The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 18, 1898, Image 7

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,1 K
;,y one oi me tany rarmers m micmgan uver
came a Serious Difficulty-His Life
' of Hardships.
Vm M Obttrver, Ftuthing, UlcK
lwk Lon ' Mt lnnon,Mich
I f tlif pioneer fa nil en of Venice town
Cshiswa" coanty, and by hi industry
"''.fcrift in which 'ny hardihip were
jjhli w lias nut of the bat farm In that
jflli an interring story of whan hi
I ei in dauger during hia pioneer days.
, Kofember !. 1894. on starting to
, from the dinner table, I waa taken
K pain in my baok. and found myself
lu to "" The pain increased aud
ZtA off tar entire body. I win obliged
Tj, to hit bed. Th phyaician who was
Rtiately summoned pronounced tnycaae
lialsr rheumatism accompanied by luiu
H ve n,s remediea aud iujected
ZMnt into my arm to eaa the pain.
Uv diaeasc. however, gradually became
JJ'until I thought that death would be a
"JTLfc release from my sufferings. I could
VisTp but would Ha awake all night and
"flc",!, 'fonlinned for about four mnntha.
tor regular physician I also eon
.nnihir doctor out he ear me no en-
Jutgenirnt aud laid hii medicine could do
wM'finally induced through reading
acennnta iu the newspapers regarding
i, wondfriiil cures wrought by Dr. Wil
inu'Pink Pills forPale People, to try them
fcluch I did as a last resort.
" I took the bills according to directloni
and soon begnu to notice an improvement in
my conuinou. uerore tue nrat ixix wus urra
I could vet about the house, though with
great dilhculty, but alter using fire boxes 1
waa entirely cured.
" Sine that time I hare frit n return nf
the rlienmutie pains. I am confidant that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale People
saved my life and I try to induce toy friends
who are sick to try the same remedy.
" I will gladly answer any question con
cerning my sickness and wonderful cure,
proriat-a tnose woo write enclose stamp lor
reply. " FRANK Lokg."
Sworn to before me at Venice, Mich., I hia
lothdiiy of April, 189H.
' G. II. Gulps MlTn, Juttir of th Prate.
The cure of the severert cases of rheunia
titm by Dr. Williams' Pink 1111a for Pale
People has orcu.-red all over th land, and
ita power in ordinary case 1 proportionately
greater. These marvelous vegetable pills
go directly to the seat of the trouble and
exert a powerful influence in purifying and
enriching the blood by eliminating poison
ous elements and renewing health-giving
Many disease long supposed by the medi
cal pMtvwinn to ha incurable, bava suc
cumbed to the potent influence of these pills.
This universal remedy is prescribed by
physicians, recommended by aruugista, and
everywhere naed by grateful public
H Was
the Original
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days !
the Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
We are not sellinR out, hut we do tills to Increase our sales above any pre.
tlottt year. . Kivea ew oi .,,,. 2.25
Soft Wood cnaniwr ami... wM" -
Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieces 19.00: Bed HpririKS
nub Parlor Suits 30.00:Jrop tab per ft '
Wooden Chairs per set 8.50;I'latform Mockers 2 50
In stock, everything In the furniture line, including Mirrors, Book Cases,
Dnri HiitUoards, Cupboards, Centre Tables. Fancy Rockers Baby Chain,
Father Pillows, Lounges, Couches. DouKhtrays, Sinks Hall Racks, Can
Seat Chairs-line, medium aud cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
olw" ,Li.,,i ll rhrmiL-li. Come earlv and Bee our stock before! fc'lvliitf ,
your order, and thus save 15 to 30 per cent, on every dollar.
Soecial Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming.
Insurance Agency,
wimnv S7V. Si3.37-c3.OX-, Agent,
Successor to tLe late William H. Snyder.
nu. t- -cnn.n 'Pciioiii TnaiirmnnA is rrroKentel in the follow-
ilnAavA nnmnnnlMH. frnm which to niuko a seloctiou. Noue
UK Hall v i ri livac. v w a
Better tho World over. ,nATIrt;f.
FIRE-Roynl, Liverpool, Euff
Hartford, of llartlord,
TliftniT Har!
Continental, New York,
German American, New York,
LIFE Mutual Life In8. Co. New York,
Dr. Hut swill oatl on anplkauoa
s free suiplx ol bin nw illimxurr
fur Oomnunptlun. BronohUls anil
wk luiga. which cam t T
iirr& Ths Doctor 14 my mudi
IrterratMl In unradlnR lbs news ol
tHL 'it naf jr. Hitoni
nnestKl lo rt As wiisiwaS aij.
"iTh. w. n. BAHT1
0Btsr4eaii Dld., VUtaa
ua. (including foreign asBets) 43,01)0,000.00
. Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,735.112
irtford, Conn. 5,588,058.07
0,(0, mm. i
,'240,098.8:J !t'204,(W8,'J83.C,fi
ACCIDENT Employers Lmbjlity AssurancH Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of ,3,750 000.00
Fire, Life and Accident riskB accepted at tho lowest posmblo rale, jus
tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes ot Insur
ance pvomptly furnished. ELMEK W. hNYJJMt, ARt.,
Telephone ro. 182. umce on corner aier .. i mo ok. i.nMv.v,
The Cheapest and Besi Fuei :he Market.
With it you can ran a vapor store for one
half cent per honr. Give us a call and be
convinced. . , . . , .
Schoch & Stahlneck'3i
Middleburgh, Pa
When Prwddent Clevelnol Prohlbltoil
ltepubltcau ODlos Holdm From
gerrlua Tholr Party, Colonel stone
Promptly Went on the 8tnmp-The
CnmpalKD to Open W tth Band o1
Hia Gnna at PtttHbnrK and to Uoi
Full of Speech Making.
(Special Correspondence.)
Philadelphia, Aug. 4. "I suppose I
will have to plead guilty to originating
one expression In the political lan
guage of the country, although I don't
give utterance to It," tald the Republi
can candidate for governor the other
Iaw rninnel Stone la temporarily so
journing at Atlantic City, but cornea
up to town frequently. While the cam
paign will not be formally opened un
til the second week of September, when
the State League of Republican clubs
meet at Pittsburg, the party enthusi
asm haa declined to await on formal
ities this year, and the calls tor coionei
Stone have been bo frequent mat ne
will have but little time outside of his
own state between now and the elec
tion. He has alwavs been a good cam
nalarner. since he began making Re
publican speeches before he was of age,
and Ms remark quoted above had ref
erence to this phrase, "offensive par-
tisanrhlp," which he was the occnslon
for President Cleveland to embalm
among the modern classics of political
expreimlon. Colonel Stone wus the origi
nal offensive partisan. He happened to
h United Rtates district attorney for
the western district of Pennsylvania
when the state campaign of tS88 cunie
on, and In pursuance of President
rifvplnnri' attemnt to emasculate us
many leading Republicans as possible,
received an Intlinntion thut If he did
not display offensive partlsannhlp,
which Is to snv If he would sit on the
fence and let his pnrty ticket look out
fur Itself, he could retain his office,
That Is lust what he didn't do. He
went on the stump at the first call from
the state committee, and President
Cleveland promptly exacted the pen
nlty by putting a man In his pl.-ice.
whose partisanship, being Democrat!'
was presumably innocuous.
If the president had wanted a va
cancy In that office he could not have
devised a better way to get It, for one
look at the bond and neck that top ou
the clituntlc tliture of the present Re
publican candidate for governor I
enouirh to Indicate thnt lie Is not well
built for takliiK orders from anybody
He Is deliberate In the extreme In
making up his mind, as Is usually the
habit with farm bred men, who like
to roll a subject over from one end of
the furrow to the other and bark again.
but he doesn't sub-let the contract to
anybody else, and his convictions will
all stand without being hitched.
He comes naturally by his disposi
tion, with New England blood on the
one side of his ancestry, and Pennsyl
vania Herman n the other. His father,
althouKh only a 50 acre farmer, a po.'r
man all his life, was the general trust
officer of the neighborhood, and for lft
years before his death nobody In the
township thought of making a will
without getting him to write It, and ap
pointing him executor of the estate. He
was naturally, of course, a man who
liked to be the head of his own house
hold, and so, when the present candl-
date for governor, at the age of 1.1,
went after the cows one night, and
didn't come back, but followed his two
older brothers to the army Instead, tin
old gentleman promptly went after him
and got him discharged. Rut he shortly
discovered whnt Prrshl'iit Cleveland
found out In lSHti. that whether It was
his country or his party that be
thought needed his services, his son
couldn't be held back. It was only a
short time till he tan away and en
listed again, and this time his father
concluded he might us well let him go.
He showed the same Independent
spirit In the matter of hls.flret nomina
tion for concress. The delegates had
been elected in the Interest of the then
sitting member, Colonel Thomas M.
Ruyne, but at the last moment h.
astonlsheil everybody by deollnim: a
renomlnatlon, and turned It over to
Colonel Stone, who had not previously
been mentioned mi a candidate. ThiT'
had been no contest, and the district
was so overwhelmingly R"aibllcan that
any dissatisfaction which mlKht have
arisen from this unusual clrcumstaiK'.
would have had no effect on the
suit, but Colonel Stone promptly de
clined to receive a nomination on any
body else's credit, mid went Into new
primaries and won out on his own
One of tho best descriptions of how he
Impresses people as n campaigner, by
the way, appeared In the Berantun Tri
bune last week, as follows:
"Colonel Stone, the Republican nom
inee for governor, Is not a popinjay,
nor a poseur, as those who met him
yesterday can attest. He Is a modest,
straightforward and unassuming man,
who without any flourishes Impresses
th observer with his reserve strength
and his sincerity. No man who looks
him steadily In the eyes or takes care
ful measure of his words and manner
will depart from his presence with a
feeling of skeptlclom as to his Integ
rity or hia moral courage. The clean
grit and stubborn fiber of the obscure
Tioga connty farmer boy who worked
his way to the front by sheer dint of
persevering atudlousness and industry
la In him yet, and also the candor and
the total absence of vain pretension.
"Colonel Stone la not an orator and
doca not try to be. Those who shall
go to hear blm durlntr the ensuing
campaign with the expectation of hear
ing a thrilling exercise In word jugglery
will ho disappointed, because he Is not
that kind of a man. In speech he often
become eloquent, but It la the rugged
eloquence of honest earnestness, with
out a suggestion of atage play or make
believe. His meeting with the people
la hand to hand and face to face, en
tirely candid and unaffected. He In
dulge! In no theatrio attempts to win
applause or capture popular favor. Ha
aaya hia say with homely directness
tnd hia hearer are then left to Judf
of it tar themselves.
,1t la evident that Colonel Stone'
brief visit- to" thta region which U
merely preliminary that th Republi
can candidate for governor will grow
, steadily upon the public respect , and
nr' . confidence the more he meeta the peo
UllfiTlSlVe pie of the commonwealth. In hia prea-
I ence th electorate will be conscious.
I not of the hysteria which I a pre
1 dominant characteristic of the various
OBDEES. ; so-called reform movementa of the day,
nor of the semi-humorous thimble rig
ging which seems to be Inseparable
from the Pennsylvania Democracy
since the death of Samuel J. Randall,
but It will experience Instead the tran
quillity of assurance which cornea from
confident mastery of the situation. It
will come to realise ere the campaign
Is ended that In Colonel Stone we are
to have a governor fit to face the full
measure of the solemn responsibilities
of the office."
Most Republicans In the state will
have a chance to verify this descrip
tion for themselves between now and
November, for this la going to be an
active stumping campaign, and when
It open In Pittsburg next month It
will open with a bang of big guns.
While there Is a general feeling of con
fidence that It will be as easy as Porto
Rico, there la an equally general feel
ing. Inside and outside of the state,
that In Pennsylvania, as In Porto Ulco,
for Jhe sake of the moral effect the vic
tory ought to be majestically large and
The H"t Remedy for Flux.
Mr. John Mathins. a well known
stock of Pulaski, Ky.; Bays: "After
suffering for over a weak with llux,
and iuv nuvKicinn havinR failed to
- i -a i i
relieve tin. 1 whs advised to try
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the
pleasure of stating that the half of
one bottle tnireii ace. ror Bine uy
all Druggists.
A Starter.
Willy Papa has compelled roe tog
into business with liini, and Pva Jusl
made a Mart.
Alyy Oh, really! Iiought a new of'
flee desk und n safe, I suppose?
Willy No! I ordered four business
suits. Puck.
Scaring the Ilrlnk.
lie (feelin;,' his way) I I wish w
were ffood friends enough for you to
to cull me bv i:.y first name.
She (hclpiiui l:;m along) Oh, your
last name iK frood enough forme. N.Y.
Everybody surrenders to Battle Ax.
There is no greater hardship than to be de
prived of your
and any one who has once chewed Battle Ax
will give up most any thing to get it. 10c. buys
a larger piece of Battle Ax than of any other
kind of high grade quality.
Remember the name
when you buy again.
Strlntiiiie Precautions).
llrowne Why you refuse to shake
hands with Smith?
Towne He's a great secret socicy
man, uml I wus afraid I'd get tho grip.
X. V. Wurhl.
Tlie Olllce Hoy's Homanw.
"Mr. .lunkins, I've got an uncle, a
brother aud two cousins, in this war."
"I see; you're lixlng to get oft to a
baseball gtime every time we hear ru
mors of n battle. " f'hicago licconk
;i)lfiK Tiict.l.
diil you let that
No Sit
Cherub Why
man in?
Si. Peter (weiirily) lie used to be a
bci.U agent, and I cither had to let him
ii. it lc bon d i" death. X. Y. Weekly.
Too Jlorli for 111 it.
.iai How iliti I'ei'I'eck pluck up
murage enough to it .list?
Zaui He liap enetl to be ut home
jue washday whin It rained! X. Y.
"Your play Is enough to drive a man
to drink."
"Please sii;K'st how It might lc
"Well, 1 would split it up into more
act a."St ray St ori cs.
In thu lnunl V.'ii).
First farmer Are you going to take
iu boarders, this summer, neighbor?
Second Farmer That's the way I
expects to tnke. 'cm. Yonkcrs States
lean. Prodigious Xtrcoitllu
landlady Yes. that dish is very
fr:,gik-looki!!g. but it is much strong
er than it looks.
Hoarder It must be. I see It, luilils
h butter. X. Y. Journal.
' I he 7re.H t 'lit
to lie realliei: Irom tin' uoinlerlill ilNti'vei i'lt
iilriMiily limile niul lo lie innic In tlit New Kli n
dike -M.i-kn-l'l'l..r:i. ' 'I'lIK WASiy
ton i.nMi i:ri.on ATM : t oi
I'AXY ilnil'T IN eliiirie 't'T N ll'ltll'Mi' il I" rrs-
i'Tl f"r ami if.iilr" Mlnin I lii.ins Hi"! I'd t :
crtii's ill the wni'ilei'tnl I lle!il f Xii'Miilf ;
mill AliiHkn. laimet,' t' llniiiH iiv :!nmiy
li'fii ) idlr.ettiiiiil till 1 1 ' s I'KTe Ii le ii'iitlr ;
Hutu. Will yo" allow ll'ls kii'.Iw, ' '"irliuiii.v j
In pu-ii ytiii.iiy? A !' it lliiri idi-mi.I hi ,
in I liis nti'l' l Inkl'i' nniv lie l''e loni:il:itjcui In
your furl uii' The r'ltll In tlie Winn! t'iii. I lice- I
es-ltiti's ill'lin-'Iilite iieiimi. Tin- llivt iti Hie
lli-:.l I ' lii-l In fnriiiiie. Niim.i Ii iii.iiDii'lty
h:i i'vit Iiitii i'lrii'nV'l In tin- pi'np C i f I:,'1 ,
ir'M.-nt KirliTiitl' n ii- is ' tl'-'tr'l Im Ii.:' lilnii- ,
ilikc- Al nk:i (Inl'l I'i.'l I-. All -.Vir In.lilfei
ft llii'ir lull il'iinnil m t'T till iritt',- Nn 'Iiv,. 1
ili'Tnl .iiv iinnli mi -tuck r-iniliinet; ur.snlil..
Si-nil lour nriereni'lmliiK Dol'iir fnr e.'e'll
Hlmre of fully ilil-lli Hll'l inill-ari-aM'' ill" Jl
iletiri il In the WASMIMlToN liol.H Kll'
KXl'I.IMIATION roMI'ANV, T; Mi.-. Wa-li !
Tile fnllnU ill'.' Tilrnlnn il"llli:r ill Kiliilier. fin
tho Klniiilike iiml Alai-ka Ini'lc lire M'n kiwi !
em in tin' 1'iiIIIhiiiV ami will in(' n.i ynn p'v'anl
inn the reliiililliiy nf IN ..I'leers : .Monty
(Iiiiiii, llriH'erli's; A. llie-kn, ll inn-t I'n
MorrlMdniMKl'ii., Dry Iim"I-i mnl l iclliil'K : V
(i. Kmvllllli1. Illltlltler; llllk'n l''t HI, Tents
Tmnn'5 ilanlwari' Cn. ID '.M-lyr.
Thi tn'culltr
flllK'tilillH (f
wniiu n iniir-t
the home RErntDT i;;:";;;;;-
for FEMALE COMPLAINTS ii mrin it
I In y Kit wmnif. Kit nil eln m' imlii.. Irn irlilnrllli'iiili I
limi iillli Hiiiir.'iin ily ..nt .nn li:rt l-.iiMiyni'l'ii' '.
,i,,.u i ii. r,iiti"iiswuiiv a'viiv 1'iivv iiitm'ii
m KellevrH all pall) III wiiinoor
Look at yonpsclf wl ( n yoi Iu..'
olothiii-.T ut jny stoic, '. Iii-T
-iiintlv in sti.c'; ll:o lies: and fiir.Tf
lino of HatH aii'l C'l'isS" ('lothing.
rurnishiiitr (innil", L't; I-tv. t nr )!
Caps. Call to so" my sleek.
A Sorrimrnl
'TIm straiKTe." uoth the iramp. a ne
irmlxi'd throuKli the rain,
lleavlmr a hefty sIkIi.
That I enn thus cet so confoumlf -1 wet
AuJ Httil be so awfully dry."
In oi'iUt lo n.'iiiplcti' our lilis
want tlm following naiiicd issues
tlto I'oisT
July S, Sept,
13, 1870; Juii
KS73; Nov. 4.
7, 1878; May
Mar. 10, 1881
ISC".); Oil. ('.,
1871; Apr. 17
Dir. 23, 187.r; Mai
l.r). 187!; Fi-kl
March 27, Jimt? VI, ntul Oclolwr;
30, 1884; Sept. 17, lSSo; Jun.28,
May C, Od. 28, JVc 23, 1880;
Den. 29, 1887.
Any of our roatlcrs liaviiifj; copii'S
of the nlxrve issui's will confer a
11 coni-
Ovirlfrt In III lllnilleK. I'roiinitlv
relieve! Ili inl'ii'li'-. Nini.i'U, HI I mi l
nin-l'ii r Tii'iii'ii". 1'niiiint".,', N'Tvii l
ii.-.-n. K"ir 'til. I I'l-i'iiii'lt'iii'v. ;urc !
. iK'.irrlnrit, Wmnli I .niliiiliillilN i'I-h-
iim ini'iiK. Ii.-k'-ii. ni'iiinni
iiIiik uml ill! Ki'limli' I'li'T'lrrn. X
Hllllli.lteHSi.ii iii-.i'. l I l.-t-nil I..H-. I "''i ri-ljl
Hit- .plrllH Hllil llli'lliri Hi" "' '""
I.. Snrn mill Ahsoliltelv llurillll'HH,
i en. !.'k'. Iiox will iiiniii,'i.' ii r'nv In nrillnury
,.. ... SOI. II ll- Al.l. Illiriilil-Ti
STOPS ALL PAIN! '1';r'::";;yKr""'',r"-'
)H TEH MINUTES Tiitl'iriecloCo.CsslonHj.Cliicoco
Sohl la Mlilillelinrwh, l'a., I'V Miililli l'iiii
Co.: Ml. rii'iis'inl Mills hy lli'i !' Ih.i'MiU!
l'elih.H I 'reek l y .1. W. S:i,np-'-;l.
fTT-V 8ai.arv or Commission.
tyiui DO you want hi ti.V, strath ewBl-.vmtui
the year round, at :4 unfits, at ytr on
home or to tnivl? If sj, scr.j -ft. n stamps
for our wh-Jesal" p -i.-e-list eni panicuiart,
W1 furnish hist of ban1! rrferm'.es.
Rilneiitn Voitr llnirel With Ciineurr ls.
Cundy t'ntlmrtlr, earn cnnxtlpnMnri forovo.
Wcliftn 'rC.CC fuil. (lriii:ir'si.s-.'liinl .-
VC i i
' i'l-
57 i
: nml l .-. -.'irir
favor hy letting iih know,
conies in cikkI coiulilioii wi
ui;:k1 a fair prit:e.
in ladU's' slides is a pleiisim:
vnyao afoot. Forllio plo.vs
uvc it, gives, tlioreY no sail
like our s:ilo. (JruMtls :irt
;n joying it, and see living iho
prettiest, eoolest mimi :est ;iv
nny puporiii ? Ws will semi .vm tree ; ufactUl'Oll. 'it JM'!''!'
ting Snimnev shoes now man
$100 Howard, $100.
The readers of this paper will lie plennerl to
leitru Hint I Intro Ih at, least one (llseanli llmt
lelenen bus lieen alilo lo euro la ull Its stnifes
nml tlmt Is Caturrrli. Iliill's ClitiirrhCure Is tho
only positive cure now known to the mcdlcm
fmtcrnlty. Calarrli beini; a conutltutlonal dis
ease, requires aoenntltutlonnl treiitiunnt. Hull's
Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting dlrMly
iiH)ii the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation of
tho disease, and Riving the patient strength by
building up the const itution and assisting na
ture In doing Its work. The proprietors have so
much faith In Irs curative powers, that they
olTer one Hundred Dollnrs for any case that ft
falls to cure. Hendrorllstof tentlmonlnls.
Address. v, J. uitBNEV CO., Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists, 760.
Hail's Fomlly lMlls are the test.
1 1 1. IS 111
i jr., -MX I rliil
ir a i)ii.:i.v:::'t ro
house ir sfreet
wear, pleasure or evuvy-day:
practical purposes, walking,.
5000 BICYCLES 3di"f' 7" ilrivi"L'' waiiiv,
Z?mi i mis aid i niuT", the ideal shoes deiiiaMded hy-
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims your hands,,
by all means surrender yotir
feet to these shoes.
II nil m' n'.n i': irii wi r iiii;'i'-n mini .ji, jr-i M'I"'. .
all new enlnrlie.'Hiind Miveltles up hi dnm. K 1)HV01S I'llll
FAV FlllOIIill'l'. We want nn agent III every
town to ell on eoniiiilHslnii trout law Mitn'il" 1 la V. VOt
l,n,,ba X, i .unit ii I .... I Ii... I' i.inn . nr -
particulars, uddruss i. WOI.t', TI7 7MI Nlnih
Ave., N.Y. .VIIMin.
muni t rtoHfii nut at oner.
Nw sr mndrlit ininr
nnuwd, as.TA tu aiHi
hoiiwora anil til
wbrrla. Blo iat i'll
u miMifia. aia t aa.
Ureal fntlorv learlna
Mir. Mitvurit to llnv mul
OA atineoitul intthtiut wivanct dt-
Hjimlftome HotiTnlr book tr.
R t HV A UWflvI'l.M
by a llltlo work for u. PKKK l"SK of snmpli whpcl
to rlilcr wiite. Wrlu nt nnra fur our anrrlnl oflVr.
If. U. MEAD it 1-UtNTISS, ., 111.
Oonl for esr hnltoat rlivt oi tMt kdliizn. ititnti
ul tvnsot ef WtiUsftoa City, Till beak c;st tl sua;
djllin. It will it rat M yn for ac'.il:. V,'-u m tla7,
bis yes uusi oi lomtuuz w suoat I it:-.
tky aiy Mtg yn voilta. S((cti ?;1:,
nt Uttril oflin ml k'ntet'i Aoiii
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