The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 27, 1898, Image 7
The Record of 30 Years jiHarnagm or iU Lad Ikirty ad JlMoa4iont and U Draerv 1894. Oct. 14, by Rev. II. (J.& hnable, Jolm L Freed and Sadie A. Krat jer.lwtli ofWanliingtoutwp. Oct. 14, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., V II. lWistle of Port Treverton to Lottie A. IloulK-ndolfof Hcrndon. Oct. K, by Geo. F. Bros'ins, J. P Kfiibt-n B. Heichcnbach and Em , J Dressier, both of Perry twp. Oct. 10, by Hev. H.G.Sehnnblc, li. F. lbrley ofAdanisburg to Mel lie siiiler of Knutz. Oct. 17, bv James F. Keller, J. P Franklin Gilbert of leaver Springs to Sadie li. Folk of Beaver tow". Oct. 20, by S. F. Sheary, J. P., Isaac Verger and Anna Deabler, both of Mifflin Co- (Vt. 21, by J. K. Peek, J. P., (j Hoirnian and Nora Kissinger, uith of Pallas. Oct. 23, by Win. H. Coleman, J. p. Win. A. Khamstine and Ida M. Shell, lK)th of Beavertown. Sent. 30, by Hev. Y. M. Landis, A. W. Gill of Centre twp. to Flora Vuiniller of Spring. Sept. 30, by same, Thomas II. Huhlev of Harrisbnrg to Alice' M. Yenly' (nee Amig)of Middlebnrg. X,iv. 2, by J. C. Selioeli, Clerk (). C, George A. Bwersox and S. S. Brmier, both of Centre twp. Xov. C, by J. C. Sehooh, Clerk O. C, Wm. A. Jordan and Clara J. Slicmory, Intth of Beaver twp. Nov. 11, by Rev. II. G. Schnable, (Jco. A. Trevitz and Maggie I). Musser, Ixith of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 15, by Rev. 11. G. Banncn, Arthur K. Cooper of Middlebnrg to Carrie L. Ulsh of Swineford. Nov. 18, by Hev. W. A. Haas, Martin Klingler of Penn twp. to Clara J. Fetter of Jackson twp. Nov. 18, by Kev. Samuel Smith, Anion Walter and Ida Jordan, lxth of Centre twp. Nov. 22, by Hev. F. Bower, F. T. Ranch of Willhuusport and Rose C. Avers of Middlebnrg. Nov. 22, by Eliasllummel, J. P., John W. Hummel of Mid-llecrcek twp. to Emma J. Snyder of Jackson twp. Nov. 23, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Win. llilhert of Mciscrvillo to Katie Ilaimnaker of McKccs Half Falls. Nov. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haas, M. R. Hoot of Dundoru to Mary Stalil of Verdilla. IW.0, by Rev. F. Rower, Geo. E. Wagner anil Anna Kratxer, both of (Jlolie Mills. Dec. 11, byRev.S. L. Wliitmore, 8. 8. St'hoch of Middlebnrg anl Maud V. Mensch of ?IiiHinburg. Dee. 11, by Rev. C.B. Schnedcr, R. K. Haas of Shamokin to Jennie 8tahlnecker of Middlebnrg. Dec. 15, by Ceo. F. Brosius, J. P., 1 1. A. Fisher and Maggie Gor don, Ixith of Perry twp. Pec. 10, by Rw. Samuel Smith, Clias. (). Bowersox of'Franklin twp. to Ella A. Shanibach of Centre twp. Dec. 10, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., John S. Kine of Port Treverton to Sarah Lenig of Chapman, Dec. 18, bv Rev. Oscar G. Koniig. leregin c. Shrawder and Lizzie Womer, both of West Perry twp. Dee. 19, bvj. E. Shinkel. J. P.. John E. Lose and Lizzie Dorman, intii c in..o n i- Dec. 23, bv Rev. S. S. Kohlcr. f.,,.ll I I 1 O T-. . I r . Kith of Centre twp. Dec. 20, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., w - I I -1 VWt J Dec. 30, by Rer. S. E. Davis, A. Dec. 30, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- --j vtutoj' -a t it vi ui a. Lit IF T . . . . . . . ixittie Mistier ot Union twp. 1895. Jan. 1, by Rev. II. G. Schnable, ii. i IIHI7HI1T1IU in li iiuinnirrAii II. Jan. 3, by W.F. Howell, J. P., Ira . JMitchell and Maggie M. Weaver New Lancaster. Jan, 5. bv J. C. Schoch. Clerk O. Abraham L. Rutins of Centre 1. Ill 1 MM 1 1 . K ul Br11 fT I Int.... w. ...wm v. J .J.V.I fan. 10, by J. G. Hornberger, J. imon -opriggle and Amanda .hjHrth nt Wwt Perry twp. Jan. 15, by J. C. Schocb,. Clerk O. C, Geo. W. Whistler and Mary M. Wieand, both of Adatn4.wp, . Jan. 17, by Rev. W7M. Landia, Lewi A. Jenkins and Minnie -D. Moyer, both of Croapgrovc. Jan. 20, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Henry E. Bell ot Juniata County to Mary Jane Shawver of Adams twp. Jan. 20, by T. T. Davis, J. P., Franklin Snook of Adamsburg and Mary Allen of Juniata Co, Jan. 20, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Daniel M. Herbst aikl Caroline Heekman, both of Washington twp. Jan. 20, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., David A. Herrold of Chapman to Mattie E. Stepp of Port Treverton. Jan. 24, by Rev. II. G. Schnable, Jacob A. Hummel and Rosa J. Field, both of Kreamer. Jan. 24, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, Benj. Hummel of Middlecreek to Lydia Voehley of Perry twp. Jan. 27, by Rev. O. S. Schierer, Oliver H. Bowersox and Bertha M. Reariek, both of Franklin twp. Jan. 27, by Rev. O. S. Seheirer, Franklin Ewigto Eva K Musser of Reaver twp. Jan. 27, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen ford, E. I). Herman and Joanna Ul rich, both of Penn twp. Jan. 27, by Win. F. Howell, J. P., Joseph II. Snook of Middlecreek andCoretta M. Ilolhnan of McClure. Jan. 31, by S. II. Graybill,.!. P., Samuel A. Shirk of West Perry twp. to Emnia K. Shotzberger of Monroe twp. Jan. 31, by Rev. (). S. Shicrer, Harry C. Walker of Beavlrtown to Mary Dorman of Spring twp. Feb. 2, by Rev. W. II. S hoch Samuel II. Stroiib and Susan De lving, Initii of Centre twp. Feb. 3, by Rev. H. G. Selinnble, W. B. Huinmrl and Mary Row, lotli of Middlecreek twp. Feb. 7, by Rev. W. H. Kalis, Ja cob A. Laul) and Minnie B. Smith, both of Spring twp. Feb. 14, by Rev. (). (J. Roniig, Win. II. Hood of Mifllintown to Anna B. Strawscr of West Perry twp. Feb. 14, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Jesse Roll land and Jennie Sholly, lioth of Jackson twp. Feb. 17, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Austin H. Shafer to Cora Sufl'el, Uith of C'liiipiiiun. Feb. 17, bv Rev. H. (J. Schna ble, I. F.r.ilgorand Ellen W.lVutz liiiii;, both of New l'crlin. Feb. !(!, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, E. E. Musser and Kate A. Walter, both of Franklin twp. Feb. 19, by Rev. II. G. S-lumble, M. L. Brosius of Siinbtiry to Laura Fisher of Freeburg. Feb. 19, by Kev. Smith, ("has. (). Bowersox of Centre twp. to Sarah C. Rciihiugcr of Franklin twp. Feb. 20, by Geo. F. Bro.-ius, J. P., V . A. Swineford and V. A. Ar Ujgast, Inith of Penn twp. Feb. 28, by Rev. W. H. Hilbish, RcuIk'H I. 'agncr of Crossgrove to Cora M. (ioss of Baunerville. Mar. 3, by Rev. Samuel Smith, Zachariah Deabler of Franklin twp to Clarissa Reariek of Selinegrove. Mar. 4, by Rev. II. G. Schnable, Xi m. Vr. Nagle of Freeburg to Yer gie Walborn of Kantz. Mar. 7, bv Rev. P. C. Weiden- myer, Hurley Roniig of Selinsgrove to Tessie Baker of McClure. Mar. 8, by J. E. Shinkel, J. 1'., Geo. M. Jordon and Anna L. IiOiijr er, both of Adams twp. Mar. 10, by Win. F. Howell, J. P.,'IIomer II. Peter to Cora E. M. Weader, both of Middlecreek. Mar. 14, by Rev. W. M. Hindis, Harvey M. Waguer to Clara I. Weider, lwth of Crossgrove. Mar. 17, by Rev. O. G. Roniig, T. J. Roush to Sallie Wert, Iwth of Freeburg. Mar. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Jefferson S. Pawling ofWest Milton to Mary A. Moyer of Freeburg. Mar. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, J.Dallas Wetzel and Anna S. Her man, Iwth of Penn twp. Mar. 17, by Rev. Sumuel Kuhn, Frederick SVochley to Nora Stroup, both of West Perry twp. Mar. 17. by Rev. Allen G. Nye, Michael A. Weirick and Minnie A. Bingaman, both of Franklin twp. Mar. 17, by Rev. W. M. Indis, John II. Wieand of West Beaver to Anna M. Hook of Spring twp. Mar. 17, by Rev. Allen G. Nye, Martin C. Weirick and Maggie S. Harner, both of Paxtouville. r'-v y 'wii..-iw .Mar..24,by.Rr.a E Ochsen fjord,, iPercival . Lritzel of Jackson twp. to Mary 8. Row oi Selinsgrove. Mar. 26, by Rev. W.II. Hilbish, Charles M. Snook and Lillie M. Wagner, both of West Beaver twp. Mar. 28, by Rev. A. G. Nye, Geo. A. Laub oi Adaniburgto Min nie . Beaver of Swineford. Mar. 28, by Rev. S, S. Kohlcr, Harry II. Dunkelberger of Middle creek to Verdilla Miller of Union Co. Mar. 30, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, L. C. Bach man nnd Anna Renning er, both of Middleburg. Apr. 2, by Rev. D. E. MeLain, Amnion G. Iiashoar of Adamsburg to Mollie M. Ulsh of Swinefard. Apr. 4, by J. II. Rachman, J. P., Oscar "Walter and Margaret Hum mel, Iwth of Franklin twp. Apr. 4, by James Middleswarth, J. P., Benj. F. Markel and Sarah J. Ixpley, lwth of Adams twp. Apr. 7, by Rev. W. II. Schoch, Anion Kulms and Kate Klingler, both of Middlebnrg. Apr. 9, by Rev. S. E.Ochsenford, John C. Zellner of Selinsgrove nnd Cora J. Row of Penn twp. Apr. 10, by Rev. II. G. Suable, Frank Miller and Ida E. Ilow, 1mi(1i of Salem. Apr. 15, by J. R. Dimm, Dr. Win. G. Morris and Irene V. Hit ter, Iwth of Shamokin Dam. Apr. 10, by Rev. H. (J. Suable, Chas. (). Iit'iiig to Anna B. Naugle, Inith wf Middlecreek. Apr. 20, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk (). C., Benjamin F. Hummel of Middleburg to Emma J. Reicli of Middlecreek twp; Apr. 20, by J. (J. IlornU rger, J. P., (ieo. F. Faubcr of Juniata Co. to Susan I. Uptingcr of West Perry twp. Apr. 21, by Rev. OscarG. Roniig, David W. Bonner ot Richlicld to Annie M. Burclilield of West Perry twp. Apr. 21, by Kev. O. S. Sheirer, Geo. S. Ileiser and Mary S. I las singer, both of Beaver twp. May 2. by Rev. C. O.Lehr,Wm. Dixon of Milnesville, Luzerne Co. to Emma Newman of Mciscrville. May 2, by Rev. P. C. Weiden mcver, Hcnrv R. Leplcv and Clara M.Kahlev, 'both of McClure. May 2, by llev. J. II. Win. N. Bulick of Monroe Alice M. I loll of Kantz. ' Dicbcl, twp. ti May 2, by Hev. I). E., Frank F. Walter of Franklin twp! to Kate II. Garman of Perry twp. Nov.:;, by M. 1. Arnold, J. P., Elmer Kcr.-tcttcr and Mary II. Shotzlicrgcr, both of Union twp. May 7, by Rev. D. E. MeLain, Win. Snyder nnd Anna 11. Stahl nccker, both ot Middleburg. May 8, bv Kev. W. M. Lan.lis, Ira IiCply of Adams twp. to Annie 1 j. rclkerot Spring twj. Mav 10, bv Kev. S. E. Davis, A. F. Slianiliach to Anna L. Snook, both of Port Treverton. May. 12, by Rev. Oscar Roniig, George A. Brown of Holler to Daisy A. Hornberger of Aline. May 12, by Thomas Page, J. P., Henry J. Sweigert to Catharine V. Freed, lioth of Holler. May 19, by Re". O. S. Shicrer, Frank A. Ewing to Anna W. Snook, both of Spring twp. r in i r. . . . - iiay in, uy new u. Aye .lames Jl. laml ot Heaver two. to Sallie E. Boyer of Perry twp. May 20, by Rev. II. M. Lan.lis, Harry A. Wagner and Sarah A. Knepp, both of Crossgrove. May 27, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Wni. C. Martz of Sunbury and Olive M. Wallace of McKees Half Falls. June 2, by Thomas Paige, J. P., Charles B. Anderson and Jennie F. Shelley, Iwth of Salem. June 2, by Rev. O. 8. Seheirer, Servaius A. Aurand of Adams twp. to Amanda Berge, of Centre twp. June 2, by Rev. II. G. Schnable, J. A. Ellenberger of Perrv Co. and Anna M. Bowersox of Middleburg. June 4, by Rev. U. G. Schnable, N. I. Bingaman of Adams twp. to Ida Luck of Salem. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. a Uiey cannot reacb the seat ot Hie dlHeuoe. t'atarnh li a blood or cooaaltutloual dlseniw, and In order lo cure It you muiit take Internal remedies- Ilall'x Calarrn cure li taken Internally, and acta di rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quark medicine. It was prescribed by one of tbe best physicians In Uie country for yearn, and a regular presclptlon. if Is composed of the best tonics known, combined wltb the best blood purflers, acting directly on Uie mucous surface. Tbe perfect cnmlilnullon ot the two inirredlents Is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh, send lor testimonials, free. P. J. CHKNEY CO.. Propfc. Toledo, O. n iiu or aruryiHU, price io oenia. Main ranuiy uiy Pills are the beat, . .. ITcwtfea (to friend who has bin brought la to take pot luck) Tm afruid, Mr. Simpson, we're ouly got a joor dinner to offer you. Mr. Simpson My dear Mrs. Junes, I bejf you not to apologize! I nswire you 1 think It quite desirable to underfeed occasionally. Loixlon I'unoli. Conildrrate VornlUtn. Tlie birds are slnulni? llKht and free With charm that never falls; They never airuKKie for high C Nor run chromatic seulos. Detroit Kree l'rtss. Interraleil. "Now that the war is here,Bnid the hUU'u.ilk stnitejrist, in a vociferous plaint, "why don't we do something beoides talk about it?" And his wife locked at him mildly, und exe'uiiiied: "That's w hat I would huve u.iked you loinj ago If I hadn't been afraid of hurt ing your feelings." Wushiugton Star. Irvoled to your wife do It. much "Does work?" fancy "Fancy work? She won't even let u porous planter come into the house without crocheting a red border round it and mulling a yellow ribbon through the holes." Tlt-llits. ffeM'lety as He Found It. Mrs. Intrude Where is your father? Adult Sou lie in at the store, editing his edition of "Society ut I Have Found It." Mrs. Intrude Uhut? A book? Son Yes, a ledger full of unpaid and tincollectublc bills. X. V. Weekly. Horrible. "What does your wife do when she geus utigry with you? Threaten to re turn to her parents?" "Oh, no, she tukes revenge by repeat ing the fool tilings I haid to heron our wedding trip." Chicago Daily Xews. (irf Indeed. "And houii em my has hpiked all your cannon?" usked the commanding oHl iv r. "Woree than that, i;ir," replied the di vision chief. "Our bieyelo tire.s are all tacked." 1 irookl vn l.i fc. Iltla mill IIkmi'h. Veafct Vourwlfe says bIh? tnisHtwyou when you're away from home. Crimsoubcuk Well, tihe ofU'n .uisseH me when I'm at home. SIic'h the worst shot with ii plate you ever saw. Vonk era Httemnu. SlirliikliiK. Holly What made you cluMihollunncl for your bathing dress? Madge Mamma made mu have it cut to suit her. After it lias been in the water a few times it will suit me. X. V. Journal. Can't Itvlnt 'I'hl.. "There is one falsehood which every woman will tell." What UH?" "She ulwayH wiy h t he f rM-k slu( liati on lt the only reMpectable one she liim." Chicago lieeord. t'nallan In llir Air. "There goes another castle in the air," remarked Admiral Sampson, as one of his shells struck Morro. X. Y. Jour nal. Hi I'rulilrin. "From nil 1 can learn about women," he said, "if I go to the war she will swear to lie true iiml then marry some one else if I 0111 not back in six mouths, and If I don't go to the wnr she"l give me the scornful negative on the ground , that she wouldn't marry a coward. And ; there you arc!" Chicago Tost, Three Doelnra In 4 oiihiiUiiiIoii. ' ' Krom llfiijaniln rninkilii. "When you are Hick, what you like best i'n to bo cIiohoii for a med icine in the first place: what experi ence tells you in beHt, to be choKen in the ieuond plnen; vvlmt i imihou (i.e. Theory) nays in beHt to bo ehoHu in tho Ihhi nliicp. Hut if von ran get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Hxperieiieo nnd Dr. HeHHon to hold a consultation together they willyivo you the bent ml vice that can bo liikeu." When you have a bad cold Dr. In clination would recommend Cliain berlnin'H Cough Ue.eedy becaune it in pleasant and safe to take, Dr. Experience would recommend it be cause it never feils to effect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. lieasoi would recommend it because it iH prepared on scientific principlen, and acts on nature's plan in relieving lungs, opening the secretions nnd restoring the system to a naturid and healthy condition. For sale by all Druggists. WANTED BEVKKAL Tltt'STWOHTHY person In this state to maimae our himi- neat In their cwn and nearby counties. II is mainly office work conducted at home. Salary atrnlirht (900 a year and expenses definite, bnnuAee, no more no less salary. Monlhlv $7 Releranoes. Knclose mlf-addremed Unin- ed envelope, Uerbert E. Ileas, Frest., Ipt. M. Chlonfo. a-lO-lst, " u rr.trm " fi 'W'U Oh, Mttl peralmmoa (raw kurk Ireo- Oa a t a uo, ujl trael ad a Utile ker said: ntlM from lag Hrtaa, 3ut I havsa't a pU that oaa raaca it," aaM ke Tba panlaunaa that craw oo the tree. Oh, a Mttle penlmmaa trew hit h oa a tree On a tree oa a tall, tail l reel nd another boy said: "It tm rUjht over head. And wbea I crow biff I can reach K," be aaty- The perslmnsoa that grew on the tree. And while they were talklnv an'other boy came To the tree to the tall, tall tree. And he jerked hl ehort Jacket and climbed to the top. While they ahouttd below: "Ha will drop! He will drop!" He vii fond of peralmmooa; he collared the crop Of peralmmoaa that grew en the ure Atlanta Constitution. The t anal Proitramma. When a crista aaaalla you, look carefully round. Don't ruih Into action where dangera abound; De aure that yon think It all o'er one i twice. And never bo backward In aeklng advice. Never fear that your frlende will be cau tious and coy. They'll atop In the midst of their dutlca with Joy To hear you describe your dllemr clear through And tell you Just what they think you should do. IVvti't let your own Judgment a harrier be. Oo on through the lint, thoiitth they all dis agree, Till Bjme one at last recommends your pet plan. Then tnke his ailvlce. He's a sensible man. Washington Stur. t lone to Mnetj . Here no" I stsml, upon life's outer verRf, t'ko nt my feet an ocean wide and di'ep, Iark, millcn, silent and without a stirve. Where earth's past myriad lie In lrern less sleep. Tla here I stand without a thril of fear. In loneliness allied to the Biilillnie; Tho broken links of love that bound ma here Lie scattered on this treacherous shoal of time. Hut villi I clliiK to friends who yet remain. Clint? to the glorious scenes thut round me He, Btrlvlng to stay the haste of years In valo As snifter yet the win Kill moments Uy. Idly, I seek the future to explore, I partly know what Is, but naught that la beforo. -John Howard Dryant, In Albany Argus. Lullaby. The wind's In the west, Tho birds are at rest. The llttlo BUir sheep Clambvl o'er tho blue, leal The moon shepherdess, . In a lovely gold dress, Cnmes bringing wt dreams To my bahy und me. The white lilies sleep Whom tho night breezes creep, Tho Jasmine's perfume Through the casement l3bl(7wn; A whlppoorwlll calls, ICaeh plalittlva nolo fulls A lullaby sweet toiny baby, my own. Lula Cooko Iun Curios, In Youth's Corn panlon. llTMl1ty. Wo pride oursilvi. In weighing worth and merit, Too much on virtues that we but Inherit. Goiiiii ptincturnl grundilru mukes us hate Iuy. And we arr proud to keopour onth and day; Hut our uiii'i ttrul foil ton and uIjuhia Wo still lielulgo und make fur them cx eiiHi'ft. I t Miti liu proud dared UKin be proud at nil - Who sMndu where ull his fathers umkI to fall. lInMlni; ttnir virtues fast and ptiFsliiKon To higher gixxl through his own victories wnn. Isnar fiijl-n Itui I. In, In Youth's Com 1m: Urn. I.: :iw-.luel. Why . Trill h. I n .it..: Tlnie. Co in a l'l. N. Y 1 htncsi'l iiiliirrelrd ili ii t. ytni inn up 111 s;ir I 1 :!il niiiiill:iieritnry. itmv yet; are noted fi)rsnyln;r hrk'l.t t!t!::(. Hi I'.ut vv! en t .: 'line; hri;'lit.- i ynti I can think of inkers StuteMiiiin. . trrmnorxt r m rrr m imr n nr Ui" U !UJWUUflli-jl4 till i y oiiKhly PfVik ot ihtmiuuii. Our nystein of S'tfT daily experience in evi-ry liruncli of IluuklDK. MereliiuiUiaini:, Coimiiisiion, lui.uranec Transpnrttt twin, etc. I'rejiiiriiturv liepurtitient fur hnehwiiril stmletitx W. train for l'r.n tun! work mm ulwuvx aeenre hiiumuhim fur wmitliy pr;iilul4'S of our 'luktness mill Shurlliiitnl fuiirsi s Slum 113 filler any ilay Nu viieatnuiR Exi msis mnilentie I nn t tlnow nwnv t!ti' nml ron'v bv .'iiii? to li miwrary mlionls when II will iiml vmi Iikii tuatti tnl the UK ST We -mvivi h nn a inimtiiT nf Hlinlents who have left Innmipi lent learhers 111 Ulst'ust Sm.U Peuino otim tell u bi.x uiumliH hi i t la niiul to a yiur in any other schuul. i- t9 r.. tm r m n mn tn nnv - ------ - Telegraph operator which we fur n eomiietont nsstntnnts wit limit rharce Refer to prominent patrons in everv pirt nf the wer'.l Tin: nct tnsl tin ml- to iitleiMtltr; tie- MOST Cr.IJlllUATKIHIl'slMK.SS SCHOOL .it Ann r 1 v I to take our 1 MS'l'KI MTION" UY .MAIL If you are il anil willinu 1,1 i,,,!' Semi len twoeeiit i.lamps fnf live eav leHSonH In linrthanil. lliil rati i. fne AuilrebS mcMlWfi liu ymtn CLEMENT C. GAINES. PnEOiDtNT. PcuGMKtfcPliic. Ntw Yokk- THE HEV YORK BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $1.75 Hi 1 1 Weekly Trite j and reliable market reports, able editorials, intereHting ubort Htorieti, Hcientific and mecLiHDical information, illuHtrated fusbiou anic.lcH, bu morouH pictures, ami ia inatrvctive and entertaining to every member of every family. given you all tbe local news, political aud social, keep .you in close touch with your neighbors and friandx, on tiie farm and in th villace. informs tou as to tbe local pricea for farm product", t he condition of crops and prospects for Mie yer, and is a bright, dowry, welcome and indispensable weekly visitor at your home and fir aide. Send nil subscriptions to THE V0S Middlebargh, H. ( ( No' , Wt I f a over to the mt rutm, - . tpsther1ssT i " wgftaei ariM fgW jsaaataTaSirwa iihlaylk BloodBakteg If lac Speer 8 Port & Burgundy Wine. The Finest Wine in the world from his 56 Acres of Vineyards, where the soil is ricli in iron, imparting it to theOporto KraPu and t he y, rape to the Wine causes the dark, deep rich color, and blood-making' property of this lifcKlvlnK Wine. The Iron In It. This is the Wine that beats the world in its valua ble medicinal qualities, for family use and evening parties; it i.s especially beneficial for females, invalids and aged persons. The l'ort Wine is nine years old and the Hurgundy, a rich dry wine ciiht years old. Tho Claiot ;unW tho finest Trench product brujjKlsts nd Grocers Sell it. TTfe """hat Sano-Riorsss THE HOME REMEDY lVm'1 for FEMALE COMPLAINTS iViuu thi-y ifn wnnitf. Fornll them' n,in. llTi'trtilnrltii nml IllH'MlltlcHiiu n ttu dy uliC nnn f)irt Kiislly rfirtl, .tpiftlHtllV rilMH'HNt.JllIIU'KlUbv Irl'lt h. TMt'ir Iiltfv'H all ihiIii lii WiMiihor )Hrirt4 In III Miiiult-A. I'nmtptly rclli'Vcrt Hi lulnrhf, Nuif, lUooil ami HliuliliT TrouMcM, KMtntiifNK, Wi-rvniit. nt'HH, Wnr a"' lpoinlcni'y. C 1 1 Tin Lt'iicHrrli'i-ft, Wonili CnndiittM, i- IK P'lWli ltiktilNiiiHNin'iifitnii(l I Itt'tiitli'int. l'lirN p- ' rnllit nml nit rni.ile llmn.Tn till- HplrlfM lillil ltllllXPH till Whnlo fritllH' Siifc, Sim nml AliHuluti'ly lliinnlf mm, tiiii fiiii'. bni will ruiniilt'tc a ciih' hi tinllnnry cmki'i. CT.1DC III Dliul MH.IMIV AM.IICI4..MTM ulUlO ALL 1 AM ,ir tin.lll In plulu wiaitiwrun IH TEN MINUTES The PcrfecloCo CailooBg.Cblcato Hum in MitMlrdiiru'h I'a., iv Miiliih'iMim Drti ro.; M. ri-:!nii Mills i.y Henry llui.llii ;ulul 1'riilis ITt't k li A. YV. MilupMi'll. Hi .K ' r, "- I rt.M .... TRY IT!X A FOLKS VS1". 2 M 6 Mi!irB PCI erierlfnct, IIOO'a Kllli-i. Aiitlivn" lurvlnift Vt! VFiirs' rC US, et-, tlmr- A ,.ir,i',' Kht it y mail V. fives V II ll'NSI Ifll'l 11.1 1 1 ' Cl K I III'') UiiKhl 1 IiuhIiichs iiielmlii.;; j one for first inf.imvitLr.n n r. nnin.. i" . ii'., 1 t nii 1 . , 1 .,l lit -1 . v ill, l.r successfully 1111. houses suppliuu with lldftl: Leiim.l tlli.n. ...... ..I...- n .... ... . - WEEKLY TRIBUNE. THE OUKAT FOR FARMERS AND VILLAGERS, And Yonr Kavarlle llomr I'nper, inn if 111 mil 11 ban nn Acriculturul Dopartnient of the liichoHt merit, all iniDortntit i.cwh nf tbe Nation and Woi Kl. roiupriiiiiHive nextL ZVtTi"r mcWng ii ft BIJ'w'iO THEPOST,Mifldielnrg,Pa atl airrpempnt . "3;,r.T. prlcos for this vear.