The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 11, 1898, Image 3

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off a ;.
Pastor's Wife
v This woman was peculiarly afflicted; physicians could
ia nothing to relieve her, yet she was cured m a simple
.v She now sends a message to suffering humanity
which should be helpful
. u...j
r' . ALA rJ Dv.
lit. ao"" . ..
l cauo um v-araoan
j by her siunsoi, ana tot yean
T1 4 to Ua 1.1c ni lohM.
fibs it well tn4 tb story of fctf
id recovery will touca a rapoo
i (he baft ol rwnr woman.
ksij years asssiel Mrs. Aaams,
bepanlofail. Thenrst trouble
1 Srai with my stomach I food did
vith me, and my appetite tailed
scarcely cab -
luini tn html before I wu
h a meal, and the lood felt like
iy stomach. s
itb a smothered feeling which
n -rtmA lata on throat and
ipaoicd by a choking sensation.
to Won au over ana my iuu
imeaccdiwelHag until I thought
jLi Um I tiJ aain and mraiMi
IUUB ... " w
t tide which extended acroat my
hulfcompanied by uUMneta, ana wen
I severe paroxysms ot pam catena
the lower part of my stomach into
lion of my heart.
jrlog these spells a ftara rtage as urge
. would aeoear in the left side of
fonuch and around the left side,
'had a feeling of heaviness in my head
. rntAA aeMlv hald H lie or
my eyes open yet when night came
"I also offered intensely from female
" I doctored with ten different physicians,
but waa not benefited. No two of the doc
tort diagnosed my case the same.
" One day my husband noticed as article
regarding Dr. Williams' Plak Pills (or Pale
People in the newspaper, and induced me
to try the pins.
"I began taking them, but experienced
no relief until I hid used the sixth box. I
continued taking them and a'ter using
eleven boxes was greatly benefited.
MI was also troubled with nervous pros
tration and numbness of my right hand and
arm. My hand hurt so at times, tingling
and burning, that I could hardly endure
the pain, but that has all passed away.
44 1 now know what it means to cat a good
meal without suffering afterwards, and en
Joy a good nighf s rest.
" 1 am again able to do my work, and
have done more this summer than in all the
last four yean put together.
MI feel safe in saying that it b all due to
Dr. Williams' Pink Puis for Pale People,
and consider it my duty to let people know
what these pills have done for me, as it
may be the means of relief for others who
are suffering.''
Diseases strange to physicians I symp
toms that defied diagnosis, have succumbed
to the potent influence of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. Druggists
everywhere consider them to be one of the
most valuable remedial agents known to
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days 1
e Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
SYLVANIA. We are not selliDR out, but we do thiB to Increase our sales above any pre.
1ous year. We ffive a few of the prions as follows :
loft Wood Chamber Suits $14.00 Cotton Top Mattress 2.35
Jard Wood Chamber Suits 16.00 Woven Wire Mattress 1.73
intiqae Oak Suits, 8 Pieces 19.00: Bed Spring 1-23
Mash Parlor Suits 80.00; Drop Tables, per ft .80
Wooden Chairs per set 2.5U;l'latforni Kocaers ov
. -i-.i. ii.u. i n. ...nit..Jo lino (...lnrlln.r Mirrors Hook Crkpb.
. oi '. i l.i. n!.i nt. TVKto. Vouihi R.wilrar Knhv Chaira
i...u. T)ni, T Aimna. nnnalini Trvtlo-li t rn VB NinKS. Httll KaCKS. Oan.
leat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
s.i...j,i..ii thrnnvh Onim, nnrlvand hps onr stock before: (riving
I UUCP icuuwu nil wmvhSi.i - .
roar order, and than save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar.
Ipecial Attention Given to Undertaking & Aiii banning.
How the Republican Organization
Has Stood by the Boys in Bine
From the Beginning.
Insurance:, k
Insurance Agency,
aairrLox V7". rxyclor, Agent,
Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
na liflf. nf HUn1a f!nmfaniafl from wtiiph to makfi A BeleCtlOU. NODO
11 11 1IT 1
PTPPPnn1 T ;n.v.nn1 Vnrr nlii1in frtrpiiTn assets 4!l.000.000.00
Hartford, ol Uartlord, tjonn., loiaesi American vm.) o.uu.iou.u
Phoenix, Hartford. Conn. 5'52?'2-2I
Continental, New York, M&SSIS
German American, New York, t,J'5?o,
vv Xf.. i t t i vrm v.l W204.fi38.983.cG
UlUlHUbUM UliO XUD. UL'i HOI? 1V1 "
.CCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
AvlUvliv alls. auuouiuou voiiw' ; V .
VlM T i(n A n A rtntil nn cilru BAAATlfdil D f fVlfi InWORt, TtOflRlhlA rftt. lUfl-
ified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All ust claims promptly and
latisfaotorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classeB of Inaur-
,nA nrnmntl v f nmiaho DTTjMER W. SNYDER. Airt.,
Telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts. 8ebDS(rrove, P
Dr. Barn will Ball M appUoaUon
a fro luiple of bt m dlKOTerj
tat OoMaptlun. BronelilU ud
weak lsiur, which tare t Mar
nrc4. Th Doctor U Tr much
inknutM) in mr tdinH Ui nowi o
Uib Rrwt rW or. VJT
anowd Co if Um WIlkMt
15b. it. a HARTS,
At JattOrraa Bloc CM
The Cheapest and Best Fnei che Market.
With it yor can ran a vapor stove for one
half cent per hour. Give us a call and be
Schoch & Stahlneckor,
- . ... . . Middleburgh, Pa
The Sage of Political JournallNm ttw
mil How tbe Act Wtut 1'bkwiI GIy
Ina the Soldier In the Field the Rttfht
to Vote, andTellH How Oue ofPretf
lili-nt Lincoln's ProleWn Utretch
ert From Twenty-four Hours to
Twenty Yenr. i
(Special Corrcipondence.)
Philadelphia. Auk. 1
"That resolution adopted o enthusi
astically by the Republican mate com
mittee brings to my minu me
sixties as though the years since then
had been weeks.
It was In the course of a chat witn
Colonel A. K. MoClure. most l.rllllant
of free lance editors, that he said this,
und we happened to be dlsc-UBSlm; the
resolution by which the KoimMlcan
party, now. as In the sixties, and In all
the Intervening years, has been dis
tinctly the party of the soldier, whether
In maintaining him In his full Hunt of
suffrage or In standing guard over the
legislation out of which huve come
pensions, soldiers' homes and soldiers'
orphan schools.
"That resolution reaffirming as sound
Republican doctrine the declaration
that 'the right of suffrage keeps step
with the American soldier wherever he
follows the nag of his country.'" contin
ued the colonel, "affirms a fact In luw,
so far as Pennsylvania Is concerned,
And one which the Republican party,
after a determined strtlKRlc. P' In"
ths very constitution of the common
wealth. The sub-committee to be ap
pointed by State Chairman Elkln 'to
take such steps as may be necessary
to see that thlH right Is Insured to every
Pennsylvania soldier who Is now In
the servloe of his country, wherever he
may be, without regard to zone or hem'
Innhere.' will have no heavier duties
than merely to remind the governor. If
any reminder had been necessary, as I
don't suppose It was In the present
case, of his prerogatives under the act
of 18W. passed In pursuance of the
amendment to the constitution adopted
in tha some year. That Is still the law
of the state, and while I do not fancy
thai the result of the eloctlon In fenn
sylvanla this fall will be so close that
we will hove to wait In uncertainty
until the official returns from the Ma
nila bay precinct are received and
counted, there Is no question In my
mind as to the rllfht of the fennsyiva
nla soldiers to vote, whether they are
In the Philippines. In Cuba or In Porto
Rica For this purpose the American
flag makes everything In sight of It
American territory on election day.
"What a rousing majority there is
likely to be In Cavlte township for
Aleck Hawkins for state senator from
the Washington-Beaver district, by the
way, for he Is the Republican candi
date, and has his Tenth regiment there
with him. And there is Willis Hillings,
who Is somewhere in Porto Rico with
the Sixteenth, and may be Heaven
knows where on rb-otlon day. If they
don't make peace too fast at Washing
ton the returns from Barcelona or
Cadiz, or even the Madrid districts,
may have an Interesting bearing on the
next representation at Harrlsburg from
one of our oil country districts.
"The question of the right of the sol
dier In the Held to vote was raised In
the congressional election of 1862," con
tinued Colonel MoClure. "In a cose
where some soldier votes were the
balance of power In one of the Phila
delphia districts. On a contest the
question got to the supreme court of
the state, and the soldier votes were
thrown out In pursuance of an opinion
written by Woodward. The Republi
can party Immediately accepted th
Issue. The necessary resolution for
submitting a constitutional amendment
to a vote of the people was pressed
through two successive legislatures, as
required; It went to a vote of the peo
ple In the early summer of '64. was
carried, and the legislature convened
In special session to pass the act re
quired to carry It Into effect.
"I had some Influence In Republican
councils at the time," he added, mod
estly (he was chairman of the Repub
lican state committee In 1860, had a
latchkey to the White House so long
as President Lincoln occupied It, and
was the power behind the throne In
both the Curtin administrations). "I
did the best I could, and so did Gov
ernor Curtin, to make the bill fair and
Just. It was war times then, as now.
The Republicans, of course, had the
people overwhelmingly with them In
Pennsylvania, and while they had not
the relative numerical strength they
have now, the war swept all other ques
tions out of the public mind. It Is as
Shakespeare put It In what might be
the saying of a shrewd and observing
poHtlcran of today 'uncommon things
make common things forgotten.' The
Republicans could have passed any
sort of an election law they pleased, If
they had seen fit to take unfair ad
vantage of their strength.
"After the law was passed I suggest
ed to Curtin that he appoint some rep
resentative Democrats among the elec
tion commissioners provided for, and
among others fie appointed Jerry Mc
Klbben, of this city. McKlbben hesi
tated about accepting, and said to mt:
" 'If Stanton catches me In Washing
ton he'll put me Into the capital prison,
sure,' but on my assurance that he
would be properly suppprted and pro
tected, he -went There waa an old
feud between the secretary of war and
the McKibbena, and Stanton waa not
only a tealous official, but one of tbe
best haters of a time when animosi
ties were especially hot Well, I got a
telegram a few days later, saying:
" 'I am In capital prison. Come and
get me out' and signed McKlbben. .
"I telegraphed the president, saying
I must see him that night, and went
over. I found that one of the printers.
I In setting up the blank tally sheets
furnished to the commissi oners, Ba4
Inadvertently dropped off the name of
one of the Republican candidates for
elector. McKlbben knew nothing of it,
and It could have had no effect on the
result, but Stanton, with that micro
scopic eye ef his, detected It, and had
promptly stuck Jerry in Jail on the
charge of putting forth fraudulent elec
tion papers. All that President Lin
coln could do that night was to order
his release temporarily on parole. I was
to tee Stanton next morning and get a
full discharge. I raw him, but after
considering the matter three days the
secretary wrote me raying he had con
cluded that In the public interest he
ought not to do so.
"And," concluded th shrc of political
JournaltFtn, with one of those rich but
quiet lnuchn of hl which seem to come
from the henrt. "by Gecrgv, he nver
did do It. and Jerry McKibhen died SO
years after, still at liberty under Lin
coln's temporary parole, vhlch was In
tended to last only over nlRbt."
The Bml Remnly fnr I'lns.
Mr. Jobn Muthins. a well known
stock of J?ulnnkt, Ky.; says: "AftM"
suffering for over a wesk with flux.
and my physician burin failed to
relieve me, I was a1vinetl to try
Chamberlai't's Colic, Cholera ntul
Diarrhoea Hemedy. and luive the
pleasure of statiosr tlmt the lm'.f of
one bottle cured a;e." For rale by
all DrufrgistH.
Teacher An Inland Is a body of land
surrounded by water. Take Cuba, fot
Johnnio You bet! that's what we're
going to do. Collier's Weekly.
Figure Can't Lie.
Thero aro covers to Nature's shortcomings
That detection can defy.
For the dressmakers know how to fashion
Tho form to enchant the eye;
And yet there arc still old fogies
Vio tell us figures can't He.
L'P tO DtltO;
Died On mo.
First Kansas Man I hear thnt a
bosothicf died rather sudden las' night.
Second Kansas Man (louder of neck
tie jxirty) Y-e-s; he wasn't sick lonff.
"Like a rooster jist like a rooster
with hlsspurson!" N. Y. Weekly.
A Sin to Secret.
"Why did you Insiot on un executive
session?" asked the intimate aeijimint'
nncc. "Did you have. anything so very
mysterious or important to say on
that subject
"No," replied Senator Sorghum
"But I desired to make my const it u.
ents think I hud." Washington Star.
At Dead of Mht.
Mrs Smith (from her room, as she
hears a dull thud In the hull) What
arc you doing, dear? lluvo you struck
u light?
Smith (In his stocking feet) Nol
1 1 1 1 ! It felt more
like a chair. Sun Francisco Exam
iner. ! the Springtime of Love.
Mrs, Tracy In looking through my
trunk to-day, I found this tender mis
sive from a former lover.
Tracy (utter reading the epistle)
What sap-head wroto that?
Mrs. Trncy Don't you recognize
your writing, dear? Up to Date.
Plenty ot Them.
MIIavj you ever had lnany mission
aries here?" Inquired tho latest one
of them.
"Oh, yes," said tho king of tho Can
non Jin II islands, "we huve had mis
sionaries to burn." Town Topics.
In order to complete our files wo
want the following named issues of
tho Post :
July 8, Sept. 1(5, 186!); Oct 6
13, 1870; Jan. 2(5, 1871; Apr. 17.
1873 ; Nov. 4. Dec. 23, 1875 ; Mar,
7, 187S; May 15, 1879; Feb. 17
Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883,
March 27, June 12, and Octolieri
30, 1884; Sept. 17, 1885; Jan. 28,
May 6, Oct. 28, Dec. 23,1880;
Dee. 2J, 18S7.
Any of our readers having copies
of the above issues will confer a
favor by letting us know. Such
copies iu good condition will com
mand a fair price. tf.
$100 Eeward. $100.
Tbe readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there Is at. least odb disease that
science has been able to cure In all Us stages
and that Is Calarrru. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the
only positive cure dow known to the medica,
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires acenstltmionul treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure In taken Internally, acting dlrctly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot tho
system, thereby deHtroylnir the foundation ot
the disease, and giving the patient streugth by
building np the constitution and assisting na
ture In doing Its work. The proprietors have so
muob faith In Its curative powers, that tbey
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It
Alls to cure, send for list or test imonials.
Address. F. J. CHENEY a CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 750.
Hail's Family rills are tbe best.
if you arc dissatisfied with the size
of piece or with the quality of the
chewing tobacco you are now
and you '11 get your money's worth.
Tk in
a W W W rW V S&Ws V sWMVWV AV mm9
larger than the 10-cent piece of any
other brand of the same high quality,
and is the largest piece of really good
m (jjpjfci gmj pBHM ssi mm m mm mm mm SHSJSHsaKssasssssisssssMsssssssBjsass
chewing tobacco that is sold for
JO cents,
Remember the name
when you buy again.
f www www wwwwW wwwwwww wwwwi
XI D n Q I KB k't your hare n
Mie treat fortune.
In Ih rcnllxed from the ttnndi-rliil rtlwoverie
alri'aily made ai.l to In- Mailt. In tliUNi'W Kliin-cllkoAlai.krt-r.Mora.lor
PANY under lt elianr'ti'r In nlitliorliieil to irm
KTt for atnl ani'iln' M'.nln I lalnm ntul I'mp
ertlen In the wonderful I 'U-liln f Klninllk"
ami Al:lkn. 1 1 tl t in-T: fortune nvi)
iH'en p'allrcil anil lllllll'ii.s lunre 11 Im' H aiti'
llwre. Will you nllo'.v tliln Kolili-tl opportunity
to pa-w you hy? A lew ilollam Invested 111
in tills uiuli-rtaklux may lie the Inundation to
your fort utii'. Tile rut'i to the wonderland iiev
esltaten immediate net lull. The llril in the
Hfli I the Hrft In fortune. No sneh opportutiity
li:i ever lii'en piewnti'd to the people of tin'
prenent Kelie ration a In olTered in the Klou
dike Alnxk-I (iold Fii H. All .Hlmreholdeeii
Ifi't their lull proportion of all prollu No dlvi
clendu are made on i-tock remaining unsold
Send your orderm-iu-loglng Oue hollar for ea"l
rdinre of fully paid-up and niiu-aMeHHiilile ntoelr
desired to the WASHINGTON (iOI.l) KMC!, DM
The following Tneoinn dealers In Kilppllen fur
tho Klondike ami AhiHka trade nrc Stoekliold
era In the Company and will Inform you regard
IniC the relliihlliiy of IIh nllleers: Monty A
Ounn, (froeerloK; A. H. llonka, HiirnexH Co.;
MnrriHt.romiCo., Pry Good mid Clothing ; W,
(I. Kowlani!, Out litter; Huko I'ellt, Tents
Tacoma Hardware Co. lu-lW-lyr.
riinetlunn of
iiim-ii tntmt
bo kft vIk
w i a- uAftas nriiEnv nrni rrun
for rtmALt wumrunm ia i rut n
ihf 9 m wronir. .For all thuw imln, Irrt'irulftrltliK Bni
iiiirvrsj nil pit in in tuiiiii.r
IVHii3t III IO MIiiuOh. I'nimptly
rllvf) Ht'itilrtclu, NausMit, IHoihI anl
IMsultli'r Tnmhlcsi, Klntiiinii. Nervou-
LfUOdrrhfRA, Womb Complalntri, I'll
Imii'mrnt, llnrlcarhp, li('srln(f fWn
I'salnii saiifl nil rinsiliIHrm1i'rri. jmXWkv
Hitrvnf iinfl l'lfNTiitl"nn. C hs'iTH.VT II
. - 11. II.,. SVW A.W M
im spinis si nil iiinnsrs n " i"""" WJi ilW
Hrtfi. Hum Mini AlMiltitly llHrmlrn.
U110 6O0. bus will cumpU'ta run In onHimrr cnHiit.
STOPS ALL PAINI Mr nw m l,lin wrappuron
IN TEN MINUTES! Tbe PcrtKloCo Ciilon B. Chlcijo
Hold In MMdleiiurgli. Pa., hy Mltldlelmrlf DriiK
Co.: Mt. I'leiuani siiiib uy nenry iiHrniug ; aim
i'cuns creek tiy J. W. Hnuipsell.
N (Tea
Salary or Commiscion.
DO yem mtit kromW, irrai tmplrymn,
Hit yror round, it gnod ungts. at your own
homt or to tntvtlf so, und 4c. in slampi
for our unoltialt pnct-list end particular!.
Wikrnisn Dtsi 0 dank rtftnncts.
Oitroit. MiCHiaan
Edarnte Vonr lloweli With Cancnrsts.
Candy Cathartic, cum ronntlpntlon forovor.
I0c.5c. HCCO fall, drug!(iu refund iro'T
lirAI I D1DRD W)Yoit.kx-
WW ' a -a arav I'KCTTOIitl
any paperlntr? Wo will aend vnu freo
a liirfre selec'lon of samples from JW, wr roll up,
all new cnlorlnifs ami novelties up to date. VB
PAY KRKKillT. We want tin aireiit In everv
town to sell on ooinmiw-ion imm larve sample
hooks, nocapiiui reutren. for rmnpies or
particulars, address h. W'OLK, T47 7M Ninth
Ave., N- Y. S-12-Jiii.
muC be Hoard out of one.
sinirtwi, ssif , J o mim
jrihopworn and mmr4
wheel 8 10 19 nwell
4eat f'i-lorw elearlnff
Mile. fihi)ttd to ant one
rHYM wnllUMit aftwiswsi an
RADdrtome fwurfnlr book tree.
R 4 HIV a iffrnvr M
by ft HtUe work for us, FUKC THEof
tA Hrfar saaTetltat.
1 MinDie wneel
writ t .nce Cur our neerial errr.
Ckleeve, la
fnstoenkulieasrlivssfptibUo tillilift, ititus
dollwt. It ma H mt ju yos ht sotMtt. Writt u te-SK
,l ' .S" f,wi" imnnvnwi
rtetoimlta. ifwwlyliifcrt,rH
nt Utrrtl eSin ill larutw'i AniXia nnTi. tli
COPP A CO. Pttr r'r "p,ul-,lsi, t'
i H
4 rcrj
Look! Look ! I
Look at vounsplf when you buy
clothing at my store, I keep eon
m.nntly in slock the best iimi finest
line of Hats find Gents Clothing,
Furnisbinir Gooils, Underwear an j
Caps. Cull to nee my stcek.
I IV, ' 'ttu .' )V-'
E- r
in ladies1 shoes is a pleasant
voyage afoot Fori he pleas
ure it gives, there's no sail)
like our sale. Crowds aro
enjoying it, and securing the--
prettiest, coolest and hest fit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufacturetl, at prices which
buyeis find it a pleasure to
pay. Yoi house or street
wear, pleasure or every-day
practical pnrposes, walking,,
riding, or driving, we supply
tho ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,,
whoever claims yoar hands,.
by all means surrender your
feet to these shoes.
pound! per month.
IlAKafl.KftNi a
aiarTiaai vsrearr
A TV w
r Tt T"nn 1 ' JSiT r T
erltine. HUOIL VKKK. Addrau IIH. ,