I 7 S.TS W'i. -I. ! . t J .' - v i i 1 I rii t ' rm w ?Sitond Proprietor. Interesting Items. L Told m Brief Paragraphs for Our Headers. I pt pointer la I-oil m Edgar Custer is ou the 6ick list Charles Roush ot Doodletown is with typhoid lever. fi Mina Lone visited Annie tkr at Globe Mills last week. The Misses Bentzof Germantown i f! 1.11U.... rQiij-kiHi laef wjjjjIt Our contemporary, the Xewsltem, Jtered its eleventh volume last week. Miss Lottie Crouse was visiting Datives during the week at Adams- Mrs. Dora Bickhart of lied Bank Its a guest nt II. K. Bickhart last A. J. Kaltwriter of Fremont is hving the bakery wagon for A. C. liser. William Ockcr ofShaniokin spent imlav in town, the guests of his mite. Alfred Clelan of this j)lace visit his son, (Jcorge, nt Camp Meade, tiddletown. Miss Sallie lioush of Freeburg is miling some tia:e visiting Mrs. rank S. lliegle. Mr. khngler of kratzerville is mv drug ejerk nt the Middle- rg Drug store. David Ocker had the misfortune having his arm pulled out of joint mi unruly cow. Mrs. Bingtunnn nnil daughter of iTiidmi were visiting at Attorney inos ('rouse's mansion. F. l'Yese, the editorof thoMil- rtown Journal, spent Sunday in is place with his family. Mr?. T. 11. Hosterm.m of Selins- ve spent Sunday vith !icr father, mm Bellinger of'this lacc. Kditor II. 1?. Moyer of Freeburg, s a county scat visitor Monday. Iiile here he made us a pop call. F. II. Maurer, New Berlin, is al- iys offering special bargains. See special announcenicnt in tins is- tf II. Oppeiihcinier's c'othing store I be eiosed on Saturday Sept. 1" account of Mug a Hebrew lloli- y. Mrs. John Stetler and Morris Jiilley's attended the funeral of Mrs. K Dnglc at Northumberland last Win F. and Calvin Stetler of place attended the Lewistown r and played with the Reedsville M. i 'lev. J. M. Rcarieh and family of "ire llall spent several davs in L.. . . n iuruig the past week visiting wives. Tlie Snyder County C. E. Con "tarn will Iks held in Freeburg 'my and Friday Oct. 27 and Hmrles W. Smith of Troxelville, e principal of the public schools nni8uurg, was a Rliddleburg "'or Saturday. J M. Steininirer went to Belle- ite on Friday to buy the Magnet "it fur W. F.Feese of the Mil town SournaZ. ' P. 8. Uicglc, the active accnt for rIDg machines and musical instru- of this place, had au exhibit l,e Lewistown fair. Irwin Bowersox aceomnnnied I n w Burns and famiIy 10 College, Centre County, for benefit of his health. We trust elevation may prove ben- MIDDLEBUR6H, SNYDEK CO., Miss Jennie Koeler of Johnstown is enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Bartnra Yoderand family this week. Frank Herman of Kratzerville will make his home with Merchant Wm. II. Beaver and attend the pub lic schools this winter. Mrs. L. E. Pawling of Sel ins grove and Mrs. Boyer of Freeburg, last week, were entertained by Hon. O. A. Schoch and wife. J. R. Kreeger, II. B. Smith, Samuel Witteuniyer, Jr., and A. F. Gilbert attended the base lull game on Saturday at Selinsgrove. Mrs. Frank Specht of Beavertown with her Sunday school class and her music students enjoyed a picnic Sat urday at Red Bridge Grove. The public Schools of this place opened on Alonuav. Ihey are in- eliargc of Profs. K. F. Smith, Kd win Charles and 11. G. Bowersox. Fou Sale. A fine new buggy cheap must be sold. Mrk. K. Aurand, Middlcburgh, Pa. Res'. John Yoder will return to theGcttnyburg Theological Seminary next week where he has one more year to scve to complete his course. Heiikew IIomdays. My store will be closed Saturday and Monday, Sept 17th and 20th, being Hebrew holidars. M. MlLLXEK, Kantz, Pa. Weis' Store Selin's Grove, will be eiosed Saturday next. Customers contemplating making purchases on said day will please' cull (ho day previous. The Fifth, "Ninth and Twelfth Pennsylvania Ucgiinents will shortly Ikj mustered out of service, hence nearly all ol'tlie Snyder County Ixiys will soon come home. MisslVlla Charles of Mauayunk, Mr.Straitof Susniiclianna Univercilv mid Mrs. Amanda (cinl)crlinr of Elkhart, Ind. were guests of Prof. Charles during the past week. Mis Carrie Menseh and brother of near Milllinburg and Mrs. Louisa Gage Courtnev and son, Willie, of New York City, on Saturday, were the guests of 1 Ion. G. A.SchocJi and wife. P. M. Schoch has returned to New York City to resume his pro fession as a musician. Mrs. Schoch will return in a few weeks when they will again make their home in the metropolis. Solly Oppeiiheiiner ot Selinsgrove was in town Monday. He is doing an immense business in Shoes, Hats Clothing and gents furnisliinggoods. He has won a large trade by dealing honestly with all men. Daniel Krenmer, wife and two daughters of KliJibcth City, North Carolrna; William Craig and wife ofSligo, Clarion County Fa., dur ing tnc ast week were tue guests '0f Kx-Shcriif Daniel Bolender's family. H. Bums Smith, the teller of the First National Bank of New Kens' mgton, Pa., is. visiting Ins many friends in Middleburg and enjoying a much needed . vacation, lie is not as stout as he had been, having been reduced by sickness. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barlier Shop, in Wittenmyer's building, opposite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make uo mistake, shoving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo for sale A. E. Soles We are in receipt of last week's copy oftlie Juniata Star, a souvenir edition of Port Royal, Pa. It is published by J. C. Dimm and lays before the people the advantages of Port Royal as a manufacturing cen ter. It is profusely illustrated rep resenting the coterie of businessmen of that place as, well as business houses, Reuben Ereamer Dead. Reuben Krenmer was Iniru in Suyder County, April o, 1 SG I and died at Milroy Sept. 5, 1898 ofhem morhage of the bowels and stomach. He was buriud last Thursday at Milroy, Mifflin County. About ten years ago he married Miss Lizzie llackcnbuig, daughter of James Hackenburg of Centre tvp., who with a little daughter survive and mourn the loss of a IuisImukI and father. He is the youngest son of lleulien Krenmer, Sr., who died '24 years ago and Mrs. Uebecni (Krirk) Kreamcr who died (X't. 28, 1S97 in Franklin twp. He leaves two broth ers, Jacob of Franklin twp., and John, who resides in Oklahoma. There are six surviving sisters, Mis. Mary Moyer of Schoolcraft, Mich.; Mrs. Amelia Suavely of Coburn, Centre county ; Mrs. 1 el lecca G car hart of Milroy ; Mrs. Amanda Noll of Hummers Wharf; Louisa K rea mer of Danville, and Lydia Mills of Milroy, Deceased was badly crip pled with rheumatism and was aged 31 years and 5 months. Aniri'tstKire lilm nr'ly oVr. To I Iip lanil or t'nrtliwf dny : Wlnr liHfltlifiil tirt no mure, lie's at ri'at Willi J mm ilxro. On fhnr. lmppy golden Hn. Wliorn 8 iit winr or rulm I hoy sin? ; Ho IH Hlniflnif cvermnro In Mint "lliiven ot Host." Snrai, we ton, will h rnllpri awny, T llml IhikI of rudlesH rtav : Anil w'cll nlii lilin In hi' kImkIiii;, And Mir ClioniHli Hlmll h t "llome, Swnol lloiiii1." SISTKIW. Sunday School Convention Thl' State convention of the Pcnii svlvania Sabbatli School Association, always full of pleasure and profit foi those who attend, will be unusually so tins year, and one of the large: . . i i . ii .i i ineetinirs in the history ot I he work is confidently anticipated. Johnstown, where the Convention iiiect.;, is ot historic interest, and her people have generously offered to entertain all who attend. The time is well se lected, from the lStli to the 'JOtli of October, inclusive, and the railroiu companies have agreed to give spec ial rales on the presentation of cam orders which mav be obtained from the General SM-retary of the Associ ation, Charles B. Roads, M'JO Chest nut Street, Philadelphia. A I 1 t A very strong program win he presented, including Hon. John Wan- amuker, of Philadelphia; General Secretary Meigs, of the State of In diana; Ivcv. J. Wilbur Chapman, I). 1)., of Philadelphia; Rev. Geo. B.Stewart, D. D., of llarrisbisrg, and many other sjicakers and work ers whose reputation is national. A new and very imiMirtant feature of the Convention will lie the parade of all the Sabbath School children of the city and vicinity on Wednesday afternoon, October 19th. An Extraordinary Record. The official statement of our losses in the war with Spain is not yet made up, but the approximate fig ures, compiled from reports to the Var and .Navy Departments and obtained by The World, give this remarkable showing : Killed in the army 260 Killed in the navy 12 Killed in the marines. .. . 7 Wounded in the army. . . .1400 Wounded in the navy .... 10 Wounded in the. murines . . 13 Here is a total of 279 killed and 1423 wounded in a war which re sulted in the destruction of the Span ish ivavy, in the freeing ot Cuba, the cession of Porto Rico and the capture of Manila. 1 he losses on the Union side at Gettysburg alone were 3,070 killed and 14,497 wounded. In the twelve great battles of the civil war the Union losses were 23,468 killed and 120,849 wounded. No war has ever produced such important and far-reaching results with 60 small a loss of life as has our war against Spain. . . j PA. THURSDAY, IS IT ADAMS ? The Man Who Attempted Suicide at Jer $ey Shore is Supposed to be Charles Adams. A desperate attempt nt suicide on the part of a prisoner arrested for jumping a board bill at Jersey Shor lias led to the discovery that his de scription tallies exactly with that of flw-l..., !:....! I.' A .1 1. viim H.-.1, niiiiavruurge r . villains, who is wanted in" Philadelphia, on the charge of having murdered bis aunt in that city in June, 1SU7. The prisoner's arrest wns eflectec on Thursday by duet ol Police Nor ton and Officer Brown, on n tele graphed charge of defrauding iliiamsiMii t hotel keeper. He was placed in a cell in the police station nnd left alone with his thoughts Ten minutes later the attention of the turukev was attracted to n noise in the newlv-oceupied cell, and tliedis covery was made that the prisoner had tried to cut his throat. Two ugly gashes had Ik'cii mad with a knife that had been deftlv concealed. Life appeared to Ik; al most exunet. a piivsician was promptly summoned, the flow of blood was stopped and the niau'slif wns temporarily saved, but then seems to lie little hope of his u mate recovery, for he stubbornly re fuses all nourishment. The idea t;l a prisoner arrested for n comiMirativcIv trifling ofleiisc inal 'ing fiich a desperate attempt on his life was looked upon uy the police officials here asili cidedly suspicious, 1 hey carefully examined their lisi of descriptiousof "wanted'' crimiun ami louniithai tins man s answerei perfectly to that of the long-looked for Philadelphia murderer. Try as they inigid the ollicial could gel hotjiing out of the prison er. lie woulil neither admit imr deny that his name was Adams. It was ascertained that he had heeii employed upon a farm near Jersey Shore for some tune past, am that he was recent l married, also that lie had been working in Wil- liaiusport as a plumber sever, months ago. I he police ot 1 1 1 1 1 :h It 1 1 1 1 1 1 were notified that the prisoner's identity with Adams wa practically estal lishcd. Collar Bone Broken. I jester el el, station agent at MeClure, formerly day operator at Selinsgrove until July 1st, met will; a serious accident IastSiinday night, Mr. Wetzel had Ix'cu to this placi on Sunday, and was returning lo his home on u bicycle. When near Middlecreek, in going down a con siderable grade, he collided with an other bicyclist,traveling in an oppo site direction. .Mr. Wetel was forcibly thrown from his wheel, sustaining ti broken collar I Mine and various other bruises of a less scr ions nature. The injured man was conveyed to the residence of A. W. Smith at this place, where the broken Ixiucwas set by Drs. Wngcnsellcr. llo was placed on Imard Mail west, Mon day, and was token to his home. Mr. Wetzel, during his stay here, acquired a host of friends, who hope that his recovery may bo speedy and that his return to his duties may not long be delayed. Seuiiyrave Itmcn. , Religious Notice. Rev. (X G. Romiir. of Richfield, will preach his farewell sermon in the 1 rcmont United Brethren church on Sunday evening, Sept. 18th, at 7tfU o'clocJt. This will close the fifth year of his pastorate, and it is notexpectwjl that he will be returned to this clarge next year. All are invited to these services. 0. G. Romig, Pastor. SEPT, 15. 1898. SHAPTER INHARRISBDRG, The Hero of Santi ago Sends His Auto graph to Middleburgh. Ijst Thursday while in the Car ltol City wo had the pleasure of meeting (Jen. W. J. Shatter, the hero ot Santiago, having a short chat wit him and securing from him his au tograph. The General stopped at the Commonwealth Hotel and soon as lie emerged from the dining room hundreds of people rushed to him to grasp his hand. He line with him a large Spanish flag, the Koyal Standard with the, coat arms in the center. The flair w j i v -i . . . uiKcn irom i ue converted cruise Mexico in the harbor of Santiago ( uImi, duly 17, 1NDS, upon the sur render ot tliecitvto Map Gen. W Shafter. (ten. Shatter was ou his way Y aslnngton to deliver up his honor cd trophy of the war to the War Department at Washington. j Unanimously Nominated. Congressman Malion Again Placed on the Republican Ticket. i . 'pi i ,i i, it nasi inursiiav ine uepumieaii Congressional ConfereniHMif the ISt Congressional District of Pciuisvlva ma met af the ComnionwcaHli Ho. h i in Ilarrisburg and unanimously nominated Hon. T. jM. jMalion ol ( 'hamlM'rsbiirg for Congressman. The . - I L . I coiiicrees irom rMiytier county were W.J. Klose, Adanisburg; Albert Marburgcr, Selinsgrove ; A. S. Se cnrisi, uniMiore, and . I,, l Sassier, Freeburg. Kx-Congrcssmaii Atkin son was ni:ide temporary and perina neiit chairman of the conference i oiiiMvssinaii .Malum liciuir invitci came to the conference and licing in formed of its action, accepted tin honor conferred upon Mm. L very thing was harmony from be M 11 1 1 1 I li t.t .nt.l I Ik.- a. in... " .111. I III.'' II I Ml III 1 1 M Ml endorsement from his district is cei taiulv a compliment of the InHie-t order to the merits ol .Maior Malum The Oominsr Fair at Brook Park, Lewi&burg, Pa. 'pi... i' ..... i' i'. i i .. i ue loriy-niin annual lair o union ( ouiity Agricultural Society will be held at Brook Park, Lewis burg, on Sept. 27, 2S, li!), and III) 11 is one ol the oldest organizations in the county, nnd has stood the test ol time for nearly half a century During the past season the new track has liecn sodded mid covered with loam, making it the licst half mile a . I .1 . rtt iracKinine wale.. I lie premium ist, has been revised and increase! making it very attractive lo owners ol fast horses, live stock raisers. farmers anh farmers organizations, manufactures nnd others, distinctive ly agricultural in every method nnd feature, competition unrestricted, turf nttructiDiismoreamplethan ever before, several rail's each dav Indications are that the attendance will be the largest in the history of the Fair. Full imrticularsare given on Pamphlets issued by the Society which can lie had on application, or y addressing C. Dale W olfe, Secre tary, Ix'Wisburg, Pa. Ihe public is assured that this year s exhibition will be the licst cver held. A new grand stand with private boxes will insure the last accomodations for those desiring to witness the track events. UNION TWP. J. I.Aucker of Shamokin was visiting among friends here over Sunday T. OmestorfofSunbury wns calling on some of his friends icre last week Allen S. Sechrist, jSi., made a business trip to Ilar risburg last week and, while there, shook hands with Gen. Shafter Miss Lizzie ShreyspentSunday with friends at Oriental . . . .The Hoover 3ros. made an excursion trip to Se- insgrove on Sunday with the big steamboat, About fifty persons ac- ! 1 J.I.- J3....A I cunipuuieu uie iiecu VOL. 35. NO. 3C COURT HOUSE CHIPS. nnlH Knlxrrd lor Rrnnnl. J. G. Ulrich to jMrs. Diana Breimeier house and lot in IVnn twp. West of Selinsgrove for $.U0. Wi Ulrich, Administrator of John Ilosternian to Susan Catherine Schoch house and lot in Selinsgrove for ?2S7. WillH ProbniiHl. The last will and testament of Elias Wcntzel late of Union twp. was pfoluitod last week. Geo. N. Wcntzel is named the executor. The widow gets the personal property and the children, Lotisia, Jordoii, Kate, Sarah, Mary, Kachael, David and ; George shall get proceeds of the reai estate. .nnrrlnicc ,l..tiv.M. fChas. W.Hehn, K'antz, Jennie S. Baily, Shaiiiokin Dam, f Foster II.Garmau, Y. Perry twp. Moud S. Ibirnbcrger, A Model Law Office. On Monday we had the pleasure of being shown through the new ad dition Attorney Crouse has erected to his dwelling on the lot purchased from the heirs of Michael Schoch, deceased. The addition is a two story structure built for the purpose of a law ollice. ( )n the first lloor is a double room connected with larg.' folding doors. The room is III) feet, long and l." feet wide and a model ol neatness. In front are windows and doors containing "0 sipiarc feet of glass and dO square feet in the back part of the building. The in terior is finished in hard wiM.devcept ii... .i ...i i. ... . 1 1 .,' mi- miiiiM iiieu were e-r a nei iv in master handol Aaron J. (W."Tovo. so that they cipial in apjicaraiice the natural wood. 1 lie nttori,evhas an immense library encased in an all walnut liook case which covers al most the entire side of the west wall the back oflice. A solid walnut grand-father's clock adorns the front ollice. The s nd Moiv is used as a pari ol (he dwelliu.-. A stairway leads to i he second .-h rv on the outside of the buililiii" iii:iLi.nr it a desirable place fir a rent ollice. The main dwelling and the Dew mi llion is to be healed with a hot air furnace. IVoin the ollice there is a oor Iron!, one out back and one .ailing to the bouse makiuir imrrcss ind egress most easily. The struc ture is the planning of Mr. Crouse innself and represents theskill of an irchitcet as well as (he wisdom and shrewdness of an attorney, w ho has won for binwelf the respect and ad miration of a lanre clioiilairc. The new olhee is the piclureof neatness and comfort and the many rocking hairs and other chairs will make Mr. Grouse's ollice a most desirable dace to visit whether on business or not. It is certainly one tin. argest law oflices, if not the lanrcst in Snyder County and uboveall Mr. Grouse's clients will find him just as accommodating as he was More and erhnps more so. We conirrntiilato Mr. Crouse upon (his new evidence of prosperity and susccss. Farm Wantkd: State cash and tune price. A nson 1 1. Kti.ssKi.l,, 9-15-3iii. Akron. Ohio. Xotick to Pay. The Iook iu ounts of Sampsell nndNapp are in my hands and all the accounts not aid in o0 days will lie handed over for collection according to law. H. C. Sami'skm.. 'iins Creek, Pa., Sept. 5, 1808. 4t. It is said upon reliable authority that Secretary Alger is to pay $14 000 a month to the Col. James Young estate for the rent of the Oak Ijane farm, which will lie used as a military camp. The young leirs are to relinquish all claim on the farm and the government can do what it pleases with the land and I Ml Dlliiuings. i . j H:.-vsim'.".m0vmmrK -fwj