v Record of 30 Years I -r . r t i j . r !,. pi Recollection and t Preserve the Same. ( . . . " 1891. . ' " tvo 24, by C. R. KMiel, J. 1., Uc4d to HettieE. Wiling, U l,cnu twln 94. bv Rv. J- .Wrtzler, Vol C. OKU of. Wert Ifcaver twp. ziias. . , n ........... L Laura J. wiook wi iaw. '"!' Pec. -4 "y liev . ' rank VniJ' of Franklin twp. an J mellartiuan of Centre twp. tv. 04. bvllf. W. A. Hans, Lhn B. Kwm'K and Annu L WJ" Pec. 24, by Kev. I. 1. Neft, W. jeseo Beavertowii to Jennie S. 'repiiuiofMuMleburg. T).h 24, by llev. G.C. II. Has- .,rl JailieS UUUerii Will Aiuinjr Im-Pis l,t of Spring twp. Pee. 2"), by lwv. d. i. Miuzwr, ! o.:....,i;n.r .f I'm ! ill twit. kmc r. oii"b - ------ i - , Lnura A. IMtoi venire twp. Pec. 20, by Get). J?. Hrosuis, l Win. II. Wittfield of Perry x . c, AT TTiuWrovn of fcrwcwowl twp., Juniata Co. kill. ll CUimi ' I B IXv.27,by l'tev. S.E.Oeh8enford, 0 Jer'er of Centre twp. to Mary I. Keiehley of Monroe twp. a... 27. bv llev. hdward Criim- liiijr, lit-wi U-bkieker of Lewisburg ii i : 1 1 v ti. kAMn ' Pee. 27, by llcv. J. G. M. SwengleA Uast, Ixitli of S)ring twp. Pee. 28. by Kev. C. I), lelir, iVm. M. Wenninger of Ileedsville to lla Jane Clingnian of Miudloburg. Pec. 31, by Kev. J. N. Wetzler, i'ni. II. Gill ami Alice M. U'.-avcr, Ltli of Beavertown. 1892. Jan. 3, Kev. Geo. J. Shadier, . r i, .i! r i:.. i.e.. .1.1 rvii) l. JWiuger oi xwi-iiuviu mm lary J. Yerger of Fremont. Jan. 7, by Kev. 1$. F. GiKMlman, olm I'rowu of Oriental to Cora E. talilor of Mahantnngo. Jan. 7, by Kev. G. C. II. Uass- arl. Clias. F. Kempfer of Heaver . . , k i . i' Nirui";s to oeneiia iu. nurger oi ili'ldlcereek. Jan. 14, bvKev. I. P. Nell, L.I1. i i i i ii' IT . i rp It laueiioi iiaoDin, w . v a., w i. v. Black if PainU'rville. J-in. 14, by Kev. II. C. Herder, i'!(in Polia of Centre twp. to S. ;ilen Gilbert of Peavrtown. Jan. 10, bv Kev. Klhw Laixiis, avid W. Haaaof Oriental to Alice fl. Anker of Perry twp. Jan. 19, by Kev. I. P. Xc-fl", Kiinncl F. Ilaekenburg of'Oliio to aura J. JSowersoxof Franklin twp. Jan. 21, l,y Kev. W. A. Haas, leiirv Yeariek and Kegina (Jrod, Kith of KratzervilU'. Jan. 24, hy Kev. W. M. Landis, Vederiek W. (jiindruni of Adanis nr and Tudie A. (loss of Kanner- ille. Jan. 24, hy EliasIIiiiiuncl, J. I'., Bcvi K(KiiH of Centre twp. to Menu . J Milium ot franklin twp. Jan. 2(5, hy Kev. S. E. (Jehwn- ril, Aspen G. Glass of Union two. o Annie M. Kuhn of Washington wp. Jan. 28, hy J. Kohler Peck, J. 1, leiirv 15. Swaitz and Kosio M. enrer. ImiIIi ot PhIImh. J-aI). 4, hy J. C. Sehoeh. Clerk . C, Frank l'hillins and Mary F. iickhurt, lioth of AV'ushiugtou twj). Feh. (i, ,y J. C. Sehoeh, Clerk C.f Henry Meiser and Annie lerrold, both of Terry twp. Feb. C, bv Kev. C. O. Lehr, J. Newman ot 1'erry twp. and JN. Walter of Franklin. Feb. T, by Kev.' II. C. Rere-er. ''dvinS. Walter nnd ElsieC. Kailev. Mil of Centre twp. I'eb. 7, by S. 8. Gravbill. Amnion 'Vomer of Wext I'erry twp. to Kosa oii:nger it Kreamer. Feb. 7, by Kev. J. N. Wetzler, loward J. Mitchell and CV.ra K. 'ne, both of Keavcr Si ei). ii, hy uev. Samuel Kuhn, hn Stuck ondl'lioebeFrantz, both f'l'erry twp. t Feb. 18, by II. II. Coleman, J. Charles F. Edinger of Adams wp. to Annie Lauver of Centre twp. eb. 20, by Y. II. Waener. J. P.. Rac, II. Beaver of Monroe twp. to -ieo. jjimiiott ot I'enn twp. Feb. 25, by Kev. W. A. Haas, paries J. Brouse and Ada R IW. pt win oi J4.ratjrville. Feb. 25, by Kev. Jacob Yutzy, Dr. G. A. Htrter of May town, P., to Libblc I Gauglerof Selinagrove. ! Mar. 1, by Kev. Jaw YuUy, Etra E. Good and. ELsie L. Hoff, bothufl'enn lwp.f t i Apr. 5, by J. E. Slankel, J. P., Austin C. SpaDgler and Laura E. Hendricks, both of Ceutreville. Mar. C, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Charles A. Erb to Kegina Erdley, both of Franklin twp. Mar. 0, by Kev. J. X. Wcteler, John 1. Knepp and Bxmulah li. NYYikel, both of Adams twp. Mar. 10, bv Rev. Samuel Smith, Edman T. Cawley nnd Virgie Hendriek?, both of Kantz. Mar. 13, by Kev. S. E. Oehsen ford, G. M. Getz of Reaver Springs to Susan A. Luck of Saleni. Mar. 13, by Kev. S.S. Graybill, Henry S. Shellenberger and Lydia A. Rressler, IkUIi of West Perry twp. Mar. 17, bv Kev. I. P. XefT, Win. II. Oakeiof 'Williainsport to(ira, P. Galer of Swineford. Mar. 22, by K. C. Fiss, J. P., Charles E. Thomas of Shaniokin Dam to Anna M. Smith of Monroe twp. Mar. 21, by llcv. J. I). Stover, Adam Smeltztn Fannie 8. Smith both oiShamokinDam. Mar. 24, by Kev. W. A. Hnax, S. II. Yeaiick and M. M. Herman, both of Kratzerville. Mar. 31, by Kev. W. A. Haas, Geo. A. Gordon and Anna S. Konsli, loth of Krcamcr. Mar. 31, by same, John W. Mov er of Washington twp. to Kegina It. Power of Perry twp. Apr. 3, by Kev. S. S. Kohler, Thomas G. liiirusand EmmaStetler, Ixith of Selinsgrove. Apr. 14, by Kev. C. O. Iiehr, Win. liong of Centre twp. to Joseph ine Clapp of West Putlalo twp., Union Co. Apr. 1(5. by Kev. I. P. Nell", Arth.ir I). C. iSliircy of McClure to Martha Jane Keitz of Spring twp. Apr. 17, by Kev. R. F. Goodman, Wjii. II. Wemlt and Lydia Ann Wochley, lnith of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Apr. 21, by Kev. R. F. Goodman, II. T. K House of Orieni".! and Cora J. Shacd'er of Perry twp. Apr. 24, I,y Kev. I. P. Nell', Me- lauethon M. V alter and Sarah S, Martin, boMi of Centre twp. . May J'., liy Kev. 1. P. Xeli; K. M. Christ in to II. K.Iackciihiirr,hoth of Mili'inbiirg. MayS, by Kev. W. A Wilson Jai.'iltlii llr.IiV both of l'reel in Mav S, ly Kev. S. II:i:ts, J. 10. Mover, Kohl er, Jacob Snyder oi' .I;ic Miniiia Ilonibci trcr ol llll ll. t.l Mii.lulcercelv twp. May K, iy Janice Eekcsley, Win. K. Freed of I'eaveriown and Ella II. Ingram of Decatur. May 1.",, by Kev. W. A. Haas, Enos J. Kratzer of lVnn twp, to Anna C. Kroiise of Jackson twp. M;v 1!), by L'ev. S. E. Oelisen ford, Win. ('. Mover and Li.zic'M. Ulricli, Ihi'.Ii of Selinsgrove. May 22, by K. C. Imss, J. 1'., Alhci'l Thomas and Ida Jarrcit, bitli of I'enn two. May 23, hy W. II. Coleman, J. 1, Anion W. Waltcrof Beaver twp. to Jennie E. Getz of Troxelville. May 2!), by Kev. J. 1). Stover, Frank Wenrick and Anna M. Hare; both of Franklin twp. June 2, by Kev. W. A. Haas, Benjamin Apple and Lizzie E. Mov er, both of Freeburg. Ji"ie 10, by Kev. J. 1). Stover, Samuel Shirey and Emma E.Sliam bach, both of Adamsbiirg. June 11, by Kev. B. F. Goodman, II. E. Bohner and Sadie E. Keitz, Inith of Meiserville. June 14, by Kev. W. A. Haas, l'ercival Kow and Savilla Foltz, both of l'enn twp. June 19, by J. K. Peek, J. P., Aaron Keicheiibach of Northumlior land and Lucy E. ICerstetter of Me Kees. June 20, by Kev. J. N. Wetzler, Charles S.Stimely of McClure and Lizzie S. Yetter of Decatur. June 20, by Kev. I. P. Neff, Fred, gtimely of Franklin twp. to Polly L. Sanders of Beaver twp. June 20, by Kev. Samuel Knhn, G. E. Botleiger of Perry twp. to Lizzie M. Hassinger of Mtddlecreek twp. June 28, by Kev. S. E. Ochsen fbrd. Kev. K. F. Fettcrolf ol Spring Mills, Centre Co., to Mary A. Fish- er of Selinsgrove. June 30, bv Rev. V. M. Laudis, Augustus SV. Knepp and &irah;E. Wert, Iwth of Crossgrove, Jnlv 3, bv Rev. 8. G. Dressier, Iievi Ellis Xoll of Perry A. and Sarah C. Pnyder of Snyder Co. July 7, by Rev. I. l Xeff, II. F. Reinord of Middlcoreek twp. to Harriet E Hassinger ot Fmuklin twp. July 17, ly Samuel Keeler, J. P., Albert Shclleidiergerof Riehfield to Aunie M. Mitti-rliag of Wet Perry twp. July 19, by J. C. Gaugler, J. P., Cliark-s Xeely of Pottsville to Mar garet Klingler of Lyk us. July 21, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Win. I. WtKMlling of Adamsbiirg to Katie E. Haines of Ueavertowu. July 22, by D. S. Royer, J. P.,' Henry R. Kiegle of Fieeburg to Anna J. Rollinger of Kreamer. July 24, by J. K. Peek, J. P., Elias Stan tier and Anna L. Jleiin, Iwth of Union twp. July 21, by Kev. S.S. Grayb.ll, Jacob Reiiner to Jtva Ellen Spwht, both of Middlcetvek twp. July 24, by Kev. J. D. Stover, Xathaniel (J. Maurer and Mary E. Gearhart, both of Middleswarth. July SI, Kev. Elias Landis, Chits. A. Ilerman of Peiin twp. and Emma Fryinyer of Aline. July 31, iy Kev. I. P. Xeff, Calvin W. Hare of Franklin twp. to Carrie S. Walter of Centre twp. Aug. 2, by Kev. W. II. Fal.s, Charles F. Felkr . of Reaer Springs; to Martha M. MUdleswauliof Pea- veriown, 1'a. Sept. 4, by Kev. J. D. Stner, Samuel C. Metzger of Xew Perl in to Mrs. Sarah S. Long of Kratzer ville. Auir. 7, by 1 C. Weidenmver, Anion Ii. Manbeck and Mollie Arbogast, both of Middlecreck. Aug. II, by Kev. Elias landis, Simon D. Siiive of BiMinervillu and Maggie Hertz of Kiehlield. , Aug. 17, by Kev. Jacob Yutzy, Win. II. Dcater of Glen Iron to Minerva B. Swint ol Selinsgrove. Aug. 17, by Kev. T. C Weidcn ineyer, Christian A. Wagner and Elsie M. Brtibaker, both of Middle creek. Aug. 17, by Kev. W. A. L. C. Keiehley of K rat .civil M. 10. Gross vi Xew Berlin. Aug. 2."), hy Kev. W. II. I I:i:ts, e and i-ahs, Koliert Hi-sieger of ( 'eiitre I wp. to Mrs. Amelia B. Feese of Beavia' twp. Aug. 2S, by Kev. J. X. Wetzler, Maine M. Sirii-kler an.', l.nniia S. lfalley, iiotb of 1'ii'ivcrtowii. Aug. 2S, by M. I". Arnold, P., I'Vanklin Bituer of Dundore to Alarv -ii limit.' .vi s t luist ol'Unicu twp. Sent. 1, l.v bv. W. A. liars I'roi'. J. I. Woodriil nnd Annie M. M ir; r, bot'i ol'S..lem. I Sept. l.v .J. ('. Sehoeh, Clerk (). (.'., Millard R Walter to Ei.n.ia 1 S. Yelifta' of Kel l V twp. kVlit. 1, I V Uev J. X. Wetzlt 'IZ.fl, Isaac A. Gilliert am X ill T.l' iV . 4 I Smith, both ot l'Vinklin lwi. Sept. (J, by Kev. S. E. Oehseiiford, A. J. Jun'ct of I Vim twp. to Emma S. Geise of Monroe twp. Sept. 0, by Kev. W. M. Lindis, Win. Dreese and Ida R Wetzel, both of Beavcrtown. N-pt. 11, by Kev. CO. Lehr, P. C. Ilartman of Peon's CVeek end t Mary Irene ol'Kiegelof Middlebnrg, Sept. 11, bvAlex A. Koniig, Vmii., Win. E. Baumjri'rdiKa'of Ix)well to Hcttie B. O'DoncIl of liocke's Mills, Pa. Sejit. 11, by Kev. I. P. XclT, Charles H. Walter and Nora R GuteliuH, IkiIIi of Middlebnrg. Sept. 15, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Geo. V. Staid of Chapman twp. to Alice A. Shaeller of Union twp. Sept. 15, by Kev. I. P. Nell", Harry F. Good of East Sunbury to Emma I. Heiserof Kratzerville. Sept. 15, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., John Fry to Lizzie Brumier, lioth of Ceutreville. Sept 18, by Kev. J. N. Wetzler, Palmer E. Stimely of Franklin twp. to Maggie S. Hafllcyof Beavertown. 1 Sept. 24, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., W. C. A. FMicr and Mary C. Frantz, both of Went Perry twp. A President on Brandy lor Sickness The President of the naUtmore Medical Col lege, who lias thoroughly tented Spew's wiues sudbniadjr.ssys: I sm prensred to besr testimony to the value ot speer's Climax umody ss s pure and raluuble article In adeems ot dtw-aite In which s reliable ilmulxDt M required. I regard It superior to moat Kronen brandlns. HabvbvL. Bvau. M. 1. Hresleeal snd ProToaftor of Obstetrics and Die aus of Women snd Children, UalUmore Me dloal college. "Ky trtea4 u Mklng to whatticr jou wr aa offlocr In th regular trmj," aaid Um Xwitaokj ftntlenaii't friend. "No, uh,' wu th prompt and indig nant reply. Tba titia I wear waa bo stowed upon ma In appreciation of my peraonal qualities and not because I happened to be somebody's so q, De troit Free Press. . lie Ba4 a Rhhi, - It waa evident tbftt something pui sled her. "John," she said, at last, "why do you persist la calling uie k torpedo boat V uon t you remember that it wos after midnight when I got home last night?" he usked. by way of reply. "Yes, but" "And don't yon also recall that yon blew me up? Chlcapo Post. She Took the Hlat. To the barber I've been," says the knave, Tw Jiwt had a pretty cle sn shave." The maid Is not slow. She turns the light low. In the darkness, she knows love ts brsv. Up-to-Dnte. "I sny, wnlter, this mi'mion cutlet isn't half ns good ns the one 1 lmd here lunt vi;ck." "Can't hoo why, Kir. It's oft tho same tinh." Pnufh. Nome Scoffer, lie scoffs at icar who npver felt a wound; lie acoffB nt woman's wllea who never foil a preys Ho SPofTa lit crying rhlMrvn who ts not Kept up sJl iiltjht when he h:ui worked a41 day. -hlcugo Dully News. A Thoiiithllt-MK llcniiirU. It's romarltable." com men ted Mr. Meekton'a wif, "how ninny men arc aiixioim to louvo lunuo ami cngiie in wur." "Vi's," he nnswerctl, abucntly. "Some people never serin to know wlU'n tli'3- have rnouli of iinythlnj;." Wu-blilnirton Star. Hi Knew tin' 'n 11 m. Tho lioiiianocr My hair turned white in a sinjflo ni-lit of ppcurhle-us op-nny. Tim Ilyspoptic What lmd jnu eaten .''or supper? I'ji lo I'ate. A Dommt l .SurprUi-. I kissed and called her "dear," And In fu r aoft huad tyrs There tolo a likdc of real surprise-- Vi-'d mnrrlrtl been 0110 year. N. Y. World. An IiiUlrntlnn. fiilifileton Now ll:nt you have liecn married to the heiress fur several luontln. I want to 11.sk you: Is mar riage a failure? Item-dick Well, my wife lias sus pended payment. Ilrmdilyii Life A CRITICAL TIMS nnrincr t.llH na.t.t.lflnCSTiti..r. O u . W A imUIjIUUi SICK OR WELL, A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY, I he iK'krrNiil the llulllo ol' Siiiitlii;; lie 4 ii Im uerrnl I IIitim'm. 'I'lielr llrmle KllorlN In (JelMiiir Aiiiiiiiui ilnn a,,i ICiitlono o Hip From SiitK Hie P, F. liUTLfll, t.if piii'k ir.iin No, .'. wiitiiiu froiu iSiiuli'i'i ill' Culm, ou July liilrd, euyn: o all h.i.l ilir- l liocain luoii' or li -M vinl. t.l f. ii in ninl when wolaiitlml wo hail no limt to hhh h tloctor, for it n ciim (if nihil ninl rush niil uti.i iluv to kvi n lUHlHKipH Hllpplldl Willi llllilnuri lion ninl iiiin.li-, Oiii imhI;h lo Lbuiubt)i him h tVlic, t'luili'i it ami JJiiinhyt! Uti.i'pil.e, ueiv nl'li lo kwn fit work uiid l;i i i. t .r !ni;llli in fuel; I Hincprely LJiwolhut lit. 11 critical tune tin-; lanlit'inti wiir tin intliiwttaviour of um iiriuv, for if the piinkern had lit'cn uiutlilu 10 woik thoro would lmvo been no wny of Kottmu Hupphcp to I lie front. Tin-re wore no roadn tbnt 11 wasou train could uhc. My coiniado nnd uiVNulf had the Rood fortuno lo lay in n supply of this ruedieiiip fon our puck traiu Wore we loft Tmmvi. ni'd I know in four ciihch it uliHOlutcly Bavou lire." The above letter was written to tne manufacturer of iIiih mcdieiiic. the Chain berluin Medicinn 'o., Don ftioiues, lowa. Jj'or sulo bv nil drut: gists. v it Was sthakub. Mil f W- I ""rl! iiA'iri?" CRAPE HARVEST IN PORTUGAL. THB PORT GRAPES CARRIED TO THI TRBAD1NQ VATS. - Scono at the Viaeyards of Boa VUto, rallej of tna Dearo: Wocaea cut the bunches of erapea into small baskets, cam tfera short is taace and fill large baskets holding near too pound Than aen with sheepskins thrown over thefr backs, and platted straw knots on their neaas, moulder tne Daskeu and ged winding paths and flights of steps to large vats, whTere the grapes, are mashed for wine. The soil containing a large araoont of iron. Speer's Port (Jrnpc are mado from tho same grapes grown on an eastern mountain slope in Passaic valley, New Jersey, the soil also abounding in iron produces the real Blood-making, Life-preserving Wines of the World the old, original Port wine grape of Portugal. No other wines equal these for invalids, wcaklv persons and the aged. None put in market until nine years old. Fok Sale nv Druggists and Grocers. Also tho 1'. . Sherry, llunrundv. Socialite. Claret vin 1SS1 nnd Climax Brandy vin. 1878, Ml used the Medical faculty as the best Grape Juice is extensively used in 6crvico. Klondyke-Yukon- Alaska International Exploration zand Investment Company, INCORPORATED CAPITAL STOCK, - - $1,000,000,000. .s7AI,7:.s' O.XJ- 1)01 .LA 11 EAVll. Kl l.l. I'AUI A Nil NI1N-ASHKSH Alll.B. (leneral Oflicos ; 5, 7, !) & 11 liro;ulway, Xew Vor!., ' oiilhiiicil ( iljiiltil Scrim j Lonc IVdJitn,'! I '(' (!rt litest (iiioil to ttr j ( ! riiilfst Simila r ! ! Vnnr linnli'.l mi miin, u ln'ii Juimil with nlli em, will sfi'iirw fur you all lln :ul vttntiii;' n llt'l-i uinniilit iif eiipitnl i-iinilntiniN wllni in vel'l miller our irnin'iuti v pi. in The Grcn'.c-t ftmoi:nt of Genefits "ave y iiinle any moin y liwt vivir? If , we i nn nlVi'r you an i.i;...i 1 unil y In il.i a t-ri-ut ili'illlirlliT in tlir coiiilii'j yrar. Ilave yim r.iileil tn Ktve ami I .y iKiile a MiriiliiH': Tiumi In U'Ul I In' new .'.. ir !iy i nil. in;; an I nv.'-laii'iit in our wto.'k. iti- s!i irn nre miM at par, at Mini 'r li.1ri.. a a.l are il l m lols of ."i .Iwriw ami mnuinli. A Miiii '. .,.. Ui,,,, a ii- move in I lie irnii'r iliiii'li w i I iilwii;. provi- I 11. in I . Start tln new y.-ar i i-lil l,y - ii.liii',- your Mil. ilm inuni'y - a Inn irnl ilnll.ii'i. llfiy ilnllain, tivmty, Ira or cvi a live ilollar. al onee to (lie o. inn' reii'iM' ny ii'tiii n 11.11: your mi.iu-i m nine lamilMl on anil lellen, y Ineney In... l i nol j;,,ni' tn A la -l.a Pol iIim.i.-iI your I line anil rea; e I ail till" 1 el l el-an I !l -ve eiioy. il f. Ii. ei h rvml y ii oncy l y i iiei U .1 mil r, Inti'iiiulitMiiil IOX)Ior;iliiiu ami 1 n csl niini ", 7, !.) & oiini.j a.'i; $7HiOGRA?HY, or liersuiiully. Our syslem of leiu ViiJr Oally expeneneo in every liraneli of I ouchly Oally expeneneo in every liraneli of HiiuUInt;. MiTtliaiallaiiiR, Cniniiilsuin, In.siiraneo Trun.spe.rtU' nun, etc. I'repuratory Depurtment fur tinrkwanl Htuiletits. W.i train for I'rai lli al vnrk suul ulways weure hiIiiiiiiiiuh lor wnatliy I'railii.Hi'H nf our .luiiiiie8H and Sburlbund Cournea. Stutk-mn enter any day No vin-aininii KxiM'iiseH nioilerale run t throw nwav time nnl monev ti .Ulllltf In li.nm.tr.irir u.......lu .. , . . ....... .7 ... . " 1 J y I " """ " " "in .on. .. .....u.... ,,, n...i.....n nun nun. nil IIII'Dni tn us nidi bi uiuuius in n i.i iijuiti to a year ' D AJ ADH ,0 any i irJ ifv.r.i.i-i.F.:i, DteuoraiiiiLT, leaeiier, nem or 3' Telefe'rnpli operator wliii'hvcHucce.sHfully fill. Unsiness houses supplied with roniMtent aRnlHtiintn wlilioiit cliiirpe Refer tn prnmlnont patrnnti In every rart of the worlil Tim next bent tlilni; tn alien. line the MOST CELKKKATKU HU.SINKSS St.'lllltd. In Anieruik Is to take our INSTKIHTION MY MAIL. If you nre unemplnveil and willini: to hiiiiI' enrl ten twocei.t Hiainpi for live easy lessotm In Hhnrthund. heaiilitiil fiiiaiorue frei. Auilre&tt itntHlwn this ptpcrt CLEMENT C.GAINES. President. Pougmkeepsie. Ntw York. THE If YORK BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $1.75 and reliable market reports, able editorials, interesting short stories, scientific and mechanical information, illustrated fashion articles, hu morous pictures, and is instrvctive and entertaining to every member of every family. ' gives you all the local news, political and social, keeps you in close touch with your neighbors and friends, on the farm nnd in th villecre. informs you as to the local prices for farm products, tho condition and is a bright, Dewsy, welcome your home and fireside. Send alt subscriptions to move off la single fie down the rag nnd Burgundy Wines extensively in Hospitals and among to ln obtained. The unfermenteil Now York churches for communion IT COSTS NOTHING ; tn m'ihI (oriiur irc.ji-ctii-' anil m niiainl vnui celf with Ihr iniiiltiiii'il nilviniiiii'i". v.c hITi't. Tim i liiiriiiiiiix imillU t. In- ilrrivi il frulii llm l vi-l...iin-iil iif Alunkn kmiiI l eiiinir iriiifrtiiM In lint mil' nf llii' iiiuny fi-arnri.M u- cmi olTrr ynil. We invi-t ninl nrilti' nil ' for y tin wlierever iniMiry tail In iiuiile. l.i't ynur fi-w ilnil in Ii tin' nnrlcm of i n n liii fiiitinii'. ( -'.lis Minimum Amount i Risks. sleek. :(.fi ie Ninj; you n.,. y liii I Hi. t ulii'i you en itm . um min i y I. 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