Plfl' w W a Largo Cunta of People are Enduring. A uisircss.1.3 tonumui. in miiicu i.idiiy ftmerican People are InvolvedThe Only Way to Alleviate it. - from IK$ Mounlaintr, PL irrt majority of th ptopl of this knows met VV- - that " nation of dr.p.fHi. , . dijtreniu ulmeut and liecauss of I" ... forms nimsuu 10 inw. eomr LI; it if h fM of improper mode. F.-". in.nmmr fuod or mcntid worry I MlllH, .s .-- j. I v L .xbutin; men spun i.uwj K-!rfd condition of tbt body and treal- 1 hilllld 0' Uliwira iv iivi..toi. vi r: ,.u i.i.nut inMiai attention to iu --Mi 'in other tnrtancas. the disease is ideVtiy the rult of inflammation of th. 7m of the eonMlou; produce a Isrk EJd W 1 i" lifenitwnint elements. Ths I. i. .. vitnl cl.ment in our lires and K.M to csrefully nurtured. IU-toro the rTY" ... YZrfirt health follow, fiSTi nple. in the emintT of tabhi, l"l iuu . frw miles from AYallialla. lw formerly a resident of Liinndowne. K..i hut removea 10 uie wen uiu u uw - .- ' .... irS!?ti rears' he kss rn unable to do k work t-ecit.- he wm HJ with dyipepsia. h navg. and eoniulted a doctor who El J. ,u.e medicine for indigestion. I GS r. o-lled .rini.rT;T. who aavVtn. tZZrr relief, but the diwaae returned krilb all roUalla, IT. Pokota. " The diatreae after eating made me dread meal time. At timet 1 became ao diny aa to b unable to stand. I had sour stomach, heartburn, nalnltation of heart, and weak nerves. The doctors disagreed aa to the aatu re nf hit duHua but all airrevd that the stomach wae aacctou. l auncrea intcosiy sua iin was misery.. " I tried sereral well known remedies but was not benefited. I i-miI in th. newsnanm article renra inc ths wonderful curative powers f Pr. i-' 1 1J I njL 1)111. 1 - tt.l . . h.1 finally after some rgins; on the part ol a friend I eoucluded to try the pills. I pur chatwl six boxea. This was five montht ago. I bad not taken all of the nrtt box De. fore I felt much relief, I continued takiiis; the pills, and after n-inp four boxes I was cured. I have none of those distressing symp toms now, and am completely restored to health, and can do as much work as any of the laborers n my farm. I owe my restora tion to health to Dr Williams' l'ink Pills for Pale l'eople aud gladly give my testi monial, hoping it may prove bcuedcial ta some permms similarly aflected." By reotorinc to the blood the requisite eon stituentsof life. Or. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People renew the nerve force and ena ble the ttomarh to promptly and properly assimilate the fond, thus speedily and perma nently oitring ths dyspeptic. These pills are a specific fcr all diseases having their origin in impoverished blood or dioordered nerves. Tbey eontsin every element requi site to general nutrition, to restore strength to the wesk, good health to the ailing. Phy sicians presenile them, drnggifts recoromeud them and everywhere the people me them. CAGE FOR DEHORNING. It la Easily Bet Don. s Seal !, the Opesria of Eat af a Laae. Dimension: Six feet long, 6 feet high. 3 feet wide at top in front and 4V4 feet wide at top at back end. Bot tom of foot board is 1 foot wide, with 1 cleat inchea thick. 1 foot long, nailed aero it to keep cattle from lipping. Foot board 2 inches thick, and rests on the three x-inch cross nieces 4 feet long. To these are bolt ed upright pieces 7 feet long 2x4 inches for nailers for sides of cnge. Across the top of cage are used two strips 1x4 Inches for each set of uprights, bolted one on each side of upright. The inside of this frame is boarded tip Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Ninety Days 1 The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THE GREATEST 8ACR1FICR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. , t We ar not wiling out, but we do thin to Increase our sul-a above any pre vious year. We piv a few of the prices as follow: Z t Wood Chaiuber Suits $14.00 ;Cotton Top MattreHs 2. Ha d Wood Chamber Unite 16.00 Woven Mattre .T Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieces 19.00 ! Bed bprin 1 Pin.h Parlor Suite 80.00: Drop Tables, per ft .00 n$!ilZT Zt 3.50Wfonu Hooker. 3 50 In stock everything In the forultnre line, including MlrrorB, Book Caes, 1 Sidt'-boaJds, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Rockers Baby Chalra Ser Pillows, Lounges, CoucheF, Doughtrays, Sinks, llatl Rucks, Can. Beat Chairs-fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our atook before. giviii your order, and thns save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Kmbahmnjf. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, M1FFLINBUKOH, P iff FIREfLIFE 9 AMDFACClDEMTJ Insurance. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i Insurance Agency, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- 331inoi Ssaydor, Agont, Successor to the late William H. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is rr presented in the follow ng list of Standard Companies, from which to niuke a aelection. None Better the world over. NAM IC. FIRE Roval. Livcroool. Hart.fnnl. of Hartford. Ill TT t Continental, New York, MffiSS-JM German American, New York, ..fi2,Sa-S LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, i204,638,983.fi6 ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, rftnnftnn Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750 000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tilied by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in,relationtoall classes of Insur ance promptly furnished. ELMER AV. SNYDER, Act., Telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Tine bts. Selirsgrove. Y LOCATION, ASSETS. , Eng. (including foreign assets) $43,000,000.00 ord. Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,735.02 Hartford, Conn. 5,588,058.07 STOVE : NAPHTHA The Cheapest and Best Euei ulie Market. With it you can run a vapor stove for one half cent per hour. Give us a call and be convinced. " Schoch & Stahlneckr. Middleburgh, Pa OLD COPIES WAN TED. In order to complete our files we want the following named issues of the Post: July 8, Sept. 16, 18G9; Oct. 6, 13, 1870; Jan. 26, 1871 ; Apr. 17, 1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875; Mar 7, 1878 ; May 15, 1879; Feb. 17 Mar. 10, 1881 ; Apr. 23, 1883 March 27, Juno 12, and October; 30, 1884; Sept, 17, 1885; Jan. 28, May 6, Oct 28, Dec. 23, 1886 ; Dec. 29, 1887. : - Any of our readers having copies of the above issues will confer a favor by letting uknow. Such copies in good condition will com mand a lair price. tf. r ' ssaSi ta kwaftaw. . Tbera vas a roat In our town. , . , Who had wheats la his head; Ha tackled a newapaper ones. And now poor Billy's dead. ' It was a yellow journal, and It choked him In a mlnSito: Because he couldn't awallow N Ths atateoMnts that were In It. Chicago Dally News. It MskM a Diejeroaea. Bhopper When I bought thi pleca of goods you aaid the colors would not run. Salesman But that waa before the war." "What difference doea that mnlte?" Salesman All the difference In the world, lied and yellow are the Span lab colors, X. Y. Journal. Ths 'Whole Troth. Customer I see you are recom mend! nir a new brand of condensed milk. Is it better than tho others? The Boy (who is to sever his con nection on Snturday- night) No, ma'am: but we make a cent n can more tlun we do on the other kinds. ruck. A Chance to Rise. Young Man I see you advertise a vacancy In your establishment. I should like to have n position where there would be a chance to rise. Merchant Well, I want a man to open up and sweep out. You will have a chance to rise every morning at five o'clock. X. Y. Weekly. A Natural Condition. "All flesh Is dust," they say. And that no doirtit la why, Whate'er the time of day, Home mm are always dry. Town Tonics. cocccccccccoc gr nu' w ir VW InterestiM to Women. We want an active woman in ev ery town to introdcue the Cebebrat. ed "Hvireia" Safety Belt and Cats menial Bandage Supporter rombin. ed; This is a new and convenient device and pronounced by over 10, 000 Physicians the greatest invention of the acre and the most moderate in price. Will last a life time, made of Best Quality Sateen and best gold plate trimmiugs, and retail price only 60 cents. In order to qnickly introduce tLem here, we will send agents terms and complete sample outfit free on receipt of 13 cents to pay postage. Address v NKJHOTiS M'F'Q CO.. 8-18-4t. 878 Canal St New York. DEHOUNINQ CAGE. with inch planks of convenient widths. The lower 2Vi feet should close enough to prevent animals putting their feet through tho cracks. On the left side, 3y, feet from bot tom, should bo used a board one foot wide, and oua foot longer thiin the . . . . . lit 1 cage. In tills bore- two one-mca noies four Inches from sides of board. Through these put a piece of rope and tie oh outside. This loop is put over the animal's nose und drawn tight by tho use of a hand spike. An upright lever is used to catch book of the head and draw it to the left Bide of cage. This upright should be a strong 2x4-lnch, 0 feet long, bolted to bottom cross piece near the right side, the upper end slipping buck and forth between the cross pieees that hold the tops of tho two front uprights in place. This lever is thrown to the right when open for the nnlmal to enter. A soon ob the hend pnsses It la pushed to the left hide and fastened as tight as required by a small iron pin slipped through the cross pieces at top back of it. As soon as the head Is fastened a hand spike Is slipped through the cage back of tho animal, and another over the neck to hold the head down. These remain In place usually without hold ing, tho operator standing lu front while taking oft the horns. The small est animal having horns, up to a bull weighing 1,8-10 poundn, has been de horned in this sized cage. Animals weighing up 1,200 pounds pass right through tho cage when the holding lever is thrown buck against the right Bide. Cows heovy in calf and larger an imals baek out of the cage. The niulicr of this cage has re modeled it three times to get It as described, aud has used it nlno years. The first year ho dehorned 150; hi a work now running from 4,000 to 6,000 from October through March. Animals dehorned early In the sea son heal quickly because in good flesh. As an experiment, used sow and clip pers on neven steers, cutting one horn off with clippers the other with row, The sawed stub healed In one-half the time required by the clipped. The latter crushes inside of the horn, which must decay and come out le fore the wound can heal. The op erator we refer to loads the cage acrobs a common gravel box on a wagon and travelB to convenient points, where the cattle arc driven to him. lie Is a rapid workman. With two or three assistants to help drive and hold he once took horns off .1.1 head of two-yenr-olds In 27 minutes. Another time ho dehorned 00 head of 700-pound cattle In 49 minutes. The cage can be set down at any con venient place, at a soalo pen, opening of a shed, or end of lane. Tho accom panying illustration will givethe read er a clear understanding of the cage. John M. Jamison, In National Stock man. Milk from Ailing Cows. Cows with sores on their teats or ud der should never bo allowed to fur nish milk for use by humans. It is be tr ter to dry them up or to dispose of them altogether. It takes honesty and principle to do this. It is always a great temptation to allow ouch ani mals to continue to contribute to the eupply of rpllk. If the cow fi to be kept In milk the milk should be at least thrown away during the whole period of trouble with the sores. Milk, being a great medium of contagion, may carry some of the worst disease to the human family. Dakota Field and Farm. FATI TCiFtneea FOLKS JPS1. iHaer BMatk. IsfXMMI a atarvl sl years' nuuK wmmm AddraM DM 1r VnrH. N Extra Work Always Pays. When milk is made Into butter at borne do not think that a little extra pains will not pay. Thi determines the value of home-make butter end cheese. Hate the butter molded into regulation size bricks, then have perohment wrappers with the name of the form and address of the owner printed thereon. This alone will be sufficient to enable patrons to refer one friend to this brand of butter, or vther things produced at the home flalry. Dakota Field and Farm. . , IIKIl UAUI2. O IC ... a. O was in danger PLU C there would be an army of men (who chew it) ready to rescue it : large enough to shovel Spain off the map of Europe. No other chewing tobacco in the world has ever had so many friends. Remember the name when you buy again. rCOOCOOOOCCOOCCCOCCCOC o o o D The Oirl with the Jug You think yourself very grund, don't cIut? Hut I'll bet my mother could ftght your mother uny duy o tho weekt-Ally Sloper. A Warrior. "Pooh!" sold the frrlin vUukciI native; "What to me lathe hnr4 volcn of Mara I'm a veteran frlunj of full twenty Old-time, erack-a-Juck family Jura" l'hlladvlphla North American. Klondike W lu IIwMdloapprd, Dal llll. Trlvvetr-Qucen Victoria s living to a good old age. Dicer That is true, comdWing that she employs four doctors. Harlem Life. Chicago I'anhlon Kate. Mrs. Lakeside Have you noticed any change In the fashions this year? Mrs. Divorsay Oh, yes; murrlugo ties are to 1ms worn shorter than ever. Town Topics. A Hood I'nmr. Hill Trouble's wife had a shock last night. Findout What caused it? Bill Trouble came home sober. 'Jp to Dutc. W hy He Dll No. "Why did you tell Wearisome that you didn't have time to listen to his lihh story?" "I thought I had just as much right to tell a lie as he had." Ilurlem. Life. ilrnnoit. lie Whut does your father sec in me io object to? She He doesn't see uny thing; that is why he objects. Judy. Deafness Cannot Eo Cured hy loffil appllratlen ns tliey ninnot renoh tlio diwiiMfl porlleii of tlm er. There H only nii wiiytocure oViinuns and Hint Ih hy roiiMHU ilnnn 1 mim'illi. lhMif:iinM li cnlHi'd hv mi In- limned condition or Hie iiiuceiiH IIiiIiik of the KuHtiichliin T'llio. WheniliH liilie Ih liiltmiicd vim Imve a riimhllni: winnd or Imperfect hcnrliiif mid whim It Is entirely cloned, denfiieHS Ih the r,.ullU Mnfl HIllliHH till! 1 11 lllllll llltttlf ill CIHI Itt' tiiken out und thlH ttihe rrnioirri to ItH minimi condition, hearing will Im destroyed forever; nltift eases out of tell are cnnscd hy 'nlnrrh, which Is nothing tun nu lmlumi d condition of the miicnuH (iinanti. We will give tine Hundred DnllnrHfur nnvease of lcfncHH(PBiled livcniiirrh) Unit cniino he cured hy Hall's rmu.M furu, Hciid fur clrci:- lars : free. . . F. .1. CHUNKY i CO., Toledo, O. Held by Druggists, ?,v. HalCs Family I'llln are tho bout. OMAHA KXl'OMTIO. Elirht-Uay FerNonall.v- oiiliirtMl Tour via Feaiisj lviil Kallroml. The Hennsylvsnln Hullroad (tnpar.y has nr raugod for a spuolnl elght-dny personnlly-eon-dnuted tons to the TriinK-MlwlHslpnl and Inter national KxpoHlllon at oinaha on tlclolier 1, el lowing four full dnvs at the K.xnolilin. Itound trip llckotH, including transportation and run man herth In each direct Ion, meals In (lining car going and returning, hotel accommodations and meals at Omaha, admission to Hie Filr, and car rlage drlva and hotel aecommodnlloiiH sr. Chi ciiko, win tie sold at rnte of 8100 from Now York : lim from blladelphla ; w Iroin Wnshlngton and llaltltnoreilvi from Wllllamipnrt and HnrrlH burg ; tw from 1'hLndelplila ; und Droioriloaate rates from o'her points. The party will be accnmTnjinnlf d by a TotirlHt Agent and Chaperon, and All trav el In special Pullman Bleeping cars. For the benefit of those who my desire to remain longer In Omaha, tickets will he made good to return on regular tralusuntll November is, inclusive. Much llckets Include only railway transportation returning, with reduction ol 910 from above rated from all points, For further Information ssply to ticket sgents, Tourlnr. Agent, HM Broadway, New York, or Al.u-ki el. yniir inure o the great furl urn to hi re!illf.e; trom the wooiler'nl ill-tuvprl"-iilreiidy tinicle and to lie iimile In till New Klim dlke -Aliikit-i:ilorii.l"" THK WASH I Ml TON tltll.l) Kli:i.HS rXI'I.OHATHiN IO.M I'AN Y iiniler Itn clmrit: ter In aiilliorlr.' il to pre pect f'ir and neiillre MiiiIii t'lulliiH in d I'rop "rtiex In tile wmiili'rliil I tleldx f Kloldlk mid Alnka. lniiuei's l rtnnr live iilremly t en n iillxeilnnd lullllo H lie re II I made fieri). Will you allow tills uiitileii opportunity i. r- i.,. a t. . it.ii..m Inveslod in In thlH iliiderliiklng limy lie the toiimliitioii to your fortune. The mull lo the wonderland IH'C raiit'itim Imineillnto ae'ioh. The It if In Hie Held the (lrsl In fortune. iipiortulilt.v h ih ever le-en picwnteil to the peop e of the pnneiit gcnemtli'ii an in 'IT rel in lie Klon dike Al.wkii Hold Kieliln. All n!i!irel'.oldeeii icet their full piopiutl"'! "f nil pmlit No ill' i ilenda .tre tniule on stock r- u in i 1 1 i 1 1 iinniiUI Srnil your order" eiicheiiiiic One Hollar for eie'li share of fully paid-up mid imhi-iicmwiIiIc ntm k denlred to Hie WASH I N HON (idl.l) KIKI.DH KXI'I.OIIATION COMPANY, Titcoinii, W'a-h illk'tllll. The folhivi in -j- 'I ni oinii ili'iili r" in Kiipplii h Ioi the Klondike mid Ahi-dsa trade nre Stoi kholil am in the Compniiviinil will lull rm you rei iird lug th" relhihlliiy of Hh uI1Iiht : Monty (lilnii, (iriH'crlcH: A. K. Iloxkn. lliiriu Co. j MorrlOroMHCo., Dry (iondi and CIcHilhg; V. (1. lion-lam1, out litter; lluuo l''eln. Tentn Tiieoiro Hardware Co. IO-'-l r. Sano-Rio Tlio prrullatf funrlliiDM of wuiitnn mut hv kept vIk THE HOME REMEDY r.r. No'.,r, for FEMALE COMPLAINTS i n,nt it thry irci wrung, hor all llirio ln, Irregularltlm nil illin.-iillleniiPi'mmlyint nn.Jjft Kllyiilll rnrll, ,.,nliitUofiuii.m3aim-IOWliy herw-lf iteiievea iiii pwui ! Ovarie In IO Minute. I'mmpily relllvi'H lli-Rilaelie. Nnii.i-n, IIIimhI nml lllwiili-r Tl iiiilile", KIiiIihh, prvmi neM, Kelir lenHllili'lli'y. CUM- l'ili'iirrluea, Wonili CempliilnH, IM lilwementu, nuckM-lie, llenrllig IWn I'nlllf, ami nil Kelimle lllmmlrra. "SK llllnllieHS,ireneBiul I leernllonii. a lliTmuiM ll,...,lrll anil Vllllllrea the wle.l.. frame. ViA safe. Kuril anil Alwolulely llurmleaa. iU STOPS ALL PAIN - , ! TEN MINUTES The P.rledoCo C.itorBi.Chlcono Oeo. Agent, rbllsdelohla. AHsistanC Ucueral Tassenger ltMt ''CAUTI05I NOTICE. The undersigned Overseers of ths Poor of Perry towDihlp, Snyder County, Pa., glvs notice that no one shsU harbor to gln credit to Jennie PresHler, wife of Phillip Pressler. on the credit of Perry township. She has been a pauper of this district, but she has left our district and we will pay no bills tor her. JONATHAN TROl'P, II KN H Y I). 8 WIN EKORD. Perry Twp., Au?, vfl, i-os, t. overceis. Nold III Mlildleliurch 1'a. Co.; Ml. IMeiiannt Jlllls I ' Kerry Pen lis Ctrl k hy ,1. . Knliipi i II. by MliliHcliuig Drug Hiiiillligiaud II yysmrsr. nvi 5000 BICYCLES All tnaka and tniMl)!. mu( br ctontrt nut at oner. New n7 moilrl irunr- hmiworn nnA mmtm UH sssnaff lau ! U) B1V. fUreai Urfrj rlrarlnc sain. SHiviH-ti to nnu fine ts .innrnttil tHthout artfUIUM U- Ilftnilnonut wHiTi-nir dooi irw. BaV A Mf'V'f.H br little work for tin. KKKK I'HK of ampl whoel to rl'lor awnU. Wrli t nnco lor our (pedal irrr. T. Ua MAII 4 lUKNTI, taloa, IH. Agents m Money Turn Is the npporlunliy of a llfi -Hine. AgciiiK aro nuiklng Kno lo HI5I) a week. FITZHUGH LEE, and lute Consul Ocnernl I o Cuba, nt es a book ou ah?Hp Siianisn war, IUU Wo have on press for early Issue, General te'B own story of cutis nnn mo wpanisn vnir. m in produced In a atitihtantlul liook of over tco pngts, Txul j inches In size and almost 0ND HUNDRED 1LLUS1 RAF IONS. This Is the only sutlientlc wnrk published pn the one autiject occupying the lnluds of the, entire civilized world. OUTFITS BEADY. W,S troe no time, act at once. Write for full partlo ulors to THE 1NTENAT10NAL SOCIETY, 91 93 Fifth Ave., New York. ' Publishers of General lien's ItooK. Our siithorlr.ed tdlst rlbutors are located In all parts of the V. H. T--im. , In Look! Look! V Look at youiiKt'lf when you buy olotbirifr nt niy stuip, 1 tci p cou stuntlv in stcik the lu-st und finest line of Huts nml Outs' (Jothine Kurnisliiiiir Oi oil. I inlti c-iir anil Cupp. Cull to Bfi- my stork. 'f. H. BOYERy BROTHERHOOD STOFt SuNUUltY, - - l'KSSA A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' siloes is a pleasant " voyage afoot For the pleas ure it gives, there's no sail like our sale. Crowds are -enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, eoolest and best tit ting Summer shoes now man ufaetured. at pri'-es which bnyeis !:nd i) (.!.:!?::. to, pay. Po house r street; wear, pleasure or e very-day-practical purposes, walkings riding, or driving we supply . the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates of ' individual taRte. Ladies, whoever clainin yoar handsr. by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. G.H. Who eaa IhftnY of him siniaM thln(IOBUatAS Wanted-An Idea Prntaat inn, litnai thtr mar brine too waaltSk Writ JOHN WKDDEHI1UHN CO.. Fatsat Attar- rt, wsaninaion, u. c, ror loeir i,wm win w 1 Ult of -wa buodrsd liiToailons wnnCml. .