mmm mmmmmm msrrmi n i IT' "- " ' . " 1 II TREMENDOUS SELLING . OF . BEST CLOTHING at tie LOWEST PRICES , ' II MILLS, r . I We can now say there lias never been such selling of stylish clothing in our town before. VO, never lias there been bucIi excep tional values im we now of fer Just think for a m ment. what This Store lias,, and is doin for the shrewd' clothinu buver. We have forced Mr. Hisli rrieo to take a lmek seat and are now showing the handsom est line of A SPECIAL LOT OF SIB BOATS Mm Suits and Tk BE3Y5' SUIT t'or 89 Cents. Enough hare for this rack's selling. $6.98 For Boys' i? $3. OvBrnnata in Sunhury. Man's Dress Overcoat, 50C. UNDERWEAR 38C. r-N P-s " S j-V S 8 nrvuo uuo lj s 33.48. 3 Silk Initial Handk3rchirfs, 35c FANCY PEKCALE SHIRTS with twO collars. 25c. 1UO, Eft !?-. $ iiL. : fa Tl Kl 1 11 W a. rVl .'-TV THE GREAT HUSTLE AT OUR PLACE OE BUSINESS WAS CAUSED BY THE LARGE NUMBER OF HEAT EES AND RANGES 3 OLD AND THE PLACING OF RlITTITll FURNACES. Every Stove that is sold carries with it our POSS TIVE GUARANTEE that it must give satisfaction Be fore a Cent Is paid. Call and see the fTllin I niifri 1H Ever Seen in Snyder County SCHOCH & STAHLNECKER, Opposite County Jail. Middleburgh. Pa. nni VtnnlT" nf (Hnrrnn 0 MUM OlIM mmm w Parlor ikm?, s CAMES ON THIS INTERESTING AND AMUSING. This irame Archarcna i" Far Superior to all other Parlor Games, So simple a child oau play it So attractive that the older ones never refuse to indulge in it. i'or information and price see GEO. W. WAGENSELLER, 1119 4t. At Post Printing; OHicc. A Narrow Escape. On last Saturduy fvening ns Post Master George C. Wacnsellur and cx-Distriet Attorney Harvey E. Mil ler, Esq., were returning from Slia mokin Oam, with a liorseacd huggy, the night !eing very dark and in passing another buggy which haj) pened to be Dr. F. J. Wagcnpeller, there was another conveyance in the road immediately in front ot the Doctor which they did not see iu time to avoid a collision, one of the rear wheels of their buggy run up on the hub of the other conveyance and they were thrown out, Mr. Mil ler landed on Ins head and cut a se vere gash in the head near the eve, Postmaster Wagenscller landed on his hip and was badly bruised. The horse ran a short distance, when he Btoppod and quietly waited for his driver. The mishap might have been much more serious. Iribtine. No morphln or opium In Dr. WW Pais toi CuuAUPatn. "Oncm" . Dr. A. A. Voder made a busioef trip to Philadelphia last week .... Mrn. David Tiutt of Seliu!grove was Suuday visitor at R V. Walter's . . . .Dr. Kothroek of Isew Berlin was noticed on our streets las week one day. . . .liev. Snable and wife, Ira Howe and sister Delia, II. E. Ii (lender and wile, J .lines Diemer, Albert and Kii'lie lA?itzel and Miss Catherine Meiccr were visitors at J. S. Meier's on Sunday. . . .(3. W. Voder of this place and one of Pa.x tonvi lie's fair damsels were Keen on our streets Sunday afternoon.,.. John Kunkle of Kratzerville makes iuite a great many calls 'in this neighUduHHl. . . .S. Luther Yoder and mother took a drive to Sliamn kin Dam on fSatunlay evening. . . . Kev. Aurand and wife of MifHiu burg, accompanieil by Mrs. E. C. Auran and son, Arthur, of Middle burg, called on Miss Anna Meiser last Monday evening A wedding is exacted in our town in the near future Sheritl Fiigley ot Shamo- l;in was s-een iu our town last Fridav . . . .George Erdley, who was work ing near New Ilerlin, has eome luime to.sH'iid the winter. . . .Miss Jennie Keeler is vMting Miss Jzora Walter . . . .Foster I'eigle, wife and child of Middlcburg were tiie guests of Perry liow's on Sundav. ADAMSliUUO. Abraham Price, from Denver, Col., is visiting his parents. Helms men employed in remodeling bis lathers house, painting it and other wise making improvements The school directors are having the roof of the public school building repaired The members of the Lutheran church are repairing a::d papering he basement ot the church Messrs. Shelley, Stetler and Haas Irom Middlcburg and Unyer from Pa.vti.nville were Sunday visitors at this place liev. J. P. Zimmerman preached an excellent sermon to the Odd Fellows ot McCliire and Ad ainslmrg Lodges on Sunday inorn- iiig Charles Wagner, wife and son Mere the guests of J. . Spaugler on Sunday i. I J. M. Arnold, wiie :;i.d child, of Keedsville, are vi-i'.ing friends and rehuives in town Misss Mamie Meehtley and Lst i Votingman wi re recent i.-itors iu Middlcburg Luther Day Ser vices will In; held in the Lutheran church onSum'ay evening, Nov. 2-1. All arc cordially invited to attend ...'. S. Kilter and lamily Irom Mid dlcburg were the guc-ts oi Ur. J. O. Wagner's on Sunday Mrs. Yo- ocr and Mrs. Iriinin from Middlc burg wete entertained by Mrs. (Jun drum last week Miss Llanehe Auiund lrom Painterville is the guest cf Ella Weidnmu. VESTUEAVJS. The election pass'd oil" tpiietly -A this end with a patriotic result Samuel II. Phillips has Ken su tier ing, for the past few weeks, with rheumatism and is scarcely ablcto lie around. . . . Howard (Jibboney and wife of Milllin county paid the hit ter's brother, .1. J. Steely, a visit last week for a few days. . . .Our oblig ing merchant, John 15. Shellenl)erg er of liauncrvillc, is now fully e quipped for rabbithunting, hehusan old gun and a district attorney dog Henry Herbsterof Peim'sCrcek Kpent a few days last week in West Leaver liunting..The new coach and general rejKiir factory at Crossgrove will soon Ihj ready for business with John H. Herbstcr as general mana ger .... ueorge JJearley and wife ot Ijcwistown spent a few days here visiting his brother-in-law, J?'red Uuudrum. . . .George A.Fishergeis something every time he shoots with his new gun. (Little Reedy Steely says yes, only an empty cart ridge) A party of hunters from Northumberland passed through our town last Saturday for the mountains ....Game is getting scarce here, even the swallows were stoned to death last week The party that examined John Snyder's breech load er understood the unjointing well enough, but jointing it back caused the trouble. Had Snyder been home he would have given instructions, the same as the party has been doing for the past two months. .. .J. J. Steely has begun his third month in teaching. VVRE A COLD IN ON EDAT Tftka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. . All ArugKlHia refund money it It fulls to cure. use. The U enuine has U It Q, on each tablet, , ... .. . : .UrMDV v " . .,-'...'., - - FREEBURO. P. L. Ilaiues is busy selling fur niture.... Hunters Charles, Hols apple, Heck, Hummel and Howard Arbogust succeeded on Monday in frightening quails and rabbits and also killing a lot. Theclubadjourn ed for a week's rest, and to enable fie game to recover from their ii'tfht S, G. Hilbish and wife returned from Akron. Ohio, where they spent several weeks in visitinir Mrs. John Motz wlio is seriously amietel The family of J. W. Htws moved toStceltou on Tuesday. Mr. Haas is employed at the steel works... John A. Erdley of Akron, Ohio, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mr. James II. Erdley. He is accoiuKin:ed by Mr. Miller S. D. Kauifman ofMcAlistcrville mov ed into the house vacated by Mrs. llaus. We gladly welcome him to our midst Clifford Mover of NoithumlierlatHl accompanied by Mr. Hawley were the guests at the uueittal home of P. H. Moyer last Sunday. They were present at Sunday school iu the afternoon. feee lit!,. I'OHT TKEVKUTON. From Urn HornilnD star. Harry Mullucr, one of the gal lant young men, of our town, who enlisted in the 21st U. S. Infantry last April, has returned and is now enjrying the comforts of home and friends. He succeeded in securing his discharge honorably from the aUive llegiment which is quartered at Platt.-burg, N. Y., last Saturday noon. This regiment has quite a valiant reputation, having helped homlxird Santiago. While charging up San Juan Hill on the above city they triumphantly sang "The Star Spangled 15 inner." Harry is look ing well, especially so h the invin cible blue and we ans proud to own him as one of our sons Those of Mtir people who have attended the Peace Jubilee have returned home much elatedwiththeirtrip J. 1). 15ogar, Jr., attended the Fourth An nual 5nnqnct of the SImmnkin Busi ness College Alumni, at Shamekin, Friday evening, Nov. 4. He reports the menu to have been of the most elaborate, having been served at MeClow's beautiful parlors, Shamo- kin St. lie rtturned Sunday even ing. . . The Republican m.iss meet ing was held at Rothenuel's hotel rrit.av cveniu-j; and was well attend ed, and thell.iwotpolitieiiL'loipieuce was both elaborate an 1 suhliinc John l ). jigar ni.ide ;i (lying business trip to Harnsburg last week This week is election and ere the publication of this iirticl" Stone will hare "Swallov"-ed a Jenks... K. 10. Dauliert, ot Kant, visited in town on Sunday, the esteemed truest of Con-table Charles, Merchant Knights and crack-shot "Toady" Rogar Ed. S. Arnold, one ol tne government s clerks in the post ollieo department at Washington, I). C, was home to vote. . . .Captain K. P. Ringaman, of the "Nellie Bly" tlame, was home to vote. . . . J. Bogar, Sr., made a business trij to Selinsgrove Monday. nd Thereabout . ,t7 nd No tM anno. , "umeQl Wm. II. SIWl.,t f , building anaddiii,in . 7?' n ,T .. il. II...... Damhaslwu frnill.,'t 18 per month. ti... . iroppny of V uiooe wuisollertd sale was not snU llev. AY. A. ir , will flmii.:.... 1 a t Salem next Sund,,,, The First Nutia",5 Iinirrovt riiiu . '"l dividend of three p,r,; A numlier of tlw . :fen80fF m,mtar(i(ii;- to ineir awe , i ... IIV in... I snrinir near i).,. 1 "ii. The private telpl,,,,,,. froxelville and . .iiiii.i.. oiieratiun ti- scriU'rs are on the i;,, " HIV, Til froiirlif M..a: r. i?.-i. r """f.v,T1:,( ... vaiiMKiii was never l... ..f .i... x nil- ... , , i l""e. n bands are making ,ig . Iv.J.H. Barb, of su. will ln'irui a sfriiw..( :u """" on linn vim v :i Ir i-venn;K .,f , J (ilnl. - KYI 'tlii;i - lie-, News ft" ntl IX w. Ju At Ix-wi Ut eonfc Mi i on .i M her atN SI Dr.t Stun nivci at N T the lace aftet F l unii iilac land Mil is 1 Big Wheat Harvest. The soil of Pennsylvania will produce more wheat to the acre than i I ii .1 IT any omer state m me union save Washington. This has been proven by figure's just completed by theDe- lKirtment of Agriculture. Dr. J. Bullivant of Spokane, Assistant Dairy Commissioner of the State of Washington, was in Pittsburg Mon day on his way to Washington, arm ed with figures lor the Government department. Dr. Bullivant said: "The showiug made by Pennsyl vania tins year in the production of wheat per acre has been a surprise to wheat growers. The Keystoncstate has always been very good in wheat, but the men who deal in figures went over them many times this fall before they proved beyond doubt that Pennsylvania was the second state in the Union in the production ot wheat to the acre. "The State of Washington leads the country in production to the acre. Our fifiires are 23 bushels to the acre, while Pennsylvania comes along with 19 bushels to the acre. The production of the other States per aero to crop are as fol'ows : Oregon, 17; Ohio. 16.9; Michigan, 15.6; Kansas, 15.5; Nebraska, 14.5; Min nesota; 1 3; Indiana, ' 13; NortJi Da- kotvlO; South" Dakota,. 8 ; : ,i r ; v r- '' . gress," on the i)tl. The Lutherans m tielebrated the Iioi-.r. bath last under the diiv, popular pastor, SchnableofSalein. Nathan Fetteroll Tn,j, one oi tne oldest citi,,,,, place, died on Wed.i,.s(l;lv Lj last week. The U on Friday, Nov. 1 It!,, !ltTr H. Harvey Sehoc,' r,,i(l, filll.-.,f t!..l!. - wi.i:i, -eiinsgrVe. j. illuininatwlwith Acetvlin, the most beautitul lijlit mm'.V The adjusting is U.,v (;,, larty from Lewistown. Rev. I. P. Zimmerman n.; burg delivered a special ,n Lutheran church at Adam.;' theLmlgeofOdd Fell,,s , place. It was one oft Un sound practical sermens. Col. Win. Hoiizwnitii i.i' grove had the nii.-imtin,,, morning a week airo. oi' purse conlaiiiiug lietwun h six dollars. It was dr.ijino! i. the postoflice and 1 1,-nnIi, !; -' C. (). Mover ofS,.!ii; ;il,, eriy of this place, maiii-' a trip to Philadelphia ami v. recently, looking up ( ,r,ii, matters, and is preparirg , for u plant in the eastern ir.i: Slate. Word has been ren ivc.l a S grove from Win. F. 1 1 ilLi.-I,, of Col. Philip HilbWi, wIim 1 the Klondike gold Held, i L-i in mo nn.lst ot the gold mti ' when he wrote he was tni.ivi: j best of health. The correspondent from .Salt the Selinsgrove tribune says v . a. Haas is instructing!! n young ladies and gentlemen iii cMcreu Iveuion as eimm: by the Reformed chunli, ii: language of the children, i v faith ot the father. Tluiw win fortunate enough to receive lii and logical instructions will si: never have regretted the turn; under his tutelage. Rev. H:w pntaclied upwards of a quarter century to the good people ei congregation. As a minister Haas has received the ediniKu Hon ot all nnd the nraise el t'J warm and affectionate fti' iiil? are always glad to nee and luar clear and logical nrgunients in halt of Jus chosen profession. Tbe Rest 1' Anieco of flnniifl rlnmneiinl Chamberlain's fain Balm ami N on to tbe affected parts is mipenoj anv nlnster. Whnn irnubleJwi" r , -7,- -, V; .. . Li ain in me cneRt or sute, or a ' nek. civfl it n t.rinl. You are cert: to be more than pleased wiiM romnt rnlmr whinh it. nllorflH. lahn is also a certain cure for rb matasm. For sale by all druggy House for Sale. The M dwelling house in Franklin U'lonJ ing to W. It. Jones will 1 M private sale. If not sold by Jan-1 it will be for reut. There is pic of fruit and all the buildings s good j a elate roof is on the hw and a well at the door. For furtW information apply to Jas. 0. Croa Mnidleburch. Pn.' .104W J ir r --.V ''' ' . in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers