The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 17, 1898, Image 2
i u, V- (Crippled by Rheumatism. Ikcw vha aava Rheamatiarj' fled SHnuelTM growing- stsadtl worn all aa white. Do reason of UJa U that Tmdl6B prescribed br tae deeton mercury an napotuk, svna'...,j iatwtlTT tbe disease by eeus lasjr the Join io swell eat sMfea, MMduciog a severe aching of the bouse, af-fl, o. mi bean curing- Kksumetrsm ttaetwenty years even the wont earn IJrh seemed Almost Incurable. pt O.S. aAMk oyUr railroad eswadawtnr , of Oolumbta. 8. 0.. had aa expert eaea wuh Rheumatism whloh eoavlaeed Mat inr uiai peinrui oie . Tlataye: "lui lworr from anna- mtfu kheaniallsm for year, i ouuia eat tm arrmanen t lief flaweaany medlolne pre wtrtv9d by nty nhyslelea. r-ane- nrjout a ooeeo Da- sr.ia cf your 8. a. 8tf and pal I am as well at I (t' ewrwMlntny life, lata i lint Tour mattlolna nrri me, mid I would irrnimenil It la tnrnni eaxJcnnr from any bloed disease." jKrrrybody knows that Bhaumatism 1 a 1 Isoii.tcd Ktnta of the blood, and 11 blood remedy is the only proper truHatniciit, hut a remedy containing pnUasli anil mercury only aggravates xiM irouble. Tor RlnnJ ihcJLHUUU laving Purely Vegetable, goes direct to Ua very muse of the disease and a per neruient cure always results. It is the iily blood remedy fruarantoed to con fjun no potash, mercury or other dan amorous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific djeuiany, Atlanta, Georgia. PEN ESTIVA V mHHa. S-l)iir.V & LnwUt:i,vn Division. In effect June 2ti, H:18. nTmanot. iTerinN. 1 avtvahi i . 1 t t wt t l t : ) . t : t i Til tu: to T ill i II 3 37 4. n li.u6 I JJ -.'" 11 .! 'II l II '? at. n.v. 11 u .i.i-i i ' i.-.s, VI il 'ij o 1 i-. ' 1" . W .1', A L u v J I in "lulu street I.ewtfltllWD Maitlaod Painter Shlmlle W nor Mix'lur Kai'f Mill AiltiKi-liurii Horertown 8nlT 1 1 l.llBboriib ir rtimot Plln ilia.Krf silnKriv J :.'s 1 H : ' l U !.! t.Vl S 4A vl M 8 M y 11 1 V 0. . I 8 u Si. 8.211 t.W 3 :i J J.I.'. :i .M it 4 2 4 il 4 4.1 4 4: : 4 41 II) Trai'i !i:'.v." S inhury "1 2.j p iu, ar rives nt S.'l.iisitrove 5 4" p in Tim i leave LewMowu Junction : v j .. vj u 1 m.i:a: i m.s n 1. m.; nr 11 jsp 'i. Ail 1, Pitt-1'iir.f inl Hie W. t'ur !'. n1 Wnliliirfimi t 3S a m 'S I M 4 r 1 t y,r nmi n l Now Tarr33ii 5.1 m. 1 vl I 33 4 43 and 11 H u K 4iarriiiuri! ;oj iu ami 5 14 . m' riHuuC'phia & Ere 3 H Division. AMI i.M'l. ' II. li.V l, WAY X'1 ' :.. -vi i..:v .1 1 Iv : ..! : 1 1 i.i ' -r Krie niil i ' tntti.lm.Mi 4 lii t.: i 'tit"-:.t-l.M-m'ki i ' .'i.iii t tthctin 1 4 s ! in ' '!? ii.iT.-f. fir ni . ' We. I it ii. l'.-:ui nic K.A'i.'-.t I'.inu .l iwu 4.' I i ,,,r . ttnl tiuiir.i Ui ,. in .- A ,,H ,iiih,Tt 1;it ? '.'! in t..' -Ip nnt I'n'i tn.l.iU'iri nsi.t l.tlwk H.iren an I S y in In- Hi "ii-r.:- r; i i . .1 !, l In:' nt. 7 ifi i .: ml Jl'.: S-.'C I i . vi I ,1 11 .nit tl .,. VV:. ki - It l.'l'ltOIl I ' A 'tl, Jl 1 i 't: ' ir'nt v i aj i. r W i ll I. in f..r S!. t"t I n 1 .i -.r'tvtnz 'A tu II .1 in'ti'if" tt r-li 1 .Irlt.t.l i .'I'll lrr U V ' V -k vv.- J Vn : vr i- . r : liiir i I'll la le!'hM D. K.ti tu..ire 9 . J' Y r I vi a '. ii p In 111! Tiit t At r!tila.lr1hl ' . H i Tt ,t.i 'r. r inhu'v . v .,rrv,r , I't.tla.v' lh: ( !i i tt - i in W il' muii :i a in i Wt--ii j, v, ii) :a a m 'in.1av-. 'l ritiU'lilpi ia Y'.-K M p in, Ui;t.:a re !!5 ifi hi t'ltp tp. ; arr.riKi: i Phi! .i!jj.hia 4 a-l a. V.r va.p us. Ka:t mure t w u i-j i ,'... ..: ;,(. in ' !fvf iur,t.j.f ai y'oaioaal af: i' al' a- ivr iirrnuri. ftitla.)ti.hia aui I K. W ).ID, fen'l Fa-. At-iil ' - b .1: uii: . - 1 j W.r, it f 'j&a- 'AiMa.Jkih.lrf-. "T ; r Hi -.ja, a I , - Z w , n,. I t:; & C3.. Hew Ycit Cltj. Ulili i.:t Sua CAWtcti U Hi tin fc. ,m b, WtlM-IMa. S.S.S. 4ruuC STatl I r " J I We Swpport Oh liaes. . A leader l that man who has beat frepartd aiaiaelf for opportunity. Bta a ear may never atrtka, but. rf It ahould, be te ready. Krery farward tnoTCBcct la tae world's history has brought to the front the ma a of pa tient preparation, and ha bas paeed off the froand for the adraaoe. Dvtmers than Individ oal fltneeaaad apfartaalty Is required to make a leader efeetlve. Behind the man mnai be the maie a united people, willing to follow, and, at ihs same time, ImpelHnf kim for ward, as, in a flying wedga of football players, each one Impels the man at it apex toward the goal. Kapoleoa wss unconquerable while the whole French people were behind him; Ua eoln's splendid quslltles were useful to his country only beoauae the peo ple of the northern states were at his back. So, in war, we hsvs devel oped worthy and effective leaders, the msn of preparation, who, at Manila and Santiago, havs found their op portunity. Dut this is solely becsuse the American people as a unit have been ready and have done their part. Spain has not lacked men of mind, of executive ability, of aplendid oourage men eminently fitted for successful leadership. As Individuals, they may have been prepared; but as a nation, Ppaln has not been. Kffect of War on Crime. in the very beginning of the war the authorities of the oitios were as-, tonlshed at the falling off In petty crimes and misdemeanors, writes John Gilmer Speed in Woman's Home Com panion. These small malefactions, it must be known, are not committed by professional or ronfirmed criminals, but by casual idlers; by those who, having nothing good to do, are im pressed into the service of his Satanic majesty. The war, if it did not give actual employment to these casual idlers, gave all of them something to think about. It gave an Interest to their lives. And so the police magis trates found in a little while that more thuu half their occupation was gone. 1 do not suggest that the snfortuuates who usually keep the police busy a'.l ncm iuiu toe army anu navy, inat was not the case by a great deal. It is likely, Indeed, that the soldiers and sailors who enlisted in this emergency were the best of the best, llut the idlers were, after all, Americans, and in the stirring times when drums were beating, rifles cracking sharply and preat cannons booming in foreign seas there was something else to do than to serve the gentleman below; there wt'f?tS?1'-r. things to be interested in tl:an the evil work he fiiidn for idle hands to do. One of the notiiralde features to one who has visited the courts of law is the inniiner ia which different wit nesM'H take the oath that they will tell "the truth, the whole truth nnd nothing but the truth" in the cases involved. A!::u)st as striking is the manner um-iI by the clerks in ndniin isterir.g the oath, with various de crees of tincerity. One clerk, who is a church member, binds the witness with a high degree of seriousness,, while the less spiritual clerk rattles off the words without any special meaning. A witness a clay or two ago, reports an Indianapolis exchange, was greatly impressed with the soicmuity of the trial in which she wan con cerned. To her the court was an or acle, nnd the lawyers unapproachable dignitaries. She cast furtive glances about the courtroom, in anxietv lest she might overstep the rules. When the judpe told her to rue to receive the oath her discomfort was com plete. She listened attentively to the words of the clerk, and at the end of , the ceremony responded, witii much , feeling: "Amen." A striking comment on the charac ter of school principals and the meth ods of electing them in too many places in Eactas and Missouri, in the opinion t of the Katsas City Journal, ia found in ; the getially sarcastic remark of s member of the board of education in j a meeting in the paat aummT. "Well, : gentlemen. Laving elected our princi pal and nur Erst ansistatt principal, let ui try to Ld some one to teach in the higher bracches." Several weeks ago an Atlanta (Ga.) rtan took a wlemij oath declaring that te Loped to be struck dumb If ever he tasted whiiky again. This oath wag made In the preneuce of friends. One cigLt recently Le entered a taloon and draLk a truall ivlats of corn whisky. Immediately afterward Le n unable to articulate a word. Tie was tsken to tbe Lcispital. but the text day re gained Lis speech. Tte 'jutertat max-ot on the gov l ertxtect b'n is a swarm of "carpen i ttr beev" that Las made tte Lomefos three year te iLe matt of tbe light- Louse tecder WsLgrove. They took I up their quarters voluntarily, and I Lave stuck to the tecder during all ! its travels std blockade duty. Though tly browMs around on aLore wLea convetiefct. tLcjr never lose aigit of l m?. 1 -W:w piee sre eomlcg ia sgstn," gleeful! oUre tbe liostoa (ilolie. We sJbsJJ w spet to Le-r that the Jfew Eojflsjud avt Is threatened by fLsutou fleets, pkk brss sad bloe wimmM awo-tav ACCOXKHO 19 TXa LAW. Bwttaar tor fetsae wtrb a 1 m herd. In CtoraweM ve. dMeot aaaeefaelon (N. D.), .! B. A. 4ltT, not to coawtiusts a votnaeaey ea powers te aaseaisasry danger. A yodgmeeiS eoaatHvte a Heat tbe Urns of resantlsw la belt, la CUle aaa se. TeSraba (leww). m U ft. A, V t be rsstdarsd anbr ibs hiiiI ad aba eaewe aa4 b4 merely algaatt aatd raJU read -TTIed.' The nee ed a base saw by a abler te saw off triexba free a aae la beat, la soots Mutes Clltoh.). MkLl ae4 t rute en sxpaMre ealssvs sd bis pre ferred MoapaUoa. A pure has i od laaale eo behalf of a eyndlaateby real sesate sgwats whaare menabers of M aad aUs to at as ageata of the vender, is held. r FfCgMaaa vs. Goocb (Va.). 40 L. U. A WK aasaforce able against tbe other members of the syndioaite. Flagrsat dleregard by a water com pany of lta obligatUia to fumiab clear and wboleaonve water, and the furnish ing of water wbioa aadaagsrs the health and Uvea of the peepls, aotwlth standing ramonstranoea, are befil, la I'aleatine Water at P. oampaay va. 1'al eetlne (ex.). 40 L. R. A. 808, te be suffi cient grounds for forfeiting the fran chise. Tbe lack of aa abaslate unincum bered title to the property Insured by a policy declaring thaa tt shall be of no validity unleee the insured has an un conditional, unincumbered title la held, in rhoenlx Insurance company va. Fnller (Xeb.). L. B. A. eOS. to be no defcciae to the insurer if tbs insured has on insurable Interest aud tbs Insurer accepts and regains the premium. ENGLISH ROYAL SALARIES. The duchees of Edinburgh brought her husband s dowry of ll.SQO.0O0 and an annuity of IM.M0, which gees to her children st her death. The queen's daughters. Princess Christian, Trincesa Louise and Princess Reatrice, all have 134,000 a year and each had a dot of $150,000. r-riuce Christian has $8,900 s year as ranger of Windsor park and the mar qui of Lome $8,000 a year as governor of Windsor castle. The duke of Connsughthss $IB5.000 a year and his pay as genersl Is nearly $15,000. The duchess brought s dowry of $73,000 and the duke aettled $7,500 a year upon her at ber marriage. The duke of Edinburgh, forjnstsnce, whose financial affairs have so often been mude the subject of gossip, bad su allowance of $75,000 a year on at taining his majority and another $50, 000 a year on his marriage, but volun tarily ceded this latter Item on succeed ing to the duehy of Saxe-Coburg-Ootba. The duke of Cambridge has $60,000 a year and Gloucester house rent free, which is equal tp another $13,000 a year, and, although the rangershljof the Green park, St. James', Hyde and Ilichard parks are altogether worth only $350 a year, the residences which go with tbem are worth a couple of thousand pounds a year. While the duke was commander in chief, as well as colonel of the grenadiers, he drew about $12.(100 a year from the war oflice as well. HORSE TALK. Sunlight und pure air are potent ele ments iu promoting health and vigor in horses as well us other stock. Generous feeding of the growing colt will surely result in u larger and smoother animal than if it is allowed to prow up on the farm as best it can. The horses used for plowing and get ting out the corn and other work on the farm will be as well off without shoes as with them. Try it. If all grooms and herdsmen realized the importance of their making them selves agreeable to the stock they han dle we would hava fewer unruly, nerv ous and worthless animals. Since tbe time of the revolution horses hsve beensteadily Increasing In size. Mr. Wallace believes this to be due to the importstion of larger horses from abroad for breeding purposes, and selecting the largest of their progecy to breed from. At the time the first importstions were made from great Britain and Eu ropean countries they were much smaller than at tbe present time. Ac cording to the evidence collected the colonial horaee of Virginia about 1750 were nearly all between 13 and 14 hands, and thst for 100 years tbey hid retained the peeullsrltlesof their Eng lish ancestors of ths reigs sf James I. in color, slr.e and gaft. MUTTON CHOPS. (Berth IUr and WclUDoat.) It paye to fuss with abeep. Get the sheep sheds ready before the sheep Lsve to come tn. Hhey never do well when too closely confined, even In winter. Examine the feet of sheep. Keep tbem clean. Clip off the toes snd any ragged bora. Sheep will euffer more from cold while tieJr coats sre wet In tjie fail than they will when covered with snow In winter. Some stockmen claim that four sheep may profitably bs pastured with every cow and not materially Injure the paw ture for tbe eowe. Sheep running with mwi seem to look upon tbrtn ss their protectors, snd will run for security to ths eowa If dogs appear. Early ewe Is in be srs tbe best when s year old. Tbey will breed earlier snd turn off heavier fleeces than lata ones, sud are quite sure to winter better, Tbe number of slieep In this country Las alien off lOfiOQJM within Art years, aad yet we Import more thst half tbe wool we uswim Joara GOCIG TO SOT7TESXX CATTX a etftwanr Tbanrfar Mas moietewm. Pa!. Vet. last era etas br Tewac far tbe geaeral mssmi I at tae Beeowd eorpe front Camp bteade sdhe new camps la ths seata. tin man- wtll be tin on Thursday with las trspartore of tbs Thlrtjr-nfth aWehlawa and she Second Tennessee, aad wtn as eemeteted ths following- Welaisdsy. A hospital ear wtll be attacked fa eean tiatmantal train aad a msdlcal efaast wtU accompany each seetiea, Mi headquarters of the varies brigades aad arvtalons will he shipped la aeV vaaee of corpa headquarters. Tae altchlf an troops is to A atresia Oe, and the Tenaeseeeai s C. Friday ths First Hi te te Aufuata, and the Twe H aad Third New York to OreeaviUe, t a. sad the Fifteenth Pennefiraala M Aiheas. Ga, Tbe Tenth hie gees te Anrueta and the Fourth New Jarseff to Greenville on flaturiay. Bunder tht Klfhth Pennsylvania leaves tar AarasU. ths Second West 'Virginia far Orsaa rille and the First Rhode Island far Columbia. Monday ths Thirteenth Pennsylvania leaves for Augusta, ttai Feurtb Missouri for OreenvUle, tsenth Pennsylvania and Mlath Shis battalion for Summervllls. On Tuss day the Fifteenth Minnesota starts fol Augusta, Third Connecticut for Bum menrttle and Two Hundred and First New York for Greenville. Wedneadtft the Fifth Massachusetts leaves fei Greenville and the Two Hundred and Beoand New York for Athens. Corps headquarters, the sltpial corps com pa ny, corps reserve ambulance cempany and the First and r'.acond dlvialsn hos pllals will also start Wednesday, SOLDIERS' GHASTLY P1NB. DlHcovpred n reirl Taamater While FlaylitB Ulde end Meek. Mlddletown, Pa., Nov. 8. A numeet of Second Tennessee soldiers on guard ear Mlddletown yesterday, durtni their spare hours, engaged In a game ol bide and seek In a cornfield. One ol their number saw two feet sticking eut frem a corn shock and called: "Get out of there; your big feet give you away. There was ao movement on the pari of the one hiding, and the sslslen grabbed the two feet and gave a strong pull. Instead ef pulllntr out a soldier, be had hold of a deud man. The bod) was In a state of decomposition, and there were ugly gashes about the nee and eyes, and the ends of the flagsri were chewed off. Foul play was al first suspected, but an Investigation showed that the man was a team ster named J. lirow, Ms name belni tattooed on the arm, and that he ha been missing from the Second divislot for about two weeks. What caused hli death Is unknown, but there was evi dence of his having crawled under thi shock of corn while drunk and died and the rata have been living off hti flesh., His clothes also showed that something had been gnawing at thtm Two doctors held a post mortem ant found that the man died from conges tlon of the lungs, and because of hit weakness crawled under the corn ahoct and died about three days before thi body was found. ITEMS OF STATE NEWS. Philadelphia. Nov. ".The Jury in tht case of Peter v.. Smith, after six hours deliberation, returned a verdict Sat urday niKMt of not guilty. Smith wui charged with an attempt to brlbi Councilman alter Stevenson. Th latter testified as to Smith's attempted bribery, but Hie jury evidently did noi believe him under outh. Wllkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 7. The Ex eter mine accident claimed Its elghtt victim yesterday. William Pokas died of his Injuries in the Plttston hospital The other two injured men, Vinsleranc Leckonuwg, are mild to be In a crllica condition. Tbe accident occurred oi Saturday, when a train of loaded coa cars crashed through the mine shaft and carried down the cage in which tht victims were descending. Oil City, Pa,. Nov. 5. By the ex plosion of a new boiler at the Oil Cltj boiler works yesterday two men wen killed, two fatally injured and a dozer more slightly hurt. The killed art Charles McCloskey and John Fraw ley. Fatally Injured: 13. J. Gldders both legs broken and Injured Internal ly; Dennis Mc.Mahon, Injured Internal ly. The boiler was being tested wher It exploded. The cause of the explo sion was a defective gauge. Chambersburg Nov. 7. The Readlni mail train due here at 10:15 this mora Ing was nearly an hour late In arriv ing. Mall Agent A. E. Martin, of Har lisburg, a new man, tried to adjust tht pouch catcher while the train wst speeding along between Grantham ant Bowmansdale. He was caught ant' hurled from the train. The train wsm back for him, but a passing freight crew picked him up and took him tt Harrlsburg, fatally hurt. He la mar rted and has a family. Bcranton, Pa., Nov. 7. The house oi John O'Byrne, on Pike street. Carbon dale, was almost engulfed by a mint cave-in of No. 3 colllory ef tbe Dela ware and Hudson company early thlt morning. The cavity covers aa ares nearly one hundred feet square, aa the O'Byrne house went down over 21 feet, plunging forward at a steep in cline. The family were in bed at tht time, and were pinioned In their roomi by the crash of the building. Nem were srlouly hurt, and all were res cued by neighbors, who answered thsli cries. The Delaware nnd Hudson com pany is repairing the dunnage. Wermrsvllle, Pa., Nov, $. Ilev. Dr. H. L. Wayland, one of the most emi nent Baptist divines, died here yester day after an illness of several months' duration. Dr. Wayland was born la Providence, It. I., April 23, 1130. Ills father was Frsncie Wsylsnd, ths emi nent president of Hrown university, and his brother, Professor Francis Way land, Jr., has Iwen for msny years desn of the Ysle Us school. Mr. Way land was educated In Brown unlvtrelty, from which he graduated In 141. Dur ing ths civil war he served as chsp tain of ths Beventh regiment Csnnscti cut volunteers and has sines filled pro. feasor ships In several collages. In Wi bs accepted the position of sditor sf has been tbe Ph.Uaelphla .4 iu), 7 Ths The National Baptist, and Blase 114 SiaiBiMr. - i -.At Fleshy . Consumptive :it- DM you ercr see oieP DM TM ever hear ef one P MeW certainly not. Coa amption Is disease thst iiTtrisbly causes loss of tel.. If you are lit ht la weight, era if your cough is oaly a alight one, you should ttnetaly take S::i!'3 Ecsslica of tW JrVtr oil aiO hypo pUsfhiUs. No remedy is such a perfect prevent ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul sion will hold every in ducement to you for a perfect cure. All Druggists, tae. aad $t. HrpTT Howsr, riiemiata, N. Y. Hmwmwwi WHY? "Em hit reel biilel clxttbl tin I'rni 4'Juah Un HMO. bur iiilt'li'N f'lliurc rmrl wc nt ii nn mil uv cjituM vnlirl iinlrttuwl led. nwuuii Iran." THFRt VOU HAVE it Clear as Mud. Thenrlulnnl of t tie nl.nve. written with a pen, wlieii Ueriphereil mis si-en lo lie only hii urili-r fur a lip-.wrHer. Itrenits: "Kiielon-tl Hurt ilriifl on N-iw Yuri: roi iO for which pi, list pi-iiiI mi-nt oiu-e nun of jour luicsl liupioveu type writer." lie 1m p?irelia.lni! iiinelilne noiH-li n wmiu. vmi "uv. HOW A Ho IT YOlttHd.l? Soil may not wriiesu unir!v us lie dues, uml vour letter inny not lie l!lirllili'. l-iit n type-written eoiiiii'Hiil.'Hlliii. hits ii liiislness-lIkH itppruruiu'c which a peti-wrltteu line lin.i nut That's Why Vr Nlionld use n ttriM-wrlter. Tlml II does llieHtiuii- work as ihe so-fiilleil "Hianiliii'it., imieliliiKS, etws liii hiJ I, iflvlm; tails lui'Iliiu to3S,iOJ Um'ih Is Why YOU SHOULD USE THE "0DEIL " Send for aciitalOKUn unit aaiuplu of Its work. 0DELL 1YPE-WRI7ER CO. S.1H-30 I Dem born Ml,, 1 1114 Atdtt. I J.I,. 4-l.lVlUO AifflirbUrg Aarble Works, R. H- LANGE, . MARLE AND SCOTCH GRANITE Cemetery Lot) Enclosures. Cld Stones C'ennod and Repaired Prices as Low as tde Lowest SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. A. JKXlvlNS, Ag'f., ('rossjiiMVc, Pa. OIS0N a spewauYJSBsa ilurr ltAltyl I'lllSOV iw,rm.n;.,. r-uredlnl6fiilidnya. You can be treated a ty. iryuuprefurtornnteheraitewlllooQ. " Lr:irtt()t) rallriMflfnrunH h(IKtit. .... noehs: eury. srye, I f wo full to euro. 1 f you havo taken tuer , loillde ixitusli, anU still bare achea and . M ucous l'atclins hi mouth. Sum Tlirnt patol. Much riniDlM. l orn,,' mr (:uloretl Hpiits, Lleera on v . .V . I.'1 ,,?lr' I'.yeortiws lallln out. It Is this benoutlury JlLoOlt k U1SUN we cuarantee to euro. We solicit the nnt oball nata cases aod chnlleiia: tbe world for a t"i,;f,,V'?.t.c"r,, ""'aae has alwara ba filed t hasklll oftha mmi -,nt.,.77i'J: elans. ar.OO.OOJ eaintal Iwhlud our nncondl. Uonalrosrauiy.Abiolutepro.ifmiontsr.aleu on sppllcjti..n. AddrtM :4)R KKMKDY CO.. HOI aiaaiinio Tcmplu, CUICAt'U, ILlI mi PERFECT MEN ! DO NOT DB8PAIRI Da Mat aer Leaaert Tht loya and amblUona or Ufa eas be reatorad to you. The Tor The ory worat eaaea or or nervoua ueuui ty am alMoltilely cured hy rsarEviu TaBtaia (lla prompt rollsf to Inaoinnla falling memory and tbe waate and drain of vital powera. Incur red by IndlaeretlonaoreiceKMsi of early yaars. Impart tIkoi and potaney to every f unoiluu tlraM) an Hie iratea. Ula aaw bloom to the chore and luatro to the ,a erea of youni or old. OnetfM bul rennw S ITllal enerxyi a l-nee at a.S a oom-fV 1 f Jiileto atiarun wl our or money Mfiia4-TjSa tW.d. Can Iw earrlod In Tai poeket. Hold every whereof Oialled lupiain wranperon - receiinor pn- try tu a rtsar niiv va., jmnwu iiioa., vuiwmu..- For Bale in MiiMli'burjrli, l'n,, fy Micldlcliiirjr Drujr Co., iiiMt. l'leim- ant Mills by Henry llunlin, uml in Pnu Crwtk by J. W, SiinijiKtal. REVIVO BE8T0RS VITALITY Made ?r ' mv r istbu.y.Tif Erf ofM THS 0RI AT loth lta.. m.332JOXI ZUBZbXXCXJ prof urea the above raeallela'SOctaye. lit iwwerf ully and mtckly. Cures when all oth.r. Youueniaa will reaia their loat luaiihooil aii l .,i niaa will rewer than youllifiil visar br ii.t I4RVIVO. j qalekly aad surely reaturaa Sart.ei. Baas. Loat VI lain. Imiw.i.... Mia,..t. Iet I'ower, ralllaf M.mory, Waallne !iaaa a., all sffaeta of ealf aboee or euwaaaud luillauitiu wblebaaliaaneoveiadr,BaeliMasorBiarriar ao4oolr cunt by atartlae it the eat at dlavaaa b . H tfraat aorve toala and bliMwt keiia.. i..t. . bans Ilia Blak glow te bale ahaaba i etorlaii Ike Are ef yeelb. It trarde of lnu. sa4 UMump4lea. laal.t oa kavln UEVIVU, i, , atbar. II ass be eamad la vast iw.kH. Uy nail Imaa iu i k . ...... live writtea earaatae to oaie or rahu.a I TU UMII CO.,271 f INll !,, CBIC100. ILL r, Mrawiarirea, aesfats rar sal at Mld(Uburib hy W,H.IlMaUR, J LOSSp awaisajim mtjtm ui m vwuVivr s a mm mm If I. MILLER. . Proa ea aaBaaBaat " V I atlMtn ilr.riatas.ll . afaotur. to order all klnd. Marble anrt n 1 I tamafe Aid natii Oil Stones Oeafifld.'P 1 ha. S.u. . P-HlrJ turu out Kood work. u,,,Nuut3 Come and see ia y n ort t 1 Thanbf.,1 ...... "0rSd;iiruJ Peotfullv ttsk a oontlnnantioH M. L,. MIT.T bnJ ITflW VTat finvim. . Tu n 41, . . . - : - " muni, popu arnU. raumo arraunbd for Piano havA nmf. Ko., ;.. j i .."i OrnJ Our Horoes Honie,1' dw L , n? Heroes of the U. S. BatltSt?! 18 Olio of ilia fi ilia the words riuB with natr "Dwv'a nai.i ,.t ii ' ' ",n"tiitt niP.. b..,V-;ii ii" " .."lh,'uiueiiW nuuvci' iiHi, tliHHepieceH and PoupUr Mn.ichl ((iiiliiiuii)K 1H miren full hh ot seut on reeient of "5 ctMit.H. m IndinniuioliN, In.l. '' amonfl M tan -weka U iisctl for Plastcrinir II.uis,- It Is a new dlscvcry Guaranteed to last limn, "pvs. than any other plaster. I, ih preicrrea to Adamant. J'or iarticul;irs trail on i.rii.1,1 D. A. KERN HDDIEBDB6H. II r. K. H4m i:it. B0WEU& PAWLING Auoinej'H-ut-LHw Offlces In Hunk Uiilldlns. Hi ft, I AS. O. CHOUSE, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, MlODLKBtllO.Pt, AllbUHinehH mti unfed tohi,Cdf( will receive prompt attention. a. Ht-Eottieccy, VETEFHrlAUVSUROEOH, SELINSGROVE, PA. All professional business entrusted to toy an will receive prompt aud careful uiienimn. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS-I MP0RTAN1 1m (uker Valley Mfjj. Co. o CbiciiKo have rerjuested iih to ar litiuiire tb:it they Iiavn Kevcnil tlious and r-eU of (lie liuePt coin silvci plated War Jlenioiial .Spoons lei over from t heir rwimt ,1,1 ..ii...i; - " - vitott tituitUL Ihey will mail, postpaid, a full n oi hii ot ijueHH tipoons to everv But hriiher to tlm I'okt ui,,i -,ii .,. nutue and i.ddieHH a postal can will do. If, on receipt of the t-pooi Kill Will find llll lpi iha innttt ,.v,,n,c itely beautifiil KpecinieiiH of Ih HiIveri-initL'B art von ever huw, au. WOlth 3.00. rutin t 7S ment in full, within 80 dayti if to pieasea, return them iniim -dnitdj Knoll Rnnnn is nt a liH'.,ioi.i .1...;.. - w. - UIIIVI, UU ItlPIt, after dinner coffee m'zc bIiowiu ROidiers in camp iu Culm, Morr fldHtlu nml 'nur TT J,.,t I... I,;,,. They are nnpwiiihablo inonii'iitue of the late war, and ovmy subscrili er Bhould accept thiH mont n-uiail anieoner, anil ( Dtain a Hut lietore I istoolatf. All that's necessiuy i to nav you're a subscriber to tli Poht, (this is imporlant) and tlm vmi annonf fmtm.i n I Sfr,M. AlV.i VH MWWJ'V ."J, llllllllll tiifvri'ii ttl Addren QUAKER VALLEY MR r-l-V ssaa if. v w y, uarrisou t.,cincHifO, , FOR SALC 0Y ALL riKIT CLASS CIGAR DIALER IH UNITIO TAT 1 3 MaT? H "l-'V'tlb.T"' MainSfeSS