The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 18, 1898, Image 6

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    Crippled by
TboM who hava Rheumatism find
tkemaalves crowing steadily worse all i
U6 wnue. une reason of this is tnat
the remedies prescribed by the doc ton
- contain, mercury and potash, which ul
timately intensify the disease by caus
ing the Joints to swell and stiffen,
S reducing a severe aching of the bones.
. S. 6. has been curing Rheumatism
for twenty years even the worst cases
which seemed almost incurable.
- rnn with Uueuuauaiu wbicb convinced bin i
thit there 1 nulr one
cur for that painful dls-
wm. fl aajrn: "I waii a
grxat sufferer from iiius-
cr.iar Rheumatism for
two ywars. I oould
. no p i'r tn a n " n t re
from any medicine pre
crtbod f)jr my physician.
I ik atutaduPB Ixit
, tin of your 8. 8. 8.. and
iiuw I am 04 well a I
oer-ws inmy life. lam
rar that your medicine
ujrd me, and 1 would
recommend It toanvone
u String from any blood disease."
Everybody knows that Rheumatism
is a ainen.-oM state 01 the Diooa, ana
J MM' V .
onlca. hl.rl romodr lthonlTi.ronriB'ln. plausible, potent, pestllerou. naa
treatment, hut a remedy containing
potash and mercury enly aggravates ;
the trouble. i
."being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to
the vt'ry cause of the disease and a per- 1
niai.mik uu.o innj ''. " me 1
only blood rpmody guarunteed to con
tain no potush, mercury or other dan
gerous minerals.
Books mniled free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
...San bury & Lowistowu Division.
In effect June 20, 18i)8.
ll'f XAUD 014. STaTlON. 1 K-iSTWASD
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,ii JO r ii. Now YoiK 3 .vi a iu, lialtlnioru ! 45 1 m
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.1" j in wri'k liy urrlvh.K at l'!illuilolilila
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4VriemreS-J.l :i in V.islitntt"li " 111 11 ,n NuW
. otU i'..,t ill W 'okiy, in: u in Sunday,
a 111 wi-uK .l;ivn iimviliv' ill I'lilliiut'ipnia
l . n in, New lurk J i:i p m,
llnltlmtro 11 s
: p in, wook diiyi. arr'ivlnir at HIiMnrtoIphla i
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I. It.
W'MM, fien'l (Vi Auent
lion'l .Ma:i.uter.
Die Eldredge
The Belvidere
superior to all others Irrespective
of price. Catalogue tells you
why. Write for one.
Naw York.
cuhis mm. all fixf (msr
touttn orrup. TaataaOuud. VM
in lima. s.Hd by d
--uaiitvii,,-4'y, i. vy
54 u j
ruiKliU. I
I la this sermon
Dr. Taimags at
tacks one of the
greatest una to
countered in all
ages Text, I Tim
othy, !,, "They
that will be rich
fall into a tempta
tion and a snare
and Into many foolish and hurtful
lusts, which drown men In destructloa
and perdition."
That la th Niagara Falls over which
multitude of souls-name, the
determination to have the money any-
I how, right or wronjt. Tell me how a
! man gets his money and what he does
with It and I will tell you his charac
ter and what will be his destiny In this
world and the next. I propose to speak
to-day about the ruinous modes of get
ting; money.
In all our city, state and national
elections large sums of money are used
In bribery. Politics, from being the sci
ence of good government, has often
been bedraggled Into the synonym for
trumlencv and turpitude. A monster
gone forth to do Its dreadful work In
all ages. Its two hands are rotten with
u.nrosv. It keens Its right hand hld-
i dun In a deep pocket The left hand Is
clinched, and with Us Ichorous knuckle
I It taps at the door of the court
room, the legislative hall, the congress
and the parliament. The door BWlnits
open and tne monster enters and glides
thrilllh the aiau Qf the council cnam-
ber as softly as a slippered page, ana
then it takes Its right hand from its
deep pocket antl otters It In salutation
to Judge or legislator. If that hand be
taken and the palm of th intruder
j cross the palm of the official, the lep
I rosy crosses from palm to palm In a
round blotch, round hs a gold eaglo,
' and the virus spreads, and the doom Is
1 fixed, and the victim perishes. Let bri
bery, accursed of God and man, stanJ
up for trlul.
The Bible arraigns It again and again.
Bamuel says of his two sons, who be
came Judges, "They took bribes and
pervert-'d Judgment." David says of
some of his pursuers, "Their right hand
is full of bribes." Amos eays of some
nun In his day, "They take a. bribe
and turn nsldu the poor In the gute."
Kllphnz foretells the crushing blows of
Ood's Indignation, declaring, "Fire shall
consume the tabernacles of bribery."
The president of the American Con
gress during the AmciVan revolution,
I General Keed, was oflcted ten thous
and guineas by foreign commissioners
! If he would biytray this country. He
j replied, "Gentlemen, I am a very poor
j man, but tell your king he Is not rich
; enough to buy me." Hut why go so far
: when you and I, If we move In honora
I ble society, know men and women wha
by all forces of earth and hell could not
j be bribed. They would no more be
bribed than you would think of tempt
ing tin angel of light to exchange heav
en for the pit. To offer a bribe is vll
I lainy, but it Is a very poor compliment
I to the man to whom it Is offered.
Tin-re are men at Albany and at Har
i rixlnirg and at Washington who would
I no more be approached by a bribe than
I a pirate bout with n few cutlussuJ
I would dare to attack a British mttn
! of-war with two banks of guns on each
! nlde loaded to the muzzle. They
i art- Incorruptible men, nnd they are
; the few men who are to save the city
un 1 save the land.
My advice Is keep out of politics un
less you are invulnerable to this styld
of temptation. Indeed if even you are
naturally strong you need religious
buttressing. Nothing but the grace
of God can sustain our public men and
make them what we wish. I wish
that there might come an nrd fashioned
revival of religion, that 1t might break
out In congress an-! the legislature and
bring many of the leading Republicans
UemiKTats down on the anxious
,f repentance. That day will
come, or somthlng better, for the Bible
declares that kings and queens shall
become nursing fathers and mothers to
the church, and If the grenter in au
thority then certainly the lees.
My charge also to parents is, remem
ber that thiB evil of bribery often begins
In the home circle and In the nursery.
Do not bribe your children. Teach
them to do which Is right, and not
because of the ten cents or the orange
which you will give them. There is a
great difference between rewarding vir
tue and making the p milts thereof the
Impelling motive. That man who Is
honest merely because honesty Is th
beat policy, is already a moral bank
rupt My charge is to you In all depart
ments of life, steer clear of bribery, all
of you. Every man and woman will
at some time be tempted to do wrong
fur compensation. The bribe may not
be offered In money. It may be offered
in social position. Let us remember
that there Is a day coming when the
most secret transaction of private life
and of public life will come up for pub
lic reprehension. . ,
Another wrong use of money Is seen
In the abuse of trust funds. Nearly
every man during the course of his life,
on a larger or smaller scale, has the
property of others committed to his
keeping. He Is so far a safety deposit,
he Is an administrator and holds in his
hand the Interest of the family of a de
ceased friend, or he Is an attorney, and
through his custody goes the payment
from debtor to creditor, or he Is the
collector for a business house, which
compensates him for the responsibility,
or he Is treasurer for charitable In
stitution, and he holds alma contribu
ted for the suffering, or he Is an official
of the city or the state or the nation,
and taxes and aubatdle and salaries
and supplies are In his keeping.
It Is as solemn a trust as God can
make tt It Is concentered and multi
plied coofldtooee. On that man dv&ls
the rapport of a toreft household, sr
the morals of dependants, or the right
movement of a thousand wheels of so
cial mechanism. A snavai may do what
h will with his own, but he who abus
es trust funds In that one act commits
theft, falsehood, perjury, and becomes
la all the intensity of the word a mis
creant. How many widows and orphans
there are wHh nothing between them
and starvation but a sewing machine,
or held out of the vortex of destruc
tion simply by the thread of a needle,
red with their own heart's blood, who
a little while ago had by father and
husband left them a competency. Whai
Is the matter? The administrators ur
the executors have sacrifice! it run
ning risks with It that they would not
have dared to encounter in their own
private affairs.
How often It is that a man will earn
a livelihood by the sweat of his brow
and then die, and within a few months
all the estate goes Into the stock gam
bling rapids of Wall street! How often
It is that you have known the man li
whom trust funds were commit tel tak
ing them out of the savings bank and
from trust companies and 'administra
tors, turning old homesteads into hard
cash, and then putting the entire es
tate Into the vortex of speculation. Em
bezzlement Is an easy word to pro
nounce, but It has ten thousand ramifi
cations. There is not a city that has
not suffered from the abuse of trujt
funds. Where Is the court house or the
city hall or the Jail or the postoffici
or the hospital that in the building of it
has not had a political Job? Long be
fore the new court house In New York
city was completed It cost over $12,
000,000. Five million six hundred and
sixty-three thousand dollars for furni
ture! For plastering and repairs, 12,
370,000: for plumbing and gas works,
$1,231,817; for awnings, J25.553; the bills
for three months coming to the nice lit
tle sum of JU,151,KiS.3'J. There w as not
an honest brick or etone, or lathe or
nail or foot of plumbing or Inch of
plastering or Inkstand or door knob in
the whole establishment
That bad example was followed In
many of the cities, which did not steal
quite so much because there was not
so much to steal. There ought to be a
closer insiectlon and there ought to be
less opportunity for embezzlement. Lest
a man nhall take a five cent piece that
does not belong to lilm, the conductor
on the cltv horse car must 60und his
bell at every payment, and we aro, vory
cautious dAuiut nnia'1 offenses, but give
plenty of opportunities for; sinners or
a large scale to escape fiHr a boy who
steals a loaf of bread from a corner
grocer to ki-'t-p his mother from starv
ing to death, a prisou; but for defraud
ers who abscond with $500,000, a castle
on the Khlne, or waiting utH the of
fense Is forgotten, a castle on the Hud
Another remark needs to be made.
and thut is that people ought not to go
Into places, into business or Into posi
tions where the temptation Is mightier
than their character. If there be large
sums of mom y to be handled and the
mnn is not surw of bis own Integrity,
you have not right to run an unseawor
thy craft In a hurricane. A man can
tell by the sense of weakness or
strength inthe presence of a bad op
portunity whether h- is in u safe place.
Mow many parents make an awful mis
take wit, it tin y put their boys In bann
ing houses and stores uml simps and
factories and places of solemn trust
without once dist-iirslng whether they
can endure the temptation. You give
the buy plenty of money and have no
account of It and make the way d nvn
become very easy and you may put
upon him a pressure that he cannot
stand. There are men who go Into
positions full of temptation, considering
only that they are lucrative positions.
An abbot wanted to buy a piece of
ground, und the owner would not sell
It, but the owner finally consented to
let It to him until he could raise one
crop, and the ablxit sowed acorns a
crop of 200 years. And I tell you, young
man, that the dishonesties which you
plant In your hart and life will seem
to be very Insignificant, but they will
grow up until they will overshadow you
with horrible durknwss, overshadow all
time and all eternity. It will not be a
crop for 200 years, but a crop for ever
lasting ages.
I address many who have trust funds.
It Is a compliment to you thut you
have been so Intrusted, but I charge
you In the presence of Ood and the
world be careful be as careful of the
property of others as you are careful
of your own. Above all, keep your own
private account at the bank separate
from your account as trustee of on es
tate or trustee of an Institute. That Is
the point at which thousands of peo
ple make shipwreck. They get the
property of others mixed up with their
own property, they put It Into Invest
ment and away it all goes, and they
cannot return that which they borrow
ed. Then comes the explosion and the
money market is shaken and the press
denounces and the church thunders ex
pulsion. You have no right to use the prop
erty of others except for their advan
tage, nor without consent, unless they
are minors. It with their consent you
Invest their property as well as you
can, and K is all lost, you are not to
blame. You did the best you could, but
do not come Into the delusion, which
has ruined so many men, of thinking
that because .a thing Is In their posses
sion therefor It is theirs. You have a
solemn trust that Ood has given you.
In any community there may be some
who have misappropriated trust funds.
Put them back, or, if you lhavs so
hopelessly Involved them that you can
not put them back, confess the whole
thing to those whom you have wronged
and you wilt sleep better nights, and
you will have the better chance for your
soul. What sad thing it would be If,
after you are dead, your administrator
should find out from the account books,
or from the lack of vouchers, that you
were not cnly bankrupt la estate, bat
that you lost yoi soul!
A blustering young man arrived at a
hotel in th West, and he saw a snaa
on the sidewalk whom he supposed to
be a laborer, acl la a rOirsh way. as na
man has a right to address a laborer,
aald to him: "Carry this trunk up
stairs." The maa carried the trunk up
stairs and cams down, and then the
young man gave him a quarter of a dol
lar which was clipped, and Instead if
being worth twenty-five cents tt was
worth only twenty cents. Then the
young man gave his card to the labor
er snd said: "You take thie up to
Governor Crimes. I went to see him."
"Ah, aid the laborer, I am Governor
Grime." "Oh," said the voung mau.
"you--I excuse m-.'." Then the gover
nor said: "I was much Impressed with
the letter you wrote ma trnklng for a
certain office in my gift, and I had
made ui my mind you should have tt,
out a young man who would cheat a
laborer out cf five cents would swin
dle the government of the state If he
got 'his hands on it I don't want you.
Good morning, sir."
Oh, is It not high time that we preach
the morals of tiie gospel right beside
the faith cf the gospel? Mr. Froude,
the celebrated English historian, has
written of his own country these re
markable words: "From the great
house in the city of London to the vil
lage grocer, the commercial lite of Eng
land has been saturated with fraud.
So deep has it gon that a strictly hon
est tradesman cun hardly hold his
ground against competition. You can
no longer trust thut any article you
t'ly Is the thing w.'ilh it pretends to
be. We have false Welch is, false meas
ures, cheating and shoddy everywhere.
And yet the clergy have seen all this
grow up in absolute indifference, Many
hundreds of sermons have I 'heard in
England on the divine mission of the
clergy, on bishops and on Justification,
and the theory of good works, snd ver
bal Inspiration, and the efficacy of thn
sacraments, but during all these thirty
wonderful yeurs never one that I can
recollect on common honesty."
Now. that may be an exaggerated
statemfiat of things In England, but I
am very certain that in all parts of
the earth we need to preach the morali
ties of the gospel right .along beside the
faith of the gospel.
My hearer, what are you doing with
that fraudulent document In your
pocket? My other hearer, how are you
getting along with that wicked scheme
you have now on font? Is that a "pool
ticket" you have in your jiocket? Why,
O, young man, were you last nlgh,
practicing In copying your employer's
signature? Where were you last night?
Arc your habits us good as when you
bft your father's house? You had a
Christian ancesor;', cerhapa, and you
have had too many prayers spent over
you to go ovrbourd. Dr. Livingstone,
the famous explorer, was descended
from the hlghlanders, and he said thut
one of his ancestors, one of the high
landers, one day called his family
around him. The hlghlandcr was dy
ing. He hud his children around his
d -ath bed. He said: "Now, my lads, I
have looked all through our history, as
far buck as I ran find It, and I have
never found a dishonest man in all the
line, and I want you to understand you
inherit good liliiotl. 'You havo no ex
cuse for doing wrong. My lads, be hon
est." Ah, my friends, be honest before God,
b- honest before your fellow men, be
honest before your soul. If there be
thiso who have wandered away, come
back, come home, come now, one and
all, come Into the kingdom of God.
I um glad some one has set to music
that scene in August, 1881, when
young girl saved from death a whole
railroad train of passengers. Some of
you remember that out west In that
year on a stormy night a hurricane
blew down part of a railroad bridge. A
freight train came along and it crashed
into the ruin, nnd ;the engineer and
conductor perished. There Was a girl
living in her father's cabin, near the
disaster, und phe heard the crash of
the freight train and she knew that In
a few minutes an express was due. She
lighted a lantern and clambered up on
the one beam of the wrecked bridge
on Ui the main bridge, which was tres
tle work, and started to cross amid
the thunder and the lightning of the
tempest and the raging of the torrent
beneath. Une misstep and It would have
been death. Amid all that horror the
lantern went out. Crawling sometimes,
und sometime walking over the slip
pery rails, and over the trestlework,
she came to the other side ut the river.
She wanted to get to the telegraph sta
tion where the express train did not
stop, so that the danger might be tele
graphed to the station where the train
did stop. The train -was due In a few
minutes. She was one mile off from
the telegraph station, but fortunately
the train was lute. With cut and
bruised feet she flew like the wind.
Coming up to the telegraph station,
panting with almost deadly exhaustlou,
she had only strength to shout: "The
bridge Is down!" when she dropped un
conscious and could hardly be resusci
tated. The message was sent from (hat
station to the next station, and the
train halted, and that night that brave
girl saved the lives of hundreds of
passengers and saved many homes
from desolation. But every street Is a
track, and every style of business Is a
track, and every day Is a track, and
every night a track, and multitudes un
der the power of temptation come
sweeping on and sweeping down toward
perils raging and terrific God help us
to go out and stop the train. Let us
throw some signal. Let us give some
warning. By the throne of God let us
flash some Influence to stop the down
ward progress. Bewarel Beware! The
bridge is down, the chasm is deep, and
the Ughtnlngs of God set all the night
of sin on lire with this wornlng: "He
that being often reproved, hardeneth
his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed,
nd that without remedy." t n
Tour doctor knows all about
foods and medicine.
The next time you see him.
I just ask him what he thinks
of Cod-Ll-ver Oil with Hypo-
phospbitee. We are willing '
to trust In his answer.
For twenty iflve years doo-1
tors have prescribed our
Emulsion for paleness, weak
i ness, nervous eathaustion, and i
for all aiseases tnat cause
i loss In flesh.
Its creamy color and Its '
pleasant taste make tt es
pecially useful for thin and
i delicate children.
No other preparation of cod-
, liver oil Is like it Don't lose
time and risk your health by 1
taking; somethlns; unknown
and untried. Keep In mind
has stood the test for a
, quarter of a oentury.
toe and It oo: all dniurlMi.
- Aarble Works.
R. H-LANGE, .Bi'.r
Cemetery Lot)
Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired.
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
J. A. JENKINS, Ag't.,
0ro8!Sgrove, Pa.
a BPtciAUYisrast
"JUT liLOOU l'OJSON MrmanaaU
home for mine prim norter aam Raarao-
Iraollopair railroad raioaDdbolalblllajiDd
i. If wa fail to mm. If,
totaah, and aUU bars acaaa and
we arnariiiiteA 4i num. w. .-! i.A i
Date cases and challeneo the wurld for a
battled the aklll of the most eminent phy" 1
elana. 500,000 capital bobitm our u'i"m" U
Uonnl imarmuir. . Abaolnte proof Kent lealcil on
ftppltciitlnn. AddreM COOK ItKMKOY eoH
De Not MuOfer lxnt-r! Tne
joys and ambitions of life can
lie restored to yon. Tho very
worst eases of Neifims Debili
ty are absolutely cured by
tilve prompt relief to tnsouiuia.
falling memory aud the waste
and drain of vital powers.lticur'
red by Indiscretions or excesses
of early years. Imparl vlttor
and potency to every function
RriLRA un the BTatem. Uive
uioum ui tuo
eyes of yon its
.vital enemy;
chucks and lustre to tho
or old. One Mo box renews,
boiea at WS.O0 a oooi
teed cure or niuney refund-1
carried Id tiwi pocket. Sold
piete Kuarau-
od. Can he
everywhere or
mulled In plain wrapperon
receiptor price
by TlltC PKUKUCTU CO., Caslon Bldg., Chicaiio.lU-
For h:iK' in Miililloburgli, Pa., !y
Miil(lU'l)iir )rug Co., inMt. Pleas
ant Mills by Hi'iiryllnrilinnntl in
lViin s Ciwk ly J. W . cainjisi'll.
"l'.iiilinri'rl hiilcl rlMnbf nn lT'in 4'JiinIi
biiM mho, Imr iiitrlclM ftliore ruirl we nt
it rJuiiM illrt isiii"rNiiwl It'll-
Clear as Mud.
Tttf original of the above, written with a pen,
wiien deciphered was seen to bo only as order
for a type-writer. It reads: "Kudosed find
draft, on New York forSSO for whloli pleas seud
uie hi once olio oi your luiest improved type
writer." He Is piirrhaslnjr s machlnn nonotoo soon, you
say, HOW AliO I T VOI HNKM T You
limy not writs so pooriy as lie does, ana your
letters may not be Ulcirlble, but a type-wilttnn
communication bas s huhlness-llke appearance
which a pen-wnuen one uns not.
That's Why ,
YOl' should use a type-writer. That it does
Uie name work as tbe so-called "Htandurtt,,
machines, costs but t&oo. and Is giving satis
taullou to !13,ih0 users Is Why
Bond tor a catalogue and sample of Its work.
S3H-36 Dearborn Ht CIIICAUO. I I.I.
Made a
ell Mar.
'""WW of Me.
aLatv r -.
THB QREAT " 80th
protluoes the above results ln'30 days. It act
powerf nlly and quickly. Cures when all othsra fall
Youtuj man will ratals their lost maaaood, and old
men win neovar their yoatbful vuror by salat
It KV1TO. It qtuokl and surely restore! Nrvou
bsm. Lost Vitality, Irapoteacr. Nightly Kmlaalons,
Lost Power, Failitut Memory, Want tea Diseases, and
all effects of self -aims or aicemaad Indlsanttoo.
which nnSta ens for study, business or msrils. It
not only curse by startlM at tna seal of disease, but
It s treat nerva toots sod blood boUder, brljr
Itif back the pink (low to pals esxeks ana rs
Morlnc th fire of yonthu It wards off Insanity
and Consumption. Insist oa halnt M VIVO, ho
other. It can be carried In vest pocket. Dy mall.
14 pot pact are, or sis for Va.OO, with a poal
tto writtsa R-raatto to euro or ra food
ioosnoM. Ctroalartne. Address
UT1L lEDICIK CO.. 271 f ifiaU All, CHICAGO. HI
rw sale tt Middleburgr. br VT. Hi BPAHQiEl,
fTTrr nrn:i , ...
I ke p eonsUntly on i,-tl ,
-faoture to order ill kin A
. xuaroie and c:
Monuments Ami a
OldStosKClea 3
lr. iu tbeSUt. au.) le
turuouttcood work. Uhet'ii
Aavyrvii,iA ten. i a... .
ThrThr r:v..; or. a.
pectfullv ask a tinntin,.1!.1 "
. - . --oiie- y
. JU. U Ml
New War Songs and SiW.
Tan nf tlio mn-t i
have just been issued by t!W
Mu.i Co.. Indianapolis! InlH
Our HeroeB Horn J' M
Heroes of the U.S. Bait S'i
18 one of the finest n.ij5
ever writteo. The music i
and tbo words rintr wii.l.M...?N
"Dkwey'b Batrlfi of Aio" ? Ll,,SN
piece and will live forever . l
enir of the greatest naval
the wni-M'u l.iut.- lv. eUl 1
tDAKAnioniil ami . , U." J
fOlltam ne 1H t..u , ""'CKol
7 fu" iuu Hliect Un.,
Sntlt Otl ran onf OR . ' WQlll
iKiresB jtopdlab Aicnn: Co
IndianapoliR, Io,i,
Is used for Plastering lhm
It Is a new discverv
. Guaranteed to last lo,,J
man auy otncr plaster.
is preferred to Adamant,
bur liarticulars call on ..m.u...
alustice of the Peace
AND (30N V" Y ANGER-, pal
'...JH'WKIt. R. K. ! I
- - --- ss.tna
Onices In Kank llulldlup;.
Oil, hit l.
All LtiKinet-K mtrusted to,in.,r,l
win receive firoiupt attt iiritm
CM A tl VJCTTllTirnni,
rtoiii ur. via,
Collections. Loans
and Investments !
Ifl'lkl fi'lutfjllA ISsastl lls.l....a .
Williuuihpoi t, Lycoming' Co., 1'J
IIL'LHJHIIH Itl'.CJ Ill.wt unl.l..t t . 1. t.
ram nny piu i oi the rvoria.
K. H.-Pottiege
All nrofORSlfinnl hnal nnna nnl sunt ,t tn m UB.
" oo Willi il.1i t:t tJ Uli voir i
..... .t.A,mv ijiuiiijil nuu curuiui micniiuQ.
Newly Established.
Oiie-fiturlli iniln V.nnt oritii-lilielil.
Teams free for traveling men to drive
A i I is
to town, oeiore or alter uieaiit.
Kates 75 cents per Day.
T. 23. Ross, ZTl0.
' IVknaillt rw Aammnnli
Consult or communicate witu tbo Mm I
of tills paper, who will glva all ctx'dcil lnlar-1
Coniradm, Aatlentloii.
I ssrvnd from 'til tn 'HI. uml wis wntititltHl !.'
10. 1H64. In tlio DattlH of Uie Wlltlimrt II
would like to linvn mv cnmrnilra knowvWl
t'uliiry King bas done for me. In Wt my I
coinplulut, rln onlc dlamtlioea. on mo lunn. Tf I
doctors could not stun It. but ccli rv K Itiir bas 1
nurpfl mt. mill I am mnA litVirA niitnvtliir life'
Y. V. I.), oclory King for Uie Noru'H, LIhthK I
nnd Kidneys 1b sold lu tuo. and i!.V. luukaps v I
W. 1L Herman, Troxelellltii M Idtllebwarlti 1 1
FRANK UUKMI.KR. IIWOKSO. ailPll. ftXl. f . tSlDf I
Utah. McOlure; II. A. Kbrlgnt, A line.
. Oeastv la Blood Deep.
f?1rnn lilfioil mmnfl a tlo!tn ukilt. l
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy CttuV
tio clean your blood and keep it clean,
stirring up tho lasy liver and driving all s
purities from the body. UcKin to-day lj
banish pimples, boils, Llotcltes. blacklwa
and that sickly bilious complexion by takiw
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drat
gists, saiiuacuon guaranteed, loe.sjc.twc-
Union Steam Laundri
Adarts & YoUtz, Prop's.,
Aifflirburg, Pa.
crowning feature of evening tin
The UNION FINISH for wliid
this laundry is fatuous sjieaks plauuj
of painstaking care iu every tlt-'taiL
Collars and cuffs ironed with sniootl
Ivory-like Edges.
Prices the Lwest
We lead j others follow.
Lace Curtains Specialty.
G. A. Gutelius, Ag't,
Middleburg, P-
( "