cadiicsiiy Kavr," writes C B. Hill, of Marshall, Mich., "a living proof of the efficacy of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. I have suf fered 20 years from heart trouble, and became so bad I could not lie down to sleep. Physicians failed to help me, and 1 was advised to try Dr.Miles' Heart Cure, which benefited me from the first. 1 continued using it and row am in perfect health." DR. MILES' Heart Dure is sold by all druggists on guarantee first bottle benefits or money back. Book on heart and nervet tent free. Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart. Ind. SPECIAL NOTICES. Small a1virtlments of every (Inscription, Want, Siilenr Iti'iii, Iist nr Pminil, or Hut no. tlv lnwrii'1 miter itiH lid I Mr nne.linlf rent a wonl tor one liisertimi :n1 nne-fo'irth cent, a wort em-h Hiih'i'iint ln'rtlim. Nothing la seDert tor less tliun ion (. A i'nrr for rvmi llcmlnchoa. clelit vcars I suffered: from oostlpHtlnn and severe liemHi'lie, the lieidi"he iwmlly lutliij thw flays it a time, rt" nl n'lie powder rellev n me teinrir.iriv, hut left too h:td an effect. Sine I buk'ttn taklni; (Vlery Klutf 1 have irrently Improved In health. wMnrh or never hnvehend (K'iie. he ealMPd In fl-'sn, and feel rteoldi-dly wall Mrs. R. S. Ilnn. Temple, N. II. Celery Kmc for the Nerves l.lver and Kidney" la aold tn SV. and tV. p:iekii?e bv V. H." Herman. TTiaevtlle; Mlddleswanli A I'lsli, Mcl lnre; II. A.Burlielu. Aline. AmVK SOI.Ii'ITOIW WXNTRD RVRKV where for 'Tlie Miory of tlie Phlillplues" .j Hurat. Hnla(1. eommlssloned liy I lie liorem aa Official Hitnrlun to the War Depart ment. Tlie book wna written In army camp at Ain Francisco, on tlie PnelDe an I O-neral Mr nn. In in" ho.pltaln at Honolulu. In Uotit K in, In tne American trenches at .Manila, la Hie lu nnrent ramps with AgutsMn, on the divk or tie Olympla with Dewey, and In the roar of bat tle at the full of Manila. Bonanza fur aeiii.s. Jfrlrafitl or nrtiinal pictures taken by (j'rer'k mt fhotoiphrson the arii. Mnre took. Uw prlivs. Burpn.flit, Frcltrht pain. CreOH flven. Drop all trashy uin.nvtiil war bunk, utfltfre". A1drvw, P. T. lUBimn. Neeietsrv, Ifaif Insujince Blflg.. culcago, s-ia-uu. Comrade. Aaltentlon. I orred from 73 to M. and was wmmded May H. Ism, In top Haiti- of the Wilderness. I would like to have inv comrades know what Celery King has done for me. In lajt) my old eomplalnt, ehronle dlarra'ioea. c;iir,e b.v. The toetors could not stop It, but C'elerv Klnir has cured in", an l I am onee more enjoying ille Fun Bmitsn. Owosso. MH'h (o'. P. 49th M V. V I.). ivieryKlnjfnrthe Nerves, I.lveraud ana Kidneys Is sold In too. and IV. packages by W. n. Herman. Tmi"li-ll!'-; Mldlleswarth i Una. M-Vlurc; ll. A. LYirlghi. Aline. PATENTS OBTAINED. TEIS EASY. Consult or communicate with the Editor of Oils paper, who will give all needed lufor aaatlon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let tersof Ailmitiihtration i n t li r f'Me ol ll. C. Simpwl. late of Cntre lown'h'n Snydt-r ouunty. I'a.. ilee'd, kitvine Peen urr to the uLilrmitned, all pprn knuwinu tl ;u felre, Indrhted lu laid eriate are rej ueie.rd nake Immediate pavmcnl. vbile thore hatlru c-:iid will pretit Iheui duly utlicnllealed t tai usdereiiined. J. W. SMI'.-KI.U Oct.JT, l" Adinn'a'raior. KTo"W X3ools. IT'x'oo. A valuable xok civins cntiipk-te inforiaation how I pucof-ssfully curt coneuiuption aul other lun vlisea.x-s will Le rent free in tlie readers tj this paper. Address Dr. Bartz, A. Inter Ocean Bldt:., Cbicaso, III. 8 15-firjj im HEALTH I ' oew ToV-hhil Color J r. ' ';'. -. air. -:-;-lr V- UK. MAT'S, -rVIK Cvrari IIVLU tlwta. t-iLio tim or J.brn. AUaoiutiy rii-.c; i'-'rfsct SatisfacUcn. i ' i t i.i(ovi:ii imtiag It y-!i .,rr if . ro 'itHrvi-3 ' ' t J-ii. Ii.V II vlit'2 . rj'jTT ati'PLV to. " - W'. W!.I W.--I lei ''I II if fIt. ' nl) imt J - ' ' " ' W cti Jt-. rll.t i i VIXU. Jf . - . :. ;';::jts. A v V Sl'BTITtTE. j ,r. !:. Our liVV'.-Hig fx Ut .. . . ..- .;i fa: .) vl.-iii'ii,, ..k t - fcf llluuj uua J1jg WATANTKI) AI. TIU ST'.VdHTUT pt rKtw in Ifn uiti- t--i iniiiib'e ur btKO r. in tlii-ir vn and n:iriy cfiui.ties. li i Idainly nf?i(-f- work Mjn1u--i-d k Imrne. Salary wtrai'Lt .K a v-ar und t-xpetit dt-fimtr. Iwnalie. iio lu'in no Je hulnry. Monthly Ti'. J: lertn-e r.rit ;.iM- r.f.'llrei-d pump l env. I JitrUrt i:. i:t. I'rvt.. I.'ept M OiiiK. -lJ-10i Far'froni i the ftoht A 3X3 LATHAM hsd not beard from A her boaband.' Beajamlo Latham, ia thtee moat ha. la time of war erofDan grow aceaalomrd to long' tpU telary aflenoea, but never before had Abb been ao long without tiding. She wh a hopeful woman, and had eheoted heraelf to look on the bright Met nor had abe been unrewarded, fee La thorn bad aerred tn Lee's army fotaf long yaara nnbarmed by dleeaeo r butlei. Durtog tbe paat rear, bow awar, anxrety for tbe arbeent ooldlera waa aot.the onry trial that came to reek the beorta of fbe women of tbe HnMernj. Tbe wott, bangor, long keyt at bay by good erop years, ere be it st rbe door. rt wit not ao hard to wan tbem aelree, bflt'H waa elekenrngtoaee their hlldren laek. And H eame to pasa tbat many of tbe wtres of the poor seaslaTe-ownlng whites who dwelt in i the h!Us sometimes asked themaelree If tbey were not paying too dearly for the poasrbillty of aome day owning a oegra, sad other beneflts promised by saeesalon. Aane Latham, In tbe bITIa of West Atabams,, had ma a aped fatrty well or three yesra. She had a horse with wblcb to do plowing, end aha had aaleed corn, peas and potstoes, which, with the mflk of her cow. fed her little fsioHy ef three; and wfthbereplnnlng wheel ani loom she spun and wove erotblsg for herself and children. for three years she had kept a brave bssrt, an'd It was no ttQ the confed erate government pressed ber horse Ints servtee that she began to despond. Rbe wrote the loss to Ren, but added tkat abe bad enengb to last ber tbrengb the eonrlnff Winter, and bade htm not to fret. That was In the au tumn. Spring eame and found ber with Irttle to subsist upon but tbe mftk ef her eow, sod the cow wns going dry. It was on a stormy night tn April ttat Anne's future seemed to ber well nigb as dark as the sides. Everything that tbe knew waa discouraging, and rtre ttnkntmn might be eves worse. For If ke were not dead, why had ber nastaad sot written? 7t was ftrfl nlgfrt wbe Ansae eaxne from m4!kfag Bttlla, tbe esse, and built fas fire to bake a pons sf oornbread far rat ehsMlrsa. tfhsn all waa red She Tittle all she drrtdeaf the small pitcher of milk between tbe cwtldTsa. sod broke tbe peas ef tirssd rsto tbxes pfooee, tak lag rbe amariset bersstt. Mammis, wberes your cstpt" acked the ttr-year-ola ff- I doVt ears for milk noavsdsys son k repHsd Anns. Tss ssd to ertsk K, nMMnnrle." ' "Test when ws bsd a lot o' mflk, ' aosneseVy bod V dtrnk It to keep it frsm spotTlnja. Dwt some, sat your i supper, ssld tbe mofber, willhig to rhgs the sob)eot, and fbroiog a smfls to bar tfeln. bangsr-atricken fate; 1Y thns Bttls folks went to bed t wsstt aovas mors mHk. mamBoIe,' saM rsnr-yesr-ot& Lory, beatfng her esasey Wo esp oo tbe table. Titrs ItsS maj more. Take some sf say Sretsi," TT, BMnrnrisk" Maid the boy; "give ber say serp. Tv bsd enuogb." A )aas essDs m tbe little fellow's tkss4, far bs knew more of bis moth er's trouble tbaA abe supposed, and, brswisg Ms aroi'abont ber nock, be ftiased lev tsaderly. Ksmmee, wben is psp coming borne trrm the war?" Anss.repnsd to rbs child's query wtfb forced sheet t uIijcts. and-when the shfleVws were rocked away la bed, plac ing a flgfit-w)ood knot trpon the fading ftri, she taroajfrbtjOOt ber Iffiltting. The visd anbbed dswg tbe chimney, and the refn aeHled rrpcra tbs cabin roof, for tbe storm was growiog fiercer. Everrtbrcg waa gtoomy but the blazing krst asd tkt old gray ca4 which sat pnrrisg bs the flra. Tbsek Ood, the pevenrmest i'.i not press cats cats arx! worn f a were left at bomo to catch loe, and ssks, snd prtrw. Tbe fire wnt lights and abmlows d&sciag about tbs room, now leaping arroM tbs rsflsrs. now lingering on the bawl whre tbe children lay pcace fnTij aMplug.y Anne atopped knitting mtA Uarwl bar bead apes ber thin, wwo bawl. Phe waa bungry, bsiker )rt waa baugrlest of all. What was lejxud . rtorru and dsrknesa, far avuiy? VTlvrc w.-m her husband to r.lfrbt? 1 abe could only know bo was alive soil wall abe couU baMie with waut awWie loiyrer. Perbape with tbe coning gTase tb cow would still give m'.Vd eaougb lr rbs bUdrn. She ber- e!f wouM otmtlDue to axiat aome way. i She could briill barbs or eatcb ilsh in ', t!i creak, f.h thought if abe could ! only get a letter from Ben ate could , Jhe through aaytblug. ! The est stopped purring, wid Ann, ; with btr tired haJ upon her beiwl, be fxn to nod tram very wariiefR. In a j n-iui-oonwioBi stats aha rrooned wjfV ly a lul'aby thst she wt(f Ler oL! rirea to slaep with. Then ahe fell aitep. i Hui.jry people are prone to dream, ami Ai.r:e dreajjjl of far-of Virginia. Rbe win with her kAiahoiml. andjet ahe waa moat unhappy, for be bad left her children brhind. aud ti.e could lu-ar tJ.fu., lar ivir. 'Tving with Ir.v.p-r b:.C ca!'.ig for her. r-'ti3i2xy a!, woke aul t:ru. to fct. What waa thct? A tj jij the cthla pen !j. WhciM! cjui 1 it he ut thl hour'.' Vhover it tai did not J.iirxh. l-utikd. th ftfjr rtn!d n.'y ti; iritnj. t". ihrark lurk. "I'i 'i L't-ii I" the rohU!. ujid a tat t:tJ. twirej-ktalced. dr!jjjliig f giire Su ' 'jt-ftlcrate W-y !arpMl her tighly iu , bit erjti. ' Tie wxt rnonjctt the drew herhiia- ' in the fir", and aa heaped on Cke wsoff bar ttseBfJdsig ssjA lasgsjtsr ssm pttffsl ts wfVseasx BM tsuld sot certrM ksrsetl, ; "Ob, Asse,''oried La)tbaj; Tiow this and starved you look I Then be walked to tbs bsd whers tbs children rsr. Lesvisg tbe rs sbs stood bssidshlBk -Do1 waste them," he said; and beeffing down he btaaed them. "I hadn heard frsm you in three) month a. Be a, and I fesred yoaj wets dead," said Anns; "and now you sVs here oh. Dsn, I am so happy," Latham gased at bis wife tenderly. "And you ob.AnBel you are starr ingl" bs exclaimed, for Anne's thin, face turned gray, and, reeling, ahe would bare fallen had be not oaught ber ia his arms. Tbsnk Ood, there's some bscon left in my knapsack," aoid Latham, placing his wife io a cbalr. In a few mtnotea tbe frying pan was spattering on the fire and the frying bacon filled the cabin with ita savory scent, and a hurriedly-made boecaks lay baking before tbe hot coala. "Ob, Ben! how long is your fur lough?" asked Anne, rnddeclj; as she sat by her husband a aide, with the color coming slowly back to hsr hol low ehreka. Hunger and sorrow for gotten in tbe joy of La tbtm's return, tbe only mots tbat could mar her hap piness wss tbs thought of a futurs parting. "Sever mind about tbe fnrlourt," re plied Ben, moving uneasily in bia nTe won't talk about it to-night. Aft er s man's been fighting four years b has a rfght to klaa his wife and children without thinking about tbe dreadful war." "new long la It going to hvst Bn?" Latham bad risen to his feet and waa walking tbe cabin floor. "God knows! But it cant last mueb longer unless men learn to lire wlthqnt food and clothes. It's got mighty nigh to that pass mrw. W can't hold out a year. It's two to one, and we ain't bad any luck since. St one wall Jackson was killed. Tbe men fight aa well aa ever, but how they hsvo the' heart to keep up la a wonder, with let ters coming from, home telling of wives and children tn woeful want." Tie a Lattajn stopped a ad looked at Ma wife with a reddish light shining In his haggard eyes tbat ahnost fright ened ber. 'TThe men are fighting for their, conn try, Deo," ssld tbs wife, ensourag birTy. "For ttefr cowwrryl" exclaimed Latham. "What Is country to a man wben wife and children are starring?" Tbs senl meal was now ready and tbe two eat down to eat. There wss nosh ts bs beard and told In aaswes ts her bssbatod's questions tbs wifs gsvs tbs Stonp of her struggles and makeeolfte. When abe bad finisbisd Latham inquired how maoh food there wns In the as bin, and Anne replied tbat there waa enough s&ssl for two days, but when' K waa goes there was no more eons in tbe barn to bs grohnd, snd tbs potatoee bsd all rotted. weeks ago. Then the msm aaht tbs country wss fsfl of gante. thirl og tbs four years' at rife between north and south there bad been little hunting, with the re sult thst tbs wild creatures, nrrharraed, had multiplied almost beyond belief. So that Latham told Anne he was sure he osuld trap sssugh game to keep the family tffl garden and field coukS yield produce, and, furthermore, till the truck grow ht sonld also weave fish traps sf while osk splints and eatoh fish in Stpsey rtver. Oh, bs eoold man age, said tbs bwebsnd. "But won't you have to go book to tbe army before tbs crop's made?" sld Anno. Tbe Mfrle seppsr had been esten nnd rtie woman wss now clearing tbe table. "Anne," attld Lstham, with a touch of Impatience, Tre Jnet coime; don't let ua tslk of my leaving." "Vm asrry I spoke sf it. Bent 'but I'm eo glad to bare you back again the thought of your leaving keeps ris ing before me like a ghost," replied tho wife, with tears rn her sad, wery eyes. "Well, lei ghosts alons to-night. Tea seen enough dead men," said Latham, with a mlrthleoa laugh tbat sounded dry and forced. riushand nnd wife continued to talk, but something aa Intangible aa a fhntl ow marred all efforts at cheerfulness. At laat Anne, after a ailenoo, ex claimed: "How glad all tbe neigh bora will ho to ae ygu, Ben. They'll bare a thou rord quaetiona to aak. Tliere hasn't been anybody borne from tbe army in fix months." "I don't wont to we any of the neiphbors," said Latham, almont shortly. "Oh." Rcnl" Anrie looked at her buabatxl in jrrieved surprlee, ard tbe tattered sol dier eoatlnued, as if by way of neces sary explanation: "I haven't time, Anne, for going ahout eavlag bnwd'ye and slinking liaods. That's for people with fat barnvand smokthouaea. I mutt forage for you and tbe rbildren. I thall be away mot of the daytime hunting am! fiiihlng." Acne was trotttd. Krtnethlnp wa. wror.rr Bnd the could cot fathom it. A vatnie aprrelier.irlon of aome unseen ev.l Imuated her. Kbe longed to fuee t!on hr lrtibru:d in order to relieve hf r miad of ti:xiet, but ahe kr.ew not how to f'.rui hrr questions even bud the not feared to ask them. Hen was kre;;lr:g something from b'er, the waa eure. T!i lat'.er viewed his wife's aorrow ful f -ice, and his conscience smote him. He hissed her several times. "Tliere. Anncj come, cheer np. Neighbor be hanged! I don't want to think of anybody but you and tbe children to-night," ( forced a awille. and LatbaVn lit I sap, twt ft 3f M sssbkH Mac. H a tssr stWes ka ws asrsfir wsrTafvf the fleos. Ifesnttms tbsstsm ragsd eutsMa. Aanet do yon have visitors often? la thee much passing' on the ro4T The wlfs replied tk4 few. peopsa ssaos to tbs house, and there werefsw wayfarers, I'm glsd of thst," said Latham, ht a tons of relief, resuming his seat by the firs. Thta remark, ao unlike tbs Ben La tham of old, wss too much for Anne. Bursting into tears, ahe threw her arms about her husband's nsok. "Oh, Ben, Ben, what ia it? Tm ao frightened. You are not as you ssd to be. Something dresdfut has hap pened, or ia going to happen. Tell me tell me what it ia?" "Nothing is going to happen, Anne. What nonsense! You've been ao much alone yoTve grown notlony. What!! happen ia that you'll be aeelng spirits and ghosts if yon don1 rid your brain of aueh fancies," aald the man, kissing his wife and laughing. - But the laugh was nervous and hol low, and tbs next moment he started to hi feet. "TVhat's thst, Anne? Don't you hesr something?" Ttethlng but the storm," said tte woman. "Test there's soms one at the gate -it's a man's tread be'a somlng to tbe door. Great Oed," exclaimed La tham exottsdly. Startled by her butrbanrTk wfld look, a dreadful tbonght came to Anne. Had hardship and hanger turned his brain? "Ben Ben." abe eried. wrlnirlnihei hands, "nobody Is coming to harm u. "Anne, I mustn't be seen," ssid La tham, greatly agftotsd. There was a knock at tbs door. "Anne, wife," said the man, grasp ing the womsn's arm; Tm a dseerter. When I heard John Holmes' wife's le' ter, I deserted. I ran off In the night. I ctaldn't stay when I knew you and tbe children were starving, The knock came agatfl. "It Fm seen I shall be dtasrraced, and the punWbment fot desertion 14 death," whispered Latham hoarsely. Anne Latham rooked at her hus band. If he bad deserted, tt waa not Ty reason ef cowardice, nor to go over to the enemy, but for love other nnd his ohildren. Patriotism is born at the hearthstone, and man figma and dies for it. THisi it country but an assemblage of bottles? Tbora vat aa enemy far from the front attack ing fien Lathara'a home aa enemy that only he eouid bottle with, and ke bad aome hocne tattered and war worn ts fight band-to-haod with hun ger fsr these be loved. Tbess or sim ilar thoughts same to Anne Latham and v.Hh them a flood of affection for her busbsad. "Huah, Baa," abe aaM, "asd open tbe door. Moat likely It U soms trav eler who has lost bis wa, and doesn't know you." Ths knsck rang again for the third time, sod ss Ben Lathaot epsned the cabin door. a dripping man ia a cap tain's uniform of confederate gray en tered tbs room. Anne Latham recognised tbe officer. It waa Ben'a captain, and with a ory of alarm she clutched ber busbanu's arm. "tiroat Hcotti Latham, Is is yon! I was loet snd rods for tbe first light Bt Jeve, It's a stormy night as bad ns r!me we hd In Virginia, In lleavtxi's rame. man, why are you staring sol What's fbe matter?" Ben Latham stood, indeed, like a mas frozen, and pnKed at hi captsin Catted and HpcoohUt,.-. "Who would have believe! vcu'd hava treated your caotoin ao! .' nd after fighting under Lira for four years! Man, I'm ashamed Of you. Don't for get you're a adldles. Still Bea Latham was silent, and the captain looked at him astonUked. "This ia your wife, I pretumo, and these are your ehlldren." Tbt offloer went to the bed and surveyed theUttle deeper. As he did so Latham. fell into a chair and began to sob as he bad not douc since he was a child. His wife stood ovur biui filled with bewildered dis tress. Phe turned to th eaptaln. "Captain," she said; "you bave a fur lough, and y os are going home to your j family. Be merciful Vo a man wl)l couldn't gat a fiurloagk. and hadnl seen his wife and children la three years." "Why, I nevtir kuew tbatl If I bad known tbe fact ho ahoiild have bail leave long ago." The oitptaln looked at Anne thoroughly luysliQad. "But I tan't understand your husband's fct range ronduot.toward m." "Captain-," continued Apr.e, "my husband tuny have dor.c wrung, but be couldn't help it. Ho bSard that his wife and ch'Mrca were about to starve, and b hurriud home." "I've hurried, too. It hunu't been more than ten days since Lee's surren der." "What, air?" aiked the wife, eagerly. "Lee's surrendered!" "Yes; and the war's over. H;nn't jour hukhand told you?" asked tbe captain. Htm Laluim's aobs utaned, and he aat like a man In a dream. "ifra. Latham,'' said the cnptuiif, kindly, "there waan't a braver man ii: n:y company than your husband, bat Lc'a worn out, and I ftar he's going luto a fever. That only can account for hU atraujrH behavior to-r.lght." But Aniie w'as not listening, fihe wna knei'.ing by her.bukbaud. "Hen, did you bear the oaptain?' atirretiilered and the war's ovur. Tho captain think j ou iniiHt liave lift for hotiie the same day he did," Tbu captain bail gone to the door Ut view the west her, The storm was over. "Do jou understand. IWn? You wrrt rx-ver inlcttd from the company, for Lee surrendered a few hour after you left, nnd and nobody knows your secret but me." fiaturday livening Post. bCLATS iviCT 4 8PAKIASIX f&s ItiUfw; mA Umm Dries Bias fsataa the nesss v ssjttssi lasssss Bs BasisAsw . ..-x, f lajalm. ...-,..- The OgaJala Sioux at. ths Pin Isidgs agesoy in South Dakota had as eviction party tbs otbsr day of an un itausl kind. Incidentally, they re futed the slaadsrs) of ths alarmists who prsdlotsd outbresks immediate ly after ths troops wsre withdrawn from tfc western forts. Far front killing whiles, the wily Daoota brsvels taking a Nve-ly interest In ths war, and no Jingo crows louder over tiae American victories than ths red men of tbf plains. The eriotlon resulted from the hos tility of ths Indian a gain at Spain. On th reservation there lived a Spaniard who was married to a full-blooded Sioux squarw and eked out ao exist ence from the governments bounty to ths squsw from the lit ths money he picked up at trading and huntiug. The Spaniard had lived oa tbe reser vation for many years unmolested by tbs Indians. Wbem word cams of tbs American avai vieioriea to the Sioux villages tbeie wns great powwowing and talk ies; and Jubilation at tnc prowene of tbe Amerioans. Ths news got over to tbs Porcupine Oreek tepees where tbe Spaniard lived, and the Sioux watehed him ehosely to ass tbe effect trptn him. When be hoard the newa be waa nonplussed, but, pulling hlnimJf togethsr, be split tbs Mr with buzaa for Ppsin. Tbe idea of anybody shout- Ug for Spain on their territory shocked tho Indiana, aut tbey threat etcd to "vrlng" him if he didn't atop. A rexraest was sent t MsJ. Clapp, the agent at the post, that the Spau lard be expelled. MaJ. Clapp had blm brougbt'in by tbe lmflat police and Sjutstionssl hlra. At first be denied etering Spain, but when confronted with th Indiana he di'ed not lie and tried to excuse himself. "I got these," said MaJ. Clapp. point ing to his shoulder straps, "In the terries of my eountry, and I represent that eountry here and don't intend that tire flag shall be insulted. I ought to pal you in fbe guardhouse, but will give yon an hour to get off this reacr vorirm, and don't come buokt" "?wt my gso! are up on Porcupine ereek," said th Sf anrard. TH send them to yom. Get out.'" replied the usjor. The Spaniard fled precipitately. Owtsids waa a ejjnad of Indians wait ing fsr tbe result of the Interview. res they hsord of it tbey eHmbed sb their ponies awl wfth a "hl-yi" and s warwiroop started down the trail peD-esell after the fleeing Spaniard, was waa making good time through ths a.lksJt dust ts tho Nebraska Hne. Ttie rsds oserhanled the fleeing rider. They brought their quirts down upon Ma pony's aides, wttering yeJU and grants and shouting "shitiba" at him ths word msans rJo gocd. For miles Jiey drove the fleHng Spaniard, cir cliDff around and yelling like mad at Mm. 5earthe state Hne they gave him a final hustling, and, amid shouts and yella of derialon, drove him out of the reservstlon. Vie Indians returned to their tepees and bad great Jubilation ever ths event. Xext day tho Spaniard aeeeived bis traps from t ha poUce and drove through Ciordon, Neb., stopping osiy long enough to sacrifice his he rest snd outfit to get railroad fare to take him from the country. N. Y. Bat. QUEER KIKDS OF FOOD. Japaa Ihlaa Mmnj Slnvalar and Oat. ianSlsk Edlblea to tbe Kew World. Japan is a heavy shipper of out lenflbdi foods to the new world. It ha a a practical monopoly of tbe nests which are used in making bird's nest soup, which, by the way, wben pre psrsd by an American cherf, lathe moot delicious fish of itsoLatnin the world. It aiwo catches and dries armies of devil flab, which are as popular in the east a dried codfish in tho west. Iu fact, the two sea foods are very much alike in flaTor ami differ chiefly in their texture, the floah of tho devil flah being bard, compact and more like murals than that of the familiar cod. Troe mushrooms and sen mushrooms are two other famous Japanese edi ble that come to u across tho raoific. Thv resemble mushrooms In their contour and structure, but iu noth Injr c!f T..e tree niUHlirooms have a flavor of wood hark, whilo the sen mushroom bolls away In cooking vory much as If It were made of marine glue. In fact, it 1 made In Japan for making vegetable gelntitv for thick ening stews nnd aoufrs in very much the same manner as wc.coiivert the bladders of sturgeons and other fishes lato nniinul print In for a aimilar pur pose. Dried fishes are another lin pcrtant export from the land of the mikado. Unlike us. the Japanese dry almoet every ratable fUh, from tnlnnow- anil nl itcbait up to murine animals as larjre as their Btnrpcim ani sworil ibh. Tholr drying appenrs to Iu con ducted upon a different sjaletn from cur owa. When ready for tho nur lrt their fl.ih lire no dried as in suir IT at hiln-tlried timber. They apply the rame proi-css to the lower forms of sen iife, and ileflcatn clama, miis lels, oysters, prawns, rh'rlnipi, craw fith am! milis until they reinhle ftone, In this rondlt Ion the fo xlawlll withstand any tiliiiiito and may be I cpt la the open air without rpolllng fvr an entire twelvcinontli, I'U I!ad-J-jihia Times. DIxMinriitflnrr, Diidekini Did you tell your sister I'm bare? , Freddy Yep. "What did she nayr "She eald-s. 'The Ideal' "-Truth. 1 rrn rt tSMsaa.( faBssag ssaas) Ttofthf. iLa w Kltsra S to Bans. lUas , , e9 ana, " " VUTTj a. 11 tci rra aouy mm? aioas sitae u. ; (Lessen YHU. The DaiUn. o ira ths law was la bfei stshtA sihteth PUtCIt Jarwswtess aa4 Jadak. L Jeetah ths Good Bov '' I. wsessvB ias uooa Boj a,,, . mm .... ' aa diTHaiinL a- i. nr a v. . . gan to rslgn B. C. est. eight years old. K seems to hs.w! by the eholet ee election of ths years aid. lflk sotiversisn tool, . whesi he was 16 years old, when -iVw fiLti rs rm,n aa.i na -- x- as put Va. self naasr the Inffoeno nf th. ... M -ml Vi. Vl.l "W TL The ftafermatlna r.i.v tered pss hit great reformstin.t the twelfth year of his reigB hJ begB to destroy the idols. Jerm.,, bsgaa kit mlnlatry in H. C. m 'B Z thtrtesnfh year sf perah't reiirVJh l:F). yast skeut ths tlms the reforav tlen ssMBjeased, and conthint(jy, af4r the deetruetioa of JeruaaieaL 8S. In ths eighteenth year of vl reigs Jesiah reestablished the j: Mgrsfss ssrvlees of the temple (3 Km E2:8-Ti Ohrsn. 3s:8-13). Ill, firstat forts wars ts repair ths temple, whid daring the MO yssrs since King j0lll had Made his great repairs, Ltd u come dnapisstsd. . HL yisdfsg ths Book of the Uw Ts. 8-W. A tl s mors fully I D 2 cT 84114-H. The eighteenth y,ar of siao a reign, s. "UHKlan, the prieir I. e, the high priest, "said . . i have found the book of the law " n. inw i ut isora given or Mojej" piaee, prebably during tho reijni wine wi rne tosjaTroua Itiajs, to m serve tt frssa isstrsStlon. Tht jjj. ing Bieatieaed ia rhit verse wai nod diieevery sf something unknown ln fore, but the rescuing of the teaj copy sf ths lsw,from ths hiding p!w in wiisb R sso long lain. a V . . av. ii w, vumemm iu, wuui; 1 of Iff. reraay of stats. Thy servants In. gatkeVed the money:" The klng'n. reistsy reports rne work done, j; scenes a ssliestfou was talten up forth temsls raitsifa ant onHr (n tl., t.-.i. Itse'n, where the systom of Joash (! Kings lf)4-lt) sssTOs to have betnre vertea va, Sat also throughout Jndu aad s)assra, aad all ths land o! Itrssl 01 Ckrsa. 84i9). is. -news the king ... a (tbt) Deo! -it was si ths utmost inwi taaee ts the king in the work ht. doles;. IT. Ths Beswits of Finding the Bik, Vs. is-so. Tnt. A Desire for fc strueukMa. "And Shophan read it b fore ths khsg:" Of eourae at the king's requssa. Bs was anxious toknowwlai tke truth was. and rbs nature of i law bs ksd been trying blindly tooty Seostrd. An Awakened Contcless. Ik "TtVaat the king had heard he rest ktssletheti" An expreslon i deepeet sorrow and consciousness rf dosger. Tks rsadlng; of God's Word briogi cosvietioa sf atn. It shows us enrfc partarss from ths true standard, Hi a mirror hi which wo see our wnk ness aad our sin; it is a measuring lht by which we learn "how far and wide ws strsy." Third. Seeking Mors Light on tin Path sf Duty. 13. "Ths king coo- moaded Hllkdah," etc. His leading- flcers, and asost Intelligent 18. "0 ye, inquirs of tbe Lord tor me:" Is mast know from the highest apures Just what he ought to do, fork wss m tns utmost importance. 14. TTsst unto Huldah the propieV ess:" through wkqm they would In quire of the Lord. VTe do not knot why they went to her Instead of tb other woll-known prophets. The "kefir er of the wardrobe" waa a person d coBsideratlen ts SBclent tlmiis. Foorth. God's Threatenings W1 Cows to Paas. 10, 17. "I will br!t; evil span thta place. My wrnlli shall not bs quenched:" ThoiuitionW gone ss far In aln, was so thoroufjiv: Imbued with idolatrv. that uoihlrf eouid perauade tbem, aa a whole, tore jent and be saved. Nothing hut tV actual infliction of tbe threatciuil puDr Isluuent would cleanao them from Wvr atry. T4ie reformation of Josiah ws of gTeat value. It aavel a remnant,' portion of tbs people as the 1hi the future: but for tho nuisaof tnee pis It was ths wind ruffling tliesurfi" of the waters, but not changing I" deeper flow. TMb threat wbh aero pllahed within .18 years, "liccauseuVj have foraaken nwwt" Iteli(,'ii tai rlghteousuees wsre the baila of th kingdom's prosperity. To ditrJ those, to forsake Ood, was to tuke U verv foundation from under tliew, V, Qod'e Tendjur Mercies. Vs. l'J, "Dccanao thine heart waa tonilcr thou ahalt be. gitthecod Into tliyK in peact:" lie was slain lu iiauir." tho terrible experlsnces forctoM "t' niMftlem rtl.t iir.l Ih1i. nliicn till I0" vnnrm tim- him iWt)i Tlie mill'f not been broken. Areata from Viinaim, "Don't parley with wrong. Childllkriirsa la not chlldlshm-M. fiiil It never diertosml of at let!l" coat. God't providence will never phi'''!0' where Ilia graeo cannot keep yoa. Mptsrvice Is vain wlthont heart"' secrstion. .(. Ths reign of rlghteottKneHS wl!' ' all wrongs. fc IX ucxj knows wben you w j troubls, lis Knows when to help. I tfiiaa Arut ia earvtnv fine roilfill ", Vi a ingal we weef ovef the eM miSlt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers