tenths of the Ihrs which repetition and familiarity fin ally convert into seemingly botia-fida evidence. One usually hears nn ex citing bit of gossip launched f rth with thee words, while at the same time the sjMiiker, adroitly shield herself by declaring that, )crsonally, she dots not know it to lie true. The man or woman who thus screens himself or herself is nothing short ot a coward. Josephine Hill in thoi"f thel-ank an December M'om'in's Home Com win- I'oaak's 4 i -ili ion. Special Notice Next tii is rvwirt and n- thiiv will le plei-ty ot oinrtunity f.r our subscriliers in arrears tii s-nd in money to u-, we hojie thev will do so. Iiok at the ilate ater your name iti the jv.sper and if voii are in arrears, please ri nieiiilx r that it costs money t run a paper. Rmd our special oiler at the top of the jia'c It "ill pay inn to take vaiita'-e of it. lir-t . Musical Assembly. 1 o 111th Aiuiual M in tiieOjiem Univ. Fmburir. Pa.. Wcihi'Silav t eiiir.-, 1 Vv. ';;, 1 vis ami elosin S.itnr l 'v, X,.-.v War's eve. Addn-ss ,,f v.w v Mr. Charles Miller. P,u. knell. " Tw.. sessions cadi !av t'.r rthe-.irsa! at;-1 instruction. iV'r.ivrts.Tiuir-l.'.v.Fr:.' day and Saturday S li--v. ' ticket and b.k 4'' v:.ts. S:: U ' admission t. ts:;ivrt, I V. !!.! ' i t.ntertaiume t a: low iv.:o. ' (Vnne! part'.eiuUe with .v!. .. r liistriimeiit j vour c.".ouv. Corli.-il!y. ot. W;:mv M 'V- i Will Issue Clerical Orders for 1S99. The Peiir.sva:'.i;i Kiiilrvdd jviuy iinnouiKYs tluit the issue ot j clerical orders wiU U vmti-.nul tor. the vear lSi'. on the same li;u.vs ; " .t . !. ... r 1 and wrtifuxl to bv w ... . - - f V.: It's S'M(S o vim nas mvYwuM iHtrimu-v. ivw o i i ; w hat every man w-.t v 5tMwS t ,v, mUy Marks lnrvU WtuAv, I wuli staV W, iuvtr never otVr.fora sluvntm w y, w l w, fi sU . if wl.ito whisky, twv vt5v ,,2, ixtlt tw to li'v -splendid lor minvv ! f xiI . pdlon. rhw r vrw dw. U u x jw uvtA in the reach ot vwrx iftvw vnHw J ,1, Vww, tas UMxlfiJkS POST OFFICE ROBBED. About Highly nUnl la Nm, T.kri bjr.ltargUra Tnrwdtkj HaralaK. On Tuesday morning alsiut thn o' lH-k, burglars entered the Post Oflice it this place by prying the door ojK'ii with chisels nod other tools. Thev drilled a hole into the safe fnmi the topand blew hothdoors ofthe wife open. They secured aliout seventy-five or eighty' dollars and a tew stumps from the sale and three or four dollars in moiuy from Dr. A. J. Herman's easii drawer inthedrug store. While this work was in prog- ress four larjje men were outside of the bank building in the eapaeity of watchers. The noi.- on the outside of the building alarmnl Henrv R. Bickhart, the wat -her at tlie lank and alsii Mrs. W. H. Smith at the Central Hotel. Mr. Smith raisil the window and called to two men on the roi iut asking tlieniw they were doimr. She reivived no replv and fn-ling Kitisfiiil something was' wrong, -he tiw.k the window prop and struck it in rapid sueeion on the window -ill to make an alarm. Thi- evident lv friirhter.pd the burg lars and the watchers fin-d two -hotsi evidently to ive notiit to their work ing )iaU to have. while, Ht-n-rv Uickhart eame to the tn nt dr k aol tirl a -!. tr-.m th- i'ore r.-volver al the r-.hl-rs t...k to tlieir l.t-ls. The alar- i brought cut ('.L-altT Ticar s.n and others. A --areh rr what was dor;e. The exp!-ion M-w out the three win.if.w at tlk- P..-t Orfiev. 'fhe burglar" w.-nt toKririk- I lin anl -r.. J. II. I "T'.ni-r's ':ir arxi w;ti, tr-.p. !il;SLTo'e. I h- t" ! 'l-f l n. -" i tiikeii from (i.... sit.!.t's -..: r.:-r shop. If the pn.jer t;!i't: h:..I i.n made tti p.l.Ur. mijl.t have Us n apr 1; u ! d i t".re tin- :i a r-ak.-r Hot out c! ti. i- .!!,tv. Triplets BornaLcl A Sad Death The wite of Gabriel Wi nriek. seti M ot' till' Met lesli.I il,nr.!i 'at her home on Hanover street, t!;i piac-. "II !i :av n;. r:il!' at n M -r: I.! W (. M. W v r i't 1 K- : xr. ' ..I Ki.llr sy tf.(c;';.y vt 5 in tU'ir i-i. .. eei.' 'i'i -;s t;u'tt ixcu'.'v tv i Mib!5 cKurvb. V:i j.-eriJ v ' -cr ' terr.-rt-.'.! at Km: vivvs wtre wtMuvCtv. tv twv. IJttTVuU. Mv ovvr ov hutrwi vcsco.s vw u-'n" "l "'"'' """"', " hV.tiu.ihi.. l!ints,vtW tvt Tbrtilav is ai!,iW Lvt'" ""!"'' '""'i ''.hi-uu v. KWivhvl bv the frits Mr. WJ r'" Wl"-t ;,L !",; " V-- U.-)i f., u...,t .H..-U ; i;vtklu,il wUi visit- ti-iccu. Mr. Xv.,..V ,w.,.., .i.;t I IjOvlKsk" Mvwtvi in ad) Lm COURT HOUSE CHIPS William II. Riegle ami wife to Catherine Pri.v, :, I-lo nheaof land in Spring twp. tfir$2o. Jederson D.oiliernuin to Samuel Koble, tract of html in Monroe two. coutaimnj: ."! ,un-s. llo ,h.m wn-s, no inTches tor $1401.f)Sh ess (lower. ? John H. Raley and wife to Anion Baley, IS acres in M.,rirr? twp., fur Solomr.n S holl and wife to Geo. K.S-holl, ', aerr-s ;n,d J(J. rehes it Union twp. for $1J). Letters .f adrnini-tration in the estate of Anifr, C,fi rr,r,, Knaitil U, David H. Gift. Alsi in .-fat. f Ivi I. Luck, a M. Ute ot pnri twp. to Ar:: Lurk. W III PrlM(Mj. The la-t will arid ttament of Dr. Henry Z,,,.r, h:e of Srlias irrove, was proUr,.-! a M.iti.Lir hv Willi. at N-Hr...-rove.' lli -n K.. J. A. M. Zi-'hr is l- (pi-atI a!! tt.e ur.piifd:..f.i . r-... . .... - - T"T rr.Aiiu- Un?k . A. M. - ei.j'i'.ri a.-. ce. J .4,, tiie p r-,nal jo p rn-, HLs t-r, Hirrt. and -.-r.. Iv. . ZiT?'.;r, an? the exe:-utjo. ' W. I. Krl. VX. 'C-.-C twr TK V. !!.-.-J,.r.M:. ' r- sr-r k. t . n,r THE DEATH ROLL. 1 1 I R D HWIMFOKD. !.'! Mr. Alr'.-vi ivl ; i.a- I. ; Wo!:, Ibv J. a t.:i: lb Tl- . V- tr::i tsjr.ts M K KT. 'Vlli-. ti HJ. "'lac "sltS : ti ll'. -ls . in v :i;'l V t3,.;ij ';;".-!i vi,;i ct's J leii' Jo l..SI)v."i UJli I.-'-' vet! '!o::s ;e'i r' a lin n ti vi.,,ii. vni; l'a ' ;i' iisl V'.'.Mt .aifis; h;i;iii. i,r'.,'-.!ii;'it, '.'.le -"iiiiir iiiin iiifii. c "iis ijiciiM ii iis vien 'ii'n i-"ivi;C 1 Ml a;vec s.,..,,,.,, )llltl V-. S-il vi;-ri 'jivug'it. :.:le :-:iiiiinm iiecv J :i'i:a v -tii.T'im-r uni ti:- ." i;tl I.V111 ::'.. ir n 'li; ui.i'ioviu. l: i.. vil i. ' no. l'!ie trnil ! I:rvaisj i.'rifsMi or tiiK njiiisJer .ji' pinr-v t 1 1 1 1 i , tiit.ii Wlri 'jo 'llivi; ie.'ll U-'eii il 'Jlc hj(, '' VWonmy Niio.i.aii. i.s u.s:fiu bvK'ilillllg 'I lil .;iil( io .Ui,:o IIU j;h!!ivvs ill t.ll.; x:vt.'iitv-;iMii'HI ijjlln; case in i.liit. ooiuily sim.-j !btai -vnr : banning '' Thtf IitM niiiidiii-.. iJio WdJing Vhisy Smilil, wasaslinuitJi. orvmevlil'itevJ ami iiiiiiuiiaii i a ilim an sjttiiii wr pi viii(iitd, l.thn; ii !, doubt aljoiiC Uiu iiiiii-.iaji''s j.tiJttOii- D DtH WlliiiwJ,. Uieii: vyllH -MlwuiU; tW caiv bv nj.ljMihAJ,'.'.' Duluy.'V iiii thwsi ease w iiue in, Ug ihUiiv-4t UT r T -1... ' N-HiiiHr-j1-v-l -'ir J.t" -s.,''.t,