The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 11, 1898, Image 8

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m. '.nlfrr4 ler !! r.
Mary A. Mitchell ami her hus
IhiimI, Jame Mitchell, U Anna E.
Meckic .." Winfield, 20 acre in
Midd!cc;vck tw; .
iv.iv; n S-.i-old and wife, Car-
Ui S.vlnUl ami wile, Clara Hughes
nail her husband, Johu K. Hughes,
ii ..f S.fih.1.1. lt No. 52 in
.f luMkbtirs for
l.'il' irnm,l.
i ., r iliniiiistrntiou in the
t-stateof John Shamliach, late of
twi... were issued to J. C.
.fehuuihueh ot AdamsbiiVg.
. Willi Probated.
The last will and testament ol
EtizaU- h Krebs, late of Union twp.,
deceased, was profited on Monday
Her son, Daniel Krebs, w
the executor, ller sons,
Daniel, ami William, each
a legacy of one
dollar aim uei
Susanna Krebs,
ii .. i
of Daniel, gets the residue.
e A. Inch. Suubury,
Carrie lleimbach,
Thrown Awa on Hint.
luckson IU what did your wife
ay to you when you got home bo late
last night? You kr.ow you were afraid
kle'd lipoid.
Fairli-igh My wife's a jewel. She
didn't scold a bit. In fact, she didn't
even ask me where I had been or what
la i delayed me; but, late as it whs, she
fat down at 1 he piano and begnn to play
ad uiiig;. I tell you she's one in ten
Jackson Wbut did she sing?
FarUifrh "Till me the old, old
tory." Chicago Daily N'ews.
Knew All About Tlirui.
An old gentleman, speaking to a
young lady and commenting upon her
fneshncMS and gond looks, remarked:
"Ah, my dear, may you long retain
Item. Yours is a happy periml of life;
you know nothing yet of the jealousies,
the heart-burnings, the contentions
the rivalries that beset the pathway of
"Don't I, though?" she interrupted;
"I want you to understand that I be
long to a church choir." Tlt-IUts.
From 1'rrniinal I'mjicrlcnce.
One boy met another who had a sus
jV;o::f redness ubput the eyes and a
'?..; .;1 the corners of the mouth.
":r.." said the first boy, "I heard
yo:r f.ither wa on a ship once."
The other quenched a sob and nodded.
"Va it o whaler?"
"c. it was. Anil ycu bet he -amt
the b:n,iness good, too." Free
A Ilapi'T Home.
'"nw does your husbuiu! spend his
t'.v.t- i.i the even i :,''.'"
"Ac -t:iys a: I. tine and thint:a of
r':.-:i:es to u.a!:e i:onej."
"At ;' wlia: do ynu (!n w:;h yourself
w'.H ii I t in thus ci (M,)ieii?"
! . I of e.-UiM- to s;m i d It."
A tiJ Vt-t 1'rletnlii.
Hroivre llr,v are ycu. Ton?
Tot.: - Well, thank you; but n;y v.ife
Lvu vrrv ill.
l!io-.v; i That' strange. Why.Iwiw
tiT ji'. ir at the wicdow, st-ning.
T.ini Yts; but fl;e is on the mend.
I.ooLIn l'iritnril.
rr; :::sfr Now, Tommy, you must
co r.s I tell you. You know I am older
tli.n ; o-.i are.
L';;;." Crothcr That's all right, sin,
luil tin- 'ime will come when you won't
rare m be refnded of that. N. Y.
Tbe .Martial Spirit.
"V.'hc; is going to be the most fash
lovbe fibric this summer?" imjuirrO
- (1 '.'t knew for sure," r"plied
ilale. "But, from reading the news
pajjin.. 1 should ay gun cotton."
V.'usilt.gtoi) Star.
A Murdrrou Suicirmtlon.
Trpa Titian Does that young man
yon'te been keeping company with for
the f r.ft year or so intend getting mar
ried or rrcioinin? single?
Tcllv Titian lie' on the fence, ratwu
raf.a Titian Throw him over, then! J
A ftrlrelloau
It' -loot)'.;, for the rood of thoae
Who upon thU earthly heath can't eipreia In worda
Jmh t,t il.ejr thick when cu:tlng Icetta.
-nN. T. World.
Dolly Clett aJoc with vlittor for a
lew misntca) I've got a money box,
it"i luriu
ii.iiibi Bin iivi fl rv
at -we'r not allowed to aak for pen
fcv Voowhine.
Faraarat DitlHi
Th wqy14 em m ail a MiKn
la Ihla I'm a Arm taUavar;
Bat mr w altuaUaa laaflaraatooat
n tapiriMawit ( rwaivr.
'aaJCaa'aaaJFJa laatf ' f
Items of Interest uauwrwa
from Various Sources for
the Benefit ot Our
A festival was held on Saturday
evening one mile south of Kantz.
Last Saturday the Troxelville
cornet baud played for a festival at
The menders of the Sunday school
at Grubb's church celebrated their
annual picnic last Saturday.
The Salem Sunday school will
hold a festival on Saturday evening,
August 27th near Row's church.
The Evangelical Sunday school of
McClure held their aunual picnic on
Saturday last in Howell's grove at
J. F. Eisenhower of Washington
township has la-en ottered a school
near Northumberland at a salary of
$40 a month.
County Superintendent Uowcrsox
has issued hisschedule for his annual
teachers' examinations. It will le
found iu this issue.
The sheriff sale of the bottling
works last Thursday brought quite
a number of hotel men and liquor
dealers to our village
The Snyder County Choir Con
vention will Ih! held near Freeburg,
Saturday, August 20th, 1898. A
full turnout is anticipated.
The Lutheran and Reformed Sun
day schools, at Fremont, will hold
their annual picnic in the prove ad
joining the church, on Saturday, Au
gust 13.
M. Millner, the popular merchant
and a most congenial gentleman of
Kantz, Pa,, is recuperating at At
lantic City and other cool places by
the seaside.
Carl F. Espeiichade, of Mifllin
town, has lieen appointed Deputy
Collector for the counties ofSnvdcr,
Juniata, Dauphin, Perry ami Milllin
in place of W. W. Trout.
Rev. Zimmerman on last Sunday
morning delivered his introductory
sermon at Beavcrtown and at Ad
amsburg in the evening of the same
day. He created a very lavoraMe
r 11 I!
.mo. ik jiogijr Hihi Myvry
U.,'.',l':n . Ol i 1. M I i J in i li tin
contract to erect a new
on 1 louver's Island. TIi
additional school house
licit '
The IiMiiierau and Il 'liirincd .S.
S.of Wrdilla.Zioiii fiiitctl Ptreihren
ind t'le Witmer's i'nitil F.vangeli
.... - . i ni ii.i'.
cal .". . ol intnuorc, wt.i itoin ineir
annua; !cnie in . . i'.oiii v s
. . . , i - i . i it ,
trove at Vcrdilha Saturday, Aug.
There will ! i wo l'u 11 moons in
Aniit, one occurring on the first
dav and one on the last. Full moons
occur twici
in the same mouth only
once in
.1 1 .1.1
OMMIl lillll IVill.i,
re !
will not he two full moons in
month again until lfMl.
Prof. Ixslic Seely, 15. E., ex
principal of the public schools of
this place, was elected a uicmlicr of
tin, I'.liuniwliiirir Xorm.'il school
faculty to fill the chair of Manual
Training. Ho is an able young
educator to whom his many 'friends
here extend eongratulatons.
Prof. Owens of Rucknell says it
rained from 5:30 p. m. Wednesday
to 7:30 p. m. Thursday five inches
of water, which is equal to five
hundred tons to the acre. On Wed-
nesilay in oiie and one-half hours it
rained two and one-tenth inches-,
which is equal to two hundred and
ten tons of water to the acre. Satur
day Xcw.
Respect for Old Glory is rapidly
increasing in Eurojie. The Swedish
postal authorities recently sentout a
sjiecial train in order to promptly
diliver a letter ina flag-en vclope, ad
dressed to an American in an out of
the way place in Sweden. They
thought from the flag on the envelop
that the letter was from the U. S.
The three men incarcerated in the
jail here charged with the robbery
of J. Peter Kantz ot Monroe town
ship, have been released on lmil se
cured at Shamokin, their home. It
seems as though the prosecutors are
weaving a net almut these men that
will lie difficult tor them to escape.
Captain Lewis Miller thinks there
may, be some chance for him to dis
cover those who assaulted him and
robbed him several weeks ago. Ve
hope this may be the case.
A treasury statement shows there
are bout 300,000 persons to whom,
bonds under the government' pop-j
ular loan will be allotted. All per
sons offering to take S4,500 or less
will receive bonds. The first ship
ment of the new bonds was
was made on
The school 'directors of Heaver
township have elected the following
nnmed teachers for the ensuing term :
lienvertown Grammar, E. E. Wetz
el ; Intermediate, Irwin J. r reed ;
Seeondarv, J. A. Aigler ; Primary,
A. W. Musscr; Druse's, II. V.
Keinhard, and Rubb's, Jolin V.
If you read an advertisement to
the effect that a certain firm in some
distant eity will sell you an elegant
ly tinted portrait of the battleship
Maine for SI. 00 said engraving
ap'iroved by the United States gov
ernment don't bite. They will
send yon a two-cent revenue stamp,
ami you'll have no one but yourself
to blame for your stupidity.
The four Sunday Schoolsat Trox
elville, this county, will hold their
annual picnic in. J. (J. Mover's grove
near Troxelville,' August 20th, 1k
ing Saturday a week. The Troxel
ville band and well-known speakers
will le present to inspire and cdifv
those who gather at that time and
place. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to every person to attend.
An old engineer explains why a
locomotive is like a woman, ami is
called "she." They wear a jacket,
apron, have shoes, hose, and drag a
train behind ; they have a lap, need
guides, ride whirls, will not turn
out for pedestrians sometimes foam
and refuse "to work; they attract
the men somctimcsuct very contrary
and always take a man to manage
Ministers and officials empowered
to perform marriage service should
bear in mind that the revenue law
requires that a ten-cent stampbe af
fixed to all marriage certificates.
Failure to stamp the certificate in
valids, in the eyes of the revenue
law at least, the marriage. In ad
dition, the officiating personage,
clergyman or magistrate, who thus
fails to obicrve the law, is liableto a
fine of $200.
How would our military and
naval coinmaialers iii;eto bereward-
u K:l,iai)tl.v I1S Wl!PL. ihm.
lot' olden times V (Jeueral Stark, f'.r
l if.iiu,, i i I in 1 'in ! iM ' t In i A I tjl 1:11 mr.
ltl.l.llll.tll.. ,tiv 'l. '
makes mi!. , .,... tt i.
' . ......
"two ells ol'lilue and one or yellow
lot ii to laake liim a c;iat, and half
a dozen f-liirts of 1 Mitch linen."
And li' was charged with ingratitude
when he complained that Congress
li.ul overlooked the matter ofVi ving
i.iin cainlaic wilii
;h which to nuiki
the cul'is
Atl elldie.-r
Coin' friends,
i chain starting with
each contributing ii
dime .iml liersiiadinir four
ol nis
friends to d,i likewise, then e:ic,i ot
. . .
the sixteen including four of his
friends to keep the jrood work going
and so on up to the twentieth gco
metrieal progression, would make
the last contribution to Red Society
fund HW,P2S,y21dJ77.GO. AH
the contributions addisl together
would amount to more than tp 1 44,-
There seems to le a plethora of
nightshirts ut Camp Thomas. A
volunteer says in a letter to n West
ern paper : "If the Kansas women
want to do something forthc twenty
first let them send their best wishes,
but U'gcf them by sill means to
keep their nightshirts at home. A
real soldier has less use for night
shirts ami umbrellas than a brown
pig has 'for u moustache. We would
be cotnM'lled to wash nightshirts,
and we are full up on fatigue and
police duty already."
Under the provisions of the act
August 25, 1SGI, citizens of Penn
sylvania in military service can cast
their ballot in camp. The law makes
provision for the owning of polling
place at the Captain's quarters.
The act prov.ides that the governor
shall havcjiower to apiointand com
mission a certain number of persons
to act as election commissioners, not
exceeding oue to each regiment of
Pennsylvania soldiers. Ihcsc com
missioners act as aides in helping to
set the election machinery in motion.
Aunt Rachael's Ilorchouud and
Combined with Hpeei"a Grape JuIca tni Hock
Candy for Public Speaker and Singers la being
nrrwTlbhd by many promlneut phyiitclnna,
wnlcb la a guarantee of Ita purity and 1m effici
ency In onrlng pulmonary complaint, manned
la preference to Cod l,ler oil, and In many
eaaea the curative reaults are quicker and more
permanent, for ante by aniridia, f rice
osel as4 71 cent.
Mrs. Huvartof Con8tantine,Mich.,
was a guest of Senator Hummel on
Sunday. . . .A large flag was raised
on the river bank at the resilience ot
teo. 1 . J; isher on Saturday evening
last. , The music was fumishsd by
i the Chestnut Ridtre Band. There
was ii larre crowd present. ' After
tjie exerciseis the bund serenaded a
iiundx r of our citizens. . . .The Lu-
i thenui Re-union at Island Park last
Thursday was a grand success s far
n j ntiiHiilJiiJ m . t
eerued. There were about 5,000
people on the ground. The raiu,
however, spiled the latter part of
the exercises and rendered a good
many people uncomfortable. . . .Jno.
Hoch, a prominent New Uerlin mer
chant, und wife spent n short time
at landlord Kaufman's and wife,
taking home with them their daugh
ter, who had lieen entertained by
Miss Maliel Kaufman for a week
Mrs. Dr. Will Uish is at pres
ent with her husband's juirents,
Druggist Ulsh and wife Dr. Per
kins has quite a number of persons
taking voice culture. This certain
ly is a rare treat to have such a man
iu our midst to give lessons on the
voice Prof. Guise and family of
Schuylkill Hav n, are visiting his
'.'i-iuher-in-law, Harvev E. Miller,
Esq., and family. . . .The following
took in the excursion to Atlantic
City on Thursday last : Miss Jen
nie Ulrich, Sigmund Weis and M.
Millner of Kantz, Ed. Taylor and
Jas. Charles Rev. F. U. Gift
of Scranton was in town over night
last week. He visited the Univer
sity where he was once a student.
He thinks there have lieen great im
provements made since be went to
school Prof. Chas. II. Albert,
son and daughter ofBloomsburg, arc
spending a few days with the Prot's.
father, P. S. AUwrt The creek
was quite high last week from the
heavy rains that fell Rumor has
it that we are to have a wedding in
tbe near future Operator Wetel
has been located at McClure. He
will move there this week. . . .Jos.
K. Scharf will ojien a Grocery store
this week in the Old Hall stand now
owned by Mis, Noll. Joe is a hus
tler and we predict a good business
for him. . . .Rev. J. A. M. Ziegler
of Louisville, Ky., son of Dr. Zeig
ler, preached a fine sermon in Trin
ity Lutheran church on Sunday last
..' R. Wingard, nf A'toona,
student, spent a few days in town
last week Margurite and Ethel
Firaiidl of Millerstown are visiting
' their grandparents, Z. S. Keely and
L. A. Stine made a busines.- trip
through the lower e:i'!'ft!ie county
on Monday. ... I'. C. ilarinian and
L. A. Mcrt;. were to Middleburg
on Sunday .... Dave Gutelius of
Minimliim- Mild V. E. Leitzel of
si,..ifl ,!,, ..,, in fiiu-ii
ore eveiiiiig
! j. s s,'!.och mid John
. M i v jj j: , 1Mi ,a;iri
r,. ti,:s ,,i.,,.., ...... ,...,,; l.,st w,t k
W. F. Seih list and v. ill-of I;a-
over Springs were iti toyn over Sun
day 1. W. Shinkcl of Jersey
Shore spent some lime iu town last
wcek....R. 15. Erdhy and wife
visited Morris Erdley's of VIcks
burg o:i Sunday Peter Hart
man and son li IJ. were to Middle
burg on Sunday Two deaths
have occurred in our town and vic
inity in 25 hours' time, viz: John
IJraueher from dialietes on Sunday
evening and Father George Reisb,
of whose illness we made mention
last week, on Sunday evening. The
former was interred in the L. aud R.
ccmetry ou Tuesday afternoon and
Ihe latter, on Wednesday morning.
Mr. IJraueher was a comparatively
young man licing nlmut 35 years of
age while father Iteish had almost
attained the age of 75...... Sunday
will lie a gala day in town. Dis.
President F. C. Uowcrsox will ins
titute n new camp P. O. S. of A. In
itiation and installation lieforcdiiiiier.
Parade at 2 P. M. followed by ad
dresses from emineut speakers. All
sister camps in the county and else
where are cordially invited J.J.
Steely is not the only teacher in Sny
der Co. having pupils in the Sanish
Americau war. Prof. A. B. Sheary
has one who helped to capture San
tiago de Cuba.
John Minium was to Sunbury and
Shamokin last week on business ....
S.J. Stroub made a Juniata trip
last week.... John and Cora Folly
were visiting friends at Strouptown
on Sunday. . .A number of our young
man and women Attended the plcnio
cipi i inn nn-L?
To Olose out tho Entire Stock of 600;
Napp's Store, Centrevlllc, F
Tim niitim lnt if lTPr?r?H
sale, but we are goin to sell at OOST as the goods nJ
be turned into money. We uro going to put out t!ie go?
AT A2U UK LOW COST, but tvo must bave ll.e
Cash or Produce,
Those 'articles, are all FIRST OLaSS.
Should any one want tbe entire stock of goods, it can
bougth right. (Justouierscan lind BAKGAIK8 every
Yours resp'y. 1
7-2S-3t. VN'.A. Napp, Penn's Greek, Pa
on Saturday. They went on a big
hay wagon .... Chickeu thieves are
already starting up for fall trade.
They had better be careful or they
wight fall before the trade is over. .
Beojumiu Bennnr and wife of Sha
mokiu spent Sunday with friends
here.... Mrs. Elizabeth Krebs died
at her Louie near Reiser's church on
Aug. 2 at the auo of 84 years 1 mo.
2S days. She was interred at the
Witmer's Cemetery. Funeral con
ducted by Rev. W. E. Biilhard.
MissKduu Smith of Seliuscrore vis
ited friends at this place lust week
....Miss Jennie Bollinger is still
confined to Lor bed with sickness
...N. 0, Gutelius and wife spent
Sunday at Lewisburg. . . . Mr. Ebei -hart
and Alias Henoch of Mifflin
burg were the guests of Miss Erma
iMagee wer Sunday. . . .Mr. Pensing.
erof Chainbersburg aud O. W. Yod
er of Globe Mills were calling on
friends at this place last Friday
eveiiiug.... Thomas Dietrich and
family aud Grant Yodor spent Sun
day at Middlecreek Prof. F. C.
Fisher of Salem was a culler in town
on Saturday evening.... Carrol Mit
chell is visiting relatives at this
pluee at present. . . .J. F. Walter and
wife spent Sunday with their
uaughtcr, Mrs. S. A. App, iu Monroo
towiibhip Jess Mauler's house is
under way of coustructiu. It will be
a cozy and neut lookii-c bouse
when completed.... Geo. Gei-ber-liot?
Ht'il sister, Annie, of Salem rode
to this place ou Sunday on their
wlnxils and took dinner with J. F.
Paste this in your iiat
Cut this out and paste it in yo'ur
h:;t. To keep llicsutf the catl'ie take
coal tar, two parts and coil oil and
greine one part each, and mix with :i
snwll .amount of carlxdie acid.
Apply with u cloth by moistening
(he hair and horns with the liquid.
In i!:e application include the feet
and logs and it will drive every fly
away. One application will last
ten days or more in dry weather.
Apply as often as necessary and
your cows will be entirely frit' from
flies of all kimK Any kind of old
lurd or grease can be used.
Worth Examining.
The new catalogue of the State
Normal School at IJIoonisburg, Pa.,
has just bcett' received at this office.
It is illustrated with numerous cuts
of the buildings, rooms und campus.
Ilcsides the four courses main
tained for training teachers, the
school has t wo courses in Music, and
a strong preparatory . Collegiate
The Fall Term will open Septem
ber 1 2th. .
Those who desire to receive one
of these catalogues free should ad
dress, J. P. Welsh, A. M., Ph. D.,
' ' . '
Tout- to tlie Xorth via Pennayl vaala
TlHttlnir WatklMGIen. Niagara Fall. Thoua.
mid Islanda, Quebec Montreal, Au Saubie chantii
ijikH eiiatnnlaln and Lake Oeorge. Haruti.UH. i
and the Highlands ot t be Iludaon. fnvi l-hll.
adi-lDlila by apeclal train Anguat 18. Tbe tour i
will be In chaiye ot one ot the company'! lour hit
stents. An experienced chaperon will also
company the party,
uavmg eapecuu cnarge 01
uneecortea laaiea. ,
Tbe rate of IIOO from New York, Brooklyn
Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Harrtaburg, Bal
timore ana Washington covers railway and boat
fare lor tbe entire round trip, parlor cam, eeata,
meals en route, hotel entenalnment, tranaler
charges, carriage hire in fact every Item of ne
cessary expense.
For detailed Itinerary. Mcketn; or any addi
tional information, address TourlHt Agent, Penn
sylvania Kallroad company. UM Broadway, New
York, M0 FUlton Street, Brooklyn t 78t Broad
Street, Newerk, N. J i or Geo. W, Boyd. Assist
ant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street sta
tion, Philadelphia. 8 4-Ht
, BBl-aBa . '
Ppeer-s old Port urape Wine from hie Oporto
Grape vineyards at Passaic. N.J., bis Sooiallte
Claret vln. mi, and his luscious Burgundy stand
unrivaled by any wines In toe world, especially
for lDvaltas.1 .. (
' h ckrc&
I 1
I ! ill UUdl,
A VTiTCf : , 1-
In Union twp. Union County )
July 22nd Sarah Loviuia, wife!
August Arlxigast, aged49yrs. 3
11 days.
Iu Union twp. Union Co., 1
July 20 Levi Kalpctzer, aged 59 v
and 11 nios. .''j
July 27, at Troxelville, Mrs. Ju-f
tie Suartz, widow of Thos. SwartzJ
of apoplexy, aged about 40 years. ,1
July 31, near Adamsburg, John1
Sbamliacli, son of Christian and
Mary SlmmUich, aged 07 years, 1)
months und 26 days. His widow,
Catherine Aurand, preceded him to
the spirit world five years airo and
he leaves five children to mourn his
July 29, 1S11S, near Chamnaii.
Henry Albert Shaffer aired 41 vears
4 months and 25 davs. Funeral
which was very largely attended,
was held on theSlstult.'atSt. John's a .... - -
united IJretliernCiiiireh, Revs. Win.
Laney and O. G. Romig officiated.
Tltre Hundred Npanlnrd KIIImI.
If 300 AMERICANS can kill
300 SPANIARDS in 300 days, how
many Americans will it take to kill
100 Spaniards in 100 days ? Oim
m. .... . i w ii ... . J
i iiousanu .uoiiars will he paid ti
the personsansweringthe above pro
blem corn-tit ly. Many other pri. s
of value. All of which will be an
nounced in the next issue o.1 UplmC
Ilhwt rated UWIJif. As a positive
guaiTiiteeas to my it-liability 1 refer
to any mercantile or eoi.tnicmul
agency. As the object of ottering';
these prizes is to attract aUeiuioii to;'
my popular family magazine, cadi -j
person auswi ring nuts! i nclose with Si
thei-' answer . five two-eenl: !taiiiS,
(or ten cents silver) for o;:i .Month'-j
suliscription, containing full par
ticulars. Send to-day. To Ik- liri
.'iiii , . .
is a i:uiiiaiie amoition ; you naiv si--
cure thf-thousand dollars.' Ten dol
lars in gold will lie paid for the Inst
original problem, to be published in
a future number. Address C. M.
Uitox, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago,
111. .S-l-lf. I
The kindest nod tbu huppli-xt pair
Will flud ooi-nslon to furlii-nr,
And aomctliliig every day tliey live
To Itlt.v. and Durhana liirt iw
Ixiavn to frame u smile ir place of
a frown. If you take an outing,)
take it right. Let no unpleasant j
words mar the memory ot what wai '
meant for pleasure. If worries or j
business must be talked of, doitot jj
business days, and then put all 3
thought of it out of - your iniA- i
X' Ml 1 . 1-1 1
iouwuidc stronger anu t-irro-r-headwl
to deal with the worries ior
having had a little rest from them,
For the beni-nr of tbone rtesirlnj o visit tw
ptvut Ow-an Oroe cmp Meot.lii the PeniKVl
vania Kullrond Company will, on A "unit
PifiirHion iicKnia in ocean urove, AH'inry r;n
or Ing Brunch from mIhUoud Laoicil below H
the vory low ritea quoted. .
J. ticket win
P'llliulPlpnla on train
gmar inn nnvirnr
be iroo I ro' pnasfliM-
ImllciitM, llience on e
Itnwrt S-reol HtHtMn and 4K)s p. M. that day to d -oteia'iou :
Adamaburp Leave 8: IS A. M. f,
M-HVMlUlwn..., "
I Middleburg N:40 " f"!
wi-nirrovfl "
1'Ulladelpbla Arrive .oo P. M.
T'cketa will be irood fur return pmmW on t
j gninr traina until Hiipiemuer l. iwinn'w,
. w Pe-nilt of atop-olf at PhlUjdelphla
i nmit, , .
ffiilur trAlnit nriMI ftmtnmlwr 1 lniMimire, M
: 1 Sheriff's Sale of
By vlrtueofcixr atn wrltiof Fieri Faclj" I
aued out of tbe court of Common Plena of m ;
der County, Pa and to me dlrectwl. I
pone to publlo aale at the Court Houw in J"
Uleburgfi, Pa., onlionday, SeptemlKir . 'JJ
atone o'clock P. M-, the following dan",
real estate to wit i .
AU that certain lot or parcel of land .
In the borough of Middleburg, Snyder oouiw
Pa. Bounded on the north by pnblio ?
Uie eaat by lot of- Hiegle, on the wffZ
weet by land of John Mover, containing M
more or leaa, on whloh are erected nuiraw
uaed for Morlng and bolUIng beer In uk:o
a 4 horae power engine and the machinery "
oeaaary for botuing beer.
' Seized, taken Into execution and to be w
the property ol .Arbogaatand Fi-JjfT gMr(j ,
BbarUI Office, HlddJeburi, re-, 1