The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 24, 1898, Image 1

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Interesting Items.
Told tn Brief Paragraphs for
r-i i
uur rteaoers.
Maonitl Polatera la Loral ad
rnl , i'anvernlaff Ppjl Mora
r IM Prvtalneal.
Don't forget to pive thanks.
We liiul Indian summer Monday.
JinW' McClure held court on
Attorney II. II. Grimm went to
bewistown on business on X rulay.
i?.,.. IV K. AfcLnin is uttciitlinir
in . - n
conference at Lilleyville this week.
nf-., T. V. Piiu'lSnir nnddaiii'hter
iU i ... - n - r
Alice visisted Mr?. Emanuel Sclioeh
I 1
nn .Momiay.
Miss Laura Runkle is visiting
her sister, Mrs. J)r.J. G. II. Allison
at Xiiitlnimberland.
Sin-riff Hitter and family visitel
I Dr. J. G. Wagner's at Adamsburg
Sumlav a week ago.
f;p Ciirrin and Mabel Witten-
Imvcr nrn visiting Miss Alice Smith
at New Kensington, Pa.
Thursday ot this week heinjr
I Thanksgiving Day, a legal holiday,
the hank will be closed.
Senator Edwin M. Hummel was
Inmnntv seat visitor on Monday
laftcriuion between trains.
Fakm Wanted: State cash and
luine price. Axsos 1 1. Kusseu,,
!)-l.i-!)in. Akron, Ulno.
Vis. A. Meade Howrrsox of this
I place is visiting Editor W. F. Fceso
am family at MillerstowR.
.I.'inies Heaver, wife and soil of
iMifllinburir wen? Sunday visitors of
lins lather, tiahricl leaver.
Di-mitv (Collector Win. F. Howe
if'Mct'lure was in Middleburg on
IMniiiIav on oflicial business.
I!ali)li Gift and his sister, Daisy,
"f I'axtnnvillc were Middleburg
visitors on hunday afternoon
F. II. Mauror, New Rerlin, is al-
Ivavs olierinir special bargains. See
special amioiineement in iliis is
fue. tf
Mr. Miller of Akron, Ohio, came
It" NlV, cr Count v to soend som
pic Imiiting and some to social mat-
Sunt. F. C. Bowcrsox is teaehimr
lie(i!ul)e Mills school in the absence
f Prof, Hassinger who is on his
'iil(liii!r trio.
A. new time table went into effect
Miel 11. U. on Monday. There
i. . ......
pnii changes in the tune ot trains
rums branch
Mrs. Ikirbara Yoderand Mrs. If.
I.Oiiinm recently visited the lat
;rs sister. Mrs. Amelia Gundrum.
Charles Forry, the proprietor of
uiKees J .balls Hotel, was a
miineiit visitor at the county seat
week one day.
Miss Jennie Keeler of Johnstown
'Isitlliir her cousins. Miss Dorn
werand Mrs. Aimic Ilottenstein,
us place this week.
I is claimed that it has been de-
crated time and ami h that 100
'I Well eni-n.1 fi.i. will I a . n .
ras nve good cows.
, v.s J WUiJUUUW UV.V.WIil tl
P er daughter, Mrs. T. B. Mc-
i""iiis,io AicVeytown, at which
( - io spending a wick.
V Chas. W. Orwig and son of
"Nwon were in our village last
"fsday attending the wedding of
Hassinger and Mame Stetler.
iV-hool boards of Franklin
PAJaius townships last week re-
their money from the State
er for their allotedappropria-
John Houtz of Frecburir was a
Middleburg visitor ou Monday.
John Soles of Lcwistown, a broth
er of A. E. Solos of this place, pur
chased the Stuck barlier shop at
Mifllinburg and took possession on
Isaac SH)tts is sjKjken of as a
candidate for re-election as County
Commissioner. Isaac made a good
ofheer, and he need not fear to stand
on his record.
Mrs. Emma C. Schoch of Selins-
irrove entertained the Sunburv
chapter of the daughters of Ameri
can Revolution at u luncheon at her
home on Saturday.
Mrs. John llubler and v son and
Miss Libhie llubler of near Lewis
burg were the guests of the editor
of tlio jVcu's Jlcm and family on
Wednesday of last week.
Sherman 1. Warner, the ncwly
appointed ticket agent of this place,
was called to licwistown Junction
this week to fill a temporary vacancy
in the Superintendent's office.
William K. Miller, Esq., ofSnlem
was at the county scat last week.
He lias just returned from Philadel
phia where he was cniraired at Re
publican headquarters as a clerk.
It may 1 intercstiii!r to Christian
Endeavors to know that there is a
total enrollment of mcnilicrs in this
society of over threc-and-a-niKirter
millions. Tin re arc over 5-1,1 II
Dr. Charles II. 1'rishin of Lewis-
town, formerly of this place, was at
the county seat last Thursday and
Friday. The doctor sjivs ho is
pleased with J,cwislown. lie savs
lis vouursoti is srettiii-r biirand fat.
Sergeant H. Harris Uower lias
been mustered out of the service of
Uncle Sam itli his company rt
('Icarfield, I'a., and is again a fami
liar figure at the law oiliceol Uower
A: Pawling in the bank ' buihl'mg !it
this place.
Two Hoi;si:s Fois Sale. Two
small black Jiorses, a match team,
work single or double, are oflcrcd
for sale. For further particulars,
call on or address,
ll-KI-ut. iliddlcbiirgh, Pa.
F. II. Maurer of Xvw I'.erlin, the
great merchant of that educational
centre, was in our village last week
on his way to Hiawatha, Kansas,
lie knows how to do business. He
has learned the value ofadvertising,
which many of his competitors have
not yet learned.
Dr. John C. Amig of Lowistown
canio down to our village last Fri
day and spent n day or two hunting
with some ot our'Snvder County
sportsmen. The dentist has built
up a nice practice in lowistown and
his many friends here are clad to
lc-irn of his material prosperity.
Dr. C. W. Uolish. the successful
practitioner of McClure, has purchas
ed the druir store of Dr. C. C. Mov.
er of llartleton and hus also nssum.
ed the ju'aetice of Dr. Mover at that
..I IV. 1 I. 1 .. t
puicc. ur. iKiiisu iias proven Him
self to le a careful, conscientious
physician, and in his new field, we
. I I V 1 1
wish nun auunuunt success,
One of the renrcsentatives lit tlm
Hankers' Convention at Ilarrishunr.
blew out the gas and but for the
passing through the halls of one of
Lllfl CICI'KS. WHO smel ill the rulnr t
escaping gas, would have been asph-
1 1 1 . I 1 1
yxiuicu. iocs ne laue aim reaa a
newspajwr ? It he does cither, he
ought to have known better.
A smooth, ensv shnvp. cronrnoi linlr
, j , B
cut, or other tonsorial work, is al
ways obtained at Soles' Barlier Shop,
in Wittenmver's building, nmwisitp
. Of II -
Post office. Go to Soles to buy
new rnornra hp ovdinnira fni nA mum
Razors honed and iruaranteed to erivc
satisfaction. A. E. Soles.
' .. .... ,ml,,.f
The Y. P. S. C. E. of thP Kv.
Lutheran church of Middleburg will
hold a "Sunrise Thanksgiving Ser
vice" at 7 A. M. Thursday, Nov.
24. An invitation has leeu extend
ed to the other Societies of the town.
Mrs. John Ikichmun, administra
trix of her huslwind's estate, sold the
real estate on Saturday, as advertis
ed. John Shannon Inniglit the
-woodland for 827; 20 acres ofelear
od land was sold to Theodore Erdley
for 8172; the house and lot, and ii
field on French Flats were liought
by Mrs. IJachman the homestead
for $:$.0 and the fie'd of four acres
for 100.
Peter Rhoads, of I larrisburg, dntl
last Aloiulay. lie is a brother to D.
T. Rhoads of this plav, whom he
visiti-d but a short time ago. Mr.
Rhoads was in the employ of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
recently being hurt in the yards in
Philadelphia. Through his death
the company lost a trusted engineer.
The news of his sudden death has
saddened t lit; hearts of his friends
and acquaintances here. For to
know him was to love him.
Rev. J. C. Shindd, chaplain of
the -1th Ohio Yoluiiteors.nceoninaifi-
ed ly his wife, was in this citv on
Wednesday ( 'haplaiu Shindle was
pastor of the Grace Luteran church
at Mt. Carmel for a numherofveurs.
Up to lilt- time of his enlistment
in the service he was at home near
Columbus. Ohio. He is in the best
of health and has not malerialK
chanircd in anneiimnee. Ili'vi I
.ii i
to be retained i;i the service of tin-
Regular Army. His home was in
rH'iinsgrove originally and he is a
cousin of Dr. Y. L. Shindd of tliis
city. Sunbiirii ln,iirril.
Shot While at Work.
On last Friday, while working on
the railroad near Snyderlown, Nor
thumberland County, Harvev I '.urns,
a son of our old Comrade Lot I'.urus.
of this county, was shot bv a pari vol
hunters, a shot Inking elVect in the
pupil of'oneof the eyes. He was at
once taken to his home and medical
aid siiniinoiie !. The unflirtiinalc
young man will have tohave llccvc
removed and we learn (hat he has
been taken to Philadelphia by his
father-in-law to have the eve remov
ed. We understand that the onlor
tiomtcyonng man is gelling aloiif'
nicely. The shooting was elearlv
accidental, although it looksas thong
it had some elements of carclcssac
in it. Wesinccrdy svnipalhiewith
our young menu in Ins misfortune.
Do You Want to Enlist ?
If there are anv nersons in this
vicinity who desire to enlist in the
rctrulur service of the United Sife
army, they should hand their names
at once to I apt. J5. jJudd Cannon of
Milton. A hundred or more are
wanted for the First Infantry now
at Iluntsville under orders fur Culm.
Unmarried men between 18 and 35
years of age are wanted.
Only the Gun can be Used.
Hunters should remember thnt nil
game must Ik? killed with a gun. If
a sportsman oomes across rabbittraps
and grouse snares or deadfalls in the
1 a ....
woous, he should not tail to destroy
them and attcmnt to hrinirtho owner
I o "
of these unlawful devices to justice.
A Woman Candidate
With the avowed obiectof nnri.
j I
fvimr Dolitics. Miranda Siwnrs Ima
o i - I' - -
announced her candidacy for School
director in uoai township, is orthuni-
herlnnd Cnnntv . Tina ia tKa fint
time in the history of the county that
a woman lias soueht an office of this
kind. . ' -
A social event of iniMrtance oc
curred at the home of Calvin Stetler
and wife on Thursday last, when their
eldest daughter, Mamie, !ceaine the
wife oftJeorge W. Hassinger. The
ceremony wasRrfiniicd at high noon
by the Rev. I). E. McLain in the
presence of alniut fifty assembled
guests. . After congratulations, a
toothsome luncheon followed m.l
the afternoon was a joyonsone for all
present. Amid a shower f rice and
antiquated foot-gear the happy cou
ple U.ardcd the evening train en
route for Philadelphia. The bride
is an estimable young lady and com
mands the respect of all who know
her. The groom is one of our ex
emplary young men who hasrcconl
ed in the credit column of life's
hnlger a good character and sterling
business qualities. Rolli bride and
groom re inmibers of the Lutheran
Church and are prominent in the
church circle of this place. The
Pose joins their many friends in
wishing them the harvest of a haunv
and prosperous life.
Among the guests present wm
Rev.D. E. McLain and wile. Mrs.
.jaeoo nassinger, tu-orec sjlellerand
wife, Mrs. John F. Stetler, Charles
T . I t T . . . .
V alter and family. Howard Foiilk
and wife, M. '. Su ininger and wife,
1 rot. I . ( . Lowcrsox and liiniilv.
Jacob Gilbert and wife, A. S. Hea
ver and wife, K. C. Walter and wife,
J. A. Oldt and wile, John l'att.m
and Wife. liaurenee Slel ei- A .'
(iilbcrt, and Misses Lillian Stetler.
Lula Smith, Laura I'unkle. Mabel
Griinui, I i 1 la (o-inim and Maie
Ci i' n i i ; i i t .
M'oiuiger oi .ii KMIelilirgli ; .Misses
Gcrlrudc and Kale Shannon, of Ad
ainsburg ; J. S. lino!) and wife, of
Milllinburg ; Mrs. ( '. ( )rwigand
son Wcndel, of Ilnilleton : S. A.
A ; alio win',
I nciin-grove.
Gr ixr.
t.-l!- Olili-ri'il I ill' tSri'.ifil.
Susan Hcmlrieks and Henry
1 len.lrieks to ( 'Lira J. Keisb-r, .'
acres in Adams tu p. lor .( Ml.
Dr. C. D. Hotten.-'lein and wih
loCerelie M. Ib.ltclistiiii, o ,',,. .",
in IIIiH'k No. Ii in llotti iisiein's ad
dition, Sliaiuokin Dam.
i. . l loniherger ami wile to
Solomon Homier, SI perches in West
Perry Iwp. for .viol.
A. S. Kurt, administrator of
John Kurtz, (o Mary Kuitz, ,VJ
acres in West Perry twp. forl.lDd.
l.i'lO'rx 4irinli-l.
Letters of athninistralion were
granted in the estate of Daniel Het
t rick, late of Monroe (wp., to W.
W. Hettriek.
Duplicate lettersof administration
were granted in the estate of John
A. Adams, late of Waynesboro. Pa..
to Einuia F. Adams.
WIIIn lrolintMl.
The lust will and testament of
Cliarles Zimmerman, lateof Monroe
twp., was probated on Hethiesdav
of last week Geo. Zimmerman is
the executor.
Mnrrlnr LlrfiiNon.
f (Jto. W. Hassinger, Middleburg,
Maine II. Stetler, '
f Elmer E. Roush, Chapman, Pa.,
Oerinda Miller, Shenandoah, Pa.
j Philip C. Vnrner, Swales, Pa.
Ida M. Wagner, McClure.
Lost A Watch.
Between Kreamcr and Salem, on
Sunday. The finder will be re-
wanlctl by returning the same to mr.
- r r ar
Kreamer, Pa.
Somewhere between sunrise nn,l
dark, sixty golden minutes, each one
studded with sixty diamond scennda.
No reward is offered as they can
never be found or returned ; they are
lost forever.
1 -
iNOV, 24, 1898.
Mr. Ubieh of Jackson twp.,
an and highly resMrte.l mem
ber of the old and "honorable family,
who had passed the allotted "four
score" years, died at the old home
stead on Monday, and was laid to
n-M in the family buryuigground on
I hursday, in the presence ot a vast
concourse oi inciids and
-At one tune he took an active part
:.. ii iv... . . . i
i me iiii.nrs oi ins township, but
ioi a numiK'r ot years, owimr to the
inhnnativcsof age and his natural
love for Ins home lile, he has with
.1 r. i- i
.. . i ooio neuve nio. I hus, one
I.. i. . i i , i .
o oik- mc oiti landmarks are re
moved by death, and the present
general ion is lia-tciiing on to fill m
.1. . I... I ! I
uie oreacn. infmne.
viTin 1 1 rn uoi.r.
Nathan Fctlcrolf, one (,f Adams
townships most prominent citizens,
ueu .Nov, .uli, J.S'.IS, aged l!. years,
o months and 10 days. He was born
Inly 'Jll, IS:?:', near Troxdville, tl
son ot Andrew and (atlierin.
v;-.oi.j reuei-oii. Mi' resided in
v:. .. t I-. ,.u i ....
the vicinity of his nativity all his
life and followed the occupation ol
fanning with an b.tercst that never
abated. He was fond of good horses
ami by a careful management ol hU
aflairs he was enabled to provide his
declining years will mfuvt and a
certain degree of pleasure.
He was twice married, first, to
Harriet Mover, witli whom lie had
(wo children. John A., who reside
nt TroeIvie and was born 1 lee. I'.,
lsr.C, Harriet, bom Feb. :',, S.",S
married to John !' , l
led June -Jli. S!I7. II,. wms neo-.
ried second to Anna M. Kuepn, with
1 I I . .... ' '
wnom ,,e had mv cIiiMicii, (in- f
whom died in inlaiii-y, Alice, the
di!c-i, niMi'i-ied to -lames Kbiiuvi-aiid
died April lC, yi ; 11,.,,'rv t
w ho lives on (lie honicsicad and .las
1 1 ...i. . .
ii., no is a prominent I .utiieian
elergyinan in lliio. ,- traces his
ancestry to in-many, lr,,U whence
liisirrandlather, l''iv.lerick FeOn-olf,
emigrated o Perks ( 'oiinty and then
to the section lnri mn- i. I. ;.,.,(
breathed his last. He leaves a large
circle of friends and acquaintances
to mourn (he loss of a valuable citi-
en and a faithful christian.
Jost:in v ikv.
In death's grasp at a ripe old .-c-e
o i . '. . .
came me above na I wcl
gentleman, who for a pcrio.
score and ten years resided in I he
viei-ity ol'Kichlidd. I le was train
ed in the school of lift- and became
a part of the history of the commu
nity he so much loved and where hr
incessantly labored and where he
raised a lunre family. Josei.h (!
Winey was born near Richfield, Pa.,
Marh P.), KSS,i,nd died Nov. lf.
INKS, at the aire of 70 ve.-u-s. 7
months ami 'JM (lavs. He was mar
ried in LS.'O to Susanna P.asom, with
whom he had sixcluhlrcii as follows:
Clara, born Oct. !'., IS") I, marri
id 15. II. Cusler, who isa prominent
mereliant of Swiucford, Pa., to whom
were born a number of children of
whom 4 are living: Klhi, married
to Thomas F. Sprcht; iney E.,
married to Margaret Spaid ; i-Mgar
and Maud.
Wilson 15.. born .Sent. 7. ISoS. nmr.
. ' i - '
ried to Linina J. Graybill and they
have five children, lice G Earl
G., Harrison G., Rine G.. and Paul
G. Wilson resides in Fra;.klin nn,1
isconductinir an extensive business
in coal and grain.
IkiWa and Catherine both died
Retli TV
, .v,. -. j.. A wvj i, iiiui-
ried to TillielltKihenbrochtand they
iito iuui unuoruu, viaire, isusie,
Clara and Dewey. Seth resides in
Abel C. liorn .Tiiiik filli tSft9
" v "
married to Alice Bubb, formerly of
. vwrutu Ann; No. 3 whit goes over to
ms place, and o,a. daughfer, Edna.
He ami hw brother, S'th, own and
conduct a large general More in the
building so ng ,.,-,,;,,! iy tl
venerable Moses Sp,r!.t at IVaver-
The deceased is Sull ( Amm
iney and hi, wile, Parbara (irav
Hll, who was the daughter of John
Graybill. Amos and Marv ha.l a
laii.ily ehildren, 'J of whom
lu',l.v r. hcotl,crsaII grew into
manlio.Ml and womanhood and them
selves raised famili.-s. T. voiu.g
est of these wasoO years of a'n- Im
f'Mvaiiy ol ih,. parents da-d. " Mrs.
inev died th-M. (), ,.,.,,,
wliii grew into maturity, are (he Kn
owing: Samud, married io S.nllie Wiuev,
(second cousins). w;ls .,
"'"''' preach,-,- and a bisl , tvs-u.
c!a( Piehlidd a d died about lo
y-ais ago.
Abraham resided near Kiciilidd.
I he dee, 'as, ,,
Jacob resided at Mc listerville.
s"''i manied u, ( 'liristiun
;rav , who is still living near
Iwdiliel,:. He.licd several vears
Hill .
V illiam, a laniici- t.,M. ,;...i i.
Sh.!l,a.., is still living liich
lield. . 'kdi, a Dunkard preach,,-, s
ivmg in Michigan.
John, married lo Susan Shirk -,
'laughter of John Sl,;,., :.i
. i , ' -" on
Hie lionicsli-i.
'iil'i.-tiau ( i.
married to Ai:mu!;i
nidi, reside
:'i l.asi em .iiiiii.
... i ... .
ata County. i !,. ...... :.. .i
, . ".'s m me si on
oilMiie-:, ,. -in ,...,.. .... i
.nil! is now .'!
inkaid pn-aeher.
Thomas, married i,. LL,. Sniiil,
'l:iiiglii.r Judge So ,i!!,oi AicAlis-
I'TVllle. Tbcv ,v-ide at i. ),l,
l oins 1 loin- in I. .. ....
M-irv. married 'oSolm,,,.,, ,
'ill, a In-other of i ln-;,i ;., . : i -n
( ...... i I I .1 i oi ,
" "lOIOIIeil. .-.olollloll is a i . . .
;,. ' ('".'cu-i- and iv-i,!,
II"' graiidii.lherof l. ,,,,,,s,,l
was a naliveoftierman,, and being
a lover ol livedom, fiav.d a i'.Miiti.
inilo i- ,1
"V-'gc i-ver llle sea an. I
I" Anu rica and settled in Hn
S Co.
i'"d began t illin- ih,. soil. J ..I,-
"l'Tcmigr:,(,, u, K'ichlield among
I . ;ii l..l settl. rsand misled i
clearing the forests.
J-'seph, theihreased, lollowcd the
....... oi a cai'ienH'i- since lie was
years o age and he was -, mo,
"iisonnd, a most ,leyo,, (;,(u.,.
...oen oi any community
he proud. A ,!eyot,,c,.istiai,
ge.itlcinan, he went with calmness
and peace to his home on high (,,
spend his eternity with his Moved
Mos uwr.
Alllos (Jiit ,,(. f-itl.
zens ot 1-raiiklin township, died n
Ids home miles west l this plac
l . l AT I i . . . !
i.ii iwoniiuy ami was burnlon Wed
nesday. Mr. (iift was a very use
ful man , hiring his prime, but .lur
ing the closing years of his life the
inlirmities of age rendered it impos
sible lbr him to use the faculties
which were so useful to him and his
family in earlier life. He raised a
family, most of whom with a widow
survive to mourn his hiss.
Funeral Instead of a Wedding,
While Editor O. W. Mil, ,.f .1...
lllossburg Cenxor, was on Tuesday
morning sending out invitations to
his wedding, w hieh was to have oc
curred on .November 2:5, a telegram
was iinnoed hun containing the in
telligence that the prospective bride,
Miss Mae M unlock, ot Dundee, X.
Y., had just died from an apopletio
siroKo. jaier in the day lie lelt io
arrange for a funeral instead of a
tUe next L,; :Tli court roachlnr an