The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 17, 1898, Image 3

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    QBpiPDScd rbff 'Floy,
-!?-:rr: n Trn
Unsure Causes the Downfall of Many; Athletes
ini wwy oi a Man
JVeea tt Fr JVasa,
(tn e!a Vw Wll playing, Mid
. I I, m mm X 1 I I ft
Htflal W. (", m wi Miami sn,,
r kaewa mealing salesman,
mfU Sanaa orPgnout aiiuui-
I will SaTST aapor.anoa i
ails lr'"l 7
Jwm quw a Dill
oetione to be oro-
asa) elsTsr,
istead, MOtirl plane
. mm sss wMle Mdlu a day la a
I inoatiaa sawn in this State, aome ef a
innf na waal la sne eu barbs to asa a
ill, to atsae ia mm j snnrs t gna mu
nmm nl Imm 9nmm Minim auu waa
u ajar lalklag ass raaaing then I baJ
4 aa aad had bit
' Teat"1 kaA aft Every time I mads a
Ch tt tkt Wat I weals lay down oa tka
IZjnA aad 7
rftn wm a faatwreae Ala (a da In my
mmk mi na Ban Mnmnv ntuui
i .1V Tka akwrifltaa ) Il
I bat rhenmetlsaa. I wai taktn noma oa
P wV I ttayad In my room and
Ir mm af watka I waa on my back
lie dny I p1Td that gama I weighed
tit eOTsAi, and when I eommenoed to be well
jjtoie oot again, I only weighed
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninetv Days I
Ihe Undersigned Offer
We are not elllnK oat, but we do this to Increase our ealea aore any pre-
tlout year. W Rive ft few oi the prloon ae toiiowh :
toft Wood Chamber Buiti $14.00;Cotton Top Mattren 8
Hard Wood Chamber 8ult 16.00; Woven Wire MattrM 17-
Antique Oak 8ults, 8 Pleoe 19.00; Hed SprltiifH 1 V
Plnnh Parlor 8ulU 80.00; Drop Tahlnn. per ft
Wooden Cbalre per aet 8.50: Platform Horkern 8 15"
In stock, everything In the furniture line. Imdndlnr Mirrort.. Hook Chwh.
Dek8.8lde.boardB.Ciip)oiirdH, Centre TablfH. Fauoy RtickerH. Baby Cli.iira
Feather Pillowe, LotiDKee, Conchex. Doaphtray. Sink. Hnll Kncke. (.iu.
6Ht Chaire fine, tuediniu Hnd cheap furniture, to unit all clase,
l'rlneH reduced all thronifh. Couie-Hrlyaud Kffimr etoek tinfore, tflvlnir
roiir order, and thua nave IS to 20 pr eent. on iv-ry dollar.
8ieiil Attention Oivtin in Undertakinfr & Kiubaliuiiitr.,
i Insurance, fat
Insurance Agency,
ji)lrxox' ev. onydor, Agent,
Stu'ceMuir lo tlie Into William H. Snyder.
Tho Piii-ExcellHcr nf ReltHble Iutturance is rcprosei.tet! in ih foll.nv.
ng lint of StHijtWd ( ouipunieH, from which to make ft xcU'ction. ou
Better the World over. .w-t
FIRE-Roynl, Liverpool, Etij;. (including foreijfu ns8et) M3.tHHt,iHHi.0tt
IlHrtforJ. of Hartford, Coun., (oldeHt Aidpi-icuh Co.) H,(4i)., 35.02
Phoenix, Hartford, Conu. o,588,0i8.07
Conlineutal, New York, 'MS'iii
Germiui American, New York, ,,;1uo
LIFH-Mutuul Life Ius. Co. New York, S 204. W.DW.t.O
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability AHsuranee Corporation, U1
Aecidetit Ins. Co. HiibHciilicd Capital of $.i,o0.00t.lK
Fire. Life and Accident t iks accepted at the lowont possible rate, jim
iflod by a strict veard to tuntnnl shfefy. AH just claims promptly and
atisnuftorilv urijusteri. Information in relation o nil classes of Insur
nce prouiptlv furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Airt..
Telephot Ni. 182. Ollii-e on Corner Water k Pine Sts. SebnHiirove. P
Tho Cheapest and Hest Fuei . . i.Ue Market.
With it yon can run n vapor storo tor one
half cent per hour. (Hve us a tall and he
Schoch & Stahlneckr.
Middleburgh, Pa
m MLt rif toner it which m rwvn
UBAl, tka mrMmMma
ataukaf at Ik.wnlint hM
UaM airtanii anaiw i
fMtlHi. iirn.r, aklht;.
li!CiHTllEnHTTtiE. Jrrrg
tratkfll I
afaial iwi
lahtaiMtaal, al
ZARAH&A3TnGlOGin. look
WAKi k fc-D-BRA
WiltOWUtdWMTltWItllU t ,11.11, IUIC
Jn. JiitJn tun tn Mtkui. Wrtu u tAr,
WrauUifiaaalUatti KUit i fmul nwtiMii
' A OO, htm Ww'txtan, . '
nnn mum rrrnc
wno was oincKen.
aVe, MlUK
" I teak i early aTarrthlag that hu er
keen prttcribeJ er rbeumtiiui, and hail
the heat of aaedleal auewlauee tut wai not
benefited muek. I waa told that I would
prehably be erippled for yean.
" I had about giren up all hopot of ever
belag able te go oa the road agaia, wkea I
read an artiele in bit paper about a cue oi
rheumatism aluoat ldentleal with my own
that had been cured by Ur WiUiauu' Kiak
Pille for Pale Peeple.
"I decided to try tka allla and bought two
aeiee oi rheia. Tkey gave tae eaane telirl
aad I bought all more buiri. I aoou galard
atreogtU and fleth erery day and euatiaued
ualtig ike pUli tialll 1 waa euliraly tree frwm
all vela.
"That la wkyT reeoromend Pr Willlajni'
Piak Pilla tor Pale Peoale tn tliote (uttering
from rkeuuialieui." C. W. Cacaomix
Tkle la to etrtify that Mi. C. W. Churchill,
peraenally appaared before ma and read and
aigned the fbrevoing atatement in my preeearo,
and acknowledged the aame to be true In
eTery reapeet
Hoaaa-r E. Hmx, Jt., Jfetory Pttbho.
What better proof eoaM a pereoa waal than
the ahoee beta. Theaa p Ilia aland aarlraUed
aa a teale Kr tke blood.
The tea rat of ptrraat health la yie blood
and all the eWmeate aeceeaary to glre new
life and rlehune to it aad reatore ehartvrfd
nerrra are contained ia a eengeaeed rWnn lo
Dr. Williana' Piak Pilla m Pale I'enple.
Drurci'fa nnMf theae pille to ha the beat
oa tha market and they report larga aaiee.
The Public Their EN
woNDtnruk ciinci.
i "solar uoioar." ,
cm mtt o AocuiAmt u mttmxx
KoaUaa AltlNr. Ma maUaj awk a
awui ft 1? .Mia, U1 in a MUM, nwraia, '
iwu im. ti. iu u
1 ai )w waul arfaiMik I
aww Wa
Th a lafcna jMiadf ttiwagMy a '
I vUl I
t H to to all I
aUV AMnai
Box 403,
" iwiwiui tn llita to m m ur t'U'U
new fit Ihwirvwu nt noarhy tt'iiiti It U
maiitly iiRka wuik xnutuvtU at litiiuw Salary
atraWiil 0 a yvar aU vwn--il'llutio,
huailil, no more, nklty. .VwntlilV fit
Hlriiea. Knrlna awll attJrvwaU aiaiiMHl
auvolo, tlarbort llvaa. ftat., tHit a,
Uttioaiio, HVM
tha flatrl Kalrmonnt Loat Ita
t I trartlr Apiutrclval Aria- '
, v f to ratio Head Wattor. .
, Thrre 1 new bead waiter at the
notel Fairtnount, owiofr to a tucceaiioo
of senaationa that marked the carter
of the firs bead waiter of the aason.
The firat head waiter of the teakon in
a summer hotel la usually a "bird.
Kairmount'a first bead waiter was em
ployed without Investigation of hia an
tecedent on account of baste. lie
looked all right, Mrs. Mills, the man
ager, thought, being tall, smoothly
shaven, and having his blue-black hair
well plastered down over lis brow.
Imagine the shiver cf distress among
the guests In the beautiful diiilng-rooin
when the new head-waiter appeared in
low-cut waistcout and swallow tail, re
reulirg a broud expense of red-barred
shirt bosom.
It was one of those shirts crossed by
broad red bara sinister, a fashionable
innovation of years ago credited to tha
princa of Wales and subsequently worn
by prize fighters
Mrs. Mills discovered several iale
guests hastily leaving the dmiug-raom.
"What is the matter?" she Hiked.
"Isn't the dinner right?"
They threw up their hands In silent
When spoken to the new head waiter
was not amenable to reproof, lie In
sisted haughtily that his costume waa
absolutely correct and similar to the
tuMo of the prince of Wales, it was
only , by the most supreme exercise of
authority that the tomirg of the shirt
was accomplished.
Xext to shock the srnaihllitlas at tha
dwellers In Fairtnount was the head
waiter's development of a peculiar
nance step as be moved about the iliu-inp-room,
which the guests termed
"doing the goose foot." Ills entree ra-
tembled, in a modified way, the deft
stage entrance of Fritz, the emlseni
yodeler. Again it was necessary to
take vlgnroua measures.
Meanwhile tbe head waiter did set
grow humble. Inatead he ntsameil tat
air t a purae-proud guest and picked
for h I trawl f tbe baatrnom in the houaa.
One day he failed to be present to look
after tha aarving of breakfaat. Juat aa
it waa tinder consideration wbetWr r
not his absence should be oondoatd tha
Indtaalor recorded an Imperious call
from hhi room. Everybody wwileal
bmathVMalr to learn what new horror
awaited the Hotel Fairtnount.
"lie wants hia braattfaot servod ia
tha rtHnat," waa the report; "aad a
wiitta Vhtrpa, toaat and coifca, with
plenty af cream!"
This waa too mneh, and Mrs. Mtila
advertised for another head waits. TVs
head wItur departed proudly. TTVaa
half way down tbe long promenade ht
turned and biased through his oUaoAsal
"Codfbih ariatocraoy!"
Tt ts now balleved that (he head wata
er was no waiter at all, but a bvaho-dow-o
eong and dnnre artist out erf
JbV Itaneae Oty Star.
Too Oret a Itetleonee Uelmas
tweraeart asa Lover ftgajaaO
toaj tsto Wife's Immi,
There ia one phase of falne RMdaer
In this wrld that shonld be abaadeoe4
wltheut further parley. It is the groaa
ratieence kept np between lover wmi
s-weethaart regarding a fixed inouwta
after marriage. Young people oa tWo
brink of matrimony refuse to allow
money mutters mentioned. Tkey shy
away from flnaaclal questions aa if a
good American Hollar were a ratttt
suako. If the pair would ftettU down to a
practical talk regarding an allowaaew
nrtsundetKtsndings of the graves aort
ntisrht be spared txth of them later oa.
ft hi the duty of every husband re)
provide a suitable sum of money for
the personal wants of his wife. Th
man not willing to do this is unfit to
as vii me the reeponaibnttiea of married
life, anil the Income insufficient to oarry
otrt thie armgement should not be eo
slderei! as a support for two.
Therw Is not enough honenty aloo g
aaeh lines during eourting tiara. It
may aeem very harsh to yank two soae
ing aonls down from the elouda AdJ
march them along the straight and
narrow way of bread and Hitter
larenee, but It's only a question of the
tumble before or after marriage.
The higher the soaring the harder
the drop.
Men are not half such fools la this
respect as women. They w ould be only
too gld. many of them, to know Just
how they are to stand iu the allowance
business. No, indeed; ninety-nine
prospective brides out of a hundred
would be insulted if the subject were
broached to them. Hut these same
women, after marriage, will get deep
bladders uuder their eyes from eoo
atant weeping over ftnattciat bicker
ing. Sweethearts and lovers, cannot you
eacape long enough from the great
billing and cooing act to sensibly eon
aider waya and menus?
A wlfe'a personal allowance should
be gauged according to her husband's
Income, and the social position, which
she Is to assume. Then she would
know exactly what she could have and
what she must do without after she
haa east In her lot with her heart
Every wlfo lu thin laud i entitled
to an independent pocketbook, faet aa
aurely aa her husbaud is eutitled to hi.
Boston Herald.
Otasa HvatUva.
In making clam bouillon select 90
nice elama, chop flue, put tbeut lato
a double boiler, cook carefully fur oae
hour, then' add one plut of water,
strain through cheesecloth; add a plut
of milk and a palataVto seasonro of
fepper. Serve at once, ladle' Howe
rrettr Wt Matklstar Tkoaa Oath,
tkerofl frwaa Tkooo Worst
W OraliitM.
White gowna, which are to rage aU
au miner, are beluf made tip by city
tailors and dressmakers In crepe do
chine, India silk, batiste, moussell&e
ale sole, grenadine and barege, for wa
tering place dresses, for summer fetes,
dinners and evening toilete, and in
plhiii and embroidered muslins, luwna,
Hnena, veilinga, aargea, mohair, plquee
and etarainea for wear throughout the
day. Oue of the fancies already noted
is that of making white over the very
faahiouable Spanish yetlow (In spite
of the war), as, for instance, white
crepe do chine ever yellow satin, a
dress of this coloring jnat made for
a tall, brilliant brnnelte is composed
of two kinds af the crepe de chine,
oue deeply erinkled and wrought with
heavy Milky tbreada, the other plain.
Tbe lutter ht used for the tucked sviid
shirred portions of the gown, which
ia mails uy ever a very elegent prin
cess slip of Spanish yellow satin, cut
half low in the nook, with only a slight
cresvent-ahaped aleevc-puff on tho
shoulders. The yoke and sleevea prop
er am made entirely of lace of ex
quisitely ine pattern. The lustrous,
beautiful satia gleams through the
lace and the acmitranspareal crepe,
giving it a lovely iridescent effect. A
hue knife-plaited Heunoe tif the satin
is added to the foundation skirt, and
tho bottom of tbe erepe de chine skirt
has a ruche of the erepe and satin
pluitcd up together aa u finish. A nar
row, very eiagaut bolt of fine cut am
exaid, topaz and onyx stones, ri mined
with creamy tnoek opals and joined
by links in fold filigree, will be worn
with this handsome toilet.
Nuns' veiling, orepe do shine, and a
very haudsome ohitTon, soft aa India
silk, but as hoavy aa crepe, are among
the popular fubrios used, for tho snowy
gowns for tha aweet girl graduates
this year. Full-fiodged college girls
havs in many cases elected for very
elaborate gowns of mouaanlinn de soie
over white silk, riahly garnitur:d with
point da Veniae. Mechliu-Valenciennes
wr other haudaume laoo, in tae form of
yokoa, guunnna, Rton or mikado jack
ets, berthas and tha like, with satin
aasbss at tho waist and sheuldor trim
miner, of ribbon and luce ootubLned.
But the beouf of tkoae gowns lies
really la their quaint aawylicity, and
tae wlss aod tasteful Isadora of a
f anted aoatool prohibited the use of
aaee-pearked gtanpa, and all other elab-
erate garnitaroa, permitting only rlu
toa and flewer Ososratioas on gowna
an the gTadaatas, White China silk,
wtalte laaia asisii, organdie, ehiffoa and
Froaesi haisate were among the ma
terial aUeweaV and astshea to matrh.
eerried twies mrnmA the waist and
giajoaraily faaSesas at the snolc, ac
susapanieel very rsaay of these eaxeed
fcf5y ysetf in hi, A areas de chine,
awwa far a stenatev, rrasefui girl, with
tiesv, krewi hsttr aad oyee to match,
had a deraty Vi waist of the crepe
As skins aaade ever a low Irsdag of
sflk, aj-aaaMai fat aaiatrUd tuks and
jstiri I sal The waU fasteaail at the
hash, aad was hansleil aeross both
treat and bask with satia ribbon, each
band having a hew with graceful np
awaas lssas. TVs nalrasd aieves
were nssaTed asad ioiahed wvth ribbon
hrassJsts fVoan waist to shoulder puff.
TVs desayi tsalnil skirl was trimmed
with frilla, tiatinJ witA the satin
rfboea. At tka aiass dlaaer the pink
and wtalts ssssn eaiors wen oharm
hsgly In 1 1 kf u a a a npaa the dmesea of
white India waists half low in the
a oak. feat filed tm to the rashioable
height, with gerlaapsa of soft Venetian
net awd has Ik a a oa aaattehlnaT lace. One
eiasa erf yesag gradsstoe, listeoins; to
the raaeaiareatesarnjon. wHU wesr
wbtte Is4la namll er katle dresses and
Verga, ronad ksts aa! white chip, wit I
trtraialns oi warts ekr9n shirred
sflk sorts, and ohuart-s of piak
IT. T. Fort.
Jt Pml Blow.
Tka la SenJajmro F.
rreeldeat Aethar'a attonwy uc..
whee face was terrfWy dladurtfd by
sears, was owes engaged in a ci. a-t
srttormey fer the Feaasylvaaia rail
road, and h oppltig couaavl. in hu
clceiug eyetwh, ansde a most brutal ac
taek on hinv "Tke deoil oge of the rail
road, he aaiJ, "are as tortuous and
twisted M the featttres of tho man
who represented It." Mr. Brewster
gave no otrtwnrdeyga that he felt thie
ercel blew ntitfl be had tlnisted hi
argnment. Then he aahl: "Tor thu
ftrat thns fa my ftfe the persooal de
fect from wtdeh I strfler has be a the
tabjeet of publle remark. I wtU tell
you how I eame by It. When I was Hve
years of age I was one day pUyitt
with a yoortger sister, wbeu hj fell
f&to an open grate, where a irv wu
burning, f epreug to her ai4tance,
dragged he from, danger, and hi a do
ing I fell nryself, with Buy faoe upon the
burning coals. When I was picked uy
tny face was as black"---and hii Hugvr
treniAxed his antagoni4t'a4 Uit
man a heart. irrancMoo Ar
gonaut. Raaeare riaarr.
?oak a quarter of an ouuee of iwu
glass or gelatine in three tablenifoou
fuls of eold water for an hour. (.Sit up
in the meantime IV, pound oyouxig
rb eVarb Into small piecee, and siiHtuor
this Iu as mush sold water as will baro-
ly eovor It nutfl h ta quite soft. Drain
oJT the JuU-e, put rt into a saticcpun
with the soaked gelatine and etrr ui
til the gelatine la quite dissolved. Sub
the fruit throofh a sieve, uilx tho pulp
with tke gelatine and add tour tahle
spovnfuha of thJek creajn. 8wouUm
eeordlng W taste. Stir- the flum
mery over- the Ore for a few mlnutea,
hut do not allow It to bolt; pour It
Into a damped baatn and let ti stand
tn a ool nlaua to set, then, turn It on
to a glass disk and tend it to tka tahlo
wttk a enstard poured round it.--Boe
ton Qlobs..
Lovely Women hi the Lagar
at lh Qatnto Csllelrosv Portugal.
Srfht trearrlnr Grapes, to ennslc, wearing short JackeU and short linen narwsu
bnt a great variety ef hoadgsar. A rtotlnlat. seated on the edge of tke vat, flddjrsa
while one ar two of (ho dornssta Jotk to wtth tbsir troice, keebinj traaa wfdi taanr
feet. trtaarag las
1 s.T-z-. m. I a-aas xa whW-JM" . . 1. 1
Rubber Rollers or Used for Crushing tho Graces to Mato
Speer'e Port, Burgundy, Claret and Other WInest
Which, as is well known, rival the world in excellence, for'.Ms.-m3
a.od pertions, and are made from the Oporto grape jpvw nun .:;f.-s hr
portea from I'ortugal forty years ao. The soil of northern N'jv.- J rrscy.
containinj; iron, is just suited for them. Mr. Speer, hou-vtr, : .:s lier
iruproved way cf mashing the grapes. He employs liro r"Vnrfrf
rubber run by an engine which crush cjTapes at the rne r n barrel
a minute. Spcer's W ines, especially the Port and I5urun!y nv ir
market, arc of very old vintage, and hve no superi' r. P'.; -:ciast.
fax and near prescribe them for weaUy females and j:c1 ; orvrnK-
Ihoy are blood-maifin, nclCin
loncr life, Extensively use ! at p.irt:cs, weddings and
uso. 0"Scld sr Drvccists and Grocers who l
It is impcasihU to promiss particular features that wiH lppei.- ir. fSar
MA:.IRICN MONTHLY" during ths oming year, for it ti, u as
Eoolurun my, "a great monthly ctwnpAper." As such,, it pi-jiti iasr
ils ttx&tn an iUustnUi account of the noUhU thingi which mala the hatorwaf
the month, of the political Star
" Vi lacw a oa rri piiMisheil, in t!i.
couatrr or is Ettrap. wauia ccmoina-t so HMXsn.v
U.f tt tM AMfll:CA M.2MT'LY tfi IWT-neSl.
tia'aiadas. an4 anrrv at Icunuusm ita inn I
ouai .irffMnt. orcrily offifttTd opinion. uot
taivft. tad kui Eiial) at tn par-sr '
llunxy period." ."i usrtowr. !
' month. The "Ladinu Amelia
five the bat thought and information of the cur-cut magncines in fi' ennia
aratii the contributed articles furoah the character liutches of the trail of tfiar
Booth, and give timely dianiMinng by authonts on any uestxa i immaduiSE
atrioas import.
The result of this comfrchensivc effort to edit in otu monthly volume 4sr
feiormatioa needed by inteHigent pofut cf " live " instincts ts best g.uia ant.
ta opinions which th readers of
have seen fit to cxprr. These
art thinking business men, clergy
men, editors, lawyeri, profoson,
ccgineeri, the wbie-awake women
of Amenca. They write that the
aniapeaiahie " l " a simply tnvaluahit " 1 " is a generjus Efcn--y 12 .fcelf " :
a hat area! cyclopedia of the vor!d "the best meaxa of aid for a bus-' r-a.i :
"the bat periodical of the had we have ever had "i tnurspi ct ciiitoraX
fcnras t tie world under a
'the worU under a ieiii-gLi
aAmericon Monthly Review of Reviews
13 A5TOR PLACE, NT7 YORK'. v ' '
Agents we Money
TUii l tun f-ppuri uni' of 'i HfiM'niH. .Wcui3
Mill Iiu.e CuiiKUl vivoiiPiltuCtiDii, n''; ii?iii)H')ii
!iaM war.
Wu tin vi! en prt?t frjr 1'iirl;' Imxuc. iM-nunil Ifi't 1
own Hiurv oi luon imt 1111? sdiiiiihIi W;ir. w t)
Irnl'ii.-fi) In a viifoauJiHiiJ Oui.'K of ovijr KW purfm, 1
7 im.-liifn 111 iz nut 11.N111HI 1
TtiiH l ti)M jnly uiHhHottu wirk uiiDUHDfil in
tun in..' .uhj..t" .NN-upvUjif ia niiiulu lit
uoure clvtliwa wurtu. 1
nil'nCl'DiJ trtrtT LinernJ ciminiltwlon will i
UUltllO r.JvJJUl DBpiHll Bllll '.Twllt. elVifll
Li) in lime, .t at unci'. Wrltu fur riiU piu'Wi:
'Hurt ui
93 Filth Ae.. Miv York.
Our mi' l)')i I:'." ij .rtoiit'.w .ir Iwii'i'il in :ul
IJl.rl.1 i.'f 1 hi- I' H. 7-J1-4IM.
81.50 PER DAY.
Lwllif" W.miJ Oiiiim.-. AOiiH!'.v iiir
:uiiwil. Call i;r udijiviw IK'llJiIlT UO.M V.
Miw Murllii t. li-JW-JMt.
,B-)T" VJ. ' ;
mr wm- '
. f ajw 1 a J
I aan 1 ' mrm -a
VSLef 4aTi6a7WV"'r- 1
iron to the system, a- ! t:r. .. "o rrr-
-.-r-' fnriTy
ecoaomic, md literary happenuiy
which arc of value to tntcCigcaC
men and women. The EstcVs
Progress of the V.jrld " tells nac
emctly an illustrated itory of tfiar
The current number ;
and the two precetf-
in j issues. ...... .J
ieiii-eixja," t'X etc.
Look I Look!!
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timt.l. in sttcli tk i-vii
!ti.--r' eon
Urn) (.if fliU Hud CurUts
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Cuph. t'iilt to w ujv stock
J T P'' in ili) nui tw luaii.'s- , m
I " 1 ll""r " " fHHy vui '...
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ilnuKHa W u yi ar al )na-j4.MM
uiiaJili, no luura. nu ), Miiar,. ii,is
f1. Hui.tiiuvn. biic'lwo n" n I li mii j
uuinJ viivalviiK, VnrbiHK. Hvk, I'tunlr.,
. chiuagv. j.jj-jaiav
jh)iimlif ap attain.
Iwvlml W'S vi
awMk raaxaj. auuimw
ii tfm X'trm, i
xp.'aaaBBBBaajj a . , PwflKatMaxs f Ne. w e.i .... fcvr
b. Vats, flrm: No.
v a . ' . .. ,. .