' h . 7J r. it A NBW TKUHPE- 1kDrtdb 'sasil4si taua t'orr!. . Worttmho v' oh-mi-t-nd Scientist, Win wnd to WlirertT. Three KiBoUIJ MktNewiy Iltwvverrl H"dil t Cure CeBr aanxlou aud i: Lua- ruublw. . Hiatrirat could b lirr, more phiUntropta or wii more toy u th nUcUH , t"" the fffoer oa oltf r of i he honor-l nl distinguished cbera M. t. A. H locum. M. I'm ol No Hot Wtjr. . He ban dlncoven-' a reliable end tOMiluteeure wetiwuinvloD. sud ill hrurchliu throat, las awl client auieawa. cat arfhal aO-ti. teneral o-ciine ai.u wmi ." -- . mud ol wnstlnz a;il o Bisk VV Menu known, will "I luie-iree ftileot Bis LirKuiv hi "new clenillli: system I meek etnnhiitrinauetil ciir-d lUma"de ol sp. a-.tlY lii.pel"s c"s ' The Uoeior ctmiililT H not orK nu profe atoml. but bu reliiftoin dtity a duty which he am i.i 'iif.Tin nuiijiuii J-dJ donate lila Id- MlilNe cure. I Ue luu n r1-d tu "dreaded consumption" j teheuoiraW' dl'ii i h-'.voiid a druiit. lu aiur ttlrual. auJ uu oa liie lu UU Auierlvau aiiu Karope.tu IutuU)i W ninusaiula ol ' hearth-It WHi po nl iN of rraUt id" 1mm thoae beuetltled aad earr.1, IB all p-irianltiie world. Odirru U and pulia'inwy I roiibi- lud uiom- eavloii. hihI eomuuii!iuu. uuinierruptiHl. niuprdy and cert iin rtwttli. Don't rteisy an I II If in too hit. Simply write T. A. tdoctiiu, M. C . H I'lne Street. Sew York. irvluir exprvaa sod puutoldce BdUrev.. uuil the Iri nn-lMiio aill be promptly mmii. Ppisd tot! the Di'lor , yo aw hlH oftir lu I hi- t'nuT. WE PERFECT MEN S DO NOT DESPAIR I ! Ket Buffer Leaser! Tb li7 and amblllOBi of Ufa eaa be reitorcd to Toa. The vttry wornv oates of Nerrom Dcblll tr are abwilutaly cured hf f EBFECTU Tiatna rfvlTe prompt rviivi w inauiuHia and drain of ltal poweri.lncar re1 by lnJlsrrtluD orexcesiiia of i-arlr yar. Imiurt lor aod potency to awry f uoalloo eretof yonni Lrltal cnerari or old. QntsWo tmirwnciwt 0 DOIVB . Weaw b y"" aiieie giianiD carried mmipooni o uuv ""T mailed iu plain wrapper on reoelplof pr oe uXVHk'KCTu CO..Caztoo BUIa..Ch oarAlU- rrr.vd o tmi pookei. 8la For h:i!o in MiiltlU'lmrgli, Pa., by Mitltllcbiirj,' Drus Co., inMt.PUms ant Mills by Hcnrvllanlinantl iu IViin'rt Crei'k by J. V. Siunpst'll. PENNSYLVANIA KMLKOAO. Honbury & Lewintowu Division. In effect Juue 26, 1808. ItTWIItO Old. I rTIO. I AtTWAD a;' i. Lltown J. lln Street j Lew.tt'jwn .MaltlaoJ , 1 Painter I Shlnilla ; Wanner MdHlure I KAUh'lMIUl , Artim-bura; IjcarertowB i Henler '1 '. Mlolmrgb leuer i reamer I'.twItUK slinruve I im.w i . t in i ii in LSI '.'-.'4 4.2U Vi.M 4.1 ( . ta.i" I.IW 1 1. til 101 U.I6 4 I.W 11.10 n -5i 11.J4 I J 1.11 IV 17 3..1S 11 l'l J'l 3-3U M W 11 .1 1 1 1 l 'ii II U I0. 3J .1 II. - I l '"I S3 .1.0 U 31 t lll.W ?I is lu.u ;. i.i i.t M7 !M? 45 iiy m us an a in Tan r .fca I. as ;.4: T.4 7.64 7.5 us 1.13 S.1H l.'iS r.4 S.4'l S 4 ?.49 HM U.O'i W.U4 9.18 .in Sua a. mi 3.W) x.t 3.HI 3.M a.wt 4.IM (.14 4 2 4.83 4 43 4.41 1 03 Soil: !HroTa J. Snii'ur 1 Train Wvps Suubury 5 '25 o in, ar- rivi's ut St l.usfi;iovo 5 45 p iu Trains li-ave Lewintowu Junction : 4W ir.. I" 1?. 111.12:17 P in.SST P m.T 117 11 51pm Alimiiin, Pltifiiuri uii'l Uio Wet. For ILilliiniireaud Wulil:iaton "J 85 a iu 1 Oil. ) S 4 I . I ni i m Kir I'l.lli'Ml'lili nnil New Torksam Wft in, 1 iJ 1 ;i3 4 411 ami 1118 pin Fin Hiirrlflmrn 7 W a m and S ii p m Philadelphia 4 Erie R R Division. aMi. XyllTHKK.N fi:.M'AK RAILWAY Trains l.'ave Snnl nry I :i i 1 y except Sumliy : 1 111 u m !'r Krli- an.l'i' uinn.liiluini t III a in for HrlliMnnte Krlr mid I'linanJultfiia ain iilick Havi'ti.Tyiont' nnil the Wev. 1 111 pui fin Hi'lleliiiiu- Kan.- x 1'inui.iliilmiii 4p in !'r kiimirn a ii' I Kliuirii J JS p in Pir Wlllliitnvi.i't Siiiulay 5 IS n in for Krie and fanaudiilKUii Wain f..r iick ll.ii mi l p ui lor Wi Il.uiispc rt ii Ilia in lorl'iilH'-rl"). i nu.l Hu7.ultili in a in. 9 15u in 'J ui and S 4-i p 'ii I or Wllkuf- biirru ami Hu.vltoii : 10 a in. 1" Jla in, K " p in, S 4" p m i"r Slnr.no itln and V .unit c.iriii.'l Suu.l..y 9 M a in ! r .Vi'.Uo-'niri' I r ii' .M'C S.'!ill1'.'V .llillftloU Iiiiii .i in, rttfuk 'I iy. .irivlnu al I'lnl ilrlphln lojpn. No.r Yuri.'.'. .V) p ui li,il:liuuru :i 11 p in Wrtitiiuif 'l 4 Pi i:i ::u p i;. tl.Li I v iirrivlnx at I'lilla.lnlplila .0 3) p i.i New Yurk 3 VI a ui, lialmniire 9 I5p m WiiHh'.tut in PI :,6 p lu. it K pm w:ek .l.iy .irnvli.ij at I'Mlailelplil i 4 :toa in ,Nw V .irk 7 ."I a in rrn'nsalo le ivn Smilmry : is n m dully nrrlrlnn tit I'hllaileldhla 0 Via in H.iH in .11 j :i a iu U'u-iiIikI.iIi 74n am New Yi.rk 9 a in Werkdyn, 111 :.h a m Sunday. 151. it iii week days urrilnv at I'hllmUdpliin II 4H a in. Now York i in p Li, palllincre 115" y iu, WikSliiiiKton I DO p in. 75.i r in. week days arriving at Hbllailelphla tip tit. .u York 9 :io p ui. Baltimore t Oil p ui Washlnictnii 7 l." p in Trunin alo leave Sunlinry at 9 V) am ami 5 2S and S its i in, lor llarrlKlmrK, i'lilladelphla and Unltimoru I. II. WD.III, Gen'l Pn Agi-nl ). B. U'JTrlllNSON Uen'l Maaaaer. WHEELS, vrvf a tlVSH P.0UE ONE 2093 MILES IN 132 HOURS The Eldredge $so.oo The Belvidere $40.00 Superior to all others irrespective of price. Catalogue tells you why. Write for one. , 'OS SUING IACBINECO, . . -:3A0WAY. Factory, new York- BELVIDERE, ILL. A .3' ftpMifM -'III I j I I IjnpTfum iiUs: Cat I I I I In lima. fei4 br drunrtMe. I I . NO SECTAEIANISM. i j la ta fMkrirlBt v aiscoura . Dr. tb stAg 'clearly d 0nea Uib' raasoM T way we shoaltl J oM la respect U J, ptjufouM . beliefs That we are not to thlak the only rout to heaven U thro ml our Dartlcular churchy The teat ' li ludgee Thea aald they tint: him. pay now , Shibboleth, and he said Ibboteth; tor jhe could not frame tc pronounce It rtsht Then they took him and slew him at the peeaagee ot Jor dan." " , V" ' ' . Do you notice the difference of pro nunciation between Shibboleth and alb bolethT A very small and unimportant difference, you say, and yet that differ ence was the difference between life and death for a great many people. The Lord's people. Ollead and Ephra'm, got into a great fight and Ephralm wa worsted, and on the retreat came to the fords ot the river Jordan to cross. Or der w3s given that all Ephralmltes com lng there Be slain. But how could it be found out who were Ephralmltes? They were detected by their pronun ciation. Shibboleth was a word that stood for river. The Ephralmltes bad a broKue ot their own, and when they tried to say "shibboleth" always lelt out the sound of the "h." When it was asked that they say shibboleth, they said slbboleth, and were slain. "Then said they unto him, ray now shibboleth, and he sai.1 slbboleth, for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him and slew him at the passages of Jordan." A very small difference, you say, between Ollead and Ephralm, and yet how much Intolerance about that small difference. The Lord's tribes In our timeby which I mean the dif ferent denominations ot Christians sometimes magnify a very small differ ence, and the only difference between scores of denominations to-day is the difference between shibboleth and slb boleth. The church of Ood is divided into 8 great number of denominations. Time would fall me to tell ot the Calvlnists, and the Arminlans and the Sabbatari ans, and the Baxterians and the Dun kers, and the Shakers and the Quak ers, and the Methodists and the Bap tists, and the Episcopalians and the Lutherans, and the Congregatlonallsts and the Presbyterians, and the spiritu alists and a score of other denomina tions of religionists, some of them founded by very good men, some of them founded by very egotistic' men, some of them founded by very bad men. But as I demand for myself lib erty of conscience, I must give that same liberty to every other man, re membering that he no more differs from me than I differ from him. I advo cate the largest liberty In all religious belief and form of worship. In art, In politics, in morals, and In religion l-.-t there be no gng law, no moving of the previous question, no persecution, no intolerance. Tou know thnt the air and the wa ter keep pure by constant circulation, and I think there is a tendency in re ligious discussion to purification ami moral health. Between the fourth and the sixteenth centuries the church pro posed to muke people think aright by prohibiting discussion, and by strong censorship of the press and rack and gibbet and hot lead down the throat tried to muke people orthodox, but It was discovered that you cannot change a man's belief by twisting off his head, nor make a man see differently by putting an awl through his eyes. There is something in a man's conscience that will hurl off the mountain that you threw upon It, and, unslnged by the fire, out of the flame will mako red wings on which the martyr will mount to glory. In that time of which I speak, be tween the fourth and sixteenth centu ries, people went from the house of Ood into the most appalling Iniquity, and right along by consecrated altars there were tides of drunkenness and licentiousness such as tho world never heard of, and the very sewers of per dition broke loose and Hooded th? shurch. After a while the priming press was freed and It brokn the shack les of the human mind. Then there came a large number of bad books, and where there was one man hostile to the Christian religion there were twenty men readv to advocate it So I have not any nervousness in regard to this battle going on between truth and er ror. The truth will conquer Just as cer tainly that Ood Is stronger than th devil. Let error run if you only let truth run along with It. Urged on by skeptic's shout and transcendentallst's spur, let it run. God's angels of wrath are In hot pursuit, and quicker than eagle's beak clutches, out a hawk's heart God's vengeanceswiU tear it t i pieces. I propose to speak to you of sectari anism Its origin, Its evils and Its cures. There are those who would make us think that this monster with horns and hoofs Is religion. I shall chase It to Its hiding place and drag It out of the caverns ot darkness and rip off Its hide. But I want to make a distinction between bigotry and the lawful fondness for peculiar rellglout beliefs and forms of worship. I have no admiration for a nothingarian. ' In a world of such tremendous vide sltude and temptation and with soul that must after a while stand before a throne of insufferable brightness, lo a day when the rocking of the rooun tains and the flaming of the keaveni and the upheaval ot the seas shall bi mom the least ot tho excitements, U give account for every thought, word, action, preference an I dislike that mat Is mad who has ho religious preference Bat our early education, our physical temperament, our mental oonaUtutlos BUI very saveS todS our form ot er la tracks out the religloa of seeta rlSBlssn or bigotry I Bnd that great deal of It cosBse from wrong education la the home circle.! There are parse, te was de not think It wrong to caricature and Jeer the peculiar forma of ttttgio ,ln the world aad 4leaounoe other sects ant other da&omlnatlons. ' It Is vary often the caaa .that that kind ot edu cation acts Just opposite to what was expected and the children grow up aad after a while go smd see for . them selves, and looking la those churches and finding that the: people are good there and they love Ood and keep' hie commandments, - by natural reaction they go and Join those very churcha, I could mention the names of promt nent ministers of the gospel who spent their whole lives bombarding other de nominations and who lived to sea their children preach the gospel in those very denominations. But It is often the case that bigotry starts In a household and that the 'subject of It never fee overs. There are tens of thousands of bigots ten years old. : ' Bigotry Is often the child of ignor ance. You seldom find a man with large Intellect who is a bigot. 'It Is the man who thinks he knows a great deal but does not That man is almost si ways a bigot The whole tendency ot education and civilisation Is to bring a man out of that kind of state of mind and heart There was In the far east a great obelisk and one side of the obelisk was white, another side of the obelisk was green, another side of the obelisk was blue, and travellers went and looked at that obelisk, but they did not walk around It. One man looked at one side, another at another aide, and they came home, each looking at only one side, and they happened to meet. the story says, and they got Into a rank quarrel about the color of that obelisk. One man said It waa whit", another man said It was green, anoth er man said It was blue, and when they were in the very heat of the contro versy a more Intelligent traveller came and said: "Gentlemen, I have seen that obelisk, and yen are all right and you are all wrong. Why didn't you til walk around the obelisk?" Look out for the man who sees only one side of a religious truth. Look out for the man who never walks around about these great theories of God and eternity and the dead. He will be a bigot Inevitably the man who only sees one side. There Is no man mora to be pitied than he who has In his head Just one Idea no more, no less. More light, less sectarianism. There la nothing that will so soon kill bigotry as sunshine God's sunshine. While each denomination of Chris tians is to present all the truths of the Bible, It seems to me that Ood has given to each denomination an especial mission to give particular emphasis to some one doctrine, and so the Calvlnlst churches must present the sovereignty of God, and the Arminlan churches must present man's free agency, and the Episcopal churches must present the lmortance of order and solemn ceremony, and the Baptist churches must present the necessity of ordinan ces, and the Congregational church must present the responsibility of the Individual member, and the Methodist church must show what holy enthusi asm, htmrty congregational singing can accomplish. While each denomination of Christians must set forth all the iloctrint-s of the Bible, I feel it Is es pecially Incumbent upon each denomin ation to rut particular emphasis on some one doctiina. Another great damage done by th sectnrlanlpm and bigotry of the church is that it disgusts people with the Chris tian religion. Now, my friends, the church of Ood was never -Intended for a war barrack. People are afraid of a riot. You go down the street and you see an excitement and mlpslles flying through the air and you hear the shock of firearms. Do you, the peaceful and industrious citizen, go through that street? Oh no! You will say, "I'll go around the block." Now, men come and look upon this narrow path to heaven, and sometimes see the ecclesi astical brickbats Hying every whither and they say: "Well, I guess l'l.' take the broad road. There Is so much sharp shooting on the narrow road I guess I'll try the broad road." I go out sometimes In the Bummer and 1 find two bee hives, and these two hives are in a quarrel. I come near enough not to be stung, but I corns Just near enough to hear the contro versy, and one bee hive says: "That field of clover is the sweetest," and another bee hive says, "That field ot clover Is the sweetest." I come In be tween them and I say "stop this quar rel. If you like that field of clover best, go there. If you like this field of clo ver best, go there. But let me tell you that that hive which gets the most honey is the best hive." So I come out between the churches of the Lord Jesus Christ. One denomination of Christians says, "That Held of Christian doctrine Is best," snd another says, "This field of Christian doctrine is best." WeU I say, "Oo where : you get the moat honey." That Is the best church which gets the most honey of Christian grace for the heart and most honey ot Chris tlon usefulness for the life. Besides that, if you want to build up any denomination, you will never build It up by trying to pull aome other down. Intolerance never put anything down. How much has Intolerance ac complished, for Instance against the Methodist church? For long years her ministry were forbidden the pulpits of Oreat Britain. Why waa It that . so many ot them preached In the fields? Simply because they could not get in the churches. Aad the name ot the church waa given In. derlatoa as a ear caam. The crltlca ot the church said: "They have no order, they have no method la their Worship," aad the crit ics therefore.: la . tmy, vailed ' thea "Methodlsto." I am Jeff rnat fa Aaxor Morsrr. Torfc. kept as curiosities, t!M.-re ' hooka and pampaleas against aletlw lam. Did Intolerance stop that churci? No. It la either l.rat or second among vthe doomina4!oaj of, Chrietendom, he ailsaiohary aCaMona la all parte of the world, her ansa not pW . Jsnaortaot la VeHgious trusts; bat Important also la secular trusts. Church taarchlag C aod the more Intolerance against It the faster It marched. , "'- . What, did Intolerance , accomplish against the Baptist church? It laugh ing scorn and tirade could have de stroyed the church. It would not have to-day a disciple left. The Baptists were hurled ; out of Boston. In olden times. Those who sympathised with them were Imprisoned, and when a pe tition was offered asking leniency in their behalf ail the men who signed It were Indicted. ' Has Intolerance stop ped the Baptist church? The laat ate tlstlca In regard to It showtd tt.OO churches and 4,000.000 oommunlcaata. Intolerance never put down anything. . In England a law was made against the Jew. England thrust back the Jew and thrust down the Jew and declared that no Jew should hold official posi tion. What came of It? Were the Jews destroyed? Waa their religion overthrown? No. Who became prime minister of England? Who was next to the throne? Who was higher than the throne, because he waa counsellor and adviser? Disraeli, a Jew. What were we celebrating In all our churches as well as synagogues only a few years ago? The one hundredth birthday ot Monteflore, the great Jewish philan thropist. Intolerance never put down anything. I think we may overthrow the severe sectarianism and bigotry In our hearts and In the church also by realising thst all the denominations of Christians have yielded noble institutions and noble men. There Is nothing that so stirs my soul as this thought. One denomin ation yielded a Kobert Hall, and an Adonlram Judson; another yielded a Lattlmer and a Melville; another yield ed John Wesley and the blessed Sum merfleld, while our own denomination yielded John Knox and the Alexanders men ot whom the world was not wor thy. Now I say if we were honest, and fair minded men, when we come up In the presence ot such churches and auch denominations, although they may be different from our own, we ought to admire them and we ought to love and honor them. Churches which can pro duce such men, and such large-hearted charity, and aucn magnificent martyr dom ought to win our affection at any rate our respect So come on, ye 600,900 Episcopalians in this country, and ye 1,400,000 Presbyterians, and ye 4,000,000 Baptists, and ye 6,000,000 MethodlBts, come on. Shoulder to shoulder, we will march for the wcrIVs conquest, for all nations are to be saved, and Ood de mands that you and I help. Forward the whole lino! In the Young Men's Christian Associations, In the Bible so jclety, in the tract society, In the For eign Missionary Society, shoulder to shoulder all denominations. l'erhups I might forcibly illustrate this truth by calling your attention to an Incident which tck place 25 years ago. out! Monday morning at aoout z ' o'clock, while her nine hundred passen gers were sound asleep In her berths, dreaming of home, the steamer Atlan i tic crashed Into Mars Head. Five hun- ; dred souls In ten minutes landed in i j eternity! Oh what a scene! Agonised i men and women running up and down ' the gangways, and clutching for the rigging, and the plunge of the helpless ' steamer, and the clapping of the hands ot the merciless sea over the drowning and the dead, threw two continents In I to terror. Hut see thla brave quarter , maBter pushing out with the life line until he gets to the rock, and see these . fishermen gathering up the shipwrecked and taking them Into the cabins and wrapping them In the tlannels snug and I warm, and sec that minister of the gospel, with three other men, getting Into a life boat and pushing out to the j wreck, pulling away across the surf, land pulling away until they saved one more man, and then getting back with him to the shore. Can those men ever forget that night? And can they ever j forget their companionship in peril, companionship in struggle, companion ship in awful catastrophe and rescue? Never! Never! In whatever part of the earth they meet, they will be friends when they mention the story of that night when the Atlantic struck Mars' Head. Well, my friends, our world has gone into a worse shipwreck. Sin drove It on thn rneka. Th nM ahln has lurched and tossed In the tempeBts of six thousand years. Out with the life line. I do not care what denomina tion carries It. Out with the life boat I 'do not care what denomination rows It Bide by side In the memory ot com mon hardships, and common trials, and common prayera and common tears, let be be brothers forever. We must be - One army of the living God, To bla command wa bow, Part of the bout have crossed the Hood And part are croaalng now. And I expect to see the dsy when all denominations of Christiana shall Join hands around the cross of Christ and recite the creed: "I believe in Ood the Father. Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, and In the communion of saints, and In lite everlasting. Amen." American (proudly) I understand that all your Bona are enguged to American girls. . Lord Toplofty All but one, the eld est. He, being the heir to the estate, can afford to marry an English glrL Manager "Yon claim, sir, to have very. Qualification of a first-rate ac tor. Can yon glva ma any proof ot Itr Hamlet da Shakespeare "Well, per haps I might mention the fact that 1 am slightly deaf the result of , so much applause, yau know." Are You &s EasilyJirccJx . v..-rf ; Just rBsneamba that all ycr strength pauat oame from your ' food. Did yo aw think of that k- ,.,-. it- Perhapa your smaaolas need mora.atrsmitta. ryHur narrow; or perhapa (your stomach .la weak aid Oanaot digest what you 4ati : ' It you need mora strength then taka . ccorra , ETJlULDWil of Ood-Uvar Oil with Hypo phosphitea. The oU U the saoet eaaily changed of all foods Into tnngth t aad the iiypophoa- a Pn-tas ara the bast -fj tonloa for tho nerves. rfL ? aorvraiwa -RTsTTTT.. 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If run have taken met ory.Jod.de oth and still bare aches and Pnaw, jva uuiug a Mtvciis-fj to mOULIi, BO TO 1 DrOftt implM, Copiwr Colored Spot, Ulcers oa suit bavrtof Ilia hot-tv. 14 I , rniM at, II to this BeooadMry ULopI I'OISON H WUVVV J SaUrrJ, TV O grUell'lt LOS mOtll ODflLl Dftte ckmi and chnUeujra the world for m raaa avsiiuiiinnraiiria. ri'hiai hi... a.-. .1 raffled the nklll of the moat entinent nhys elan. ftOO.Otla) nmiLnl KoMn.i n... .. Uonal riaraotT. Absolute prooU Pent toaie-l on Application, aoottm ( OOH KkMKDV CO-. 01 .ftljwoiaae Temple. CHICAGO, ir.fi n "I have used Chamberlain's Couch Kemedv iu my family for years and always with (food rflsulta," says 3lr. W. li. cooper of .hi Uio, oal. ' For small clnlaren wn hot! it espec ially effoctive." For , e-alu by all Druggist. Agents Wanted ia Every County to. Suppiy the Great Popular Demand for merica's War for Hiaiity TOLD IN PICTURE AND STORY Compiled and Written by senator joHN J. iNcaLLs Of Kansas The most brilliantly written, most profusely and artistically illus trated, nnd most intensely popular book on the subject ot the war with Sjmin. Nearly 200 sucBrb irom Pboteaplis taken specially for tliis great work. Amenta arc making 5?uU to $1(10 n week selling it. A veritable bon anza for live canvassers. Apply lor description, terms nnd territory at ouco to N'D- THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO- St. Louis. Mo or New York City. $1.50 ;Per Day. A FEW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WANT ED TO CANVASS. Above salary guarauieed. Kor particulars, call or sddmw, e-ldut. . Emily Utsumk, Hatawana, Pa. REVIVO RE8T0RZS VITALITY. Mario 9 (, lWW Sat IWell Ma? 1st Day. 1 of 10th Day. Me. TM2 ORIAT 1 soth proilurwa tha abov raanlU In'SO dara. II acU piiwi-rf ullr and qiilrkly. t'ur-a whaa all othara fail Viiiiiicmao will regain tbalr loat manhood, sod old nmii will racovar their youthful lor by ualaa KKVIVO. It quick Ir aad suralr raaloraa Narrou n-M. Loat Vitality, Impotoaoy, Ntfbtly Kialaatoas, Lnat Powar, Falilas Mcnorr, Waatlas Diaaaaaa. aad all tOecta ot salfbasa or aieaaaaad ladlaeraUoa, which nnflUaoa for stady, bunlnaas or ssarrlas. It not only ooras by aUHIaf a fha aaat of dlsaaaa, bat b sere narra toalo aad Mood balldar. bridf lag back tna pink glow to nalo ahaaks and ra atorlna tha Ara of youth. It warda off fQMnlty aad CooaampUoa. Inatrt oa ha-tos RKVIVO, Bo etbar. It oao ba oarrlad la vast pookat. By mail, 1.00 pn paekaa.or sis lor .8.00, with poal tiro wrlttaa iraaraatoa to n or rotund too aaonay, Clroalar tnm. Addrats 10T1L III1C3E CO.. 271 WaKasl if t. CHICAGO, ILL rer sale at XUdleburgb, hr W. H. BFANGUR. f rw 'S TI' r uav Bt3F tft . 11 r 1 eii",! & '.LiSOItmi. li Is. MILLER, . 1 aen constantly oa ..oh.,,. .factors to order all kind. ?Ui ( rfS M fcfl9ll.fi, Cleaned and WJi I have one of the best i S lers to tbe 8tate aud ,luJl turu out trood work. tarCouie and see uiy workAi) Thankful for past favors 1 Zzi peetfully ask a oowf luuauce .1 aa t . -Hi New War So&gs and Jlnr Two nf tha mnuf-.... - . iipuuir hiiw, music arranged lot piano and. havAiiiaf hun ;...... 4 I . 1 ' wa MuBicCo,. Indianapolis, Our Heroes Home,1' dedicated?! Heroeaof the U. a BattleS is one of the fluent ualioi,X2 ,... lUB WoruH miff WIMj ,,Htti "Dewiy's Battle of Man 1 2 Two-Sten" is a fine nS piece and will live forever as , , 2 emrof thefrreateHt jjavHl evJ the world's history. Eitb-r 1 these pieces and Pouplnr MiC, containing; 18 pagoa full sheet eeu t on reciept of 25 cen t s. 1 Address Popular Music Co Indianapolis, Iml. " DiioM Fall It Is a new discvery Guaranteed to last 1J than any other plaster, is preferred to Adamant For particulars call on oral!: I). A. KERN MIDDLEBDBGH. W eJustice of the Peace AND CONVEYANCE! M. Z. STEININGtR, Middlcburgt. F.E. BOWER. E.K.IUBI BOWER & PA Win? Attorneys-at-Law Offices In Hank Bnlldlna. MiflfilCtlli! JA8. O. GROUSE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MlDULKliUt All business fiitruntod to hi? will receive prowM attHitku. CHAS. NASIIPUnYlS, Oollections, Loans and InvestiM l,lftl Khfllf ftllll Pfil-nlA I.i.ilJI Wiiliauisport, Jvcoinirj;; Co. . DepaMts arcrpuiii, suhject todniHf crd i ui uu mi l ui lug wuriu. a. . Pottiesc Veterinary sUrcec SELINSQROVE. PA. All professional buslnuss entrusieil toe will receive prompt and careful uttcntim Newly Eetablished.- WEST PERRY HOT! One-fourtli mlla Kaat ofKlrhH Teams free for traveling men to J to town, before or alter it Kates 75 cents per Day. I T. Xiosa, Frof DATCMTC OBTAI Consult or comtonnlcate with tw of this paper, who wlU give nil uevdfd tcntlon. CoinrHtlpa. Aattriilioa. I Kened frnrn 'tal to 'M, nnd was otf 10. ISG4. in me nsiin oi uie ii"i would Ilka to have roy coniruclm C'elm-yKluff has done for me. Is 1JI complaint, chronic tllamii oes.rn'f"lH doctors couhl not atnn II. hut Celrri :1 cured m. aud I amonm more en)iVl Fbank Umhibr. Owosho. Mich. (vrj Y. V. I. ). Celery King- for uie nerm, ;t and Kidneys Is sold lu Wo. and i-.JJ W. II. Herman. Troxelcllle: Mldd!M Ulsh, McClure i II. A. KbrlshtAllii''. I Doaatr la DIood Deer Clean blood means a clcnn f ' tie clean your blood and keep i' stirring op the lacy liver and d"" " .-. - i.'..i banish pimples, boils, blotches, u-' snd that sickly bilious complexions Cascarets, beauty for ten cent. (iats, satisfaction guaranteed, lfe-t Union Steam Lauflf Adan3 & Youtz, Prop's., FAULTLESS LINEN ' crowuiug feature of evening Tl. TTATTI-W WTTVITSII ioT X11C UiUVil " J tliis laundry is famous BiJeajJ of painstaking care in cverr Collars and cuffs ironed with Ivoby-like Edges, r Prices the V WeMcadj others follow. Uct CurUIni a Sped. G. A. Guteuus, igt., J ' Middlcbmij ri."rwr. . ,a- '"''""''"is. .,
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