The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 17, 1898, Image 1

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' ' ' : '
Interesting Items.
Told m Brief Paragraphs for
Our Reader.
r U PrmlacBt.
Matrimonial business will soon
The leaves on the trees are rapid
ly falling.
The court advertising appears in
this issue.
'ov that winter is here look well
to your flues.
Church socials will soon lie the
nest amusement.
The county jail at this place con
tains no prisoners.
Institute opens two
weeks lrom Monday.
u. V. Hernmnof Kratzcrvillewas
visiting relatives at this place last
EHir Custer is registered ns a
student of telegraphy, at the Mid
cllebiirg depot.
Kditor I. L. Herman of the New
Berlin Reporter, was aMiddlehurgh
visitor on Monday.
John Erdley of Akron, O., form
erlv of Freeburg, was a county seat
visitor on Moiidav.
John L. IJowcrsox, the hustlin
desman, was in town over Sunday,
the guest of his parents.
Geo. N. ErdW.oneof Fonntowti
.ship's residing agriculturalists, was a
Middleburg visitor recently.
Charles Frain of Akron, Ohio
was a recent visitor at James an
Zandt's and 1W. IJillliardt's.
r. Shillcr, the root doclcr from
Ilavri.-lmrtr, who had been reported
ileiu!, was in town on lucsday.
Misses Hose Sehoch and Amanda
Vittcnmcycr are the guests of Dr,
lfcirlier'sut Danville, tins week.
F. II. Maurer, New Uerlin, isal-
wavs olicring s pecuu oargauis.
. ' I I . J .
his special annoiiiiccinent in this is
II. II. Aurand ofTrovelville, oik
of Adams township's sueeessfiil (arm
ers was a Middleburg visitor last
Dr. C. C. Moyer of Hartleton,
one of Union countes most popular
physicians, was a Middleburg visitor
on Monday.
The residence of W. II. Houtz in
Swineloid is receiving a coat of
paint at the masterlv hands of Aaron
J. Crossgrove.
A new Ixiok ease has lieeu placed
in the Lutheran church for the new
Sunday School Library. The books
will arrive shortly.
The house and lot of Allen Mov
er on West Market St. was sold at
the sheriff's sale last week to Mrs.
Charles Snvder for $900.
Goo. V. Wngensellcr is remodel
ing and repairing the property re
cently purchased from the estate of
Hie late I redenck alter.
l'rof. (J. F. Dunkh-lKTcer of
Krcamer, ono of Middlecrcek town
ship's successful pedagogmv, was a
Aluulleburg visitor Saturday.
J. S. J Jo wen and wife of llum-
mel's Wharf were in Middleburg ou
Saturday. Mrs. llowcn is tlio only
child of tho lute Key. Noah Dcabler.
Wilson "Wiuey and wife and 11.
H, Custer ami wife were called to
liichfield by tho serious illness of
Mr. Winey and Mrs. Custer's fat her.
Mrs. Aniandus Sliiunbach. who
has so faithfully attended her hus
band through a long niece of ty
phoid fever, is now sick herself with
the dread d sease. h merShamhach
ia lso a victim. '
--- . - - - - 1 . - M
Miss Ella V. Sletler is spending
this week in Sunbury.
Howard Folk is doing some pa-
paring at the county jail.
John Weber of Mahontongo was
a Middleburg visitor Saturday.
Hattaway Mertz is engaged at
painting at Lewistown this week.
Senator Ed win M. Hummel was
a Middleburg visitor on Sunday.
William Swartz was a McAlister-
ville visitor Saturday and Sunday.
The ()ctol)cr adjourned term of
court was held on Tuesday of this
Miss Ida Heaver of Northuinlier-
land is visiting her parents at this
Judgment exemption notes are al
ways in stock and for ftde at this
The Lutherans of this place cele-
brated the Lord s supjK'r on Sabfvatl
Farm Waxtkd: Suite cash and
time price. Ansox H.Hukskli.,
y-15-om. Akron, Ohio.
On Saturday the bids for the new
school building will le ojieiied and
the contract awarded.
A good truck wagon will lr sold
cheap for cash, ( all on . II
Houtz. Swinotord. Ha. 11-1 0-'Jt
Dr. J. W. Orwig and wife spent
several duvs visiluigat ntsoiitown
Williamsport and Milton last week.
The Lutheran Sunday school put
a, library cose in flw Sunday sc-1 j m 1 1
rkiin, which holds over -00 books.
It is cxtx'etcd to have the new
eapitol building at I Iarrishurg coin
plcted about themiddleof DecenilxT,
if nothing indorsed) occurs to retard
the work.
Miss Ella Hart, onoolWb-Alisln-villc's
charming young ladies, spent
several days in Swinelbrd during tin
week the guest of Miss Victoria
Frank Hugglcs, a former Ilolli
dayshiirger, was murdered at ilols
ingtoti, Kansas, September 'Ji. lie
was shot while attempting to separ
ate two combatants.
Mrs. F. 1'. Custer and children
of I'eiin township spent part of last
with with her mother, Mrs. J. C.
llassingerot this place. Mr. Custer
spent .Sunday here.
Miss Lillie Comfort and brother
David of Lewistown, are assisting
Heed Jones in moving. Mrs. J one.
has lxrn so unfortunate as to break
several bones in her hand.
One of our preachers in complain
ing of hardtimcssaid that the preach
ers here are discouraged, especially
because nobody is getting married,
and they get no wedding fees.
A pleasant niriiiu-iv party was
given for Harry Crouseon Saturday
evening at the residence of Win.
Croiise. Quite a plcasat.t evening
is reported by those in attendance
W. J. Klose of Adainsburg was
apjMtintnl by the Court as Snvder
County s returti Judge to the Con
gressional convention of return Judg
es which met this wivkatlA'wistown.
The official returns of Snyder
County were completed in theCourt
House hist Thursday. C.E. Saui
sell of lYnns Creek and John 1.
Zcchnmn of Troxclville did the work.
Misses Mamie Meehtley and Esta
Youiigmnu, of Adainsburg, cmno to
Middleburg to take in the Three
Hostoniaus on l'Viilay evening and
visited frieuds on Saturday and Sun
The Susquehanna University
Foot Hall Team will pluy the Get
tysburg College Eleven on Saturday
alleruoon, Nov, 10th, At Sdinsgrove.
Gamtf called at 3 l M. This is
tho Inst game of the season on the Se
Hnsgrove grounds, . ...
D. K. Haas and Daniel Kuorr left
for Iowa to buy a car load of horses
which will be sold at the formers
stables, Eagle Hotel, in a few weeks.
Our correspondents will oblige by
sending ns the news regularly every
week. hen your stationery is ex
haiistsd, let us know, we will send
1 H. Ienig of Northumbcrhind
was iu Middleburg Tuesday of this
week. He is taking orders tor en
larging pictures. Geo. E. Francis
of Shamokin is doing the work for
A Hazleton newspaiH-r prints the
following unique advertisement: If
John Jones, who twentv venrs ago
deserted his ioor wife and babe, will
return, said bain; will lick the stuthu
put of him.
Allen Fuhrman and wife of Har
tleton Hjient several days during the
jwist week visiting Snyder ( unity
friends. Sir. l uhrnian seems to
like Snvder County better than Un
ion County.
A man took a city paper because
he could get more reading matter
than in his county paper, and read
an advertisement of a pocket tire-es-
cnjK'. lie sent adollarand in a few
days he received a New Testament.
Two Ilousr.s Fort Sai.k. Two
small black horses, a match team,
work single or double, are offered
for side. For further particulars,
call ii or address,
ll-l()-:jt. Middlehurgh, Ha.
Uecd Jones of Lewistown sjicnt
Sunday in Swineiord. lie is mov
ing to Ijcwi.-towil this week. Heed
is a true lilne Republican, an ol I
soldier and a good citizen, atii I it i
wiili i egret that wo part wilh Mr.
"Three Ho-itoniai:.-" appcarii! la
the 'ii'u t lb.'.i-eou I'riihi y evening.
The attendance was iml as large a
it shoiiM have been, hut the enter
tainment was ot a high order. The
troop is made up of a trio of tin :e
than ordinary a!i!hy.
The audacious :n t ol a Hittsbur''
jury ill putting tin' cost of a case on
the prosecuting lawyer nearly takes
away the breath ot the average loan
when he hears of it for the iirtlinie.
Hut it the thing should l? kept up,
who could dispute its worth'.'
Cards of invitation are out ibrthe
wedding ot George Hissincr t
Maine, eldest daughter of Calvin
Stctler. This most iniMirtaiit social
event will take place at high noon
on Thursdav of this week. Tin
Hosr extends its congratulations.
Hufus K. Folk,, carried
the 17t'u congressional district by
'JoOl majority. Hoik's majority in
Sullivan is 10,"; iu Columbia USo,
aud in Montour HOG. His op
H.nent, Win. II. WimmI'iii, repiitv
iican, carriwl Northiimberlundeouu
ty by 03 niajirity.
A siiHMtli, easy shave, genteel hair
cut, or other tonsorial work, is al
wavs obtaineil at Slcs' lVarUTShou.
in Witteiunyer's building, opposite
Host oll'uv. Go to Sides to ln
new razors or exchange, tor old ones.
Razors honed and guaranteed to give
satisfaction. A. E. nu.ks.
The "war tramp" is abroad. He
blisters his arm with acids and gt
up to the buck door with a pitiful
tale of hardships he suffered. At
the same time he exhibits au artu
and it seldom fails to bring some
thing. He is a fraud and his class
are working all over the comitry.
George Horuberger of Alinedrop-
pxl over detul last Friday morning
while sitting iu Dr. Uottirock 'some
at Mt. ITeasant Mills. Mr. Horu
berger is . well kuou all over
Suyder County aud during the j-as;
mouth lias been in this place a grta,-,
deal. He was about 50 years of agev
Mrs. Thomas It. Hostermau of
Selinsgrove was the guest of her
father, Aaron Lcnmnger, over Sun
day. Her husband has built up
quite a reputation as a taker at the
county's inctroo!is.
Cards of invitation have been re
ceived at this place to the marriage
ceremony ot Mora Harterof Har
tleton to Dr. C.C. Mover of the same
place in the Lutheran church Wed
nesday, Nov. '23rd. After January
first, their home will ! at Lineohi,
The celebrated Millheim hand,
which bus Im-co dormant for some
tinm, has reorganized again, recruit
ing its rauks'by electing a number
ot ineinlH-rs, who in the near future
will be placed under the instruction
of that celebrated band teacher,
Joseph Fehrer, of Selinsgrove.
The latest invention is a musical
clock that can be set so as to plav
"Home Sweet Home," at 10 o'clock,
"Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the I Joys
urc.Marcumu' at 1 0. lo,nnd "Jolinnv
(ict Your Gun," at K .:. The
. I..
device is considereii a valuable v.
by jiareuts w lio have r.iarri.igeabh
The new ll.ig stone walk from.Ias.
VanZaiidr rc-idci:ce to liie bridge
t t ii i t i i
lias iiecii laid and a in autitul railing
ha-been put up. It i- the pursi-e
of the council to u-e l!ie -urplu-inoiiey
i ar!i year to i.i u-.e that kind
iif :i will.- :il
a'i llrl
av aero-.- the
Flats. Tl.i
i.iiprovenii i.t
.V.V !n..e ;
pondenf- ;it
II I 1
liialo; iiil'ie an
l I tl'i'ie.
at everv
t e lic;.l and
village i.i :!,e
none. Write
-i-t i:- ii i;
are an.i(iii-
Tin -e nt' mi!
Mlllitv lui'e i
tnr Kil'lie'!1.!!'
II- !
; ii i
i i.iT'-
:'i'i :
!i oiiii -e ii- I
I oc t-.iitor o! :
acknowledge the n
latioa Mr. :u
-!. It'll top, of Lewi
f an
. v. ;
. ia:n
!ia e
i-si:eii ins itatini:- to;- th
I their daughter Sue .!..
Fran!; I'.artoii Hruhak r
ne. io i 1 1 .
t yt:-:.v,u-
I burg, n Tliiirsdiv evi ii i;. .Nov.
I'J'tli, at H-aver Memorial ehureh.
I A rtM-Cptioll w ill he held iiauii di.Ue-
! v after the eere-nonv at Mrs. ,;
om1 plan ti'i-storing eii'.-tuii;-
. tor winter i:-.' i- t i
i ii". uiti'v of -a!t in t:
e li.lg Kl!
IIUIS. li:ev will then Ueoiiic -oti
and sweet and ar.v worms wiiieh
hapH'ti to lie among them will be
driven iut. The bag- w ill become
covered with sweat cau.-el by the
sait, but this will pot impair the
ipiality ot nuts in the Iight-t de
gree. This plan is followed by mativ
aud i
is consiitcrc'l tiv:
f the
We learn from private information
that A. II. Smith, editor of the
Kli.raU'th Echo, and his sister, Laura,
U'th formerly of this phuv, tiiadc a
narrow es-jpe from su!lication from
coal gas one night last wwk. For
some reitson or other tiie stove thivw,
out more gas than usual auu the
:::usiiigofthelitt!edaug;hter awaken
etl them just iu time that they were
vet enabled to stagger to the w indow
to call the assistance ot kind neigh
bors. The warning ot the child
came just iu time to save their lives.
The first (piarterlv eoid'ereiuv of
rrecburg Circuit, 1)U. iu (.,
will Ive held iu th St. Thomas
church near Aline on Fridav attec
iHK'uat 2 o'elwk. Uev. H. S. CJak-1
of lelvanon, presiding elder of the
district, will lie prescut. He will
preach iu the St. Thomas church the
same evening at 7 o'clock. The
couuuuuion service will be held on
Suuday morning at 10 o'clock in
the same church. All are iuvited to
these services.
(X Q, llOMi I'astor..
NOV. 17, 1898.
DrmlM llnlrrrft tor Itrrortl. j
Isaac (J. Swartz and w ife to Yost
H. Krebs, i,t of ground in Adams
township, containing .) (mti Iics and
1 SO j square feet, for !? 1 ''. 1 'J.
Mrs. Kate Wendt to Mary Jar
rett, hou.-e and lot on Market St.,
on the Isle of Que, Selinsgrove, for
J. H. and W. H. Wendt and
wives to R. S. Meiser, the undivided
of the mill projKTty -ituate at Mt.
Hleasant Mills, IVrrv two., for
I. l . emit and wile to
the other undivided t of the
property for ?:'.:;c,ii'.-J().
W . J. II. Spicgchiiyer, nttorney-
ill faet, etc., to Levi Spie'e!m ver,
of S-( of a tract ot hind in "West
Heaver twp., for loo.
S. S. Keitz Mini wife to Franklin
Anderson, lot of ground in Chapman
i... . i
i p. eoiliainillt' Ier'll(-S. t i ,-
sideratioii cliO.
r.vvrutrls umel.
Mrs. Maru'ai'etS Iiik-Ii, w idou , wa
nannil as the Kxecutrix of t lie estate
of Henry S hoeh, latent Scliu.-u'rovi
I 'a. She is the sole heir of the prop
erty ot tin deceased during her n.i
tuml liti- and at her death it slial! 1
divided anioiii; her three (lauihier
share and share alike.
lrrt:ix l.lrfnu'..
l.b.-e;., W. S-ahl. Verdiiht,
I I'liiH'l;e r.,-iioaker. "ort Ti-"r;..i'.
f I larrv L. ' i t; i ! - r ' i.-.e'i',.--r.
I A. Maud ( 'urns,
1 riu-i-fiaiiShellenU-:-.'".-. Kirlri. ld.
I N'erdie A. Ke. k,
Little Wins tor Jad-.-.
A! :a :,g .
;i I,
. ..gid ..v. r tho .ludg s1
the Ten;-.-:tli Ju lieial
Ko!,rr H." Lh-'e. the p,,,
eaii;a; ate. v
t it
"N-ai 1. t. j
' W' !.'. i ll'
I.. II. IM
S -a-.toa. ..
olnm! i.i .-o.'u.ty
he return- t -in
e I .iitie a plu-!
raiitv of I !7'' votes 1 1 v i
t!ie vote l.i:'g Little. 17
. and
ill II' V
S'arhr. :' 11. In Mo,,'
Mr. Sear!
d'his tick
t ran eoiisideral lv ahead
r, receiving a iua;oritv ot
"o'.l vot.s., Mr. Little t
us reeeivi'ig
I.. .
' r;i ! i i v ot 7;; 1 oi-s t.,r iho d:
i ' .
f r
n.-t. Had iiar!es I.. H .,v, !,.v. , ,e
I 'fohioit ioi; tid.'te, been out. ot
tlie light and not received the iliul
Votes; east tor 1 1 1 i : I . the contest, wold I
doubthss have bieii more exciting.
Snyder County Hunttcg Party
The Snvder '.'ontitv hunting partv
is in the wimdswot of Milrov this
week. The party is a jovial one and
consists of the following named per
sons: H. S. Hitter, C'i i rtin IVwer-
sox and J. F. Stctler of Mi.ldlcl ni rg;
J. M. Hiker and H.bert Middlcs-
warth, ot Adatusbiirg; Frank Miller
a: id CJeorge Spade, ot Salem; Frank
Herman, Kmtzervi lie; Cyrus Young,
NorthumUi'land; Pr. t. J. Wageu
stdlcr, Selinsgrove, and Frank Fisher
aud (.leorge Stetlen, ot Shaniokiii
Ham. M. Z. Steininger and II. H.
CJrimin of this place expect to join
the party the latter part of this week.
Voted Sixty-six Years.
I' uele lavidCiearhart, whose lirst
vote was cu.t for Van Hureu for
president, was able to go to the polls
Tuesday and deposit his ballot, pre
sumably tor Jeuks, uiakiug sittv
six years he has voted the lVmo
erativ ticket. Every vote has been
cast iu the same pieeiuct, the one
kuowu as Chester Hill, having pre
viously been a precinct of lVcatur
township before it was a borough.
Causa of the L. V. Wreck.
Mr Brake on ths XorMwtnd Train
Jittufdto Work.
The ,-,.,. f the wm-k .n th,
Ihih sd!,.v ;;i;ir;1(i Friil.iv noriiim-i,..,r W:il..J
Harre, has U,,, explainl bv John
Ko,'lnn ! ngii,T on th'e run
away tram.
Engimvr J!, I,filI , r
Maud, douik. who h: of
i'een.,net!i,t ,.VnU, 07nlro
m train V. ,,id:-Mv train was
Whit- Have.,' I r-eive,
nlers to tl,., t tr:ii . .,t
A Fairview I sto,,p,.d and
'''-rrapu.,1 lor a ,,i!. f ;,ilt ,..
to N,yre, I ,;1vin- r,eeive,l r-
'ers to run the train through to that
place, r-ually I run onlv as fir as
iik-.-nirr Friim F.;irvi(,w j
'' !-.un thcl.-iektraekuta-.,,!
rat.- . t -p.,.1. a, w,. Mt n. i.lf, ,lt j
"ttc. ran a, ta-t I,,.,;,.,. .,,, n)
tn.iu.le III keeping tnv engine under
''"'o!. P.,, thismornii..ral.,ut a
,,:l!,,;"1"' Newport -ration ti e en
gine got beyond mv control. I ean
not give :.v ,-,.,. f;,r f u),,.
kn..w t,,t ,My,.,t;,;.t, f, ,
U' !V ' f:.iu. I fried hard to
ir w;
'o an.
-i:re li
'ra -
1 "f '!'- I; ..rliine, l,t.
;s-l I
I u as imwerli'SH
e i i'a -1 1
ni". and
t!i-i! I felt was
whi-thd down
da-;..,.il.. Mv fire
': "f Mauri, CmnU.
' the colli-, i. in, hut in v
so r-;!,,-. tl, fi-ving f,,
1 ' '" e,:.J,:,." tlur. r
1 T -1 'he ' ra-h canio."
1 ' i- 17 year -f
r...i:-o.v!!" : rhe val-
:r ' '' ' 1 - ' 'l I'll i ;. J,,!,,, '
lUI'jH i i.rl'oi-,
e-aia e,
.: . ...
I Whir
IV! iv
i.i n .-
'ei , .-II
" I ' 1 A. M.
' i '.
ii;.- 1
,:. at the
g '-' roivcii.
' ''''' : ' i a id there are
' "'iii..n- . n hi, .i!v.
Ve- 's oil
! lb-
I lut Ih.hl'h.g, ot M inch ( Uunh,
ci gine, r on engine I I 7. train No. .",
at rue City Ib-pii;,!. Lett arm
broken ami -evere cm , and brnis-s
"ii hi
ad and b.iv; injured interna 11 v
He is 17 eurs old.
C'hi'rh s H. M'rga.ts.of Waverlv,
N. ., express messenger n t.niiii
No. at tiie ("itv Ilosoii i! s-, ,.,.
woundsou his scalp and boiiv liruis
t 1.
Jclin S hoentield oi'Maueh (.'hunk,
braUanau on train .", taken to his
home. Hulk bruis' .l on head and
A. (!. l'.ovle i f Maiich (.'lunik,
baggageniastcr, slightly injured.
The wreck is a cost I v o;.i;. to the
railroad company. The rota! loss
is al Halt sV.O.OOO.
Congressional Vote.
The vote fiir Cotign'ssuian in this
district by counties wa.s as follows:
iC VTKls.
190." U2S
'Jilt! U90
20."I l'JOS
oS4s lS8ii
520a Ay
1773S (
i Majority,
iswifcK''' -g-aw!t"'-l 1 ' v """'
rt ' VI r
v C4) court rvachinir . 7 wi"-
- 7 SiTODDIK 90 B) Clio