IBE DEFEAT OFCERM It Told in the Bepcrtt of the Vic torious Commanders Remember ths nsme! when you buy again 8 Raj! Remember the name t when you buy again N PLUG w r CCCOOOOOCCCv Remember the name 1 when you buy again C) () ( C) ocoooooc 10MMODOSE BCHLEJ'g MODESTY. , - . CoaarratnUtM SarapMoa oa the tftarr, becUi-tng.it "Bin Enough For All or V," and Extols the Valor or th Men on the Different Vesnela. IVashlnrton. July 17 The reports of Admiral Sampson. Commodore Schley and the commanders of the vessels of North Atlantic squadron were tren to the press last night That f Admiral Sampaon Is addressed to the secretary of the navy, while the ethers art addressed to Admiral Samp son, as commander of the fleet The report of Admiral Sampson tells f the order in which the ships of hi squadron were ranged and of the dls- eovery of the Spanish vessels steaming from the harbor, eaplalnlng that at the time he was on his flagship seven miles from the harbor entrance, en rout for a conference with General Shatter. Referring to the discovery of Cervera'4 Bet. he proceeds: The men of our ships in front of the wort were at 8unday "quarters for In atKttlon." The signal was made simul taneously from several boats, "Enemy's amps eseaptng." and general quarters wan sounded. The men cheered as tfcey sprang to thi lr guns, and fire was w opened probably within eight mln--ites by the vessels whose guns com wianded the entrance. The New York earned about and steamed for the es caping fleet, flying the. signal "Close In awards harbor entrance and attack vessels," and gradually Increasing speed until toward the end of the chase atu was making '16 knots, and was mpldly closing on the Cristobal Colon. She was not at any time within the range of the heavy SpanlHh ships, and Br only part In the firing was to re--Jrtve the undivided Are from the forts fn passing the harbor entrance and to lire a few shots at one of the destroy--era, thought at the moment to be at tempting to escape from the Glouces ter." He then proceeds at length to de scribe the work of the different ves sels in his fleet, having this to say of the Gloucester: "The skillful handling and gallant fighting of the Gloucester excited the admiration of everyone who witnessed U. and merits the commendation of the navy department. She is a fast and the yacht Corsair and has a good bat tery of light rapid Are guns. She was lying about two miles from the harbor entrance, to the southward and east ward, and immediately steamed in, opening Are upon the large ships. An ticipating the appearance of the Plu to n and Furor, the Gloucester was slowed, thereby gaining more rapidly hitfh pressure of steam, and when the destroyers came out she steamed for them at full speed, and was able to close at short range, where her fire was accurate, deadly and of great vol ume. During this flght the Gloucester was under the fire of the Socapa bat tery. Within 20 minutes from the time they emerged from Santiago harbor the caretrs of the Furor and the Pluton -re ended, and two-thirds of their Beople killed." After describing the destruction of the Marir Tresa, the Almirante Oquen do am the Vlzcaya he has this to say vi me rrarue ui me crews irom me BtnklriK vessels: 'Thi rescue of prisoners, including the wounded from the burning Spanish vttsxela, was the occasion of some of the in ok t daring and gallant conduct of the day. The phlpe were burning fore and aft, their guns and reserve ammunition wt-re exploding, and it was sot known at whut moment the Are would reach the main magazines. In addition to this, a heavy surf was running just inside of ttxr Spanish ships. But nothing deterred wr officers and men until their work f humanity was complete." The report details with rigid exact the work of the different com manders, speaking of the "admirable Judgment" of Captain Chadwlck, of the Kew York, In pushing the sinking Crls total Colon toward shore to prevent er sinking In deep water, and of the .surrender of the Cristobal Colon to the Brooklyn. The only direct reference to Commodore Schley Is as follows: "Commodore Schley, whose chief of faff had gone on board to receive the surrender, had directed that all their personal effects should be retained by the officers. This order I did not mod ify." Commodore Schley, after reporting he work of the different vessels, ap lauds the work of many officers on the various shiis, naming each one, and groreeds: v "1 have nwer in my life served with a raver, better of worthier crew than tkat of the Brooklyn. During the oom at, lasting from 9:S5 until p. m na h of the time under Are, they never flagged for a moment, and were ap parently undisturbed by the storm of rojectiles passing ahead, astern and ver the ship. "The casualties on board this ship were: G. H. Ellis, chief yeoman, killed: J. Burns, fireman, first class, severely wodnded. The ship was struck about .2S times. "I congratulate you most linearly apun this great victory to the squad ron under your command, and I am igUd that I had an opportunity to con tribute 1n the least to a victory that seems big enough for all of us." Captain Evans, of the Texas, has this to ear of the work of the men of his sbJp In- ttie battle: "The officers and men of this ship iehaved admirably. No lot of men could hav done more gallant service. "I cannot express my admiration for my magnificent crew. So long as the enemy showed his flag they fought kike Americans, but when the flag cams ' they were as gentle and tender mm Amerlcani women." Captain Clark, of the Oregon, ap pends a list of ail the officers of bis vs , "hoping ttat It may b of service fts them should the claims of others for advancement above them ever be con-sJdered." mmw rj-r-i. vt BIUMH (.nOaWICK. Oil. ,1 f . .t m New York; Captain Taylor, of the WIUI. ule "milly ot 1'. II, Mover, re Indiana; Captain Philip, of the Texas, turned to her home last Fridav n Lieutenant Commander Wain- Mm Rnv.,1,,, f ill .t I '"A" a-rlght of the Olwcester. are also Id. BnJr,lcr . Allcntown In til eroded Id Admiral Sampson's report ,.y.;;. I 1 w (J i Remember the ns: i when you buy again ";. s4 rhvv w IV I Remember the name when you buy again Baffle .J PLUG iccoooooccc: i Remember the name when you buy C again ' iOOOOOCCCO SELLING OUT AT COST, To Close oot the Entire Slock of Goods Napp's Store, Centreville, Pa. The entire lot of MERCHANDISE in my store is for sale, but we are goinfj to sell ;it COST as the goods must be turned into money. We are going to put out the goods AT AND RE LOW OOST, but wo must have the Cash or Produce, These articles are all FIRST OLSS. Should any one want the entire stock of goods, it can be bougth rigliT, Customers can find BARGAINS every day. Yours rosp'y ' 7-2S-3t. W. A, Nait, Tenn's Creek, Pa. MARftlKl"). Mai, Haas, Hum- July 17. In W Vurry tMji. by J. ( lloiiiborgcr, J, I, (iwigu K. Woni-T f llairishiirg, and liottie Weiileiiinycr of West IVrrv townsliij). July 21. At the bride's liume in Juniata county, ly Htunt', 1 lurry KiMikcyut llarrLsbtirg, and Willow of Juniata county July 30, by Kcv. V. A. John F. Ikiilcy and Mary Iv iik'I, both of hhaniokin Dum. July 24, by llcv. K. M. Cbifcotc, Arthur G. Kauffnian and Mapgii; R Ilumincl, both of Sliainokin Dam. July 23, by Win. Mover, Eu., at Frtfbure, Joseph I. Htimlmcli and Salhc M. Hendricks. l)th of Washinirtontwn. July 21, byllev. C. I). Zwcier. at Ikiiivertowon, Win. S. IJoouie of iroxelville to Matilda Klineof Mc Clure. July 17, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., iu West Perry twp., Geo. K. ajfiiir ol West 1'erry tvm. to 1M- tie Weidcumyer of Perry twp. July 2, by Henry Lei 0f Orwigsburg, nt New Ringgold, Pu., Harry H. Reed of Selinsgrove to Mi8 Anna C. Koch of New lfi... M, Schuylkill Co., Pa. She I Mrs. Dnickcnmillcraccoiiijiani lit Rev. to Frcinont andGrubb's FHEEBURfi. Mr. Fritz ofTrevertonsnent Sun day at the musical college. He has. a daughter attending this school.' He is a ehurchman and attended Sunday School Mrs. Wagner and three children of Akron. Ohio. arrived at Uic home of her iwirento. Ik Tl W . . . ' I - r. j. .JHoyer'H... .Miss K ino of Allcntown, who Bpentocveral weeks guest of Rev. Drtiekcnmiller, and M edtl last Sunday..:. ..Mr. Whittier and family of Renuva arc the guests of Mrs. Whittier's parents, Henry C. lioiishV Prof. Royer detrliiuxl the invitation to speak at Iicniou's (Jrove picnic, Northumberland Co. as it would conflict with the time of our choir convention to he held ou the 20 bust. Our people exject a day of recreation and enjoyment..;... Our band sent their instruments to Pliila. for ri'imirs. They missed on engagement iu Perry Co. in oonst; fjuence of the needed repairs. Our Iwind members are up to the times and ready to answer calta. . . .F. E. Hilbish's sale stable presents a good appearance at its new location J. W. Haas and son, Martin, have employment at Steelton GrulM church pio-uio will be well repre sented by Freeburg next Saturday. DELIGHTFUL ACATION TRIP, j Tr f the Nrth via PtNnsylvMii Mallroad. .W.'n1.wfurtP,0,',n1 W'prs Fslls, Tbous. ,;JJ lna' V'bec' Moniroaf. Aassubieihssm L'lismpiain sod lake Joive, Harstou! SSL' T """"D.rt? the Hudson. 1555 Hefifc iln'Si'f b' Pec' train August is. Ths tr rJil?! ' charK8 01 0De 01 UiB company's toiiSt JEnts. An exrlencedcusperon wlfl slm m- The rat; of lino from Nbw York. Brookirn. li-0!-." w,u"'"iirtn covers railway an5 boat fare lor Uie euure round Hip, parlor cW smuT meals en rouw, Lotel enterment, traiJtJr ..J?r,?e!llNl Hlneranr, tickets, or any svddl- INVRlLISe KBT HOMITMRXT, WUKO- JEl,!?u,LuS KejrMonuBw'nt ntl i2.i?1i!,lh' ."oMTllle, Bunbury. WeS r , 1 sin ne tare '. U cent. The Record of 30 Yea rs lk4 Korrimjm for 6U Lad Ihirh, Ymn Umpi'ed to fotmx tfea. i ant BeooieoUoiti and fo Premvt ' the Same. . . '. ... . 1S8C -y A1r. 27i by Rev. Yutzy, James Miller of Penn twp.' to Mary Fisher 01 Monroe twp. ApK 27, by Rev. Y. A. Htias, Anion Fifher and Tillie F. Rurns, both of near Selinsgrove. ' May 2, by Rev. J. P. . Shiudel, Zachariah Moyer and Laura E. See-, bold, both of Centre twp. Mayfi, by Charles 11. Rishel, J. P., William Keller and Anna Keller, both of Selinsgrove. May 13, by Rev. W. A. Baer, Jacob Winey and Phoelw M. Sny der, both of Richfield. May 13, by Dr. P. Horn, Chas. E. Ehrhart of Hauover. Pa., to S. Tura Fisher of Selinsgrove. May 18, by Rev. T. R. Diet.. David Oeker of Centre twp. to Mary M. Renuingcr of Franklin twp: May 20, by Rev. S. P. Orwiir. Geo. M. Thomas of Ijcwistown to Rebecca Smith of IJeavertowu. May 23, by Pwev. S.' P. Brown. JuYubG.Shotzlicrgcrund Kate Lang- acre, Doth ot Union twp. May 30, by Rev. S. P. Orwi?. Henry M. C. Buffington of Middle burg to Aggie Wallaceof Weikhert, Union Co. July 1, by R. C. Fish. J. P.. John R. Bailey of Sliainokin Dam to Minnie St. Clair of Winfield. June 3, by Rev. W. II. Stover. Elmer E. Shambach and Marv ..... JKwersnx, iNitli ot Centre twp. June G, by Rev. S.E. Ochsenfoid, JautbA. Jjuitzel of Kratzcrville to Annie E. Zimmerman of Monroe tWJ). June G, by Rev. I). M. Stetler, Perry 1). Gctz of Adamsburg to Jane Schainbach of Troxelville. June 8, by Rev. W. II. iStover, Henry II. Thomas of Troxelville to Emma I. Bailey ot Slminkin Dam. June 12, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, David H. Rhoads and Amelia L. Ettinger, liolh of xMt. Pleasant Mills. June 17, by Rev. J. Yutzy, Mar tin J.HernianofKratzerville to Dora E. Thomasof Salem. June 24, by Rev. Yutzyf Rev. Geo. E. Falicr of Iielanon to L. Lulie AllKTt of Selinsgrove. June 24, by Rev. ii. Stevens, James Kelly of Hani-burg to May Switzer of Selinsgrove. v June 24, by Rev. H. A. Letter man, George Dorm of Midtlleertjek to Alice Baumgardncr of McClure. July 11, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., All . ,1 . . ' 'l Aiiiert niialcraiKl Tillie kerstettcr of McKees.' July 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Win. II. Haupt of Selinsgrove and Sarah C. Smith of Monroe twp. July 22, by Rev. V. M. Jamlis, W. A. Ulsh and Susan B. Howell of McClure. Sept. 25, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Henry Naugleand Annie Hoffman, both of Freeburg. July 29, by Rev. S. P. Or wig, Geo. H. Steininger and Carrie E. Reiininger, both of Middleburg. Aug. 1, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Win. Kramer of Glolie Mills and Priscilla Heekman of Middlecreek two. Aug. 4, by A. K. (Jift, J. P., Levi F. Smith of Spring twp. to Mrs. Caroline Snook of West Beaver twp. Aug. 7, by S. S. Schoch, J. P., E. 11. Minium of Meiserville to Mary E. Mark ley of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Dee. 4, br J.E. a.inU , JfcnD. Rrick ,kI ' File, both ofTruuIvilk. S V Jtx 5, by Eev. W, h J Calvin O. Bingamau and Berg of 1W cret. , Iv7,birA..K Gift p ft Mi-men aw ouruii K ii Uavid Heiutzehnan to v Bowersox of Centre twp. '.Dec, 14, by Rev. J. y ciitt. Dr. A. l .,.:.u .n E. Speeht, Uth of Ad.im!,.i Dee. 16, by liev. S. p U Philip Nace of Pern- c'?) yjorxHn ix;nig of Juniutn i :,. Dec, 19, by Rev. W. A ir I Inthpnnu T. T....:. ... . H ..v lrnllloI jjjj. TV rt a ec. by ICev. J. E. u cutt, David Geti of A,l...... ' Laura PI Zonk ttfT.fi' .v.iij-p Dec. 21, by Rev. J. -miiea opangier ami Etta I5,w both of Penn'screek. Dec. 23. bv Rpv s; . Wm. J llanilofDau,,!,;,; hn C. K 1 1 on J. P.. Wm. ir .k-o J " Kiwi Rolf V.. II. ... in "K rold of Chapman. S-jrf. 16,byl-. D. M. Stetler, AkMUi Kr U' Wtoer to Jam Smith of Beavertown. , Sept 1, byAioIom Bario-, J. P., Gabriel Maurer anj Mary Tahoff, both of Juniata Co. ' Sejt. 19, by Rev. Wesley Dietrick, Daniel Sk-le of Madisonbiiro- Catherine Hackenburg ot Middle-Wi hpth of Mefserviile. Sepu 21, by 1W. W. A. Haa9, Geo. N. Enlley and C. L Custer both of Penn twp. ' ' . ' Sept 23, by Rev. W. M. Landis, W. G. Spigehuyer and Sarah L. Wagner, both of West Beaver twp. Oct 9, by A. G. Hornberger, Henry K. Hornbemr of Perrv twti. to Sarah E. Swartz of Richfield. Oct 10, by Rev. J. E. Honev- cutt, Charles A. Weaver of Mifflin burg to Polly A. Maurery of Salem. Oct. 10, by Rev. W. A. Haas. Peter P. Brouse to Sarah E. Baufer. both of Jackson twp; Oct 10, by Rev. S. P. Brown. Benjamin Mitterling of Perry twp. to Jennie Erdley of Penn twp. Oct 10, by Rev. S. P. Brown. .1. W. Garman and Martha Gravbill. both of Richfield. ' ' Oct 10, by Rev. S. P. Orwiir. Charles W. Moyer and Sallie A. Steininger, Iwth of Middleburg. Oct. 13, by W. W. Wittenmver, Clerk O. C, Henry Kiester of Perry ville, Ohio, to Malinda Smith of White Springs, Union Co. Oct, 14, by Rev. S. I'. Orwig, MordicaM. McDowell and Ellen r eese. Oct 21, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen ford, W.S. Barrett to Susie Mitchell, loth of Selinsgrove. Sept 21, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Isaac Burkcyof Union twp. to Sarah C. Kratzer of Kratzcrville. Oct. 24, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Charles J. Mattern of Troxelville and Mary A. IIa.i:iger of Reaver twp. Sept. 27, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., George Reichner and Ida Sechrist, both of Chapman. Oct 28, by Rev. J. E. H mey cutt, Isaac C. Hackenburgof Troxel ville to Louisa M. Middleswartl Adamsburg. Oct. 28, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, C. E. Oldt of Dry Valley X Roads to L. A. Moyer of New Berlin. Sept. 30, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Isaac Saltzmaii of Beavertown to Sylvia Gamby if Adamsburg. Nov. 1, by Rev. J. F. Waniole, Levi II. Kreamer and Laih Etla Heekman, lioth of Globe Mills. Nov. 1, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Daniel S. Miller of Kant, to Sallie Meyer -ot Rcbersburg.. y Rev. Elias Landis. to Mary 1 Eveiiilat 3 hfield. j . F. !II!I..J Nov. 2. Eh eiders of Evendaln Helvick of Richfiehl. .Niv. 2, by Rev. S. P. Orwiir, ii.ii. liOitzel and JjiIIiu 1. Ayt'W, mux 01 Jiniuieburg. Nov. 2, by Rev. N. Younir. Robt, C. SiHKik and Marv E. Phillina Kith ot McClure. UlllU' iiiiimfl llflU ps. ui niuaa inn Hinimnna a . - lwv. Aug. 8, by Rev. W. H. Stover, William Bailey of Kratzerville to Cora I. Bickhart of l'enns Creek. Aug. 15, by A. G. Hornberger, J. P., B. F. Hornberger of Aline J r r ... huu Aiiinm fli. Zimmerman ot Kich field. Aug. 22, by Rev. II. M. Zimmer man, H. J. Stroh to Emma Arnold, both of Union twp. Sept 3, by J. G. Hornlierger, J. P., Jackson Troup of West Perry twp., Snyder Co., to Alice Watts of Monroe twp., Juniata Co. Sept 6, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, W. U Laudenslager and Henrietta Watt, both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 9, by Rev. & E. Ochscuford, Lewis Hummel of Middlecreek twp. to Laura Hoke of Penn twp. Sept 9, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wm. H. Thomaa of Troxelville tn Sarah Page.of JCooolamus, pg. Sept 16, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Wm. II. Rauch of Middleburg to Cora Hartman of Centre twp. Nov. 3, by Wm. Mover, J. P., G. A. Botdorfof Penn twp. to Sallie E. Moore of Washington twp. Nov. 4, by liev S. 1'. Brown, James otetleii ot Pallas and Royal j.u. uoiis ot Sliailel. iov. 4, by Rev. . II. Stover, o. i. JlUoisn ot feelinsirrovc to : Carrie Smith of Kreamer. Nov. 7, by Rev. S. Aurand, Geo. W. Auinan ot Selinsgrove and Sarah E. btrawser of Pallas. v Nov. 7, by Rev. W. M. Iandis, liobert M. McClellan and Jane Maurer, both of Beaver Springs. Nov. 7, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., James Potts and Mary Neitz, both ol Pallas. Nov. 11, by Rev. W. A. Haas, w.u. waurer ot JNew Berlin to Hattie Klingler of Salem. Nov. 11, by Rev. N. Young, Uauiel M. Baker and Ellen J. Wag' ner, both of McClure. Nov. 18, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Geo. B. Bowers of Milleraburg to Sarali l. Real ot JwnnerviUe. lXn!.27,byRev. W. A. Haas, W. J. Hyder and Izora' Kratzer, botli ol Selinsgrove. Nov. 28, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, John l'. Kicliter and Mrs. Sarah A. Millerboth ot Selinsgrove. ' Nov. 28, by Rev. N. Young, Wm. J. Hackenburg and Hettie it 1 1 it. j a -1 a iiummei, oom oi spring twp. Nov. 30, by Rev. S. a Gravbill, Wm. Winey and Fanny Gravbill. both of Richfield. ' Oct 31, by Rev. S. P. Orwiir. John .. Ileintzelman of Washington twp, to Phoebe Heiser of Perry twp. ec. 25, by Rev. S. Banks K. Ferstcr of Alice A. Shirk ofRichfi Dec. 2G. bv Rev. J. V v T tl O. ' . . . o. r . otrouo ot Kantz and E lioyer ot t remont. Dec. 28, bv Rev. W. G. W. Smith of Krataervilk". liuda Berge of Shnniokin l);un D.H.. 28 by Rev. S. P. Percival Wh to Minnie . Ixith of Chapman. Dec. 28. bv lim- l t o. Emniut O Af..,. ..e k l Jennie Wicand of Lowell. 1S87. T... . r, . .jan. i, Dye. S. KeJl(K., j p dames I Ijick mrt tnAii..., lv.. both ot Penn's creek. ft... I. 1 I 1 v miii. it. jviinenmi M,mo.;n i.m l win in ocuiisgrove. T ni i . ... iienry aj. Wagner to Al iv,.i. r te.i.ii i mini ui ltlliuiicillllg. .Tfin 19 l A A t i r . jMMiianiin lion ni s . .. . . m. Otalil ot Port Trevefton. T 1 -a It .r ........ . . Shaeffer of Oriental. Jan. 13, bv W. W.W l't.,1.1- 1 I' r....!.i ar s v i iv v r. v . ;i in i uiji.u . . ti . "7 mm'u.i in UW- ersvillti to Anna Xauglo of Aline. .l:m Ifi iw If, it c l t Joini aiur ot Aliddleliiirjj t. Luetta Young of Hartleton. Jan. 17, by J. C. Kreitzer, r.itiseaiHi Jjovina Kise, Imtk r reeburg. Jan. 18. bv llw. J V l'...,....L A. F. Herman of Port Royal t Sarah C. Beaver of Penn twp .Tun 93 l.i. T t IT....U r M. C. Stahl and Nora E. Seclirisi, botli ot Jiewisburg. Jan. 30, by Rev. S. E. (fehwiifunl J.' F. Herman to Sarah Kratztr, both of Kratzerville. .Jan. o0, by John H. Baclnnan, J. P., Samuel Musselman and En Lemg, lxitli of Franklin twp. Jan. 30, by Rev. S. P. r.m-vii, John II. TroutmanandEviiSouix'n Hovcrter ofOriental. Feb. 7, by S. S. Schoch, J. 1, Daniel H. Boyer and Mary A. Knouse, iMtIi ol Penn twp. Feb. 8, by Rev. J. F. Wannwle, Wm. W. Warnets of West Ttrrr twp. to Mary Leese of Perry twp Feb. 15, by Rev. W. II. Stover, Charles A. Kerr and Ellen M. Stin k, botli of Penn's creek. Feb. 20, by Rev. R. F. Haint er, Geo. A. Aurand and Lizzie M. Dreese, both of Adams twp. Feb. 22, by Rev. W. A. Hans, John Laudeuslnger tuMary EriHcy, bijith of Selinsgrove. Ft h. 423, by Rev. S. P. Biown, John H. Sudd and June Sclioll, lxth of Union twp. Family wtnss that rival ths wtwM tn mi- Isdoc ars from Bpeert Pasaalo, N. J. Vlnejrardi. Tba Claret, ints urn, tn Burgmnd sod rot are tery old aiiperior wines, Tbs Port is ep tally tor invalids. The Climax Brandv ii lefT unii iui . Be Not Deeeived. . r h. j. wii ore thah forty yew buxIob has retulte4 i Bfand mat tlnf The enertenceof the Imer w. J. win no. ti ter a oonunnooe eareer of more UI tn,orape culture and wine nuxlns In the oroducUon of Orane Braadi Bennesw and MarteU of boanaa. a ana. deU- oate 11 Tear old Qrape Brandy la rarei their ca mas vlnUfe ot me is beoomlss eelsbratel amonlarfigsans who appreulate a pure aruda (tlXVU PLATING FLUID made chess, wnmo iiui dtubo. naoipesw. Paddeok. ouwtall Oo., Minn. Wh. Hstrsi .4. In. i