- ' . : ' . ; . ... A , ' ; . . : ' , : , r. r ..-,.. . . . ' 1 t ' -t : - l'i -a" . I . ; - .- ' 1 y-Sggg MTODLEBURGH, SNYbER CO. A., THUliSDAY, KOV. 10, ISPS, VOlTNoIT' I Interesting Items. News Told m Brief Paragraphs for Our Headers. monal rtlter la Loral b4 rrnl ('reralac Peple Mora r Vum Proialnrnt. James B. Enterline is t!ie happy recipient of a baby Iniy. Kev. Fred Aurand and wife arc llicgutts of Mrs. E. C. Aurand. Chrs. W. Walter transacted busi ness in Sunbury last week. K. Haas is remodeling liis sheds which addsgrcatly to their aj pearance. M issMinnie Osmun spent several Jays at the Eagle Hotel during the week. We are glad to note the return of Arthur W. Aurand Irom the Hos pital. Mrs. H. II. Hcrbstcr ot lYnns Crock visited friends in town the past w eek. Mr. Hayes, the traveling salesman frum Miillinbnrg, was a county seat visitor on eleetion day. Tickets for the "Three liosloni- ans" can Ik; secured at the Coniiuis sinners' olliee. F.VUH Waxtkd: State cash and time jiriee. Axsox 1 1. llirssKi.r., 9-lo-:!m. Akron, Ohio Adam llowcrsox from the state of Kansas is on a visit to former friends in this county. John Soles, tho tonsorial artist of Lewistown, was visiting Ins brother, A. K. Soles, at this place. Mrs. Friedman, who had been in the county jail since court, was re leased last week. Cashier Thompson spent Saturday ami Ninthly in .Juniata I ounty vis itmgliis parents at Mexico. Mrs. T. 15. MeWilliams of Mi evtovu is visiting her parents, .las. M. anZandt and wife. 'Spiire J. Kohler Peck of'McKcis Half rails was a business visitor at the county seat last Friday. A. H. Cooper and wife of Selins !!ruve spent several days with A. 1 1 I'lsli and wife in Swineford. Now the campaign is all overand the average citizen can get down to thinking of his avocation again. A good truck wagon will be sold (heap for cash. Call on W. H Huiitz, Swineford. Fa. 11-1 0-2t F. II. Mnuror, New Jlerlin, isal ways oflering special bargains. See special aimoiineeinent in tins is 'p. tf Clayton Wetzel and friend of Vickslmrii were visiting David Wetzel's family in Swineford Sat urday. A. E. Cooper's horse was severely injiirqil on Saturday in Swineford by 'tting on top of A. H. Ulsh's tying Alex. A. Komig, of West Heaver, :,n cM-oinniispioner of this coiintv, m nt Middleburg on Friday of Ixst week i Mrs. Harry Ijeitzel of Miillinbnrg t week was the guest of her im- 't-S James Ayers and wife of this lW. Miss Alice 1'uwliiiL' of Selinsfrovn li D O i1 week was the truest of her broth- p Attorney E. E. Pawling, Estp, at J""' place. Our town was well rcorcsentcd nt f'w lU'publiean llallyat Jleavertown f" Momlny evening to hear the is U(sof the campaign discussed. "Illle PlliniiTOil in (liirtriiur luiti.a V ., -"o-"is bo n p ie new telephone Kle9 last yb, S. F. Aurand found a part of 'petrified pumpkingalong Jeremiah IerhgUT's furni. The seeds can be ly discerneil. Jimii. . xi I CENEML (iovenior. O: C s:: j. 'zi ' ri . 2 ( C. 5- T 33! 3 SI 32! 29! 17! Io0 27! 32! 20! ISA 31 31! 17 HI 33; 102! jsj 38 100; 40! 32i 138 3i) fllj 7! 72 o2! 43j 12! 71 38! ?M 17! 78! D2i 3C! I03j !ta: (4; o3! lo2j lio; 7ij 13! i2j 7i o7j l8 73 rnl 202! n;i ooj 21; 1721 (Uj 80: 24! 137! 78 lis! 17i 14lj 117! DIST11ICTS. rr. 3 82! 15(51 14l)j Adams.. ..... JJeaver Heaver West. . Centre Cliapinan Franklin Jackson Middleburg!) . . Middleci eek . . Monroe ...... Ren n Ferry Ferry West . . . Selinsgrove Spring , Uhion Washington.. . , Totals Majorities LIS! 131 70 73 71 S!) 127 87 170 Kisj 18oi iar,j 18(53; 817! n ;s (Jeorge Shambaeli, who had been staying at William Smith's a few months, has returned home. pumpkin which measures 5 feet (5 i ,Si,vl,," "l "','"-. inches in circumference and weighs! Instead of the customary "What (5(5 pounds. Iio can bent that? ; is the weather going to be'.'" people Quite a number of bicycle riders 1 "mv !lsk another, "Are you. go? from Xorthumberland and Sunbury !'nS to J the ''Three Jlostoniaufl?.? iliiiul at thu Washington House in ! Most I'ViTylKKly says yes. this place Sunday. ! j I()IK Jum V:ii,:in,:tk r of Finla- The famous "Three liostouhms'' i delphia and I Ion. C. ('. Kau'liuan are presenting the most nove l and artistie program now on the Ivceum staire. being given Frederick Ilieel and sili sile ot Vicks!urjr, I'nion cuiintv. istwetk' were the guests t.f'Cnonty Treasurer II. I )uiikK l i r- r t.f this j.la.v is Kiegel and hunily t.f this place. ' s!:itiI li.r r.'-in'-t;.temeiit in tin- iv-Ton.-orial Artist A. K. S4es a-' s,',vice a- sti.rt-kceper and coiii)anied by his brother, John ,,- g":'g''r .t tlie .i;itli Internal Keve- lluntingtion, made a business trip to Miillinbnrg last Friday. Don't wear vour dirtv collars and I cufis, but seotl them to the Sunbury Steam Launtlry, 1J. C. Spitler, Agt. Laundry gathered ami delivered free of charire. Among the old soldiers who were examined for pensions last week we observed Samuel Mussulman tit Fenn township audSephares Adams ot Selinsgrove. Mrs. Curtin lowcrsox of Frank lin township has been on the sick list for the last three weeks. She has been tpiiteill, but is convalescing. Fostmaster Geo. C. Wagenseller of Sclinsjrrovo and I). N. Ann of Monroe township were Middleburg visitors on Friday of last week. Kev. A. N. Warner, of Northum berland, the financial secretary of Susquehanna University, Selins grove, was a Middleburgh visitor on Friday of last week. The famous "Three Uostonians," who appear here Friday evening filled over 200 engagements last season and ot that number 102 were in Ohio. This season they play 102 return engagements A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair nt, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Karl ier Shop, in Wittenniyer's building, opposite l ost otnee. Go to Soles to buy new razors or exchange for old ones. Razors honed and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A. E. Soles. Waxtku. Life Insurance Solic tors and District Managers for Sny der County, and vicinity. Company ineorjHiratei! under Iowa Laws; 10 years in business. 5 years in Pennsylvania, liberal wn tracts. Ad dress 8. II. Ba.iwtle, 037 Snring Uartlen SU, l'luludelpliia. lO--ot ELECTIOH BETUBHS FG3 :Lieut. StH!. ofInt.i.Iudgisof Su- I Governor.; A flairs. periorCeurt. 1 i C 5-; M S If t-! f t- W Mi; -1 i l 84 32; 2i 83 30 lo7! 15(i! 2(!! lolij 152! 25 32! 10 38! 148 33 142i 141 !i! 40! ra 3i)i r.oj 37! 34! 138! Tlj 7!t! 7!j 107i r4 D2j 202! ii;i! 13Sj 137! 140! 131 70! C.Hi 54 71! (59 so! 7'5 38! (5 9(1! 10.S! 9(5 (52! 1150! 152 (53 78 84! (58! 91; 90 5(5; 55; 20(i! 190! 07 09 58; 171! KM! 78' 140; 1 -lo! 1 58 70, 1 !; 1 ( -l si2 h 11 j 1 oo ;;2t i 1;; 1 i 1 Q07i f,-: iil-i fi-,,' Mt M" y'!- W. 15. Winey ot this place is now a s tockholder in the IVun Telephone Company, having purchased the c!1t tire interest of 19 shares from Judgu ol l oluuilna aildressetl a large poli- t 1 meeting in the Court J loll.-e eleven at this place o;: .ili.udav o'eloc. We are I (least .1 t learn lliat C. ! line 1 Hstrict. If Vtlll eo 1. ti.e Wot 'tis hiintin. take good gun and all the enninion sense ol the fanulv. the former to shoo! latter to prevent you other hunter. Vou will neei! :ame and the shooting some The famous "Three Uostonians," who appear here Friday evening gave 102 performances in Ohio la-t season ami not in one instance did they fail to elicit eulogies frum the press and people in eaeh place. John C. Stuck, formerly of Me Clureand for more than a year the obliging clerk at the Central Hotel at this place, was a Middleburg vis itor last wick. lie is employed at Iiow istown, I'a. by a grocery firm. Kev. ().(. Komig, of Uichficld, is at present conducting a revival service in the Fremont U. K.ehurch. On Wednesday and Thursday even ings t.f this week Kev. K. Kock, P. P., of Shainokin, will preach. All are invited. Hardware Merchant Charles G. Hendricks of Selinsgrove with his sisters, Carrie and Nettie and Marie Snyder, were county seat visitors last Saturday afternoon. Theyoung merchant was interested in some of the Selinsgrove visitors at this place. Two Hoksks Foil Sale. Two small black horses, a match team, work single or double, are offered for sale. For further jwrtieulars, call on or address, Susanna Fhy, ll-10-3t. Middleburgh, Fa. Johu C. Fraiu of Millersburg, a brother to Mrs. Paul lttllhardt and Mrs, Jas. M. Vanzandt of this place, while reading at his home last Fri day evening dropped over dead in his chair. A stroke of paralysis seems to have done the work. "KfSEl COUNTY, NOVEMBER 8, 1898 Coiigress- ul-Ijiirge. Cn- gress. I Hi 7: . 0 J ti , 2 .! E.i 3 7? T r t. 32 35 84 83 15(5 147 83 154! 157! 141' 4( ; 09j 09; 77l 112' 153! 9sl 55i 21(5: 30 25! 311 33! 38 33 lot 159; 147 38i 31; 9S; 35: 51: 3S; 00; 815; 59! 75! (;ii; cs! 57; 74: 111! 145! 140; 30; 101! 50 .50! 143 134! 71! i(i! 40! (52! 43j 5!)i 93! (5H 7N! cs! ! I .: 59! 77! 117! 41 04 80! 81! 109! 155j 94! 5ti! 207! 173! 74! lOOi 991 ..-,! 92; 55; 19l! 1(57! .' 72 79 .07 8l; '04! t ( ; 1 89! 138; Ml! 139: 120; 11(5 13S! 13;; ill 3 2fi ;! 1 n: :o! 1 1 i: i i w i -1 ' i , . i ! . ' ; ys' ' i sar A. Kern has placed a tla stonowalk ai ml his house. IVn- fer Uros. of (ilohe Mills have ,,,nr the work. v iVof. I'aul r.illhar.l: and !.., Mr. Jas. M. Vanand: and Mrs. T. JittrcWilliaiiis attentled the funeral of Ijlty C. Fraiu at MillcrsburTiu MoTfrrav. ' - A hniitl-om,! granite nioniiinent erected in honor nf th" soitliers and Siiilors of IWy county wlm ; artici patetl in the civil war was i.nv, at New J'dtM.oilitM, I'a.. ( ).,!,. ( -Ji' with appropriate cen ni.inlc.. .M. ;,.r J. 15. l!;-owu, of C..rra. ma,!,.! the principal addiv--. a:id -hnri a !-J dresses wercals.,,1 iv, :v,! !, ( '.,1, i i A. K. M.Ciure, of I'lol'a.leh.liia.i i and Colollcl l-'rinl. S ... ,!. rani. ,c iUi.i m. Coatcsville. I'a. The Ikvii'. J. ,ur annual re-union ol'ihe iY.i v ('one. ty Veteran .Woeiaii.ni wa- In hi the same day and in If m.r t.f theoc casion the town was h Lra!a a.;uv. A feature of thetlav's exerci', wa- the parade of a few left, in which the N'tterans n,,w nlibiii td the public schools joints!. Xewpt.rt was selected as tlie place h r hohiin next reunion. )iiSiiuday a bicycle ji irlv con,!--- ing of J. U. Kinder, 1 1 .( iutelins, A. r. (.tilUrt. Karl Wincv. Mi-.-. Lillian Stetler, Uos,. S'Ii.n-Ii, Libbie and Gertie l)iiukclU'rger t.f this place started for their final autumnal ride. They went to New IVrlin and took dinner there an.l started home l.v way of Kratzerville andS'linsgr..ve. The wind was very strong and bv the time they an ived at K reamer, Misses KoseSclnn h and Gertie Iun kellierger found themseKes unable to cope with the wind. Our -rallant sous, John Kreeger and Harry Gute lius, were ptpial to the iK-casiou and securing some rope at Kreanier, Mr, Kreeger attaeheil the rope from his wlieel to Miss N-Iioch s whtvl and Harry Gutelius likewise did gallant w'ryii-e fbr (u'ltie PunkellHTger. This is of eourscau innovation in the tandem bicycle, but w hile the young men were enabled to do able and gallant service, it must have a Hord ed plenty of amusement for those who passed them on the highway. Result of Tuesday's Election. Stone was elected (.over nor by almut 100,000 plurality over Jeiiks. Congress is safely Kepublican. Ma hon was re-tdei'til with t!000 maj ority. Kvery thing is Kepublican from east to west and north to south. The eouuty vote is given, in detail elsewhere. ,M .:,.;.-", Assem- ;Ass.K'iatc Count v lilvincil ! .Iiul utige.. .Surveyor. F: w N .,1 v : I C; -j 1 ! - 1 34: 29; 3 o.S; 97! 89: 174! lt;s 3s 39 29 77 n 99 45; . 1 97 sr 70 70 n.-, S3 1(50. 101 143 42 M'.i 07 71 S2 lii'.t 153 7:: 5S :;i 21; 38 3(i 97 42 tli 15 0(1 9.s (i: 71 f.s si 05 7'.' 1 19 22; 99j 3l! 148! 43! 12s! 105: 3s! 5o! 115 50! 54! 70' 48; 155 53! 83 54! (52: 9s; 71 r s2 (59: (51 Sli: SO 01; on; sr.! 10.7 111 89 5 1 171 2i:i: 1 1- 1 19 93; 11 1 I2:i K17 97! 71 55; 71 ) 120; 2-n S.s l::o: 2I1 l.lo 1 19 10 1 so: 2o:; 111 177 N2 1 1 1 I5t5 i:;r. NO: 1 . ......r, 7" ' " - ". 1 1 ' " I H ' "' ; .:;: j :;,;o: . .,,, Death of Aaron Walter , . 7. -art.ii . .-u-r, c.et. -on ot I'n; I I 1 1 ' I . i ' Y """, "'ler. an,! I'lou.i'i oi.io-e .ii .Her, tleeca-ei John . Waller ,,f !-'ra::k!;a ship and Mrs. John i i 1 1 i .S!ah!::eel.er .Ml'SOIel.tir!. was iK.ru in r rank in Uiwnship, Snyder county, I'i.'March 0, 18:',0. IJe Witt marritd to Ju i . . iiuii I iwer.,o, a -i tor to A L fill.)' Ill l!.werso of I iea ( r;, ,u:. !n th.- ti.ll ot 1 v- 1 Minn ,,. ,.m; llli o :). " : :l'l ie II, in tarmic. in,! I eeai;:, i :iei u r, I :ou, Ohio, i : i, :iere I.'.'. Ill ' of II 1 1 1 , i . !:i vi-il- ! :an.;iv. ., :. . i . . ,i. I.. a. Hi :.ve em , rell to moiini I i,. I I ot a kind nether :n:d an allcctionatej t I . I 1 1 1 . Mr. Wabcr. wi;h i.i, e!ti! 'nne to MMtllebui-and li v. - ii- inelhcr f -r two wars. divn. illl In ' " Wit' 1 I.I 111- I to t,,e ji'oV ot I laniel Mover i n. e I lau- n:in Km-.) Alter ti eirmarriaL'e he I reiuriied to tin uckeve 'late where ii t ne uas livei Was blesseil ever since. This union v- ...... , , , , 1 1 1 1 L l . I 1 1 1 1 1 lei I ... i, I", a iiarix e!oii, ovcr-Ii.ii lowed this home and the s,- I com w He was taken to the World) I 'lei na!. i Thus hentt aiiie t.. Miii.il, - burg in duly la.-t, to -eek coii-olatioii with his brother and -ister and rela tives. While visiting w ith his nrphew, K. C. Walter, in the morning ot Aug. 25, he w is stricken with pa ralysis, totally disabling his left arm and leg. After an illness ot live weeks and no signs ot improvement, accompanied by his children, who hail come to wait on him, ami sister, on a ear chartered fr the occasion, he was sifely taken te his home, where continuation of illness of five weeks followed. I loath came to his relief on the 3rd inst. tigisl OS vears. i months a:iil 27 days. Mr. Walte r was a consistent member of the Re formed church of liollt'vue, Ohio, Sale of Carriages, Traps, Etc. The Mifllinburg Kuggy Company will sell fitly Carriages, Uu-ries. Traps, Concord Koad and Spring Wagons at their factory, opposite the Feuna. K. U. Station, MifHiD burg, I'a., on Thursday, Nov. 17th, 1808. This work was built for regular trade is not auction stock but the extensive increase iu the bus iness of the company necessitates the clearing out of all finished work, so that the factory may be enlarged to meet the demands of natrons. Ev ery wagon is sold under the compa ny's usual one year guarantee. A credit of. eight months will be giveu or 5 per ceut. off for cash. ;vaA ten; Ig., wWt I iom 0V to A FATAL SHOT. j h-vi Luck I)!, from the Ef,ct ol i ih' Ao'iilmfnl 1 Hm-harie from j Eirhuf Gun. i liCvi Jaiek, who resides mur Troxclvillc, was hit by the accident al discharge from a gun in the hamU of W iMiam II. Kwii.g.a well-kimwu citizen and farmer of Sorin' two on Tues.!.tv o l.,st week. The en tire discharge was ,:.,, j jr Luck's body on the left side ,. his ai)domcii, from the oHccts of which he died and was l.uricd on Simdav from his late home. I; was otc ,If the sat Mot funerals held in that sec tion for some time. Mr. F.wiug had I t en out hunting wil.I illicit an.l wa-ou his wav home t!iroiigh a lield in uhieh Mr'. Luck was husking corn. The hunter was carrying l,is jr;1Iilf. ..,., KS ,lt. ):.m. of his n.,1,,, vi,i,. j ,u. art if .-lit.wing his -ainc t. Mr. Lu.-k, the gun disc! ai-,., w.;t, t. result as above stated. I)rs. A. M j:ind CC. Smith and J. ( ). Warner i were umuioiit- ar.d M.-. Lmlcwas cnioved to hi., h,ime w here ieces of lotlung, the wad and on iv a few I'd Were V:.ov. i i 'n'" vi, li!" ';i the sou ,,i the - Samuel ! ' .1 Sal em. I las eountv. ajwasly. - aix.f., - . and was marri- st daughter of w idosv and two . I ... t,, ,1 I IO i:ie . Volili ieor-p)!,!t.' T, of.,PU,,.l,iI,l,. ell siirviM'. The ances atnonjf the tors of Mr. Luck wei-,. ear.ie-t sertiers of this eountv nnd plavi-tl a nroniiuenr i.arr in the ,le- Veioiiiiifiif .1, .t thi sectlon ot i lie i ; ', - : St -et !! I.av.' Lavra. ja v.;,!.. 'v,; ! la irrii ! :. in i.4 ;( ' i ii -t i . ". rdi .,;,, fill. - j j;: , l I rhVl ! ,.!..,, , mar 'I'm, r St i.illi, lUtllvV.oll ( lint v, an I, n-'i.irs a of .laeoi I, I home. eeai 'i is a .. 1- I v.l,.,,,'. !', ! I . lie. '. - i,-'..., i's u ne 'athi-r-M i l'e the parent. j Mi,.,.. 'r:.,. n ..i v . e ! e , ' "ooreii. l.nam ; .MatiLln in Ilenrv the L i:isc. Geor-'e J.. in M. .nr. ,e t. 'Wiiship : Kliab.i!i ; s n-an : Maria, the will-Vv"ageu.s-iler ot S !ii,- ot Ir. 15. I'. liiov e .in. i .ioi,,i. w ii, i rcii es a 1 1 ii iii- I T ! . . .. -I , , .1. niers 'h-rl. tiii, eountv. The fu neral took t . i.C'e MolliLlV li'oin his liite 'fa. I. Mile. !i cfa-etl u as s,r, ears COURT HOUSE CHIPS Det'tN l.uli-ml t,,r It.-.-orsl. A. G. I.ash.iar. assigtiee of II. V. I'lsli, to I,rae Spigi.lniver, Klia heth Spigolmycr. K. K. CI,h. Am anda J. I'lsliatnl A. H. I'lsli, pro .Tty in Spring township br $0,lm. G. W. Krhart and wife to l-v Kli.aU'th Hoiitzand Mrs. Harriet Miller, house and lot in Swinotord ti.r ?1025. Heirs of Harriet K. Winters to Kate Wendt house and lot on Isle Que, Seliusgrove, for 200. Lt'ltYr iirnulml. Letters of administration in the estate ot David Ilumuiel, late of .Jackson township, were granted to John W. Hummel and H. P. Maur er. MfllU ProbtJ. The last will and testament of Henry Sidioch, late of Selinsgrove, was probated bv Kegister Willis on Wednesday morning at Selins grove. Marring Lire . f Isaac Crouse, LewU twp. llea J.Miller - Jackson twp. Ul UXtC , i vi fit) court mchinit a agrment 1 price toe tb.b y&r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers