The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 11, 1898, Image 4

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The Widdleburgh Post.
Published every Thursday.
Geo. vV. Wanens-jller,
Editor and Proprietor
Subscription $1.50 per year.
win -u ini.u lie n-ilrt in advance wnsn wnt ont
Hlile tur county.)
aii irii!'nt ailvprtitimonta not otherwise
MiumciO'l (or will t! cbnrifd at the rale of in
oi'nls r"T line (nonparlcl ineiwure) for flint Inser
tion ami K) cents per line tor every subsequent
KfDfaOi notica fwbiitked frtt ; obituary poerty,
tribute of rwcl. if c, thm cent a lino.
Oovernor-C'ol. W. A. Hiodo.
f.leut. Gov. -den. J. l.H. uobln.
Sec. Int. Arralr-Oen. J. W. Latta.
superior Jiiili?eW. W. Potter,
Congress at Large Hon. O. A. Orow.
8. A. Davonport.
t'onicrew Hon. T. M. Malion.
ARsemlily Dr. A. M. Hinltli.
AHSoclatu .Imlgf Z. T. (Ieniherllti(.
County surveyor O. A. Ilotaorf.
Thursday, August 11, 189S.
This must have lieen a kind-hearted
war indeed, if the United States
oilers to surrender the. Philippine is
lands, captured and held at an en
ormous expense. Have the author
ities at Washington wholly lost their
senses at this most critical instant of
our history? If w, the administra
tion inii-t and will he pulled up with
a sharp turn. It is a pleasure to
pay compliments and throw Ixm
(piets and we like the nice way of
doing these things, and Klohltcring
over the administration with palaver
which t lie newspapers have which
advocate holding the islands. This
is no time for palaver and all that
the administration has accomplished
will he lost to him Hlitieally and
historically if he allows Spain to
keep the Philippines, or goes into
partnership with her in the govern
ment of the islands. We have con
quered and earned the Philippines
and we want them. We have not
conquered Cuha and only hold the
tip end of it and have promised it
ly act of Congress to the insurgents.
We cannot jmisscks Cuha without
violating the national word.. In
view of these facts, what twaddle it
is for Washington to tell the cople
of this country, literally swaniiKnl
under war taxes on everything in
hard times, that it is proposed to
surrender or jointly with Spain gov
ern the Philippines. Ijet such rot
talk cease and sternly do liusinesson
common sense lines.
Bismarck an Ardent Lover.
Bismarck fell in love at a friend's
wedding with the young woman
who Im ciiiiic his wife, and presently
wrote to her parents to ask her hand.
The good people were naturally
much surprised at a direct attack
like this; they were very simple
folks, leading a very quiet life, and
they were rather frightened at the
reputation for the high living which
the candidate enjoyed.
As, however, their daughter in
timated indiscreet terms tliatslie did
not look upon the young gentleman
with an unfavorable eye. Herr von
Piittknmmer wrote to young Ilis
marck, inviting mm to come and see
Every one did his licstat Kcinfcld
to irive the visitor a suitable reten
tion ; Fraulein von Puttkammer's
narenls nun on an air of trrave so
lemnity, and she stood with eyes
moucMlv iH'iit upontuegrotiiid.
Uismnrck, on alighting, threw his
arms around his sweetheart's neck
and embraced her vigorously liefore
anylxxlv had tune to tell him Hint
lus conduct wasnardly proper and
correct. 1 he result was, however,
un immediate U'trothal.
Prince Bisimirk was very fond of
telling this tale, and was cureful al
ways to finish the story by this reflec
tion: "And you have no idea what
this lady has made of me."
A Glimpse Into Fairy
Electrical llluniratior at tr Trai5
nyssissippl Exposition.
In no respect probably has the
success of the designers and builders
of the Trans-mississippi Exposition
been more pronounced than in the
matter of electrical illuminations.
The enchanted apjicaraiice of the
Grand ' Court bailies description.
Prominent visitors who have seen
similar displays at previous exposi
tions in this country and Europe
declare that nothing equal to it has
ever liefore lieen accomplished.
The central feature in the illumi
inations is the electrical fountain,
designated "Nautilus." In the cen
ter s a tall column on the ton of
which is seated the figure of Neptune
viewing his realm with regal dignity.
Belore him riot hiscaptive waters in
holiday attire, assisttd by the rain-
Ixnv subjects of a rival sovereign
Innumerable sprays of vari-colored
crystal fluid dart forth in rapid
sequence, now bursting into flaming
red, then quietingtosulxiued mother-
of-pearl, and again ottering a bou
iiiet of myriad shades to the water-
The fountain is the central feature
in the picture, but it is in the gener
al illumination of the buildings a
row of lights along every cornice,
around every window, up every pil
lar, encircling every dome that the
skill of Mr. Luther Stieringcr, who
has had charge of the lighting of tiie
buildings and grounds, has accom
plished the most wonderful results.
Mr. Stieringer was consulting elec
trical engineers at the World s Fair
and has lieen connected with this fea
ture of the work of all the recent
large expositions.
By daylight the picture of the
Grand Court from the top of the
steps leading to the South Viaduct
is one which every visitor will re
mcmlier. The water of the lagoon,
dotted with pretty dongolas, and sur
rounded with sloping banks of rich
green grass, forms a contrast to the
dazzling whiteness of the sun-bathed
buildings the symmetry of whose
architecture is one of the most note
worthy successes of the builders of
the exposition, and the whole fqrms
a scene to which the faithful camera
can never do full justice. Much ot
the beauties of this picture is retain
ed at night, but. the long lines of lit
tle lights, reflected in the quiet wa
ters of the lagoon, give the , night
scene an added charm of its own.
It is like a glimpse into Fairyland.
At the west end of the lagoon stands
the Government building, the sali
ent points of its architecture made
distinct by electric stariKiints. The
heroic figure "Liberty Enlightening
the World," which surrounds the
Government building, is jeweled with
incandescent, about her head is a
scintillating tiara, and the upheld
torch is encircled. Beneath the
figure several lines of light complete
ly girdle the ciiikIh above the dome.
Streamers of light cover the dome,
apparently held in their places by
five-pointed stars on either side of
the dormer windows. Below these
another line of light completely sur
rounds the base of the dome. Aris
ing from the roof of the central por
tion of the building, a series of flam
beaux imported on shafts of artistic
design cast their radiance on sur
rounding objects. The allegorical
figures on the upper cornices and
flanking the dome arc outlined har
moniously and effectively.
Clusters of light Iwrder the Mir
ror and in the centre of this charm
ing scene plays the electrical foun
tain. On either side of the Mirror
arc defined the colonnades which con
nect the Government building with
its sister buildings on right and left
by pillars of light. To the left the
Fine Arts building rivets the atten
tion with domes light-encircled, cor
nices ablaze, pillars and pilasters il
luminated. Opposite, across the
gently rippling water-mirror, is the
classical Agriculture building. It
presents a brilliant opjwrtunity for
inoUHi(!.sccuiiiecoration. iho upper
lines including the balustrades, aud
the imjiosing entrance and corner
towers, stand revealed by the Hu
morous electric punctuation points.
The Administration Arch shows its
lofty spire outlined in symmetrical
lines to the uppermost jwint The
Manufacturers building has the prom
inent roof cornices, caps of columns,
pedestals, and other points of vantage
emblazoned with incandescent lights.
Across the lagoon the Arch of the
States is girdled with bands of light
and the Liberal Arts building is vid-
idly outlined along its cornices. The
Mines and Mining building is espec
ially adapted for this beautiful dec
oration and right royally has it been
beribboned and festooned. ' Its grace
ful portico is clearly defined, the
towers wear scintillating crowns, the
windows shine as if revelry were
within. Facing this structure is the
palace of Machinery and Electricity,
with all effective points penciled in
light The east end of the lagoon,
in front of the last two mentioned
buildings, in company with the adja
cent terraces, landings, and broad
viaduct leading away from it, is
brilliantly lighted by incandescent
lamps supported by fanciful stand
ards of special design.
The marvelous result which neith
er pen nor brush nor camera can re
produce, is obtained by the use of
nearly 10,000 incandescent lights
with a combined power equivalent
to that of 163.120 candles. It is
noteworthy t hat this is the first time
electrical illumination has been at
tempted on so laree a scale by the
use of incandescent lights alone.
The Deputy Collector.
The many friends of Carl F. Es-
penschade will be gratified to learn
that Harry L. Hershey, of Harris
burg, Collector of Internal Ke
vcuue for this district, has appoint
ed him Deputy Collector for the
counties of Juniata, Perry, Snyder,
Mifflin and the northeastern part
of Dauphin.
Mr. Espenschade is an active and
energetic worker in the Republican
ranks, and is most deserving of re
cognition aud the rewards of the
jwrty. He is moral and upright, a
first-class business man and in the
osition to which he has been raised
will do credit to himself and advance
the liest interests of the service. Mr.
Eg penschade has visited our county
on several occasions in the interest
of the Tuscarora railroad,' and we
have always looked upon him as one
ot the principal promoters of said
extension, and felt that if we got a
railroad at all, it would lie mainly
through his eflorta. His many
friends will in this neighborhood ex
tend congratulations nnd hope he
will find his new work both plans-
ant and lucrative. The Fulton Re
New Postal Order-
90c. -for-Si, 00
My present large stock
must be reduced and shelves
cleared at once to make room
for incoming Fall Goods.
Drag i mi 30 Days
you will have an opportunity
iu uuy ai prices never oerore
offered in this section of the
0orpct3 I CarpotB 1 1 ".. bt'
All Quail
All PrlcJ
riTTIh'GS !
The whole Inwnr
Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain
f fc UMr OUU J. H 1MB V711 UlotllS, iVC., faj
M'e can bhow you the largest and best selection of tlle '
ever shown in T.uMuf.-i 'V
Brussell Carpet as low as 50c, and up I liag Carpet M low .
t. w ,.V oyK' tJottou Carpet
Half Wool Carpet" ; 35c . Velvet Carpet
-Uhina and Japan Mattme 100 Rolls
Compare oualitv and nriwo. vnn will GnA . i
- 1 j "" "uii viir slop
plaw to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are t '
est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show mlJ
T- . W. ft. FELIX, Lewistowti
In addition to my already
low prices always lower
than elsewhere you will re
ceive a especial
DlscQimt of 10 Gents on Er-
err Dollars
wortu ot Dry Goods, Mo
tions, Boots and tfhoes,
Clothing; and in fact on ev
erything excepting Grocer
iesthat you may buy during
hiib uig rearing up Hale.
The iHistmoster general has issued
an rder took effect recently, by
which the owners o lost registered
letters and packages will be reimburs-
1 1 . 11
ed. under tiie old system wnen a
registered letter or mckuge was lost
the ixwtoilice department did its best
to find the missing . valuables, and
failing 111 that the senders and owers
of registered mail will be reimbursed
to the amount ot ten dollars when
such letters or packages are lost.
Teachers' Examinations.
Applicant (or a Tenchnr'8 Certificate will be
eiiiiuliu'd In tiie wivem district ot ine county
at the plueos aud ou tbe dates Hereinafter uam
ed :
Mlddleburgh and Krunklln, Swlneford School
House, Auk. n.
Monroe Twp., simmokln nam, Aug. IS.
Ponn Towoblilp, Salem, Aug. 1A.
Union Twp., Port Treverton, Aug. 17.
chupmun Twp., Holirer'H school House, Aug. IS.
Washington Twp., Kreeburg, Aug. iv.
Went Terry Twp., Cross Koaila, Aug, ti.
Kvendiilu (Independent IMnt.) Kvendale, Aug, 23.
l"erry Twp., Fremont, Aug. itl
Hoaver Twp., Benverlown, Aug. 25.
Heaver West Twp., Met 'lure, Aug. m.
Spring Twp., AdaraHburg, Aug. S7.
Adanm Twp., Troxelvllle, Aug. W.
(xmtre Twp., centrevlllo, Aug. su.
jiirkson Twp., Kratervllle, Aug. 81.
Mlddlecreek Two.. Kreamer. NudI. l.
oeueral Hpuclal examination wiu be held at 31 Id
dleburgli, Sept. is.
All examlnatlona will tegln promptly at 8.80
o'clock, A. M.
All applicants must be examined in the dis
trict In which they have annlied (or a school un.
leas permlHMlon ban been granted them by the
Hoard of Directors to tuke examination else
where ; said permtaston must be In writing and
signed by the President and secretary of school
board, otherwise the examiner wll not recognize
Perrons who have not applied and who do not
Intend to apply fur a school will not be examined.
The examinations will comprehend the public
school branches and civil government.
Directors are earnestly requested to be present
at the examlnallon In (heir respective district.
IiCt us have a full turnout of the board at eaeb
examination, and thus show the district, as well
at the applicants tor schools, that you are, as a
ooard, deeply Interested In the bet term out of
Aoordliuand earnest Invitation Is extended
to all patrons and citizens lo attend the several
Faithfully yours,
Mlddleburgh, Aug. 1, lsw. County Hupt,
Yellowstone Park and Omaha Exposition,
Fcrmonalljr.t'nndnrted Tonra via the
FcunaylTitniai Kollruwd.
Tho Yellowstone National Park Is unquestion
ably one of the most Interesting regions on the
f:lolK, for within It la displayed the greatest eol
pctlon of nature's manifold wonders. Indeed,
this mountain-bound ulatean, high up on the
summit of the everlasting Uockles, Is a verutble
playground roruie worm s ginnt forces.
The personally-oonducted tour of the
vnnla Rallroail Company, which loaves New York
Arbuckles' and Ljon Coffee. 13o , 2
lbs. f or 25c ; 4 for 45c.
Miuuer uonee. iao ; A lbs. for 25c.
Loose Roasted Javo, 13c i 2 lbs. for
Java and Mocho. 28c : 3 lbs. for 80c.
iXtTrai?8e reen coffee, 25c.
9 1 i -4SSft SuBar Mo. 8i lbs Gran
mated, 50c.
10 lbs. Light Brown, 50c.
Corn Starch, 6c ; 3 lbs. for 12c.
New Rice, 5 : very nice.
Best N. O. Molasses, 14c. a qt.
Syrup, 18c. a gal.
Light Syrup, 80c. a al.
Chocolate, 18c.
Baking Soda, 4o. per lb.
Boking Powder, 6c. lb.
KafliriB, 7c.
Silver Prunes, 12o extra n.ce.
Oatmeal, 10c.f 3 paokages 26c.
Crushed wheat, 16c., 2 packages 25c.
Coffee cakes, 5o. alb...
Oyster crackers, 6c. a lb.
Kmck-knocks, 8c. a lb.
Water crackers. 9n. a lh
Cash paid for good butter and eggs.
i .i
InJ Carpets, Kugs and Oil-
we hove all the newest patterns and
CnOlftA nnlni-ins Tk. i-i a.
mo auLUHb ue-
signs are beautiful and at about a
"I" uu irom zormer prices.
ingrain uarpet, only Ufic.
o 7 v.. """-niaae unrpet, 'Vhs.
Table Oilcloth, 18c. per yd "
5 4 Table Oilcloth. 12c. per vd.ZT
No, 1 Butter, 14
No. 2 Butter, 10
Fresh Eggs, 12
Onions, SU
Dried Apples, t
Shoulder, I
Potatoes, SO
New Lard, t
Turkeys, 10
Young Chickens, 10
Dried Cherries, 8
Bacon, t
Bam, 10
The personally-oonducted tour of the Pennsyl
on September 1, affords the most satisfactory
means oi visiting una wouaenana auu viewing
Its marvelous feature. A stop of two days win
be made on tbe return trip st Omaha, afford lug
an opportunity to visit tlieTrans-Mlaslsslitpl Ex
position' Tourists will travel by special train ot
Pullman smoking' dining, sleeping, and obser
vation ears In each dlivctlon. Klgnt days will
be spent In tbe Park. A stop will also be msile
returning at Chicago. The round-trip rate, ITO
from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and
Washington, t'.'.W from Pittsburg, covers all ne
cessary expenses. ,
For detailed Itineraries and full Information
apply to ticket agents, Tourist Agent, UM
Broadway, New York, or address Oeo. W. Boydt
Assistant oeneral Passenger Agent, Bread street
Button, Philadelphia. , M-i,
N. B. We have no Spec
ial isargain Uay. Our Bar
gains are Every Day.
Liberal Afrnstments- Prompt Paj
H. H ARW EY S C H 0 C H .
Only tbe Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado
ffo Assessments tf0 Premium
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets llo3
" Hnmn U .4 it ioko a "I
" American u " isio 9?oJ
me oianaara Acciaent Insurance Co
ine mf xorK Ljle Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
HOid on to Your Dolla
Until you see Solid-fact Bargain
opened the Season with a stock 1
that beats the record for benutj
prices. Be fair with yourselva
our wegant Stock of Spring j
If presents an opportunity forw
al buyinjr that is not found elstt
Spring Hats,fai?cyS
Everybody needs something in
.1 v "o.d juoi wu you need, arl
prioeB that defy competition, t
the FinAai. T.ina rt f tl . ,
- uouuemgoi
ine Ixrinrfa nn fhA tt.
Vahces, Trunks and Rubber G
uavo m targe assortments,
We have a line unequalled in the county, our Sprine m
and quality, cannot be beat in the State. TC wat you to
H. jiliEiei1. aimifim.
F. H. Maurer,
N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sts
New Berlin. Pa.
Corrected weekly by our uierohants.
Butter , 15
Ekk? 12
Onions 00
Lard q
Tallow - . 4
Chickens per lb 7
Turkeys oo
Blue , ij
Shoulder " g
Hani ..- 12
Old Wheat 80
New Wheat 70
Rye 40
Potatoes "oo
Old Corn as
Oats ... ao
New Pats 35
Bran per 100 lbs 80
Middlings " 00
Chop " 90
Flour per bbl . 6.00
July 21, at Kutztown, Pa., by
Rev. George B. Smith, Charles P.
Schaeffer of Shaniokin Dam to Miss
Annie K, daughter of "William B.
Stein of Kutztown, Pa.
Future Oomi'ort for present seemin s Econom v. k
tbe Sewing Machine with an established repj
mat guarantees von long and satisfactory service
xio uoauiiiui ngureoi
work, durable const!
tion, fine mecbaii
cal adjustment,
coupled with the Finest Ss
Attachments, makes it ti
Most Desirable Machine iitis
0Sond tor our beautiful half-tone catalogue.
I keep every thine in the hard warn linA TTorse!
nails, other nails by the keg or pound, too steel, castaj
tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chaiiisol
Kinus, ioiks, suoveis. noes, tools of all kinds,
Horse Blankets,
Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brushes o
kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs, buckets,
Patent Washing Machines,
flail tn a nn mv ifnAilo n -n 1 n 111 1
vvr duv mj fjuuu9 auu UU Will UC UOI1 VllikCU 1
you can buy cheaper here than any where in the couu;
ours;rej. Lt varoor. Ma
r T .... lri '