I RBffiSlO OF- GLotbing -AT- mm I Mm BROSiOUS BROTHERS, Sunbury, Pa . , ... -vi.i t.., icna w;n h 4net f!v months we liayo been searching the countrv for Clothing and Furnishinp Goods for the occasion. Mtf can then s v" No a stone has been left untamed in our effort to cxeell all other not only in stvlc but quality and prices. You will then see here the Larst and Hand ' s meat ui-ilav of nobby Suits and Overcoats that have over, been your j:nd for- i . ... 1 1. . ...... ,1... 4-. 1ntto anil iutj ill 1 ali sll tune to b.ok st 'I lie prices n:ivu uct-u ,,,.. i inD ..u ......... Men's Suits, $2.50 to $20.00. Youths' Suits, 2.00 to 15.00. Boys' Suits. 98 Cents to 6.00. Children's 3 to 8 year Suits, 98 Cents to 5 00. Overooats, 198 to 30.00 fo extenfl a Hearty Welcome to all to Call if Only to Loot The Larceot Stock of EHjh Clods Stoves c Ranges ever Brought to Snyder County J THE Wo defy competition in the Store Market, We how you what you get Wt! set up the stove, put it where you want it and guarantee you a sat isfactory article. 'to i mm ... iCOl Sunshine and Red Gross An ito Pl8 1 Every brand of we keep is the Prf niddlecreekV We deal also in a; of Granite wan Tinware, Stovi pairs nnd ercrj usually kept in al regulated store J lino- SCH0CH & STAHLNECKER, Opposite County Jail. Middleburgh. COUNTY GULL1NGS. Breezy Items Picked up Here and There about the Coun ty and Noted tor Your Enlightenment. Di'ivis II. Gift ot Paxtoiiville found a half-cent Ix-ariug the date of 109. David Kerstctter of Perry tuwii-i-hip was bitten Ity n copper snake last week. (apt. L. C. Kdmunds, el Canaan, Ohio, is visiting friciidsin the nilu end f the county. Isaac Fisher caught an ctl in the river at Shiiiii ikin Dun whieli weigh ed ii'-arly nine pounds. Dr. K. M. Miller has pur , ha-cd the John .'. Simdl probity at J? avcrtown for SI 1 1 ". Two grand concerts will be hel 1 u Selinsgrove on Thursday andFri !av t veilings of this week. (.'has. ( ). I'iiig, one of the 12th llegt. Iioys, who hud liceii intheSiin bury hospital nek with typhoid k-ver, is able to liealjout again. There is some talk at Adams burg aUmt erecting a local tele phone line and perhaps intending it to Middieereek and Troxelville. The .Shriner postoHice lias been named, the jMjstinaster having Ixx-n commissioned ami the service will l;e inaugurated the first of Octolxr. Miss Kate Wagenseller of Sclins grove has moved her millinerv store into tlie room ixrupied by th. late Judge J. (I. L. Shindcl fbr a drug store. Dr. L. E. Wolfe who resided at Ilcavertown for the past three yearn intends to locate at Kinzer, Lan caster County. J le will leave about Oct. 1st. Tlie shoe factory firm at Selins grove is advertising lorgirls to work at the factory. Girls ran make good wages after learning to manipulate the machines. Some old coins have lieeii imcarth- . ed at Adamsburg lately. William B. Woodling found a oopiier coin Uarmg the dateofl794 on his farm and Clarence Kuuejieter has a simi lar coin dated 1732, found along the run west of Adamsburg. liev. I. 1 Zimmerman was in stalled last Sunday as tlie pastor of the Beaver hprmgs charge of the Lutheran church, ltev. Dr. J. 11. Dimm, President of Susouelianna University, Selinsgrove, delivered tlie sermons at Beuvertown in the morning and at Adamsburg in the evening. Prof. George Fisher of Salem has inaugurated a series ofSin.'day even- ( ing nieetings 1 1 be held in the S. S. f loom of the church for the discussi- ; on of Bible subjects. Iiv a sudden lurch of the train j while rounding a curve In-low Pax ti'iivillc, Conductor Kwing was j hurled from the car in which he was I standing, landing upon head and shoulders he n-eeiveil contusion, j thai at the time were thought tatal. j LaVr reports, however, say that he. will recover. ! .1. A Inert Swart, ancmplove in the general passenger department of the Xiekle Plate llailroad, located at Cleveland, Ohio, is sjieniiing a two wirks' vacation at Troxelville the home of his childhood. It is four ye:irs since he left there, lie was single then, but now he is mar ried and Mrs. Swart z has aecomjHini ed him on this visit. The Salem inrrespoiideiit to the fin i liihuiw last week s:iys: "I lie sale it the church on Saturday last drew :in interesting gathering of buvcrs. Siine mementoes and curios were lisHsedof to comiietitivc purchasers. On May 2S, A. M. 1S1G, thetrnstees held a sale of effects and sold the altar of the church of 1 77" to Mar tin Pan for 74 cents; the corner stone w ent to Jacob Schoeh for 17 cents; the old church to Frederick Enterline for $2-1.00, ece. In the year of our Ird A. D. 1000 we are going to have a rousing memorial service for the church and her his toric association, all dejiending on the vim of the coplcand A. V." SELINSOROVE. Dr. William ULsh, surgeon on the U. S. Toriwdo boat Yankton, spent Sunday with his parents The Misses 1 1 ill of Hughes vi lie are le- ing entertained by Dr. Dimm's Frank Good and vife have returned home from their two months' trip in the west The Susquehanna foot liall team was defeated at Carlisle bv Dickinson by the score of 24-0 William Keys of Stanton. Va., is the guest of his sister, Mrs. liev. I5arb. .. .Murray Smith and wife returned from their wedding trip on Saturday evening .... Mrs. Samuel Pawling, who spent two weeks at JJenvenue, is again among us. The Jewish holidays were appropri ately celebrated . . . .airs. Y ilham Miller and daughter have returned to their home in Brooklyn Pay Crouse and friend ot Philadelphia are spending two weeks in town. The fat and lean men of town played s game of base ball on Friday in which the fats won 28-13. . . .Miss Helen Bentz, who has spent the past mouth with her uncle, Joe Schirf, hag returned to her home in i'hila. AOAMSBUKO. Mrs. Daniel Smith from Yeager town, is being entertained by her sister, Mrs. L. K. Haines Messrs. Dreese, Brauthofcr, Oles, Nelson and Finch front liewistown, were guests at I'ciiU'n Dreese's on Sunday The Oyster Supper given by the Oild Fellows, in their leiiulifiil hall on Saturday evening was highlv enjoyed by all present Clark Pmyerand MisslJertlm Ostium, from Paxtonville, ailed on trends at this place on Sunday nfiernoon Miss .Nellie Smith has gone to I-w-istown, wher.- she will enter a milli nery store .f ....Uev. Dimm from Se linsgrovc, spent Sunday in tovn. He assisted in installing Uev.!. P. Zimmerman Mrs. A.C. Iindis, neeDcssie Helfrich, from Alt in, is visiting her many friends in this vicinity Mrs. Hanks Drees' is visiting her sen, Daniel, at Cliillis- l'ia(iia Drs. A. M. and C. G. Smith removed a tumor from the throat of Mrs. Joel Gearharton Mon day morning. She is getting along as well as ean U: expected .las. Aurand and Miss Lizzie Paker trom Dorinantown were the guests of J. M. Pakcr's over Sunlav .Miss Carrie Stumpil' from near Sunbury,, was a recent visitor at tlie home of her grandparents, Isaac AunindV v. m. j ura mi moved into lus handsome residence on Thursday John Iiloyd, wife nnd child from agner attended the Oyster Sou lier on JSaturday evening Mrs. John Ilauch, from Ploomsburg is visiting relatives in town. Chas. Lenig, the soldier lsiv, is home of a thirty days' furlough. We are glad to see Charlie back again.... Prof. V. C. Fisher of Salem was calling in this vicinity on U... ! i ii ir icMnuuuy evening. . . u. jy rea mer is the owner of a fine breech loader fchot gun and rifle combined J. F. Walter and G. C. Stuck were toSelinsgrove last Saturday... . George Aurand is making nreimra tioiM to build a new barn to replace the one destroyed by fire some time ago. . . .John Kreeger and MissLil lie Stetler rode to this place last Sun day on their wheels. . . . MVs Maude Bussoni of Williamsport is the guest O. E. CONVENTION . Harrisburg, St;pt. 24-.Tk' Gen eral Committee having charge of the arrangements for the grunt State con vention of the Society of Christian Endeavor, to lie held in Harrisburg, Octolier 4th, 5th, and fth, arit de lighted to announce that the railroad companies have conceded one fare for the round trip on card orders, which will Ix? furnished on applica tion to J. X. I letrick, of Lancaster, State C. E. transportation agent. It was decidwl fo arrange for an excursion to Gettysburg, to leave Harrisburg via the C. V. 11. 11. at 7:30 A. M., Friday, October 7th, the day alter the convention closes. The special train is to stop id the Indian Training Sfehool and remain there for a band serenade, to Ix" given by the Indian I toys. At 10:1," they will arrive at Gettysburg, where dinner will Ix? served at 11 o'clock. At 12 oVh-ck the pvenrsionists will take the trolley line and, tinder guides and lectures furnished by the company, will visit the battlefield, returning in time to leave for Har risburg at -1 P. M., where they will arrive in time to take supper before leaving lor home points. ednes- ilav, at some Hour iiereatterro do s-ct, !in excursion will lie run to Camp Meade to enable the Eudeavorers to see the army at our doors. Thurs- lav evening a two-hours' carriage drive will lie given to those who wish to go up the east shore of the Sustjuehanna, a rate ot twenty-five c(!iits having Ixen made for the round trip. Wednesday and Thursday morn ings sunrise meetings will be held in the Fourth Street Church of God and at 8:30 A. M. a quiet hour ser vice will be held in the Market Square Presbyterian Church. On Wednesday simultaneous con ferences will Ixj held for those who are interested in special lines ot com mittee work Ix'gi lining at 10:o0 A. M., prominent leaders in the 6x.tial lines being in charge1. At 5 P. M. Wednesday, a children's evangelistic meeting, which will be largely al tended, will beheld in the liethlehem Lutheran Church. At noon V ed- nesday and Thursday thirty-five evangelistic services will be held in as many different places in the city. The programme will be a twenty page Ixxjk well illustrated with half tone cuts of prominent places of in terest in the citv and is to be bound in a liandsome gold-colored cover with title printed in purple, . Secretary D. P. llammelbaugh GOING OUT OF BUSINEh TV a X J. -11 tween now and spring, I will j tively CLOSE OUT MY ENTIRE LINE OF G( at unheard of low prices. If are in need of clothing for yoid and children. Now is The Time to Bu as you may never have ano such an opportunity. - R. GUNSBERGER, MIDDLEBURGII, I of Miss Izora Walter. .. .Philip reported that the school board had I 1 1 t Al. 1 Koush'g new house is on the way to ward completion. It will be a cory and comfortable looking house when completed. WANTED BKVBB, TRUSTWORTHY DwMMit In tbU to nanat tul. aw to IbHrown mnd tnmibr MHDtl. Ilia inalnlv ofllra work aondiMted at bona. Halarr alraJvU tXM a yttv aod eipanara daflalto, bnaaflda. bo Mora, no lam aalarjr. Moathlf tn. MefaraiioM. Eiidoot nlf aUnaaail atomp. ad anolop. ilarfcort K. Uaaa, PraaC. U, CbUo. t-Ut-Wt decided, in view of tlie very large number of pupils who would attend the junior rally, over twelve hundred ot tlie school children taking part, that they would close tlie public schools Thursday afternoon. One of tlie greatest events will take place Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when more than twelve hundred juniors, led by a oornetist, will assemble on the streets contigu ous to tjie hall i ml marching far enough to get properly in line, pro bably around the smiare, will enter the convention ball, where they will render a programme entitled "Tlie Juniors and Father Time," armnged by Miss Minerva J. Early, of the Memorial U. B. Church. Thousands of jx-ople are coming and Harrisburg will entertain them royally. DIKU. Sept. 12, in Monroe twp., Carrie May, infant daughter of Thomas and lleneretta I lurnmel, aged 1 1 month and 13 days. Sept. 15, at Dry Valley X Roads, Clyde ISeaver, son of B.F. and Sadie Dork, aged 2 years, 3 months and 9 days. . On Sept, 18,1898, near Richfield, Annie Sophia, daughter of . Willis and Agues Shrawder, aged G years, 4 months and 4 days. Funeral was held on the 21st inst, at Arlx)gast's Church, Rev.O. Q. llomigoftiiciated. 3ept. 19, at the lied Cross Hos pital at Camp Meade, of typhoid fever, Philip Pontius Baker, sot) of Sarah Baker of Lewisburg, widow of John Baker, deceased, aged 23 years, 7 months and 5 days. Interment at the Ijewisburg cemetery; Sept. 8, at her home, near Laurel- ton, Mary Lorena Diehl, wife of Samuel Diehl, aged 41 years, 10 months and 13 days. Sept. 15, near Sunbury, Daniel M. Wilt, brakeman, the result of an accident, aged 35 years and 9 months. Interment at Sliamokin Dam. Stop, Look and Lis before you come to a llailroai lnflP. hilt . wIlATI vnn nrim place you ned not stop, iJ nsien. Diu come rigbt in nud advantages oi my red need ga I inclusive. I will reduce lay as follows t That which I m-i.oa. reduced to Sim-. il reduced to $2.00, and a Whiti ky selling at $2.00, reduced U THESE PRICES ARB FOR 1 DAT Do not forget the dates : Court with your jug prepared auvaniage oi tne pi lews. J. L. MARKS, DH MIDDLE BURG H, Pi A Pastor's Annual Re; The following in u brief m of the annual reixirt which G. Romig. pastor of Freebni cuit, United Brethern in CM present to the annual a. I which meets at Reading, (A Members Ivccieved during tj 26; Members died during A 0; Members at present, 6w ed for missions, $50.00; far conference assesHmeuts, sermons nrcochud. 132: sdk dresses delivered, 30: ofW funerals, 20; Baptized 9 adi 14 infants; pastoral visio 350. A, A. Ulsh and familyt ) creek, on Sunday, were thee Mrs, Barbara Yoder and - . v."r tw