Copper Colored : Splotches. There is only one can fop Contagion! ZBlood Poison the disease which, has completely baffled the doctors. They are totally unable to cure it, and dines their efforts toward bottling (he poison tap in the blood and oonceaHni ft. from view. 8. 8. 8. cures thevdiaeaae poai- tWely and permanently by fovcJof dus .Terr trace of the taint. I ni aflleud vlth a terrible bleed Alseeas, Vtleb waa In spots al Brat, Ml efWrwards spread AU avwr mn body. TdmSom brokeoat Into aoras.a&d it is Mjr to imagine lb snfartna; I ndured. Bator I ba cam eonTlnoed that the doe tore ooald do no Rood. 1 had span! hundred dollars, which iu really thrown away. I than tried various patrnt madlelnrt. but they did i not reacn me auvasc. Whan I had finiahad iny first bottle of 8. 8. 8. I was sreatly Improved and waa dsflahtad with the mult. The large rvd splotches on m rbml bcna to arrow nalor and smaller, an before Ion disappeared entirely. I regained roe lost welKht, Veamo atroncrar, and my an Iietlta greatly Improved. I waa aoon entirely well, and my skin as clear aa a piece oi glass. H. L, Mvsaa, 1 00 Mulberry 8L, Newark, tt. J, Don't destroy all possible chance of a cure by taking the doctor's treatment of mercury and potash. These minerals caase the hair to fall out, and will wreck the entire system. S.S.S.'ihoBiood is porelt VKQBTABtE, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books on the disease and its treat ment mailed free by Swlit BpecincUom eanv. Atlanta. Georgia. iN tSYLVVtU VUlLSmO. Tjaubury & Lewistowu Division. In effect Judo 20, 18-J8. ur BO DII. I STATION. pn .1 m A. Tj a in c n !:.' LswIstownJ. : .a r.'.ui ' lln Straat : r.hs t.u 4 is :-i i Lewutown T.s ." I.iim iXaltlaod r.W . g.'Jn lot i i I'aititer 7.4i i;M it. id il ' Shlnrila 7.61 S.:)l II Waanar T.'i- tM 3 1 't.i II Mni'lnre 1 i IW I 11.15 -.11 li.H n Knuli's Mills ; .!8 ; 3.51 j i !1 IS 11 Adam-bur S.ltf 3.W :ti il." ii ij-avaitcwo t.l 3 11 I i.S i Kenl-r i .: i I.M :l.u; .M M , u iMlnho.-gli . , 10 U ?) eiaar fl ; I- V. ;i.i .7 Kfoimar "MS i . iM Mis ;m Pa-fl'nw Hit 4.SS -.' M li.-'J 3 slinicMva i tilt J:IT , ; i? 45 iilnjtroTe J.' !.04 J 4 41 -t V :i ni " timnrT 1 t.l Train le:ives SuubuiT ' 2"i n iu, ar rives :it Selmm;rive 5 43 p m Trnins leave Lew Mown Junction : 1 n in, 10 13 m.rillT i m.5 2Tl m.T 07 11 58 P u Alt'MUi, Pltt.-lMir nnl tin: WaH. K.r IViliiiiinre mikI WathinictuD V 3S a m 101 1 .18 4 !-. 1 I'J p m F 'r FtillU'lHuhla anil N York 1 33 8 3 a m, lull 83 4 43 and 1118 pm i"oi 'UrriKlrari; 7 01 a in and S tt ui Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AM) NOitTIIEKX I'KM'HAI. KA1LWAY Triln Icive Snnlmry ilntly except Sunday : 1 il ii in ("r Krie aoil I'mantlalifiia ft id m I'm li.'lll"iit-! Krleainl Canandalirna us a in Haven. Tyrone ami t lie Wed'. : 111 pm lor Krllefonte Kant- I'anafcdalgua ." 45 p iii lor ktnovonnvl Umlra . i-li ii m Ic.r ViilUiii- i.i i Sundiiy 5 1.1 a in Inr Km- mul I'unftnilalicua t Ha in fi.rlyx'k H.iv. n an, -.'5pm fur Wll lamjx,rt , S In 4 ra mrl 't.iwi- i .i'i'1 1 1 :t7eltn iikiani 5i;p tutor Wllkim- i i n-t I p ; U a :ii. .ii Si a ill, '1 c ji m. ' 4" i ill for Shamn . . ht :i-.-i ,iNini Cariiu'! n 1 1.-1 .o i di l'r Wllliu'barre r- lin. l:ive Sflin-grove Junction 10 uv a ii. tf' .ay nrrivimr at I'lill idclphla Ni-r York's Vi p in Hililin'r 3 II p ui W ib -u 4 lJ p in S.H lUilr irr.vliic at l'hllaelphla i:. Now York S M a in, Halinnure 915pm j"i-.:t i'lhi p la- f, i r. week l-i)'! brriviiig at l'lillallphla J t.. Vr.rk ; Tl a iu Tra ns lo laita Sunbury : :iin Inly .irrlrii;K al I'lilU'lelillila ISlim Suit n.'.re ;i a in U'afhlerlon "4uam New ' ;'"f.; i". i m Weekilay. 1ft :jm a m Sunday. .-i ii i:i wtvk (lava arrivlnif at I'hlla'Ii'lpliia i ; 4 i. S -v Vork n p in. 1 1 so ) in, .'.i-nliifton I (U p m. 1 p mi, week davi arrivlnir al Philadelphia K';i.iu. New York i p iu, ilaltuuura 8 w p ra "Vat,'titon 7 lspru Train alfo leave Sunbury at MM am and 82"i ind p in, lor Harrlabuix, Philadelphia and Haltiui'jra 1. R. WOd II, Oen'l Has Agent J. n. HUTCHINSON Oen'l Maowiar. -WHEELS, r;Too! .-A riODE0KE2O93 MILES III 132 HOURS Hie Eldredge sso.oo The Belvidere 40.00 Superior to all others Irrespective of price. Catalogue Ulls yot why. Write for otae. 73NUSL1kTNliCnKEC0, !ADWAV. Facsery. .vwVerk. BELVIDCKB, MX I CotafB ayruu. trywsa",""'' Ll Iii ials." '' I I 7wauuU Daal I CHRIST THE WAY. Dr. vTalsaace la this tllsooursw oa lavree that erolu- felnn , htat rtroarea- lota, that there Is do patanU arotrrse sjtoa, aa4 Chat only br the. tune law TeCt TVmoOqr. C K. "O TUnothy, kMo, that .which U oorunrfttad to thy trasi yotdhic oppoattlona eeencs talsely.i so esitod. r.; t There la no amtteat between genuine scleaos aad revelation. The same God who brtta. hand ef prophet wrote on parchment, by the hand of the. storm wrote oa tt rock. The best telescopes and microscopes and electric etterles and philosophical apparatua belong (6 Christian unlveraHiea. Who gave us magnetic telegraphy? Professor Morse, a Christian. Who. swung the light nings under the sea, cabling the conti nents togetherT Cyrus W. Field, the Christian. ' Who discovered the anaes thetlpal properties of chloroform, doln more (or the relief of human pain than any man that ever lived, driving back nine-tenths of the horrors of surgery? James T. Simpson of Edinburgh, as eminent for piety as for science, on week days in the university lecturing on profoundest scientific subjects and on Subhatha preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the masees of Edin burgh. I saw the universities of that city draped in mourning for hts death, and I heard his eulogy pronounced by the destitute populations of the Cow gate. Science and revelation ars the btuta and soprano of the same tune. The whole world will yet acknowledge th4 complete harmony, but between what my test describee as science, falsely so called, and revelation, there is an uncompromising war, and one or the other must go under. At the present time the air Is filled with social and platform and pulpit whlcn the nce away DUck ln tne age, talk about evolution, and it Is high time ' gtarted. With this protoplasm he that the people wtio have not time to ! proposes to explain everything. Dear mako Investigation for themselves un- Mr. Huxley, who made the proto denitand that evulutkvn, ln the first ' plasm? place, Is up and down, out and out In- j To show you that evolution is inddol fidelity; in the second place, it is con- i place the Bible account of how the trary to the facts of science, and, ln ! brute creation wa started, opposite the third place, that It is brutallslng In to the evolutionist's account of the Its tendencies. I do not argue that this j way the brute creation waa started. Is a genuine book, I do not eay that the j Bible account: Tou know the Bible Bible is worthy of any kind of cred- ! tells how that the birds were made at (nee those are subjects for oflher Sab- j Cne time, and the cattle made at an baths but I want you to understand other time, and the fteh made at an- that Thomas Paine and Hume and j Voltaire no more thoroughly diebellev d the Holy Scriptures than do all the leading scientists who believe in evo lution. And when I say scientists of course I do not mean literary men or theologians who, in essay or in sermon, I and without giving their life to scien tific Investigation, look at the subject on this aide or that. Uy scientists I mean those who have a specialty in thut direction end who through soo kgical garden and aquarium and as- tmnomlcal observatory give their life ; never comes of a whale, nor the pigeon to the study of the physical earth, ila of a vulture, nor the butterfly of a plants and Its animals and the rons i wasp. Speclea never cross over. If beyond so far as optlcaj Instruments I thtre be an attempt at It It 1s hybrid, have explored them. and the hybrid is always sterile and I put upon the witness stand liv'.ni; t has no descendants, and dead the leading evolutionists .Who made the fire mist? Who set Errurt Heckel, John Stuart Mill, Hux- ! the fire mist to world making? Who ley, Tyndall, Darwin, Spencer. On th- 1 cooled off the fire Into granite? You witness stand, ye men of science. II v- I hnv pushed God erme 60,000,000 or "0. Ing and dead, answer these questions: ! 000,000 miles from the earth, but he Is Do you belluve the Holy Scriptures? ' too near yet for the health of evolution. N (i. And so they say all. Do you be lieve the Bible story of Adam and Eve In the garden of Eden? No. And so they say all. Do you believe thu miracles of the Old and New Testa menu? No. And ao they say all. Do you believe that Jesus Chrlet died to save the nations? No. And so they say all. Do you believe in the regener ating power of the Holy Ohost? No. And bo they say all. Do you believe that human supplication directed heav enward ever makes any difference? No. And so they say alL Herbert Spencer, in the only address he made ln this ooumtry, la his very first sentence ascribes hie physical all menta to fate, and the authorized re port of that addrcas begms the word j fate with a big "F." Professor Heckel In the very first page of his two great volumes,' sneers at the Bible aa a so called revelation. TyndaH, in his fa- room prayer test, defied th whole of Ch HaTTftn1im ahaw rltai hum. j . irvvui av avaaw tuwv HUUIaail aflULr plication made any difference la the re mit of things. John Stuart Mill wrote elaborately against Christianity, and to show that his rejection of it wxs I most complete, ordered this epitaph for his tombstone: "Most unhappy." Huxley said that at the Drat reading of Darwin's book he waa convinced of the fact that teleology had recelvej rts death blow at the band of Mr. Dar win. All the leading sdentlata who bvlleve In evolution, wxnout one ex ception the world over, are Infidel. I say nothing against lafidollty, mind you. I only wish to define the belief and the meaning of the rejection. Vow, I put the oppoette to each other, to ahow that evolution is Infidelity, the Bible account of how the human race started and the evolutionist account of bow the human race etavrted. Bible ac count: "God seJd iVt us make man In our image. God created man In bis ewn Image, male and female created he them." He breathed Into him te breath of life, the whole story setting forth the idea that It waa not a per feet kangaroo or av perfect orang outang, but a perfect man. That is the Bible sveoouut. The evolutionist ac count: Away back In the age there were four sr five primal germs or aem insl spores from which all the living creatures have been evolved. Go away back and there you will find vegeta ble stuff that might be called a mush room. This mushroom by Innate force dsvelops a tadpole, the tadpole by In- foale force devnie a poiliwog, the suiUwoc aevaioya t flan, to Asa by I reptile. the reptile develops tote a quadruped, the quadraped develops late a baboon, the ba boost develops mte a maav Darwin says that the human hand to only a fish's fia developed. He sajre that the human lunge are only a srwlm bladder showing that we once floated or were amphibious. Be says that the human ear could oaee bare been mov ed by force of will Juat as a horse llf ta Its ear at frightful object ' He says the human race were originally web footed. From primal germ to tadpole, from tadpole to fiah, from fish to rep tile, from reptile to wolf, from wolf t J chimpaasee and from chlmpansee '. to man. Now it anybody say thai the Bible account of the starting of the human race and the evolutionist ac count of the starting of the human race are the sum accoutts, . he make an appalling misrepresentation. . Prefer, if you will, Darwin's "Origin of the Species" to the book of Genesis, but know you are an ladder. , Aa for myself, as Herbert Spencer was not present at the creation and the Lord Almighty was present, I prefer to take the divine account as to what 'really occurred on that occasion. To ahow that this evolution is only an attempt to eject God and to postpone him, and to put him clear out of reach, I ask a question or two. The baboon made the man, and the wolf made the baboon. and the reptile made the quadruped, and the fish made the reptile, and the tadpole made the fish, and the primal germ made the tadpole. Who made the primal germ? Most of the evolu tionists say, "We don't know." Others say it made Itself. Others nay it was spontaneous generation. There is not one of them who will fairly and openly and frankly and emphatically eay, "God made it" The neareet to a direct answer is thfct made by Herbert Spencer in which he says It was made by the great "un knowable mystery." But here comes Huxley with a cup of protoplasm to explain the thing. This protoplasm, Iip ,ny. ls primal life Klvlnir Quality with other time, and that each brought forth arter Its Kind. Evolutionist s account; From four or five primal germs or som Inul spores all the living creatures tvolved. Hundreds of thousands uf species of Insects, of reptiles, of beasts, of fish, from four germ statement flatly contradicting not only the Bible, but the very A, B, C of science. A species never develops into anything but Its own species. In all tho ages and in all the world there has never burn an exception to it. The shark For a gret while the evolutionists boastod that they hail found the very stuff out of which this world and all worlds were made. They lifted the telescope and thoy saw it, the very material out of which worlds made themselves. Nebula of simple ga. They laughed ln trlumpft because they bad found the factory where the worlds were manufactured, and there was no God anywhere around the factory. But in an unlucky hour for Infidel evolu tionists, the spectrscopcs of Fraun hofer and Kirchoff were invented, by which they saw Into that nebula and found it waa not a simple gas, but a compound, and hence had to be sup plied from some other source, and that implied a God, and away went their theory, shattered Into everlasting de molition. Tou see the race started with "spon taneous generation," and then It goes I right on until Darwin oan take us up with hie "natural selection" and Wal lace, with his "survival of the fititeet," and so We go right on up forever. Beautiful! But do the fittest survive? Garfield dead In September; Gulteau surviving until the following June. Survival of the fittest." Ah, no. The martyrs, religious and political, dying for their principles, their bloody per secutors living on to eld age. "Sur vival of the fittest"- Five hundred thousand brave northern men march ing out to meet 600,000 brave southern mea and die on the battlefield for a principle. Hundreds of thousand of them went down Into the grave tren ches. We staid at home In comforta ble quarters. Did tbey die because they were not as fit to live as ws who) sur vived? Ah, no, not the "survival of the fittest." Ellsworth and Nathaniel Lyon falling on the northern aide; Al bert Sydney Jobnston and Stonewall Jackson falling on the southern aide. Did rhey fall because they were not as fit to live aa thn soldiers and the gen eral who came back la safety? Nol Bitten with the frosts of the second deavUt be the tongue that dare utter HI It Is not the "survival of the fit teat." How ha it ba la the families of the world T How was it with the child physically tba strongest, Intellectually the brightest, la disposition the kind- eat? Did that child dla because It was not aa At to lies as those of your fam ily that survived? Not the "survival of the Attest." In all communities some of the ndbtest, grandest men ii lac ta yvBta or la BtfaHtts, walla aona live est to old age. Met tfce awrrrral of the fittest." But to ahow jrev tfcavt this doctrine la aatagonlatlo to the Bible aad to com nm sense. ,1 have eaiy W prove to yea that there he aaea ao natural pro gress. Vast Improvement from anoth er eoorce, hut mind yota. tea nataral progress, Whre la the Una horse ta any of our parks whose picture ef eye aad mane aad aostrU aad neck aad haunches la worthy ef being compared to Job's picture of a horse as he thou sands of years ago heard H paw aad neigh and champ Its bit for the battle? Pigeons of to-day not so wise aa the carrier pigeons of 500 years ago pig eons that carried the malls from army to army and from city to etty. one of them flung Into the sky at Rome or Venice lauding without ship, or rail train In London. Look at the great ani mals that , walked the earth In olden times animals compared with which In slse our elephant is a cat monsters of olden times that swam the deep, compared with which our whale Is a minnow. Conies have learned nothing about climbing, and the hounds noth ing about hunting, and the ostrich noth ing about hatching, and the condor nothing about flying, and the owl noth ing about musical cadences for six thousand years. Not a particle of progress. And as to the human race, so far as mere natural progress ls concerned, once there were men ten feet hlgli; now the average is about five feet six Inches. It started with men living 200, 400, 800, 900 vears, and now 30 years ls more then the average of human life. Mighty pioress we have made haven't wa I went into the cathedral at Tork, England, and the beet artists in Eng land had just been painting a window In that cathedral, and right beside It was a window painted four hundred years ago, and there Is not a man on earth but would say that the modern painting of the window by the best artists of England is not worthy of be ing compared with the painting of four hundred years ago right beside It. Vast improvement, aa I ahall show you In a minute or two, but no natural ev olution. Look at China, where evolution has had full swing for thousand of years uninterrupted by anything except here and there a mission station with this defunct book, the Bible, but through the most of the realm not interfered with. What has evolution done for China? Christian civilisation goes ln and builds a railroad; they tear it up. For one thousand years the Chinese nation, where 1t is not invaded by the gospel, has not made one five hundred millionth part of an Inch of advance ment. They worship the same gods of red paint. Just as always they drown the female children as a nuisance. I tell you, my friends, that natural evolution Ls not upward. It Is always downward. Hear Christ's account of It. Fifteenth Matthew and nineteenth verse. "Out of the heart proceed-evil thoughts, murders, niTulteries, fornica tions, thefts, false witness, blasphe mies." That is what Christ said of evolution. Qlve naUral evolution full swing In our world and it will evolve Into two hemispheres of crime, two hemispheres of penitentiary, two hem ispheres of lazaretto, two hemispheres of broth"!. New York Tombs, Moya menslni? prison, Philadelphia Seven Dials, London and Colgate, Edin burgh, only festering carbuncles on the face und neck of natural evolution. See what the Bible eays about 'the heart and then what evolution says about the heart Evolution says, "Better and better and better gets the heart by natural Improvement." The Bible says. "The heart Is deoritful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?" When you can evolve fra grance from malodor, and can evolve an oratorio from a buzzsaw, and can evolve fall pippins from a banket of decayed crab apples, then you can by natural evolution from the human heart develop goodness. Ah, my friends, natural evolution ls always downward. It Is never upward. I am not a pessimist, but an optlmlet I do not believe everything Is going to d'-struction. I believe everything is go ing on to redemption. But it will not be through the Infidel doctrines of evo lution, but through our glorious Chris tianity wtiich has effected all the good that has ever been wrought ami which Is yet to reconstruct all the- nations. What ls that in the offing? A ship gone on the rocks at Cape Hatteraa. The hulk la breaking up, crew and pas sengers are drowning. The storm Is in full blast and the barometer Is still sinking. What doe that ship want? Development. Develop her broken masts. Develop her broken rudder. Develop her drowning crew. Develop her freezing passngpra. Develop the whole ship. That is all it wants. De velopment. Oh, X made a mistake. What that ship wants Is a lifeboat from the shore. Leap Into It, you men of the life station! Pull away to tho wreck I Steady there) Bring the wom en and children first to the shorel . Now the stout men) Wrap them up la flan nel and between their chattering teeth you can pour restoration. Well, my friends, our world Is on th rocks. God launched it well enough, but through mlsplloUge and the storms of six thousand years It ha gone Into the breakers. What doe this old ship of a world want? Development? There is enough old evolution In the hulk to evolve another mast and another rud der and to evolve all the passengers and evolve the ship out of the breakers. Development? Ah no, my ' friend. Christ Is In the lifeboat. Many wound on bands and feet and eld aad brow ehowing he has been long engaged in the work of tvecus, but yet mighty to save ta savs on, to save all, te aav forever,' My Lord and my God, get us Into the lifeboat Away with your rot- tsn. deceptive, Infldsl aad blasphemous evolution and give us the Bible, salva- tlon tturoufh Jama Cartst, one taw. Scott's- through tte vliter? Jf io. V3 are sure h quieted yotir occir healed the ravnete In .Tcaf throat, Increased iyoar veijhf, gave you more color, and nade you reel Detter ja ereryyay. but DcrhiDs your coucn nn igh hit i ire get 8. come back tttn,or yoo tins a little thin and pale, Then, why not continue the same helpful r remedy ' right through the summer? It will do you as much good as when the weather is cold. , , f . , . Its persistent use will certain give you a better appetite and a stronger digestion. It will cure your weak throat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cure every case of consumption, when a cure is possible. Don't be persuaded to take something they say Is just as good. All Drngirlata, jc and i. SCOTT & iioWSK, Chamiata, H. V. AiffliribUrg Marble Works. R. H- LANCE. MARLE AND SCOTCH GRANITE t UUUUUIK Cemetery Lotj Enclosures. m Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. Prices as Low as the lowest. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. .r. A. JKNKIXS, Ag't., ' Oossgrovo, Pa. nPQD POISOtl nASreCIALTYKI, I I t180N permanently I I l?urea'nl6to85llTYoncanlotreatedai J Ibomoforaamapriceandaraamegaaraa- J ty If you prefer tooume ben we wllleon. Mammae ir.rtinti..H i . . j i . Doonanre, I f ws fa II to care. 1 rou baro taken mer cury. Iodide notuah, and atlll baie aches and Eilns, M ucons Vatches hi month, 8ore Throat. Implea, .Copper Colored fcpota, Clears on SKI.0'.'' nlr or Eyebrows falling oat. It la thla Secondary llL(OI f'OlSON we sua ran t4?e to cure. We solicit the moat obatl Date caaea and challenge the world foe a Eaae Two eannnt cure. I'hia dloeaae boa always a Bled the aklll of the moat eminent nbvil Clana. SOO,000 capital behind our uneonat. tlonal gnaraotr. A bao I n te proofa w n t sealed on appllcniKin. Address COOK KEMEUY CO 03 Uaaualo Temple, ClllCAtMt, iVf" HAKE PERFECT MEN ! DO NOT DESPAIR I Do Hot aaar Looser! Tbe lojaand ambitions of life can be restored to you. Tuo very womt cases of Ncrroua Debili ty are absolutely cured by PEKFF.CTO TABLET, (afve prompt relief to Insomnia, falling memory and the waste and drain of vital Kwers.lncur red by Indiscretions orexnesses of early years. Imparl vlitor and potency to every function Brace un the system. Give Dioom to me eyes of young cbeeks and lustre to tbe or old. One Wo box renews, a boxes at a corn- tend cure or money refund carried In vest pocket. Hold mailed In plain wrapperon vital eneriiri blew miars n- 'ed. Can be everywhere or rMMlntfif tirlre by TUB FUUFKCTO CO., Caiton Bldg., Chlcago.lU- For sale in Midtlleliurgli, Pa., by MitltUuburir Drii? Co., inMt. Pleas ant Mills by Henry Harding, and in Penn 8 Creek by J. W. Sanipsell. WHY? 'F.mlinroel hnirl rlaobt nn 1'e luah hna Mil', hnr tulcleU flhorc rmrl went nnn mil nl rjiina poltrt nnrmuwl loll- HeniNllrHH." THERE YOU HAVE it Clear as Mud. The original of the above, written with a pen. when deciphered waa Been to be only an order for a typewriter. It reads: "Kncloned find dmft on New York for vo for which please send me at ouce one of youjr latent liniToveo type writer." lie In tmrrhaslng a machine none too rood, yon liny, MOW AltOt'T YOCKNKLi'T You may nol write bo poorly as he doej, and your letter may not be Illegible, but a type-written communication has a business-like appearance wnicu a pen-written one una not. That's Why YOIT should use a type-writer, That It does the same work as the so-called "Standard,, niachlues, coals but f uo.oo, and Is giving sath (action to Uo.oot users is Why YOU SHOULD USE THE "0DELL" Send (or aoatalogue and sample of Its work. 0DELL TYPE-WRITER CO. sna.a4 Dear bora HI, CHICAGO, ILL. 4-16-WOkO. atrjr REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. S istir. bvm A 5ns7.wcii wai; M H' a aa a tW of Me. THB GREAT Sot. bay. produrrs tha ahora raaalu InSO daws. It acts pawcrfiillf and quickly. Curas whan all othara tall loans man will nsala ttiatr Inst saanhood, and old man will rsansr thalr youthful vigor by ualai HE VIVO. II aalcklv and aaral. Halnraa M.rvou asss. Lost Vitality, Impolaaay, MIgotly Bnilaslona, LoslPowar.rslllas Mamory, Wsatlas Dlsaaaaa.ana all affaoii ol asU-abaaa or aaoaaaaod ladlaorstlau, wblab UDBtaaaaforatBdt.buslBaaaaraiaiMaaa. It sot oaly aaras by al artist at tba ssal si dlssasa. but h atrsM aarra saais and blood balldsr, brlaf Ins bacS Iba plak alow ! pale e hawks and r siorliis iba flra ( yoath. It wards off Insanity ss4 Opasaasstloa. Insist sa hsilnf RKVIVOOks stbar. It aaa ba aamad ta saat aoakaS. a aaaiL 1 JOO sar peakate, or all lor aSAo, wlU a peal av talaM taaaaaMy, Orealar Sms. aAaraaa VTii 11.1cm con t iiin.cicico, m rtf aiit at Itldaisttrn by W. Hi IFAKQin, term Vu av b . Mm I H mm RE60t3r "nil' - ,SEHi8GBOVH ' f .j ii 1m. ii ja. I keen Adnata ntl- i afaatnre ZTZZriS nd ''tat ... ae-aT.r 'aaof ana o an, . ( va iwaf Cleaned taJ -IWWdrieof the best iw!8 era in tbe 8tata and eZjZM W-Coitw aud see tuy ork,a A. II fan BJ I II I raaaas . "-I'll pectfully aak a ooDtlnuanrs c,t . as- T .',. wuuija ana Jineia Two Of the mOHt nnn,,!... . 7 . I'VI'MIBI Illta. ., ri "n!' """vpm, inn. -ftsT. Heroesof IhTlL Sliuiil g?! O At Al. - . . Bll,Pi!ftlI,. ever wiitton. TLeninStl? and the wordu liDff with rti; "Dewey's Battle of Manfll, v,8t P.ece aB J will live forever nl 7 emr of the gveatest rivHl . is ani M. I.;.i .... . . wilt i thee pieces and Pouplar MiJl con aiuiDflr .18 puRe8 full sbeet uJS feut on ren Ptif. nf 9s ..,.. Kl 1BUlM Addreas Pophlaii Mreio Cn IodiuuHpolis, Ind, Diamonfl M Ceinem Is used for Plaster ing Hous, It Is a new discvery Guaranteed to last longer than any other plaster. It is preferred to Adamant. For particulars ea!l on oroiWn D. A. KERN MIDDLEBUBGH. II, BOWER & PAWLING, Attorneys-at-Law omcosin HanfcllulldlnR. Mill dlljLlirgll fj, JA8. U. CROUSE, aTTORflKT AT LAW, MlDDLKCMlg, Pa. All Lnsinehs entrusted toliinwe will receive prompt atlfnticm. A. H. l9ottiegGi, t Veterinary surgeon, SELINSGROVE, PA. All professional business entrusted to my an rill receive prompt nnd careful attention. Comrades, Anilonf ion. J 8,f,iy.Prt.,rf"V 'S,, 'M- ""A waH w-uun.led y4 10. f in llio llnttlH if tl-e Wllileriirw would llkB lo liave my comrurtes know mt t.elcry hliiR bus dontt fur ine. In lxiin bti,m rtunpliilni, chronic dlniraliota, eimin l.;n-k" Tbe diKMnrs could not Htnp It, luit, (ji'lcrv Kim; Ua cured tni'.iuiil I am once more eiilovlin life KbANK llEKIll.Ktt. OWOHNO, Jllell. (Cl. K. IWhV YJV...' "'"rj'Kinif for tliu Norvis, l.lvrnia! and Kldtioys Is cold in joe. and wr. iw. kamn UiRh, McClurc; 11. A. KbrlKht, Aline. 1 898 Bicycles $5.00. New IMS Modnl ladles' and ents' iii, iri are now belair mild on easy condUlons. iw tu 6.W;otticiHniitrK'ht alll.l.w, and lil.UKradi at 19.4 ano ta 60. to be paid fur alter rwlivi If you will cut thie notice out and ivwl v SSABUKiiKHtTflK &C., Chicago, tliev will vvi you ihelrltas bicycle catalogue and full trti culars. 7.14.131. Teachers' Examinations. Mlddlecreelt Twp., K reamer, Sept. 1. tieuerul 8ieelul exiimluniloa wlUbe lield at Mid- All examluutlons will begin promptly al . I'clock, A. M. f III Bl.tllfMnt. mn.,k. ... I . . .1.. .1. .....Mm.miln VAItHllliril 111 IIICUW tnct lu which they bave applied for a school no less purmiaiilou has boon granted them bj im Board ol Directors to take exsmlimiloa H where ; saM permission must ho In writing sot signed by the President and Secretary of w luri board, otlserwlae the exaiuluvr wll not rvotfiu it. Pormns who have not applied and wbo do sot Intend to apply lor a school will not tie exanilnwl Thtt AVlLDlllllkf lnn. nrltl n..n... ....I nilhllC ... ..... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' iji. . ScIkmiI branches and civil Kovernmeut. mnxuin areearuohuj reuuesuHl lo DC pr at the examliiHllon in I heir renpectlve JisirK-t ll us bave a fall tuto-Out of the board at ear" examination, ami llrjs show the dial rlct, si as Hie applicants lor suhoiils. that you arc, aat board, deeply luterosleu lu the bctierintot o( the schools. A cordlul nnd snmest Invitation Is e.iifM'e to all patrons and citizens touttend the several exainlnatkiua, Faltbfully youro. Midillebtrrgli, Aug. I, Ihbs. . count)' supt. Uniou Steam Laundry- Adarr5& Youtz, Prop's., Aiffliiburg, Pa. FAULTL1CSS LINEN is the crowning feature of evening d""- The UNION FINISH lor wlmin tliiri luimdry Is tumoiiH BjoHk8 plainly of naintituking enre in every detail. Collars and cuflsironed with smootJi Ivoby-like Edges. Prices the Lwest. We lead ; otlicri follow. . . Uce Curtains a Specialty. G.'A. Guteliub, Ag't, 1 Middleburg, P JVANTElBRANS SaUaeitlaMtsaaMTUriafris WllUxt, CrNtttfaaaii'ti atTTr ''J