The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 27, 1898, Image 3

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Professor Barnaby, the head of Hartsville College
tells how the advice of a number of the faculty saved
him when he was without hope. A lesson for workers.
Profess Alvto P. Barnsby, President of
Hutorilk College, at H&rtsviIU, InA, h
learned the method by which proiauocul
own or bitfinw men, or sayooc whose
fabiss ut too much (or their strength, may
stpair their shattered health.
Graduate of the college fa all parti of
rht world will rejoice to learn that President
Baraaby hat fully recovered from the break
down that threatened to end hi useful career.
He ii a new nun, mentally and physi
cally f energetic, cnterpriamg , full of vitality.
He tells his own story.
"Tabefinat the beginning," he said," I
studied too hard while at school.
"After completing the theological course
I accepted the charge of United Brethren
Church at a small town In Kent Ccw, Mich.
"Diligent work ant) study finished the
breakdown of my eotntthrtioo, which be
gan at school. 1
"My chief trouble was fadfgeitioG I this
with other affections, caused nervousness.
"My physician seat me away for rest and
change ot scene and I improved somewhat,
"Soon afterward I came to the college as
prasfssor in tlbysks and chemistry. My
uerrous trouoU returned.
"I suffered complete prostration.
I. Another long course of medicines and
physicians, and I managed to get back to my
work. I was elected president of the college
and the increased work soon told on me.
"Then followed a total coQapac. I oiled
in several doctors but none could cure me.
"Ay health seemed to be permanently
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ni -ety Days !
Tho Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
SYLVANIA. Wo m e not, felling out, !, we uo thin to Increase our sales above any pre
vtoim eHX. We pivfit few (r the prices us follow :
8o0 VVonil ChHiiiber Suit $14.00 Cotton To Muttrei-s
HHrd Wood Chamber Suit lH.OOIWoven Wire Matt. 1.75
Antique Orik Suits, 8 Pier 19.00; Hetl SprlUKH 1 21
Plusb Parlor Suits 80.00; Drop ThIiIhh, per ft 6')
Wooden Clinirs per net 2.50:l'lHtfonu Hook em 3 SO
Iu stock, everything In the furniture line, Including Mirrors, Kook Cakes,
Deck i, 8i1etios.rds, Cuphonrris, Centre Tables. Faucy Rockers. Baby Chalra
Feather Pillows, Lounrvs, Couches, Doughtrays, thinks. Hall Ranks, Cao.
. Beat Chairs Uue, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
Price reduced all through. Coiue early and see our stock heforej ttlvln
your order, and thus cave 15 to 20 per ceut. on every dollar.
Special Attention (liven to Undertaking & Embalming.
M . V 1 li-V
Insurance Agency,
JKlmox W. Snydor, g;orxt.
Successor 1o the lute William H. Snyder.
The Par-ExcelleDce of Kdinble Insurance it represented in the follow
ng list of Stautlanl CouipanieH, from which to make a ttelectiou. None
Better the World over.
NAI. K, l.urATIO.f , ANSKTS.
FIREr- Royal, Liverpool, Eiir. (including foreigu a.swts) $43,(K)0,(KX).0O
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,735.02
Phoenix, Hartford, Couu. 5,588,058.07
. Continental, New York, 1,754.908.72
Gemma Amencuu. New York, !,240,0i)8.83
LIFE Mm ual Life Inn. Co. New York, 204.538,883,no
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability AHsurance Corporation,
Aeei.lent Ins. Co. .Subvwribed Capital of $3,750,000.00
Pile, Lit Mild Accident rinks accepted at tho lowest possible rate, jus
itied by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
atibfaclcnlv adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur
nce promptly furuishnd ELMElt W. SNYDER, Agt.,
Telephoi'" No. 182. Oflieo on Corner Water & Vine 8ts. S)inKrove, P
The Cheapest and Hes-i Fuei ... i,be Market.
. 'AVitli it yon can run a vapor stove for one
' half cent per hour. Give us a call and bo
,' convinced.
Schoch & Stahlnecker,,
Middleburgh, Pa
S TNt wit nut Kienci tt which nun mtum oah muir mo tocumur u nutrouk y
V "w lABAm, Um wmM-w m EtTtUaa AjtoolofW, Ut tnta nli sub t Is
m SmUtat Ifconaihmi Kuof to Um put In n, will fin tnlbSil, imim, V
5 J yltMt smn SiUwM. t jr lib. IU will TM nmul irpMiu, it, m
SjJ Z . (vaun. smM, tbUitr, tMta, smtwlil. laatUi of life, poaafW iwidinM. adra tmt y
2 I SSMiiSsilwSusarrlDTM4itwl,ittwUllgs.litSMiMltwit. Js
$ f 1 Kin hie ti HTTP IE i:rr J
9 J m4 10 ul lira m itM f Mrtk u4 I will lauMdUMy Min jm V
3 ,. jr twttbil Sirmifi t ii 1"" fb. t" IISWill In. s. jwiimU. 1smb3
If , n, - skHtsbrssstMltrua. All swumsUaM rtfwtlj oS4Utl. AUns V
6 ZAXJVICm ArmCLCCZn, took Box 403, PhUmookOUm, Pa. C
MMI hMtmamm tttlf mmk9m4 Bto nlMfMpwilnliM i4tmwM4 i
V t IsssTsIsTmM sksM laAMltaVo IsltSMMaV" W
stiHevkHdiosNvltis(ptKl tiu!;i!n--i, itn
u tnaiH WttUartss Otf. W.iW.l esi ri m
4oUn. l,UswttrMiton'tU.r. 7rtuti-1
Mfta' '; 1 " : ''
"At length, one day, Professor Bowman,
our instructor in natural science, came to
me and advised me to try Dr. Vfllismj
Pmk Pills for Pale People. They had cured
him of an illness cnilar to my own.
"I resolved to take his advice.
"The first box of puis did me good.
The second box gave great relief, such as I
had never experienced from the treatment
of any physician.
" Sis boxes of the pills cured me. I feel
better and stronger than for years. I cer
tainly recommend the medicine."
To strengthen his testimony in the eyes
ff it.. l I - U1 J u a-
its truth before Lyman J. Scuddcr, a local I
Notary fublic.
The cure of Professor Barnaby was ef
fected by restoring tone to the nervous sys
tem, the weakness of which caused his in
digestiomand was the reason for his break
down. The pure, powerful vegetable in
gredients of the pills supply the elements
necessary to build the wasted nerve cells, and
by purifying the blood, assist in the cleacs
ingand upbuilding of the entire system.
The almost miraculous power of the
pQls has been exhibited in thousands of
cases like that of Professor Barnaby. prov
ing them to be nature's specific for the ner
vous breakdown so common among hard
All druggists sell Dr. VttliW Pink
Pills for Pale People, and count them
among the most valuable medicines that
adrntilic research has ever revealed.
A TV O "Cr Utf
I V 1 V. J 1 V a-X
" iwrmiin In tula slala to In iimuc out hint
neuln tlmlrown snt nesrhy vtmiities. It I
nislnlv otlli-s work coihIucUmI nl limiia. Hlry
slrs'slit $J 0 s yir suit rxiimiiH-s-ilottDltn,
hnnnllile, no mom, no wl h y ( ontlilv 8".
Kefcrt'iicos. 1'nclii.te self-nilr..-.'! q h pel
envolopn, ilor' i-rl K. ! trss i . ci!
, t'bli'Su. ; .. ,.M
tYa Easy Tklast t D. Prvl4 T
Kacw Jaat Haw ta Oa
About It.
When rider is about to replace the
chain upon hia machine it frequently
happena that difficulty ia encountered
in the effort to join the ends and In
sert the chain bolt. Sometimes, in de
spair, he loosens the rear wheel and
shove it forward, although he knows
that the chain adjustment waa right
before the chain waa removed.
The trouble la due to an effort to
join the ends of the chain in the
wrong way. He should begin by lay
ing one end on the large sprocket, an
shown at left of the picture, and hold
It there with the right hand, while
carrying the chain over the small
sprocket and around forward under
neath with his left one. Then chaugc
hands. Hold the end of chain ou top
of sprocket with left hand, and pick
up the other end from below with
right hand, and bring it into position
shown at right sido of picture. Both
ends will then fit over the teeth of tho
sprocket wheel and will fall exactly
into place, so that the bolt will fit in
without difficulty. L. A. W. Bulletin.
Illercles Have as Manr Prlrlleses in
the Pobllo Highway as Other
Wheeled Vehicles.
An example should be mode of some
of the teamsters who insist upon dis
regarding the rights of wheel riders In
the public streets.
Many drivers of teams take especial
delight, apparently, In occupying as
much of the paved streets as possible.
They do that particularly on streets
where there are railway tracks. Driv
ers of heavily loaded trucks and
wagons Insist upon getting in the mid
dle of the space between the curb aud
the railway tracks, and will turn
neither to the right nor the left to let
a wheel rider pass, when they could
easily make room without inconven
ience to themselves.
Perhaps the drivers are not aware
of the fact that a law was passed at
the recent session of the legislature
which provides that wheel riders shall
have the right of way ia the gutters of
all roadways, and making It a misde
meanor for any driver of a team to re
fuse or neglect to turn out when noti
fied to do bo by a signal from a wheel
rider's belL
It Is pure meanness which prompts
drivers of teams to obstruct the way
of wheel riders, and If the police would
arrest a few of them a good example
might be set. Ittoycles have just as
many rights In the public highways as
have other wheeled vehicles, and. Inas
much as wheel riders are forbidden to
nse the sidewalks, an sffort should be
made to save the portion of the streets
to which they are entitled from un
necessary obstruction. Cleveland
A Subject Old the Safet? lUcrcle
Itself la Aft-ata Coming l'p
(or Dlamaslom.
The question how pedals should be j
screwed Into cranks Is being discussed ,
on the other side, and much the sumo ;
arguments are being used that were i
used here hi a similar discussion some ,
tlaio ago. It Is curious how lntelll- I
gent, practical and experienced men i
differ on this subject, and how various i
are the explanations of those whoso '
opinions do coincide. After every- j
thing la said, however, one fact re
mains, and that is that the right side
pedal pin must have a right-hand
thread and the left side pedal pin a
left-hand thread. In other words, it is
necessary to have both pedal pins
nraw irrarnnia th flnnt of fhn fnn-
I chine aa ther are Dut Into the cranks.
Experience has proved conclusively
that, with a good fit, pedals put ou
this way need to be screwed up but
moderately tight, while pedals
screwed on the reverse way (toward
the rear) have to be jammed hard In
a disadvantageous and Injurious man
ner In order to make them hold. L. A.
W. Bulletin.
Aatomatle Chain Cleaner.
A Providence (R. L) inventor has ad
vanced an attachment for automatic
ally cleaning the chain of a bicycle
when It is In motion. The inventor
claims to have provided a device
operating with practically no friction
and simple in construction. It con
sists of a rotary brush on the arm at
tached to the lower stay on the
sprocket side of the wheel. The lower
portion of the sprocket chain passes
between the forks of the arm, rests
upon the brush, and, as there is al
ways more or less slack in the chain
at this point, its own weight keeps it
in contact with the brush, which is
made to rotate and clean the chain as
It passes over It
Kffscfs of Dlerele Uldlag.
Dr. Sargent, of the Harvard uni
versity gymnasium, says that the
chest capacity of the person who aits
upright on a Wheel Is 40, one who
sits at an angle of 45 degrees, 200, and
the one who assumes the scorching
pose 210. Dr. Sargent approves of a
rider loaning over at an tingle of 4!i
degrees. pisviJed the beiid is held
Ostly one person in a thousand diet
of old age.
The castle of Ueldelburg is the larg
est In Germany.
Iran horseshoes have been found dat
ing hack to the year 431.
The state dress of a trumpeter of the
Royal Horse guards, "the Blues, cn
over $50.
A man In the London slums makes a
living by selling hot water at a half
penny per quart.
Ex-Mayor Latrobe, who was mayor
of Bulthuore for 14 years, has nUei.W.
over COO banquets.
The most common name for a place
in Knglund is Newton, which occurs no
fewer than 72 times.
The Tartars have a quaint custom of
taking a guest by the car when Invit
ing him to eat or drink with them.
Under the laws of China the man
who loKi'B his temper in a discussion
is sent to jail for five days to cool
Bitdiop Leonard (Episcopal), of Ne
vada, Bays that Indluna never use pro
fune language until they leurn English
uml become "civilized."
The Pittsburgh poor farm is located
over a coal deposit, and the conl Is to
bo mined by the inmntes to furnish
fuel for the institution.
Smokers are less liable tlmn non
smokers to contract diphtheria and
other throat diseases bi the ratio of
ono to twenty-eight. So says ITof.
llajuk, of Vienna.
The demand for horse meat has
grown to such an extent In (icrmany
that it is beginning to be difllcult to
supply it. llorneB for butchering now
cost from five to ten pounds, whero
formerly they could live been pur
chased for one-tenth that amount.
One of the strangest streams in tho
world is in East Africa. It flows In
the direction of the sea, but never
reaches It. Just north of the equator,
and when only a few miles from the
Indian ocean, It. flows into a, desert,
where It suddenly uiul completely dis
Secret ftatnre of the Flies A Substi
tute for Slarrlaae A Negro's
The southern darkies are a constant
source of amusement, when they are
not the cause of unmitigated wrath,
to the northern people who go down
there among them. The other day a
young northern woman, living In
Washington aud possessed of a deep
aud abiding antipathy for flies, com
plained to Luclnda, tho oolored serv
ant, that there were a good many of
tho pests In the house.
"I don't see, Lucludu," she remarked,
severely, "how all these flies could get
In If you kept the screen doors closed."
"Well, I dunnu, eitheh, miss," cheer
fully remarked Luclnda. "Hut you
know they ia of a sec cot nachuh, mlsa."
Down In Mississippi, in one of the
lumber towns, wldch is owned by
northerners, the house servants and
some of the laborers are darkies. They
are not very strict In their notions of
law and order, and they have their
own nnd very lax Ideas along the line
of matrimony. Wives aiul husbands
are swapped off with such freedom
nnd frequency that It is rather hard
to keep track of the exact contempo
raneous combination among the ne
groes at a given time. The colored
: people have solved the delicate point
t of expressing exact relationship by
i avoiding the subject of matrimony al-
I " 'Uze she's cookln' fur Duke John
j eon now." That's the way they put it.
' The woman doesn't "marry" anybody.
She "cooks fur" him.
One of these darkles yin tolling
I about a woman on a steamboat. The
levee hod caved so that the boat had
I to land further up than wual. It was
st night and the searchlight, tamed
; on the bank, did not reveal anvthing
familiar to the woman. She hung
back, therefore, and the darkv who
hod been detailed to put her ashore
I didn't know what to do.
j "She stood thah like a horse loolcin
at a strange gate," he said.
! It was this same negro who was one
day listening to one of his sequalnt
I nnces dilate on experiences with the
Lord. From the darky's accounts
these experiences seemed to have
been extremely Intimate, and without
a word of comment the negro spoke
up and said:
"Wen you all seen de Lord, wah lie ?"
That is to say: When you saw the
Lord, where woe lie?
The boaster was quite taken aback
by this simple question and subsided.
X. Y. Sun.
England's College of Arms.
Do you want a coat of arms to em
blazon upon your stationery or your
carriage ponels? 1'ay yoqr stationer
a fee and leave to him the task of
equipping you. Ho will find a coat of
arms belonging to some one of similar
surname, will give it to you aud you
will be elegant iu the eyes of ull who
don't know any better. In England
there is a college of arms or English
heralds' college, where are kept tho
records of the conferring ef arms.
There only can the person of Eng
lish ancestry make himself quite sure
of the validity of his bearings. The
earl marshal's court has power to im
pose fines and penalties for unau
thorized assumptions of arms. In tho
college, have been kept for centuries
the records of the great. The duties
of tho ofllcers of arms consist in mak
ing grants and exemplifications of ar
morial bearings, tracing and record
ing pedigrees, proving and registering
patents of nobility, obtaining royal
license for change of surnames, pro
curing patents of special procedure
and peneiiiotrlcnl Information. Ch-
V WW w www wwwwwwwwwww w w www
The man
who wants
can get it anywhere. It is as pop
ular as sunshine and almost as
universal. It satisfies that dry taste
in the mouth better than anything
else, and you can buy a larger piece
of Battle Ax for 10c. than of any
other kind of high grade quality.
Remember the name ft
when you buy again, o
King- of Iasect Eater.
The king bird is an Insect eater, and
has the reparation of being fond of
hooey bes, but ou of 281 stomachs
only 14 contained bees, 50 bees In all,
of which 40 were drones and four
workers, wish the other six broken so
that they could not be distinguished.
They had fad mostly on beetle, the
June beetle, the click or snapping
beetle, whose larva is ths wire worm,
weevl's, robber flies, which prey upon
the honey bee, wasps, cnt worms and
grasshoppers, betide such fruits as el
derberries, dogw6od berries snd wild
grapes. American Cultivator.
low to 'revriit ou.
We Imve two children who are
subject to attnt ks of croup. When
ever au attack is coming on my wife
uiveH tin-in CcHiiibi rluiu'H Couch
Hemeily ami it always prevents the
Httiu-k. It is a household iiectRnity
in this coiintv uml lu matter what
fUf we i uu out of. it would rot do
to be without Chamberlain's Couc
Itemed v. Mu c of it is sold here
than of all otlur cough niedieims
combined. J. M. Nicklk. of Xickle
F'ros., merchants, Nickleville, l'a
For sule by all Drucirists.
In order to complete our tiles
want the following named issues
the 1ST:
Julv 8.Si.t. 1(5. ISO'.i; Oet
i::, INTO; .Ian. JH, 1S71; Apr. 17,
US73 : Nov. 4. IVe.'J:'., 1ST ". ; Mar,
7, 1S7S; Mav 15, IS70; Fek 17.
Mar. 10. 1SSI; Apr. J3,
March 27, June 12, and OetoUr
30, KSS4; irvpt. 17, 1SS") ; Jan. 2S,
May ti, Oct. 2$, Vw. 23, 18SD;
Pee. 2i, lvSST.
Any of our readers having copies
of the alsjve issues will confer a
favor by letting us know. Such
copies iu good condition will eom
tumid a lair price. tf.
Agents Mi Money
Tins Is the uppurtunl'y of a llft-tltiie. Agcuts
sre DiuklUK V30 lu SOU u wet'K.
Ms). Urn.
I.N. V
and lute Consul Geuernl to Cubti. writes a buokou
CM; Si war.
We have on press fur eurLv ItHue.tii'neral Lie's
own story ol iuln niul Hie siwnlsh Wiir. lo he
produced In u sijI'Miiniliil book of over 5eu puges,
Inches III iUw aud almost
Tills Is the onlv uulheutle work lmbltMitd on
the olh subject, eceupylUK Hie UilUiln or Hie
eunre civilized worm.
nMrftPTITOI rriinv Llwernl commission will
UUlUlo ptnUI' bepiiM mU cr.-Oit clven
Lose no lluie, set si uMt;. Write lor lull pailn
ulurs lo
93 Filth Ave.. New Yotk.
lublishert of CieueriU l.eo's Itouk.
Our authorized ullsirlbutors itr locu'ert In all
purls ot lue I'. M. 7-SHui.
ueraon In Ibis .tale to immune our bunt.
ness In their own nl nearby counties. It Is
mainly office work voiiiluctott t homo. Salary
tialir'it 7tuu Vr ieliut uellnlle,
bienllil' no inoro. iw lens nlurv n'onlhl
I'ulert lu-es 1-tieln.s a st If-AililreMcil
ii uiul i n'ii k, i ulurt li. Ileux I inl, I ept.
IKIilHSIW'P'lW f '
usU Urm; No. I whit
goes over to Ike
for rstrUO.
Look! Look!!
Look at youpself when you buy
clothing at my store, I keepcou
Htarjtly in stock the best ana tinea
line of Hats and Gents' Clothing.
Furnishing Goods, Underwear airu
Cups. Cull to see my stock.
ScSBCIty, - - - l'ENNA.
iu ladies' shoes is a pleiwanl
voyage afoot, For the plea,
ure it gives, there's no sail
like our sale. Crowds are
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, coolest'and best iit
ting Summer shoes now man
ulactured, at prices which
buyeis lind it a pleasure to
pay. I'oi houso or stree.'
wear, pleasure or every-day
practical purpnses, warkiug,.
riding, or driving, we su(iply
the ideal shoes demanded by
fasliiou and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims year hands,
by all means surrender your
feet to these shoes.
Wanted-An Idea
Wso ou ttitBk
of mmm Mi
ProUcS yqor tdt; thov mav krtu ion whS.
WuMmiiiii, It. C. f-irhj l y.i..
nextf.!- "
I court mchln sa sgrement
Drlcos for thin vr