The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 17, 1898, Image 4

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    R7( Brim tfcateatf pom. .
awn SMiae aann eo., sew voaa.
The Middleburgh Post.
!'n hliurinil nvnrv Tliilm.lnT
Geo V Waqcnscller,
tditor and Proprietor
SuWritin $1.50 per year.
wUli'ii in ! i.i:l .nalvuneo wlirn hvnl o'lt-
l li- llux-ounlv.l
an irmistrne rt'lvcril;"!!!.'!!' not othprwlw
.oiiirnpit j for 1:1 1 rlinrirPil at Hip rnir of is
ci'tit it lltu(iiiii'iit'l iiiMisiin Mr flint Inwr
lion anl IDtvnis kt tiif fur tviry sutwqueut
Vaia nfitv pul-lnhrd frte ; obituary poenp.
tovvift tr rr.rft-c. fc., mrtttrnn mm.
Thursday, Nov. 17, 1898.
Seasonable Suggestions.
Tlierc will 1m titiisidcralilu work
to do in (he garden this month in
irettinir it rnulv for winter. (Jo over
it nnd gather up ami remove nil the
debris winch has collected in the
fluwer-lcds. Cut down the dead
stalks of the iwrciinials, and pull up
what is left of the annuals, and burn
all retusc of this kind, or bury it
where it will decay and help to fer
tilize the soil of the garden. There
may lx no flowers during the winter
but neatness should prevail where
Uiev have leen. Store awav flower
stakes and trellises, and give to all
plants needing it Mich protection
as was advised in a former article.
Now is a good time to prune any
shrulw which were neglected- during
the summer when they were making
growth. If too thick, thin them out,
so that the branches you leave may
have room lor healthy development.
Remove all weak or injured wood,
li the plant is awkward in sliajtc,
trim it into more symmetrical form.
But be sure of thecharactcrotyour
plant. Prune no shrub in fall which
blooms in spring from buds formed
this season. Only plants which pro
duce flowers on thegrowth of branch
es made next springshould In? pruned
Cut the clematis kick to withiu
two or three feet of the ground, and
lay down that portion to stalk which
vou leave, uud cover it well.
It is an excellent plan to put ma
nure about the hvrlwiiviis plants in
fall. It not only furni-hes a sort of
protection, but its fertilizing proper
ties are :tt free by all rains, ami ari
absorUxl by the il to the Unetit o'
the plant. In pring. what is lef
can In.- dug into the il.
Plant in the window-garden
should have the U-t of care at thi
.a.-n, l"r it is a -riti-a 1 j-ril wit! '
them. Aim to ki-ep the u-mperuturt ,
of the room low, ami to give them
all the Irft-h air .-ilie. lie care
ful about over-watering, aixl give no:
fertilizer. Avoid a far as jxivible
anything that will lave a tendency j
to excite growth at a time w hencon-diti'Ei-
are unfavorable for it.
Fuchsias w ill have completed their
work for tiie eiv,ii, aaJ should I
dried .2 gradually, to get them
rtaJv for theoellar, to w hich place
tixr sliou'd ..' tikea bv the fir?l of
I.ta!xr, to remain until the firvt
of March. Give hr arcl ks water
whik they retrain uj.-irs. If theJX VK"' 1501(1 U1
toilige droji- the plant will not uf-j
f':-r. VliiA out-of-"j'r-drop their j The Fu!un lX-rno rat says: "La-;t
!v ia fall, vou are trying to'
Xi&l your fuch-ii- iature trc-au t
in. etiry MsuuHitiHiK kSKul'l rc-j is t'je rt-f.roc-r h oiii'-i of this eoun
ve fir trsitj't. i tr a mortgage in it favor, given bv
d'i over l.V; wiylowe a? u h'u h I
yhiilk tn Vj x Lejt uA K-ttJiat all j r"rat' 'my, in the urnof 1310
trkcte tirl twkn ire dfjrfl aaiiiht j Jjl- 'tin '"'rtafre inalc to tn -th
to'Jjxiiwj of troA. uwiyitiofym"- "10, $I,0) fir! ncirtgage
prvrwli'A worth a of'.-urt, j 't hi' h ar; to inUTt at
r.sjeffrj.r I Elyt It. lUrf'rd. in ! e nr "r 5 Ir wrtituai tr annum.
lLiryer' liavir.
VhMlteiaetkiMmi MskT
jm tnvi L lw ink dnfck eaI
OKAIN Or It i'ieJxtwj-IbWr-3
MJLitif a(J tax It jiaO vt or. J
rJ'-1 move fcut wm kssnt 4
a.Kiv 13 pwn 3 it 11
, I
JfB ttU) KAT tJtil 7VU 4ielntUt . 1 . .1 1 1 , ' . I
lirwirti tJuvr tt. (hvo-O j, M, JwjJ'; wlioarciuWtU
e.a, .Ja. rfif M aaj a-) ! , . A swl r.ajsu X awf fffl 4ltl tjJ!i ra sV-jifaMj.f T V i .. I
ay -V ay-We" m wwa, M ' lvcu 1X1 , - M rvi a MHI 'MOfi. la.
Wheelmen's Turkey Dinner.
. . . '
The following wheelmen of Nor
thumberland and Suubury rode to
Middleburg on Sunday and were
treated to a royal turkey dinner at
the Washington Hotel at that place:
T. J. Fisher, Ilarry Hawley, Wal
ter Johnson, Newtou Rentier, Han v
Sceley, Ed. and Stod. IJtirg, W. K.
Bright, Wm. Taylor, John Taggart,
Irvin M.Johnson, George Keretetter,
of Northumberland, and Bert O. Mil
ler, Hiram Haas, Jr., Ed. Bingeman,
John Shifter, George Conrad, Jr.,
Landis Fry, Jr., Charles Warfield,
Ben Musgrove,Mr. and Airs. George
Davis and Mrs. Clarence Weaver of
Sunbury. Northumberland Yes,
Of Value on a Farm.
The soansuds. on a farm are of
value, and there is a considerable
quantity made durine the year. If
added to the manure heap they are
excellent in assisting to protect the
manure from loss by escajie of am
monia. There nre certain fat acids
from the soapsuds which unite with
Mihstnncc in the heap, produces salts,
and asdeconiM)sitio!i producing prog
ress there is a breaking down of
comixiunds and the formation of
more than their share in the alterna
tions of the substance in the heap.
Lcngfe!low to Illustrated.
Last year Charles D:'.ne Gibson
illustrated 'The People of Dickens"
for The iAtdita' Home. Journal. The
pictures were i successful that this
year, aiuJ during next year, . K
Taylor, the New Kngland artist
who has made such rapid strides in
his art, will illustrate "The People
of Fongfellow"-also for lhelxdierf
Home Journal. The ioctusscleetod
are "The Psalm of Life," "Hiawa
tha," "Evangeline," "The Court
shipof Miles Standish," "The Chil-
fren's Hour," "The V illage Black
smith," and others.
Having been positively informed
that a certain individual, unemploy
ed or unauthorized by me, has leeii
resetting toiuhstones, cutting inscrip
tions and collecting pay for the same
lainnng to do so us mr represcntn-
tive and witli my permission I here
by uVirf to inform my patrons and
friends that I have nosuch represen
tative and that the (terson referred
to is an impostor.
I also warn the individual that if
uch practices and others similar to
them are continued he will be speed
ily dealt with by due process of law.
cry Kcspeotfullv,
M. L, Miller,
Selinsgrove Marble Works.
If continual talk about him in the
newspapers is an indication, ltud
yard Kipling must lie the most pop
ular ot living authors. A vast
number of readers must, therefore,
welcome a pretty ami wonderfully
cheap edition of his "I)ejartmcntal
Ditties, Barrack-Uooni Balhuls and
Other Verses," just issued by the
famous cheap-hook publishing house,
Hurst A Co., 125 Grand St., New
York, at the price of only 35 cents.
You may get it of any lookseller,
or from their publishers, win w ill
K-nd their complete catalogue to
any applicant.
try Vrala-O t Try Urala-O.
Afek your Grocer to-day lo show
you a package of Grain O. the new
food drick that takes the place of
coffee. The children may drmk it
without injury as well us the adult.
All who try it, like it. GRAIN O
has that rich Beal brown of Mocha or
Java, tut it is made from pure KraitB
and he ioot delicate stomach rt
ceivn it without dietrer-s. One
foutth the rrice of coffe l.V
Saturday the Metropolitan Trust
Omittauv, of New York City, filed
i uv.rora raiJr'jad on
it cr-
javabh? wtni-ariuually on the fin-t!'
I'iar of January aivl July t.f
ft. ..r'.l,- I I
7 ' ' ' - in -li til Liir LffiliflA I
Z l " Vy hug the)
fuwaf'jni rirM Ot MtomtuA-
Wu U fxrwa: whicfi u
tliai rr.
u.i -..ii , i
T YA.iuAl
&J iMnMOnu ot ti,
WOkMbarr. Pa Nor. it Tk Mr.
Mr'a Jury tnTMtlcattac tha MUf
mint accident rwturaad a ytrdiet jtm
terdar aiternooa plaetiif taa blama oa
Encinaer Prle and Brakemaa Aa
thony. They had chart ot th eoal ara
which fell down th ahaft and killed
th eight men en th carriage.
Harriabura. Nov. 11 Oorerner Kaa
Ins laaued a writ to th ahertff of Al
legheny county laat evening authe ris
ing him to hold a special efaotloa Nev.
29 to All the vacancy la the Twenty,
third congresalonal dlatrtet oreated by
the realgnatlon of Qovernor-eleot Will
lam A. Stone, who tendered hla resigna
tion the day after hla election.
Philadelphia, Nov. li Thursday Sen
ator M. S. Quay lanued an address an
nouncing his candidacy for United
States aenator and offering a reward of
110.000 for the conviction of any leg
islator accepting a bribe or any per
son offering a bribe. Today ei-Poit-master
General Wanamaker offers a re
ward of 120,000 for auch conviction.
Plttuburg, Nov. IB. Window glass
factories, with a capacity of about
1.100 pota. started work yesterday, and
nearly 10,000 men and boya are earning
their flrat money In over half a year.
Of the total number of about l.MO pota
controlled by the American Glass com
pany only about COO were operated be
fore the agreement was reaohed Sun
day. The remaining Idle pota will be
In complete working order early thla
Sharon, Pa., Nov. 11 An exploelon
of alag occurred at the Buhl stool mill
at midnight, the concussion of wtttoti
shook houses all over the otty. John
Van Horn, who operate the elertrta
crane, waa pcrhapa fatally bunted, and
John Shlpp and George Addicts aerl
ouRly Injured. The eapleston waa caus
ed by water coming In eontaet wtth the
elng. Fire followed the explosion, and
the mill waa damaged slightly.
Canonsburg, Pa,, Nov. 18. Thla tw
was visited yesterday by a furious fire,
which, before it could be rettea un4er
control, wiped opt fully a thtM of th
business portion, two of the principal
hotels, many dwelling and did dam
age estimated at 1160.09. No lives
ere lost, aa far as can be ascertained.
During the progresa ef th fire thlevca
reaped a rich harvest tn th west ead ef
the town. After th fir a deaea or
mere families found thetr heme tarsi
upside down en their arrival, almost
everything portable being oairled
Wllkesbarre, Pa., Nev. IS. Twa pas
senger cars were wrecked. Ms train
men killed and Ave Injured by a keado
collision en the Lehlali YaHer raJlroaA.
nine miles east of thla etty, las PrMar
morning. The names ef Ike kitted ar:
John NcNally. engineer. Lealarhua:
William Toxhelmer. nresasav WSlte
Haven; Fred Glass?, Hremu, Uauoh
Chunk; Joha MeOregger, eiyreee aaes
aenger. 'rilkeabarre; Jaaeb Bngtesaaa.
br&kemaa. Eaaton; B. B. fMoa, eaol.
neer, Rastea. The latter died last nlgat.
The accident waa da t tk fdkar ef
the air brakes t work.
Erie, Pa.. Nov. 11 In cenrt yetv
day Attorney Illgby filed a formal pea
test en behalf ef Ms. Oeerg HUrtaat
Republican caadldat far eongv, was
was defeated on th fae ef ta re
turns, against the ceuwt e the votes
In the first and Beeead wards ef th
city of Carry. Re alUges that tna
election bearda were net ergaasad ac
cording te law, that they reoeJved the
votes of persons net aatitled te vet,'
that they received the votes of misers,
did not atttad to their duty, closed th
polls during th hours tlly must be
open, and allowed persons t b preasat
tn the ethe aad talk t Vetera.
Pittsburg, Nev. 11 Suit waa eaterd
In the county courts yesterday after
noon agalaat H. Sellers MoKea, Mur
ray A. Verner and ethers by the Pitta
burg and Birmingham Traotlea com
pany charging thean with fraudulently
securing tfae rum of tl.0O4.00t. The bill
charge conspiracy, aad alleges that In
the reconstruction and equipment of
the road fer operatlea by eleoUiclty
Jl.:ofl 0W waa paid te Veraes, whea
J6C8.0OO Is said to have been a fair prloe
for the work. The ceurt Is asked for a
decree ordering an aocowatlng and to
grant a bill of dlacovery, also to grant
a decree that the pretended ceatraota
were devices to obtain the eoropany'a
Pittsburg. Nov. II. Edward Beil
sMn. brother of Bertha Bellslela, whe
killed hr mother and attempted to kill
herself six weska age, added another
chapter to the tragedy which surrounds
the family by killing himself Sunday
niKht on the grave ot hla mother. Hla
body was found yesterday, oold aad
stiff, and beside It waa a aot whlok
Indicated that he had committed sui
cide by poison. Bertha la atlll livlaff.
but cannot recover. Edward BeUstela'a
widow la ta a dying aaitlen frm the
effects ef th ikNk The) aewe of fear
husband's ralelde ts4 m eeMapee, aa
the has boea la a trail ssstdltle tm
some weeks past. Her csjaes) as sssjsjet
ed momentarily.
Hollldayiiburg. Pa., Nev. U. ajaa
aenrational homicide eases In the Blair
county courts ended yesterday, when
Frank Wilson and tJamea Farrell.
charged with the murder ef Heary
Bonnecka, were dlaaharged. Beth mas
had ben convicted of the charge, but
the supreme court ordered new trials
In their cases. District Attorney Ham
mond claimed that the second trial was
useless under the rulings ef the higher
court, and upon hla motion the court
ordered the release of Wilson and the
commitment of Farrell te the Westers
penitentiary te serve out a sentence
for a separate crime. These murder
ta-s have saddled 135, CW In casta aad
detective fees upon th eeunty'a tax.
Mlddletoen, Pa., Nev. 14. Th end
i t Camp Meade Is la sight. By Thurs
day the entire fiecend cerpa will have
left for the bw campe la the south.
ree regiments atartcd yesterday
Bd Ihree more today, cjeneral Teung
and LafT ftnd Ihe I . m r. .111 w
- '
- m ' m rs!)"His leaving
were the Kecond Wm Vlr-
ghth Pennsrlvaol and Flrat
M' - ''"4 - Tbe Fourteeatb Fenn-
mi mau ivr Burnmervui.
and Uirnorr'yw th Thlrtntb Pennsyl'
vanla starts tut Augusta, Oa. A bat'
XnXUin from a regiment not yet desla-
. BJltjtd will Slav lliln l .
Cvvrr)n property. Secretary Alger
A few days ago a yonng man hx
Selinsgrove Bent a dollar away in
answer to an advertisement, "How
to Make Money Fast," and received
for an answer "Put glue on it"
The experience was worth a dollar,
for it might save him losing ten
times that much.
Wanted Salesmen. Wemake
no extra vagrant offers, but have
g-jod business proposition for reliable
men to handle our Ticr Brands
Lub'gOils and Greases. Address
with reference The Howard Oil
& Grease Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Ihe November jiumber of the
ill Carleton Mazazine entitled
Everywhere has been received at this
oliice. It contains several beautify
new poems by that popular author.
The other reading niaiter is well se
lected. The publishers are offering
this most excellent magazine for 50
cents a year or three sulweriptions
for one dollar. Address Everywhere
pni,i;i.;,... f v -v' i
M. .ii.nniiiu 1HW lOrK,
Oct. 27, in Ix'wistown, bv Kev.
W. II. DcH-kcr, Ira I). Middles
warthof Atkinson's Mills and Irene
Kothrock of Kydu.
Nov. 11, by l?ev. E. JI. Chileote,
iirry Liiitner liemiM!rhng and An
na MaudCnrns, lxth of Selinsgrove.
Nov. 12, by M. P. Arnold. J. P..
Joseph W. Stahl of Verdilla to
I'hoebc Brulmker of Port Treverton.
Nov. 7, by G. M. Shindel. Clerk
O. C, Isaac Crouse of Lewis twp.,
it.;.v. 4.. rn. t . .
w.iiuu vuuuijr UJ.T4I11I (. IMlllCr 01
Jackson twp., Snyder Co.
Nov. 7, near Seven Stars, Ira J.,
son of David B. and Ada 8wartz,
aged 3 years, 3 months and 15 days.
Funeral was held on the 9th inst.,
at the Bethlehem church. Ilev. O.
G. Romig olTlciated.
TiEOISTKICB NOTICKS.-Nntlre toherebr Btv.
t .nJ,?,V,, '"'""""If imet rersona'bsve
nirn tbelr AdmuilHtrntnrt', onrsdisn. and Kx
eculors' accnutitslnthp H'irlMei'somreof Snr
der iwintv. nnd the dome will be presented for
rnrarrnation and Bllowsnoe m the court Ttmise
in Mlddleburgb, Monday, December It! li, ihbs.
Flrit srd nnsl nceonnt nf Vlotes Mlfmnn
Executrix of l lie Burma of S irnh A. Mllmao, late
of lenn towosblp, deceased.
The supplementary nconuotnf a. A. Romlir.
Admtn'Mrntorof ihe Estate of Ivl J. ltomllr
Iste ot West Hester townnlilp, BnTder Cn. p
doceaaed. , ' . "
n .!?"M f Caroline Schnee, AdmlnNirnirlT of
William Selinee. Inte of Pert- townMilp, Snvdcr
Co., Pa, Deceased.
First snd final soeoi-f t of f. K. and R
HssMnper, lhr KVntenf John
S. Hsslnijer, Iste of rrai.kllii towutlilp, Snyder
Co., ja.t deceaaed.
The nrst and nl aeeonnt of Newton S linrh
man. Executor of t he E-inio of Israel Iiaclmmn,
lute of the aorouplmf Mnlillelmn:li. t u dee d.
-.T?,P fl.,T!,aPd P0"1"' n00"'"'' Welieeoa Wes.
er, David S. Melwr and Keulien S. Melser Kxe.
cntors of tUe Kntnte of jePU Melser. late of
I hapman township, snydcr t'o., pa., deceased.
KKMlebure. r... Nov. & VmS?'"1
1T1PWS' A rPR.MKli BNTS.-Snnee . here
" arplen fhal the fnllowlntr WldowVAP
pratsenienisiindxrtliFKtiiniHw, have Iv n flied
withalieneri ' ft'eiwisn' foni m inyiicr
eountr for Connrinaikin nn Vln.lKl. the 12th
day of December.
I. Appraisement of Sarah K. Wiw wMow
01 Henry wise, late of Cinpumn town
ship, Snyiler Co.. Pa,, deenased, elnied to be
taken tinder the M'O exemption law.
S. APnrnlsement of Alice Orarhlll, widow ot
Amos w. uraybill. late of West Herry towDshln
snyder '. Ps.. deceased, elected to be tukeu
under Uie f.WO exemption law.
Oao. at. Siiibdbl, aerk O. C.
Htddleburif, Pa., Nov. u,
The foliowinf aorotinta will te presented lor
C hiIImuuIIod ud d), Dee. l,
The account of A. O. fsshoar, Aasiiroeo for
the benetli ofcredltuiaof u. W. UUh. ot Sprlnir
Wwnshlp, Snyder Co., Pa.
.n".M- (i"""L. Prothonourr.
Mlddleturp, p., Nov. w.
Court Prcclamatinn,
UHtKKA8 the Hon. U.rold M.
" President JudK ot the Judlrisl Dl.trlet,
emnpoMd ol the counties ol Snyder, and
1 nion ana and Z. T. Oeui-i
nerling, tq.. AuuirUte Judges la and lorSny. !
iLLimni invir ureeepi, oearintf
date the 14th day 01 Oct. A. I)., UW, tome
dlrrntcd far the hoMIn olan Orhani' Court,
rourtol t'enimon Pleas, evurt ol Oyer and Tr.
miner and General Court ot Quarter Bewloniol
thtPeaee, at Mlddlehunch, lor the county of
Snyder, on the tnd Monday, (being the 12th
day ol Dee. lsvx.). and to continue one week.
Notice n therelure hereby lvn to Ihe Coron
er, Juitleet ol the Peace and Uonrtsldes In and
lor the county ol Snyder, to appear la their
fin.per erD wlih their roll, record, InuulsU
tionr, examination! and other remembrances
to do Ibote tblniia which of their offlce and In
ihsir behall pertain to he done acil wltneuet
and person! prueecullns In behull . th L'oia
oionwealth svalnst an) perroo or perar.ns ara ra
ulreil to he then and there attending and de
.rtins without leave at their peril. Justices
are reuuerted to be punctual In their attendance
t the apiMlnted time agreeably to notice.
Hires under toy hnd erf senlat the Hherlfl'l
ofliee In Middle! urgh, ,lhe 71 h day ol Nor.
. li-one IboiiMtnd -ivUi hundre.l.nd ninety
IgU. P. H. UlTTKit, Nberld.
Corrected weekly by oar merchants.
' inioos.
.. 00
.. 7
a MSIVW......M.........M........M....... ...
farkeya ,
.New Wheat
Old Corn... :)
Sew Oats ;in
'Iran tier 100 lbs 70
vikltllluifs " wi
"loar mr bbl
lee r'
NECIMUllA cured l Vr. Milne' Pais
"ium. 'lHtiiit Aialldrugguu,
Prices Never Knnwn u .r J
" " uc BO fwOW!'
York id PhilSphlf Vf e'red f""XV;
A 11 T .
.1 oucusrer uinghams, 50
ixsi ijignt tJkJioo, 5c
" Blue Calico, 5c
Canton flannels, Co to 10
r.; " :::rr?' owrm tai.a every dav :::
prices to astonish ypa.
vreouc, 01117 $3.00.
and which is to rm,r
manufacturers prices.
C4 a 1
Our Ladles Coat and Wrap Department
Ktylei, and rriZ tZ? 1 PeA? rtinent to .elect f y
oiurm 01 Boots rfnd Shoe!
Reachedour utore. Evervtn! .
o n nuuie counter lull of h inou f,. 1; T iiuem. n,,T
too, size, from 1 tola LXAtJr0' tnt
$ 2.25 to f 2.C0; Felt boots con ' W Ti ,25j en 8 u,n hoota
invite all to P,ve us " ? ?' fef ' Weki"
will astonish, Good stock, lo , iiX'.??' .ou P" that
Our new line of Enamels) viC .
. ...i, bona. Cio "b." inr ; Jr.;?... f'omr p
huckW and Lion Coffee, lie, 3
. lbs. for 20c 1 4 ior40o. I
.HQ' r ..
Winner Coffi'i iar ; 2 lbs. for 25c.
Loose RoBi-tcd Jvo, I3cj 2 lbs. for
Java Htid Mucho. 30c: 4 lbs. for $1,101
una luuBB irreen cnilun 'ir.n
9 lbs Soft A Sugar, 50o. 8i lbs Gran
nlated, 50c.
1(1 Ilia T.icrlif nnn r.n..
Corn Starch, 6e ; 3 Jbs. for 12c.
New Itice, 5 ; very nice.
Best N. O. Molasses. U n nt
Syrup, 18c. a graL
jjiRDt ayrup, 30c. a h1.
Chocolate. 18c.
Baking Soda. 4o. per lb,
Baking Powder. 60. i lb.
N. lt.W'tt lisua i.r. a.,.J.:i n :..
ajargwu xay. uur bargains, are every day.
N. W. Cor. Front and Uruon Sts., IOW Berlin, I
Everything New and Com
plete in the Line of the
lias jost been received. You oan be euro of honest prices.
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes !
You make no mistake in buying
from us. Wo always give you a
rich deal.
Cnmeand See Clothing.
We are prepared to give you suits at
rock bottom prices. At the old stand
they use you right.
Market St., Selinsgrove, Pa.
Liberal Aflustments.
. . . . REMEMBER
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
NoAgsesgments No Preminm IJMpo
The Aetna Founded A. D.,
" Home " "
American "
( it
The Standard Accident Insurance Co. '
The New York Ufe Insurance. Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Ufo As$oclation.
Tour Patronage Solicited.
For the Latest
Read the Middleburg Past.
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U IM Blanket,, 'to
B-st Unbleached Muslin 4
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patineal, 10o 8 packages 26c.
Crushed wLhI. 1 a i.
Coffee cakes, 5c'. a lb! t""a
Ginger Bnaps, 5c. a lb.
Oyster crackers, 5o. a lb.
Knick-knacks, 8c. a lb.
Water craokern. on . ik
Cash paid for good butter and eggt.
Tavist n.x.
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VI Cherrlen lu
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W Yonng Chick. 10
40 Old " T
Turk7s, 0
Potatoes, to
Apples. hi
New Berlin Flour,
Prompt Payments.
1819 Assets 11,055,513.88
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1810 " 9 4 ftft KOI M
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