XT IT m .11 . For thirteen years this woman suffered from a help- less infirmity which baffled skillful medical treatment. She was restored to health in a remarkable manner and is now helpful to otherntfferers. v ' - " y, bJa Street, Canton, N.Y., suffered L Ifc. fadocribabls tortura oi iafUm- VW atnoOS 1M na1 . BHB auactao Cfckdteass know what such suflar- C just this w aa t i wmm. however, there m mm LuUted a ttwij which successfully K. mi v fk Hit I" Pals J w:y cure, effected by Dr. VUlaiw' Nj, oi tr. Striting example. mn. Vert" rspriM . . .pealuxe of it to feporter .be Hid i iXiirttcn yean afolwas attacked wMi inm4i,ry rheumatism aad a complica- 'I'cinrot btgia to describe my sufferinji inethattL-ne. J ' " . i You can )udc aomcwaat of what I luftd, when you look at these hands." v were distorted, twirted and twolkn. 'My foot, too, ao much out of shape t the big toe laya acroea Uu other, the touchinf the little toe. . 'njtwDhntindin I am atzty-Hvt yean L have a pleasant homeland ether com- ft C IO tOt waa lav nvu turn other thinfi pale Into buipiificenee when lWe without good health. ."I tried different docton and many pro prietary remedica, but ao permanent bene fit was obtained, "Last March I was induced to try Dr. VjIKams' Pink PiOa for Pale People, "Befoe I had finished the tint box I began to feel that they were doinf mc good, " I continued wing them and steadily grew better. . . 44 1 hive used thirteen boxes of the pills and to-day feel better than for the past fif teen years "My appetite b goodf Ilerl bright, cheer ful and have a desire to livt ana enjoy society, 44 1 have been a member of the Methodist church lor many yean, but for six yean was unable to attend, " Now I am able to attend the church services regularly and certainly appreciate that privilege. "I consbcrDr. Vffiiams Pink Pills for Pale People a wonderful medicine and am confident no other remedy - could have effected the wonderful cure they have in my case. I am glad to itatc this, hoping that soma sufferer may profit by it and obtain relief.' It was nature's own remedy that accom plished this cure caused by impure blood, for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are composed of vegetable remedies that exert a oowerful influence m purif yini and enriching the blood. Many diseases long supposed by the medical profession to be incurable have succumbed to the potent influence of these pills. This universal remedy b told by Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Nrtety Days ! e Undersigned Offer Tne moiic ineir jsm- TIRE STOCK OF FUaNITUaE r TIUS GREATEST SACRIFICE EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENH- f , U . PTLVANIA. ' b : We are not alllng oat, but w do this to Increase) our aalei aboT any pre )ui year. Wn Rive a few of the prleea aa follows : ft Wood Chamber Salts $H.OO!Cotton Top Mattress 8.M ird Wood Chamber 8ults 16.00; Woven Wire Mattress. 1.75 itiqoe Oak Salts, 8 Pieces 18.00 Bed Spring.. 125 Dfh Parlor SuiU 80.00! Drop Tables, per ft .60 ooden Chalra per set 8.50Platfonu Rocaers 50 In stock, everything In tbe furniture line, liieludlntr Mlrrori, Book Cases, iska, Slde-boards, Cnpboarde, Centre Tables. Fauoy Rockers, Baby Chalra lather Plllowa, LooDges, Coaches, Dongbtrays, Sinks, Hall Racks, Can at Chairs fine, inedlnm and cheap furniture, to suit all ol&aaeev ! 'rices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock, -before, giving ar order, and thns save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dpllar."V )ecial Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. MIFFLINBURGH. P FIRE,9LIFE9ANDFECiDEMT Insurance. Snyder's op, aisd reliable Gen'i insurance Agency, sEuttsorioviB, shyijer county, pa- Sacce88or to tbe late William H. Snyder. The Par-Ecellence of. Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow g list of Standard Comnanies. from which to make a selection. None ietter tne world ovr. aus. IRE Royal, LUflATION, AaSRTfl. Livwroool. Eng. (including foreign assetb) $43,000,000.00 I Hartford, oi Hartford, Uonn., (oldest American o,o4o,oo.o I Phoenix, t - v ' ' HaVtford, Conn. 5,688,058.07 I Continental, New York, . 6,754,908.72 I Grman American, k New York, 6,240,098.83 IFE-Mutual Life Ins. Co. T ew York, 204,638,983.fi6 XJIDENT-Employers' rjability Assurance Corporation, ( Aecident Ins. Co. 'Subscribed Capital of t3,750,000.00 I Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted al the lowest possible rate, just ified by a strict regard to saatual safety. All just claims promptly and ltiBfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur hoe nromntJv f nrnianiwl. -..-; F.T.MRR W. SNYDER. Afft. telephone No. J 92., Office on Corner Water & Fine Sts. SeDnsgrove, F Qy CATHARTIC 4 2Se 50e DRUGGISTS Kit TO CCriSUUPTIVES. Dr. BatM UI aaU oa araUMUoa rra mmfU of kK an dlvgrcry lor OouuapUon. Bronchitis ami vaak iuan, which cam 1UT nr. fk Doctor M vary mach IntanaM In oprMdliic Um Mm Ihu ircot ialy. shIm m rv avnlwl to writ vttkMt attor., Th. m. SL MASTS.' Mc ouraa. STOVE : NAPHTHA The Cheapest and Best Fuel on tbe Market, "Witb it yon can run a viipor stove for one half cent per hour. ,Oivo us a call and be convinced. , 1 Schocb & Stahlnecker, Middleburffh, Pa lEOWlUi'li? Four Free Scholarships To bt awarded by ' The Hest Practical School in , America. 4 . TOTUEEOUlt PERSONS Who secure the largest number '-of votes in Cue contest ex " " plained below. Sfitjonr friends lo sntoite for Ibe POST ami sccnie a Free SdiolarshiDv We have just couclmlwl an ar rangement wlierebv we are enabled to otfer each of foivr young persons a free eeliolursliip in the celebrated EaHtman lousiness College, Pmigh keej)sie, New York, tlie New York Business Institute, 125th Street, New York City, or the National CorresiHiiulenee SeliouU through which tliey give uisti notion by mail. Ihese instituioiiB are known in every section of thev.orkl. Their grailuates are thoroughly equipped for businifw pursuits, and are nunihcrctl by tens of thousands. They are found in every city and in almost every county and village in the United States. The courses of study given are short, inexpensive, practical and useful and afford a bctt r training for business than can be had in any other school. 8 1 1 0-1 x Frke Scuoia nsii i i-s-S 1 1 0 The following statement by Air. Clement C. Gaines, President of the College, explains what the different scholarships are and what their value is as prizes. $37 First Prize $37. A $35 ScHCLAiwmr-IiooKK, 2. Good for a term of twelve weeks personal instruction (at the College) in the ACADEMIC, BUSINESS, SHOUT-HAND, TYPE-WRITING, TELEGRAPH and PEN MANSHIP deiMirtmonts, and ?2 for complete Short-hand l)ooks. If the student prefer. Instruction by Mail in Hook-keeping and Short-hand of the wiine value will Im; given. 32 Skoixi) Prize $32. A $30 S-ii()i,.i:siur-15xics, ?2. GikkI for n complete, course in Short-hand (with Ixioks 82) including Principles, with pra t!cal work in CorrcsM)ndeiu'e and lvc)orting, in struction exclusively by mail; or iH-rsona! instruction of the same ! . i . . i. a : i value (niimvti m icu wccks; i i nuv lUn.lllwipH ,astw A.hlrcss all or- ieniiiei m m nx; u t.. (1,.rs U) thc. rosT op jmll(l ()t,m (o(,r 'lri-Js AUjIVJ fK Sl'LOCRIj. TIOX8. For every new subscription or re newal for a year acoomianied by $1.00 in cash one hundred votes will be given. For every six months subscription or renewal paying 50 cents fifty (50 votes will be given. For every dollar's worth of job work, legal advertising, business ad vertising or other printing brought to thia ollice, we will issue a certi ficate, when work is jiaid for calling f"r 100 votes in the contest. Scljolarftip Coupoi). This Coupon entitles to ONE VOTE in thcMiddlcburgh I'OST'S contifit for 4Scholarshipsat listman Ilusiness College, Pough kvepsie, N. Y., worth $110. Geo. W. Wacexsei.i.er, Proprietor. Our Clubbing List. In order to give all a chance to get other papers cheap we h ive made arrangements with a numU-r of papers to combine them with the Post at sjH-cial rates. The regular rate pei year for the Post is $1.50 but during our special offer we will accept $1.00 per year in advance. Then if any want other paMrs tlmt we name Mow we give them the advantage of special rates. The first column names the publisher's price, the second the amount which added to $1.00 will pay for the "Post" and the publication named. The list is as follows. Speer'o Port Grape Wine Nine Tears Old, Burgundy Eight Tears Old, And Claret 16 Tears Old. Extenslv Wine . Cellar. I Storing, Ageing nod Racking Wine. I A wine made one year and sold the next is not a proper wine for .invalids; to get rid of its coarse and injurious elements requires years lor u 10 lay in wouu casics, una Dy irequeni drawing ft from its gross sediment, or the coarse parts it becomes rich and mellow and valuable for invalids. It is sudorific, diuretic and blood making I iium mc nun iii wie sou ui mc sspcer vineyarus in iionnern W. J. I The principal varieties arc the Port, Burgundy, Shcrrpand Claret and the Climax brandy. All these wines when stored for years and i drawn ott from time to time in fresh fumigated casks become vastly I superior products and necessarily arc more expensive. This is why Spcer's wines and Brandy are more costly ana so far superior to the California wines. They arc absolutely pare; unexcelled by uny in thc world. Sneer's wines are ordered by wealthy and refined I families in Kurope where they are prescribed by physicians and are ! esteemed for their superiority, velvety roundness, full body and re I fined flavor. The efficacy of these wines is wonderful. It has lpn a study and a pride during Mr. Speer's life to produce a wine of tbe highest grnde of perfection not so much to make monev as to excell in getting a wine of the richest character. He has spared no labor nor expense in bringing his vineyards and wines up to the above high standard of excellence. Thc Climax Brandy twenty years old is equal to the finest French brands. To be had of Druggists and Grocers who sell high class wines. Pub. l-rleo. N. Y. Weekly Tribune, ii.no Phllii. pregg, i.oo WaHlilngton Weekly Pott, i.oo N. V. Thrlee-woekly World, 1.00 American UardeDlng(M), I.oo PWls. Inquirer (dally), s-uo Knrm News (M), .&0 Womankind (M), .w American Agriculturist, i.oo Practical Farmer, 1.00 Magazines, Scrlbner'H, j.no Ladles' Home Meal 1.110 The Arena, 2 . mi iMcOhIPs FihIiIou Mag., i.iki Cohinpolltan, 1.1x1 Lenllt'n Weekly, 4 00 . HMVieW 01 KeviewN, a.f0 ! Century, 4.00 ! You can make a variety of rum. I lrtiiiitions from the nlxtve, for in istjinee the Post and X. Y. Tribune for $1.2", ; (!,t. IVjht and tlie Phila. Press for $l..r(); the Post, the X. Y. Tribune, Womankind mid Farm Xews and other papers for only $I.4r rash in advance ami soon combinations tan ! ninde to suit Com. Price. I .in .6(1 .4)1 .- M S.IK) 10 .10 .7 T iM M i.H .3)1 .W r- i4.no Sano-Rio The porulttr runctloni of wumt'n mtut lt via THS HOME REMEDY jiiSHS for FEMALE COMPLAINTS " r.7b T ihrT go wrvDgi Kor all thew pal... Urcinilrlu. and ilimrultlf.no rrmKljf on ntn Klly appllrd o.rii. ipi.ii tbe riuitanaOanil'KIUbx Ixlr tairwir uviieven ail nin In Womb or OvHrtna In 10 Hlnutol. lromptly rolievea llixlarhi. Knun, Blood and HlMlde TruulilttM, F.lnlneu, Mvrruu nr.. Vmr and Povpondency. Cure. Iucorrhoaa, Womb Contiant., IH plwiiK'nU, nnckiu'hi., lM'.rlng Down I'alttt ftiwl mil t mli uiRunltTB. llaiilnlMaSortnit.. nnd Ulratlonii. l;hei.r thti.plrlu Mid Vltnllivil the whola train. SMif, mure itnii Ananiutvi nnrniieaa, itna AOd. box will complef a rnr In imllnarr rant1.. CTrtDP II I Dllul K0Ln RV ALI' nKI'tltaUTH IUl v ALL lAlRI or n111! In plain wrappurou N TEN MINUTESiTkPtriKtoC.CaitMBf.Ckkio I Sold In M liKlli'txll'Kll Pit.. tv MI1I1II1 burr UrtiK Co.; Mt. I'li'iiH ml Mills llepry llt rdliifr ; and I I'eiitiH crevk by J. w. Sumi'm-ll. POOn FELLOW. Simnlified Short-hand Instructor $2" Tiur.D VmzK 25. A 25 SciroT.ARsmr. (JikkI ctr.irse in llook-keeping (without Ixtoks) including Ix.th Single and double entry, principles and practical work, instruction by mail or personal instruction of the same value (limited to eight weeks) in any department of the College, without htioks. 16 Fourth Prize 916. A 15 ScIiolaiwhip-Lkhkon, Pa- I'EUH, 1. Good for a term of ten weeks, correspondence instruction, in Short hand, including leason jwpers but no books ; or personal instruction of the same value (limited to five weeks) in any department of tlie College, without Iwoks. agents. tf Person troubled with diarrhoea will be interested in the experienc of Mr. W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, Providence, It. I. He savs : 'Tor several years I have teeu almost a constant sufferer from diar rhoea, the frequent attacks complete ly prostrating me and rendeirng me unfit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its effects were immediate. Whenever I felt symptons of the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The result baa been very satisfactory and almost complete relief from the affliction," For sale by all Druggists. OLD COPIES WANTED. In order to complete our files we 0 TO v w ft V; ;; T m m ''''I These prizes are easily tibtaiul . want rno following jmined issues of d the four voung i i--in- w!i.! J'iT: ung tellin' anti make luo nioM iciim'- ."I'ih ts an iipiea! ft) their friends i'ov help will win llicin - The . POST wants to :idd 3, 000 bill b ribers to its list u it hi:: the next 4 months. To ac complish this end it offers the scholarships to the four ladies or gentlemen who secure the greatest number of votes in our Eastman College Contest which is started lo-day and will close with thti last issue of the POST for August, 1898. Every ballot cut from this paper counts one vote. Certificates for votes acquired by new subscriptions and renewals with cash in advance will be issued with ballot annexed, which must be filled out and forwarded to be counted No votes except those written on the printed ballots cut from the columns of this paper or those allow ed for subscription, renewals, job work and advertising will be count ed. - Extra copies of tlie POST may be obtained at 3 cents per copy. .inly 'H. Sept. 10, 1869: Oct. 6 13, 1870 j Jan. 26, 1871; Apr. 17. 1873 j Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875 ; Mar. 7,1878; May 15,1879; Feb. 17. Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883, March 27, June 1 2, and Octolier; 30, 1884; Sept. 17, 1885; Jan. 28, May 6 Oct. 28, Dec. 23,1886; Dec. 29, 1887. Any of our readers having copies of the above issues will confer a favor by Jetting us know. Such copieB in good condition wiH com mand a fair price. tf. $100 Seward. $100. Tn readers of this paper will bo plowed to learn that, tbera Is at leant on disease that cleDoe has been able to cur Id all IM stage and tbat is catarrrb. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is Die onby potiuve cure now known to the medlca. fraternity. Catarrh being a oonetltutlonal dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure Is taken Internally, acting dlretly Upon WO OlOOd and munnua anrfarwa nf t.hn system, tbereby destroying the foundation of h . m2i .nl a1"11? tne patient strength by Hundred Dollars for any case that it MSB aWVUIVi building up in-constitution and assisting na iJre " a.J Its work. Tne proprietors have so niuoh faith ln .lta ouraUve oowers. that they ler ooeuundredDoUariforaBy case that it Ji5ii"re' H,,, teitlmonlals. JSL. UHMET a CO., Toledo, O, Bold by Druggists fge. Hairs Fsmfly Pills are the best. She My father's a general. What does your father do? He Whatever mother tells hlml Ally Sloper. Ha Chek. The college boy now grieves about Tlila paradox unwitting; Borauao hla father's loln oar Appears eo unremitting. ' Jujg. rnforlaaat. "I'm afraid I have lot a patlrait," aald the young physician who prallzt-a the value of makingan impresalon. "Didn't you know what remedy to prescribe?" TerfecUy. That part of It was sim ple, enough. But I couldn't think of the Latiu for 'nuatard plaster.'" Wash lag-too Star. boaldn't Head It. "I've beard it said he waa a mind reader," su4rl her dearest friend. "It's not true," she replied, bitterly; "How do you know?" "He has Been calling on me twice a week for three months and hasn't yet mustered up tbe courage to propose." Chicago Poat. Aye, There's the nob." "Pooh! I know a story that's just aa good aa that!" exclaimed the bore. "Undoubtedly," tney repnea; "li you could only tell It as well." Chicago Post. ' Aa pi rate am Vawela. Ethel Have you noticed how Lord Slabsidea drops his aspirates? Penelope Oh, but that's nothing to tbe way he drops hla vowels papa says he bas got more than a dozen of his I 0 U's. Tit-Bits. Our baby has been continually troubled with colio and cholera infantum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary rliof nnril Vi fried Phamhorlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Item edy. Since giving that remedy he Has not been troubled. We want to Sive you this testimonial as an evi ence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remedy. G. M. Law. K"okuk,Iowa. For sale by all DruRcist. Look! Look!! Look lit VOIinsclf u hen von linr clolhintrat my Mon, I i'eepcou- siuDU.y in Httck tlie bet ana finest line of Hats iiud Oeutn' Clothiap, Fui uishillL Goods. IJnderwt'iir and Cnpf.. Call to see my stock. f . B. BOYER'S BROTHERHOOD STORE Scxiiuity, l'ENSA. 1 K " w ..TIL a. .y -5 y v .-. ' A SUMMER SAIL in ladies shoes is a nloasanf voyage afoot. For tie pleas ure it gives, there's no sail like our sale. Crowds are enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolest and bent tit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which buyeis lind it a pleasure to pay, Foi houso or street wear, pleasure or every-day practical purposes, walking, riding, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and tho dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims your hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. 6.H. WANTED-BRAINS ImJ Iw Mt IMiltMBa aiaaa al aaall. V.lllUa. . a A aaraaaaal af JP..kl.aa Ma- SM. I. ...!. - ' . wa sivvwhvsi w ntsiUaiMii wlv AflaC 60CS HOC Bl WHBW tolUn. IlwUlUMotttT&itoraotbltr. WriwtoC - - waawaitaiMaaSK eW faWII.. I T0VCf TSBT atllBM ,?rtrtoyniilta. littn Klrlrj fct pitnt, n OOPP aV CO. UUff tfiw Vvi:iot. b y PsatTttscee Spit Raioke Tear t.in iway. To quit tobacco eaally pml furr-er. i.e mar- aetle, full of life, nerve ami vior Bao, tba wonderworker. I ... i. .. strong. All drrsa.. 4 r v teed. Booklet ; Sterling ltrmeJ ' 1 1 Johnlu f ""Wl " a(