ArOUT RUBBER TISE& ratvy-Ar OaaalBar lat OoaeraH 1 eeaaM They Add to Ceaafer 4 CoBvealeaoo. -t: 4HV?f!3S dSBCKl f 3M&. . "I .1111 Cij'VtJ' r fearful Acciifsnt C!!ja Pbssr Farmsr Thrown from a Load cf Hay with Brest Forca Entire Body Paralyzed-Ths Best Ecfical Aid Possible Used in His Behalf. Aa IVttwM, Cfcerteae, MiK L Se abater tawn of Benton .. iii.k ia Elnalhan Unr. IW r, ( maor pnensioae n uuji jug pioneer contend with, Mr. Ifonrer ri.aee.ied. .! " elerk many privations and ditftt Jtiei fjs.irnehip. snd to known ai a cartful, I . ... mA honorable eitiaaa. Kabosr ' " not bean all minhiaa, and in spwkins; U our reporter &es I. e"W7s, : . Ana SIOHaar iw, a unw . mr vacoa with mat fores to th End, rtrikin a front wheel in mr descent. ,nck on botn nanus wua eucn wrce aa lo L pr!yie mr wholn body. Tha In Im mMt severe to niy ahnt, shoulders, 1 tnd arme. although my face was badly n Kerard a though the' great weight . 1 1 .1 n mmi Kam Ir mm. A !! .l k tQClU BIIU aW swveme a Urnhl at Potteryille physician waa Ed and on the Friday night following I L tljle to be taken home. Tha next day Lnl for s Onad Ledge physician who F" . . I.I. L Ifmf rrraamvu uv m vtct. curing 1rU following thia treatment I waa not .tiM and began to think life to me wai forth living. I feared that my nervous ra eompiewy suuwreo. ana mat lull wouia rouow. I, nadiDg aa arnoia u in jroafreaf Wv Hrrua ana mar concerning Dr. Elitan' rink Pilla for Pale People, about lr er a year and a half after I waa ia- d I notieea iaa people similarly amict .'.m elaimlna to be eared. I at onea ii that reined throagh my Porterrille Ijrrt. Mr. M. J. rainier. t think this ih first eeio in ee parts. . ir.vl of tea day after taklna the Ant L breams etisfled that I had found the UtIa fit my oaa. I kept gaining; the L acted ai a tonia, regulated my boweli, tad atomaon, gare ana a gooa appetite, kaataed the palma fa my body and ami and cured a acrofuloua condition that 1 bad iuheri. ted from my fkther. "I bow eonaider myarlf aa good Ibr work aa alraoat any man of my ytara, and I foil ,.l"t.,.?w " nJJr 111 and health to lr. WiUiama' PinkPille for Pale People. I bae no trouble with mr armt whatoTar. and bae not bad fur a number of yeara. " I am of the opinion that with para blond on will hare but little, if any aickntan, and tbia medicine will atcure that condition. I keep three pill on hand for my family medi cine and hare not bad a doctor ainoa I Ugan their ua. "I am ia excellent phy!cal condition and do my farm work without other help than nu oeeaaional day' work, and thii reault hai been eoured in ite of the fart that I waa a com. pleta physical wreck. 1 cannot ireak in hivh enough praise of thia rmdy. 1 Imre oftrn recommended it to my friend with utmoat con fidenoa and ahall be nUd to anawar an in. oniric from thoee who are afflicted, if aiamp fur tha reply ie cncloard. 11 y poatofiic U IUI1UTU1I, UIVO. " Elmatwaw Umieii - Bnbarrihed and aworn to before me, thle'siat . Geo. A.Perrt, A'ofarviVWta. " I rullT concur In the nitement a bore mad by Mr. EInalhan Munirrr, who ia ona of aur excellent cititen and who would be th very laat man to maka an overdrawn atatament. The cur in hi eaac waa mareeloua and re euiien in a sreai many rnlea of Dr. Willlama1 riua run lor rate renpia. " M. J. Pi Lid 8 B. Drumrtat PoMm.IIV All the element neovaaary to give new life wu ricnneaa hi ine piooa ana rettor chat tered nerve are contained In Dr. William Hnk Pill Ibr Pal People. They art aold in box (ner la loo form by th doten or hundred) at SO cent a box, or alx box for fj.ov, ana may do naa or ill draggiet directly I oin Co, mail from Dr. William h.nectady, K.Y. Modi Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Ninety Days I ie Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN- TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE THE GREATEST SACRIFICE BvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. Ware not telling out, but we do thin to Itiorwiw our Biilen above any pro t i year. W Rive a few of the prloca ne roiiowa : Wood Chatuber Suits tl4.00!Cottou Top MattrH .M WWood Chamber Suit 16.00:VWn Wir MattreoH 1" Jiaiie Oak 8uiU, 8 PIoe 19.00; Med Sprlii(f 1 V 1 n . n .... A.! . m . I . A Ail th Parlor duiui ou.ov urtip ikuih, iwr u o" d.n Chairs per net 9.nO;PlHtfonu RonKr Hfi Iitock, everything In the furniture line. Including Mirror. Hook Cm-fa, i. 8lileboard. CupbonrdM. Centre TablnH. Fancy Rockem. Hny Clmlra tber Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Dnughtrays. Hinks, Hall Rnnka, Can . tCbaira fine, medium and cheap furniture! to salt all classes, rleea reduced all through. Come early and ee our stock beforej giving r order, and thus suve 15 to 20 ier cent, on every dollar. Wial Attention Givon to Umlertakinir & Kinbaliuinjj. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIFKLlNliriKOH. V feLIFEAMPFACCIDEifRl iNSURANCB.bC SYDEK'S OLD, AND KELIABLE Gen 1 Imsurance Agency, SELHSGRO VE , SNYDER COUNTY, PA- T imer i7V. anydor, LsoxoLt, ' SiifcePKor to tlie late William H. Snydor. r Piu Kxct'lIm ee of HelniHti lunurfttice is rrpreHentud in t h follow- !t"Wf Siandanl (juipameb, from which to luakn a w.-hrction. None h i).e WoiKl over. IJK, l.fTKIX, ASKT. E Rn.vnl, I ivrpt)ol, Eng. (incluilim; foreign ttHHct) Sf4H,()00,000.00 Hm-tforil, of Hartford, Conu., (ohiHt American Co.) ,(4r,TK).oa PlinRDix. Car: ford, Conn. 5,r8,058.07 CnntiucMital, . Now York, 1,754.908 72 enjiini AmciiCKii. New York. '1,210,008.83 r'-Mntuul Lifo Iuu. Co. New York, f.J04.'M8,983,60 IDLNT Kinplovera Lmbiutv AsHuranof Corporation, Acndent Ins. Co. Sulweriho.l Capital of 3,750,000.00 n. Lifi- Mint Accident rinks accepted at the lowont poHnible rate, jiu 1 ly it Htrict regard to mututil snfety. All just clmruM promptly and fnctoiilv adjunted. Iiiforination in retiitifin to all cIuhkoh of Insur promptly fnrni.hd ELMER W. SNYDEU, Agt., llmi'o No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pino Stu. he ho throve, P TOVE : NAPHTHA The Cheapest and Uesi Fuet :he Market, With it. yon can run a vapor stove for one half cent per hour. Give us a call and he onvinced. Schoch & Stahlneckor, Middleburgh, Pa Any wbeel can be fitted with a nV bar tire. A oew rim of Iron la fitted over the felloe, and in Ita boz-ahaped channel the flat bottom of tbe tire flu loaety. The brat make of tire la com preaied after being placed In the rim and the large Heel wire which run through it completely around tha wheel are brought together and elec trically welded, thus making it impoa alble for the tire to flip off. aaya an exchange. At flrat It waa feared that rubber tlrea would not prove durable that the wear of the atreet aurface, run ning over broken glasa and aharp-cor-nered itonea, would cut and macerate the rubber very rapidly. Thii has been disproved. Not only la the comfort of riding In- created by the ue of rubber tires, and the noise abolished, but the wear on the vehicle l greatly diminished. Saya a well-known dealer: "A aet of rub ber tlrea will pay for themaelveain five years in the saving of repaira on a buggy. Tbe tirea take up the vibra tion, and nuta and bolts do not work loote aa they do where Iron tires are used. Tbe constant shake to which an ordinary vehicle Is subjected when loaded U very destructive. It not only wears the bolts in their sockets, but the Iron Itself disintegrates. Rubber tires prevent 00 per cent, of this wear." A horse will pull a large surrey with a grest deal less effort than former ly. The action of an Iron tire on a roadway Is like successive blew of a hammer. The wheel strikes an ob struction with a dead shock calculated to oause a rebound, and to overcome thia a horse exerts a steady pull; with a rubber tire tbe material oocommo- uaies itseu to tbe obstacle, its re- tltiency causing it to lift itself over the atone or edges of paving bricks. Nor will a rubbr-4ired vehicle raise as much dust as one with Iron tires, by reason of its narrow tread. All of the livery stables are refitting their best vehicles with rubber tires. In a very few years iron-tired buggies and delivery wagons will be the excep tion. Perhaps Ice wagons, brewery trucka and all heavy teaming vehicles will also be fitted with noiseless tires, that aiding to the comfort of the pub lie aa well aa the users of the vehicles. ROADSIDE ADORNMENT. WMa Hedar svad newen sal Pratt Trees Would Deaatlfr Without Coetlaar Hack. In improving country roads there ia not Infrequently a danger of de stroying aometbing of the charm and pictureaqueueas which bushes, flowers and vines give to the roadway In many rural districts, and the danger of do ing thia is sometimes actually need aa an argument for not undertaking roueb-uerded Improvements. There ia, however, a middle course which leada to the preservation of natural ad vantage alongside the conttrnotlon of hard roadways. Such a eorse the Norwich Bulletin declares itself in fa vor of, "when the country road Is of sufficient width and shape to be worthy the name." and it then pertinently adds! The wfld and breezy hedge and the wild florvers in their day, beginning with the violet and the dandelion and closing with the fringed gentians, the purple asters and the golden-rod, make for appreciative people a pleasant way; but there are many cart patbs In Connecticut where roads ought to be. There are too many of the narrow, concave, roily, rutty, muddy, crooked ten-feet cart paths now parading in thia state under the title of rosds, with sumach and hackmatack for a border, nnd Canada thistle and wild carrot blooms for a decoration. The eart paths are dirty, slumpy. corrugated ways which add to the discomforts of life. New rood building makes for their abolishment, and for the estab lishment of wide, convex, well-drained roadbeds, along which the wild hedge nnd flowers make a setting that is both picturesque and cliarmlng." M FORTUNE A REMARKABLE SCIENTIFIC AND ' WONDERFUL SCIENCE. "SOLAR EiOLOOY.' WW KltHOt it WHICH J0U rVTUIH CM THUtr H0 AOCURATCLf U fOHtTOLA ' SAlAaaewltaWlTVSA,Frt.fW.wWIWerMeMaa. taalahaial aamM Cam fer lt part in jmn, vUl five tmthfki; aaaanka, 1 Slaaat irnn,i eiHMaltoe W fvu UU. Hi will tin jr eiiaoeal imwiisl Saw I aieltlae. iHnrtir, ability, an. fnUiU ld J lib, fmM awHiaa, UrtwiM U 1 1 . L t r aia ainm. m. . r " pa ' m ami Ua. UNtll ANSWER MAY LEAD YOU TO HAKE THOUSANDS OF OOUARt. mi IS Man aa fin aiart is at Milk aa I wiU laaaalaaiy nan jte s . Iiaaaiaf f f ue Will the Time Kvcr Comet A pertinent question la asked In the Xew York Evening Tost: "Will there ever come a time wnen, instead ot boasting of the miles of asphalt pave ments in our cities, we can describe the excellence of the country roads? When, Instead of talking of the col lege and high schools in the towns, we can be proud of the education given to farmers' sons and daughters in the country schools? A time when farm life will cease to imply loneliness, drudgery and intellectual stagnation, and when to live in tbe country that God has made will be thought better than to live in the towns that man ha built?" riaetMt trial. rUai taeim Mass all ant trmnax II Maws eMail amseaauak Asanas tS AgmOlOGnt, look Box 403, Phllmdetphlm, SiJTED-BRAlrvG V. tn book ecu ci tu ftPJ 6 X to artMi. Write : U-d iv. wi'Sa'J1. WorPJ'TlkVte ea f JaSfW tl t'ANTKl- RKVKIIAL TKl'HI'WOUTIIY imtmiiis In till, e'n'e lo ni.maue our liual- anil umrbr itiunllea. It le mainly olttea wrk oiinduesrd at home. Halarv alr'g;lit tW'O a year and expenses defloiie, h naililu, no more, no ItMealary. Montlilr7a. Keferencea. Kncloae aelf-addreeaed amped envelope, ilerbert . ileae, PreaL, Dent M, hicsRO, S-lMBi Poreatrr In Germany. Oermany offers a remarkable object lesson to the world in the wny she man ages her forests, and where, in faot, forestry has been reduced almost to n exact science. In that country about 11,000,000 acres of forest lands are owned by the state, and the yearly revenue is not lesa than $20,000,000, About 20,000,000 acres of forest landa are owned by private Individuals, and their profits are almost as great. Dur ing the last 60 yeara these revenues have been constantly on the Increase, owing to the more intelligent manage-, ment, Irrespective of the market price of the commodity. Solenttflo Road Dalldlaa. Fir diatinct rolling are required with a scientifically constructed mac adam rood th earth foundation tnuat be thoroughly compacted, each of th three layer of stone must be made perfectly firm and hard and the 8nai oVeasing of atone screenings must be rolled Into the interstices. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Experiment Reeeatly Conducted la liaclaad tleported to liar Proved satisfactory. The application of what is called wireless telegraphy to practicul pur posea has made great advances during the last few mouths, the British post office having erected experimental sta tions In ;he Solent, oneat Dorneiuouth, and the other at Alum bay, in the Isle of Wight, a distance of four and n liulf miles. Across this distance, and even further, signals have been sent with entire success, .and communications were made to a vessel cruising about In tne opon with equally satisfactory result. The system under trial wuu that; of Marconi, and the apparatus at either end was of a relatively simple character. Ita visible portion contest ed of a mast over 100 feet high. In side the transmitting station was a powerful Induction coll, by tnenns of which a spark van connected between two balls. One ball was connected with, the upright wire, the other with the earth. When n spark passes the wire givea out electrical radiations or waves In every direction, und some of thcae arc caught by a corresponding upright wire nt the receiving end, mid transmitted to a suitable piece of ap paratus known ns a "coherer." TT:c coherer la a glass tube, into which arc sealed two Hilver pole pieces, the space between which contnlns metal filings, which are not ordinarily conductors of electricity. As soon ns n current or discharge reaches them, however, they aet themsclvea In an end-on po sition' and become conductors. The slightest tap disarranges them and turns them ngain Into nonconductors. It may be seen then how by means of a suitable automatic tapping arrange ment the coherer can be kept in a sensitive state for registering Inter mittent electric signals. These nro developed by an ordinary relay ar rangement, and are automatically written down by a Morse recorder. Theoretically there la no reason why, with vertical wires of sultablo length and sufficiently powerful discharges, the radiations should not be transmit ted to a very great dist ance and picked up. The experiments so far completed, however, seem to show that no (HfQ eulty whatever could be experienced In eomtnunlcatlng across the air ton lighthouse or guard ship, where a sub marine cable would be destroyed. Wet or foggy weather only Improves the signals. N. Y. Times. THE SOLAR PLEXUS. rken aria r aad What It la, aad Way a Bla- Dlow Delivered There et- ttoa aa Baeoaate. Th solar plexu ia a great nerve center, with nerves radiating In every dlrectlou. a Indicated in the diagram. It Ilea near the back of the body, but Is not easily vulnerable from the back, because of rib protection. Ia front LOCATION OF THE SOLAR PLEXUS. there ia no protection except the mus cular walla of the abdomen. A solar-plexus blow must, there fore, be delivered from the front to be effective, soy the New York World. This nerve center Is so intimately connected with all the automatic processus of life heart and lung ac tion included that a single blow de livered on the front of tho body and immediately opposite it produces in stant and complete paralysis. Or, as the prize-fighters phrase it, It "puts your man to sleep." One single blow delivered there- even though it be not a severe blow "knocks out" the man who receives It. The short way to end a fight is to de liver a solar-plexus blow. Coolclnsr la Old Mexico. As all cooking Is done with charcoal and ovens are practically unknown in private nquaes very few families bake bread. The small, hard-crusted loaves of French bread are delivered all over th elty In great baskets four feet aoross tnat are carried on the heads of cargadores. A good Mexican cook relieves the mistress of the house of worry and responsibility in a manner that is almost unknown in the United States. The cook Is given so much n day, and with thia amount she will pnrchaa each morning all the provi alons ef the day, including even tha staples that are usually bought la large quantities In other countries. On a dollar a day a cook will provide a very good table for a family of three or four, and get enough beans and tor titles and chile to set the servants' table besides. They can really do bet ter than their mis tret sea, because they can usually drive sharper bargains with the market men of their own class, and they hav more patience to haggle over the last penny. j I "Take it back I told you ' Battle Ax " , Every man who has once chewed Battle Ax or who has made up his mind that he will chew it will not accept any substitute. There is a peculiar excellence in rARv it that can only be Iwii understood and ap preciated by trying it. No matter what brand you have been chewing. Battle Ax is better, and if you will try it you will say so yourself. Remember the name when you buy again. ,CCOCCCOCCCOOSOQ0OO; PLUS RaWQ'jB'."- AgSSS It is Impossible t promise particular features that will appear in the "AMERICAN MONTHLY" during the coming year, for it is, as tha Bookmtn says, 44 a great monthly newspaper." As such, it prints wr its readers an illustrated account of the notable things which make the history of the month, of the political, the i "Wo lniw of no review publiahed. In this I country or In Europe, which combines so success fully as ins ammrilan Monthly Ihe alertness, timeliness, and energy ol louriulism with lha aaind Judgment, carefully weighed opinion, exact knowledge, and well-chosen English ot tha purely literary periodical." 7 lit Oklov. economic, and literary happenings which are of value to intelligent . men and women. The Editor's . "Progress of the Vorld " Utli sue- . cinctly an illustrated story of the month. The "Leadinir Articlrs"- give the best thought and information of the current magazines in five conti nenUi the contributed articles furnish the character sketches of the man of the month, and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate serious Import. The result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the information needed by intelligent people oi "live" instincts is best gauged inu tile opinions which the readers of the i For.. : 25c. SPECIAL OFFER The current number and the two preced ing issues. ...... AMERICAN MONTHLY have seen fit to express. These arc thinking business men, clergy men, editors, lawyers, professors, engineers, the wide-awake women of America. They write that the AMERICAN MONTHLY "is Indispensable"! "is simply invaluable"! "is a generous library in itself "j as "a historical cyclopedia of the world" "the best means of aid for a busy man"i "thsbest periodical of the kind we have ever had"; "a triumph of editorial genh"t"the world under a field-glass," etc., etc vf SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER YEAR , , .. ADDRESS .American Monthly Review of Reviews: 13 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORkI Agents m Money i urn is me opportunity of a lire-time. A items are making 9HO to a week., aatsw FITZHUGH LEE, r una lute Consul General to Cuba, w rites a hook on 'I snub. war. We have on prenn for enrlv tsmie. General U e's own BKiryoicuha arid the ripanlch War. to lie produced In a HtihMantliii book of over 800 paKt s. Ut'i Inches In sle und nlnioxt 0ND HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. This Is the only authentic work published on the one subject wcupjliiif I be uilliU ol I lie entire civilized world. flilTriTQ tUnTIV Liberal conmilwli'ii will UUilllO iltiflUI' be puld aim credit iflvi n Lone no lime, act ut once. Write lor lull pm lic ulars to THE 1NTENAT10NAL SOCIETY, 91 93 Fifth Ate. New York. Pablliaher of General Lee's Hook. Our authorized idlstrlbuturs are located In all parts of the I'. H. 7-ai-ini. WANTFD SKVKKA L TKU8TWOHTH Y peraons In tlila alnte lo manage our bind nesa In their own and i.turhr .,. u i. mainly office work conducted at home. Stiliirr atralirhl pwo a year and eipenaea-dellnltv, bonafldP. no more, no Imm uilurv fib. Keferencea. Kncloae a te'lf-addrmunl mpd envelope, Herbert E. llcae, Treat., Pent, at, Chicairo. a $150 PER DAY. A RW ENEHQKTIO GENTLEMAN AND Ladles Wanted to Canvass. Above aalary euar jn'eed. Call or address: ROBERT MOM AN, Mew Berlin Fa. 10-SO-lm. Look! LookJT Look at youpself whon vou buy clothing at my more, I k.-.-peou-stan tly in stock the best auu frncHt line of Hats and Gents' Jlotliin. lurnislnne Goods, Underwear and Caps. Call to see my stock. W. H. BOTER'3 BROTHERHOOD STOEL SCNBUBY, PENNA, X wiw;-;'" rfSV." rto flrm; N ' whitigoesovor to thsnexti.. .Tlo com raachlng -v . .: ' . - - '' rstriaL I nrlcos fo: I IllallS BMaaa ISaui ak . a a WrnyjdHM WEDDKKBURN C-GrP.S.l" Msaatuoston. D. C, for ttaete l.u pries Tata a4 Sea ef awe asadnd tnrmtUtJwSaSStT -aTaaTaBsaTefaatA NJMrea n-sfcOa ''. Sn aarraflmftnt on mta for thia vone
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers