The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 06, 1898, Image 4

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tfcllWIMI llMlllll
ItcriM mm mn .. l vow.
The Middleburgh Post.
l'nWi)io1 evorv Thursday.
Geo. W. Waoensetler,
- Editor and Proprietor
Subscription iff 1.50 per year.
, Fried mush is all the go.. ....Our
schools opened on Monday.' Jerome
Erdley is Aching the Grammar
school and Hoyt Graybill the Pri
mary school Ed. Harner and
Wm. Howell came home trora the
lumber woods to open their schools.
Ed. istcachingGift's school and Wil
liam U teaching iu Adams township
Ira Attig of Glen Union visit
ed his parents recently Abe
Howersox and wife of Millmont vis
ited Isaiah Bowersox's last week
Levi Attip from Iowa visited
his brother II. II. Attig last week
. . . .Harry Howell went lack to his
work in Lycoming county last week,
having lieen called home on account
of his sick child. . . .Aaron Howell's
, from Fremont were here last week
to attend convention .... Orrin Lit
tle and family and Mrs. Fred.Sham
Uiclier and son of Forkesvllle, Sul
livan county '.sited frie.ids here last
week Ralph Gift made a flying
trip to Shamokin last week. ...U.
(!. liowcrsox, Howard KhnmhachV
and Isaiali IVjwersox's attended
wm! tor
cents per I'rii- :ni.T:ifi1"l ineHWiiv) for lint mser
ilnii aii'l Hi orii'H jHTiim-tor every milim-quonl
HrVtntb iiMirc. vulMthnl.trrt ; Mtuary pntrt-f,
tritmtrt 7 rrmrel. iff., thrrr emlM a line.
(.iivi'rnnr-( i!. W. A. Nlnue.
l.ti'iif. (iov. -i"ii. .1. 1S. liohln.
Mit. 1 tit . Allalr-t i-n. J. W. Lutta.
Superior .Illiltfe-W. W. Cutter,
C0ii,'rvit at l.:ir'P Hon. . A. (Irmv.
S. A. DuviMiport.
fon-ri'S. ll'U). T. M. 5Won.
Assembly lr. A. M. Hiiillli.
AHKOVllltK .IUI,J . T.Ol-llltKTlltlU'.
Coinity hiii veyor- ti. A. liiitdurf.
Thursday. Oct, !, 189S.
lil.'U inn. ! on imi'l !n mlvanee when sent out
tni inuFDTISIND.
mi trmii-iit iwiv rt:-t' not otueiwiw? i Judge Sjuiinsi'll's funeral at Centre-
nirnelii! lor uir "e . lnrred at thr rule ot ll u.....1... A f 1 !.,..
vine on oiiiuuiy .... i't. v. iwim
Win. Unifier and C. A. Heir of
Central lYnim. CcIIego visited their
parents over Sunday. . . .Mr.s.Sallie
Rowersox, F. C. IWersox and Da-
vid Horner and wife attended the
fnneiid of Thomas 1'earts atShatno-
1 in on Tuesday. He having been
I Fire lloss in the coal mines, was very
! badly burned which caused his death
about ten davs after the accident.
Memorial Edition to Judflo Sampsell.
We need make no apology for
dedicating this week's edition of the
Post to the late ami much lamented
Hon. Henry Clay SampscU, of our
.Tmlii'iMi-v. His sudden and acci
dental deatli is a public calamity
that all citiens of Snyder county
are willing to admit, yea, sony to
confess. He was removed in a
twinkling of at' eye and without a
moment's warning. His character
and reputation were not only beyond
reproach but tiny are acknowledged
by all to be better than the average
citizen. His congenial, alVablc man
ner won the admiration and lauda
tion of all men and hence his demise
is universally regretted and lamented.
In the very beginning of the war
tin-authorities of the cities were
astonished at the falling oil in petty
crimes and misdemeanors. These
small malefactions, it must Ik- known,
arc not committed by professional or
confirmed criminals, but by casual
idlers; by those who, having nothing
good to do, are impressed into the
service of bis oatanie Majesty. The
war. if it did not "give actual employ
ment to these casual idlers, gave all
of them something to think about.
It gave an interest to their lives.
And so the police magistrates found
in a little that more than half their
occupation was gone. 1 donot sug
gest that the unfortunates who usu
ally keep the police busy all went
into the army and navy. That was
the ca.'e by a grcaldcal. It is likely,
bid 1. Ili'::t the soldiers and sailors
who culMcd in this emergency were
the best of the best, lint the idlers
were, af-cr all, Americans, and in
the stirring times when d inns wl-e
bcatinj-, r'.lVs cracking sharply mid
great e.t;:r.o:.- bao.. ii'g in foreign
seas there was something else to do
Samuel II. Phillips, a meml)or of
the old -filth Regiment, P. V., at
tended the rei-t'on at Xewton Ham
ilton last week and chonis having
had a good time and was well rat
ed by the kind-hearted ladies of the
town for which he returns many
thanks. . . .West Reaver, and, I have
no doubt, the whole county, regret
the death of our respected citizen,
Mr. Sampsell, our associate judge i
and the horrible death he met.
Amnion Weiand moved to Spring
township last week on a small farm
purchased by his father. . . .Some ot
the boys of the .th Rcgt., P. V. I.
arc rusticating in West "Jcaver, and
have the words on thcirhats "Chick-
.1 II I 1 ,1 M
amaiiga, tne valley oi ueatn
John Herbster is putting up a coach
factory at Crossgrove. . . .The bean
soup at Shawver's (J rove last Satur
day was well attended bv the old
soldiers and the citizens of West
Reaver. .. .On J. J. Stccly's first
day of school he had ')') names on
roll and he exneets alwmt 2a more
.... Krb, Fisher and Kncpp will
take in a few days' fishing at the
river. If the fish will be as big as
the fish stories there will le some
whoppers for Krb and Fisher can
give some big fish stories. . . .Cheap
John1, who attended the R'dge Pic
nic, is a very forgetful man as he
left and forgot t.i pay his groeud I
rent to Mr. Long. Call again, John,
you are welcome ('.'). . . . Frank Kw
ing exjiects to stay on his father-in-law's
farm another year and by that
time expects to purchase one of his
own. . . .Rev. Landis preached his
farewell sermon last Sunday at the
Wulire I huroh.
Tlie town was shocked on learn
ing ot the sudden death of Judge
Sampsell of Centreville. . . .H. F.
Oakes of Williamsport, a former
grocery man of this place, was inter
viewing friends on Thursday and
Friday of last week .... Landlord
Kauflman vacated the Keystone on
Saturday and Landlord J. P. Buck
of Millersburg took the hotel same
day. . . .The rendition of the Hay
den's "Oratorio of the Creation"
which look place in the Opera House
on Thursday and Friday evenings
of last week were grand. Every
body speaking of it in the highest
terms bilas loruy, wholiasbeen
on the sick list for. yews at Hirum
Singer's, died last week and was
buried on Thursday last. . . .ke
and Mrs. Barb, Mrs. F. J. "Sclioch
and Mrs. Anna .Alleman attended
the Women's Conference of the Mis
sionary Society held at Millville,
Pa Mrs. Noetling returned from
her trip to Bloomsburg ' on Friday
last Dr. Dimm aWd lVof. IIoutz
attended the sessions of .Central Sy
nod at Port Royal. . ...'Agreatirany
cople took in the Lewisburg Fair
. ...F. H. Schradcr's sclical near
Ilartleton began on Monday of this
week. . . .Dr. F. J. Wa'genscl Icr
took his son, Harrv, to the Uii'ver-
sity of Pennsylvania where lie will
attend the Medical Depnrt meiit . . . .
Mrs. G. Wallace Keller and two
daughters spent several days at
Steclton last week. .. Miss Ada
Walter of near Ijewisbitrg, amnnpa
nied by her friend, Miss Miller of
Money Valley, Sullivan Co., spent
Sunday with Samuel App of Penn
townslup. Miss Walter is a grand
daughter of I jcoiiard App, deceased
... .Half dozen or more bicyclists
from your place spent a few hours
in town on Sunday afternoon. They
refreshed the inner man and woman
at Taylor's restaurant J. J.
Miller and who v.eut t ) Shamokin
Saturday to attend the funeral of a
soldier, a nephew of Mr. Miller.
Found Guilty of Corrupt Solicitation.
rwoiNi .
Ellwood P. Roberts, the librarian
of the Montgomery Co. Historical
Society and editor of the' Norristo wn
Herald, lias compiled a book enti
tled "The Itichlaud Families." We
are iu receipt of a copy of the same
and the author has our' thanks.
The book contains a fund of infor
mation concerning Quaker families
in Quakertown, Richland and the
Great Swamp.
The book contains 246 pages of
very interesting data ot the early
families of thatneighlorhood. There
are records of baptisms, marriages
and deaths, biographical, historical
and genealogical. The publication
contains a splendid index. The book
sells for $3 each and is u valuable
book. Address Ellwood Roberts,
Norristown, Pa.
Ber's Biography.
The large volume of biography of
Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder
counties, published by J. II. lioers
& Co., Chicago, is on our desk. It
is handsomely bound, contains 1400
pages and . abounds with many
sketches of persons well known in
their resective counties. Several
hundred biographies of Siiydorcoun
tv men are found in the volume.
Faum Wantf.1': State cash and
time price. AxsoX II. Rrssi:u,,
D-la-oin. Akron, Ohio.
Uriah Fcssler, of Penns Creek,
and .lames McIIolhi'i, of Millmont,
attempted to turn around in the
road north of the place with a horse
and buggv last Thursday evening
and the buggy upset turning them
out in the road. Fcssler fell upon
McIIollaii and broke hisoollarlion'e.
They returned to townand Dr. Her
man fixed up the fracture.
The Brilliant Widow or the AnKaRln
tod French President.
Parts, Oct. 8. Madame Carnot, widow
Of Presldetit Carnot, who was assassin
ated by an Italian anarchist at Lyons
on June 24, 1894, died Friday at ths
Chateau de Presle.
Madame Carnot was clever and popu
lar. She did much to make republican
ism fashionable In France. When her
husband was elected president they
Samuel Winkleman of Shamokin
spent Sunday at Perry A u rand's at
this place. . . .Quite a nuinlier from
this place attended the Lewisburg
ot the
LastThurday up in Clearfield
county the most of the time of court
was occupied by a case from Irvona,
which involved the charge ot corrupt
solicitation to vote. Thomas W.
Bailey, a school director of that
Inirough, was the prosecutor and D.
. Kdclhlutc. luanairer of the com
pany store, aiulW. W. Hellinan, su
oerinteiideiit of the Philadelphia
! Cokeand Coal Company, were thede-
feiidants. I ho evidence went to
show that ihere was a contest for
the election of a principal of the
Irvona schools, and the defendants
..i iv. :i 4 (..('...ili,.!..
W . lllieil iKIIH IU Mill: mi imn , K. Gorm-in, late a candidate
for state assembly. This Bailey l!
fusod to do 'Mid was told that a judg
mcnt of some $400 was he'dagainsf
h: n ami if he failed to vote for dor
man it would be pushed. At the
election Bailey oast his vote agoinst
Gorman and the threat was carried
out the r.ext day. Bailey the"
brought the charge of corrupt solic
itation against tlie Jwo, which re
sulted in the conviction, the jury he
:ng out only :i lew minutes. The
( enalty for this oll'ciise is a 2,000
line and two years' imprisonment.
Everything New and Corn
plete in tne Line of the
bas just been received. You 3an be ure of honest prices
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
You make no mistake in burin?
from. us. We always give you a
rich deal,
Cnmeand Sse Clothing.
We are prepared to give you suits at
rock bottom prices. At the old stand
they use you right.
Market St., Selinsgrove, pa
Stpyes ari Hub
he sale
Book Notices.
Fair this week . .
real estate of the late Benjamin
KrcunuY, deceased, taok jilaee on
Saturday.," The homestead waspur- l.t' f?.t!itt ('rinniwn 4 1 1 it 111111
1111. J 'lit'. 'I .IIIH ., I'll i. , I
,11 i t l I'. pa-'esof lamilv Kcnealogv eomiiilct
was not so hi a id . O i rea nierimr-i ! . . . nr . ' .
chased the third tract. .. .Fisher
Tho (iooiliivliiH uf liUtvr.v, .Mr.
During the past week we have re
ceived a copy of the pamphlet en
titled "The Goodwins of Kitterv,
York Co., Maine," containing l'l
limn In ntvi' Hie ireiilleiiiail .below:
.1 ti, , ilnn.r- in inicr- Walter and sister. Iora, and friend
lilt ir in i v oi.ii i iioiij,'' " '- ' '
cstc-.l in t;-.::n t'.iu evil .York be find. -Miss Maude Bussoin of llliams-l-
' (do. I-::x(!i:.: : ' nwl atteiidivl tlie nvep'.ion j,:veii ii;
tlie O.'lo'ur II 'iiuthi K- honor i isner and nruie
at the lier.ii! ol t.i'.' groom s molher,
bv John Samuel (Soodwin, M. A.
Sit:i:i i
- .u'; Ou
i Matilda Fi:-!ier
; rnii;!i, our c:
went to Phi!::.!
:i!ein. . . .A. C.
ing r,iere!i:'.iit,
nuy in a new s.or.;
ie e.l
our e;
u.l V.'
cry tw.M.v
1k-::v-.. i ;'
us .i.r.n . '.
I v'.
a');' 'J.--d-r.
v.vys I I
:'.' Is ii ' :.
i'l t!'(-
ot the ' vc.
Tl. -e ;tV
y , v-' '
twceil iia
Mime curious ; .st -bout
. 'o c( i..niy vi l.egiu
.-, !.rii!.:y or Sunday.
"i, ay can r..: u.v.i cv
,'.rs. Ocjibcr always i'.'V ol' the wn It
il as .July, S.'otein-
. Fel ry, March
e-v.i ":i tlie sai'ie
.);::u r;i I ,"g;::t al-l
i (i'il'i'i":t ('-.ivs irom t rarely o'.vits
1 '-ver- i :!;.; j 'JV.-cIic.-.-' i.i.-'ti:;.'
T!u ll;vl a:id la -i : ivs ; ;.y!vai;i:i, or.e
'ui.s wee iv to i
of i'a II gooils. j
lie was aceomr.::iti',d bv Timinas
Saur. . . .Amnion d'arlcir'and wi.'e
visited ilie lai' r's j:',i';KS over S'.ir.
j day.... Miss :ia;i:l il:i-s..:aoi'Vil-I
li.iinsjMii'l, who has bee:i il.j ;-;i:e it of
i Miss l;-.o.-a Waller iVtiirne I home
i In-1 Mon !:i v. . ..I'c; ry (Ireover
' r.r.d wile of Lev.!. were in
i"i . i . i . . - . . , i ... i I?, . . i . ' i
IU) I The Temple, Corner Monroe
and Lasalle Sis., Chicago, IJlinois.
The pamphlet is published to ascer
tain the correctness of the data col-
! lectud and to secure the mission in-
f'lrmation in the hi -tory ofthet oiik!
wins. The l-.ook is for gratuitous
distribution, but contribution: are
received Irom IVieKiIs for the publi
cation fund.
Mr. Fidwin J. Ivllers, "SOU 15etz
Building, 1'hila. l.r.s sent us a copy
oi'v';1;;,' olthe Kalloek Far. lly
o I'U. s 'X v. o:r.,i v, .1 V'.ev.are
!rol: is !.'.(.!
Ilveii In apartmenls which they rented
for only $2,000 a year, and they left that
home with reluctance. Yet Madam
Carnot wus more than equal to her po
sition when phe became tho first lady
of the republic. She was deaf, but she
showed the arreatest tact and clever
ness In hiding this defect. She was an
admirable linguist and a good house
wifi She was a grandmother, yet she
wonderfully preserved her youthful ap
Iliiltlmoro and Putrid Will o an Xonr
hh PoHHlblo to l'eklu.
Washlnston, Oct. . Secretary Long,
upon advices received at the state de
partment showing the existence of
threatening conditions In China, I,a" i flig AetllSI
oruereu Aumirai uvwvy m khu imu
warships Immediately from Manila to
a point as near the Chinese capital as
possible tor a warship to approach.
The vessels selected for the undertak
ing are the Hultlmore and the Petrel.
It Is expected that the Ilaltlmore will
not be able to get beyond the Taku
forts at the entrance of the Tang-He
river, upon which Pekln Is situated,
but tho Petrel, being of Bmaller pro
portions, may be able to reach Tlen
Tsln, KO miles above the mouth and
about the same distance below Tckln.
The olllcluls keenly regret that there
i is not now m th Asiatic a ngni
I draught gunboat of the Helena class,
which could ascend the river as fur
i as the Chinese capital.
Secretary Long said the sole pur
pose of ordering tho Hultlmore and the
Petrel to Chinese waters was to safe
guard American Interests and protect
life and .property of American citizens
In the event of an outbreak In the Interior.
I keep on Land all kinds of Fannors and Ituildinie
Tools of all kind, Kims and Tires of alb kind, liar Iron
and Steel,
Tin and Graniteware. I keen the best anti-rust Tinw;,r
plain and decorated. lam agent for all kinds of
Patent Wash Machines. Also igent for Grain, Drills
Cultivators, I arrows, in fact all kinds of Fanning hl
plemeniis mid repairs.
(-'all and be convinced that you can buy cheaper than any place in
the county. I extend thiinks for pust putronapo and solicit a contimi
anceof same. Yours Kespectfuily, u"
J. L. VARNER, Mt. Pleasant Mills.
Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but UUY
the Sewing Machine with an established reputation
that guarantees von long and satisfactory service :
TV Wl)ifce.
Its beautiful figured wood
work, durable construction,-
fine mechani
cal adjustment,
coupled witli tlie Finest Set of Steel
Attachments, makes it t)ie
Most Desirable Machine in the Mi
lerSond tor our beautiful half-tone catalogue.
Liberal Adjustments-
Prompt Payments,
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Tire, Life, Accident and Tornado. .
Ho Assessments No Premium Notes.
Founded A. D., 1819 Assets $11,055,513.88
Home " " 3853 " 9,853,'C28.54
American " " M 1810 " 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York I4fe Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association
Your Patronage Solicited.
Carpets;! Carpets ! ! Carpets ! I !
AM Kind
'T; ; .Ml 1 i :i v:'
ciV'.'.c;: l;ir 'v:.i
::t (":::i!::r llici
i 0
i .:c
:u c.-iiiJai;?--. R2
;i'u!e Ixuik ii." :h ;'
and ilav.r'i's'.
i.lid jiul'ior ol
v," IVc-idi-nt.
rtonry tioorfjo Dcfllnes.
New York, Oct. 4. Henry O.eorRe hns j
lecllncil the nomination for Rnvernor on
tho tleket pliicoa In the OtrlU by the (
ChlcBKO platform IVmocrats, and the j
committee lmvlnn nufnorlty to fill tho
vnciinrle noniiniiteJ Henry M. Mc
I AH Prices.
The vl ole lower floor of .ny ntoiv is taken up witli Car)cts, Ru, :
Al t Siii:irc., Curtains, Window S!iatlc, Curtain Poles, Hassx-lcs, .
lvii Fringe, 'lo)r, Stair ami Tabic Oil Cloths, occ,
: cn ni i'dii- j "C.;il. .U):n
c.uiitv in.itiaitc J'c r.i J.l:eVVI;;:sv'..iK i:i I.hv.-:irc
tin' seme. I U lu'l-.l (lunii'j t'.c
:i;sk wee!;.
j)ur-ir..-vli.-.d hw r.
not apply to leap in tlip week hc'iinin J)ccc!nl)cr
i:v:,ilutc in
ihc Suvtlcr
.Mi.iparsion ;s nun if i f
Iivioro anil alter rVo
::.'!, iii" o!'l'- co''
'. lV:u; yiv;.:,!.i ' w!'..
I Ootiiiiy iiiotiiuic.
a coni'-arao"! vohniic to the
loci; (!eiR':i!o;;y" lile that
nine has u snlcpdnl index.
two booivs scii ior
'.' can show you the largest and hest selection of the ahovo g)ih
ever ihowii in Jcwistown.
lionnUl, of the county of New York. p,nis.-ell Clirpc I fis low a.S HOc. and Up IJa Carpet as low as 20c. ill'l up
for the plnce. Mr. 5eorKe In hi letter j 11 Wool Carpet " " ."iOc. " " Cotton Carpet " " 22c. "
ScVSW "3.. VelvetCarpet 7. '
vtZiSL?&r and Japan Mutlmg ICO Rolls to Selcci Froa
n vmics- . ! E'ZXSSSaa GOOU3!
v'AvTi;'i--f.v:"i.'.:. Ti:rn wcirrtiY i
i (;v i'i l,i t'.ii i.' v : tn in mi:i.,o om iiu.fl
II" C VI IIM t I'' ' .V tonal.''!'. II I
r.rxiM v o'Vio v.'r!'l; i' V '.t' t -M n I'osno. .n-y
h r.l'p it '.'fl n y."v pni e:oiv-'i-ii r.iitn
li UMi'.l'ltf, nn, i" !' ""1 "' ontUl.v $TS.
1!;.' r ni-. ; r .i.ipfiil h'ti-.';-.?i1
Coin jure onality and jiriccs, yoii v ill find that our store is the to buy nt. The floods are fiivi-class, prices arc tho low
est, our rooms arc clean rnd no trouble to nliow goods.
lHauU"-'' id, ii. rbuii, Lewistown Venify
ElMtrla PlMt