I 15. F. Kautz, of West Uwi- J. fSlKMllv llf M. f . t if Ltd lkkrh M ..... n til 0A JitCWi:"""' fa Si"- 1897. vhv i. vy llev- IL H- sihn I I, i G. tinriHun oi it" '! , Shattor of Went Perry twp. 11. 1V 1WV. 1'. r .ii:nuiu, Ll,!, both of Centre twp. P1' . it ti q....i.i Uv 1 1 . lV lM-'V. H. . ...iauK, -rank KL''U,f Ulti vl CLtiana Meyer oflloller. m..v i:;. bv llev. niH-rt, p'l'anilHMit Dunilore t Anna 1 Kehrer of Tort Treverton. Uv 14. IV J. U. Sehoeh, Clerk ' i i . f it..: .. l.i (Vnisineiii'iHUTUT oi union .v., .' y to KHil Mint" oi rruiiKiiii mji. f.,v 1(5, l'V lv. N. (--. lloeh, 5, J'. Arnoltlnnil veriiiua runnier, lt1(,n,.rtTrevertoii. May 17, 'y ltuv- ,L K- 5,"!,,)h'i VvCviit Hummel of Middh-ereek ... '..,,;. V. Uemimi'i r of .... , V ........ O niiiklin twp. Apr. -'.'), Iy llev. 1iar,sF. Il.rlster ,. to husaii nriiiji twp. . svs1 111 T Apr. 2"), lv l. wrayiui,.j M nw1 Muri um' .''-" hirk, liotli of Kvandale. Ai,r."J7.ly llev. W. A. Haas, L Landi'ii-daer and Martha .1. ,nii,rt,lMil!i of N-lmsgrovo. Mav -7, l'V Hev. D. K. MeLain, Li Kilwin CharlesN.f lut Tre- ,rtu to MellieC. Smith of MkI- Mav '-!!, liv llev. 1.D. Kudiliuj;- ; rdstii- Kiegle of Midilleliurj to ,iHu A. Hummel of Middlecreek. June I, l'V llev. II. II. Spalin, 11' Li. '..1 1 A I ' I ...... hill, O. llmi ilini .iin., v. r, Lot! of West Perry twp. June :!, l'V llev. W. A. Haas, iiarlcs Irwin Miller and (iertrude k.t Klinyler, hothof Sclinsrove. June S, ly llev. 1. H. Mcl.ain, ,W. Krnest of Paxtonville to An- ioX. Kiscidiower of Franklin twp. June I:',, ly llev. J. II. licit, car I-iM and I'liinia Penlder, iif Centre twp. Juiu'i:!, iy llev. W. !i:ir!cs S. Sliaeller and Iiou'wa '. n;, lint, i ot J or i i reverion. lime l:i, l.v llev. D. K. McLain, i'. 1!. SnaiiirliT and Annii mwi'i-s, lioti) oi'Middleiiiir;.;. .Ii:nel7, hv llev. 1. I''. AleLlin, i). K. I!niisii!:i of Patteivon and m l V. I.uniliard of Si-linsjin-ve. June 17, l'V llev. L. Diee, Isiac "pli'V ol'Troxelville to lv'.da Man-"k.-f Midd!eTook. Jiii.i- 111, !iy J. (i.llornlt-iv'er, J. ., Ji'i'imie L. (Ira vliil I of We-t nvtwp. to KiIilli5.!ia!i'e:-ol Wasli- I.Ml twp. .Iiiac 20, I iy llev. S. S. K'uhliT, . I!cn::iner of Jackson twp. to niiic Walter of Midillelmrj;. June 20, liy llev. John II. Hal o, art i ii Hover of New Pierlin and ivv M. Aurandof Sclinsn;rove. June 22, l.v J. K. Peek, J. P., nilcrick (J. Mover of Meiserville Klla Ilenson of liinnisville. June 2."), lv llev. II. (J. Snalile, Mnn K. Heed of Monroe two. to ;iricM. llowef Penn twp. June 2(5, by J. Kohler Peek, J. .(co. A. Kanawell of Mi'Kees J alls to Dora A. Shaefler ol'IIofl'er. Juno 27, by llev. W. A. Haas, tarlenA. llaekenburi' of Salem to irrio llcinhard of (iloln Mills. Ana 2D, by Thomas Paige, J. P., aviil II. Snvder of Port Trevortoti M Iuira A. (iiuuMer of Pallas. JhIv 1. bv llev. A. Haas, J!u F. Ilulshneof Shamokin and puip Teats of 1 1 iiminel's Wharf. July lfi, by llev. .Taeoli Ytitzy, "fry K. Liiiidenslawr nmlTolu II. Mr, lH,th of Selinsjjrove. July IS, by llev. W. C. lloeh, 'J.UIrieh hiuI Ali.v M. Foltz, M'of Verdilla. July 22, by H. II. (Irnybill, .1. i John 1 1. (iravbill to Minnie I'Iits, Inith of West Perry twp. July 21. l.v llev. D. UUnddinir. 'Miirry liinganian and Ahltillow 'S.Uah of C'entrti twp. July 21. bv J. ( Sehoeh. Clerk i' C, S. Frtntk Klliot of Hhitinokin " to KmniH F. HpeiitH-rofSwimw 1. UK. l.by llev. O. (1. llomitf, ""P. tWell mulMiuiltiH.Hwiirlii, pcfJunlutttCmmty, "g.3, lyllv.H. (1.8nllo,J, neitmngor oi Franklin twp, hihI lfarr E. BoweAuJt of iTiddlccreek) Wnu J. Heaffley wid Minnie E. twp. . , "l-otijior, lotn ot iwawnowiu Oet 21, by K;v. B. F.- Kaute, Ambrose W. Aurand of Adanisburg to lletlie M. Hartley of MeCIure. Oct. 23, by Rev. A. D. Gramley, John O. Bowersox to Mary K. Hurt man, both of Centreville. Oct 25, by Rev. A. I). Gramley, Wm. F. Seehrist of Heaver Springs to Libbie Wofley of CX-ntrevillc. (Xt. 30, by Rev. Jes.eSehamlach, It. S. Siingler of Penn's Creek and Anna V. Crossgrove of Union Co. Oet. 150, by Rev. W. C. Hm h, Foster Kratzer U) 1 let tie 1). I low ill, lioth of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Nov. 7, bv Rev. II. II. Spalm Anion Ferster of West Perrv twp. to Flvy V. Rowsli of Kvandale. Nov. D, S. S. Kohler, Clyde Wil liam Stees and Abliie V. Manrer, Uith of Jaeksou twp. Nov. t, by llev. J. S-hainliach, Peter Winegardner and Carrie Walter, both of Centre twp. Nov. 1 1, by Thomas Paige, .1. P., i - !' Aug. 3, by Ret. J. H. Herts, Irwin H. Walter otKreamer and Mary Ann Nacc oi Shamokin Dam. Aug. 5, by J. G. Hornbergcr, J. P., EmauelG. Fifiherof Richfield to Mary A. Miller oi West Perry twp. Aug. 5, by Rev. Jacob Yutry, Willis II. Young to Emma L. Trutt, Urtli of Scliusgrove. Aug. 8, by Rev. Chas.D. Zweier, Wm. E. Walker and Gertrude M. Hingaman, both of Beavertown. Aug. 8, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Anion Sylvester Wagenseller ot Se linsgrove and Jene-atto Smith of iVnn twp. Aug. 11, by Rev. G. I). Druek enmiller, Charles Albert Gearhart of Freeburgto Martha Jane Minium of Fremont. Aug. 11, by Rev. W. H.IIilbish, tharh's 1C. Dreese and Verdie M. Frewl, both of Heavertown. Aug. 21, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., (i.C. Maurcr of New Perlin and Clara Walter of Centreville. Aug. 2S, by Rev. Philip Kciter, Jumes D. Shaller to Kate Newman, lioth of Perry twp. Aug. 21), "by Kev. W.II. Hilbish, James W. Ijepley of Px-averSprings to Clara D. Ringanian of Middle ereek twp. Aug. 2D, by Rev. 1 1. ( J.S'hnable, Howard Miller of Klizaliethville to Kliaheth Klam-oI'MidiUwn-k twp. Sept. 2, by Rev.S. K. ( Khsenfird, John D. How of Tnion County and Jennie M. Hitter ot Jackson twp., Snyder County. Sept. 7, by llev. Win. Lamey, Thomas II. Uniliaker ol IJnion twp. to Clara Ij. Portdine of Chapman twp. Sept. II, by llev. W. C. lloeh, Ira C. Swart ol Kant, to Lizzie J. I lordlier of Verdilla. Sept. 11, by llev. C. D. Zweier, T. K. Reitz of Spring township and Sarah J. Arbogast of Perry twp. S'pt. Hil.v Rev. J. II. Hertz, II. A. Howell and Ilettie M. Attig, both of Paxtonville. Sept. Hi, by llev. S. K. Ochseii ford, Samuel A. Appof Monroe twp. to Plutie J. Walter ol lCreaioer. Sept. IS, l,v llev. W. A. Haas, II. A. Klingh :v of Wa.-hingion twp. to Katie lleim ol Monroe twp. ... i .i f t t . 1 ii ;t. z liv i:ev. 11. ( i. e!in:iiiic. and VAU-n .Jane i' I'ederieK Muster, botli of Middl'.'nvk twj Sept. 2-i, 1 iv (J. 11. ilerniaii ri'.nl Li.i inel, both f S.iar.i'i'.in I hw.i Sen!. 2S. bv Rev. V: V. Jae; I, A. WagriTof Ucaver Spring. to( uTtrn.ie !'. Dreeeof Adai.i-Inirg. Sep!. 2 bv Kev. A. D. C.um'.ey. ). W. lleiebl'.-y to Laura ('. Nap'p, boih of ( Vntrcville. Sept. 2S, by R.-v. L. Diee, Ira A. K iin: oi 'j'roxelvilie to Irene M. IJenfer of Adamsburg. Sept. :i0', by Geo. 1 llr.i.-iu-, .!. P., Levi lloli'inaii of Perry twp. to Cora Seaman of Monro,.' township, Juniata Co. Sept. Tit), bv J. C. Sehoeh. Clerk (). C, John Franklin Zeehmau of f ranklin twp. to Susan J. Reieh of Washington twp. Oct. 2, by J. C. Sehoeh, Clerk O. C., D. C. ( i'emberling to Amelia T. Fisher, both of Lisean, Dauphin Co. Oct. 2, by Rev. 11. 11. Spahn, John A. Roush and Nettie Paige, lioth of Nantieoke, Pa. Oct. (5, by Rev. II. (!. Sehnable, C. (). Reiiiiingerof Freel)iirg to De lilah llosterman of Kautz. Oct. 7, by Rev. R. F. Kautz, Kdwin S. Manlni-k and Carrie ManUrk, loth of Adamsurg. Oct. 10, bv Rev. W. C. lloeh, Stephen S. Nettz ot Port Treverton to Sarah W. Arnold of Pundore. Oet. 10, by Rev. II. 11. Spahn, Fmleriek Haupt and F.va Stroup, both of Susquehanna twp., Juniata I'ouuty. Oet. 10, by same, Andrew J. Divssler nud Minnie Kei-stetter, both t( Susmiehamm twp., Juniata Co. Nov. 115, by Tluuntu Page, J. P., Flmer K. Neit of Port Treverton to Anna C. Si'lirieU-r ol Meiserville. Oet, 11, by llev. K. M. CliiliMte, KeuU'ii A. Aumiller of Si linsgrove to Irene llano of Monroe twp, (Vt, 17, by Rev. 11. K. Melin, J. K.Stahhuvker and NaomiSehoeh, U.th of MlddMmrjj. (Vt. 17, by Kev. W, II. Hooh, Gh. M, Hollar of Vwlillu to Kin um Jtvuo Shelley ol 1 lenuhm, lhi. (Vt, 10, by Rov. 0. D, Zweier, CI '-, i iv i?.. i- K m c ,; ,..,t,. rniiin :'.'.iii i.i.p' .i. i itiM- laut Vhat Shall We Do. A fxrloiia.and ilMnu'roua diNu, pr-vnlW ir, rlifa eunuirv. UMiiiff run rfniiiii. u iisfptlr.. It eniunuii u lowly yet nurHy lhr it Is ,ftiii (rat ed hefora e nr wnri of if. The Dauiw of Ihin iHiwhim wliloli may be Oivlilwl into Ihref ilixtinct lg U, Firit, Kidney trouble, luiubatro, frequent dekirewto uritinte, often with a buruiiiK neiiHHtiuii, the flow of urine being cnpioUH or ruant with ntrniiK odor. If allowed to advnnre, tliln rcacheH toe aecond 8tne, or lilmlder troulilr, with heavy puli, In the aiidoinvn. low down between the navel and water paaxe, uicrent.iij) cl.-t.lre tourlnnte, with raallinr feiiHation In puiu, mall qilaliHItleH hrln pnsk- with ditlloulty, mini, tiniHh n.-CHMiry to dm w with hiHtrvmeiitii. If nrio " mcI.I ..r (Travel Iihn formed, it will prove .lun Keroug if ntrlecte.l. The third HteRn In liriu'tit'il Dife ,Me, There in ciuiiforl In Knowing thut Dr. Kilmer, the irreat kiilncv A Bar Bla .' Boitmomi in a child that i aub- j-ti lutroup ii a sur indication oi toe aDsroacn or tha rii. i l l. "I 7 .7 mi yuauioeriaig wouvb Kotuedy in kitbii aoon aa ib child becomes uuarae. or t,fen arter kba croupy opugh has anwdirsd, it wUl. prevent lue attack. Many inothera wL ruupj cuuareu lwyt ken ibis at...... 4 a a ' . . nuvuy ai nana ana nud thai tt "Tea much trouble and vnrrt Tt can alwaya beuVpeuW upon an'j'ia nl.fuiunf I Inl .. V ...I. I .. oir. mr naie uy all rugRiats. Jury Liat. I.Kt ntOraail lnn,r rtrawa far the I win or aiulni.iri r y.ianer swii.,.ur !,r p, ,;f Mm..ly, Ii,. ix l. irJi. OHANDJL'HOHS. name. Oivtmatiuc. Hlttier. mrlHf F.r.n.r Itravrr. Il;ir' ij.i.rv "inuiirr HiHi niiiht, iiiis tiiHciivereu a ! , 1l'l"r. --r.a. Keme.ly fHiii..iiH for it imtrveloiiH i !.h!r.:.Vj!''.llV;''r',l'r cure of th niont iihtieMtiiif ohh- ' limikl'cii.Ti:.-r, i-.'ti., uixtv finl kii.ivvii n h Dr. Kilmer's Swninn ,,arhn, J'ip:., rkum-r. H..of. ' : Hartiniui. Jiilin J . Knonr, I. i ii. ii i . i rl'Ntrr. I'fiarl.ii II.. Frm.T It I- colli l.y all .Irii'lHtH. i ,.m. .I.wpi,, T,ir. A h proof of th wonderful vIrtlll'H Uernmn, All.'i,, trnrr, i t r 1 . 1- u'le it .llvov.-ry. Sw amp Hoot. wZ-n r'"M J ". a -Rtuple Lottie nimI bonk of valuable .11 uiCr IllforiliMllon will lie h.-ht j.liHiilutey . Mm iifil. II .(.. k .rti.-r. free t.v mail on i.i.i.licnti.n. t., Ilr : '""". r.'riii.T, A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' slioeH 13 a pleasant voyage afoot. For the pleas ure it gives, tliero's no siil like our ale. Crowds are enjoying it, and Hecuring tlie prettient, coolentjand hcut iit ting SaminerMlioe.s now man utactureil, at prirts whk-li n!;J:1uyeis Jind it a pleasure to Maxic Ilrrroltl of ( 1i:imm:iii tup. lit . iliu .1 I '. I". la, ..I... n..... V . . . . ' - a t a . i hut it, Kii. IfllllilMUIIIUII. .1. I . . H' I M7 II I. .... - I Mil. A. Kcllllium Ol I IIIOll tVi.. to Wlifii u 1 if in-r kmiilv m..i.t Itoiin.i.t'.r ,r I you rai il.u iu .Tir in The Povr. ltZil,y rT " 'f- Nov. ir, by .1. c. s-i.o-h, '!,rk , " t'.': ?."X'!-.'r-:;.v;; ().(:..( '. V. liilL'er of Centre two. 1 . MftnF.RM FRUIT F ARMTWfl W M " to Matlie M. (I'eaihart ol Wii.-hin-! ; i. hi i .,,,Ju ','!", f.Vii'.pc', .n ... . . .,, ...... , - i-...r..i. ... . iV,..r , ..,., ,.f ,. 1 1 lh. I run I nn l Si.ld lllrrrll, ""' l-o..li..-r .. i . . J I , , I l ul u t'nlon lrry Wilrllllliirt... rno.klin Watilri;u.n f '..fitrt VTt.l H,. r lry '11 n Ilr...,r .rii.if I S -tiaj-n. 1. pay. i-o, house iir street IV. 1! Nov. -JS, by Rev. II. II. -Vliii,1 Molina Xaee ami Mary Rryer, both of Washington twp. Ibe Crup Can lie Sold Mlrec-lly to the t'unaiiuier. I'-r ..111. 1 .. ", 11 1 .. 1 ' if, . , ArM.I,!. M I I. That well-cunductvd nrcharua. In- "v hi..,,. .. .n. w , firm cludiiic the small fruits, are more n.-',,i.'r' ' r '.'.".'"r' Nov. 'J!l, bv J. ( '. Sclio'-h, Clerk j jirofitablu tliuii ortlii.nry braiiflics of j;; '?'.'ru'.' 1 "' (). C., Simon Sipc of AilacH twp. t- iurming in a fact that thousands of .'.'..IJ-V. V"kM. vi.'i.r i. .., ' farmtra are hix'iiiniiiL' to leuru. liut n.. it r. i..-,,r. - Susan M lister ol ( citretwp. ... ... . , . fo-tn.i. t. k i: -r It U sot the iiatura ..oi;..-nau.-m of H.. r. . llci'. J, by l.rv. ( ). ti. I ii ,11 1 1 jr, averMe farmer!, thai ki'i-pa tl tiki f rum y ;" Ilarvev Celbirtt ol Mi-i.-ervilh ami niakir. thia change. It is cm: Uii-h. i,u.'.,'i',r U.-beera I IolrbaUL-l. of ( h i-nlal. , if ,n,uue OV" XU "'"f f"rl"' "1- i.'.'i',..: " r volve e.xiicnsra tLat few faru:i r ran n h: Pee. '2, by lbv. Jaeob Vufy, ufTorJ. In fart, it can only he clone l.y ; 1 1 1 1 1 111 .1 . ( iciiilnrllllLf ol N-lili.-rove i large purcliasea of ccmim-reial ina- aii-1 MaLriMoSnllirot Chamiiau. 1 ,:urCb c,llo" l'!'"'I''"" !).. I, bv .1 Tiur ,.o ! wear, plousim- ir evTV-lav m;.;ii.. ,.. pi. i' in. ii iltilM-Cfi, walkWM'. M.r,i, lining llf H VI if , W StllipIV 'hi l .1 , i , . . i in- nieui in,c lein.iinleil ty f.isliinu am! I he ilirtate.i of indivi.liia! t.ii. L allien, w Imi-ver rl.iiiu" yn'ir hand, by all tiii-an surrender yoor lei f to the I-.. ,. i . - r rT-.- f "r.l.-n , A l ilhi s!iil-. 6. E. 8 S K in. i r. I r. r . h .i r... - - I"-. . V . t i i ; : . r Kr. K I .1. 1 1 ' I h id bo many aie inu i.i.iiii. .i oi iru.i t.. , .. . K. l'rck, .1. I'., that, even whin the trees ai.d p'.aLt ' ' -; Arthur K. K..nli of Juniata Co. t..' have u',:li 't-'-'','! e. iii i. .... . ! the fruit mav he lic.ir.iM'l hy bUr!., H Kl It'll i'oclit ol NlViliT ( o. , ,. , . , , I! ir j uud toe farmer! he left in t:.e iunli. ,t , r . , t, ,r I )(!'. ."i, I iv Ib'V. ('hat. I). Z'.vrii f, ' The on!v rtine.iv, an farmers ire i: V ... I i I- . ' .- i Mr A. Ii. Ilerlotrr and Abbie Mali!, both of I'Vanklin twp. !-. II, bv J. P.. Sl.ink.1. .1. '., II. I'. Maike'l ami Maria 11. ll-.w- etsox, botli of ( 'ciii!-i' twp. IW. lL', by lb v. W. II.IIilb;-h. Ira D. (in-- oj Troxi-lvilh-to Ma'.'i' I1.. Sliraih'i- ot' Spri:r' t wp. I.i. is, l.y J. !:. Hiinl.i-1. J. I.. W. S. Siii'ui'.rv nf New I'.rrlia a:ni and Lizir ( iill of Middi, -warli:. 1 . 1'.', !: !! -. .'. C. IVv-l. r an. I i. l!i ..I ( Viiriv iw ;.. lire. I'.'. !, .!. !.. !. !'.. !;;,: !'!.-a;-i. A. i:nii;-r:-, !..;:,..' Dr.-. s.'.. be ;:. V. J. ,-(;. ::!'.; ,.: A i::: c. . i .. I . .Hi V, . Lulu App i ,.,. j.; J..-rph II. Ivaiic iir: i. r. I':: k'owly lenn:i;:(,'. is to cultivate at (.'.-eat a variety of fruits as poio!e, o that if two or three n.t i.-ely f.o., there u.ay he enough others to t;,;. tl.eir ;.!a. e. We i!o i.ot in. an l.y th. ti...t a urife assort u.eiit of taricties of ti.e iiS.e fpeele he j.lar.;.'.!. M n.ar'n.t .r chords haw; far t o , a:, i if ri.-ir owners were ;.skf'i v. hi. .' l'.'. th-- hail more than j a..i :.-ti.. ,r i.:.- swer wou:'i ne re strn-t than tv.o or tl.ree n.rts ai.ii in soiiie t.ot a.ore home U"e as m n v vir '...a l: . . i . -. y . 1. : 1 1 r f.. I H ... :.. ' ar. I'..r I . ( ir:i:u!rv, !!!. W; It.V. :.l i-t . .!:. 1. 1 -:r. r. r :,. !. Y tW.. .!. U 'V. I:;r . . : ii :::u nt ' .'ii-jTi.vr. ' ...- ' I I ., ,...!!. .:n. I iS':lttTv MM i! :.i:t . W. C Ham to I. .l.d. illlt.T. 1 "arrie Sirininiri-r o Div.-j:.. !y Kev I alvin 1 ittlr oi Smith of I'nioii t w p. H;r. 'J.", by K. v. S. S. K.. :,I,r, Jui 1 Hi lifer of Jai-ks..ii twp. t.. Mil lie 1 ririeh of I'nioii Co. Dee. .".. bv liev. D. K.M. liin. are tastes I t hi;.-ir-w hose or.-:: ur:. : . t'.: fr !.. !.:..: h-f ; . ; .'..r t:-.. i.T I.' 11::: .' V..- ir: the iv,- T tf:" 1 ' ! is ! , .". ' o fruit. va!:: . v e u :..:.v be Sano-Rioi: : .- M.E CC1 5 LAI M T5 "Sir.o-Eju. HI ' i!o a' ..!..:;!' 1,' Wanted- An Idea i-H i. nt with er trie v.: ...... hi: !-. a k ,i ruos e : . '';'' fl' ' a jrtcv v iei t::.'re There were tv. x m'.i cf v so' i I'. o:.t i!e!Ur ;vr '(.'.irr-.;. V.'r.h ';err:?i. nt..'. il:tft ar surer t': .ir. !ar (r'i:;. t spinal: tt ht 5 v. r this have beca seo.irei. With better ct-iJo: tvear.s for iJjjbt :r -i!;eases. the rrc:: 11. A. Naee ei'Shan.okin lam and !rp7 mcy ":"7: Catheritie Uraniner ot l'rankli'.i twp. Die. 'JS, by Kev. C. D. Zwiut. , Samuel Hartley of (Iranville twp., Miliiin Co., to Katur.i Swart, ot Adams twp. Dee. ;,0, by Kev. W. M. ltulls, Henry (5. Kline aim Daisy Warner, both of West IVavi r twp. IS'.S. Jan. 1, bv Kev. D. K. Mv Uiin. T K. llosterman ot Ceutrv Co. nud Olive KenninpT M Middleburi;. Jan. 1. bv Kev. H. U. Sivitm. (un. W. IiOiisx o NorthuiuU'rlattvl , Co. to Annali. Mover of (. uapunui. Jan. ', bv Kev.' W. A. Haa (ieorjje 1. Hondriek ot S'litiSi;rvve and Ilattio R ludeasber ot ... Shamokin ltun. N. Jan, i, by Kev. W. A. lbas Nvv Krauk S. Staid uud Kouna J. Mey-; N. er, Uith of Washington twp, : n:- r m n t t'r-: ti'ueh !es h.nat!-ou th.ia if. ve..! t .vi'.ien. However, ee " . i i-: ::i 1 ..- ; .a REWARD l?:?Zl -' v-v.. :':ce!: i ...... t-ri t.'a "-. ..l- vrt ' t ' -"4.J r 2 ,.-.--::. I.;.: iTiVil location nr.! with tb f rv.'.'. ' '.. '..i t O'i : s : J."'i....ii.'-i.. ( or. a pood near rvtai! voar:. Tbi ol course, limit the ijh:;! ?bj., i;. iv.- i i!:viii;;al yrower ctu jto.' io At l;i part of the crop oubt ilwjiy o V soV. at rrtail. Tbe fir"jr i. ' i::?o fruit jfronrtcsr 'A? - s,'t or. se'.'.inif it to eorr.r.'.' .551.02 ttoMS.. w.'t ! ttv.i! so mar-yrrcSr tiien ti ti ' fiehi nrd the ooru-.vr tb5 b'i cwtx j hir in th proti! w-,:t ' A'.r.ericna Cu'.ttvator. ', THE Wl( Ml WEEKLY imnnmn1 lUDUliL. v lvi r ft r L i o ! y l Cutv I-Vver. j ; " lunxuu U. seei(. j - " UisiffhvM.. (; i " 1 U-KlU'il. 1 " Dys)1-1-- ! t Cur. SWitt I).; j t T " lhvtttt,,AU!iv j CT M KUtiVV l: w-..ei. ! :. Utnuwey i .--ci j '77 CUU wi;!; Oiij.v Nate! Mi Nsisjf r FOR FARMERS AND VILLAGERS, ti -JI a, larii T1me !'. THEPOST.HMiiBtnE.ft. BOTH OWE YEAR FOR $1.7.3 StTrOnuOww "ftuawv I j l.evOwT, h ; 'v rni J,eua.iaTMaktttt.ktMt k ev "Xvv aeitliw vrneri,t thltr '. 4 ekT vV.. il.iliii; tuimiieo In ltt Cv vl tf'.'r,v. iVuti! f n,t SUla (itv.rwO.t.KMvi m. I W .. y . Hie mim nt OSK Hl'N lKKt tK'l i S 'f j ami enrr ia.4 iili'araaaM v. , ml 17 th u ot lUu. ,4o v . 1 fKiNk Jl. eOBSSW r . ..... ... , . . . . law, m ., u-wJa X'juiwuo II iitv iMUrrh tMm t ltj.t'y. 4 r lUlrvH, um lh t'K".st M lUSkVAMi u.l4ut. til ManMM cwii r.r i.iimun. i. J. I'll K H A tN. VV ttl lmtfta, tx ITS b it Acr'.vutsurUVj-rt?.:rf.c of tS jlji fctibedj stit'tit. tt t;atvi:at: t.' v WW tkt ?! IV. K. iMli !".; yi vviti(t y W lM VM V WMtllUrf fc I.W IT V7 m 1 1 U i. l HVVUll A 1 1 U law . u. . v ...... ..I W ..1 J ........ .V t..t rvtiaW wata'cll r;vrj!, W diton.'. tutrvstttic ster: stetw. !K'Mt).ir turvtiKi w t'.'tti?t.nt. iLuiritrstd fashion rttcl'.s bu wvjtvu vwsurvs tut 4 1 is 6rv5x v..l u:-r:;iuiu to vry turiatmr oJf iY.1 11 t ?vvw itU ivvl n", ivlttw! atui so;f. k,' jf m lets! louoft itttt jeer ct:tiivr ua trtiM-t, o 5C (arm and tu. tfe vtUc. tvfojiu vou to the kvial i'(Kv Jv iw wvv.lttct.ik lb. owd-.Uott ot crvri ud prvvvct for tbn Kihtki wib-U wrkvw aJ cdiivtfbl i tUo tai y,vw bow. file tvlitv. &ed aiJ ss.it-to to IKS TCSt, 3lili:!ix;fi fx. . . aaaB'aaara. .aMNIMi -"" " V-MMa , ,l .j lajWjaw 1 1 ini H11H 1V1 T 'IT'iIiI fl 2' tlvw (v