The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 11, 1898, Image 1

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1 - .
ting Items.
Brief Paragraphs for
n I .
Ltrr m " .
Lccmlng rMP
Lw prominent.
L uns a Shamokiu
lv and Tuesday.
C.liduan of Millmont
. . .
Wis in tins place.
rood health praise
le it next to a good ofSelinsgrove's
It?, wasin Middleburg
s ami family of Sha
si week visited his pa
Vuod sense in constant
i . , n
iot days and you win
U. (lift, one of the
Luton, recently paid a
ihurd of Selinsgrove
knit several days in
li about imperialism
a single feather of the
ii cagie.
out quarter 1,32.",-
iiikI lor pensions Iroin
h are .still happy Ir
t have tostiek stamps
rsox has sold one of
8 threshers lo George
uiicr, tlie phosphate
t in
licr, was ut iUiuuio-
iv morning.
IIool) of MifHinburg
father, Mr. Walter
io is very ill.
nude in this cotin-
irnmaud a high pre-
lis ol the world.
only as perfect its
leiuselves this world
iliead of Heaven.
r stun to think how
lije newspaper editor
five fornothing?
ju lirosius and his
kist master of Fremont
n Saturday morning.
'owes and children
d her parents, W. J I.
wile at fcelinsgrove.
timer and daughter.
H visited her parents,
J wile atdlobeMills.
mil's fi.ol
t Im wants it cool,
'l he wants it hot,
ling what is not."
Wagner and daugh-
is place have gone to
make their future
purer William Riogcl
paid a visit to their
P' Spring township,
tho popular land-
1 at Ijochiel, Union
hii.i.n..! l ...
..4ii;iiurgii visitor
her, the po3tmaster
f oalem, with his
was in Middleburg
of the Ltithnrnn
ted tlieir pastor,
i-viain, o vacation
names of Uie Mid-
K' party iD last
f ugiccted to men
pf Samuel Witten-
rawt the omterion.
And thing ean never go badly wrong. .
It Um heart be true, and the lore be strong ;
Par the midst, If it come, and the weeping ram
Will be changed by the lore into nunshine again
The C. E. Society of the Paxton-
ville Evangelical church will hold a
festival on Saturday evening, Aug.
AV. A. Napp of Centreville is
selling goods at and below cost in
order to close out business. Call for
bargains. 7-28-4t.
Miss Anna Meiser, who yvas vis
iting Mrs. E. C. Aurand at this
place, has returned to her home at
GIoI Mills.
M. L. Wagenstller, the traveling
man from Sehnsgrove, was in Mid
dleburgh on Monday interviewing
our merchants.
Irwin I j. Herman, the new pro
prietor of the .New 'Berlin "JSews,
was a visitor at the countv seat of
Snyder last week.
Deal gently with the old, for they
have come a long way : and be kind
to the young, for they have a long
journey Itefore them.
B. F. Harley, one of Frechurg's
wideawake businessmen, and his
amiable wife were visitors at Middle
burg on Saturday morning.
William S. Arlxigast has gone to
MifHintown to take charge of the
Jacob's House at that place. We
wish him abundant success.
The Teachers' Xormal School in
session at this place will close the
latter part of this week. They have
found it a profitable month.
' Meii'lnay declare that tlii-y are
not vain, but they more frequently
use their photos on their business
advertisement than do women.
William Pensingcr of Chainbcrs
burg, G. Nelson Aip nnd mother of
Nelinsgrovo visited Mr Rirbara
Yoder and family on Sunday.
Tito Demofn's of Snyder County
will have ihrir drlcrile election mi
Saturday. August 27, and their con
vention the following Monday.
Major E. I'. Kohbaeh, one of Sc
linsgrove's niast iirdent republicans,
was a well known figure n tin
streets of Middleburgh hu t Fridav.
Henry E. Shrnwdor of I'ortTrev
erton is one of Uncle Sam's latest
Imncflciftries lmvmr lnd his jkmis'iou
inereaswl from $12 to Si 7 per month.
K. G. Tioversox and sister, Kate,
of l'axtonville were in town Satur
day evening. Kntclm just returned
from an educational visit toChicngo.
It is so easy for a man to tell n
woman that die ean dejK'iid unon
him, but things are different when
it comes the time of her depending.
The 17-year locusts have made
their appearance in Westmoreland
county and are to be found in great
numbcis destroying cropsand fruit.
The girl who liought a remnant
exwting to make a bathing suit
out of it, but it was not sufficient,
might utilize it in making a bicvclc
Misses Dorothy Maurcr and Ella
Fisher, of Shamokin, are spending
several days at the' Eajle Hotel.
Swineford the guest of Miss Car
rie Haas.
Contributions to the lied Cross
Society will be carried by tho ship
south from Philadelphia on the 15th
inn. at a uiscountot Zoper cent. Ironi
tariff rates
If your breath is not sweet use a
listerine aud water, about equal
quantities, for cleaning your teeth
and then gargle the throat well with
The heavy rains during the past
week have been very welcome and
have added much to the wealth of
the farmers as well as abundant com-
forMo others. .-,)., ' ,-.
B. F. Hoffman, one of the best
known men at McClttre, was at
traded to the county scat on business
last' Friday and while here paid his
respects to tins othec.
Charles L. Marks attended the
Lutheran re-union at Island Park
on Thursday of last week. He ex
perienced a little damp weather be-
lore lie readied Home.
Mrs. D. E. Kremer of Phihtdel
phia last week was the cuest cf hor
a O
iMireuts, John Su-tlcr and wife. Her
husband is employed in the custom
house ot rinladelphiu.
Mrs. Dr. J. G. Salade of New
Ringold, Pa. and Mrs. Irvin A ticker
ot bliamokin are paying n visit to
their parents in Franklin, C. H
Dunkelbergfr and wife.
The Middlebtirgh Inittling works
was sold nt Mientrs sale on Thurs
day of last week. Only the ner
sonal projicrty was sold, but it wns
parcelled out in small parts.
Dr. I larrington of I lazleton. W
G. VonXeida and M
Schoeh and Annie Potter of Sclins
grove were Middleburg visitors on
r riday afternoon ol last week.
Found. A pairof spectacles were
picked up on Monday on the immihI
walk lietween town and Franklin
Owner can have same by calling at
L-uster s store and proving property
TheMiddleburgh Cider Press will
resume operatton on J uesdav. Amr.
0, and will lie oiH-rated on Tuesdav
ofciieh week by Elwar.l Mover anil
Charles Steiiunger until tiie cider
season ek.-si'S, tt'
Mrs. W. A. Luf, who had been
visiting her manv friends here, has
returned to her home at ShipM-ns-
ourg. Mie was aecoinpanuil by
Miss MiU'l I adnii:in. who will
sjicnd sonic time with the former.
William K. Miller l 's(i.. of Sal. in.
one of Snvdcr's active and brilliant
young men, was at the countv seat
several days last week and ineidi nl-
Ily tool; in a portion of the t inn
ing period at the Rel bridge grove.
There has been an increase in the
number cf typhoid cases in Milllin
lturg to about fiflv, but many of
them are very mild. The very able
local physicians have the epidemic
well in hand and but one death has
thus far been reported.
Matrine Malinda Doeblcr. daugh
ter cf Mr. and Mrs. Perry Doeblcr
of Centre township, tlied on Sunday
morning of summer complaint, aged
1 month and 20 days. Funeral ser
vices were held on Mondry.
The United Brethren Sunday
school of this place last Saturday
enjoyed nn old style celebration in
Howell's urove, one mile east of
this place. A festival took idace
during the afternoon and evening.
A very pleasant time was sjont.
Ex-Sheriff Alfred epecht of Ika
vertown yvus in towu on Saturday
morning. It is paid that the sheriif
thinks of entering the ice for the
nomination of sheriff next spring.
Mr. Spec-lit yvas a popular official
and it will require a stromr man to
defeat him.
Prof. William Noetlinff of Selins-
grove lectured liefore the Teacher's
Institute last Friday aflcrnoon. The
Professor is one of the- well-known
members of the faculty of. the
Bloontsburg State Normal School.
He is a nonular educator nnd wins
friends wherever he goes.
On. Friday evening, July 29, a
verv nleasant surnrise mirtv Assem
bled at the home of Attorney M. I.
Potter. About 50 .guests, had as
sembled in Mr. Potter's absence and
hence, upon his return the surprise
was complete. ihe relreshments
were Berved upon the lawn which
was beautifully illuminated. The
occasion afforded, much pleasure for
the pitrticipants. 1 - J
The lied Cross Society is our ar
my'sefticentallyinCulw. But for it
the suffering and death among the
troops would 1h far greater than
they arc. The Ked Cross receives
no aid from the Government, and
has nothing to do with politics."
A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair
cut, or other tonsorial yvork, is al
ways obtained at Soles' Barlier Shop,
in Wittenmyer's building, opposite
Post office. Go to Soles nnd you
will make no mistake, shaving soap,
face cream, hair oil ami egg-shampoo
for sale A. E. Soles.
Prof. A. M. Wonder of Central
Pennsylvania College Xew Berlin,
was at our county seat o i Mondav
of this yveek. He is interested in all
impiovements for New Berlin and
is now especially anxious to see the
trolley road built from New Berlin
to Ix-wisburg by way ot Winfield.
Charles C.Seelo!d the ex-Treasurer
of Snyder County and the music
dealer of Sunbury or; Moudav
morning rode Ironi upper Ferry at
Shamokin Dam to Middlehurir in
1 hours without dismounting, a
distance of lfi miles. This is cer
tainly a good record as Mr. Seebold
weighs 200 pounds.
Ex-Sheriff Reuben Dreese. P. M
KneppnndJ. C. Shambaeh of Ad
ainsburg were prominent representa
tives ot spring township attliecoun
tv cjuiital last Fridav ninniinn-
WMle here the two II inner paid :
visit to this olliee and the latter
took letters of administration in tlu
estate of his father, John Shambaeh.
At the leitinij fiir ilttlit Iiijr tin
street lamps of the I'lirniieh the fol
lowing bids wen- opened: C. E
troll. ins, S(i:l.!)7 ; Herbert Slmin-
Jneh, SU7..I3 ; Clmrles Corking
?''.!.!() ; John Stlihl:i.-el-r, ?t!!l.0l
Howard Iml!. T.;.(ll I'.liolcer
peht, SSS.OO. T!:c contract was
i warded to the lowest bidder.
John I Iowell Jr., narrowly escaped
By H. Harris Bower.
lo dealii hnl
icing ems
1 I , r r,
ne was asMMing .Mr. iiiiinan
Roinig in cutting prop timber, and
while engaged in lidliug a live on
which another had lodced the loil-n-
1 trc' dropped close to where lie
was, tlie liinl;s striking hint to the
earth and severely briiisintr him.
H. Harris Bower, a on of Attor
ney 1'. J',. lowcr and a memlK-r of
Co. L., Tith Kegiinent Pennsylvania
olunteers, has already rceicvcd t wo
ironiotions since his enlistment.
He is now n Sergeant of his company.
Harry is deservingof the honors and
us manv friends loin the Post in
sending him most hearty congratula
W. M. Gift, of Alfolkev. Illinois,
who had lieen visiting his parents in
Franklin township for the past month,
on Tuesday morning started for Illi
nois. This cominir season he will
teach at Red Oak, Illinois. He is a
very successful teacher and com
mands good wages. He wants ail
the news from Snyder countv, hence
le gets the Post regularly.
Buck x km. Univerrh v, John
Ioyvnrd Harris, President. Col-
cgc, leading to degrees of Art and
Science. Academy, a nrenaratorv
school for young men and boys. In
stitute a refined boarding school for
young ladies. ' School of Music, with
graduating course. For catalogue,
address the Registrar,
7-l4-4t. Lcwisbure. Pa.
The school board of the borouirh
ast Tuesday evening elected the fol
owing named teachers to serve the
public schools for the ensuing term :
imnniul ...1. 1 TV
t ...v.. r... im miv auTUIIlu DUJIUOI, XV.
Smith of Troxelville : Intermedi
ate, Edwin Charles of this place;
and for the primary, R.' G. Bower
box of Paxtou'ville. The saltfries
paid are $40 and $35 resnectivelv.
The schools will open Meodar, Sent.
The life of a soldier in tuiiiii u'
hackneyed subjwt at the present time
ean lie well descrilied by the one
word Monotony. Day after day,
week after yveek the same. Civil
iansperhaps wonder why the men in
camp are so eager to risk their lives
in liattle, but the soldier, who has
endured for mouths the unending
sameness, is willing togive anything
for a change of scene. Men did not
volunteer extecting to encamp for
any length of time in one place.
They extected to go directly to the
front. And, of course, a irrindinir
bitter disappointment is the fate of
those who expected to smell Spanish
powder immediately.
For the recruit, however, all is
interesting. During the first month
or more some novel phase of camp
i : e i i i . 1
me join army nwipimc presents it
self daily. New scenes around and
alwut this historic! battlefield, where
our lathers fought and died a jrein-r-
ation ago, are tube visited. Drills,
marches, duties combine to make the
life of the "rookie" one unending
round of novelty and interest. And
to the man with ambition and high
aims this interest in Ins work con
tinues, despite the dreary round of
passing in. nit lis, for he striving all
the while tor something higher and
can well afford to leave it to the
sluggard to sit dissatisfied in his tent.
The camp of the Fifth Pennsyl
vania is located at the extreme east
of Camji Tlioiua:-. We arc alto
gether "out of the world." To the
noitli-ws! ol ns lies t!:e camp of
the Twelfth Minnesota, a regiment
of giants; and to the we-t is liiiiml
the (!es( l led camp of the Kir.-I Sinill
Carolina which was recent I v ordered
to I'orto Uieo. is u i wcll
liavelcd io;ul near u, s i as tiicd.iys
pass we si e wry tew vh-ltol's. ( )nr
location is extremely uiili'-ii'ihini, in
a place w hich is consilium-! liv the
native: hereabout to b.- a swan.p.
Asa rc-iilt the sick rale h s been
great, and a niinilier of deaths have
iiceiirrcn. i-,vervtliing eousidenil,
our camp is on the least desired
plot of ground in ( 'hickaniauga l'ai k.
This, however, will be righted
within a few days. Preparations arc
now being made for a change of lo
cation. In our new (inarlers we will
be at the intersection of two travel
ed roads, the ground is reported to
be dry and well drained, and we
will be w ithin a mile of the village
of Eytlo with its renowned Midway
end many allurements which work
havoc to the lean pocket-book ofthe
1 1 MM 1 111
soiuicr. l ne iniys are an nappy at
tho prospect of a change.
Uncle Sam lakes good care of his
soldiers. Compared with the ul-
clad and poorly fed army of Sain,
.some, eminently superior in many
,K imieiy oruercu about by
men, without doubt their inferiors.
But Military discipline demands
oliedienee, and so we find the private,
the non-eonimissionml ,.n;,... i...
IieiiU-nant, the captain, the major, the
colonel, tin- general, all subservient
to Home superior.
Violations of ndo mid disoU--diencc
of orders is punished in vari
ous ways. For minor offenses the
men are rcouired to do "O..I;,.,."
duty. Police duty in canip is cn-fni-ly
different from pulhv duly in
towns and cities. Soldiers sentenced
to that duty do not fatten on the
public purse lazily swinging a club
on some street corner. They are
obliged to perform all the menial
tasksaliout thecamp ; digging sinks,
sweeping company streets, hauling
away refuse, and other pleasant (?)
tasks are the fide of the petty w rong
doer. Fop the graver offenses more
severe penalties are inflicted, forfei
ture of pay, reduction to the ranks,
(in the of officers), and dishonor
able discharge areaiiioinrili,, iwmlJ.-
incuts which are dreaded by the man
committing violations of "the law.
One poor devil who fellaslcep at his
st of duly was sentenced to for
feiture of all pay, two years in the
penitentiary and, at the" end of his
imprisonment, a dishonorable dis
charge. A too severe punishment
for die boy," you will say. P.ul, the
United Slates wants men tin- soldiers
who are always wide-awake :it tin
post of duty.
Promptness is another element of
camp life. Promptly at -boll A. M.
the boy in blue nnt ''Fall i:i for
roll call." Promptly at Ci.'itl ibr
drill; promptly at oi'Jn for aflcr
noon drill; promptly at d:IO for
drc-s parade; promptly at !;!).) to
their quarters Jin- tin- nii;!::;--a:id
woe to the htgard who is "oulv a
minute" behind.
While the Willi r was .'i'.'.i.i.;- i;,
his ipiaite..; li:is mori-.i-.g, -c- vas
suprised ami pleased t me ; r.
ti.ti ii i .....
ilCi!", i l,:V(-r-
in the
the American soldier lives like a
king. He is well fed, his rations
being plain and good ami of suffic
ient variety. H c hear now and
again of some worthy who registers
a complaint against army diet. But,
mark von, the very fellow who does
the most grumbling is the man whose
own larder is not overly well buj-
phed. Ihe men are all well cloth
ed, an allowance of sixty dollars a
year beinggranted toeaeh man. The
quarters are comfortable, that is, as
comfortable as circumstances will
iiermit. Each five men are allowed
one tent, and although the quarters
are a trifle crowded, the soldier can
congratulate himself that he fares as
well as he docs.
i "
There is one principle which per
vades the camp obedience to the
superior. ''There is no man in ' the
field who acts upon his own free
will. Men who have lieen accus
tomed to live a free and easy life,
affording obedience to no one, are
compelled, to learn this the first duty
ot a soldier. It ,' eems ' hard for
Lincoln 1 lulli'vo
sily. D.'. Ilnllev is ieeh.i
Sor.lh and paid ( 'amn 'i
visit cm ro. ite.
So much for a piwy
ketch of the I'outiiie ot ,;
'I here are manv details of
ence hen: which aieolgivun r i nerest
li t ...
wiucii, ,er.'iajis. ma
a future time.
! vs a
:ti; . lit".
1. exi-.t-
I It- tll.SI US.-C.I
n. n. ii.
John Holzman has a monstrosity
in the form of a Plymouth Uock
roostir. About two months ago thu
fowl laeeratiil its craw by coming in
contact with a thorn -w ire fence. The
wounds have since healed with the
exception of one place where the
oH'iiing is still discernible. Thu
fow l pecks its corn wilh the rest of
the flock, but frequently during tin
day it is seen drawing a kernel from
the aperture in its craw and again
swallowing it with apparent relish.
Of course it lays its egg regularly
every day. Messrs. Swab, Wert and
lioonawitz yvill vouch for the cor
rectness of the statement. E'iza
bethville Echo.
Brother Smith is the luckiest edi
tor in the state to get hoM of extra
ordinary items. Several weeks ago
it was alniut a cow that had swal
lowed a clock and the alarm going,
off inside her while she was milked.
And noyv it is about n rooster that
eatsoutof his own craw and lays an
egg every day. What next? Liv
erpool Sun.
Fine Farm at Public Sab.
On Thursday, August 18th, one
of the best farms in Snyder County
will be sold ' at publio sale. The
beautiful and fertile land of Morris
Erdley adjoining this borough yvill
be offered in lots from 4 to 14 acres
and m a whole. For further par-
ticulars, see larce nosteri 844-3t.
-.- " V.
A m twig . in,