The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 29, 1898, Image 7

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    ",. 1
C:r:!3 C:t:'.::3 cf a Ucn b C:r Ftrllj
. Kits !" ,n' lh
"rLj Vii who for firs long years
r!fu invslid kMbwtd and support! a
V.T ud th vh physios! wrook.
vt Hr husband u a soldier,
hit country in the 1744h O. V. I,
'fiL !nV Everett Whi. hM reesntfr
ds Sri ZdVr reporter visited
Whits, when shs told tLY following
nSsSsiW- mv rtae uis ?t
.-my hmbsnd wss strieksn with Mrmlvsis.
7 Uy h.lplsos. We had four
Mlron I wm it lo I know bow I
BldUrt and ! taUjr together, but
iriitfh I obtained work tusking trousers.
JLle s d..n poirs evtrr week, besides ear.
7,11 alone for my husband, and keeping
ithildwu in school.
Finally, sfter two yesrs of effort, my
.band wu (tranted psosioo. This ra
nd me snmewhst, bat money could not
I hiS tor fire yeare I watched night
? j-- fc hia bed. In July of 1880 my
mt SaiiRliter run a crochet needle two
TL into her heel. Thie threw another
iiient 00 my handa. Blood-poUon nt in
1 nnra between fife and death, no
C knowing which would die nrtt.sho or
Er father. At last ahe recovered, but her
bhrr died in November,
pin Fehrnary following my busbsnrt's
several weeks of merrena proaMHoB. Tor
dara m life waa denaired of by the attend'
log pnyatdan, but 1 reeoTerea enoagn to get
aroana. i us neii year I aaa anouter tuocs,
and lay prostrated lor farnr week a.
"Hi mind and oerrea were almost wrecked.
For four rear I waa unable to an my handn
to comb say hair. I could not climb flight
of ateira eieept by the moat painful )eW
I waa under the ear of ecvea different
At but, in S9S, I read in the newspaper
he wonderful eurea efleoted by Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I de
cided to try them and bought a boa. Before
two aaya l teii Miter, i eouia eieep ami
felt rated when I arose In the morning. I
continued using the pills and the paralysis
palii disappeared, and I could walk without
difioulty. I am 44 years old and attriliutr
what health I here to the use of Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
"Mr two daucUters. Mrs. Ilaud Kohl, cl
PomeroT, and Cora, who lire at hone, hare
also been grratly benefited by the use of the
" I hare recommended the pills to many
suuerers, ana snail continue so to do."
Sworn to before me and subscribed in iy
presence inis zuin any oi May, a.ii i : b .
flBNRT C. Ifolam Public.
For all forms of weakness, a speoiflo Is
found in these pills. Wherever you go yon
will find the most Important article in every
drug store to be Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pule People. Physicians prescribe them
ana everywhere tne people use usu.
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days !
hD Cadersigned Offer The Public Their EN
We ar? uot M'llinK out, but we do this to increase our sales above any pre.
hous year. We (rive ti few oi me prieMi hh iomuwj ;
lift. Wood Chamber Bnlts fi4.ui L;ou.oii i op mm " -
Sard Wood Chamber Suitsi 10.00 i Woven Wire Mattrew V,
tntiquo Oak Suits, 8 l'iece vj.w ned ri;ni -
. n 90 0(1 hr,nTii I L.M !Mr ft 6'
food.-o ChairB per set g.nO.Platform KonKern i .
e l u t f iUn f nifntia lino ttift liwlln,' MlrrorH. Hook Ciih-n.
I ID 8I0KK, everyiiniiK iu 1110 iui umn r r, , . u j
ek, Side-boards, Cupboanls, Centre Tablen. Hookers Baby Chaim
. ' ..... w -i-e T .l......vU Wltilr Hull ItunkH flftfl
'eatner I'IIIowb, ijOunKes, ouour'P, jMiKinit. ,? r V '
m 4 1 M ... .1... sV unit All Ala Qfisftsi
i-ttt Chairs One, uieuiuiu aaa cneap lurnnure, "
-nil IhrnnMl f'nIIIM pari V Htlll Id'H Oil T UtoCK llelore. lilVlllf
incronuuuru i" Miivuh., ,
Ur order, und thun save 15 to 20 per cent, oil every dollar.
peciiil Attention Given to Undertaking JMniiaiiumc.
Insurance Agency,
231xrxor SAT. Snydov, Agent,
Successor to tlio late William II. Snyder.
Th Pnr.V.TPnlldnon nf TMiabl TnHiiranco is reprHented iu the follow
glist of Standard CompaiikiH, from which to uutke a neloction. Non
IRE- Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (incladiusr foreiffti asseU) giaUHI.OOO.t'1
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest Atuef ienn Co.) &,GJ5,73ii.i..
Pho3nix, Hai-fford, Conn. ,5H8,(WH.ti:
Continental, New York, 751908.7
German American, New York, i,,240,0!W.K
iIFE-Mntual Life Ins. Co. New York, 204J38,.)83.r..
CCIDENT Employers' Liability AsHurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital or Iov,wm
Fire. Life and Accident risks accented at the lowHt posnible rat-, ju
!ied by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly am
tisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to tll clnsHes of Iukui
co promptly furniBhed. ELMEK W. SNYDElt, Afft.,
MephoDo sio. 182. Office on Urrner utr it rineoiH. ncjuiHpiie. j
The Cheapest and Ben; Fuei -he Llarket,
With it you can run a vapor stove for one
half cent per hour. Give us a call and be
Schoch & Stahlneckor,
Middleburgh, Pa
In order to complete our files wc
nt the following named ismies of
July 8, Sept. 1G, 1860; Oct. G,
;. 1S70; Jan. 2G, 1871; Apr. 17,
73 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875 ; Mar
1878; May 15,1879; Feb. 17-
t. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883,
"ti Zl, Juno 1 2, audUctoberJ
't 1881 ; Sept. 17, 1885; Jan. 28,
G, Oct. 28, Dec. 23,18SG;
''&), 1887. ,
Any df our renders having copies
tlio above isHues will confer a
pr by .letting us know. Such
ies in cood condition will eom-
nd a fair price. . , tf.
Ttie pocnlUr
fuuctlons of
wumiin mnrt
b kvt rltt
. . ms ass sv w nmui rpirU'
THE MWWlt IttmtUI tar. Nithliw
. rA !! thmm tkaln. IrTrirM I tHLlii find
iHmcultluoremwlyniftnn.jjft fcwlly .plM
C.rtl, .itialllriun.ranfJUHU lUUhy liuly henrlf
. lisisassMD. liMllsvifl Bll DHln III WlllllU Of
Ovnrlo 111 10 MimiU. Pninplly
relieve Uwlsvch, Nmum, lllood and
U ladder TroultU-n, FalntntisM, Ncrvuut
niwi. Fnr lHHndenojr, Curi
. . t. Inmiilalnts. Illsv
LUtMmials, mntiii wnisfiw..-t
nitcrmt'nttf, Bckvh(. U'rlng lown
IliilliHHi"SreruMniid tirvimiiom. viir
ttlHHplrlU aim VlinilCPR IIW wnir i.Mnm.
Hit To, HUTIt nl ADMiinuny n""""-
. rn. .hi .i(.t b mint In inll nil nr can1.
STOPS ALL PAIN w ,n '' pii''
IN TEH MINUTES ThePrfed.Co.C1Bi.Chlcaro
So'd in M'llrttplmrfh. Pp., y V !wiPirR I'niK
Co.; M. I'hmhiii-S'ilH 'y lU ruy lliinilnf ;oml
I'euurt tJiotk by J. W. 8uliU'(-el!.
17 sf 0stretl. Beriooi
w Xot sit All BspvaalT la
Comparative Sense.
The writer has known many farm
era doing without such agricultural
machinery o a roller simply because
they considered the expense too great.
As a good roller, however, is an in
dispensable adjunct to successful hus
bandry, no tiller of the soil can af
ford this, nor la there any excuse for
it, in that the homemade roller pre
sented In the accompanying illustra
tion Is easy of construction, very serv
iceable, and not expensive at nil in
the comparative Bense.
As can be seen in the picture, the
rollers consist of log's, and the Jour
nals upon which they turn are pieces
of gnsplpe into which pins from
the logs are thrust, this manner of
construction placing all the bearings
on a straight line, and so rendering
V'llfl!. Aililmu 1111.
Already urine a.
( lira. Pequ There seem to be
preference) for unmarried men tor th
army. 1 don't set wby that should be
(he case.
D Henry Peque Neither do L Mar
ried men mlgnt not amount to much
for aggressive fighting n their own
part, but they would be just the fel
lows to stand without complaining
any number of sieges or constant
harassing from the enemy. K. Y.
A Common Cas.
"lias Mr. Quacious given anything
to help the United States along In
Its war with Spain?"
"In some respects he has been
among the most liberal of our mon
eyed men." f
mat has he given r
"Advice." Detroit Free Press.
A Coaaeleatloaa Jar?.
First citizen If you hud any doubt
of the guilt of Mrs. fiorphi, the alleged
poisoner, why did you vote to hang her?
Second Citizen (who was on the jury)
Well, you see, the trial made her so
notorious that we knew if we didn't
hang her she'd soon bo appearing on
the stage. N. Y. Weekly.
In Alter Years.
Exnminer On what grounds do you
efoim a pension?
Applicant I lost me voice sellln' war
.xtrys. N. V. Truth.
the frame more compact and rigid.
As to the length of the logs, the one
in each section should be just a trifle
over three feet, for then, owing to the
space between the rollers of about
five inches, one, if ho so desires, can
nicely roll ground planted to corn by
driving astride one row. A roller of
this width, with logs about two feet
In diameter, can bo drawn by a span ol
horses with ease.
To explain its construction more
fully, on the end nf each roller should
bo fastened a plate of old boiler iron,
through which hnvo tlio pins projept,
these bclngabout 15 inches long. Many
a farmer can do all the blacksmith
work himself, but in enso he cannot
this cost rarely exceeds three dol
lars. For tho driver, an old hay rake
or mowing machine scat Is just the
thing; and, In order to prevent the
rollers from having a decided ten
dency downward on the tongue, lis
oftentimes ocurs, mid making the
necks of thfl homes sore In consiv
quouoe, it is generally uilvisalilo to
bolt the Sent on tho middle eromtie of
tlio frame. Tills arrangement nlTorde
n comfortable driving position, as
well as an excellent one from which
to observe and direct tho work; und
if a roller thus made is only properly
housed, it will do good service and
last for years. Frederick O. Sibley,
In X. Y. Tribune.
Let the hogs Vat up the fallen fruit
iu the orchard.
Keep rasplierrles and blaeklx'.rries
pinched back In good season.
Always prune to let light snd air
freely to all purts of tho top.
Tho grapevine U long lived. If glvt-u
good care it will outlive, the planter.
Thin-skinned fruits, ns a rule, are
very poor keepers; thick-skinned ones
are much better.
Remove dead arul mildewed twigs ut
sight. I'etddes looking bad they im
pede the light.
An assortment of fruit grown prop
erly in umially saft'i' than making one
kind a specialty.
Send only fruit of good quality to
market. Work up the poor grades in
some other way.
The surest way of destroying the.
curculio is by jarring or spraying witU
poisoned water.
With tho grapes potash und phos
phate manures tend to produce a line
quality of fruit.
Slow growing trees and vines should
lie set on richer ground and fast grow
ing trees on poorer ground.
A liberal supply of superphosphate
scattered around the strawberry
plants will In a measure prevent grub.
To securo a good crop of gooseber
ries or currant, the main thing Is to
keep them well trimmed and thinned
Dead wood is a denlly burden to a
living tree. Letting the dead limbs re
main robs tho live part of needed sap.
St. Louis Republic.
Precautions Kccesiinrjr to Keep the
Ooateats of tbo Silo In a Whole
some Condition.
The whole secret of preserving silage
rests upon the fnct that fermentation
cannot proceed except in the presence
of oxygen, and in nature this is sup
plied by the air. Hence, savs Ilourd's
Dairyman, we build our silos Imper
vious to the air, cut our corn or other
material Into it, and provide that It
shall bo distributed so as to settle
evenly. To this end we keep tho sides
somewhat the highest, so as to over
come tho friction. Of course there is
now more or less air all through tho
mass, and in consequence fermentation
commences very soon, as is evidenced
by tho rise in temperature; but fortu
nately, in this process of fermentation
carbonio gns is evolved, and this, be
ing heavier than the air, forces tho lat
ter np, and out of he sllnge, just as
pouring water into a jug of cask dis
places and dispels tho air, and the air
tight sides which prevent the outflow
of carbonio gas arrest further ficcny
(fermentation), and to long as,t his con
dition is maintained, the stlntrA remains
I . ' ' o -
In statu qno. ,
Iter Gentle Hint. .
He You say you like a manly man.
What la your idea of a manly man?
She Well, for Instance, ono who
doesn't stay anil stay and stay just
because he knows the girl isn't strong
enough to throw him out. Chicago
Daily News.
The l'net In thu no.
Colored Parson I inn ufeard, friend
Johusing, dat too many cake walks
hnb dulled de nidge obyo' sensibilities,
Johnsing No, indeed, pahsou. .les'
dulled de ulilge oli my ru.zer, dat's all.
?f. Y. Journal.
a. jj
I U' Better than Gold ""' 5
tiooil aune for Jcalounj.
"Minn, I urn getting jealous of that
man over there."
Waitress Nor.sense! I scarcely
spoke to him!
"Yes, 1 know, but you give him
larger dumplings than you give me."
and better than any other chewing: tobacco ever
made: YOU are not obliged to dig for it.
1 he JU-cent piece of En ,
a m fa
is the largest piece of reoCy high grade tobacco,
and you can get it anywhere in the United States.
member fire name
when you buy again.
A Dlplonindo I'aurer.
May I always collect double on the
bets 1 Win.
Ada I should think the losers would
May Not ut all I always bet kisses.
X. Y. Journal.
A Clear t une.
Trison Chaplain Do you
that criino is hereditary?
Confidence Man I can't help believ
ing it my mother was the most active
church bazar worker I ever knew. N.
Y. Truth.
How I'ortnnnte.
"My husband," she said, "is not nt all
the sort of man I thought ho was be
fore I married him."
"How lucky," said the woman who
had been married three times. Town
He DM.
Ferry Ilnrgreuves, you could give up
your drinking habit as esy asnot. Why
don't you try to break yourself?
Hargreavea Holy gee, man! I do
break myself within three days after
pay day. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Poor Mnn.
Madam I cannot allow you to receive
your swvet heart in the kitchen any
Dridget It's very kind of you, mum.
but I'm almost afraid he's too bashful
to come into thu parlor. X. Y. World
Alas-ki I Why ii.
K't your shunt
I lit' Krcut tort liner.
to be reallrei! friini the W'oikIitIhI (llfcovcri"
ulremly Ininle iilnl lei he inailit In thin New Kluli-like-Aliilii-l'.l.l.irii.M-
T11H WASlllNli
I'AN V iinth r IU elium: t-r l autlidrl.ed to prn- '
"Cl fur ill il iniHlre Mliiiu Chillns mill l'ii
ertli'H In tin- wniKh-rful 1 llcMi f KIomIIK '
ml AhiHkn. ItuinciiM' fi rtum uve a'ri'inl .
iH't-ii n'nl'i'il mill inllllii s mure H t'e Iniuli'
tlliTU Will yiitl III low tills irnlili'n tiiiirlllnllt
to iniii you hy? A fo' iImIIiifh InMtslnl Iii Jjl
in tills iniilerluklliK limy lio the foiililiilinii In. h.
your tort line. The ruxh to the woiulri luii'l li'-i' 1
vN-itiiti's iliiiniiiliant net inn. 'I'lir llrxt in lln
tU-M llir Ilr-l In rortnlie. Nil Hi. eh oiiortill:it!
Iiiih evpr li' en piemtnleil to the iwople of th
prfitent iffiifratli-n lit Ih ulT ri'il in Ibu K!oti
liki'-.M inKii liolil l'leliN. All Mluirolinlilci-
trot tlieir lull proiiortl'iu f nil pi-oltts No ili
dutitln :ire nimh' mi itoek renuiiiiini; unsold
Senil )'onr onlcrn cni'lonliiif One liollnr for ca-'h
uliiiri' of fully pnlil-up nnil iioii-HiNi'Mihli! Hlorl j
itetireil to the WASH I N' iTO ilil.ll HKI.Ii;- !
l".Xri.Olt.TIO.N COMPANY, Tnuoliui, Vii-h
'i'lie fnllou in' Tucnmit ilenlrrN in Hiipplii tt fm
(he Kloiulike unit Alnikn trmle lire .HtorkhoWI-i-ih
in the 'iiliiuior ami will infi rm you r.'K ui 1
inn thu reliiiliiliiy of lt ofhVi'rs : Mon'y A
Oiinii, tirofcrict; A. 1'. lloikii, IliirneMH Co.
MorriH iit,HH Co., Iiry CoikIm anil 'lcihilK ; '
(I. Itowlanil, ( Hit litter ; 11 iik" Kclltz, 'IViiIh
Tiii'ou a ilanlwiirv Co. lO-L's l vr.
MAX TOii ! '-
Miss Olive, (of St. Louis) Xot yet; !
but pa's going to buy me a wheel next
tveek. Chienrr, l'nily( News. j
D:afn:s Cz.rx.ii 23 Cured
lv luenl spplli'atliMi lis I hey caiitint niuh the
iIIhi use pinllou ol Ihe ear. 'I'lii'ie Is only one
w.i) In run' ili'iiriHus mill I hut Is hy iihikIIiii
I l.iluil n-nirilli K. Ji.'nf u m N eaiiseil l y mi lu
ll H I eoiiillliiiti ul II.,' miiiriiK lliilii,; ut the
bUMliichliin Tuhe. 1 i'ii 1 ul- iiiIm' is ll.llalil' il
vim hnve 11 ruinblliii; kihiiiiI it luipi i'li'i l Iii-iiiIii'
ami uheii II in eiillrely il.-n t. ihnliirsH Is Ihe
result, iiml unless thu iiiiniiiiiimiiiui rim Iu
tuki'ti nut anil this tn'ie p MnriMl in Us nonniil
ciiiiiIIIIiiii. luMirli i; will I k ili -ln.yi il hni'i-i ;
nine rases out of tell are chum i! I.y Calnrrh,
wlileli Ih nut hlnir hill, ua Inlluinul I'uliiilllim ul
the iinieoiissuriui'es.
We will ttlvH one lliimlreil liulhiisfor uiiv ease
uf 1 li uf 111 1. (iMiiisi'd hy ealmili) that riuino' lie
cureil hy Hull's cuimr:i ( utu. s -nil fur rin-u-lara
; freu.
V.J. CIIKXKY i !., Toledo, O.
HuM hy DruiriflKis, 7V:.
Hi, II s i'uiully I'IIIh lire the best.
Mr. mnrrs.tou. Agents !mi Money
"Paughtcra of the lU'Voltition," .Mis Tins Is the I'l'puiluiiliy 1 1 a llie-lline. tyvut
11 wi ik.
LEE, "., writes HlKK'k oh
USpisl War,
Amk I Look IV
ijnvk at yiiupM'if t l:cn you buy
i'lnllii:iL' lit lli.v t.i,i', I hi i'i cmi
stiiiillv in i-ti.ek tli' bt-.-! unit 'iiK'St
line ol' II;ils iiipI Ci"ut--' Clo' fiinsr.
I',iimiiin (Ii n , l"i;ili vw hh mul
Cnpi'. Call to see in v si nek.
SdNlilM'.V, - - 1'KXNA.
ni'l lali'Cutisu! (ii i.iiaUri cut n, w rites a hurkoi
Welmvei 11 pi ess lor early Issue, (leiierul I.' '
own sloiy n culm anil the Spanish War, lo In
priiilureii In u siilistahiinl hunk of livi'l .'lUipak'i s,
;V j liii'hi s In slu ami iilliiust
This Is the oulv nilllienlli: werk piihllshnl on
thu one HUhJii'l oi'iiipjIiK the lull, lis ut the
entire cvill.el wnrlil.
nitirPIiPO DfUnV l.lleral ctiiints"loii will
llUlfllk) JjuUI hepalil nml eriilit (.'Imii
l.ube no 1 line, net al. unee. Write, fur full panic
ulurs to
93 Filth Ate, New York.
' Publishers of ociieml's llooH.
our nnthnrl"il tillHirltiiitors nro Ineiited In nil
parts uf thu 1. x. i-iil-lni.
O.M.11.1 i:positios.
i:iKlil-l)ry IVrtionnll.v.l'oiiilitelril Tour
via 'riiiiNyl vitiila llHilrouil.
The PennsylvnnlR Itallronrl Criiiiiiiii.y lias nr
rmieiid for a special plirht.itnv persuniilly-eou.
(lucierl tons to the Triiiis-.MiHlsslpi nml luler-
iiaiiunai BxpoHii.ioii ut ouuilui 011 oi'iniii r I, al
lowing fuurliill tlii.vs nt I In- Kxiil'l"ii. lluiiuil.
trip tlekels, iiivliiilimr traiispui'tiillna ami I'ull
mail liurlli In inch iUitcIIuii, incitls In illiiini; ear
k'nlnifiihrl tvliiriiltiir, hotel nci'niiilnut:illiiiis anil
ini'iilniit Oiiinha, uiiiiiisslon to Ihe Kulr, anil ear
rlrtK? flrlvn slid liotitl BeeoirunrHlailoi'S ul Chi
eiuo, will lw sold ut rate of Jlno from Now York :
I'W fiom Plilhulelplila ; tk Irum Washington mid
Hull liiiore ; t(l fiuin Wlllhunspor'. mid Harris
InirK ; f-so from l'lil,iuleliliiii ; und liropurtluuuto
riitfH irum o lier itoinis.
The puny will bo spennimpstilrd bva Tniirlsl
A if en t snd CliniHTon, and will travel la special
Piillinnn Sleeping curs.
For lliii lu'iieiit nf ilinse who run v rleslro to
remain knitter Iu Omaha, tickets will lm tnaitii
ifissl lo turn on reuular truliis until November
1), Inelilslvn. Hitch liekuls Include only rallwiiv
iiaiiKirlallun reliiriilnir, with reduction otfcliJ
from uliove rules from nil poiius.
Kur lurlher Itifurinutlon oinlv totlekpf nffents,
Tourist. Airrnt, m Hrnsdwn'v, New York, or
oeo, W. lloyd. Asrlstunt Ucucrul Pussenirur
Alfeiit, rlilludelphlu. U S. It
TIip iitulprslpni'd Overveers of t he Poor of Perry
tnwiirlilp. diiyrler County, Ph., irlvn tmllen Hint
no one shall Imrlior to line eieillt lo Jennie
I'ressler. wife of t'hlllln 1'resslrr, un tlio credit
of Perry towns , Ip. Klio has been a pauper of
this district, but she has leu our district una we
will ny 110 bills tor her.
rerry Twp., Auy, tl, 4t. overevr?.
v pi'rsiins In this slate to iiiuiiUKft our IiiihI-
noss 111 thi'lr own mul ni'nroy fountlm. it in
iiiiiiuly ollho work cuiului'lial at lioinv. Hiilury
stiiilcht f.Hi 11 ymr mul expenart until, He,
hoiiullih'. no nioru, no Iphh salary Monlhly
Keft'ri'liei's. hnelme a sflfnihlirsscil
siantMl I'livchipc, Herbert K. Jlesii, rri't ., L'ept.
M, ChieiiKo. V-lMfit.
Farmers Break the BuflSy Monopoly.
It Is elnlmcd Unit for yrnra liuu'iry imiiiiifiie
Inii'is liuvii secured exorhliiint prices lor l hell
KismIs, bur recently, lllliiliull I lie crillihlneil as
slstiiiieeof the laruters or Iowa, Illinois u;iri
ul her Htnti'S, Skaih, Kokiiitk A Co., of Chleaiio,
lniP!u' the pi Ire of open bilKles dow n to
Hii.sti: Tup IIUuk'cs. f!.7H: T'p Surrles. tM.;t,
and upwards, mul they me shipping lliem in
linini'iis" nuinhei-s direct to fiiriiiuiH In every
slate. Tiny send an Immense, ittitrtrv Catiilrirne
free, lyihipalrl to any one who usks for It. This
eerlalnlv is 11 lilif vlelory for the lurmer, but n
p.,vure lilmv to lln; Carriage lnuDiKaeliirers
dealers. 7 1 l-i::t.
KTo-w Eoolt Frco.
A valuablo Look giviuc complete
iuforuintion bow I eucceHsfully cure
coDBuruplion and other lung disenscB
will be stnt frco to tho readers of
this paper. Address Dr. Bartz, A.
Inter Ocean Bid?., Chicago, III.
in ladies1 shoes is a pleasant
voyage afoot, For tbo pleas
uro it gives, there's no naiY
liko our sale. Orowdfe art-t
enjoying it, and securing tlis
prettiest, coolest and best tit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufacturcd, at prices wliicb
buyciB iind it a pleasure U
pay. E01 hoitso or street:
Wear, pleasure or uvery-tlsy
pmctical Ktii'r-cs, unl'kiiigv
vitling, ir driving, c sujijiij:
the ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and lli: dictate "
individual taste. L adieu,
whoever claim your hands,
by all means surrender yea r
feet to these shoes.
6. E eimsr. sew
Wanted-An Idea
Who cm thrt
of aonitt aiinM
tlllni. It
Protect your Mph; thity nmf tirtug you w.ilik.
Writ JOHN WEUDKHUl'RN CO., Pitrnt tunv
wyi-Wmlilngum, D. :.,f.,r thiUr 81.IK0 prtes oanz