1 jr. I K20b v lohV'.V yr 1 1 13H USSAGE TT - Ji.ctlTe3 WMfctagton by 1 il Fmek Auhftiaadnr. for tk 1 - . ' lieted to Oonoeda Most of Oar 'r:4 ?..-t,.. Demands. - '" rESSOIfHEL OP THE COMMISSION. Bo OaW Hot to Accord With PrwMrat's I Titwv M to the DtopoeMoa of the Phil. I ippiaW WU1 Bo Appolatofl-Ou Gov . 'etMMOt WiU tUnd by the Terau In- 1 dkatal la the Answer to the Spanish ihlngton. Aug. .The reply of Spanish government to the peace tlona laid down by the United tea was received bjc the French baasador, M. Cam boo. yeeterday af- n. The reply came In sections. dispatch first received giving only opening passages of the Spanish ly. A few minutes later another (patch brought a second section, and teae kept coming uninterruptedly by t procession of messengers until seven ctlons of the Spanish reply had been Scefved at 4 o'clock, when the last r Jiart was still to arrive. In the mean (time the cipher experts were at work uuid by 4:80 o'clock they were abreast of aU that portion of the reply received up to that time, and there was a lull of some time, pending the arrival of the concluding portions. Pending the receipt of the complete reply no steps were taken to fix a time for a conference with the president, as the time for that depends largely upon some of the features of the reply, and also upon the explicit Instructions con cernlng . the delivery of the answer which usually accompanies a docu tent of this solemn character. Neither t the White House nor at the state de- -artment was there any official know ledge tnat tne reply bad reached Wash ington, and the usual office hours closed jMUh no appointment made for a con ference. ; Pending the official delivery of the answer speculation was rife as to Its contents. There was little or no further doubt that the length of the reply roeant that Spain had not given a simple and direct affirmative to the American conditions. It was evident that If the reply was an acceptance it was accompanied by extended discus sion and probably by conditions. This caused considerable apprehension in of ficial circles here, for white it was felt I suit week that Spain would surely yield In every particular. It began to bf felt that possibly there might be another period of discussion and pos Ibly an Indirect attempt to open up a diplomatic exchange on the nature of the terms. All vital points were believed to be conceded the abandonment of Cuba, Vnrto Rico and the Ladrones and the "'nlillshment of a commission to pass , uv -.4 qUMtlons relating to the Phllip 1 Pines. In the carrying out of this pro gram It was believed thatSpaln -would to secure an ' understanding on many Incidental points Involved, some of them of considerable Importance. ite in the afternoon the president received an Indirect Intimation that the Spanish reply had come to the French embassy. A cabinet officer who was with him at this time said on leaving: rTM Information that has come from Madrid about the action of the Spanish ralikiet Indicates the Spanish have ac ted ouw terms In a general way, but lea ve several questions open that we did not Include In the terms submitted. Tb i ) communication offering those ter ma1 was explicit, specifically stating ujh points as would be left open to forther negotiation. We will stand on those terms." ' The administration has not yet given serious consideration to the personnel of the peace commission, but It can be stated no one not In accord with the president's present views as to the dis position of the Philippines will be ap pointed, and Mr. McKlnley favors keeping at least Manila harbor and lay and sufficient territory around it tor. its support and protection, If not the Whole of Luzon Island. As to mem ber of the cabinet as members of the commission, there are precedents for their appointment, notably the treaty 1 of Ghent. j The concluding portion of the Span- , It h , reply waa received during the evening, but it was not until a late t hour that It was deciphered as a whole ' and gone over by the ambassador. No j effcrt waa made to communlcato It to j the United States government last nlgit beyond a note to Secretary Day advising him that the document had - ' bren received, but not disclosing its cn'ents. It Is probable that the reply will be delivered to the president be tart the cabinet - meeting today, al ttosgh no hour has been fixed. , .mere Is complete reticence in all . qtartora as to the text of the reply, b't ,there la reason to believe It is not ad uvutallfled acceptance of the Amer ican ma, but Is framed on the theory of act tlng the essentials and trusting - to a B ed for conciliatory spirit on the part this government to moderate to so extent features which the Bpanii government seems to regard as lines tlal. SAICTION OP THE CORTES ry For the Cession of Any Spanish Torri lory. Londn, -Aug. B. The Madrid corre sponds of The Times says: "All the best athorttlea agree that the govern ' Ufnt ha decided to accept the Amert- can ipltlona . The" answsr of the Spaniel government declares that Spain anot discuss the American but only accepts them, be cause try are impose a on ner oy rorce. Only aew unessential changes In the A merle1 demands were asked for and It Is si expected tnat t-reaiaeni so Klniev'lll refuse them. "Tio the king, according to the ceAscr n, has the right to declare war t M cession of nac .:tory requires the sanction of Li f to; minister coo fee enting to aoeh cession without thta sanction la liable, according to tb penal oode. to Imprisonment for Ufa. It will bo atecesatuy, therefor, to convoke the cortes oiiio time betoro the treaty of peace la ratified, but the government haa not ret decided at what stage of the proceedings thla necessary formal ity will bo observed." LACK OP MEDICAL SUPPLIES. General Shatter Report on 81c and Wounded at Bantlngo. Washington, Aug. I. General Shat ter, la a report to the war department, emphatically denies that he Is respon sible for the Inadequate provision made for the sick and wounded brought from Santiago to the United States on the Seneca and Concha Everything pos sible, he says, was sent with the sick and wounded. The matter of shortage of water, he says. Is Inexcusable. He concludes his report as follows: "There is no excuse for lark of food, as there haa at all times been plenty of that. I have no doubt that many more were put on the shto than should have been, owing to the great desire to get home, as they had the fear of yel low fever, and were almost wholly without hospital accommodation. "The sick and wounded had only the clothing on that they wore Into battle, and of course that was ragged and worn out bv the time they reached home. There was none to Issue to them at the time they left, and their own extra clothing they could not get at. There has never been a case of suffering here that could be remedied by the means at hand that waa not at tended to. The surgeons have worked as well as any men that ever lived, and their complaint has been univer sal of lack of means and facilities. From the day the forces left Tampa until the present time there have never been sufficient medlral attendants or medicines for the dally wants of the command. Three times since reaching Cuba has the command been almost entirely without medicines." THAT "ROUND ROBIN." Throe-Fourths of Shafter'a Men Were 8lok With Malaria. Washington, Aug. 8. General Shat ter telegraphed the president regard ing the publication of the "round robin' signed by the general officers of hit command as follows: "I can very readily see what intense excitement the publication must havt occasioned a great deal more than th( situation warranted. Situation Is great ly aggravated from the foot that be fore anv of the men were taken 11) they weru thoroughly exhausted. At least 75 per cent, of the command had been down with malarial fever, from which they recover very slowly and arc In no condition to stand an attack of yellow fever or dysentery. Placed here now in the condition in which they were when they came here. I do not believe they would be In any particular danger. The regiment ol Immune that recently arrived Is nm suffering at all, and I do not believe they will. They can keep out of tht sun, are well clothed and well fed. What put my command In Hs present condition was the twenty days of the campaign when they had nothing but meat, bread and coffee, without change of clothes, without any shelter whutov er, and during the period twice oc stormy as It has been since the surren der. Fresh troops reaching here In thr middle of August, with good camps, .good ,waer, abundance of ''rentage, which they wilt find here, need not ap prehend serious danger." TWO NAVAL CHANGES. BUrMbve Goes to the Teinn and Good rich to the Newark. Washington, Aug. 9. Two Important changes in the command of vestwls ol the navy were anneunced lost evening by Secretary Long. Captain Charlei D. Slgsbee, who commanded the bat tleshlp Maine when she met her fate In the harbor of Havana, and who has been m command of the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul since the war began, has been ordered to relieve Captain John W. Philip of command of the bat tleship Texas, now undergoing repair" In New York. It Is understood that Captain Philip will be assigned to shore duty, probably the command of the Mare Island navy yard at San Francisco. Secretary Long announced also that Captain Caspar F. Goodrloh, of the auxiliary- cruiser tH. Louln. had been ordered to the command of the Newark, Commodore Watson's sew flagship, to succeed Oaptaln Albert 8. Barker, who has been transferred to the bat tleship Oregon on account of the Ill ness of Captain Charles E. Clark. Hobson Calln on Corvera. Annapolls.Aug. 8. Naval Constructor R. P. Hobson came here yesterday from Washington, spent three hours and left again for that place. Lieu tenant Hobson took a carriage on his arrival and went directly to call on Admiral McNalr, the superintendent of the academy. After a few minutes' chat he went over to see Admiral Corvera, who Is occupying a house In the same row with the superintendent's resi dence. Here he and the Spanish pris oners exchanged reminiscences of their former meeting when Hobson waa res cued from the waters of Santiago har bor by the admiral. Spanish Prisoner Sent to Spain. Washington, Aug. . Confirmation was received by Adjutant General Cor bln last night from Coldnei Humphrey, in charge of the transportation ar rangements al Santiago, that the Span ish hospital ship Alicante sailed from there yesterday with 600 of the Spanish prisoners for Spain. It Is supposed that the Alicante carries a majority of the sick and wounded of General Torsi's army, as he woul naturally sua them Mrst. The war department haa no definite InfennaMoa am to the trme of the sailing of the other Spanish ves sels Wife Murderer Dene Arrwst. West Ntwton, Pa., Aug. 8. John Evans, armed with two revolvers, went to the home of his wife yesterday and fired three shots at her head. She died In a few minutes. Failing In his attempt to commit suicide, Evans for tified himself-In the cellar of the house, and so far haa been able to resist ar rest. Policeman Harvey was shot In the leg by Evans while trying to orawl through a cellar window. Evans Is 60 years of age. . Hlewlfe was nearly as old.- The did not'llve together. ESATH. CP GEHEXAL POLAND. Victim of Typhoid fever. Contracted M Chlokamaasj.' . Ashville, N., C. Aug. I. Brigadier General John B. Poland died here yes terday of fever contracted at Chlcka- mauga, General Poland came to Ashe vllle several days ago. with the hope of recovery from the attack of typhoid fever, but despite the efforts of the doctors his disease wowbeyond con trol. Mrs. Poland and ffcelr son and daughter were here when death came and they, with Lieutenant' Wrenne, ol General Poland's staff, yesterday ac companied the remains to Westerly, R, L, where the Interment will take place. Brigadier General John 8. Poland war born at Princeton, Ind., on Oct. 14, 1836, and would have had over two years to serve before reaching the age for re tirement He waa appointed a cadet at the United States military academy In July, UM, and was graduated from that institution to the class of 1861, which entered the service lust at the begin ning of the war. On March 1, 1886, he became lieuten ant colonel of the Twenty-first infantry, from which regiment he wtis trans ferred to the Seventeenth Infantry as colonel In August, 1891. On May 4 of this year Colonel Poland was appointed by the president a brigadier general of volunteers, his name being Included In the first list of regular army colonels raised to that position. ROUGH RIDE RSLE AVE CUBA. Colonel ItooNevclt'n Men Snll From MantlHiin For Mnutnuk Point, L. 1. Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 8. The First regular cavalry and the First volun teer cavalry. Rough Riders, sailed to day on the transports Miami and Matteawnn. Of the Rough Riders the following remain here sick: Second Lieutenant William Tiffany, Troop K : Corporal Edgar A. Schwaes, Troop O; Privates William Hoyle, Troop E; F. O. Whalen, Troop A, and T. D. Stead man, Troop D. They will probably leave In ten days In care of Dr. Oon sales. The Rough Riders came to town by rail from their camp at 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon. At the station they fell into line, each company being pre ceded by a red and white banner bear ing the number of the regiment and the company letter. Colonel Roosevelt rode at the head of the regiment as it marched down the Alameda skirting the water front to the dock, where the Miami was moored. All the men looked fit, but worn out. They present ed a picturesque appearance. Some wore new khaki uniforms, while others were attired In heavy blue flannel shirts, with their old equipment. All expressed regret at leaving their five companions behind, but were wild with Joy at the prespoct of so soon return Ing home. They take no tents or bag gage whh them. The work of em barkation was very easy and was quickly performed. The men are ready and eagur to return for the Havana campaign In the fall. TROOPS ACTIVEJN PORTO RICO, GeiM'ifil ltrooke Moving on San Junn With ltl,(HH) M011. Ponce, l'orto Rico, Aug. 8. A general advance of the American force has be gun. The remulnder of General Ernst's brigade, constituting the advance cen ter, supported by two batteries, moved out at 6 o'clock yenterday morning and a part of the Eleventh Infantry of Gen eral Henry's division started to the left toward Adjuntas. Troop A. of New York, the Philadelphia City Troop and Troop FT, of the Sixth regulars, art convoying Oeneral Rronke's transpor tation column along the coast road through Salinas to Arroyo. Wire com munication with General Krookn, on the right, has not yet been established. Colonel Rice, of General Miles' staff, will probably bo unsigned to tho com mand of the Sixth Massachusetts. . General Wilson has moved thi head quarters of his division from Poncv to Juan PI as. Oeneral Schwan, with tho Eleventh regular Infantry and two but teries, moved yesterday through Ynuco toward Muyaguez. General rtmoke Is moving north 'from Guayuino with 10, 000 men. Khnfter'M Health Roport. Washington, Aug. 9. General Phnf ter's sanitary report for Aug. 7 Is as follows: Total number of pick. 3,445; total number of fever cases, 2,498; total number of new cases, 412; total number fever cases returned to duty, 406; deaths Aug. 7: Private Ranger Mollln, Ninth Massachusetts, typhoid fever; Private Charles Wren, Eighth Infantry, pernicious anamla; Private Daniel Oruber, Eighth Infantry, thermic fever; Private Hons Larsen, Third Infantry, typhoid fever; Private Fatllck Stevens, First cavalry, typhoid fever; Private Frank J. Muck, Thirty-fourth Michi gan, typhoid and gastric fever; Cor poral George L. Hopper, Private Ira L. Reyer, Corporal- Dudley Wilson and Private Frank Dlbler, Eighth Ohio, yel low fever; Private Charles Dlggs, Twenty-fourth Infantry, yellow fever. Sick Soldiers nt Fort Myor. Washington, Aug. 8. Secretary Al ger visited Fort Myer yesterday after noon with a view of ascertaining per sonally whether everything possible waa being done for the soldiers of Camp Alger who are In the hospital at the fort. Each one has a good bed which Is kept Immaculately clean and fresh, and all are receiving excellent medical attention and nursing. At present there are about 375 men In the hospital. Some of them are very seriously ill and a few are not expected to recover. Thus far the fatalities among the troops at Camp Alger have numbered 39. This Is not considered a great loss In an army of nearly 30,000 men during the three months the men have been In the service. To Miwlw Ont Troops. Washington, Aug. 9. It Is understood here that Immediately upon Spain's binding herself to evacuate Cuba and Porto Rico and ceding our rights In the Ladrones and Philippines, 150,000 men will be mustered out of the ser vice. This will leave an army of 125,000, which is believed to be sufficient to cope with the situation. , Immnnoa For Santiago. Savannah, Aug. 9. Two battalions of the Fifth regiment, United States vol unteers (Immunes), sailed yesterday af ternoon on the transport Rio Grande for Santiago. The third battalion will ail on the arrival of the transport Leona. VIEWS IN MADRID Spain's Answer Declares Question . Mast Be Settled BT A JOINT PEACE COMMISSION. A Report That England Onrtd to , Mediate, and the Offer Waa Favor ably Kooelved, bat Not Accepted. Quibble Over Philippines. Madrid, Aug. 9. It is said that as soon as the American reply Is received Senor Sagasta will nominate peaoe commissioners. It Is said here that these questions. the answer declares, must be decided by peace commissioners: The Cuba debt; the date and manner of evacuat ing Cuba and Porto Rico, and the man ner of protecting Spaniards and Span ish interests there; whether Spain shall withdraw its artillery, arms and am munition now in Cuba and Porto Rico; the future of the Philippines. The treaty win be slgaed, subject to approval by the cortes, which will be convoked Immediately. The cabinet council will appoint Spanish commis sioners to meet Uke Americans to ar range as to the future of the Philip pines and other details. El Liberal says: "The government received an offer from England to mediate. The offer was favorably re garded, but was not accepted. The presence of a large RrMish squadron near Gibraltar Is clear evidence of an understanding, If not an alliance, be tween England and the Vnlted States." Pettlre For Generosity. Paris, Aug. 9. The Temps says it if to be hoped the noble resignation of Spain will touch the heart of President McKlrUry and that he will consider It honorable to show that If the United States Is strong, It Is great and magnani mous enough to spare the vanquished enemy, not to abuse Its victory and to desire by the generosity of its acts so make the treaty with the people they have learned to respect on the battle field a veritable pact friendship. It Is certain. The Temps adds, that Spain will be rewarded for her wisdom. Freed from tlie Cuban incubus, she will re gain energy and vitality and march with Joyful steps towards a calm and prosperous future. NogotlatlouH May Ooonr In Pari. London, Aug. 9. The Madrid corre spondent of The Times says: "The promptitude with which the Spanish cabinet accepted the terms, on receipt of the American explanations, shows that It does not desire to waste time in dilatory procoduru. The question when direct negotiations will begin If rather doubtful, probably because the cabinet Is resolved to act scrupulously In accordance with the letter and srdrlt of the constitution and the best authori. ties disagree In the interpretation of the constitutional law. It Is believed that the direct negotiations will occur in Paris." SpiinlMh Internal Troiirtiex. London. Aug. 9. A Hpeclal dispatch from Madrid says: "The government has sent a squadron of cavalry and a company of infantry In pursuit of a band of seven men, who with cries of "long live the Republic" Invaded a farm at Alcula de Chlvert. in Valencia, and seised a nuinlwr of rifles belonging to customs officers and members of the municipal guard." A "BUMPER" WHEAT CROP. iteports) indicate, tlie Largest Yield in the Country's Ilixtory. Chicago, Aug. 9. The Post says: "Ac cording to reports received by railway companies and business men the larg est wheat crop In the history of the United States will be harvested within a fortnight. The winter wheat yield which aggregates from 375,000,000 to 400,000,000 bushels will be Increased to the extent of nearly 350,0t0,000 bushels from the soring wheat region. The 'bumper crop' of 18S1 will be eclipsed this year by 100,000,000 bushels from present Indications." "Reports received from members of the National Association of Merchants and Travelers, who are assembling here to attend the full meeting afford positive proof, It is declared, that a new era of prosperity Is at hand throughout the great west. Railroad of ficials who have Just come in from ex tended trips through the spring wheat and corn growing states make equally optimistic reports. State crop reports received today from Kansas and Michi gan say, 'A bumper crop Is hern.' And the Pearson Taft Land Credit company, which holds $9,000,000 worth of farm mortgages In the west, has but $17,000 worth of property under foreclosure." Colored Troopers Rescue Comrade. Tampa, Flo., Aug. 9. The Ninth cav alry (colored) is now on its way to Montauk Point, L. I., with one member whom his fellow troopers rescued from the county Jail at Tampa. The prisoner was given up only after the soldiers had stormed the building. They claimed he had been arrested unjustly, and 30 of the men, armed with rifles and revol vers, set out to release him. At the Jail they demanded that the Jailer give up the prisoner, which he at first refused to do, but after the soldiers had fired a volley of shots at the building he sur rendered the man. The governor will make a formal demand on the United States authorities that the prisoner be brought back for trial. A Papal Knoyellcul. Rome, Aug. 9. The pope has Issued an encyclical protesting against the suppression of Catholic Journals during the recent Insurrection, which It de clares "Illegal, contrary to Christianity, specially directed against the papacy, and calculated to embitter religious onfllct, prejudicial to Itnly, and to' re move a conservative force against so cialism and anarchy. Nevertheless, Catholics, though opposed to all rebel lion, will not alter their policy either for threats or violence. They will sub mit to the existing state of things, though they will never support It." General King For the Philippines. San Francisco, Aug. 9. Brigadier Oeneral King will sail with troops on the transport Arizona early this week for Manila. General King will Join Gen eral Merritt's forces In the Philippines, and the Arlsona will be kept In east ern Waters for the purposes of trans port and as carrier of stores. She Is one of the fastest boats In Uncle Sam'l itrvlce in the Pacific. WAR BREVITIES. Wednesday, Ana?. S. Our officials are apprehensive of rouble with Agulnaldo'a Insurgent Ijrce. in the Philippines. General Shatter reports that all po Itlcal prisoners' in Cuban prisons are telng promptly released. All sick and wounded soldiers, when sble to travel, will be granted a month's furlough and transportation to their homes. President Palma. of the Cuban Junta, declares that the Cubans are too grate ful to harbor slight or fanciful wrongs against their benefactors. Thursday, Ana. 4. After the war is over our European squadron will be largely Increased. The squadron of the Spanish Ad miral Cervera, now at Cadla, is totally unfit for sea service. Lieutenant Colonel J. Lewis Good has been sworn in as colonel of the First Pennsylvania regiment, now at Chick amauga. Secretary Alger Issues a statemsot admitting the privations of sick and wounded soldiers on the transports Concha and Seneca. Measures have been taken to prevent a repetition. Friday, Aug. S. General Wood, military governor of Santiago, has perfected arrangements for thoroughly cleansing the city. The Madrid press stronsly blames Porto Rico volunteers for yiolding without resistance to Americans. General Grosvenor, of Ohio, In an Interview In London, declared that this country would form no alliance. Miss Helen Gould Is taking an active part In furnishing relief for sick ami wounded soldiers. Admiral Cervera and son. Spanish prisoners of war at Annapolis, took a trip to Newport News by permission of the navy department. Mut 11 relay, Aug. U. Captain Clark, of the battleship Ore gon, has been Invalided home. Immune regiments are being sent to Cuba to replace those being sent home. The daughter of the captain general of San Juan, Porto Rico, is drilling the gunners In the forts. The repair ship Vulcan, an Innova tion In modern naval equipment, has proved a thorough success. An army officer says the military balloon is a failure and declares that Its use at Santiago caused the deaths of 300 men. Secretary Alger propones having the bodies of all the dead at Santiago brought north and Interred la the Nat ional cemetery. Monday, Aug. H. General Miles ruports the capture of Guaynma, l'orto It loo, by United States volunteers. One hundred and seven sick and wounded soldiers arrived at Fort Mon roe from Santiago. Commodore Schley was mlsrepre scnted In saying It wan possible to enter Santiago's harbor. Colonel San Martin, commander of Ponce, Porto Rico, capttirod by General Miles' forces, was court martlaled and shot. Privates Foreythe and Dunn, of Com panics R and A, respectively, Fourth regiment of Immunes, were struck by a train and killed near Fredericks burg, Va. Refuse a Htiitne to (Jlndstono. Dublin. Aug. 9. The municipal coun cil of Dublin has refused to comply with a request of the Gladstone Me morial society for Its co-operation In erecting In Dublin a statue, commem orative of the life and services of Mr, Gladstone, similar to those which the society will erect In London and Edin burgh. A resolution was passed that "the corporation of Dublin l Htrongly of opinion that no statue should he erected In Dublin in honor of ury Englishman until the Irish people have creotcd a fitting one In memory of Charles Stewart Parnell." HoldlerH Killed by I.luhtnlii. Miami, Flu., Aug. 9. A severe elec trlcal storm passed over camp yester day afternoon resulting In the death of Private Churles Egill, Company K, First Louisiana and Corporal E. K. Humphreys,' Company E, First Texas. THE PRODUCE MARKETS. As Reflected liv Dealings In Philadel phia and llultlmoro. Philadelphia, Aug. H. Flour strong, winter superfine. 2.1.7fi2.40: do. extras. $2.7r33; Pennsylvania roller, clear. $3.2!ifl 8.60; do. straight. $.1.Vfi'S.W; western win- ter. W.tW(4.10. Wheat advanced fcfrllc. No. 2 red, spot. 77c; do. August, 7 lfic; do. Suptember, 7rKifinW4c. Corn nrm; No. ? mixed, August and Bentem ber. 374(&37VjO.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, imiMw,e. Oats quint and steady No. 2 white, clipped, old, MiQAV&d.; No. 2 white, old, Mc. Heef steady; smoked Deer, iTfflKO. Lnrd dull: western steamed $S.S5. Uutter firm; western creamery, 14 uua; 00. factory, ll'iM4; Elglns, yie. imitation creamery, 135lOe.; New York dairy, uwnc; do. creamery, 14 VittlSHc ; Pennsylvania fancy prints, wholesale, 22c. Cheese steady; lurge, white, 74c. ; small do., 7c; largo, colored, 74c; small do,, 7c; light skims, C4WU,c. part do., dVltWc; full do., 2tf2o. Errs steady; New York and Pennsylvania, 14"WirMrC; western, fresh, 14Hc Baltimore, Aug. 8. Flour quiet: west ern superfine, t2.60ra4.73; do. extra, U.Wtf 8.25; do. family, $3.Wa4; winter wheat, patent, $4.104.80; spring do.. $4.60ft4.T5, Wheat weak; spot, 7fi14c.; month, 7.'iA'tf 7fic; Hnptemher, 7S74c; steamer No, 2 red, 7Rc.; southern, by sample, TOffTRc.; do. on grude, IffiilHo. Corn easy; spot and month, J7ST7Hc; Snptember, 37V037Hc; steamer mixed, IIHww!.; southern white and yellow, 8!Ku-40c. Outs quiet and steady; No. 2 whits, weutsm. SSOT.'Hc; No. 2 mixed do., 806i31c. Rye firmer; No, 3 nearby, 49c.; No. 2 western, RIc. -Hay steady; No. 1 timothy, tiikaiti.ljo. drain freights steady; stoam to Liverpool, per bushel, lMid., August; Cork, for order., per quarter. Is. Sd.fifs. Id., August; 2s. fcl. CTSs., September. Sugur strong; grnnu latod, 5.46H. Butter steady; fancy crcsm ery, 20a.; do. Imitation, 17c; do. ladle, 14i7l5c; good ladle, 13c; store psckod, lie. Eggs firm; fr.sh, ViViC. Chesss steady; fancy New York, large, 84flRHc; do. medium, RH&Wio.; do. small, t)fcflc. lettuce, fJOUTSc per bushel box. Whisky, tl.2Wl.I9 per gallon for finished goods In carloads; $1.SU(ij1.81 par gallon for Jobbing lots. East Liberty, Pa., Aug. (.-Cattle about steady;, extras, I5.10U5.15; prime, IS'gS.lO; common, $3.0S4. Hogs a shade higher; prime mediums and good Yorkers, $4.10 4.15; common to fair, $44.05; heavy, $49 4.10; pigs. $3.T04; roughs, $2.608.60. Sheep fc'-' r" '"' M" common. ' - , lM.MWb, l . , I HI.. N Lgainst Attacks by Letter Writer to Navy Department. HIGH PEAI3E FOB HIS WORK. Secretary Long Protests Against Uis Cruel Insinuations, Cast Upon the Admiral, aud Speaks a Uuod W01J For All tho Gallant Men. Washington, Aug. 9. The secretary of the navy has received several let ters violently attacking Admiral Samp son. In bis reply to one of these he says: 'I am In receipt of your letter, anil hasten to assure you that whut you say about Admiral Sampson Is so unjust that It can only he purdoned 011 Ur ground of your Ignorance of the whole matter. You have no appreciation of the responsibilities that have beer, upon Admiral Sumpson; of his very superior attainments as an officer, and the splendid work he ha9 done In pre paring for the naval victory which wu the crowning accomplishment of his efforts for weeks and weeks before Santiago. Justice Is always done? In the long run. Rut when you Indulge in such unfounded criticism 1 cannot for bear to protest, ns I should fed bound to do If you had referred In similar terms to uny other of our deserving officers. "I can well understand why the friends of other olllcers should bo so enthusiastic and eurncst as I am In giving them the credit they so richly, every one of them, deserve for their glorious work. 1 cannot conceive of anybody so mean as to detract by a single hair from their merit. Rut I cannot understand why such a blttei feeling Is manifested in many quar ters towards Admiral Sampson, when all these olllcers, subordinate to him In their reMrts, clearly und cordially recognize the fact that, although at the beginning he was. by orders from Washington, going to confer with Gen eral Shafter, yet the battle was fought: under his order, and that the victory was the consummation of his thorough preparation. For myself, I know of no predilection for any one of these cullant men. 1 would crown every one of them with laurel. 1 want thi m all to have theii Just deserts. Every one ol them de serves unstinted praise; not one of them deserves anything less than full measure for that day's work. And. therefore, I can think of nothing more cruel than a depreciation of the merit of the faithful, devoted, patriotic coin-mander-ln-chlef, physically frail, wore with sleepless vigilance, weighed with measureless responsibilities and details, letting no duty go undone, for week with ceaseless precautions blockading the Spanish squudron. und at lost, by the unerring fulfillment of his plans, crushing It under the fleet which exe cuted his command, yet now compelled In dignified silence to be assailed as vlndleately as If he were an enemy to his country. "I am sure thnt no one more depre cates such an attack than the oIT1xtf of the fleet commodore, captains and nil. Among them all Ih peace; whatever disquiet there may be elsewhere, the navy Is serene." PAY DAY ATJAMP THOMAS. Soldiers at (hlckiiiiiiiuun Are ltoLuii Paid For July. Chlcknnmuga Pnrk. tla.. Aug. 9 -Chief Paymaster Georg" R. Smith be gan paying the troops yesterday. The following regiments received for Jury: Third Tennessee, Fifth Pennsylvania, Third United States cavalry, Flrnf Pennsylvania. First New Hampshire. First Vermont, First West Virginia. There are numerous furloughs be Ing granted to convalescents in ac cordance with the recent order to al low patients recovering from serious Ill ness 30 days' furlough und transporta tion home. Trulned nurses arc badly needed ncrr In the camp hospitals. Five "caths l the present dally average In each of tht division hospitals. In the Second di vision there are 200 rntlcnts lying very 111 and not enough attendants to earn for them properly. Men are dying ev ery day who mlpht have been restorel to health with proper care and trout ment. Private Charles E. Polan, of Com ,, puny E, First Pennsylvania reglniemt,' died from the cff"cts of a second mirf gleal operation, performed to relieve lilt bowels of an obstruction. His re mains will be shirred to Philadelphia, (Jold on the Mnt-lu. Teresa. Playa Del Estc, Aug. 8. The Potomw has recovered $10,000 from tho Infanta Maria Teresa, which was driven ashorw at the time Admiral Cervera attempted to escape froin Santiago, and which has been floated nnd will proceed to Nor folk, Va. . BRIEP ITEMS OF NEWS. The Democratic victory In tho Ala bama election is almost a complete orie. Sir Thomas Llpton will challenge for the America's cup. Hid yackt will be culled the Shamrock. Ex-Congressman James O. Broad head, of Missouri, formerly minister to Switzerland died at St. Louis. Governor Voorhees, of New Jersey, yesterday appointed John Hunter dep uty factory Inspector for Passaic coun ty. There were 30 candidates. , Pickett's men were formally wel comed at Independence hall, Philadel phia, and then went to the G. A. R. encampment at Washington Park. N. J. Advices received from Cocos, Cuata mola. show that the revolutionary movement there has assumed a phase jeopardising the Interests of forolga residents. Stevenson Archer, who robbed Mary land of $132,401 while state treasurer, and was sentenced to five years' Im- r rrrfnt, died .a a Baltimore hoapl- tai, se . . - t Vp!ff-T? John . Mesdewa, '1 Mwf. 11 T- V-.o. ft'-1 J1Z . " dthot QV