The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 24, 1898, Image 8

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. r.tii uttw say there
liaS never been niirh selling"
ofstvlisti clotliin-r in "r
towii before. nevr
lias tliero been such e '
tional values as we nw f
iVr Justtbmk for a "
meiit what This Store hm.
and isdoin;; lor theslirl
clothing buyer. Vo have
forced Mr. Miiili I'riee to
take a back sunt ami sue
now showing tin; liandi-mti-est
lino of
Suite and vercnatE
For Boys' anc CM
in Bunbury,
for 69 Gents.
Enough here for this week's
Man's Dress Overcoat,
3 Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, 35c
with twO collars, 25C.
i 9 H ft ,H L'
M 1 J ?!
i.7i n n Tin Tr r i.
v KttH Vf H f I VIC !: v ' M r, 4.? m S
3S B I
. .; "-' Ki H fr fl fT?:'
. . ,., , .
On the bill-of-!are,"Brode Wurst"
uud "Bnch Wnetzcn Kuchen". . . .
Alvin Ulsh shipK!l over 1000 lbs.
of turkey for Thanksgiving Day . . . .
Frank Bowersox purchased Mrs.
Fred Holtzapplc's farm last week
. . . .Mrs. Jerry 1Xk.1i and daughter
and Mrs. Sarah Klingler were visit
ing friends nt Krntzerville on Sun
day. . . Harvey Ilcimbncli and wile
attcnucu the ivreanier sale near
Middleburg on Saturday. .. .Noah
lioad and Charles Weader took a
trip to Huntingdon county on their
"bikes" last week. . . .David Stein-
inger, one of our oldest citizens, had
n stroke of palsy, Iroin wliicti he has
nearly n covered The revival
meeting, which was in progress for
some time at Manlieck sj church,
closed lat week. . . .Mr. Johnson of'
Bethlehem and Joseph Wagner of
est JK-aver were iiiintintr in tins
vicinity last week one day. . . .Chas.
Maurer arid about a dozen from Bea-
vertown and vicinity were in the
mountains hunting lor the past ten
days ... A nmnlx'r of car loads of
coal were received by our fanners to
burn lime. It looks as though they
were again tailing kick to the old
styleof fertilizing. . . .For sometime
past II. NV. Ulsli's chickens were
killed until his flock was reduced
ny aliniit 'J.'). Supposing it to ka
mink J. II. Knepp set some steel
traps and shortly alter caught an old
stager of a possum Andrew
Ulsh, Sr. attended the funeral of
Mrs. Rebecca Shawvcr at Wagner
onSunday. . . . TheCrossgrove paint
ers were putting u coat of paint on
John Wcadcr's house last week.
(Received tno late for lad issue.)
Mr. Dr. Hanter, neeGaiurler. and
children of Maytowo are visiting
her parents, W. J. Gauirler and
wife Muss Mattie Dimm return
ed from her trip to Phiadelphia ac
companied by her sister. Mrs. Gnss
. . . .The University foot ball team
played the Y. M. C. A. team of
York at York on Saturday. Score
12-0 in favor of the Y. M. C. A.
. . . .Miss Katie Erhart has gone to
visit her friends in Hanover and
Baltimore Kev. J. U. Shindel
and wife have returned to iheir
home in Cireleville. Ohio, where
he preaches. .. .Sportsmen are out
u hum i uiumuuu.
Opposite Count JaiL
J. liiU.1
Uivery Stove that is sold
carries with it our POS
it must give satisfaction Be
fore a Cent is paid. Call
and see the
m mi
Ever Seen in Snyder County
4- r,, TTOM
Trot". Paul JViHIiardt of Mid.lle
burg was in town. .. .Dr. V. (i.
SniiiSi is Maying at I'rceburg this
week, intending the patients of Dr.
Sniilh of -dace j. (J. Mover ami
liiniily inieiid moving to Mt. Lniou
en Tuesdav Hanks Dieese, who
is employed in Lock 1 1 veil, accom
panied by his gradson, (Jcorgc, vis
ited at his home over Sunday
Hurley K.,niig and wile spent Sun
day in Mi t.'lure J. ii. Spangler
had a Ui: uvw organ placed in his
ivsidciuv la-t week . . . .Dumeyer
bought another carload ol cattle in
this section Mrs. J no. Hamilton
and sou, K. C, made a business trip
toShamokin lasi !!; (.'. V.
Smith, wife and child spent Sunday
in cv llcrlin. . . .Mrs. Hannah
Siiiilh ol' Middielairg is a gtie.-t at
t'ie home of her daughter, M"s. das.
V. Keller. . . .John Strauser, who
was employed in I'hiiadi ldhia, has
reiurii".l home. ... Win. Schrisl
spent Sunday in OntrcvilL'
Cyrus Middleswarth of Atkins Mills
is vi-iling ohl friends in this place,
his former home liev. Zimmer
man will preach a Thanksgiving Her
man in the Luth. church on Thurs
day evening. . . .Kev. Zimmerman
and Ueubeii Dnese are attending
the Juniala eouferein-eol'tlieCciitral
l'enna. Svnud convening at LiHv
Middleburgh. Pa.
lew fnrlor GanQS !
f I
This game Archarena is Far Superior to
all other Parlor Games, So simple a child can
play it So attractive that the older oues never
refuse to indulge in it, For information and
price see,
11-G 4t. At Post Printing Office.
The Rev Irl R. Hicka
Annual Almanac and monthly paper,
Wo ui and WUKS,arenow known
from sea to sea. We are pleased to
call the attention of our readers to
the Almanac for 1809, now ready.
It is a splendid printed and illus
trated book of HG pages and the
storm forecasts and diagrams and as
tronomical and scientific matter are
superior to nnything that has ever
been seen liefore in a 25 cent book.
His monthly journal, Word and
Works, is one of the best literary
home and scientific magazines in the
country,bcsides containing his month
ly storm forecasts and explanations.
The subscription price of Word axd
Works is $1.00 per year and a copy
of the Hicks Almanac is sent as a
premium to every yearly jsubecribcr.
Single copies of Word and; Works
10 cents. Price of almanac alone,
25 cents. Send your order to Word
and Works Pub. Co., 2201 Lo
cust Street,' St Louii, Mo.
William l'riebau and family were
the guests of Win. Keller over Suti-
uay Thomas Kohler ol llaimcr-
ville was the guest of Geo. Dreese
on Sunday Ira Van Horn spent
a few days in Suubury visiting his
best girl last week .... The New
York racket store placed a branch
stor in Arthur Specht's store room
about a week ago Ex-Sheriff
Specht is building an ice house on
his lot Wm. Gill and family of
Hendricks, West Virginia, are vis
iting Mrs. GUI's parents, Edward
Beaver. . . .Miss Mabel Kohler ac
companied by a lady friend of Ban
nerville spent last week among the
former's friends The Lutheran
church of Beavertown has organized
a Christian Endeavor Society of
about 25 members .... Seth and
Abel Winey were called tp Richfield
to the funeral of their father on Fri
day Specimens of soft coal were
exhibited iu liberal chunks on Mon
day evening discovered by Xer A.
Feese while prospecting on his tract
of woodland about J mile north of
Beavertown. The vein was reach
ed at a depth of 8 or 10 feet, only
one blast having been fired. The
thickness is not yet known.
Take Laxative Bromo Qnlnlne Tablet.
drugglM refund money IMbfatl to cur
The genuine baa h. B. Q. on each Ublob
IV wiwiiien g
Thursday of last )
sprsKa irue mere will htl
ucwre ioog ID our toJ
one evening lasi We.k
sell has the plasterer, J
ev visueti our school
I). J. 1 )ru..
Val. Walter's on S I...1
nanman.ii. il. Her
er Smngler left on Mi
Imr f!.p llu C....... ii
tllPV dTIKUil 1
Mrs. P. B.
Akron, Ohio to visit her
iirs. Joliu A. Moty
'Clrt- fl . i '.'
.!..:!.. i . ,w"un: IjeoilLOll a:;il
t..jr uW game, uiua lur we Have i her (lf Tni. , '
. ......u U)niU;r
heard of no accident iu our inime
diate neighborhood The Slay ton
Jubilee singers (colored) occupied
the gallery of Trinity Luth. church
on Suuday evening last Miss
Bessie Gearhart of Suubiiiy is lieing
entertained by her grandfather
The Y. M. C. A. of the Univeisity
held a public meeting in the Me
thodist church en Sunday alteruooti
last. The attendance was large and
exercises very interesting Rev.
I. II. McGann was in town on Fri
day evening attending the meeting
of the executive committee of the
University Harry Hummel and
family were pleasantly entertained
by Mrs. Eby and daughters over
Sunday. .. .A course of five enter
tainments will be given in the Opera
House during the i:ext 2 months,
consisting of conci-rts, readings, lect
ures, etc. Cost of the course one
dollar. This is certainly very low
for such fiivl elass entertainments
L. C. Smith has moved his
household eileets to Drifton where
lie is employed Geo. 1. Hitter,
a theological student, supplied Dr.
Weber's church on Sunday S.
Weis was iu Philadelphia last week
adding to his already large stock.
This trip was fbr Inliday goods.
burg, are visiting friend
tives at Freebunr
father of Dr. I). Cr. Smit!
Smith, Jr., of Adams!
residence of Dr. 1.
Aiiamsi.urg i)r, Smith
1 til (111. lltt lf.MJ.2l. .11.. I I .
... ,.u...uu, oilsnit
1). U. Smith, who is n,,w
inenameof Smith is imw
inent at the Dr. Smith r J
trust your readers will
tlie coiiibination of jle
f''tli Judge Brown
u I i
wyi-r uiaoca Diisuusstr i
... j : . . I
v uiie, liiverpuol and j
Rev. DruckeinnilU
at there-dedication of'tK
tiieran ehtiri'h of Seli
Halls to cure.
S. J. Pawling and wiicspent sev
eral days at Duncan's Island
Gettysburg foot ball team played
Sus;;ji.ieliauna team on Saturday
N'ore la-U iiituvorot Susjiueliauiia.
The writer thinks our team is imt
their class as they could not score
a point. They remained over Sun
day and were very much ;l cased at
the treatment they. received a. the
hands of our citixciu no. withstand
ing their shainei'ul tivatmcnt, of our
team when it played at Gettysburg
and won Rev. Barb of (lie col
lege church delivered the first of
his series of sermons on llimyan' Pil
grims' Progress last Sunday....
Mrs. Mary Miller of Williamsport
and her aunt, Mrs. Graham of Har
risburg, are l.eing entertained l-v
Mrs. Belle Gardner .Miss Nellie
1 lower id licwisburg is the guest of
Miss hthe: SehiK-h The band
had a chicken and wallle supper on
Saturday evening. ' They led be
tween two and three hundred people
Mrs. Ed. Taylor spent Sunday in
Sunbury among friends Harvey
Long who is working at the capitol
building at llarrisburg left for that
place to resume his work... Harvey
Schoch has put in aeytclcne gas iu
his house. Mrs. Schoch entertained
a number of friends from North
umberland and Lewistown on Sat
urday. .. .Miss Sholly of Mont
gomery is spending several weeks
with her uncle, Dr. Born The
Union Thanksgiving service will be
held in the Reformed church, ser
mon by Rev. Chi Icotc of the M. E.
church David Myer and wife of
Centre Hall spent several days with
his son, Charles, at Bloomsburg re
turning home on Saturday afternoon
The Reformed congregation is
rebuilding the church steeple which
was damaged by lightning several
months ago The shoe factory is
rushed with orders, enough to keep
them running day and night until
the holidays. We hope the rush
will continue.
Miss Kate Reichley is reported on
the sick list L. A. Mcrtz was to
the county seat one day last week
Mrs. William F. Sechrist
gave birth to a little daughter
last week.... ..P. C. Hartman and
C. E. Hartman took in the sights of
Middleburg on Sunday Dr. G.
C. Mohn aud family of Laurelton
were the guests of. Jno. Mohn's on
Sunday. ia .L. . A. Musaer and Geo.
Hartman are working at Mazcppal
'V ... ... .v .... , . '
m;. ' :.. it!n i iiii ieiiiiiiisii oii(
spent several day.i hist V
relatives at this mace.
don, who is working mM
was home on Simdav :
man and son, Charlie, im.
licnig spent last wee!; h
the Jack's Mountain 1
anil Miss Jennie Keeh r
day at Jjuurelten .
em-ting a new ice house
Kreanier is at present liu;,
on Jacks jMountani wi'li
New Berlin hnntirs . .
Walter lost her gold wad
this place and Salem on Su
under will he well reward,
turning it to its owner.
Smith shipped over
Thanksgiving roasters. .
Row and family were the
Amos Bolig of Pen n tov
Sunday Thomas A: Ki
ped a ear load of erttlc
place last week. . . .(iiiic
of our citizens attended n
services at Salem on Si;
Itfaae Satier is building n;
to his house.
The Marriage Record
In our next issue wt
plctethe Snyder County
Itccord for the last thirty
to date. The following wi
our issue dated Dcccnilie!
will begin the marriage
the Rev. Add f B. Casper,
s:ueu in iMiddleburg fur
or. . l . i i
ins record extends umiii
1SS2, or a period of 1 1 y
i . 1 1 . i .i .
iisi wt'i takctiiu inarnai's
ol the oldest citizens of
and county. Our reader
laminar witli these person:
the publication of this list
riages in the past has crcatii
interest we are warranted
ducing this new I i.-t,
list is completed, theentii
tion of marriages for the
years aggregating 4000
and 8000 persons and Rev,
marriages, being 4(8, or
930 persons, will all hep"
form and an index placed in
of UOOO names, which wt
first and only book ofnu
riages ever published
will be completed some tiinl
uary or lehruarv, 18'Jl,
sons desiring to do so can
copy at a very low rate.
particulars later. Thecoi
of this book has liecn a vol
task, 'out as it must inclui
sentatives of every family
ing in Snvder County, it
doubt lie a valuable book td
The Best Plaatcr.
A pieeo of flannel dampei
Chamberlain's Pain Balmw
on to the affected parts i l
any plaster. Wten trouw
Eain in the chest or side, oj
ank, ffive it a trial. You vl
In ha mora
prompt relief which it affon
Tlolm ia alan a narfain CUT
matism. For sale btaUdri
- '( ;
, I