Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. ' Serofula it the most obstinate of blood troubles, and in often the result of an inherited taint in the blood. S. S. 8. m'M the only remedy which goes deep eariough to reach Scrofula ; it force out rwve.-j face of the disease, and cures he worst cases. Mr sou, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy -wartta ftorofula, and he suffered so that It vas 'SLmpogsltifcs to drru htm Her 4hrA years. Uls wail and body wore a nu-i ol sores, and hli trlpht alio became a. (reeved. No treatment Mi'-npr(l that we Sl.iUrfllt WOUlit ITIIOT8 "niiiu-liKt he trew worse V T lUIIIti III ooiulmoti WUKU' -ftndeed pitiable. I hirijy. .'mniifiKi iiespain-n in ins wvnr l-lii rured, whnn tiiT llll uilvlceiif n friend "m rave lilm S. 8. 8. - fwiffH Stwi-IIIc). Arfi. utUt'd Improvement w the remit. and aftot 1.i- l!iw1 t'lln'ii a rli'inn Isitil,-. no one who knew ant M furnior dri'Aildil i-oii'llriuii would have -i.-i.i,t:ii. il him. All tin- son- on hid imdy "iv healed, his skin m pi-rlVrtlv rlwir mid tli , and lie hdi been restored M pi'ifcut U.:ta. Mhh. S. 8. Msiiuy. .".'HI Llni M.. Maoou. Oa. For mil Moiiil tnitiUlco it is a waste rf time to expect it euro from the iloe fxirs. l!lo(l il is '(ii'H nre beyond their -Tik ill. Swift's Speciilo, roaches :ill ileep-seiitoil which .other rcn'oilios Inive noi'ffi'ct upon. It . is mily lil, mil ri'ini'ily pinruntcctl puiMly vtp'tiililo, iiixl eoiitnim no jiot- ash, nii'rviiry, or other mineral. Hooks mniloi! fret to nny mltlrces by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, (in. 3oulitiry Si Lowistowu Division. In effect June 2i, 1H:)S. mm J TVfARI I "I. I HTATKIH. KAfTWAKU t In ' r A . I. a ii- m Lit w LowMown J. T.:in M.m i : u i i in str-'oi, 8us in ; i'.i'i' liftwifii,.iin T :r 3. in i i i ll.ii :U mtiand ;.4:) 3,'.'(l till lil. J.'. i Pulhtor 7 l.i 3 W :; :.1 II. i. 11 Slilo.llo T tl . 3.11 to in "i 13 Wanner ?. 3 :i.ri II..:' 17 lo'Muro S. 4r .JS ll.M 2 Hnl' Mills a.!M toll 11 I'. ;j .VilKHIHliUrU S.i'.t II..IM .( i II. "fi tt"iVort"wn ".j 4.u4 i l I . ,D Hinh r n.:.l ; I N in; I,.-, .1 -i i iillaliui-Kh .4' i 4 2o t fl I i.;' oi -or s 4t 4. '20 . ui v i lomiiiir " J'' i 4 V'i ,ll,.!.i 1 ' l'wllli! M.Vi 4 3 J fl l'l.'iS J I !lill"it"f o 4 :tT 1 1 .IV . i SxlliKuriivn .1 4 IS ,n, i. v. s ih'.iirv w.H "1 rrain ! '.v-. s S.inbiir.v o 2" p tn, ur- tiu--. tit ttel.nsijrovu H 1" 1 in rrnins leiive Lewiittown Junction : 58 :i in, 11 1 ;i il iii.1'.':I7 l m.H J7 i ni.7 1)7 It M ' AllMoiiu, rtlthiiri; :i n,l thu Wo.t. Knrllili ire mill Wiuhlimtiiii '.' ''o n In HI! I M 1 1'. 1 il! 11 in I r I'hllii li'llilli l .lliil iN'" York 8X1 u 3.IH iii, 1 iij l :a 4 lil mm n in nn nil HnrrlHtiiiru 7 m u in uiul i 'J-i p in Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AMI No ii ':kn roru w. uam.way I'rlns 1, .' siiiiIiiii-v .1 :. I y nvi'i'iil SuiiiLiy : 1 'J1 ii ii, I i' l l ie uiiil c'iiniiiiil:iii;ii:i .'i lil ii I . i:.'ili'i.,iit,i Kile I ' ' mi lulu I a mi lllii li i i I,. iil, IIiivimi, Tvi'Miie nil') 1 he Wev. I ; in i i I' i I i IMniit.' Kau.' V I'niiiii.iliiltii.i ! S t: p i.1. 'nr i.t'ijiiv-, unit l.linii':i j '.'i i hi r A illl u,o'l.i Sun in', ' : i in lnr l-Tin imi.I I'ii'intlit'il'.'iei ' '.i Mil in I'.i l.i'i( ll.ivfii mil il'j:ii',i lur M. I i i.lU:f-K 'lil.lMI- I .Hi. I 1 1 -t V .1 1 H ", I ii ' (III :l 'i.t ,"i 1.; hi Willi!" vr'.tilil ' .i hi, .' i "i i ii. ." i in lur Sliinnii I'll I'lli"'!!"! '. i m I"! Win.u.'' kill II :. I i- If. it- s,.!,n..;i .. .Inn 'lina mi . I ii - -irrn i'i:' ii' .'hli .ili'I'.l.l .. V.t ... ,i . IS Jiiai. i'.i ;i II i ii. , 4 ;.i p in hi. ;iriii'i'.; I- l'iiil.i.ciilil.i ' V Y"l k II .VI I Ml. I'i llMllliill! '.il.lpni i l.i p in. .ii i' i '.V '.' 1 I . -k ,1 ivs iirrivltiic .ill ailitili'lliU'i ',' iv t nr'K 7 I ;i n t'ra lis il-i. Ifl-o'n Sniilnirv : :i I, ill irrlvnii ill I'lilanli'lillll'.l 0 .VJ il In II I . t:l!tll'. .'. i in .i.lil' Ktnll 74" 11 in ' a in Wt'iili'liivv in :.s a in Mlli liiv.. 7 .hi a i.i uivli iIiiih anal'.,' ni I'lilhiili lplihi 14s am V.irk ! 1:1 p in, llililniiif ll.'ifi i i,i. V, a.l,ili;t'ii 1 Ihl ' III. 1 i m, iv,M'k il.tyn iirrii lnic tit I'liiliilnliililii ii'J ipii i".v Ynrk ii :il p in, llAltininre t) u.i p in iViiIiimkI'Mi i l.i p in Tin, ii ul'ii I, 'live Siinlinry nl J "0 it in niiit ,1 il -iml h '.,, n a:, lur ll.irrlslmri;, I'liilnili lphia unj I. H. W ) (II, tien'l I'nvs Audit ;.il. II 1 Ii II 1 Ni i.N Uon'l Mauiurer. V.IUF.R hODE ONE 2093 MILES IN 132 HOURS The Eldred $so.oo The Belvidere $40.00 Superior to all others irrespective of price. Catalogue tells you why. Write for one. !0NAL SEWING MACHINE CO., .JAOWAY, Fsctory, ,cy; York. BELVIDERE, ILL. LP"- "Irt t W tsTant laisi, Hlato4f ly 44 CkktMk4 The jjown which tbe tailor-matde woman adopts this autumn will reeem ble Terycloaely the cutaway coat which forma the fashionable dress of her male escort. Besides being masculine in lte design, the tallormade gowti will be rery showy. Tse skirt will be the enly part of the gowa which is made of plain nuv- AN AUTUMN COWN OF UltOWN AND UltKKN. terlul u mi in moH enncH it Iuih n lirond bins bund ;i round the foot. Tlic f;owi .sliuv.ii in lliis illiistiiition Is of wood brown Indies' elotlt trimmed with :i clieeli il fnieds of brown "ml jri'ej'ii. The skirt lilt over the hips i I in u t u wrinkle mid the fullness nt llie back i.s e.-iiijjflit in two very Inrpe jilalts. Tlie eoat is ent t IT abruptly in the fitint mid slants toumd the bnek in ilovp-toil style iiniil it forms a perfeet eiilnw ny. Two lare but Ions deeonile the ilonblc-bre.isted front, one lit the i nd of the tiny V-shnped opening ujinn uip line kiii urn. while linen ehrin- I isettc w worn with tin- eunt nnd tl.e I neel; is fnishd with n dr.ik brown, j dnrli f-rei n or blaeU satin tie. fii:!:y-r.nic. A LOUIJ CJUZE K00I1 It Tr'.rs Very Utile lirii') to I'nr. ii INmhii l-'re r'eli I Mils Old i yli Aeei'lain Knirli: li f i:mi:-her adverllsrs 'thai he iil furnih any room in Imis ! (.Initie sty le "mi approval." I Anyone eau haie it mon fiirni.-died lilie t he room- in 1 he of t !w e.'ever I French liialrons who hied tinder the mi i;;n of I.nnis XV., with llie expii iidi- IN CENTURY-AGO FASHION. f.ure of very little money, but a great amount of taste. The most important piece of furni ture lu the Lou la Quinze bedroom is the bed. This should be under a dome like roof from which long, llowing cur tains hnng. Where it is not convenient lo have one of these domes over the bed, the couch may be set in the middle of tho boudoir under the chandelier which nhould be covered with Japanese lawn, or other soft Rilky material. The trim ming should be put on to Ret perfectly, round ns if over a hoop. HKLEN QHET-PAGE. '. I'Ica of a Michigan Woman. Among the laws of Michigan is one regulating the killing of deer. After mature 'reflection, Mrs. A. Hurd, of Harbor Springs, thinks 6he sees in the provisions of this statute a way, by which she may be reimbursed for; the loss of her cow. The bovine waa grazing in tbe wood not far from Mrs. Ilurd's home when it was at tacked by a buck deer. As a result of j the battle mulley died, and now Mrs,! Hurd contemplates suing the stateforl Samagcs. She sets up the plea that! inasmuch as the law prohibited her I from killing the deer which chased! and mortally injured her cow, the tafe ought to pay her for the de- . VT -i""- ,.i...s v g-.-g-vf-. v- -i -.-r-M ftetersMl Pellawehtp. Daring the Campania's reeeat trip from Lrrerpool to New York the im and second eabln passengers frater nised la eack others' quarters. It wae brought about through fellowship en the war question between the British and Americana among the cabin pas sengers. When the news of the hero Ism of Hobaon and his crew waa brought aboard there was much ehesr ing, after which the second cabin pas sengers ehullenged tbove of the first to a game of shuflleboard. which was eecepted, and after a warmly contest ed game the flrat cabin won. and drank champagne at tbe expense of the sec ond. Then all bands promenaded the deck and sang ''America" and "God Save the Queen." The next day the first cabin reciprocated the hospital ity, ami, tbe barriers of the firstand second cabins being temporarily re moved, a sort of international jolli fication was indulged in, "The Star Spunglod Bunner" and "Ood Save the Queen" being sung. The second cab ins drank cliinpugiie at tha expense of the tirsU this time. Sir Thomus J, Lipton spoko for the first cabin and Col. Crawford, of Ohio, and Edwurd A. Sunnier responded for the second. All drunk the health of Queen Victoria und President McKinley. MrT Lipton nuld that thu people of tho United States could be assured of the sym pathy of Ureat Britain in this war. A correspondent of the Wattliing-ton Star tells this story: ".My daughter, who tenches in u mission Sunday school, tells me of u Dewey experience she had with a youngster making his first nj) pcurunee. She had put him through half mi hour or more of instruction in tiie rudimentary principles, for he was entirely lacking in information on thut point, and to test him was re viewing her work with him. 'Now,' she said, Mull me again who made the world and ull that is in it?' 'Cod did,' replied the boy, with commendable promptitude. 'Cod can do everything, can't lie?' she. asked ngiiln. The boy hesitated a moment. 'I don't believe he could liek Dewey,' he answered ut last, and his teacher int silent between her religion and her patriotism. It wasn't her time to say anything, if she didn't want to lose that boy forever, and she had wit enough to let it go nt thut," Commenting on the fate of young men who have been early victims of war, the Springfield Kepublieaii makes an illusion of local interest; "The death of young Hamilton l'ish in the advance on Santiago awakens various thoughts among the rest of the enrly days of the civil war, when the death of men on the threshold. of life shoefced the eld-T generation Kiftreniemloiisly. Klmcr KiUwort h, Theodore Winlhrop, are among the names that rise in re membrance. Mr. 1'Lsh was like neither of thc-e. anil yet his sacrifice for his country at only M puts him in the sa cred roll. The Avar would no doubt have I, ecu the' making of him had he lived longer, and as it was he hud proved a good soldier and had won promotion to the place of sergeant." A naval otMeer, writing In a recent i.-suc of the Army and .Navy .Journal, expresses the opinion that the actual evpi sii'ili e of the four njonitoi'H vi lile.',: Mere with Sampson's fleet in its pur suit of Cenera demonstrates that the modern monitor, even of the most powerful type, is worthless forgcucrul sea-going and lighting service. It is claimed that the gunnery of the Ter ror and Amphitrite at th bombiird mcnt of San Juan was very defective because a moderately heavy sea was running at the time, nnd the monitor is u most unstable gun platform un der such conditions. Spanish names are not wry popular just now. Hut there nre a great many of them in this country. America has eight towno untried Madrid, three of which are considering the expediency of changing their nanus to something less pointedly and aggressively Castillan. It has likewise quite a strong list of Toledos, all of which so far wear their designations quite contentedly, though likely enough to kick in case the Span ish blow up another Amerienn, war ship. In western New York there nro Balauianca, Cadiz and Barcelona. Lynching has come to a complete standstill In Texas a law having been passed that any sheriff, deputy, con stable, police oflleer or jailer who per mits a prisoner to be taken out of his hands for that purpose shall be dis franchised. Other states, with the reputation of being less "wild and woolly," might well imitate thlsluw, a The people expect the greatest pos sible activity in the medical uud san itary departments connected with the army und navy. Their success will mean soldiers at the front and in the best condition for their work. This ad vantage alone might prove decisive in a prolonged campaign. An American flag, with 83 stars, which floats over a tug in New York harbor, has a history. Each star stands for a life saved by Capt. Grace, commanding the boat, during the 40 years he has served as captain and pilot on the river and sound. There are 300,000 mules in Texas, and Georgia has more of them than horses. The much-maligned animal la Book Notices. Dmerailitnta r AaHhany Bntrmrt, j f Portsmouth, N. II. Bv Alnhcin; I Bracket, 52 Woodlawn St., Ev-! erett, 1S97, pp. 8, pricts 50; infn. Tina in a.u I....K1 ! iimt-iit to tlioxo in wart'li of genen-1 logj. The jnunplilet rwortli some' ol the (IcscetidanU of the aliuve' through liiH MHis Anthony, Jr., and! Thoina.s, who removed to Falmouth,' Me., tor o generatioi.s. Tninbatone Roeorda. A list of the "Inscriptions from Grave Stones in the Old North Cem etry, Truro, Mass., front 1713 to 1840," lias Ufii rewived. The data wascollecU'd by John B. Dyer, Town Clerk of Truro, Mass., for Josiah L. Lombard of Chicago, who paid to have the work done. It is bound in paper, consists of 35 pages and sells for 50 cents. The old Xortli Cemetery had ils Ix-ginning with ' the town and continued the only burying place for over a century. There tire over l!00 inscriptions and these will prove valuable to all ge nealogists and others. NrlM-ll (Jrnenloiry. "IJesciirclies niter the Descendants of John Christian Schcll and John S'hcll" is the title of u neat pnm p't let compiled by Christian I Vnisscn, the able pastor of St. Charles Church, Detroit, Michigan, pp. IU. The author has complimented ns with a copy. The book sells for $2.00 a copy and can be secured of the au thor by addressing him at 287 Bald win Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Th(! hook contains portraits of the author, of Henry Schell, Ixirn at Sehell's Bush, Mohawk Vallcv, X. Y., Oct. 7, 1770;IIcnrv Schell,' boin June Hi, 17S; Daniel" Schell, Wn Aug. 2il, 1815 and his wife, Mrs. Kliza Schell (nee Mercer) and a tlou-ble-pnge of portraits of Kohcrt A., James M.. Mrs. Catherine, free Fitzgerald) ; Mrs. Jlebecca Xims, (nee Schell); Mrs. Marv K.Janette, (nee Schell) ; Helen Ii. and Mrs. C. Helena Anns, (nee Schell). The book treats of the descendants of two brothers, John Christian ud John .Schcll, who came from the grand duchy of Baden, Oerinany, where they resided along the Khine. They settled in the Mohawk Valley in Xew York. The author has gath ered a great deal of iiiijMirtaut infor mation concerning these immigrants anil gives ipiite a ivnij.lcic sketch of their history prior to giving tin de tails concerning their descendants which In-docs as elaborately as his dala warrant-'. He is in search of more infonnatio:) .--othat he or some one elst may publish a still more complete Volume. Tile Viltsur I'ltTl i':im!l,r. We de.-iiV here also to note the receipt of a very neat and compre hensive volume of ( Jeitealogy mi the Fitts-iuU Family. It lias been com piled by James I larris Kitts of Tus caloosa, Ala., IN',17., 8vo, pp. 17, price S3. 50. The Look is carefully printed, substantially bound and cer tainly will be much sought alter by those who are descendants ol Henry j"itts of Xortli Carolina. The an cestors of Henry l iifsarc n!.-o given Like all works ol genealogy the compilation was a Ialor of love ex tended over a period of (i years, tin; author preferring to devote his tire less efforts to assuring accuracy of detail, in every particular. The au thor states the purpose of making the compilation, to preserve the rt eords and history of the last six generations of the Fitts family much of which is now passing beyond the memory of the living. The author docs not lose sight of the fact, that some one owes to the future gener ations the records of the past and he has taken the duty upon himself to hand over to jxwterity ull that he could find that would probably in terest them. To conduct n large eorrespoiuleiuc necessary for col lecting so much tlata, to systcmizu all this information nnd to correct all errors, cte., involves an immense amount of labor, and brings the Fitts Family and its connections tin der greater obligations than most of them nt present are willing to ac knowledge. The introduction of numerous half-tone portraits of the members of the family adds another iniK)rtant feature to this book and in fact to the true lover of family genealogy the book is indispensable. Librarians will no doubt hail with delight the appearance of this vol ume as it contains much matter that will be eagerly sought after by all classes of genealogists. We have no hesitancy in recom mending this book as eminently val uable for members of the family and those encaged in research, i or fur- Delicate 6 fl H ? Ji il f I Q flf tt Amm.AM M.- VII They do not complain of anything in particular. They eat enouch. but keen thin and Ealc. They appear fairly well, ut have no strength. You cannot say they are really M sick, and to you call them S delicate. S R What can be done for them? K Ouranswer is the same that $ the best physicians have been j giving for a quarter of a cen K tury. Give them I scon's Msioa f k of Cod-Lixtr Oil with Hypo- K phosphites. It has most re- S ft markable nourishing power. $ It gives color to the blood. It j brings strength to the mus- , y cles. It adds power to the J nerves. It means robust " K health and vigor. Even deli- 5i cate infants rapidly gain in J j, flesh if given a small amount tt three or four times each day. Ii fioe. and )i.oo ; all druirliti. . SCOTT & BOW N E. Chemltu. New York. a1alMtlC3at4'4:alU'AVM'444ta1at4t6 WHY ? "t'.Miltnre'l l,u Irl elolt mi I'rni 'iih lino HiO, Imr uilt'H'lM t'lliorr rnicl n- nl mill nm uli rjimn t-ollrt imiI'i-miiwI Icll- HI'I1IU'." TKFRI yr.U HAVE it Clear as "uri. The-orlirltuil ef l'0 nlMive, wrlt.ien Willi a pen. ivIh-ii ili'i-ipln'rcrl ii Kt-en ii he only en uMer (nr n 1 in.. wilier. . rends : "Kncliisert llud di all. on Xi-iv York nr -'() Mr which i. iisf neiid im-ni oiicc niiu ol jour laiesl Iniproieil typo ivr'ifr." lie Is eiii'i'haln ii eim-hlne nnni-t'o nonn. vim sn. MO IV Alton' YOJ'KJiKl.t'T Ynu limy hoi ivrlie so pmn iv as lie dues, nnd vmr h'tters nviv nut i,e ll'i-i-liili'. tr. ii ti-rn'-writlen I'llllllllllllllMtlllt! IlIlM II I.IISlllKSS-llkl! lipH'llllineP Mhlch it piin-ii ril en uiie lias nut. That's Why YOI slionH use a type-writer. Th .1 tt, itiH'S thes.inii- work ns -lie HVnlh-il ' Slamhtri'.,, liiachliii-s, cosih hut SJt.iM. n tut Is KivilikT sails lui lliin liiS.'i,iHhi usi-is In Why YOU SHOULD USE THE "ODELL " ScmJ ter ae.iiulo.'iie uud suinple or Its work. ODELL TYPE-VVoiTtR CO. I'emlioru St., Hit AOO. Il l,, 4-l,V!)lllO. AiffliribUrg Aarble Works. R. H- LANCE. r.-lAoLE AfcD ECOTCa SRAfJITE eineiery Lot; l nclosnres, Old 5 ion.:; Cleaned and Repaired rnc-s ms Low sr, Lowest. SAT13FACTiGH GUARANTEED. J. A. .JKN KIN'S, A;'t., Cnisr.ivc, Ia. rlninrr. Snis miliary on',,! ill.iMiU A'lilSON permanently Mi-iiri-dlii lfitollidnya. Ynneanbotn-utPdat noiueinra-inio priciuniiOTniiniOKuiirau ty. If yim prefer tocr.niohi-ro wowlllcon- tt'lloltoliaTruilrOudUrnnnilhiitnlhlll. wofull Imuro. Il yoiihiivniukcn ninr cury, lotlldo ikiIiihIi, nnd rtlll h.ivo uihcs and Jnlns, M itcoiiRl'iit cheM hi month, Sore Throat, Impli , i iippcr uliireil tipotD, t;icur oa any purtottliolMuly, Iluir or Kvchrowf) fulllns out. It la this Kccoiidary l:I.OOI A-OIUON we guarantee to euro. WoBoliclttboiCJst olisll nato rHHes and cliiillcuiro tho world lor u caso weennnotciire. Tliia di-eane h:ui always bullied thenklll ol the moat vmiiieut plivni clnna. r0(,O(K) cnpltiU behind our uiiinndl. llonul irnnrauty. AI8oliitoiiro(ifSfioiiti.Puk'iloD appllcninm. Addrena COOK KKMKDV CO i01 Uuaunlu Tuuipla, CJJIatiO, XLL. am perfect urn 1 DO NOT DESPAIR I Uo Not Suffer Lonaetrl Tho toya and amhtttona of llfo ran be restored to yon. Th Ti-ry worst caws of Nervoui IJoblll Iv am absolutely enred hy PKRFECI'O TAIII.KTW. (llvo irompl rollof to uiMiuinla. rallmR meniory auu iiw .imiii and drain of TllalHweT.lnciir red by tndlscrotloiifiorexcvRia of early yours. Imparl Tlicor and notonny to every funntlon ti . lilvn bloom to tho L-hueka and lustre to the i eyes of youns or old. OneSOo bx renewsf a lvitai enovy .. ,':'.". ma itat . mm-M 1 Inlute auaran a Vital enority; niiMiip tiMinnT mfund-wajvwi-d. Can be I. ... mu,i,.i h,,i,i m4a.ia.7 mverrwliereor mallod In plflfin wramwron '"K0' '"ii? by TUB J'KllFICC'rO CO., Caxton WUg., Cbloago.lU. For sale in Middleburgh, Pa., by Middlehnrg Drug Co., inMt. Pleas ant Mills by Henry Harding, and in Putin's Creek by J. W. Sanipsell. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made i Well Ma. iii, I'ny. -,i 1.1th Day. of Me. rIB GREAT 30th -J i,p nwirT (X aanaisannMn I '' n r-'-irn?-!!! ns svi' m it far W'-i . kv tray. pio-'iiei-ayiealmire results In 30 days. It a f powi-rfully and quickly. Curin whan allot hem for Yoiiiik mi-n will n-aaln their lost rosnhood.sndold mcu will rc-roTer their youthful Tlaor by uni'.f IlKVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nnrroua nwis. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly EmlHiions Loat Power, KalllHg Memoir, Waattoa Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or excess and lndlimrvtlo-l. which imtlta ene lor smdy. bnslneea or marriace. Jl sot only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but Il a treat tier re ton le and blood builder, brl.u Ins back the pink (low to pale cheeks and re storing the Are ot youth, ft wards off Jnsiony and Consumption. Insist on having otbsr. It caa be carried in vest pocket. Br mall, 1.00 per packet, or tlx for S.O0, Wl J m posi Hve written araarantee to eare er ratu&d the anoney. areulartree. Address WAl BDiCHE C0.271fltaU4Ti.,CHICiQaiLL Bemetplier He r o '. i.iSQROVE M. L. MILLER, . Prop.r I keep iMiiiHtautly ou !indand m.. iaetnre to order all kinds of ' Marble and G ani e Avutauiwuuu LOWPRCE! LOWPRicL I have one of the best Marble rL1 ters iu the State and turu out good work. M ""Cuje and see my storkitiiru. J hanKfnl for iat tnru i ..." r' speotfully ask a continuance of saint New War Songs and Music. Two of the most popular pieces nf llaimn .imiinuil f.M. r.;., ....... 1 ul r ... . ivi iiioiiii nun OrMn ImvejUHt been issued by thelWu, Music C(,. IndiHuapoiiH. Ind. "Lu Our HriA Hnmo ",'.l;..t.. i . "? He, oh of the U. s! Buttlosh.p jjIJJ? It OU of Mm fiiiaUMt iint.i...! ever written ThH music is stirriti Two-Stei)" is a title uihtnin1(.ntal niece hiiiI w. II livA fm eiur of the frrentest hhvhI event m the wt.i his iiiHtory. Kit lur out. n containing 18 pages full sheet Mm "ii reciepioi m cents. Address Popular Motic Co., ImlianH'iolif., Iml. i Is used for Plastering Ilousts. It is a new discvery Guaranteed to Jatt loiP'er than any otlier plaster. It is preferred to Adamant. For particulars call on oi ihllavj D.A.KERN MIDDLEBDBOe. II '. K. now :it. K. r BOWER & PAWLING, Attoineys-at-Liiw Ill11,n. In 11,,,. I- ii, !lfl PMlPlth JA8., CHOUSE, AlTOHJiKY AT LAW. Miniii.iaii im, nl All I, u sir-eht- ei.ti in-w .1 tohiM-nrJ will receive prouii-t t Imt ion. a. FT. PotticHci', VETERINARY SURCEON, SELINSGROVE, PA. All prOII'KHIOI'Ul uusuiesseiiti'iisit-il Inllllsl will receive prompt, and cnrcftil ttl t i-iii !.. iu ii un iuoiunii3CH5-1 ivir jiiiHiii The Quaker Valley Tilf- Co. Uiiicii'o linvo requested i.s In ml noil uce thut they Iiiivh si vci :v liioiisj nnd hets f the tiueM. coin s-ilvn I i 1 !. r i . , I . pinuM war .uetuonai rionisit over from their recent iliMiilwIio' They will mail, Dostuaid. n lull H of MX of tueSH spoons to iv.eiv su: eerilin to the Post, who w id .-e; i mime nr.d adtliess a pttul carl Alii ilo. It, on receipt, ol llie pro:.t ou will lunt lliei-i the most i MUi- ltely beautiful t-ru cinietis of V- tsilvi rsuiith's art .von ever mov, ail worm 5 J on, leant ceirs, um merit m full, within 'M dat; if I j lileased, return them imineiliiittlJ Each spoon is of h ditl'eieiit ilt-s niter unnif r sie slioivr. soldiers in cum n iu Otih.-i, Mori Cast lun rid four U. S. IJatlWiii Ihey nre nupeiisbrtblo moiniiit'i of the lafe war. nnd every kuImch er should necept this most reiuarl utile oiler, and ootain n set in-incei is too fiit e. Air thts i: ss-ny I to snv vou'io a siilisei iin r lo I Post, (this is ininoi lutil ) .ml t'l vou accent Meinorinl uooii "AiUlresH OUAKEU VALlKT il'l CO., 'V'l W. lliiiiisoii fc.t.,i:iiifi'i;l .i....iT; . . . 1 1 r OR 5 ALE BT " 1 riRST CLASS CICAR DtAlir, - .virrl I !"': h fall Cm ran JL w v iv- a rV woman eo. rtM(rf4 zJ waiiliis X.T ' m Vna.aeU at VMlelMlMrljJJy W. H. 8PANGLKH. 'iu7't i'.ii rr.nw or "' . 1 ..I j I . . -v"I 1