The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 03, 1898, Image 2

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dimples Turn
to Cancer.
'dancer often result from an Im
fority in the blood, inherited from
r. generation back. Few people are en
. tlrely free from tome taint in the blood,
-and it ii impossible to tell when it will
i break out in the form of dreaded Oan
. What has appeared to be a mere
pimple or scratch has developed into
. most malignant Cancer.
I bad: a severe Cancer wakch u at first
ta a 'w blotehea, that I thoushl would
Nan peso away, t wii
treated by eeveral able
pbyalclaos, but Id anile
of their efforts the Can
cer spread until my eon
dltlon becamealarmlng.
After many monthi of
treatment and drawing
steadily worif, I de
cided to try 8. 8. 8.
which was so strongly
recommended. The Ural
bottle produced an Im
i provement. i continued
the medicine, and In
four months the last lit
tie acab dropped off.
Ten Tear have el a need.
'aa not a sign ol uie disease naa returned.
K. K. William,
tilllaliurg, A1UJ.
It i3 danRoi-oui to experiment with
CaiHTP. TIiedis ac islx-yond the skill
of physicians, fc$. S. S. is the only cure,
because it is tint only remedy which
-goe deep enou;;h to reach Oancer.
(Swift's Specific) is the only blood
. remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable.
All others contain potash and mer-
5tiry, tlw most dangerous of minerals.
Books on dinner und blood diseases
' mailed free by Swift Specitlc Company,
Atlanta, Georgia.
3 anbury Si Lewistowu DiviHion.
In effect June 2(5, 1898.
n ui i n in A. I, ni r. nt
4,-' i U.t , l.ewl.tveti J . ' T.;m 8. (IS
fi Hint' i Alain Street ; 7.1.3 ' Sun
4.1e rj in Lewittowu : 7.M ' 8. In
4.i. 'M.M 6 Maltlaod 7.44 I 3.W
4.01 '11.46 h Painter I 7.4i ! 8.1M
3 V II. Ill II , Shlnille ! 7 61 , 8 111
M li : 13 Wanner 7.. 1 3M
Ml III.-. IT MoHure 1 S OH j S.4IS
IN !i li n : Kuh'l .Mllle ', H.13 X..11
8iHi li z x.i i AilnmaliurK ' S.1U H.fis
' l i ;l. l 'jft ' Beavertown D.ii 4.04
.4 I I U'i.r.9 : Henler i iM i 4.14
.1.0. i i.i I MlUleborKB 18.40 4 Jo
10 !m.4.i in i iteleer I ft 4ft I Stl
J-1 ( hi . ii .17 K reamer "M I t.H
2.52 '10 M ; PawlliiK I HM 43
t 'I".: 4J sehniicrove I won 4 4V
'4K7 ll'.'.17 4!i Ssllnnnrove J.IS.IM I 4 48
ilifi linos mi , San'mrr I 0.1H I J 1)3
Y(ii:i leaves Sniibury f 25 r iu, ar
rives at .Selinstrovo 5 45 p iu
I'm in leave LewUtowu Junction :
4 M ii in. 10 13 in. 12:17 n tn1 27 11 in. 7 117 II 58 p iu
Aliiniint, llttnliur ami the went.
Kiir Hultitinire mnl Washington 3.5 a in 102
I 38 4 l.'i I n-i p 111 Knr I'hilitilelplila nnil New
' fork 8 33 II Via m, 1 02 1 33 4 43 and 1118 pin r'01
. HarrlHliurg 7 00 a in and sua p in
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Trslns li'iivc Sunliury iliilly except tfuuil.iy :
1 24 a 111 Inr Krip ami ('itnninliilKUii
6 10 u 111 fur lliillnlnntn Krle uml t'liiinniliilviia
' U4J am liiifl.nok Haven, Tyrnne nml 1I111 WtMi.
1 10 p in (or liHIelniitu Kun.'t Caniii.iIalKUii
5 4f i 111 lor kunovoitml Kliulra
V2"i i in inr WlllliiiiHii.irt
Sumliiy ft 1.1 a in Inr Krle ami t'annniliilmm
45am for Lock Havou ami U25piu for Wl
' llamipnrt
(I Kin m lort'iitawlssn ami II ir.'lton
111 a in, ti ii in '. ini .tu l tt 4.1 p ui Wllkui-
lniir' nnil Hnr.clfon
7 ID it in, In .0 11 111, 'i il-i p :ii, 5 45 p 111 Inr Sluimn
'clu iiinl Mniiiit Carini l
Sr.iiilii)' 'J M a in Inr W 1 1 ko'imrrn
I'mliiK li'ii ve Silingrnva .liini'tlim
' ill ml 11 111, wci'k iliiy urn uni; ut t'lill uli'lpM .
, 11 ni S'i'iv Ynrk .1 .V) i m It.ililiiiure 8 II p 111
Wll'lllnutnU 4 IU pill
lM itiil.uly iirrivliiif 11 IMilnlilplil:t
0 211 ji ni New 'Ynrk 3 .VI it 111, ll.ili linoro 9 ISp in
WhmMIiki ni 10 .it p in.
.7nii wi'.'k il iv' errlvliiK at I'lilU'lclpli!.!
' I 3Hii 111 New nrk 7 'VI II ill
Tru'ns nl0 leuve Snulmry :
2 0" i in ilnlly nrrlviiiif nt. I'IiIIihIhIiIIiIii i .V2t in
iliililni'ire 8 2"i n in Wanlitnictuti 7 40 a in Ne
Vnrl. ! :t.i ,i in Wi ekilny. in :ih a iu SnmlnvK,
J i ii in wiipk ihive umvliii; ni I'lillilclrlpliin
- 11 44 .1 nt. Ni-w Ynrk 8 13 p 111, llultlllli r 115
p III, Wnilllllittnii I IX) p in.
1. . . in, week iIiivh arrlvlnur at Hlilliulolplile
A 23 p in. New Y'nrk U 30 p m, (laltlinuru 8 U.i p in
WasKliiKinu 7 la p in
Tnilni iilxu Imive Sunliury lit D.V) a in ami 111
ami s 2ii M iu, lor llarrlnliurn, I'lilluilulplila ami
I 14. VT'lilH, (Jciri t'ais Airi'nl
i. II IH'TCHINSON I4en'l Miiuatier
W 1
IF L F 11-1 -T
1 5voa ComoT.
Wallasa & Ci, New York City.
LUHtS WHtHt All iVU faUS. I
Boat Couuh erup. Taeleetioua, ml
Strassletra A1W Okiry.
Btrsgpllnf alonf im tlie rear et ear
returning armies, tbtre comes a great
tarecg ot? ghostly ahapaa. their faeea
Ulnailncd by the glory of those who
bete gone before. There is the man. a
thousand of him. who heard the Krst
gun ot the war fired; the men whose
brothers banded the flag to the officer
who raised it over Santiago; the men
whose father patted Dewey on the
bead when he was a earelesa, innocent,
tiekyfaced child in far-off Vermont;
the men who grasped the hand that
once grasped Cerra's; the men who
would hare enlisted had not their doc
tors sternly forbidden them to think
of such a thing; the girls who kissed
flobion and the girls who would bars
kissed him had they been given half a
chance. There they come, a happy,
shouting host, aDd long shall we have
iheru with us. Many ot these vicarious
heroes are old friends of ours, risen
from the past to revel in this new time
of fatness; for long after the civil war
wss over their voioes were loud in the
land and their names in every newspa
per. Out among them ore a few stran
gers, s half-dozen black-clad, sober
faced men. although as It proceeds
this little group constantly receives
accessions. Tbey are the clergymen
who converted Capt. Philip.
The latest thing in trnmpdoni is the
military begpur. The hoboes are aware
of the fact that a uniform is a power
ful means of sympathy, and they are
utilizing their knowledge. In the
large cities military uniforms which
have come down from the civil war
or have belonged to members of the
national guard are on sale in second
hand stores, and can be had for a
song. They are a good investment
for an urtibt in the business of beg
ging. The talcs of blood und suf
fering which ure relaU-d by these battle-scarred
veterans are fully as bur
rowing as any that a genuine soldier
or sailor can tell, and they bring a rich
reward through the generosity of the
unthinking. Sometimes the poor fel
low was with Shafter, but more fre
quently he was on. the Maine, and
there is one iustance of a fellow in
fit, Louis getting a quarter by tell
ing how he fought with Dewey before
breakfast on Muy 1. Women ure said
to be especially susceptible to ap
peals of this sort.
Women who think their sex is de
prived of the rights to which it is en
titled ought to find a glorious oppor
tunity for work in Corea. The Corean
woman has not even a name; in her
childhood she receives a nickname by
which she is known in the family and
ty her, near friends, but which wUen
he arrives at maturity is employed
only by her parents. To all other per
sons she Is "the sister" or "the daugh
ter" of such and such a one. After her
marriage her name in buried she is
absolutely nameless; her own parents
refer to her by mentioning thediHtrict
into tvlrlch she has married. Should
her uinrriuge be blessed with children
(.he Is "the mother" of so und so. If It
happens that a woman las to appear
iu a law court the jud'e gives her a
special name for use while the case
lasts In order to save time and to sim
plify matters.
A few days ngo the people of the
province of Quebec held a three days'
festival in honor of the International
commission In session, there. The
main feature was the unveiling in the
city ot Quebec of a monument to
Cbamplain. TImis hltstjory reasserts
Itself from time to time. While the
commission is corupujed exclusively
of representatives of llreut Dritain,
tie United Slates and the Dominion
of Canada, the old Freuch explorer
comes up as a hero of the occasion.
There . was nothing narrow, however,
about Cbamplain in his American trav
els. As early as 1000 he journeyed to
Central America, and suggested n ship
canal across the ishmus. On the map
of North America he fares better than
Columbus, for the largest hike on the
North Atlantic slope bears his name.
Suicide is the supreme act of the
quitter, remarks an oracular exchange
writer. It is seldom a good thing ex
cept in the taking off of a superfluous
member of society whose possibilities
hove been exhausted by the dramatist
or the novelist. All the world admires
a game man and so do the angels. The
hysteria which turns the hand of a
man upon himself is not philosophy,
but spite aud petulance. Even the
man who devotes himself to frivolity
is a more impressive chnrnctcr than
the quitter.
Correspondents in Tuerto Kico dis
cover novelties in social and domestic
life peculiar to the island. Monogamy:
is not universal. One rich planter, for
instance, has one wedded wife who is
white, and, it is estimated, 19 who are
octoroons and unsanctioned by the
The population ot Xew York city on
September 1 was officially placed at'
3.438.S90. Chicago flrxtfl it difficult to
figure out half as many, and annexa
tion is exhausted. Dut still a police
census and a double multiplier will ac
complish something.
According to recent report S3 btvros
and 13 dwellings in a tingle eounty; in
Vermont were struck by lightning to
O week in Aagwt
IWr Ave a Petri ret) mm OearSlaae
4 Milk! Cea-era h4 Skoal Al
war Be cfcataeeV
In a drive through lesdlog dairy
acetloa recently la the Elgin district
Just at milking time in the evening w
were surprised to see that about every
one kept a dog to help drive the cattle
up from pasture, says an rxebaog.
Kearlyall these dogs manifested about
the same propensity to mske them
selves extra useful In keepicg close to
the heels of the cows, wiib a reault
that the cows would take te running
to get away, and In some cases the
lively trot of some ot the animals
seems to have afforded the boys some
amusement, a the dog were not
called away until the whole herd was
bout getting into a run. This over
exertion Just before nUk!ng could
have but one effect In diminishing the
quantity of milk and thus createqulte
a loss to the pockets of the owners,
but the help on the farm or the care
less sons of the owners had apparent
ly no other consideration than to get
the cows Into the barnyard or stable
nd get through milking as soon as
possible. It never for a moment oc
curred to the milkmen that tbey were
diminishing the supply by such haste,
and the owner probably never figured
on the expense attendant on keeping
a dog in the herd. While we had no
means of knowing, the chances are
that these people do not subscribe for
any paper or think it necessary to
keep posted outside of the experience
they may have acquired In the busi
ness. The dog may have his uses
around a farm, but as adjuncts to the
profitable management of a dairy thev
are a detriments and should be chained
Iuat the Thing for Parmen Wko
Wlah to Save a Vast Amonat ol
Hard LlUlng.
Economizing of time and labor is not
Infrequently one of the great secrets of
success. This being the case, a feeding
bin, such as is represented in the accom
panying illustration, ia litghly suggest
ive for a basement born. There are
periods of the year when the farmer is
so rushed with work Uiat he can ill af
ford to bestow any attention elsewhere,
and yet, generally speaking, itisduring
these very same periods that the grain
supply in the ordinary feeding bins
gives out, compelling him to encroach
npon valuable time in order to replen
ish It.
Now, where one hits a basement barn,
all this nutnoyance can largely be avoid
ed by simply constructing, as pictured
In the cut, a largo bin (1) on the second
floor and connecting it with the small
feeding one (3) on the basement floor,
where the horses and rattle are sup
posed to be, by means of the slender
spout or chute (2). Not only does this
arrangement Insure plenty of feed at all
times, but by having such a small bin
on the feeding floor of tlve basement, as
is shown, more room is afforded, and
that, too, where ft. is moel desired. In
deed, by pofcscfcelng two or thrue of
these bins one can have things eaceed
rhgly convenient and up to date, for
then all that is required is to drive on
to the barn floor with tbo grain and
feed and unload It fnxn th,e wagon into
their respective bine. f In this way also
a vast amount of hard lifting and val
uable time, speaking for the year, can
be averted, and surely this Is something
worthy anyone's Consideration. Fred
erick O. Sibley, in N. Y. Tribune.
If the cream froths pgrhaps it is be
cause you are churning too fast.
Before using wooden vessels in the
dairy scald and then thoroughly cool.
Cornmeal alone makes hard butter.
It is advised to feed some oflmeal
with it,
fomroon court plaster Is often atl
that is needed for a scratch or sore
on the teats.
The cbeesemakers of the west are
charged with being slow in the adop
tion qjf improved methods.
It will not nnswer to feed the cow
too much lrnsecd meal. It will affect
the quality of the butter.
If the butter will not come, and the
eows are not salted, salting them will
frequently remedy the trouble.
Lessen the cost of production. But
this cannet be done to the greatest ex?
tent unless we have good cows. .
If cow owners who have never fed
pumpkins wtll try tketn once they will
be convinced of fhetr excellence as
food 'for the milch- cows.
One of the best dairymen In the
oovniry says that he has found it to
be best to raise his own dairy stock,
lie bos found out the right of It.
Some people like mors salt in butter
than others do. Some people like but
ter entirely fresh. When private coe
,tomera are being supplied buffer can
,be salted to suit them. Otherwise $e
standard ounoe to the poena ought to
Ibe need. -Western Plowmvi.
ko Wears OeMrteusM of Leaf rowm
to Uarsaoolao wltk the WoexU .
la Wklea Bko Hleloo.
The girl who starts out oo a hunt this
season hss quite a new Idea, 8a Be
rn ore dons the green and blue habits of
former years, bu. her outfit from head
to foot is of leaf brown in order that
she might look as ruar like the autumn
woods as poasible.
In a hunting party all were dressed
in brown, but this costume was the
imartest. The skirt was of Norfolk suit-
Ing mingled in the different brown
shades of autumn. Around the foot
was a bund of plain brown broadcloth.
The uuist was a little full all around
and down the front there was a narrow
vest of brown linen. She wore a belt of
brown leather fastened with a dull geld
buckle. On the under side of her car
tridge belt were hooks which fastened
to brown silk eyes upon the waist in or
der to keep It in pluee. The belt was
worn in this way to allow the marks
woman the perfect freedom of her
Her hat was an Alpine trimmed with
a band of the goods like her dress, and
upon the left side were three brown
w lugs. Doth the hand bag and the gun
ease were of brow n.
It !t!atc!f the Cuetnme of the Wear
er In Color and Ma
terial. A great many hand bags are Keen this
season nttnehed to the Rkirts of tailor
gowns. They take the place of chut
eiuint s and are luuile in ail fancy shapcb
und trimmed in the most elaborate fash
I niw onu of these bags a few days
iiffo which was shaped not unlike a very
large pear. It was of gray mohair fig
ured in black t mateh . the skirt of
the wearer's gown, and was trued with
brill iarK panne satin. It was gathered
about six inches from the top so there
was a deep heading and between fbe
rows of gathers was n band of ixrrrup
satin ribbon. The bag wns fastened
to the skirt by means of a very large
gold ring wbleh hooked ever a hnge
cut steel button. Light articles could
be carried in the beautiful pouch.
India's Gleetrtoal. Tree.
A German authority on forestry an
nounces the discovery. In the primeval
forests of India, of a tree with most
furious and inexplicable charaeteris
tlcs. The leaves of the tree are so
highly electrical that whoever touches
one of them receives a severe electric
shock. Even upon the magnetic needle
this tree, to which the name Phllota
cea electrlca has been given, baa a
strong influence, causing magnetic va
riations at a distance of about 79 feet.
The electrical strength of the tree
varies according to the time of day.
It is strongest at noon, but disap
pears almost entirely at midnight. Its
electricity also disappear In wet
weather. Birds never nest or pee oh
upon its branches, nor bat any kv
teeta ever been seen upon it.
,vvr fv msr nvk
In some part of Norway ooth It
What Shall
l Be Done
- You . hare tried iron mod
other tonics. . But she keeps
pale and thin Her tallow
complexion worries you. Per-,
haps she has a little hacking'
cough also " Her head aches
and she cannot study. Gire her
1 sceirs Emulsion j
The oil will feed her wasting1
body the glycerine will soothe
her cough, and the hypophos
phites will give new power and
vigor to her nerves and brain
Never say you cannot
take cod-liver oil" until you
have tried Scott's Emulsion.
You will be obliged to change
your opinion at once. Children
especially become very fond
of it and infants do not know '
when it is added to their food.
Joe and St.oo ; all drugitita, (
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemlata, New York. .
"RmlinriM'l hold rlilt mi I'nn t'Juah
Iiiim a JO. bur mlril ft bore rntrl wt nt
linn mu Nil rjuiia eollrl iiufrxiiwl lell
atuiniliM." THFP.Z YCU HAVE it
Clear as Mud.
Tlie of flip alMive, wrlt'en wilh a pen,
wlmn deciphered wns seen to be only an order
for a l n.-.wrlter. 11 remle: "Unclosed nnd
draft on Npw York for lil tor which pl'-nseeend
nie ui mice one of your Iniest liuurmed type
writer." He Is piliehuolnir nmclilni-nnuetno wvin.vnu
Fity. IKtW AHKI'T Y4U HSKI.r ? You
muy noi write no poorly us he (int-s, nnil your
lelter-i muy mil he lllri;lhli. tint a typewritten
rnmtmiiilcHttnn hns hulties.ikH iippeuiunce
whlcb a pen wririen one lias not..
That's Why
Yor should ush a lyno-wrlter, That It. does
tliHsnme wink as 'lie sc-enlled 'Htnndnnt.,
machines, conih hut f .'J.oo. und li giving sails
luctlou t085,n0ii useis Is Why
Send for saitulortie mid sample of Us work.
35H-S6 I IteiulMiiu Kl 'inCAJ. U.I.
Aarble Works.
Cemetery Lotj
Old Sfoiifcs Cleaned and Repaired
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
J. A. JENKINS, Ag't.,
('rosd!ii)ve, Pa.
liurv II I I If , lit , ,,7 . .
' . . ....... llittllvuilf
ruredlnlfttoil&daya. Ymi eon be treated at
homoforaame price anaor ameRuaraa-
.......,,.. ii.Miii,aiuanau,,i(jiDllll,ana
nocnarm, If we fall to euro. If you have taken mor
cury. Iodide votash, and atill have achea and
palne, Mucous ratchet hi mouth. Sore Throat.
IMinplee, Cupper Colored Spot., Ulcere on
any put of tlieValy, Ilitlror Eyebrows fill ling
out, K Is this Secondary BLOOM POISON
wes-naranteetocuro. Weolicltthen;jt obetl
oate cases and challenge the world for a
case we cannot cure. Tola di.eaae Dos always
baflled the skill of the most eminent physi
cian. SSOO.ObO capita behind our unoond
tlonal guaranty. Absolntonroofrt cntsealcdon
application. Addreee COOK KENHDY CoV
SOI Alaaooio Temple, CaUiAH ILL.
BaRttlehr lioasert The
Joyaand ambitions of life can
We restored to von. The very
woieteaeeeor nervona ueoui-
tr are
ihaotittAlv siiirsMl
lllveDromut relief telnaomnli
and drain of vital povere.tncor
red by IndlMretlonaoreiomee
of early years. Impart vlaor
r&iiinv rmiuDrT mq .no otbbw
nil nnuiiiif ao avarv function
Brace an the yateai. Ul?e
DHJuni w iu,
evea of vouna
cheeks and IwMre to the
or old. One fflo bor. renewa
U vital energy)
4ete guaran-
boxea at a euiu-
..ui nn.n nuiMr ranina'
en. tin u.
carried Id vast poeaet. Sold
mailed InplBn wrapperoa tfor il
tf TH ntttraCTO CO., Caxtoa Bid., Chleago-lU.
For sale in Middlcbnrgli, Pa., by
Midtllt'burg Drug Co., inMt Pleas
ant Mills by I leuryl larding, ami in
Pram's Crtok by J. W. SiinipsclL
ut Day. itjwm well rvia,
""""Tittf of Me.
" r " VLOf a
TUB OnbAT aeth bay.
produces She above reaalta IniSO days. It a t
powerfully and qiilekly. Cures when all other fat '
Vonns men will rafale their loel manhood, and ol.i
men will recover their youthful vieor hy nme.
UKV1VO. It nnlerly and surely reeaorea Nervnue
seas. Loal Vitality, Irapoteaov. Klcbtly Emleainue
teat Pewer, Falllaf Memoir, Waallnf Dlaeaeea. ane
all effects ot eelfbon or exeeeaand lndlanreiioe
whloh nnata ene for eiody. bnelneaa or marrlare. I'
not only cures by atartiac at the eaat of dlaeaae. but
li a treat nerve tnole and blood builder, brl.i
Int back the pink Slow to pal cheeks and re
storins the fire of youth. It warde off Insanltr
and Ooniuiaptloa. laalet oa bavtnt BB VIVO, mi
other. It eas be earrled la veet pocket. By mall.
1.00 per aachaie. or six tot S.OO, wiJi a poai
Uv written rwareatee to ear or re ran. J
the money. Otrauiarfree. Addreae
sOTlL UDICIIE CO,, 271 f aHul iTi., CHIC1M, ILL
rorsak at MlddleburEa by W. H. 8PAHGUH,
aw a
aJV awolila,
fiepiplier He U
- o
Iff T ' "TT T nr,
- . prQ I
v Marble and Q.aaje
HMieiits Am u&m
xjUWI-KUKI i,w
I have one of th K.. . "cft.
ter. in the Stat. d
torn out good work. u,M'iim
W Come and see mv nrk t
Thankful for past fVeoV. f."
M'ectfullv Hsk a coDtinuHnci 1 1
NflW Wat" . .
.Two of the moKt populnrPitCM
telu4 Issued by theM
iUBie uo lIiniaUHPOllH, Ii),l ..Al
Our Heroes Hom'di-di" fcifS
Heroes of the n. S T?nni'.iIf.,l.tki
is one of Ibe finest nations "
ev..r written. The music j, Z
"lrr ii n uob instlliiiini 1
niece and will liv f,,.. ' . 1Uml4
f uir of th- efieatest naval e ".,71
thfr-e pieces aud PoupW Miisicpl
eontainiutr lSpaifesfull L fii
sent on rwir nf ok ,UWII
f 1JTJ ww l 1 ill aa IMMIIirV W ill..
- - - - r - v, v iti, ir
AddrenB Popular Mrsic Co
Iudiaoapolin. Ind. "
Is used for Plastering Houses
It Is a new discvery
llnnnnl..l A 1 . . .
uumaiiioeu iu KlSl IlimrfJ
than any other plaster. J
is preferred to Adamant.
For particulars call on t.radjJ
r. k. newKR. E. Ei ,.,MJ
Offices in Hank BuUdlnR. MiflfflCtEJ, ftl
All business eiitrusteJ toliisti,J
win receive i,ronjit. atteiitiou.
K. 1. Pottieser,
All professional business entrusted in injaJ
w.h li.v yivutj aim vuieiui iiiienuiii).
The Quaker Valley Mfg. Co. o!
CbicriKO have requested us to a&
nouuee that tliey hav sevt'iailhous-
una hfcts of 1 he hnest eoin silvcrl
plated War Memorial Spoons left!
over ironi tneir recent distnhiitior
lhey M ill mail, postpaid, u full ml
of six of these spoons to everv suh-l
hcnber to the Pout, who will mil
nnrne und address a postal carJl
win ao. if, on receipt of the spoons.
ou win mm tneui tne most exquis
neiy Deuuuiui speeimens ul w
HiiveriDiiin s an yon ever saw, anal
worth $3.00, remil 7.5 cents, us pat
ment iniull. witlnn 30 duvr: if m
pleased, return them iimucilmul;
Each spoon is of a diifeient ilma.
after dinner coffee size showitip
soldiers in camp in Cuba, Morru
Castle and four TJ. S. Battleships
They are imperishablo inoineiitete
of the late war, and every suliM'rib
er shonld accept this most reuinrt
able offer, and c btain a set More it
IB too lute. All that K iieeesMiy i-l
to sav you're a snbscrilu r to tW
Post, (this is important) uml tin'
you accept Memorial .Mpoi n Offf
CO., 167 W. Harrison St.,('lncieO.
01 H tan
wi!i3 "' !VawiS3tfajjj
l'l.rEVvf ejp wri
nf." , , . .. '.'