The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 01, 1898, Image 8

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    The Record o! 30 Years
Ik Marriay for the Last Wrty
Ytart CmnjnM to Rem Pleat
aid Recollection and to Preserve
the Same.
Apr. 25, by Kev. S. K. Oihsen-ild-d.
A. C. KeiulierUne of Lewis-
MrnU Miuuie ft. Gemberling of
Mav 2, by Kev. Q. E. Pfleiiger,
Wni. II. L-M.A-erot Franklin twp.
to Airaie 1 Middleswarth of Heaver
Mar 5, by M. P. Arnold, J. P.,
I'eretval Kcinard and Iiaiira lteich
iiba h, Ixith of Chapman twp.
May 5, by J. G. Hornborger,
J..P., Alliert S. Kenirer and Barbara
Pigc, Iwth of Perry twp.
May 9, by llev. J.G.M.Swengle,
LaviXerhotxl of Beaver twp. and
Mary Coleman of Adams twp.
Mar 9, by llev. 8. E. Oehsenford,
I'.II." Wagner and Mary J. Hitter,
ttttth of Kratzerville.
May U, by Kev. Jacob Yutzy,
JI. I. Potter and I.ucy Ltimburd,
ttoth of Selinsgrove.
Mav 9, by Kev. S. P. Orwig,
Wm. il. Wra and Mary M. Shaf
fer, both of Franklin twp.
May 12, by Kev. Edwin II.
Smoll John F. Kratzer of Adams
twp. to Lydia Matter of Centre twp.
May 10, by A. J. Bowersox, J. P.,
Adam Faust and Angeline Engle,
both of Middlecreek twp.
May 10, by K. C. Fks, J. P.,
Wm. Fryniire of Sliainokin Dam to
Agnes S. Hoy of Kiehfield.
May 10, by Kev. S. P. Orwig,
S. L. Iiover of Salem to Anna L.
Hassiiiger of Middlel)iirg.
May 23, by J.C. Kreitzer, J. P.,
Wm. P. Mover of Chapman twp. to
to Susan Noitz of Perry twp.
May 23, by Kev. J. G. M. Swengle,
Emmet C. Manlteek and Tillie E.
Transue, lioth of MeClure.
Mav 23. bv Kev. H.X. Fullmer,
A. II. Klow and Clydie Aliec
S'hueh, lxth of Middleburg.
June !, bv J. Koliler Peek, J. P.,
Wm. J. Wilt and Minerva M.Dcng
lor, lioth of Cliapinan twp.
June 9, bv J. G. Hornlierger, J.
P., Percivaf Hendricks of West
Perry twp. to Sue S. Zaringer of
PeTy twp.
June 9, by by Klias Hummel
J. P., Irwin'Stetlen and Tillie A.
Haekeiiburg, Ixitli of Washington
June 11, by Kev. W. M. Imlis,
David F. Coleman and Mollie E.
Howell, lioth ofllesivertown.
June 1 1, iiv Kev. W. A. Haa
Ed wtrd J. Kratzer of Jackson twp. I
Kratzer. ot Penn twp.
to r.iuma r.. Kratzer, ot rtnn twj
.Uiw. 13, by K. C. Fis, J. P.,
Tii'inias A. Watts of Shamokin Dam
ij irmlia II. Fink of New Berlin.
June 13, by Kev. C. A. Mutch,
James F. Hoove and Luectta C.
Witmer, Iwth of Port Treverton.
June 10, by K. C. Fiss, J. P.,
Isaac ('. Sprenkel of Selinsgrove to
Ida M. Stroub of Monroe twp.
June 10, by Kev. W. M. Landis,
Win. J. Yetter of Keedsville and
Sadie A. Wright of Adamsburg.
June 22, bv M. P Arnold, J. P.,
John I. Charles and I da Stroh, both j
of Port Inverton.
June 30, bv llev. J. E. Pfleuger,
Ibrward N. Kiegel of Middlecreek
twp. to Susan Sliawver of Troxel-
rule. i
June 30, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., i Oct 10, by Kev. a E. Ochmn
Ptrcival Stt'ffen and Ida May j fonl, Charlea Herrold and Mary B.
Bi.wer, Iwth of Washington twi. Trutt, Iwth of Jackson twp.
Jun 30, by Rev. S. P. Brown,
Wm. H. S.holl of Chapman twp. to
Anna jhotzlr;er of L uion twp.
June '.V), by irn?, ('. K.Spangler
f Middleburg to Mary E. Schnee
vf.Ml. Pliant Mills.
July 13, by Kev. S. P. Orwig,
?aiM ue! lloffruan of West Beaver
twp. to Agn Treaster of Der.-atur
July 2S, iy M. P. Arnold, J. P.,
Wm. F. SU'pp ami Mary E. Snoke,
.!Xh of Port Trrvertfi.
Joly2H, by nn, Wra.Il. IWch
mfjah of Chapman twp. t Mary
A. Edctft of Cn'wn twp.
JuU?A by Iicv. J. Vs. U.
Want, ti. Haiw of Mo-
tbire awl A una X.W wiling olAu-
Aug. 4, 1y litv. S. Aurawl, AJ
iu Maw of Fnriklin twp. Ut Mary
C Hare of Ja lc vyn trp.
Aojf. UK iy J. C. KmW, J.
hM'r. WcwJtoT Aline to Mary
A, IlerrvU f Hutler.
Aug. ll,by J. CKreiuwr, J. P..
Henry lionp ot UnenUl io aim
Nettaof Mwservtlle.
Aug. 18, by Rev. W. A. Haa,
Chas, A. B. Gla of Freeburg to
Amanda E. Amey of West Perry
Aug. 25, by Rev. J. F. W ampole,
Jacob O. Dreese of Lowell to Sallie
Schambaeh of Middleburg.
Am'. 25. bv llev. S. P. Orwig,
Wm. A. MohnandldaE. Hornlierg
er, both of Centreville.
Aug. 29, by J. K. Peek, J. P.
m.. V KfrKtetter and oame
iflUlJtVll -m. m -
Benner, Iwth of McKees.
Aug. 29, by Kev. Jacob Ynty,
llev. M. II. Havice of Muncy and
T.mir A.' IWtrstresscr of ScHns-
Sept 1, by llev. Haas, Anion W.
llow ami Clara A. now, now
Sept. 1, by same, Samuel F. Maur
er of Penn twp. to Amanda J
Amick of Washington twp.
Sept. 1, by Absalom Barner, J. P.,
Geo. A. Sehrawder of Perry Co. to
Sarah J. Stuck of Perry twp.
Sent 3. bv llev. S. P. Orwig, I.
L. Luck of Cumberland, Md., to
Emma L. Duck of Salem.
Sept. 5, by Kev. W. M. Landis,
Jacob 11. lletncK nuu umc
Snook, Iwth of Beavcrtown.
Sept. 5, bv Kev. J. B. Focht,
Kev. F. P. Manhart of Philadelphia
to Catherine Bom of Selinsgrove.
Sept. 5, by Kev. S. P. Orwig, M.
L. Dietriek and'S. J. Kern, both of
New Columbia
Nov. 7. bv C. II. Kishel, J. P.,
Wm 1). Fisher of Peun two. and
Mary M. Snvder of Washington twj
Scot. 8. by llev.G. M. Klepfer,
Oscar S. Bower of Hummers Wharf
ami Sarah Heiser of Kratzerville.
Sent. 10, bv J. M. Daulierman,
J. P., George Oldt of Dry Valley
V U.vuU tn Jennie Bubb of New
Sent. 10. bv Kev. Orwig, Prof
Paul Billhardt andMattie E. Frain,
Iwth of Middleburg,
Sent. 13, by Kev. G. M. Klepfer,
T. Iv I Tlsh of Beaver Sprinjw to Hut-
tie Kreeger of Swineford.
Si.nt.1Ti. bv Kev. J. G. M
Swengle, Nathan L. Manbook am
Carrie E. Yettei, Iwth of Middle,
creek twp.
Sept. 17, by Kev. S. K. U.'liscti
f.ird. Asher M. Hower ami Lvdia
Ulricli, of Selinsgrove.
Sspt. 19, by Kev. J. M. Stover,
".itli:ni K. Stimelinirof Wiiirmr to
Siinih C. Kahlcy of McClnrc.
Si'pt. 19, bv W. W. Wittenmyei
Clerk O. C. Adam Jurdan of Centre
twp. to Amanda licU-cea Derr of
Adams tw
Sept. 21, by M. P. Arm Id, .1.1.,
1). T. Koiisli and Anna L. Keielsen-
Itach, of Chapman twp.
Sept. 20, bv Kev. Wamuole, II.
I). K uster ot Penn twp. and Mary J.
Boyer of Washington twp.
Sept. 27, by Kev. G. M. Klepfer,
lloliort Parks and Iwttie McFall,
both of Selinsgrove.
Oct. 1, by Kev. Jacob Yutzy,
James A . Carey and Nora O. Jar
rett, Iwth of Selinsgrove.
Oct 3, by Kev. Haas, Irwin
Ulrich of Selinsgrove to Nora V.
Romig of Penn twp.
Oct 8, by Rev. J. F. Wamjwle,
Geo. A. Uplinger and Ellen M.
Stroub, Iwth of Penn twp.
Oct. 8, bv Wm. Mover, J. P.,
Jared Hinkle and Malinda Yeager,
Iwth of ashington twp.
Oct 10, by D. S. Boyer, J. P.,
John Hepner of Frceburg to Alice
M. Kitter of bhaniokin Uam
(X-t. 13, by Rev. J. D. Stover,
John W. Witmer of Union twp. to
Clara Heim of ashington twp.
(M. 15, by Rev. J.M. Stover, W.
II. Herman and Emma G. Bailey,
Iwth of Middles warth.
Oct 20, uy M. P. A mold, J. P.,
Howard Sechrist to Elizabeth A.
Herrold, Iwth of Union twp.
Oct 20, by R. C. Vim, J. P.,
Oliver P. Wertz of Northumber
land Ut Anna 8. Ramer of Monroe
Oct 27, by Rev. 8. P. Orwig,
Sam.M:l H. I4h of MeClure to Ida
li. Gill of Franklin twp.
CM. 27, ty J. W. Hirt-nUrger,
J. P., Peter 1 (iraybill wnl Agnes
Htrwib, nAit of West Perry twp.
(kit. 27, ly Rev. 8. P. Orwig,
Heury Ikiffington of M'xUleburg to
Anni A, Jfennjr of Hartley twp.,
Oct 29, bv Rev. S. Aurand, Geo.
W. Hoke of Krataen illtf U Id C.
Auraud of K reamer.
Oct. 29, bv Rev: J.F. Wampole,
Charles Reiiuiugr . 'ami . toletU
Bowcrnox, lnitH of MilUiutowu.
Oct. ftl, bv llev. J. C. Muinma,
J. H. Stuck ui!l Maggie Reilz, both
of Middlecn-ek.
Oct. 3!, Iv S.111U', Ami.S:i-Mk of
Lowell to Kaehael Smith of Buver-
Nov. 2, by Kev. J. G.M. Swengle,
Jonas E. KeiUer and Co::i A.
Thomas, botii of Adams twp.
Nov. 3. bv Kev. J. F. Wampole,
Irwi.. Noll of fieluisgrove to Ada
Wolfe of Freeburg.
Nov. 4, by R. C. Fiss, J. P.,
Solomon Hart of Sunbury to Kate
N. Weller of Shamokin Dam.
Nov. 4, by Rev. S. P. Orwig,
Aenry H. Haupt ot Sunbury to
S.E. Wallace of McKees.
Nov. 5, by llev. S. P. Orwig,
Isiuio Aurutid of Lewistowu to Mrs.
A. Brindle ot Harrisburg.
Nov. 9, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P.,
Daniel Weiser of Chapman twp. to
Mary Shirk of Perry twp.
Nov. 10, by Rev. S. P. Orwig,
Johu F. Baker aud Viola Spaid,
both of Beavertowu.
Nov. 12, by llev. S. E. Oehsen
ford, Geo. A. Guhleof Northumber
land to Anna J. Charles of Selins
Nov. 20, by Kev. S. E. Oehsen
ford, Erwin F. Dean of Youugstown,
O., to Ada S. Walter ofSelinsgrove.
Nov. 28, by Dr. J. K. Dinim,
Gordon E. Leshcr to Ella S. Wendt,
Iwth of Shamokin Dam.
. Nov. 28, bv D. S. Bover, J. P.,
Swninel Heckmaii of Freeburg to
Martha Jane Bowersox of Monroe
Nov. 28, by Kev. Wampole, John
W. Goodling of Danville to Anna S.
Mengle of Freeburg.
Dec. 1. bv Kev. Wamiwle, Geo.
B. Shaffer and and Kate Biekhart,
loth of Washington twp.
Dee. 1, by same, XJeo. W. Diehl
and Ella J. Yerger, Iwth of Middle
creek twp.
Dec. 2, by Kev. S. P. Orwig,
James Border of HarMetoii to Ida P.
Derr of Middleburg.
Dec. 3, by Kev. J. A. Ernest,
John A. Shaffer of Cowan to Alice
K. Stuck of Centre twp.
Dec. S, by Kev. Orwig, John G.
Shrader of Centreville to Alice
Olnrlin of Limestone twp.
Dec. 12, by Kev. Wtimjwle, Anion
Yerger and Mary A. Landis, Iwth
of K reamer.
Dee. 15, by M. P. Arnold, J. P.,
John S. Stauil'er and Martha Keiu
ard, both of Union twp.
D.v. 17, by Kev. I). M. Stetlor,
Henry Ilassingerof Baunerville to
Susanna Zieln-r of Middlecreek twp.
Dee. 22, by Kev. J. M. Stover,
Abraham Kerstetter of Maitland to
Emma Howell of MeClure.
Dee. 22, by Kev. J. M. Stover,
Chas. P. Klingler of Middleereek
to AnnaM. Iish of MeClure.
Dec. 22, by Kev. W. M. Landis,
Calvin S. Goss and Ida L. Dreese,
Iwth of Iwwell.
Dec. 21, by Kev. S. E. Oehsen
ford, D. K. Sholly of New Berlin to
Emma E. Beaver of Dry Valley X
Dec. 24. bv same, Henry iVal-
Iwrn and Elizalieth E. Hughes, Iwth
of Kantz.
Dec. 24, by Kev. J. F. Wamjwle,
Henry licssmau and Emma Jane
Page, Iwth of Mt. Pleasant Mills.
Dec. 25, by W. W. Wittenniyer,
Clerk O. C, E. E. liarner of Orient
al to Maggie L. Cox ofDimmsviIIe,
Dec. 2G, by Rev. B. F. Goodman,
Edward S. Stroub of Centreville to
Katie Newman of Hoffer. v
Dec. 20, by Rev. W. M. Landis,
Anion C. Weider of West Beaver
twp. to Sarah 11. Musser of Adams
IXv. 20, by same, A. M. Auraud
and Jennie M. Helfrick. Iwth of
Buiver Springs.
Dec. 20, by Rev. J. M. Stover,
Win. O. liash of Dormantown to
AnnaM. Mover of MeClure.
Dec. 20, by same, John W. Wag
ner and Lydia Kahley, Ixith of Me
Clure. ;
Waxtkij. Agents to sell safi
on comniission. Those engaged in
tlie mle of agricultural Implement
preferred. Exclusive territory to
good mrtiex. . Call or adores lUlt
skuSakkA Lock Co.', lltudwrg,
IV, 8-25-it
Sohooh Facally XU-aaion.
; Upwarrk ol three hundred meui
lira of the Seboch Family gatbered
in : the grove ut Kreamer, Snyder
County, Pa., on Vedaesday, August
24, 1898, to hold their first family
Ro-union. lltpreseuUirives from
eight different states of the Union
were prewiit, viz: Pennsylvania,
! Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri;
Kansjw, Nebraska an J Texas. A
permanent organization -was effected
with the following officers:
Jacob Schoeh, of Philadelphia,
Pres.; Ira C. Schoeh, Seliu's Grove,
Secretary; Henry Schoeh, Seliu's
Grove, Treas.; Allen Boyer, of Chi
cago, III., and Ira C. Schoeh, Hi
toriaus. An executiveconimittee was elect
ed consisting of the President, Sec
retary and Treasurer, together with
Mr. Flovd Schoeh of St Louis, Mo.
and Mr. Leonard Schoeh of East
Leesport, Pa. It was decided to
hold next Reunion some time in 1S99.
The meeting was called to order
bv Ira C. Schoeh, of Selin's Grove,
the Secretary ot "The Matthias
Schoeh Family Association." Rev.
W. II. Schoeh, of New Berlin, then
oflered a fervent prayer, after which
Secretary Schoeh spoke substantially
as follows, giving as near as it was
possible to do a history of the family :
It la not our purnoM to-daj to give you a coo.
netted bistory or ibeHclioch Family as It U rep.
reiented In America. To do thli would require
more time and research tban we bare been able
to (rive to this nubjoet. We have endeavored to
do tbe boat we could. Uave no doubt there are
many errors, lr there are any persona In this
gathering who are able to correct aucb we hope
tbey will do no beioro leaving here, for soma
years the question ot a family association and
the making ol research into family history In
some systematic and connected way has been
discussed by different members ot tbe direct line
of Matthias School), but has never reached auy
definite form.
In the beglnulng of the year ! the offlcera
and members of the Lutheran and Reformed
congregations of Salem, snydor Co., Ha., deter,
rained to build a new church edifice upon the
site of tbe old brick church. As our blessings
only become valuab e when they be given to dis
appear, so this old church bulldlnggrew In value
In the eyes and minds of the oougregatlou when
they realized limits historic wulls were doomed
(o destructlou. Msny Interesting events bad
occurred within Its walls, and much that was
dear to tbe hearts of the people of that locality
clustered around that spot. I say to tbe people
of this ', but I realize thut In tbls I am too
narrow, as many have gone from here and are
located air over the lat.d. whore eyes and minds
will often rnturn to tbe place that gave them
birth, with tender recollections, the younger
generations have grown up who refer with un
told Interest to tbe land of their fathers. Sorely
no couplet of the poet's creation has ever borne
more truth In Its rhythm than
"l.tves thero a man with soul so dead.
Who never to himself bath said :
This Is my own, my native laud."
I'pon research being marto Into tbe origin ot
the church It "fas found that John School!, with
others, was Instrumental In securing the origi
nal patent for the laud In 177(1; thut Manillas
Schoeh, together with his lumlly, were hiembers
of the congregation and contributors toward the
erection oftlie original log r.burch vas
built soon utter, and that when early In tbe
nineteenth century this log church became un.
tenable and anew building wa necessury, ,1a-
cob Schoeh was appointed and served as one of
the building committee, himself and wife being
memlters or the congregation. Ills family, with
a numerous contingent or the same name, lMh
also members of t ho ronxrcKut lou, while up to
tbe present time there always been descendants
of tbe line active In all the work of the church
Tbe members of the building committee, who
have put up the present handsome edifice, sug
gested that It would be a proper and fitting trlb.
ate to the Schoeh family. In Its local and church
connection, to have some memorial placed In
the new edifice. The Idea was a good one and
caught tbe feeling of some of the name In and
about the vicinity. Accordingly, ut the sugges
tion ol Messrs. Franklin J. and Henry Schoeh, a
preliminary nicellug was called ut the office ot
IraC, Scbocn.ln Seliu's Orove, ra., June SI, 1M7,
when the following persons were present:
Messis. F.J., Henry, Geo. J. and Ira C. Schoeh
Mrs. L. E. Pawing and Mrs. B. ?. Wagenseller.
A temporary organization was lormed and cir
culars ordered printed and sent out to all of tbe
name In tbe Immediate neighborhood to call a
meeting Aug. 14, 1W. Pursuant to tbe call a
p?rmnent organization was formed to be known
as "Tbe Matthias Hcboch Family Association,"
It was then determined to place lu tbe new
edifice being erected at salem, Smydor Ce., Pa.,
a "Henoch Memorial Window." The fol
lowing committee was appointed, vie
Henry Schoeh, Selin's Orove ; Michael and O.
Alfred Schoeh, Middleburg ; James Schoeh. New
Berlin : Henry Cook, V'lcksbsrg, and Ira C.
scbocb, Selin's Orove. This committee was au
thorized to select a design, eonlracl for the win'
dow and attend to all necessary business con
nected thorewith. various designs were pre
sented from which selection was made and tbe
window placed In tbe south wall of the church,
the most prominent one In the edifice. The de
sign la considered by all who have seen It aa a
very handsome one, representing the Ascension.
The Inscription reads as follows s
Mallheua Scbocb,
Oennanla, America.
Pea It, in. May in, isll.
Pounder of the family. .
Hla son.
Jacob Schoeh and wife, Klizabeth Hendricks.
May 14, irn, July 11. 177.
peo.IO.lMM. July 1, INT1.
By Tnelr Deaosndanla.
Tbe Matthias Scbocb Association, feeling that
as tbe name was acattered over so many dla
trtcta of the Keystone State, a well as through
out the whole Union, It would be a commend.
able project to gather together aa many aa pos
sible Id family reunion, la order that the gene
alogical connection of the various re present.
Uvea night be complied and be preserved, and
that lbs bond of ilia brotherhood, though pro
verbially stroug, taightbysuuha union be more
thoroughly cemented. Tbey accordingly, be res
olution, tmeoived u bold a family reunion on Au
gust U. vm. A circular letter was prepared
and sent wherever on of tbe name or oonnec
Uoowu fouad. Your Secretary and Um com
mittee made every effort to reach all repress a.
UUves of Um name, bnt we realise that we have
tailed In a large measure, as dally uptotuaprae
tnt dale ws bar received names from all por
Uooe of our own and msny other states ot the
Union, We hope by another year our ortanla-
Uoa may, by eereful management, become ao ef-
cleat aad widespread that we ma reach all ot
tae aa art bawd a war tarn um, wa
X aaarte e iweOsraasH, wnMi lea
law atraa la um partiewiar bae, mat
waiea weamyaalMaMMt M tfeasvHMa
of ike Meod. may mrafle la om area eomaaoa
rtraaaa,aewtarasa4o.jtiunc.eiick kraMki
aad nae nnUI aeoe Hi.iv (. h-rr out. tatm eoav
ptrtiag t perfect raaitiy elrolB.
It doe tbe Maith las Sebock Family Awwcte
tton, aad particularly hla deeceortaata Uimuth
the Hue of hla sou, Jacob, to that Ivy their effort
we are here lonlay lor tbe fxajoyment of thla ao
cli-l gntbertng upon tbe orlgtaal tract of Uad
which oar anctir Matthias Soboch took ap,
Aug. 8. ma, surveyed In pumuance of hla war
rauu duled June 4 ltst. ana April S3, irrt, Just
1J y ars ago, that we give them some hlatortca
hu:U such aa we hare bean able to gather, thowgb
we hone to add much which la eUll wanung
along their direct Una. Those wbo may sot be
direct, we hope, bear with us a little while.
MaUhlaa Schoeh was bora In Alsace Loral oe.
that much-disputed corner of Swltarrtand, Dee,
in lam. ho came to (mertea la the ablp -Ai
bany,r Robert Brown, master, landlna In Phila
delphia, September t, 174t. we and that oa tbe
same vessel among the list of passengers are
recorded tha names of John aad ValeaUne
Schoeh. We have been Informed through fam
ily tradition that MaUhlaa Sahoch was aoM to
serves redempuon pertod of six years to pay hla
paeaage. ramlly legend also says he came with
hla brothers, George aad John, and two sisters.
One of his slaters married a Mr. Spangler. the
other to a Mr. S-Utiglver, both reported to have
been ol the Tuloehocken district, Berks Oo., P,
Maltbhv. himself, la aala to have first settled
bere and that he moved to this location, then
Penns township, Cumberland Co,, about the year
IT), and that be acquired hla first lands by
trading a gno to a native Indian chief. Wheth
er tbls be correct or not we cannot roach, bat
he was known to hsve always been oa friendly
terms with the red men. At the time of the
great runaway, July, 17T, be was warned by a
friendly Indian chief coming to hla home after
nlghtfuli and urging him to take bis family
away, as he, tbe chief, could no longer be re
sponsible for tbe acUons of his people. MaUhlaa
and bis family were thus saved tbe dire conse
quences whleh befell some of his more luckless
neighbors. Tbe Stuck Massacre occurred Just
above this place. He took up bis first tract of
public land, called "Brabtreo," of 78 acres, aur
veyed on application, entered In tbe land office
August 5. 17M, aud another called ''Penusburg"
of 188 acres, 121 perches, wfih allowances of t
per cent, on both tracts, surveyed In pursuance
of two warrants and dated June 4. net, and
then took but tbe patent deed for the whole sue
acres June , 1790, paying IS pounds and 1
shillings for the first and si pounds and 17 shil
lings for the second tract, that including Interest
trom tbe time IbesppllcaUon waa made for the
warrant. He .ocated hla home Just west ol tbe
little village above us, now known aa Smith,
grove, on the south side ot the puolio road and
near wheietho old log foil still stands. Tbls
fort Is erroneously published In "The rorts of
Pennsylvania" aa the Hondrleks fort. The fort
was built by Matthias Schoeh as a refuge from
attacks by the Indians and Is a lew log building
with tu a-y plank floors of elght-lncb thickness
about seven feet from tbe ground with two
small openings In the second story, 8x12 Inches
on the nortb side, with only an entrance from
tbe outside to the second story ; the lower part
or thla building being used as a place of storage.
This land was never In the pouacsslon of the
Hendricks family. It ramulned the property of
Matthias schoeh until 1810, whonlt became the
property or his son, M ichael Schoeh, who, In 1813
old to ltousb, who, In 1X34 sold to Chas.
Keck, who has been the owner from that lime
to the proxent day, proving conclusively the
ror in Us being called the "Hendricks" furl
Hurtber. the west tract wastaken up by Peter
Uodslialk, while west of this tract waa the orig
inal Hendricks tract, e It Is unfortunate that
matters of family libtory should be thus er
roneously recorded, provins that ana family we
have been too cnrcless in tlio preservation , of
reccrds. ,
.Vnttliina Schoeh was twivR married and had
eleven children. Two tiled in Infancy, First
wife's nialtlcii name we have not buon able to
learn. Her kiven namu win Margaret. She
died In l'Vi. Ily this inarriuKO hd dvt sons
and One daughter, vir. : John, Henry, Michael,
Peter, ,laeo'i nml Catherine. Second wife's
maiden immii. Catherine 1-ipn. Ily this mar
rinjc'i hud five sons ami ono daojfhtor. vis : bun
lel.tieor.'e and Rebecca.
We Hive tlie lines as nearly as wc can at this
tiiuu. John Schoeh, born May 2, 171; married
Catherine Swullz; hud children, John Peter,
married liorbara llresnlor; Matthias, married
Waney Yot : children, Samuel, Malinda, Han
nah ; balance of fuinily gone to Ohio ; ut pres
ent have no information about them,
Henry Schoeh married Christina , went
to I'ivKuway Co , Ohio, about 1798 ; have no
Catherine Hchocb, married John Row ; went
to Pickaway Co., Ohio ; have no data.
Michael Schoeh, born at Kreamer, Snyder Co.
Pa., June 20, 1709; died at Mlftllnburg, Union
Co., Pa., Nov. 19, ISIS ; was twice married; first
marriage to Ann Books ; children, father 1 no,
Leah, Kliaabcth, Qeorge, Samuel, Susan and
Lydia ; second marriage to Lydia Dreese ; Do
Peter Schoeh, born at Fremont, Snyder Co.,
Pa., Oct, . 17S0 ; died at StoucbtowO, Burks
Co., April 1L ISM ; married Elisabeth Seibert;
children, Michael P., Jacob, George, John, Mar
garet, Catherine, Elisabeth, one son and One
daughter died In Infancy.
George Scboch, born June l 1789 ; died July
, 1845; married Margaret Seibert; children,
George, Susan, Bllchael, Elisabeth, William.
Benjamin, Charles, Margaret and Catherine.
Daniel Scbooh, married Mary prior to
1819; moved to Riley township, Sandusky Co.,
Ohio, In 18M; children, II, have only names of
four. Henry, William, Edward and Mary Ann.
Kebeeoa Schoeh, married George Barger:;
lived In Columbia Co., Pa. ; moved to Seneca
Co., Ohio.
Jacob Schoeh, born at Kreamer, Bnyder Co.,
Pa., May 111772) died at New Berlin, Union
Co., fa., Deo. It, ISM ; married Elisabeth Hen
dricks, born in Chester Co,, Pa., July IS, 177s ;
died at Mew Berlin, July IS, 1S82.
George, born March 3S, I79S died Aug. IS,
177 1 married Elisabeth Voder Children, Al
fred, died single, Harriet, married George nil
Catherine Behocb, born July I, 1797 1 died In
Michael Schoeh, born May II, 1799 died Jan.
II, ISM married Roaanna Kloaei ohlldrSa, K.
manual, Angelina aad Michael.
Jacob Sehoeb, born rab. Is, 101; died Jan, 17,
ISM married Catherine Miller children, Wil
liam, Matilda, Henry, George J., Xllaabelb, Su'
sen. Merle and John.
Elisabeth Scbooh, born March II, ISO! t died
I married Philip Grass oblldren, Henry,
George, Phoebe, Anne, Jaeob, Jane, Elisabeth,
Bueae aad Laura.
SemScliooh, born Out. T, IMS i died July e,
IMr7 1 twice married first wife, Heater aloes i
children, Susan, Charles, Elisabeth, Caroline
Louise, Seville, Jama and Ann second wife,
Margaret Huhl i Jaeob, Jane aad Armlntba,
John asbosb, bora Jan. I, 1M died Dee. 15,
IMS married Lydl lioula i shildren, Franklin
J Ellaabeth, Ilavld, Catherine, Ada, John, Ual
rlarHmmoo ,, Mia, Ira U Uaeella, lialvey
II. and Ueorge llandriiika.
Catherine fconaeb beta Ort M, 1mm i died
itpt, Mi UN atarrUd Oeortelayder shildren
5 :
I soassa ee are to.
h. KmmaTuuUs
Jerry, Blaabeth,
aud William,
Abraham Schoeh, born Oct. m
Mil. J
Mareh II, Ml 5 married Uaanah SwboU
David Sebocb. born July 27, itn ;
twloe mar Had Ini mtm 11.... L
eon, Allen second wife, Maria PawllnT.'j
anna. fWnhartii ami tlalllea. ' l
MaaTT flchaMh. tkmvn tVat ! ten.
wwm . in l euflll a.
and with ua here 10-day ; married ImivJ
children. Benrr. Allen. Jan n.i l- 'S
- - r.mDa.
Benjamin Schoeh, born Jan, 19 ,t.
; married Margaret Brluhl; 'Jj
KIlBahalh. Ahlll J... 11-, ..
. -. 1 ..oxer, r(vw
Susanna Schoeh. bom Jan. 18, izi . m J
.... -u7 ; inarriixi IU. j ,
- , .riiam aim jenn4
Thla completes the list of children ..i
children In tbe line of Jacob ScliH.h tv1
grand-children of Matthies Schoeh' ..
your Secretary haa been able to Kt thei,"1
the present time. We hope to ampler, tjj
.... . . lmr(.,y w
neit meeting.
We feel that this Synopsis Is very crufe
that asuch remain tn ha oii..j
ed. With the best wishes for th KcceJTJ
Association and hope that In its working
...... mmj ,w DrouirW Im.
till .1 . .. . '
still closer connection and that
tiuuii7 may nave a prosperous w
voyage down tbe stream of life loii.ijj
final unltinv with il.. .. .. .. "1
- - ,1U
yond. We wish you Godspeed an,! glJ
Deeds Entered lor Reronl
ir 1 . . '
luorris ii,raiy to Atneli:i ErtliJ
Iract JNo 1, 111 Franklin twn.
158 perclios, Tract Xo 2, rontainiJ
47.1, and tract Xo. 3,47.7 in Mill
(llel)iinjr tor 500.
.icrcivai nare, udtiinu.stRitor.
House and Jot in &linsp-r(1ve f;
ftaniuel W . Spalir to Kllen R
soi,. ,.. 1 1 1 r 1.
L'jovni upline um 1 101 in nclinsov!
lor l.tnj.
Susan Kline and Geo. U. lurlJ
band to Jefferson Paiilxji iiun. 10
acres 111 Monroe two. tor S 1 0'K.
John "V. Keister to .Marv
Kiustcr Ijot JN'o. (5 111 Cchtcrrill-
and tract containing 5!) ;kt,
If 1 UUU.
Goo. C. Mrajren.eller an. I wife t
Wallace D. linker, ..t. Ihs .
i ute ct. helinsgrove, lor ?1imi.
Geo. I. Kline and wile to Wm
C. Iiose 11 acres iu Adams twi
for ?700.
I.ettera Urante.l.
Tjetters of administration iutW
Estate of Jacob II Snyder late
u nion twp. deceased were . gninW
to bunon J. Snvder.
Marrina; Licenses.
j Tliomas A. Adams, Monroe t
Lizzie Knotise, lYnn
i Nathan L. Manbeek.Mid.llecmt
Iah C. I'eters, McClmt
f John F. Kuhns, Centre tf
Mary V. E. Boouy, A.lanis twf.
What Educates?
Time and monev are ol'ua waste'
in attending an inferior school. A
poor school is too expensive at u;
Piittiiiir in time does not educate.
even if a diploma is awarded lor
"Going throwzh books" does m
educate. Ilcciting lessons does w
To lie odntntol the faculties netJ
tti Im devclonod bv master an"
according to the true principle!
Those seekinurtlie liesf edueatw
advantages at the niiiiiniuin o'
should reatl the iiew catal.'K
tliestato Normal school, mm
burg, 1'eniiHylvania. j
Note tlie courses lor tninoi
teacher, and also the Mu'c i
Allege Prejiaratory Departmefltt
Tho Fall Term will opcnSeft
For information address, l h
Welsh, A. M., Ph. D., Pwwr
After Sept. 1st, no whole
ofribboiw, laoes, embroidenOp
VolvoU will bo given out on appfj
Mitdeprivwinflof tlie
other ! customers. A gre01
tiooofe worn kept out and very K
iuiJdcm resulted from it.
8-25-2t L. DcsKtEBt
, ' " ' . jTji-i.nii
T:. -